
    She's Got This

    She's Got This is a podcast for ambitious women who want to grow and scale their business, and use the power of intentional energy direction design their very best life. Hosted by speaker, trainer, best-selling author and award winning business coach Christine Gallagher, this podcast is for spiritual-minded women and entrepreneurs ready to own their brilliance while making bank, step into the best version of themselves, and become a force for positive change in the world. Join Christine each week for enlightening conversation, exclusive interviews, and continual motivation and inspiration.
    enChristine Gallagher47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    E27: When I Abandoned My Career (Or, How to Thrive in Uncertain Times)

    E27: When I Abandoned My Career (Or, How to Thrive in Uncertain Times)

    I started my business in the beginning of 2009 at the height of the recession, and quickly realized that my lifelong preoccupation with the news was affecting me negatively.


     Running a business was challenging enough without a steady diet of all of that noise.


    These days I consume less news than ever, I gave up the constant scrolling of my Twitter feed a couple of years ago, and I purposely avoid the news section on Facebook - and it just works for me.


    But if you subscribe to anyone’s email list or use social media, you’ve probably seen more people talking about the state of the economy, some in nearly catastrophic terms. 


    I can actually recall at least 4 or 5 other times over the last nearly decade and a half that this has been a “thing” that comes up in the business world.


    It’s cyclical.


    People are still spending money, but they might be giving more thought to what they spend it on.


    Those who thrive in this climate have a few things in common that they make clear before they've even sold anything to anyone. 


    In this short and sweet episode, I share the tragic story (lol) of my original career ambitions, and reveal the simple but powerful strategies enabling many entrepreneurs to do exceptionally well in otherwise uncertain times.


    E26: Simple Fixes: Sell Way More of Your Offer by Diagnosing the Disconnect

    E26: Simple Fixes: Sell Way More of Your Offer by Diagnosing the Disconnect

    We do things a bit different around here.


    Instead of always focusing on a bunch of tactics and strategies, my clients and I focus on dialing in our offer so it's easy to sell.


    Getting an Easy Breezy YES to your offer from clients is about offering the right solution, to the right person, at the right time.


    All those need to line up. 


    An irresistible offer that your Soulmate clients easily say YES to takes time to dial in. 


    But - you CAN still make money while you’re being imperfect and dialing it in.


    There is always a reason for not getting a result with your offer, and it doesn't have to be a guessing game.


    In this episode I give you practical, simple fixes, plus:


    • The top reasons for non-results
    • How to figure out which reasons may apply to you
    • How to dial in your offer and get a better response, and 
    • How to course correct when needed

    E25: Change Your Self Concept, Change Your Life

    E25: Change Your Self Concept, Change Your Life

    “Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live.” -Neville Goddard


    Your self concept is your concept of yourself in the world - what you think of yourself, and the lens you see the world through. It’s also what you think others think of you, and what you think of situations in general.


    What you think of yourself creates your reality, and whatever you think in your mind all day long is what people will reflect back to you.


    What you most deeply assume about yourself, others, and the world becomes your self concept. They become embedded and shape the reality you experience.


    Want to change something in your world? Income, business success, level of self-confidence?


    You must change your self concept first, which then changes your reality. 


    Others can only reflect you.


    In this episode I share where self concept comes from, how it affects what shows up in your life and business, and the top primary fears we as humans carry.


    I also give you tools to start changing this for yourself, including key questions to ask, some of my fave affirmations, how to deal with your triggers, and how to make your new habits "stick" for life.

    E24: The Quick & Low Stress Way I Get This Podcast Done

    E24: The Quick & Low Stress Way I Get This Podcast Done

    Though I've guested on dozens and dozens of others' podcasts, I put off doing my own for years.


    The main reason? 


    I thought it was way more involved and complicated than it actually turned out to be.


    With 24 episodes under my belt, I've got it down - and the best part is, it gets done quick and easy each week.


