
    She's Fully Charged

    She’s Fully Charged with Kerri Williams is The Spiritual Self Coaching Podcast and guides you to becoming your own energy healer and coach - THE most overlooked part of going from being drained, disconnected and unfulfilled to creating and manifesting your DREAM LIFE doing what you LOVE, every single day through Spiritual Self Coaching™ In each episode I’m going to be sharing what you need to ACTUALLY achieve the intentions you set, stay accountable to yourself without relying on motivation or other people, deepen your spirituality and connection to the divine & know how to remove any resistance that's standing in your way so you can finally feel free and live your life - FULLY CHARGED!
    enKerri Williams48 Episodes

    Episodes (48)

    #027 | Why I want you to fail, and why it's key to manifesting the life you desire

    #027 | Why I want you to fail, and why it's key to manifesting the life you desire

    Today I want you to fail! How do you feel about failing? Is it a fear you have? Is it stopping you from doing the things that you'd LOVE to do but keep putting off?

    I'm talking about it ALL

    If you're struggling with a fear of failure this is for you

    I'm also going to give you something you can do to change that fear and be able to go out and not worry about failing

    What you'll learn

    - What it means to fail, and what failing doesn't mean
    - Why failing is an essential and exciting part of the path
    - What you can learn from failing
    - How to reframe what your story and belief around failing is

    - Contact me re 1:1 sessions - info@kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Get the Manifestation Journal (currently available for no charge)
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @with_kerri
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

    She's Fully Charged
    enAugust 30, 2022

    #026 | Here's where to start to gain clarity in your life

    #026 | Here's where to start to gain clarity in your life

    Today I'm talking about how our changing our physical environment can quickly change our energy and the clues it gives us to what's really going on

    If you've got something going on in your life I'm explaining how and why this also shows up in your physical space and what to do about it

    What you'll learn:
    - What happens if we don't pay attention to our energy and what's going on around us
    - What you can learn from my clarity ritual
    - What you need to do if you're feeling resistance in your energy and its showing up physically
    - How to clear the energy in your home/physical space

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Get the Manifestation Journal (currently available for no charge)
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @with_kerri
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

    She's Fully Charged
    enAugust 25, 2022

    #025 | This KILLS your manifestations

    #025 | This KILLS your manifestations

    Today is all about how the subconscious beliefs you hold affect what you attract into your life and what to do about it so you can manifest with so much more ease

    If you're struggling with manifesting what you desire and don't really know why because you're doing all the things you've been told to but still nothing's happening, you'll be able to pinpoint what's missing and start doing it

    I'm going to break down the 4 parts of changing beliefs that you need to be able to draw in what it is you desire

    What you'll learn
    - What happens if we don't address our beliefs when manifesting
    - Why self coaching is the part you've been missing
    - Techniques to address each of the four key areas of shifting your beliefs and manifesting your desires

    There's also my invitation to you for the BEACH BONFIRE - for more info

    - Manifestation journal (currently available at no cost)
    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @with_kerri
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri
    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach

    She's Fully Charged
    enAugust 16, 2022

    #024 | You don't need a routine - This will set you free

    #024 | You don't need a routine - This will set you free

    This week I'm talking about why you don't need a routine to manifest the life you desire and how you can use what you're already doing to create the changes you want to see in a way that feels GOOOOD! Which, let's face it, is your main job!

    In this episode we'll learn the method that frees you from restrictive routines while supporting your outcome

    We also look at why integrating certain elements into your identity makes it effortless for long term success

    If you're struggling with sticking to a routine and it feels like something you're doing because you 'should' and without a real WHY behind it, I'm going to show you trust)what to do instead!

