
    She's Got This

    She's Got This is a podcast for ambitious women who want to grow and scale their business, and use the power of intentional energy direction design their very best life. Hosted by speaker, trainer, best-selling author and award winning business coach Christine Gallagher, this podcast is for spiritual-minded women and entrepreneurs ready to own their brilliance while making bank, step into the best version of themselves, and become a force for positive change in the world. Join Christine each week for enlightening conversation, exclusive interviews, and continual motivation and inspiration.
    enChristine Gallagher47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    E47: The Power of Accountability With Tanya Alvarez

    E47: The Power of Accountability With Tanya Alvarez

    Starting out at age 25, Tanya Alvarez self-funded her first New York ad agency, using credit cards, and achieved zero to 1 million in revenue in the first year.


    Along the way, she traveled to 42 countries, completing the Boston and NYC Marathons and a Half Ironman, all while battling a rare brittle bone condition. 


    Her name is Tanya Alvarez, a classic underdog story, and she’s on a mission to help you own your life, not just your business. 


    Through OwnersUP, Tanya aims to empower you to win at work without losing at home, utilizing facilitated accountability sprints to scale your business sanely and enable you to live your ideal life now.


    In this episode you'll learn:


    --Why she declined lucrative job offers at companies like American Express after college to forge her own path

    --Her experience joining startups during the dot com “bust” where she worked hard to learn as much as she could, instead of going the MBA route

    --The advice her Mom gave her when she was “so nervous” to start her own thing

    --Her simple process for prioritizing goals when distractions are everywhere

    --How to reverse engineer your best days, so you can have more days like that

    --How to get the awareness of what is not the best use of your time

    --An example of a simple process she uses to overcome how social media can hijack our focus

    --Why you should hire a virtual assistant before you think your ready

    --How AI can help you create SOPs (standard operating processes) fast

    --Her “Focus Multiplier:” A simple yet potent tactic to supercharge daily productivity

    --The importance of having the right person to hold you accountable (and not let you off the hook)

    --How she has used accountability groups not only in her business, but to help her find her husband, start a family and create work-life equilibrium

    --Why accountability doesn’t need to be hard, and can actually become a fun game

    --Why getting feedback is actually the fastest way to get into action

    --Why you shouldn’t worry even if there are so many others who do what you do

    --Her two go-to tips for when you’re feeling discouraged 

    E46: How I Create Copy That Connects and Converts

    E46: How I Create Copy That Connects and Converts

    Online, much of your communication will be done via the written word... so it pays to hone your copywriting skills! 


    (Copywriting is also one of the most expensive things to outsource, which is another great reason to get good at the basics.)


    The great news is… copywriting is a very learnable skill and with a little practice you can only get better.


    In this episode I share how I create copy that connects and converts - and the most important components you can use in your next piece of marketing copy to help boost your bottom line.


    You'll learn: 


    -How to evoke curiosity to keep people reading

    -The most effective way to get people to want to open your emails

    -The magic of teaser bullets, with specific examples

    -What makes a hot headline

    -How to get people to take action, whether it's a social media post, a sales page, or any other piece of copy

    -Why taking a stand in your posts can be so powerful (and how I've done it)

    -Examples of enticing subject lines

    -Overall copy best practices to make more sales... and more.

    E45: Do You HAVE to Do Discovery Calls? Maybe Not if You Do This...

    E45: Do You HAVE to Do Discovery Calls? Maybe Not if You Do This...

    Ah, discovery calls.


    Some people love 'em... others loathe them.


    Some people never considered they could run a successful business without them, let alone leverage and "scale up."


    Allow me to share why and how my clients and I have made long, drawn-out sales calls pretty much obsolete.


    After all, discovery calls are actually an expense - of time, energy, effort... and of money if you're using a sales person or team.


    Instead, we sell Soulmate clients into $2K, $5K, $10K, $15K and above offers in 15 minutes over DM and email. (No, this has NOTHING to do with awkward, cold DM-ing.)


    Now, a short, 15 minute connection call to answer logistical questions? From time to time that's totally cool.


    But we're not about the calendar being booked with longggg calls we think we "have" to do anymore.