    In this episode I share:


    How I got over my perfectionism

    How I decided my podcast's main themes

    What I gleaned from listening to other well-done podcasts

    Where I get all of my content from

    What I gave myself permission to do - and to NOT do

    How it gets recorded and edited - including free resources

    How I decide whether to use notes - or go off the cuff

    Where we get our royalty-free music

    How the podcast gets syndicated to all the biggest sites

    How we create the graphics

    How, when, and where we promote it... and more.


    If you've ever wanted to launch your own podcast, but weren't sure about all the fiddly details - this episode is for you.

    E23: On Taking My Hands Off the Wheel

    E23: On Taking My Hands Off the Wheel

    "Everything is speeding up, everything is possible - because the consciousness of humanity is expanding at a rate beyond anything we have known.


    What wants to come through that is brand new? The old ways are broken, no longer satisfying, no longer aligned with who you are. Maybe you're feeling so suffocated and uninspired because you're meant to be doing something completely brand new... in a new way, a new way that doesn't even exist today.


    Maybe it's a new direction, new possibilities, a new routine or lifestyle, new places and people, new technologies and tools, new ways of working and creating, new priorities and values.


    It doesn't have to look like the old way, the way everyone else is doing it. Play in what is new. Play in what has not yet been created." --Ashmi Pathela


    Have you ever been in a situation where you've been doing something for a while, and suddenly everything flips - suddenly, you don't know what's next? 


    Things that always made sense, no longer make sense.


    I've always gripped tightly to what I was doing in my business, and it was always about keeping my hands on the wheel and continuing on. Making sure I was keeping this steady, continuous momentum.


    For the longest time, I was scared to make changes that I think deep down my higher self really knew needed to be made. 


    I wasn't ready either to see it or to do it, or both.


    Who am I if I'm not that girl with that business, doing those things, in those ways?


    In this episode I get vulnerable and share how I've been dealing with this, why it's so important to talk about, and how I finally got to a place of surrender.

    E22: Boundaries. Or, “Well…I F-ed THAT Up Good…”

    E22: Boundaries. Or, “Well…I F-ed THAT Up Good…”

    Boundaries define who we are.

    They establish “what is me” and “what isn’t me."

    We have a responsibility to create and enforce our own boundaries. 

    (Frankly, it’s no one else’s job. Listen in to hear how I used to suck at this.)

    Boundaries keep the good in and the bad out.

    Think about when other people have violated you. Did you feel like crap? Did you allow it to happen because you didn’t speak up and assert yourself? 

    That’s a boundary issue. It’s also a huge part of being a happy business owner - boundaries in your business and with your clients are crucial, especially if you have people-pleasing tendencies.

    I learned that the hard way very early on as an entrepreneur.

    In this episode I give you a boundary checklist to see where you fall, 8 healthy ways to say "No," and the steps you need to set strong boundaries.

    E21: My Journaling Exercises For More Clients and Sales

    E21: My Journaling Exercises For More Clients and Sales

    As a lifelong journal-er, it only made sense to extend that shizz into my business when I became an entrepreneur.

    Fun Fact 1: my first diary at age 8 was a Hello Kitty one from the Sanrio store in the mall - that my neighbor friend once stole and had to give back in shame. lol.

    Fun Fact 2: I kept journals all through junior high and high school, and "hid" them in my room. I should've done a better job. My Mom always found them. #drama

    In this episode I'm sharing 5 simple journaling exercises I share with my clients that help them get more clients and sales.

    A mix of marketing and spiritual, these help you with clarity on your marketing and message, your money goals, and anything from the past that may still be blocking you from success today.

    Plus, I share some of my favorite affirmations that I use to shift my mindset around bringing in the cash money and upping my confidence.

    E20: De-mystifying "Revenue Generating Activities" (& the Big Online Biz Myth)

    E20: De-mystifying "Revenue Generating Activities" (& the Big Online Biz Myth)

    Building a business online and making money while you sleep sounds really sexy, right?

    But what if you need money in the door RIGHT now?

    You actually can bring in quick income TODAY while you build up your online empire, but most of the “gurus” out there completely ignore this.

    Disappointment runs rampant in the online space these days, because of the HUGE focus being placed on things like creating funnels, running Facebook Ads, developing online courses and the like. 

