
    Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

    Are you a parent of a child with ADHD (or suspected ADHD)? Are you overwhelmed by the treatment options to support your child? Are you exhausted from giving your child with ADHD *countless* reminders for the same tasks… yelling to get them to (sometimes) listen… and walking on eggshells to avoid the seemingly endless meltdowns? Are you getting constant calls from the school about your child’s behavior? Is your child struggling in school without a plan in place to help them? If you want to truly understand ADHD, find practical tools that work, and feel empowered to get your child the right supports at school, this show is for you. The Shining with ADHD Podcast by the Childhood Collective is a live-workshop style educational podcast packed with actionable, step-by-step strategies, empathy, and of course, some humor! You can learn from the experts as you navigate this chaotic ADHD parenting journey, create calm in your home, and help your child shine at school. Your hosts Katie, Lori, and Mallory of The Childhood Collective have helped thousands of overwhelmed parents find joy and confidence in raising their child with ADHD. Katie is a speech language pathologist, and Lori and Mallory are both child psychologists. As busy mamas themselves, they are on a mission to combine the science of ADHD with the compassion of moms. Each week, they share inspiration and tips to help you tackle challenging behaviors, build executive functioning skills, and manage big emotions. Along with sharing their best ADHD parenting advice and stories, The Childhood Collective interviews top ADHD professionals *and* relatable ADHD parents who share their favorite tools to empower you EVERY time you tune in. With their online community growing every day, now YOU can learn from the experts, get inspired, and raise a happy and independent child with ADHD!
    enThe Childhood Collective50 Episodes

    Episodes (50)

    #147: “Defiance” and ADHD: Getting Curious About What’s Beneath the Surface

    #147: “Defiance” and ADHD: Getting Curious About What’s Beneath the Surface


    EPISODE #147: “Defiance” and ADHD: Getting Curious About What’s Beneath the Surface

    The Childhood Collective



    Asking your child to clean their room or do one page of homework shouldn’t launch a battle complete with meltdowns, but often, for kids with ADHD, it does. You’re trying your hardest to breathe and regulate, but inside, you’re thinking, “Why is everything a fight?!” For those of us who grew up in strict, authoritarian homes, this is even more triggering. We feel disrespected by the “defiance” and don’t understand why some tasks cause such a disruption. While it’s incredibly frustrating, you are not alone. This is common in children with ADHD. The truth is that defiance is often a symptom of something deeper for the child. So today, we are going to dig into four possible explanations for why your ADHD child may seem defiant.


    We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. Most importantly, we are moms, just like you.

    After working with families over a combined total of 40 years, we saw a need to provide ongoing support and education to parents raising children with ADHD.


    • Creating Calm is a video-based course that will teach you simple, step-by-step strategies to help you parent a happy and independent child with ADHD (ages 4-12 years old). Whenever and wherever you have an internet connection. Use the code PODCAST for 10% off!


    • Hungryroot offers “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about when it comes to raising kids. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. 


    • We LOVE the Zenimal. It’s amazing for kids who are feeling anxious or need a little help calming their busy body before bed. The best part? Each meditation ends with the most beautiful message: “You’re a good kid!” Use our code: TCC for a discount.


    Episode 147 Transcript

    Anxiety Episode and Blogs

    Creating Calm - Code PODCAST

    Hungry Root - Code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    Zenimal - Code TCC

    Episode 147 Transcript

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #146: I Love My Brain! Helping Kids Understand ADHD with Author Nicole Russell

    #146: I Love My Brain! Helping Kids Understand ADHD with Author Nicole Russell


    EPISODE #146: I Love My Brain! Helping Kids Understand ADHD with Nicole Russell

    The Childhood Collective



    It is easy to feel lost on how to help your amazing kiddo with ADHD see themselves the way you do. We all know they're incredible, but sometimes those unique brains can feel like a double-edged sword. That's where our guest for today, Nicole Russell comes in. She is a champion of self-love and the author of the awesome "My Busy, Busy Brain.” In this episode, Nicole shares practical tips for teaching self-advocacy and helping our kids rock their own rhythm. Hear her inspiring story of writing the book, her mission to spread Brain Love, and how we can empower our kids to see their differences as strengths. 