    In this episode you'll learn:


    -How offers and messaging can do the heavy lifting, so you don't need to spend time on the phone answering objections or "convincing" people

    -The framework we follow in our messages that has high ticket clients signing up over DM and email (even at $15K and above price points)

    -The elements of offers so hot they practically sell themselves

    -The most common reasons why an offer doesn't sell

    -The magic of a simple invite letter

    -Answers to your questions about messaging and selling frequency

    -How to illustrate the "gap" a potential client needs to understand to say YES to your offer... and more.

    E44: What if You Just Tried This? (Law of Assumption Goodness)

    E44: What if You Just Tried This? (Law of Assumption Goodness)

    We’re living through a great shift in human consciousness.


    Though it can seem tumultuous, one of the greatest gifts it is giving us is an opportunity to see through the illusion.


    The illusion that we are anything other than the operant power in creating anything we want in our lives.


    This is a gift we can pass on to our clients, as well. 


    But how do we harness this?


    In this episode of the podcast I simply pose the question to you: what if you just tried this?


    What if you just tried on for size…


    --Understanding that creation is finished, and therefore what you want to experience is here ready for you to experience it 

    --Changing your inner conversations 

    --Working on strengthening your self concept even more than working on your marketing 

    --Focusing on living in the end of what you desire, and persisting in that 

    --Assuming what you want is already yours

    --Knowing that consciousness is the one and only reality, and circumstances truly don’t matter 


    Life responds to us based on our state. 


    This episode reminds you to ask who it is you are being. 


    Is it the version of you who believes, expects, knows and trusts? 


    Or a victim of circumstance? 


    When you get that the reality you’re experiencing is just a projection of what you’re assuming, everything changes. 


    You’re here to lead your clients.


    And the more you embrace these concepts, the more transformative results you create for you, and for them. 

    E43: How to Regulate Your Nervous System (& Why it Matters)

    E43: How to Regulate Your Nervous System (& Why it Matters)

    In recent years, nervous system regulation has become a hot topic both generally and in the entrepreneur space.


    Why? First, because people have realized the importance of the mind-body connection, and second, because entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart.


    Whether it's long standing trauma held in the body, an upsetting disappointment in your business, or a series of "hits" that have recently thrown you off your game, getting back in balance is so important.


    Having tools (many free) that you can use anytime, anywhere can mean the difference between giving up on your dreams, and sailing through events that could have otherwise stolen your confidence and motivation.


    In this episode I share my favorite techniques for regulating your nervous system and keeping yourself on track, and include specific examples of how I've saved myself from the depths during hard times - like starting my business in a recession and deciding to end my marriage while paralyzed with fear.






    E42: Designing Your Ongoing Recurring Revenue Offer

    E42: Designing Your Ongoing Recurring Revenue Offer

    Adding an ongoing recurring revenue offer to my business changed everything!


    It created cash flow stability, better client results, and allowed me to scale a lot easier.


    It gets you out of feeling like you need to launch constantly, and when priced appropriately, allows you to hit your revenue goals with less clients.


    These types of offers are typically high ticket and group, creating the ultimate leverage for you.


    In this episode, I cover:


    -- How to use a short term program to elegantly feed into a longer term ongoing offer

    --The necessary mindset for recurring revenue 

    --How to map out your client's journey so you know what to cover in an ongoing offer

    --3 steps to designing the actual program

    --A method for filling your program that doesn't require a crazy stressful launch

    --How to land on messaging that works and then maximize it... and more.





    E41: 10 Mindset Hacks for Entrepreneurs

    E41: 10 Mindset Hacks for Entrepreneurs

    With the media filled seemingly more than ever with news of what's not going right... what we should be worried about... what doom is on its way...


    When you feel tempted to stay small, hide out, and shrink back...


    It's time to FORTIFY (one of my favorite words).


    To remember what you're here for. 


    To dissolve fear with faith.


    To re-commit to the knowing... that it's ALREADY yours (because it is).


    In this episode, I give practical as well as outside the box ways to keep yourself in the right mindset for more income, opportunties and success.


    Just some of what I share:


    * Two YouTubers I've been binging that are rocking my world

    * How a simple index card can catapult you into the life you want

    * One easy thing you can do before getting out of bed to ensure your day goes how you want

    * Three ways I use my smartphone to manifest daily

    * How a gold wallet I bought on ebay shifted my mindset

    * How I use my journal to give myself grace and reset my nervous system

    * My fave empowering money affirmations... and a lot more.