    Do all of these things have the potential to work? 

    Of course! 

    What most people won’t tell you is that these things take TIME. They are NOT ideal for most business owners who need cash flow TODAY.

    I’m sharing the REAL truth today in this episode, and ways you can inject cash into your business fast without a big list, funnels, long sales pages or complicated tech. 

    E19: How I Reverse Engineer My Marketing Calendar (and Take December Off!)

    E19: How I Reverse Engineer My Marketing Calendar (and Take December Off!)

    In this episode we’re talking about a topic that I always get questions on: how to create and use a marketing calendar.

    I refer to it as reverse engineering your marketing calendar. A lot of people get really confused about how to create a marketing calendar, what should be on it? What do I offer? What do I price it at? When do I offer it? How do I make sure I'm reaching my goals?

    It’s especially important because we’re talking about predicting your income.

    One of the biggest causes of entrepreneurial anxiety is the income rollercoaster where the cash flow goes up and down.

    If you're looking to be certain about what you're going to make, you're in the right place, because your marketing calendar is going to dictate that.

    E18: Techniques: How to Live As if What You Want Has Already Happened

    E18: Techniques: How to Live As if What You Want Has Already Happened

    When you're learning about marketing, you're typically following steps - do this first, then this second, etc.

    But when it comes to the other part of running a successful business - the mindset piece - it can often feel less structured.

    If the key to creating what you want (beyond funnels, discovery calls, ads, and the like) is living as if you already have what you want...

    HOW do you actually do that?

    This was always a frustration of mine in the past.

    My very logical brain thinks in terms of systems and structures, so when it came to creating your own reality, it all seemed a bit... "airy-fairy."

    I recorded this episode to share clear, concrete steps and techniques instead, so you don't have to spend your time guessing like I did in the beginning.

    I give you lots of options - so you can choose what resonates with you the most and test them out - but they all essentially do the same thing:

    Put you in the state of already having what you desire, which is ultimately what manifestation really comes down to.

    E17: Hiring a Biz Coach: Crucial Considerations

    E17: Hiring a Biz Coach: Crucial Considerations

    It’s almost the New Year, and for many business owners, that means being in the market for a new business coach or mastermind leader.

    It’s like the wild, wild, west out there sometimes, isn’t it?

    With more coaches than you can shake a stick at popping up every day, it can be confusing to know who to trust and what to look for.

    For every qualified business coach who walks their talk, there are just as many potential opportunities to get burned.

    Take it from an old-timer who’s been around awhile. ;)

    I believe it’s worthwhile to talk about this right now, and it’s the topic of this short and sweet episode.

    E16: Getting Vulnerable: Finding the Message in Your Mess

    E16: Getting Vulnerable: Finding the Message in Your Mess
    Should you share the good, bad, and ugly in your business?
    A few years ago I saw a past client at a half day workshop I held in NYC. She pulled me aside and noted how much she appreciated that I was sharing more about the ins and outs of running my business.
    Then she said: "We all were wondering, is she like a Stepford Wife or something?! Does anything ever go wrong for her or is it all perfect all the time?"
    I burst out laughing because she was making a really good point! 
    That's when I knew for sure that the transparency I was now bringing into conversations with clients and followers was the right choice.
    I refer to this as “finding the message in your mess.” 
    I'm talking about being boldly YOU, and I'm sharing how you can take steps toward being more real, and more YOU, in this episode.

    E15: How to Tame Your Sabotage-Self

    E15: How to Tame Your Sabotage-Self

    How does self sabotage relate to business in addition to your life? That can be expressed in one sentence I first heard when I was a new entrepreneur: "Having your own business will bring up ALL your stuff." And it’s true. But it’s also a huge opportunity.

    We all have unconscious, unhealed parts in us that have been playing out in our life. But by doing inner work on yourself you can find these parts and claim and transform them.

    But of course, we can have all our values, foundations and boundaries in place and then have to deal with another set of challenges that come from – our "sabotage-self."