    What you'll learn
    - I'm talking you through a handful of the thing I do each day/week/month etc so you can see how this alternative fits it to a life that's not necessarily constant and how the flexibility it offers actually works to create your desires
    - Some challenges that come up when we try to use other people's routines and rituals and what to do instead
    - Why you'll never be able to stick to your rituals unless they have these 2 components
    - What you can learn from my experience in trying to use other people's routines and what I now do instead


    Beach Bonfire Mon 22nd Aug 2022 8pm BST link

    Self Coach Academy™ WAITLIST click here

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Get the Manifestation Journal (currently available for no charge)
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @with_kerri
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you


    She's Fully Charged
    enAugust 09, 2022

    #023 | When old beliefs come back, why it happens and what to do with it

    #023 |  When old beliefs come back, why it happens and what to do with it

    This week I'm talking about why beliefs sometimes come back even after we thought we'd worked through them. This self coaching journey is a process and new levels mean layers need to come off!

    In this episode I'm sharing a really important tool for holding space for yourself. Holding space for yourself is a huge part of being able to self coach effectively

    What you'll learn
    - Why old beliefs can come back after you thought you'd dealt with them
    - What to do when old beliefs come up
    - How to start holding space for yourself

    - Click here to get on the WAITLIST for The Self Coach Academy™
    - Manifestation journal which includes the activation process and the WHY behind each section (currently available at no cost)
    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @with_kerri (I have a new IG account I'm currently playing with - hop over and join the fun!
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach

    She's Fully Charged
    enAugust 02, 2022

    #022 | How to use affirmations to manifest (so they actually work!)

    #022 | How to use affirmations to manifest (so they actually work!)

    Today I'm talking about affirmations, and how they work when you're co-creating your desires. I'm also sharing something really powerful that you can do to supercharge your affirmations

    In this episode, we'll learn about how to change your subconscious beliefs using affirmations and what else you need to be doing with them, how you can use them and how to create your own affirmation that actually work

    I'm going to give the 4 key elements to creating affirmations that are powerful, and actually work

    What you'll learn
    - What affirmations really are and how they work
    - What needs to go into them to make them work
    - Why you need to believe what your affirming - and how to get around this when you actually don't yet!

    - Click here to get on the WAITLIST for The Self Coach Academy™
    - Manifestation journal which includes the activation process and the WHY behind each section (currently available at no cost)
    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @with_kerri (I have a new IG account I'm currently playing with - hop over and join the fun!
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach

    She's Fully Charged
    enJuly 26, 2022

    #021 | Why it's not about manifestation - choosing conscious co creation

    #021 | Why it's not about manifestation - choosing conscious co creation

    Well this sounds pedantic AF doesn't it!! But there's an important distinction, and it makes a lot of things fall into place once you understand this

    There's some misinformation around manifestation out there so in this episode I'm talking about

    - How you can get clear on how to understand what manifestation actually is
    - Things on Instagram and TikTok that are toxic and should be swerved!
    - Moving from manifestation into conscious co creation
    - Why we need to allow space for the Universe to deliver magic

    If you're struggling with all the crazy information around manifestion and are sick of being told to do x y z perfectly and your desires will drop out of the sky, I'm going to tell you why that's just not how it works and what you need to be doing instead

    What you'll learn -
    - What manifestation really means
    - How to move into conscious co creation and why it's so important that we do
    - Spotting toxic misinformation online
    - My mantra for powerful conscious co creation

    - Manifestation journal which includes the activation process and the WHY behind each section (currently available at no cost)
    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk and @with_kerri (I have a new IG account I'm currently playing with - hop over and join the fun!
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach

    She's Fully Charged
    enJuly 19, 2022

    #020 | Why you NEED to evoke the self coach (and how to do it)

    #020 | Why you NEED to evoke the self coach (and how to do it)

    This week I'm teaching you about evoking your Self Coach
    In this episode, I share with you a couple of ways that you can start to unleash the power of your self coach and harness this incredible resource that you already have access to

    If you're really wanting to take your self coaching to the next level and manifest the life you keep dreaming of, your self coach is gonna unlock a new power that you didn't know you had!