    E40: The Hourly Rate is Old School: 4 Biz Models to Scale (Beyond Just an Online Course)

    E40: The Hourly Rate is Old School: 4 Biz Models to Scale (Beyond Just an Online Course)

    You likely learned to do what you do 1 on 1.


    This is great early on, because you don’t need a list or a platform.


    BUT there is a long-term problem with 1:1, because you can only make so much before you run out of hours in the day.


    The hourly rate is actually old school.  You can make more per hour doing less (same work, more $$$.)


    By scaling what you offer, you can serve many, many more people.


    The thing is, with the glut of online courses out there, it's easy to think that's the only way... or the best way.




    In reality, the clients I work with scale their businesses in a multitude of ways.


    Do some do it through courses? Sure.


    But they also do it via many other ways.


    In this episode I share four business model categories with specific examples underneath each one that can help you escape "dollars for hours," gain more leverage, take advantage of passive income, and design your business to be more lucrative, aligned, and fun.

    E39: Niching, Launching and the Gloriousness of Not Fitting In With Dr. Tonya Olson

    E39: Niching, Launching and the Gloriousness of Not Fitting In With Dr. Tonya Olson

    Almost 2 years ago now, the pandemic was still dragging on and I was feeling lost in many ways. I was feeling like an era of my business was coming to a close, I had been living in Florida for a couple of years but still still didn’t feel like I had really gotten to connect with anyone friends-wise. 


    Covid, working from home, and being still sorta new after moving nearly 1000 miles away will do that.


    I remember deciding to get serious about manifesting a local support network. One day not long after, someone who’s podcast I’d guested on years ago connected me with someone she had known in NYC – who’d also moved to St. Petersburg recently.


    In turn, that person introduced me to a talented physical therapist, Tonya Olson! Not only did we discover we were both single entrepreneurs with a love of sparking Rose, it turned out that the apartment building I was moving to was right across the street from the one she had just moved into.


    We got together and the rest is history – I had my first real friend in St. Pete. 🙂 


    Tonya is not only a super interesting person, she’s funny, really smart and inspiring. I knew it would be a blast to interview her.


    In This Episode With Tonya You’ll Discover:


    * How she combined her training as a physical therapist and her lifelong training and passion as a horse person to create another branch of her business supporting equestrians

    * Overcoming the fear of niching “too small” – and why “your niche is your weird”

    * How I myself discovered my niche as a business coach (when my market was originally “anyone with a credit card” :-))

    * How important it is to keep paying attention to what keeps bubbling up to the surface and won’t leave you alone

    * How she talked herself out of starting her own business for years – and what finally changed

    * The importance of being very selective about the people you have in your life

    * The magic of getting outside of your own industry and discipline in order to find answers and inspiration

    * How “weaknesses” as an employee can be your greatest strengths as an entrepreneur, and the lessons she learned having an “owner mindset” as a staff PT

    * Her experience with depressive episodes from trying to fit into a world where she didn’t belong (and how it can actually be glorious to not fit in!)

    * Honoring the connections you make and not overthinking them – even if they look different than you thought they would

    * Why she feels “I don’t dream big enough for how my life has turned out” – and how it’s turned out pretty amazing anyway

    * Her experience of recently launching her first online course and what it taught her

    * Why perfectionism is overrated and why people are actually craving content and experiences that are less slick and produced

    * How “lost opportunities” ended up opening the door to what she really should have been doing all along 

    E38: Party Girls, Trauma, Sobriety and Following the Nudges With Jenny Fenig

    E38: Party Girls, Trauma, Sobriety and Following the Nudges With Jenny Fenig

    I had a wide-ranging and juicy convo with my long time friend and entrepreneur, Jenny Fenig, on this episode of the podcast.


    Jenny and I go way back. We met at an Ali Brown event in 2010 and became fast friends. We've come up in this online marketing game together and have seen A LOT! 


    Because of our connection, we were able to go deep in this episode and did not hold back. If you're into behind the scenes details of the good, bad and ugly of entrepreneurship, this one's for you.


    After an intense decade in New York City elevating the visibility and message of the biggest brands and thought leaders in the world, she realized the path she was on wasn’t for her. She quit her 6-figure job, had a short stint as a yoga teacher, then founded her transformational coaching company to help women design a new way of working and earning by building their own brand.


    Having three kids, a husband with a career he’s passionate about, and moving to a small town in the mountains has fueled her commitment to building a freedom-based business – and helping her clients do the same.