    Nicole Russell is a bestselling author and lead advocate for mental health and the well-being of children. She serves as Founder and Executive Director of Precious Dreams Foundation, the non-profit empowering youth in foster care and homeless shelters to learn healthy coping techniques and focus on their dreams. She is also CEO of Pitch House Productions, a social impact consulting agency that educates corporations on best practices for serving vulnerable populations. She has managed over 5 million dollars in community funding and scholarships. Russell uses her non-profit and creative tools to serve and advocate for youth through every aspect of her career. Her bestselling self-help book, Everything a Band-Aid Can't Fix, is highly regarded as a must-have for teens everywhere and has been added to the curriculum of middle and high schools nationwide. Inspired by her personal experience with ADHD, she also encourages children who struggle with ADHD and other learning obstacles to speak up for themselves in her children's book, My Busy, Busy Brain. Nicole's accolades include GLAMOUR's "Everyday Hero of the Year," Observer's "Top 20 Heroes Under 40", Walmart's "Community Playmaker Award," as well as a featured piece recognizing her efforts in O, The Oprah Magazine. More recently, Nicole was recognized by NBC and Essence as an essential hero for her efforts to serve and support the mental health needs of thousands of youth in the U.S. shelter system during the coronavirus pandemic.


    • Shining at School is a video-based course that will teach you how to help your child with ADHD go from surviving to thriving at school for elementary and middle schoolers. On your own time. At your own pace. Use the code PODCAST for 10% off!


    • Hungryroot offers “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about when it comes to raising kids. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. 


    • We can’t have your attention and not mention Time Timer. This helps with activity transitions, independence, and building executive function skills. Use the code TCC to get a site-wide discount.


    Precious Dreams Foundation

    Nicole’s Books

    Nicole’s Instagram

    Episode 146 Transcript

    Shining at School - Code PODCAST

    Hungry Root - Code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    Time Timer - Code TCC

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #145: The Bedtime Struggle is Real: One Tool to Help Your Child Stay in Bed

    #145: The Bedtime Struggle is Real: One Tool to Help Your Child Stay in Bed


    EPISODE #145: The Bedtime Struggle is Real: One Tool to Help Your Child Stay in Bed

    The Childhood Collective



    Parenting expectation: The teeth are brushed, the jammies are on, and the white noise is humming softly. You spend a few soft moments with your child, give them a kiss, and tell them goodnight. The little cherubs stay in bed all night, and the entire family wakes up rested. Parenting reality: When bedtime hits, your kid has never been thirstier, and they HAVE to get water. The door must be cracked at the exact right spot. They need you to adjust the bed because something is itchy. You’ll get them settled, and 30 minutes later, they will have built a full-on marble run instead of staying in their bed. Bedtime struggles can be a universal experience, but they are particularly prevalent among children with ADHD. In this episode, we share one simple yet effective strategy that provides children with both security and boundaries, empowering them to settle into sleep independently.


    We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. Most importantly, we are moms, just like you.

    After working with families over a combined total of 40 years, we saw a need to provide ongoing support and education to parents raising children with ADHD.


    • Creating Calm is a video-based course that will teach you simple, step-by-step strategies to help you parent a happy and independent child with ADHD (ages 4-12 years old). Whenever and wherever you have an internet connection. Use the code PODCAST for 10% off!


    • Hungryroot offers “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about when it comes to raising kids. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. 


    • We can’t have your attention and not mention Time Timer. This helps with activity transitions, independence, and building executive function skills. Head to and use the code TCC to get a site-wide discount.


    Episode 145 Transcript

    Creating Calm - Code PODCAST

    Hungry Root - Code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    Time Timer - Code TCC

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com

    #144: Did Someone Say Dance Party? ADHD Parenting CAN Be Fun!

    #144: Did Someone Say Dance Party? ADHD Parenting CAN Be Fun!


    EPISODE #144: Did Someone Say Dance Party? ADHD Parenting CAN Be Fun!

    The Childhood Collective



    ADHD parenting is a lot of things. It can be challenging, confusing, interesting and rewarding. But it can also be FUN! Parenting ADHD gets easier when we intentionally infuse a sense of playfulness. We know you’re already managing so much and might be thinking, “Great, now I have to be FUN too!?” But hear us out…we have a few ideas, nothing too overwhelming, that you can try to make the mundane a little more fun for your family. In this episode, we share three very EASY tools that don’t require hours of planning or hundreds of dollars! 


    We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. Most importantly, we are moms, just like you.

    After working with families over a combined total of 40 years, we saw a need to provide ongoing support and education to parents raising children with ADHD.


