
    Sex for Saints

    As a Certified Sex & Marriage Coach, and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Amanda Louder helps conservative Christian women love their sex life! In this podcast, Amanda helps women embrace their sexuality so that they can become the woman they were created to be. She teaches you how to integrate sexuality into your marriage in a loving and healthy way, get rid of the drama and negative emotions around sex in your marriage, and develop a better relationship to yourself, your spouse, and your sexuality.
    enAmanda Louder308 Episodes

    Episodes (308)

    Episode 246 - What is a Covenant Marriage? - An Interview with Aimée Gianni

    Episode 246 - What is a Covenant Marriage? - An Interview with Aimée Gianni

    In this episode, I am talking to my friend and mentor, Aimée Gianni, about how to have a covenant marriage. So often we stay in our broken marriages because we made a covenant. But what if doing that is actually breaking your covenant? 


    Aimée offers some amazing things to think about if we are at the point where we are thinking about divorce. Even if we’re happy in your marriage, her advice can help us progress along the path.


    You can find Aimée Gianni at:


    Instagram: @aimeegiannims

    Love Notes Sign Up: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/63925632df727ca7117b05f5

    Episode 245 - How Conflict in Marriage Builds Intimacy: An Interview with Crystal Hansen

    Episode 245 - How Conflict in Marriage Builds Intimacy: An Interview with Crystal Hansen

    In this episode, I’m talking with fellow coach and my real life best friend, Crystal Hansen, all about how conflict actually builds intimacy in your marriage. I know this sounds counter intuitive, but it really does work. We all want to feel connected and when we try to avoid conflict, that creates a wedge in our relationships. Crystal shares with us Gottman’s Four Horsemen of conflict and the antidotes for each one. This episode is a great way to start thinking about who we want to be in our marriages next year.


    You can find Crystal Hansen at:


    Instagram: @crystalhansen_

    New Podcast: Couples in Conflict

    Episode 244 - How My Spouse’s Faith Journey Affected Our Sex Life - An Interview with Lisa Frehner

    Episode 244 - How My Spouse’s Faith Journey Affected Our Sex Life - An Interview with Lisa Frehner

    Often in marriage, if there is disconnect in one part of the relationship, there is also disconnect in the bedroom. That’s how I came to know my guest today, Lisa. After getting married in the Temple, Lisa’s husband had a faith crisis and left the Church. Lisa was angry at him for changing the future that she had envisioned for them. She and her husband found therapy and that really has helped her marriage, but she still didn’t want to have any sort of intimacy in their relationship. That’s what brought her to coaching. I love what Lisa shares about hope and love and joy in this episode. Even if you are not going through the same thing, you will love her message.

    Episode 243 - Masturbation Within Marriage

    Episode 243 - Masturbation Within Marriage

    My most downloaded podcast episode is #134 - Masturbation and the Church. I published this episode over 2 years ago and it’s still something I get asked about all of the time. It’s a hot topic because of the negative messages we have received about masturbation. So, in this episode, we’re going to look at how masturbation can increase your connection and intimacy in your marriage, if done in a healthy way. Curious? Listen in!

    Episode 242 - How To Flirt

    Episode 242 - How To Flirt

    I recently had a client tell me that she has forgotten how to flirt. She wanted to find a way to make her marriage feel like more of a partnership rather than a business relationship. So, here is Flirting 101. Maybe it’s been awhile, maybe you have never been too good at flirting, but flirting is a great way to connect with your husband on a deeper level. Let me show you how!

    Episode 241 - Why Women Don’t Reach Orgasm

    Episode 241 - Why Women Don’t Reach Orgasm

    I often have women come to me wondering why they’ve never had an orgasm. I realize how frustrating it is for both the wife and the husband. I want to help! Why? Because pleasure is important! In this episode, we’ll talk about the 3 things to rule out physically that could be stopping you from having an orgasm. Then we’ll talk about the mental issues that could be keeping you from enjoying orgasms. These are things I help women with all the time. Maybe there’s something you haven’t thought of before.