    In this episode with Jenny you'll discover:


    *  How so much of her life, personal growth and business has been influenced by the tragic loss of her younger sister when Jenny was 16

    * Her move from small town Florida to the Big Apple to pursue a career in PR and the work hard, play hard culture that came with it 

    * How she started developing her relationship with her inner voice and learned not to ignore it 

    * Her leaving her PR career to produce conferences and how it seemed "nuts" at the time

    * Dabbling with recreational drugs and drinking to "numb out" and how that influenced her journey - and her subsequent sobriety

    * What it was like to work up the courage to leave her cushy 6-figure job (in a toxic environment) to become a yoga teacher and then a coach 

    * Our shared experience with EMDR as a modality in therapy to deal with trauma

    * How stuff "got kicked up" when she became a parent and how she dealt with the guilt and shame she'd never unpacked previously

    * Dealing with the noise online and learning not to compare yourself with everyone else 

    * How she dealt with the ultimate curveball that led her to home schooling her 3 kids while also being a full time business owner 

    * Getting balance back when she realized she was more consumed with the marketing part of business than the actual work

    * Becoming a master of your time and energy, and knowing when to surrender 

    E37: Fix Your Follow Up (Without the Dreaded "I'm Just Checking in...")

    E37: Fix Your Follow Up (Without the Dreaded "I'm Just Checking in...")

    There's a big difference between following up in an elegant way, and following up from a place of chasing and desperation.


    You can follow up with potential clients from an empowered place - without feeling like your bugging, poking or firehose-ing them with a ton of info... or that you need to get on a 60+ minute call and answer a ton of objections.


    (I no longer do long sales calls... and I often don't even need to get on a call with a prospect at all. Most of the time it's via quick interaction over email or DM.)


    It comes down to energy, and over the years I've honed the follow up process so it never feels heavy or pushy.


    In this episode I share:


    * The flow of the simple 3 step process we use to enroll high end clients into our programs


    * How we get people to "raise their hands" and let us know they're interested in working with us without having a do a drawn out launch or send a ton of emails


    * How we use simple qualifying questions to make sure we're enrolling only right-fit clients


    * The powerful "energetic flip" that keeps you in a place of leadership


    * How to ask "permission" every step of the way (this is a complete game changer)


    *  we use a simple "invite letter" and avoid needing to get on endless discovery calls


    * What to do and say if someone suddenly "goes silent" in the enrollment process


    * How to elegantly collect payment and avoid "energetic open loops" that snag your energy





    E36: Why I Stopped Studying the Law of Attraction

    E36: Why I Stopped Studying the Law of Attraction

    The Law of Attraction went mainstream with the movie the Secret over 15 years ago, and it's originally how I found out there was even such a thing as a "Law" that could help you create what you want.


    It was a good introduction to manifestation, but it also left many people disillusioned and declaring, "This stuff doesn't work."


    They feel that way because it's honestly the wrong "Law" to be focusing on... among other things. 


    In this episode I share why I took my focus off of the Law of Attraction, and how when I went deeper into how all of this works, everything changed.


    I also cover:


    * Why you don't actually "attract" anything to you in order to get what you want (and what to do instead)

    * Why the Law of Assumption is actually how manifestation works, with specific examples

    * How we get in our own way and the best ways to clear out what's stopping you and stop spiraling 

    * How I taught myself to not to put so much focus on what’s going on externally and to concentrate more on the thoughts and moods I determine deliberately

    * Regulating your nervous system and how it plays a role

    * How to shift your consciousness, your identity and how you see yourself

    * How to move into the state of being of the person who already has what they want 

    * How to live in the assumption of your wish already being fulfilled

    * Why "creation is finished" and how to use this knowing to create love, success, wealth or anything else

    * How to persist in faith even when life seems to be giving you the opposite of what you desire


    When you become aware of what I talk about in this episode, you become aware of the greatest power you will ever know. Check it out and see.

    E35: Program Design Possibilities (You Get to Have it How You Want it)

    E35: Program Design Possibilities (You Get to Have it How You Want it)

    Program and offer design is all about the vehicle that gets your clients the result you're promising.