    What you'll learn
    - Why we need to evoke our self coach to manifest our desires
    - Why you already have what it takes to achieve your desires
    - 2 techniques to start communicating with your self coach to enable you to create your desires

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach

    She's Fully Charged
    enJuly 05, 2022

    #019 | Alignment - what does it REALLY mean and how do we use it to manifest?

    #019 | Alignment - what does it REALLY mean and how do we use it to manifest?

    Today I'm talking about alignment, and how it affects how we create things in our lives and our manifestations
    If you want help understanding alignment so you can co create your desires I'm sharing what we need to do BEFORE we even get close to setting our intentions to make sure that they manifest and are our souls true desires

    What you'll learn
    - What alignment ACTUALLY means and how it affects you manifesting your desires
    - How it feels to be in alignment
    - What it feels like when we're NOT in alignment & how to get into alignment
    - Why we HAVE to get into alignment with our truth to create our desires

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach

    She's Fully Charged
    enJune 28, 2022

    #018 | The truth about your mindset

    #018 | The truth about your mindset

    This week I'm talking about mindset, what it REALLY is and why it's NOT what you need to be focusing all your energy on if you want to change your life
    If you're tired of being told to 'do mindset work' and not seeing results, switching your perspective to this will make it SO much easier
    I'm going to talk to you about what you really need to be doing to get those shifts you're looking for

    What you'll learn
    - What mindset really is
    - Why positive v negative mindset doesn't really matter
    - What you need to do to start moving in the direction you want to go

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach

    She's Fully Charged
    enJune 21, 2022

    #017 | How to visualise for manifestation (& a visualisation exercise)

    #017 | How to visualise for manifestation (& a visualisation exercise)
    This week I'm talking about visualisation AND walking you through an exercise to help you create the future you desire!
    If you struggle with visualisation or aren't really sure if what you're doing is effective im going to explain what you need to be doing instead (HINT: its got less to do with 'seeing' your vision than FEELING it)

    I'm going to tell you why it works so well and give you a free exercise to use as often as you like

    What you'll learn
    - What happens when we visualise our intentions and goals
    - Why it works so well
    - How to use visualization in your own life AND My visualisation exercise for you By using this visualisation you agree to terms stated here - https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/disclaimer

    Do not listen while driving or operating machinery or where your strict concentration is required


    The visualisation starts at 8.10 and is just under 8 minutes, after it I share another insight of how to use this powerful technique to make any day feel amazing

    Music Credit: Music by NaturesEye from Pixabay

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach

    She's Fully Charged
    enJune 14, 2022

    #016 | What to do when it feels like you've missed the boat

    #016 | What to do when it feels like you've missed the boat
    Today I'm talking about that feeling that you've missed the boat, that it's too late to make a change in your life and that you're stuck on your current path, even if you dont wanna be

    If you're struggling with feeling like it's too late and that you've already got in too deep I'm going to tell you why that's just not true and how to start changing that around

    What you'll learn
    - Why it 'being too late' just isn't true
    - The energetic impact of the way you talk about your stage in life
    - What you can focus on instead of your age/timing - How to move forward past feeling that you've missed your chance

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach
    She's Fully Charged
    enJune 07, 2022

    #015 | This is the most important step in creating anything

    #015 | This is the most important step in creating anything

    Today I'm talking about the law of inspired action and how such an most important part of creating anything you're manifesting in your life

    If you need help with knowing what action to take or wondering why you just dont seem to be taking the actions you know would change your life I'll be addressing those too!

    What you'll learn
    - Why we dont take action on our goals and intentions
    - And what to do about it
    - Why you'll never be able to create what it is you want without doing this
    - How to receive guidance on your goals and intentions from the Universe

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    She's Fully Charged
    enMay 31, 2022

    #014 | Feel like you're treading water? You NEED to hear this!