    Episode 240 - How Believing You Are a Good Mom Can Help in the Bedroom: An Interview with Emily Wardrop

    Episode 240 - How Believing You Are a Good Mom Can Help in the Bedroom: An Interview with Emily Wardrop

    You may look at the title of this podcast and think, “What does being a good mom have to do with the bedroom?” My guest, Emily Wardrop of Drop the War Life Coaching, shares with us how your thoughts about how you’re doing as a mom affects your whole life, including in the bedroom. Listen to this episode to hear what you can do to not only KNOW that you are a good mom but also KNOW that you are a good lover.


    You can find Emily at:

    Her website: www.dropthewarlifecoach.com/

    Her podcast: Believe you are a Good Mom with Emily Wardrop



    Download her masterclass on Believing you ARE a Good Mom at: www.dropthewarlifecoach.com/believe

    Download her training specifically for T1D Moms at: www.dropthewarlifecoach.com/T1D

    Episode 239 - Talking to Teens about Sex Shame Free: An Interview with Crystal Bowman

    Episode 239 - Talking to Teens about Sex Shame Free: An Interview with Crystal Bowman

    “How can I teach my kids about sex?” I get this question all of the time. As we are learning and growing, we want to help our kids have a different experience with sex that we had. I get it. So when I heard about Crystal Bowman and her method of talking to kids about sex, I just knew I needed to have her on the podcast. She shares a better way to explain sex to our children than the way most of us were taught. I absolutely love this method of teaching our preteens, teens, and even young adults, and I know you will too.

    Episode 238 - Coaching Amelia || Embracing You! Podcast Teaser!

    Episode 238 - Coaching Amelia || Embracing You! Podcast Teaser!

    I have an exciting announcement! On December 6, I am debuting a brand new private podcast called Embracing You! In this new podcast, I will be sharing coaching sessions with women or couples who have signed up to be coached on their relationship. Because I know the power of coaching. I know that while you listen to someone else being coached, you will learn things that will help you in your life. So, in this episode, I am sharing a teaser of the new podcast, Embracing You! As you listen to this coaching session, watch for things that you can use in your relationship. 

    If you’d like to subscribe to my new podcast, do so before December 6 to get the introductory price of $69 for a year. After December 6, the price will be $99 for the year. Don’t miss out on this screaming hot deal! Go to www.amandalouder.com/embracingyoupod to subscribe today!

    Episode 237 - Modesty & The For Strength of Youth: A Collaboration with Zach Spafford

    Episode 237 - Modesty & The For Strength of Youth: A Collaboration with Zach Spafford

    In this episode, I talk with my good friend and fellow life coach Zach Spafford about modesty and the new For the Strength of Youth guide. We talk about why this new guide is a step in the right direction when we’re speaking to our youth about modesty and living the Gospel. How we need to let go of some of the old traditions we were raised with when it comes to modesty and embrace a new way of looking at things. With examples from our own lives, this is a very interesting episode that you won’t want to miss! 


    You can find Zach at:

    His website: zachspafford.com

    On Instagram: thrivebeyond_forcouples

    His podcast Thrive Beyond Pornography

    Email him to request a Fireside: zach@zachspafford.com

    Episode 236 - The High Achieving/Peace Keeping Dynamic

    Episode 236 - The High Achieving/Peace Keeping Dynamic

    In this episode, I am speaking with Rhonda Farr. Rhonda is a life coach who works with men and their emotional intimacy. We talk about the high achieving/peacekeeper dynamic that we see so often in marriages. Usually, it’s the husband who is the high achiever and the wife who goes along with what he wants to keep the peace. But as you’ll see, this doesn’t actually help either party. Rather than feeling safe, both spouses end up feeling resentment, anger, anxiety, and depression. So, what can you do if you find yourself in this dynamic? We have the answers.

    You can find Rhonda at:


    On Instagram at rhondafarr_coaching

    Episode 235 - Coaching Changed our Marriage

    Episode 235 - Coaching Changed our Marriage

    In this special episode, I spoke with Maddie and Matt. I have been coaching Maddie for a little over a year now. We talked about what my coaching program is and what it isn’t. We talked about how Maddie being coached has changed not only her relationship with her husband Matt, but also with her kids and other relationships in her life. Matt talked about how even though he doesn’t get coached directly, he has learned the tools right alongside Maddie and he has been able to become more like the person he wants to be. If you have ever wondered if my Embrace You Elite Society membership is right for you, this is the podcast to listen to!