    In this episode, I break down lots of different ways you can creatively package your knowledge and expertise, including:


    * Options for offers from 3 different business model categories - leveraged income, passive income, and train the trainer


    * Price ranges and recommended lengths for Masterminds, memberships, 1 on 1 coaching, courses and more


    * A taste of what to include in offers like group coaching, certifications, Masterminds and workshops 


    * What to add to your offers to majorly up the value 


    * What makes a great "on demand" course that people can join anytime


    * How to make your 1 on 1 programs highly leveraged (even though they're not group)


    * Ways to flow clients into next step offers so they continue on with you... and more.











    E34: The Current Massive Shift in Consciousness (and Why I Was Afraid to Talk About it)

    E34: The Current Massive Shift in Consciousness (and Why I Was Afraid to Talk About it)

    I’ve always felt there was more.


    More than just grinding through life mindlessly, more to the reason I was here, more answers and awareness to seek and find out there, more meaning to be uncovered, more to the story.


    Maybe you've felt like this too.


    The truth is, you are here for something important and big in the world... and I believe you and I chose to be here at this time.


    This is a time of a very significant shift in the consciousness of humanity.


    I've been "intimidated" in a way about talking about this... because it feels like such a departure from what a strategy-focused marketing coach might talk about.


    But, I know I'm not alone here.


    This episode acknowledges the shift that's going on, and that your work really matters, really does create transformation for others and that you’re meant to share your light.


    It's also a reminder - that your inner world births your outer world, and you can create what you want.


    You are that powerful.


    I share why it especially matters if you've questioned your purpose in life or have been afraid to shine brightly - even when you know you're meant to show up bigger and help others.

    E33: Transforming Passion Into a Profitable Business With Miriam Schulman

    E33: Transforming Passion Into a Profitable Business With Miriam Schulman

    If you’re a creative person who has struggled until this point to turn your passion and your calling into a successful business, then you’re going to love the conversation I had with renowned artist Miriam Schulman.


    After witnessing 9/11, Miriam had a wake-up call and decided to leave her job on Wall Street to become a full-time working artist.


    Since then, Miriam and her art have been featured in major publications including Forbes, The New York Times, What Women Create, Art of Man, Professional Artist, and Art Journaling.


    Her artwork has also been featured on NBC’s “Parenthood” and the Amazon series “Hunters” with Al Pacino.


    Her book with HarperCollins Leadership, Artpreneur: The Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Sustainable Living from Your Creativity was released earlier this year.


    In addition to being a successful artist, Miriam is the founder of The Inspiration Place where she helps artists (from amateurs to professionals) develop their skills, tap into their creativity, and grow a successful art business.


    She teaches her students through online classes, her business coaching programs and her internationally top-ranked podcast.


    In This Episode With Miriam You'll Discover:



    * Why 9/11 was a wake-up call for her (and her connection to the first terrorist attack in the World Trade Center in 1993)

    * How learning how to sell packages as a pilates instructor in NYC became a huge ah-ha moment

    * Why if you're just interested in doing something as a side hustle, you'll do what's convenient... but if you're fully committed, you'll do what it takes (and why she had "something to prove" ;))

    * How she went from selling portraits to a thriving full-time artist and coach

    * Why the way women in particular are conditioned to "not take up space" can keep them playing small (and how she helps artists with this)

    * Why some of us are better than others at coming up with "bullshit stories" that keep us "safe" rather than going out on a limb

    * What "procrasti-learning" is and how it keeps us from living our dreams

    * How email marketing (not social media!) was the key to her business exploding

    * Sobering stats on how many people are really seeing your stuff on social (and how to find out)

    * Her experience of her first manuscript being "ripped to shreds" by an editor at a major publishing house

    * The "death of the scroll" and why you can still have a majorly successful business even with a small social media audience (and how having bazillions of followers on TikTok is not the answer!)

    * Why podcasts are an amazing way to grow your business and build the audience that you want (and the importance of "evergreen" content)

    * MAJOR gems on how she got her podcast in the top 1% of all podcasts (and how to attract the best guests who'll want to share it - plus the best time to get bigger names to say yes to being on your show)

    * What a typical day looks like for her in her business

    * Her advice on how to keep marching forward and why you don't want to "blame your boots" (it's not the economy ;))

    * How to get the first chapter of her new book Artpreneur: The Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Sustainable Living From Your Creativity for free

    E32: Getting Collabs Going Even With a Tiny Audience

    E32: Getting Collabs Going Even With a Tiny Audience

    Collaborations are one of THE fastest ways I built my business over the years, and continue to.


    It's about combining resources to create a win-win-win, and they're an amazing form of leverage.


