
    #017 | How to visualise for manifestation (& a visualisation exercise)

    enJune 14, 2022

    About this Episode

    This week I'm talking about visualisation AND walking you through an exercise to help you create the future you desire!
    If you struggle with visualisation or aren't really sure if what you're doing is effective im going to explain what you need to be doing instead (HINT: its got less to do with 'seeing' your vision than FEELING it)

    I'm going to tell you why it works so well and give you a free exercise to use as often as you like

    What you'll learn
    - What happens when we visualise our intentions and goals
    - Why it works so well
    - How to use visualization in your own life AND My visualisation exercise for you By using this visualisation you agree to terms stated here - https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/disclaimer

    Do not listen while driving or operating machinery or where your strict concentration is required


    The visualisation starts at 8.10 and is just under 8 minutes, after it I share another insight of how to use this powerful technique to make any day feel amazing

    Music Credit: Music by NaturesEye from Pixabay

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    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @kerriwilliamsuk

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    Recent Episodes from She's Fully Charged

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    - Different types of meditation you can use for different purposes

    AND a trick you can use to help you get DEEP in meditation which is especially helpful if you've struggled with it in the past

    If we're not connected on Instagram I'm @with_kerri and I can't wait to connect with you!

    Come over to the FREE private She's Fully Charged community where I dive deeper into things covered in the episodes, host free masterclasses and workshops, Ask Me Anything sessions, accountability challenges and more

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    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

    *All information in the She's Fully Charged podcast and private community is subject to the policies and disclaimers set out here:
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    Come over to the FREE private She's Fully Charged community where I dive deeper into things covered in the episodes, host free masterclasses and workshops, Ask Me Anything sessions, accountability challenges and more

    - Get started FREE with the Manifest your JUICIEST Goals transformation pack to become the Creative Badass of your own life
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    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

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    https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/disclaimer by listening to the podcast and/or joining the private community (Facebook group) you agree to these terms.

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    - What you can learn from resting and being in your own energy
    - What you need to do to manifest your big goals
    Come over to the FREE private She's Fully Charged community where I dive deeper into things covered in the episodes, host free masterclasses and workshops, Ask Me Anything sessions, accountability challenges and more

    - Get started FREE with The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide
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    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

    *All information in the She's Fully Charged podcast and private community is subject to the policies and disclaimers set out here:
    https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/disclaimer by listening to the podcast and/or joining the private community (Facebook group) you agree to these terms.

    #045 | Why you need to STOP 'working on yourself' to manifest the life you want

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    - What you need to do to create lasting change in how you're manifesting
    - How you can change your energy to attract what you want using this simpel change

    Come over to the FREE private She's Fully Charged community where I dive deeper into things covered in the episodes, host free masterclasses and workshops, Ask Me Anything sessions, accountability challenges and more

    - Get started FREE with The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach
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    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

    *All information in the She's Fully Charged podcast and private community is subject to the policies and disclaimers set out here:
    https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/disclaimer by listening to the podcast and/or joining the private community (Facebook group) you agree to these terms.

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    And asking you some REALLY important question that are gonna help you BE the person you wanna be, today!

    (Hint: do you even LIKE yourself?!)

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    - Why you'll HAVE to ask yourself THESE questions instead
    - What you can learn from flipping the script and how it makes you about to create the life you want
    - What you need to do instead of 'self love' practices

    Come over to the FREE private She's Fully Charged community where I dive deeper into things covered in the episodes, host free masterclasses and workshops, Ask Me Anything sessions, accountability challenges and more

    - Get started FREE with The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach
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    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

    *All information in the She's Fully Charged podcast and private community is subject to the policies and disclaimers set out here:
    https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/disclaimer by listening to the podcast and/or joining the private community (Facebook group) you agree to these terms.

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    #043 | How forgiveness helps us to manifest our desires

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    What you'll learn
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    - The connection between forgiveness and boundaries
    - The different areas you can work through to clear energetic connections
    - The connection between forgiveness and the trapped emotions in our body
    - What to do when forgiveness isn't the next step

    Come over to the FREE private She's Fully Charged community where I dive deeper into things covered in the episodes, host free masterclasses and workshops, Ask Me Anything sessions, accountability challenges and more

    - Get started FREE with The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
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    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

    *All information in the She's Fully Charged podcast and private community is subject to the policies and disclaimers set out here:
    https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/disclaimer by listening to the podcast and/or joining the private community (Facebook group) you agree to these terms.

    She's Fully Charged
    enMarch 28, 2023

    #042 | These beliefs are STOPPING you manifesting

    #042 | These beliefs are STOPPING you manifesting

    In this episode I'm talking about the beliefs that are STOPPING your manifestations, and the fact that most people are affirming them all day long WITHOUT even being aware of what they're doing

    If you're struggling to manifest something then this episode's gonna give you an insight into what's going on so that you can start CHANGING those beliefs and creating the things in your life that you're desiring!!