    I always encourage my clients to explore their healing to find the trauma that causes them to have negative thoughts, shame, over-thinking etc. For me, these shifts made a huge difference in the way my body and brain processed information, and how I handle things in my business.

    This episode helps you understand your sabotage-self, what it is, how it operates and how to stop our very human tendency to self-sabotage.

    E14: How to Share Social Proof Without Seeming Like You're Bragging

    E14: How to Share Social Proof Without Seeming Like You're Bragging

    Is it possible to share “social proof” and client successes in social media without sounding like you’re boasting?

    Maybe you've wanted to, but may have held back for fear of sounding like “that” kind of person.

    No one wants to be thought of as boastful, right?

    I look at it differently.

    People want to progress, to move forward, to enjoy increase.

    And the key here is, they want to be involved with people they perceive this of too.

    But how do you share how you, your clients, and your business are advancing, without being that social media friend everyone wants to smack?

    It's more an art than a science, and in this episode I give you some concrete examples of how to do it.

    E13: About Getting Standout Social Proof, Testimonials, and Raves

    E13: About Getting Standout Social Proof, Testimonials, and Raves

    One of the ways I stand out from other people who do similar things as me is the long track record of results I’ve helped get for my clients.

    Collecting and sharing those results is one of the many systems I have in place in my company, and I’m peeling back the curtain on how we do it in this week’s podcast.
    In today’s social world, information travels faster and reaches further than ever, and happy clients and customers are your best, unpaid sales force. People want to see success stories - but do you have amazing testimonials to share with them? This episode
    shares the keys for getting great testimonials about your products, programs and services, including exactly what to include.

    E12: WTF is Intentional Energy Direction?

    E12: WTF is Intentional Energy Direction?

    What the F is Intentional Energy Direction?

    In a nutshell, it’s about how to work smarter, not harder to create what you want, and how to intentionally use energy to MORE than make up for what your marketing might not be doing for you currently.

    In this episode, I share the pieces that go into what I now call “intentional energy direction.”

    Because the truth is, we can manipulate energy to create everything it is we want: income, number of clients, the type of client you call in, relationships, opportunities, EVERYTHING.

    Yes, we need to market if we’re in business, but having this 90% foundation as the energetic place where you are coming from changes the whole game.

    E11: Keys to Packaging Your Knowledge and Pricing With Confidence

    E11: Keys to Packaging Your Knowledge and Pricing With Confidence

    There is an art to pricing and packaging with confidence in your business.

    The goal of this episode is to help you see the value in what you're bringing to your clients. You want to set your prices at their true value, and begin allowing yourself to believe that you are ready to receive significant amounts of money... because you are.

    You deserve to be paid very well for your skills and for the transformation you create.

    I'm sharing 4 typical packaging models for coaching and service businesses and how to price them as well, to show you what's really possible.

    E10: From Dollars For Hours to a Signature Offer

    E10: From Dollars For Hours to a Signature Offer

    In this episode, I share what I did specifically to move from a dollars for hours model, to creating more leverage so I could reach many more people in my business.

    I also give you 4 different ways to start sketching out your own signature offer or process, and what to make sure to include.

    If you're ready to get out of trading time for money, scale your services, and make a greater impact in the world with your work, this episode has you covered.

    E9: How to Take Decisive Action

    E9: How to Take Decisive Action

    If you consistently struggle with making decisions, it can show up as laziness, self-created obstacles, perfectionism, and procrastination… just for starters. Notice where this may be happening for you.

    The idea is to make fast decisions and course correct as you go.

    In this episode I share a 5 step process for making smart decisions while also tapping into your intuition.

    E8: What Inner Conversations Have to Do With 5 Figure+ Months

    E8: What Inner Conversations Have to Do With 5 Figure+ Months

    We are constantly having inner conversations, regardless if we are fully present for them or we’re letting the conversation run wild intentionally.

    You create your life with your own inner conversations, because what you’re doing is suggesting to yourself what you’ll do, what you’ll think, what you’ll feel.

    This is why it is so worth it to observe them, because they are literally creating your future. This episode gives you ideas for how to use these conversations to change the course of your life and business.