    #014 | Feel like you're treading water?  You NEED to hear this!
    This week I'm talking about feeling so caught up in daily life that you just feel like you're constantly treading water. I used to feel like this a lot so I know how consuming it can be

    I'll also be sharing a powerful tool you can use to start to overcome this feeling and bring your life into harmony so you can actually enjoy yourself again

    If you're struggling with feeling overwhelmed by life, I'm going to show you how to work out what you need to do first to start making your desires of a fun and exciting future a reality

    What you'll learn
    - Why you already have everything you need to start self coaching - How to find out which areas of your life need immediate attention - Why what you think the problem is, might not actually be

    - Download FREE The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide 
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk
    - Check out my Etsy shop
    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    She's Fully Charged
    enMay 26, 2022

    #013 | These 13 things take NO extra time and will dramatically improve your life

    #013 | These 13 things take NO extra time and will dramatically improve your life

    This week for episode 13 I'm sharing 13 things that will improve your life that take NO extra time...

    (ok, a couple take 1-2 minutes but they're SO worth it!)

    If you need help with actually making a start on changing things in your life but have no idea where to begin or feel like you just don't have the time, start with these 'no extra time' ideas to get your life moving to the next level

    I'm also going to tell you how you can start self coaching in the EASIEST way possible and in this episode I talk about something you can do that I've previously only shared with clients

    What you'll learn
    - Things you can do to self coach at all times of the day - What to do when you've no time to journal on your intentions in the morning
    - How these TINY changes create big results - My self coaching client-only insights

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk
    - Check out my Etsy shop Kerri Williams UK
    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    She's Fully Charged
    enMay 18, 2022

    #012 | Watch your language!

    #012 | Watch your language!

    This week I'm talking about language and how it affects your life and your manifestations

    If you're excited to create some amazing thing in your life you NEED to know this!

    I'm going to give you seven simple shifts that will change the energy of what you attract into your life

    What you'll learn
    - What happens if we don't change the way we speak
    - Some things you're probably saying that are having a negative impact on your life and what to say instead
    - Why what you say means so much

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach

    She's Fully Charged
    enMay 11, 2022

    #011 | How to SUPERCHARGE your energy!

    #011 | How to SUPERCHARGE your energy!
    This week I'm talking about supercharging your energy, and why you have to start with protection and cleansing

    If you're struggling with feeling really drained after being around certain people or places and need help with how you can feel energised without other peoples stuff affecting you so much I'm going to share with you 18 ways you can help cultivate amazing energy by protecting and cleansing yourself, home, car, kids, pets etc!

    What you'll learn
    - What happens if we don't protect our energy
    - What you need to do to keep your energy protected so you can cultivate your energetic environment
    - How to cleasne and protect yourself and your spaces, most of these and free and the rest are things you probably already have or crystals, which, lets be honest, are always worth the investment!

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach
    She's Fully Charged
    enMay 04, 2022

    #010 | The self coaching secret weapon!

    #010 | The self coaching secret weapon!

    Today I'm talking about the secret weapon to self coaching
    In this episode, we'll learn why journalling holds the keys to unlocking your self coaching superpowers

    If you're struggling with getting started journalling or want to understand more about how to use journalling effectively
    I'm going to show you 7 different types of journalling and the ONE thing that underpins them all

    What you'll learn:
    - What happens when we use journalling in self coaching
    - What you can learn from the different types of journalling
    - How to develop your spiritual connection through journalling
    - Exactly what you need to do to get started EVEN IF you've never journalled before (and it's totally free)

    - Download my FREE Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @kerriwilliamsuk
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

    She's Fully Charged
    enApril 20, 2022

    #008 | Why you DON'T have a purpose

    #008 | Why you DON'T have a purpose
    Today episode is about ... NOT having A purpose! What?!!!

    Have you ever sat and wondered what the hell you're doing here?

    What your purpose is? Your great big, one and only, massive, life purpose?

    I know I have in the past

    We must be here for something right?

    Today's episode is about why you don't have a purpose and what you do have!

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on IG @kerriwilliamsuk 

    And download your free ebook here:
    The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach

    She's Fully Charged
    enApril 06, 2022