    What you'll learn
    - What happens if we don't address our beliefs
    - What you need to do to change beliefs that need changing
    - Two key things you do to instantly assess whether the beliefs you have are helping or hindering your manifestations

    Come over to the FREE private She's Fully Charged community where I dive deeper into things covered in the episodes, host free masterclasses and workshops, Ask Me Anything sessions, accountability challenges and more

    - Get started FREE with The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
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    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

    *All information in the She's Fully Charged podcast and private community is subject to the policies and disclaimers set out here:
    https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/disclaimer by listening to the podcast and/or joining the private community (Facebook group) you agree to these terms.

    #041 | Is this my intuition, or am I just thinking?!

    #041 |  Is this my intuition, or am I just thinking?!

    Today I'm talking about how we can tell what's our intuition, and what isn't and how our intuition allows us to manifest more and faster

    I'm discussing the specific signs that the messages we're receiving ARE from our intuition and what we can do to get messages more clearly and KNOW when to act on it 

    If you're struggling with knowing whether what you're getting is from your intuition or whether you're thinking it or it's coming from something else, I'm going to show you a few ways you can not only tell the difference, but also create the space to receive messages and intuitive hits more clearly

    What you'll learn
    - Why intuition is for EVERYONE, it's not reserved for a certain few
    - What happens when we get an intuitive hit, where they come from and how we receive them
    - How to tell if it's actually your intuition that's guiding you
    - What you can do to create a stronger intuition and be able to rely on the information you receive

    Come over to the FREE private She's Fully Charged community where I dive deeper into things covered in the episodes, host free masterclasses and workshops, Ask Me Anything sessions, accountability challenges and more

    - Get started FREE with The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @with_kerri
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

    *All information in the She's Fully Charged podcast and private community is subject to the policies and disclaimers set out here:
    https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/disclaimer by listening to the podcast and/or joining the private community (Facebook group) you agree to these terms.

    #040 | How to set potent, powerful intentions to manifest anything you want

    #040 | How to set potent, powerful intentions to manifest anything you want

    This week I'm talking about HOW to set really potent, powerful intentions that ACTUALLY manifest

    If you're excited about creating those BIG dreams, it starts with the intentions you set, every single day

    I'm going to share with you a 7 step intention setting process that goes deep and discuss how our everyday intentions impact our big goals

    What you'll learn
    - Why we need intentions
    - What happens if we don't set intentions
    - Why intention setting is not goal setting
    - How to intention set every day AND weekly/monthly/whenever
    - My seven step intention setting process

    Come over to the FREE private She's Fully Charged community where I dive deeper into things covered in the episodes, host free masterclasses and workshops, Ask Me Anything sessions, accountability challenges and more

    - Get started FREE with The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @with_kerri
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

    *All information in the She's Fully Charged podcast and private community is subject to the policies and disclaimers set out here:
    https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/disclaimer by listening to the podcast and/or joining the private community (Facebook group) you agree to these terms.

    #039 | Are trapped emotions stopping you manifesting?

    #039 | Are trapped emotions stopping you manifesting?

    Today I'm talking about how our trapped emotions can actually stop us from manifesting what we want
    In this episode I'm talking about how emotions become trapped in the body, the effect they have on our beliefs and our manifestations and how we can shift these trapped emotions out so we can manifest and co create what it is that we REALLY want

    If you're struggling with manifesting what it is you're trying to create and you're not sure why, because you're doing the things people tell you to, I'm going to show you how to address the piece that's holding old beliefs in your subconscious

    What you'll learn
    - What happens if we don't address these trapped emotions
    - What you need to do to release trapped emotions and why it's so important in manifesting
    - How to actually release them and why there's no one way to do it

    Come over to the FREE private She's Fully Charged community where I dive deeper into things covered in the episodes, host free masterclasses and workshops, Ask Me Anything sessions, accountability challenges and more

    - Get started FREE with The Ultimate Spiritual Self Coaching Guide: https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/selfcoach
    - Become a FridayVibes subscriber for exclusive free content
    - Visit my website www.kerriwilliams.co.uk
    - Follow me on Instagram @with_kerri
    - Check out my Etsy shop

    Remember to tag me in your takeaways over on Instagram and that my DMs are always open - I love hearing from you @with_kerri

    *All information in the She's Fully Charged podcast and private community is subject to the policies and disclaimers set out here:
    https://www.kerriwilliams.co.uk/disclaimer by listening to the podcast and/or joining the private community (Facebook group) you agree to these terms.