    • Creating Calm is a video-based course that will teach you simple, step-by-step strategies to help you parent a happy and independent child with ADHD (ages 4-12 years old). Whenever and wherever you have an internet connection. Use the code PODCAST for 10% off!


    • Hungryroot offers “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about when it comes to raising kids. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. 


    • We can’t have your attention and not mention Time Timer. This helps with activity transitions, independence, and building executive function skills. Head to and use the code TCC to get a site-wide discount.


    Printables from The Childhood Collective

    Episode 144 Transcript

    Creating Calm - Code PODCAST

    Hungry Root - Code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    Time Timer - Code TCC

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #143: Considering ADHD Medication? What Every Parent Needs to Know with Psychiatrist, Dana Reid

    #143: Considering ADHD Medication? What Every Parent Needs to Know with Psychiatrist, Dana Reid


    EPISODE #143: Considering ADHD Medication? What Every Parent Needs to Know with Psychiatrist, Dana Reid

    The Childhood Collective



    One of the hardest parts about being a parent is making choices for the health of our children. With an abundance of information and a variety of options, knowing how to support our kids medically can be really tough. When symptoms of ADHD begin to cause distress at home or at school, the topic of medication always comes up. The internet really doesn’t do us any favors when it comes to balancing myths and facts around ADHD medication. The conversation is nuanced and as parents, we can agree that when it comes to making the best choice for each family, knowledge is power. That’s why today we’ve invited an expert in child psychiatry and ADHD to answer your questions on ADHD medication. Her insight is detailed, so grab a pen or be sure to download the transcript! 


    Dr. Dana Reid is a board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist in private practice in Atlanta, Georgia. She loves working with kids, teens, and adults to address their diverse needs and concerns. She has specific expertise in working with kids and parents with ADHD and anxiety. Dr. Reid is also a children's book author of the book, Danny Doesn’t Quit.


    • Shining at School is a video-based course that will teach you how to help your child with ADHD go from surviving to thriving at school for elementary and middle schoolers. On your own time. At your own pace. Use the code PODCAST for 10% off!


    • Hungryroot offers “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about when it comes to raising kids. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. 


    • We can’t have your attention and not mention Time Timer. This helps with activity transitions, independence, and building executive function skills. Use the code TCC to get a site-wide discount.


     Dr. Dana's Instagram

    Shining at School - Code PODCAST

    Hungry Root - Code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    Time Timer - Code TCC

    Episode 143 Transcript

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #142: The Key to Executive Functioning: Internal Skills for Kids with ADHD with Mike McLeod

    #142: The Key to Executive Functioning: Internal Skills for Kids with ADHD with Mike McLeod


    EPISODE #142: The Key to Executive Functioning: Internal Skills for Kids with ADHD with Mike McLeod

    The Childhood Collective



    On our channel, you’ve probably heard us talk frequently about executive functioning. Today, we have a special guest, Mike McLeod, ADHD coach and executive function specialist, on the podcast to share about parent coaching and how to help our kids strengthen their internal skills. Listen along as we discuss teaching children how to create future pictures and equipping them with social interaction tools.


    Michael McLeod is an ADHD & Executive Function Specialist. He is the owner of GrowNOW ADHD - providing Executive Function Coaching to students and parent coaching. Michael is also a Keynote Speaker and travels the country and internationally training schools, parents, and professionals on the most up to date research and strategies on Executive Functioning. Michael has been working with youth since 2005. You can find him at GrowNOWADHD.com 


    • Creating Calm is a video-based course that will teach you simple, step-by-step strategies to help you parent a happy and independent child with ADHD (ages 4-12 years old). Whenever and wherever you have an internet connection. Use the code PODCAST for 10% off!


    • Hungryroot offers “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about when it comes to raising kids. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. 


    • We can’t have your attention and not mention Time Timer. This helps with activity transitions, independence, and building executive function skills. Head to and use the code TCC to get a site-wide discount.


    Free Parenting Guide - 6 Keys

    Creating Calm - Code PODCAST

    Hungry Root - Code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    Time Timer - Code TCC

    Transcript for Episode 142

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #141: Should I Tell My Child's Teacher About Their ADHD?

    #141: Should I Tell My Child's Teacher About Their ADHD?


    EPISODE #141: Should I Tell My Child's Teacher About Their ADHD? 