    Like “two heads are better than one,” you’re getting double the brainpower, double the audience and exposure, and double the potential for profit.


    But - there’s a lot of confusion about how to get these going. 


    Where do you start and how do you approach people? 


    What do you need in place before you even begin? 


    Are you even "ready" to do 'em?


    In this episode I share:


    * The best place to always start no matter how seasoned you are
    * A crucial word of caution before you try to partner with online connections
    * How to build your list fast with collabs
    * Who to reach out to and it what timeframe (+ what to say)
    * When you need an actual agreement in place
    * Why you don't always need a big audience or to be a "big name" in the marketplace
    * The powerful action step you can take right now to get a surge of partnerships happening for you - and more.


    Listen in now.

    E31: Where to Find People to Enroll in Your Offers

    E31: Where to Find People to Enroll in Your Offers

    There are tons of ways to find people to buy your offers (and build your list), but in this episode I’m sharing what is working best NOW.


    Specifically, I cover:


    * The metric related to your audience size that makes selling a lot easier

    * The no brainer enrollment process I teach my clients to use via email and social

    * How often to use calls to action (and what kind)

    * How to easily qualify people so you don't waste time

    * An elegant way to enroll people in higher end offers

    * The two best "containers" to use to ensure you'll always have buyers

    * How often to message

    * The magic of having a Signature Talk

    * Hot tips on speaking on others' "virtual stages"

    * Creating an unpaid sales force... and more.





    E30: Pricing As You Scale

    E30: Pricing As You Scale

    When it comes to making leaps in pricing their programs and offers, it's not unusual for my clients to ask:


    "Can I REALLY charge that?!"


    The truth is, YOU set your price, and it can be pretty much anything you want.


    The real issue is around being able to stand in your confidence around what you charge, backing it up with clearly messaged results, and stepping into BE-ing the woman who can and does charge premium fees.


    Your work has massive value, and in this episode, I cover:


    * How to get crystal clear on the results you create for your clients

    * A quick formula that tells you the minimum you must receive for an offer

    * What your current income tells you about your beliefs 

    * How to convey the true costs of not working with you

    * How to bust through an income plateau

    * How to tap into your higher self to figure out what to charge

    * The role your messaging plays in shifting the level of clients you call in

    * How to raise your fees with current clients... and more



    E29: How to Keep Yourself in the State of Receiving Money

    E29: How to Keep Yourself in the State of Receiving Money

    The majority of your results come as a result of who you are BEING. 


    If I had to put it into one word, it's the word state - your state of being.


    We all have a comfortable state where we dwell, and return to, over and over. 


    Your dwelling place = what you receive in life, and where you dwell most often = your primary state.


    This of course is especially true when it comes to money.


    If you desire something, you don’t “attract” it or think about it, you assume that state. 


    The more you imagine your desire, the more real it feels, so the easier it gets for you to identify with it.


    Techniques that help you easily imagine can be used to get you into the state - and in this episode, I share 3 powerful ways to shift yourself into the state of receiving money  continuously.


    Because once your body starts believing, you will start being it - feeling and physically acting it in real time. 




    Listen in to learn how.

    E28: The ONE Strategy That Jumped Me to 6 Figures in Less Than 12 Months

    E28: The ONE Strategy That Jumped Me to 6 Figures in Less Than 12 Months

    There is ONE strategy that jumped me to 6 figures in less than 12 months.


    VIP Days and virtual workshops. 


    People ask a lot, "How do you make 5 figures a month in your business consistently? Like how does that even happen?" 


    And: "How were you able to pick up and move from Jersey to Florida without skipping a beat? That takes resources, doesn't it?" 


    I get it. 


    The reason people have a hard time wrapping their mind around it is because of what they are currently charging. They’re not taking advantage of premium pricing for their offers. 


    If you are looking to add a powerful revenue stream to the mix, this is one of the best ways to do it.


    In this podcast episode I share exactly why VIP Days and virtual workshops will always be one of the BEST ways to package and sell your knowledge… AND change your relationship to money forever.


    When you show that the results you create are worth exponentially more than the investment, paying 4 or 5 figures for a day doesn't seem unreasonable at all. 


    And when you make more money, everything is improved. 


    What do you think happens in your business as a result? 


    It skyrockets. Life gets better.


    Yes, people will pay you 4 to 5 figures for a single day. Listen in to the why and how in this episode now.