    Episode 234 - When Kids Disrupt Your Sex Life

    Episode 234 - When Kids Disrupt Your Sex Life

    If I had a dollar for every time a woman told me that their kids were keeping them from having sex, I would have added a lot to my piggy bank. What I have found is that the kids are often a convenient excuse, but really aren’t to blame for our lack of sex. In this episode, we’re talking about 5 common reasons women give me for children interupting their sex life and the strategies to overcome them. After all, your spouse is the most important relationship you have so let’s work together to help you have a better relationship with him.

    Episode 233 - Your Sexual Prime

    Episode 233 - Your Sexual Prime

    I think it’s safe to say that we all want a great sex life. But most of us just don’t know how to get it! When we run into problems with having the sex life we thought we’d have, especially when we waited until marriage, many people, men in particular, feel like they have lost the opportunity to have the best sex of their life. While studies do show that women reach their sexual prime in their thirties, and men in their late teens, this doesn’t mean that you have missed your opportunity! In this episode, we talk about what a sexual prime really is and why we haven’t really missed out on anything. We can have a great sex life at any age!

    Episode 232 - I Don’t Care if I Ever Have Sex Again: A Conversation with Mike Frazier, MD

    Episode 232 - I Don’t Care if I Ever Have Sex Again: A Conversation with Mike Frazier, MD

    In this episode I’m talking with Mike Frazier, MD of Strong Men, Strong Marriages. I share what the woman thinks when she says that she doesn’t care if she ever has sex again. And then Mike lets us in on what the men think about. This is a great episode where you can really see what is going on in your husband’s mind when it comes to sex and intimacy and he could get a glimpse into what you think as well. 

    If you’d like to learn more about Mike, go to www.mikefraziermd.com or find his podcast, Strong Men, Strong Marriages, on your favorite podcasting app.

    Episode 230 - Sex Isn’t A Drive

    Episode 230 - Sex Isn’t A Drive

    Have you heard the phrase “sex drive”? I’m sure we all have. But in truth, sex isn’t a drive, it’s a mindset. Why is this important? Because when we think that we need it, or should need it, it becomes a release rather than a way to get closer to our spouse. Listen to this episode to find out what a biological drive actually is, and why it is so important to know that if you don’t want sex, you aren’t broken.

    Sex is NOT a Drive Like Hunger, and Here are 2 Reasons This Fact Matters

    Come as You Are by Dr. Emily Nagoski

    Passionate Marriage by Dr. David Schnarch

    Episode 229 - Duty Sex

    Episode 229 - Duty Sex

    What is duty sex? Duty sex is when we have sex with our husbands because we “should.” Because it is our duty as a good wife. Because he “needs” it. Because we don’t want him to look elsewhere for it. Or because we are trying to manage his emotions and behavior with it. We have been convinced that we don’t have to want it too. And this simply isn’t true! Duty sex is passionless and doesn’t create the connection that either of you want. So, how do we stop having duty sex? It isn’t an easy process but in this episode, I’ll share with you the two steps to take to fix it.

    Episode 228 - Female Ejaculation

    Episode 228 - Female Ejaculation

    One of the topics I get the most DMs about is female ejaculation. Either women who do it all the time and want to stop or women wanting to know how to do it and everything in between. In this episode, we’re talking about female ejaculation, how it works, why we shouldn’t be afraid of it, and why it actually is pretty amazing. So, why not give it a try?

    She Comes First by Ian Kerner 

    Women’s Anatomy of Arousal by Sheri Winston

    Medical News Today


    Episode 227 - How can I be Righteous and Sexual?

    Episode 227 - How can I be Righteous and Sexual?

    I think most of us want to be righteous. We want to do what is right. But where is that line when it comes to sex in our marriages? That’s what we’re talking about in this episode. Where is that line in the sand is? And which side do you fall on? The answer may surprise you. Have you been thinking you are unrighteous for too long? Listen in!