    The Childhood Collective



    You’ve got your child’s diagnosis, and now you’re wondering, “Who do I tell?” and “What do they NEED to know?” You wonder, “Will this help my child or stick them with a label?” We’ve heard all these questions before, so today, we’re sharing five considerations for disclosing your child’s diagnosis with their classroom teacher. We have seen firsthand that sharing with the teacher can actually be a game-changer, fostering collaboration and making the whole education journey smoother for your kiddo. In this episode, our team shares everything you need to know about school and ADHD. 


    We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. Most importantly, we are moms, just like you.

    After working with families over a combined total of 40 years, we saw a need to provide ongoing support and education to parents raising children with ADHD.


    • Shining at School is a video-based course that will teach you how to help your child with ADHD go from surviving to thriving at school for elementary and middle schoolers. On your own time. At your own pace. Use the code PODCAST for 10% off!


    • Hungryroot offers “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about when it comes to raising kids. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. 


    • We LOVE the Zenimal. It’s amazing for kids who are feeling anxious or need a little help calming their busy body before bed. The best part? Each meditation ends with the most beautiful message: “You’re a good kid!” Use our code: TCC for a discount.


    FREE Accommodations Guide

    Shining at School - Code PODCAST

    Hungry Root - Code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40


    The Childhood Collective YouTube *Closed Captioning Available

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #140: Unlocking Your Child's Motivation with Neuropsychologist Dr. Ellen Braaten

    #140: Unlocking Your Child's Motivation with Neuropsychologist Dr. Ellen Braaten


    EPISODE #140: Unlocking Your Child's Motivation with Neuropsychologist Dr. Ellen Braaten

    The Childhood Collective



    We know that motivation is a huge issue for many ADHD families. As parents, we are desperate to help our children find their motivation.  We know the AMAZING things they are capable of, but they can't always access it. What actually drives our kids? In this episode, neuropsychologist Dr. Ellen Braaten shares how we can nurture our children and help them build confidence and skills to make significant strides toward pursuing what truly excites them. 


    Dr. Ellen Braaten is the Executive Director of the Learning and Emotional Assessment Program (LEAP) at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Braaten is widely recognized as an expert in the field of pediatric neuropsychological and psychological assessment, particularly in the areas of assessing learning disabilities and attentional disorders. She is the co-author of many books and articles for parents and professionals, including the bestselling book Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up. Her newest book is Bright Kids Who Couldn’t Care Less: How to Rekindle Your Child’s Motivation.


    • Shining at School is a video-based course that will teach you how to help your child with ADHD go from surviving to thriving at school for elementary and middle schoolers. On your own time. At your own pace. Use the code PODCAST for 10% off!


    • Hungryroot offers “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about when it comes to raising kids. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. 


    • We can’t have your attention and not mention Time Timer. This helps with activity transitions, independence, and building executive function skills. Use the code TCC to get a site-wide discount.


    Dr. Ellen's Books

    Shining at School - Code PODCAST

    Hungry Root - Code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    Time Timer - Code TCC

    The Childhood Collective YouTube *Closed Captioning Available

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #139: Boost Your Child's Executive Function with Declarative Language: One Simple Shift

    #139: Boost Your Child's Executive Function with Declarative Language: One Simple Shift


    EPISODE #139: Boost Your Child's Executive Function with Declarative Language: One Simple Shift

    The Childhood Collective




    In addition to ALLLL the everyday tasks we do as parents, raising a kid with ADHD means we have to help build our kids’ executive functions. This can feel like a really hard job. But what a lot of parents don’t realize is that small changes to the way we speak and interact can add up to a lot of growth opportunities for our kids! In this episode, our very own Katie, a speech language pathologist, is explaining declarative language, which is a tool that you can use TODAY. Anytime or anywhere, this shift can enhance communication with and for your child! 



    We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. Most importantly, we are moms, just like you.

    After working with families over a combined total of 40 years, we saw a need to provide ongoing support and education to parents raising children with ADHD.



    • Creating Calm is a video-based course that will teach you simple, step-by-step strategies to help you parent a happy and independent child with ADHD (ages 4-12 years old). Whenever and wherever you have an internet connection. Use the code PODCAST for 10% off!


    • Hungryroot offers “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about when it comes to raising kids. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 (in all caps) to get the discount.


    • We can’t have your attention and not mention Time Timer. This amazing tool helps with activity transitions, independence, and building executive function skills. Head to and use the code TCC to get a site-wide discount.



    Free Parenting Guide - 6 Keys

    Creating Calm - Code PODCAST

    Hungry Root - Code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    Time Timer - Code TCC

    The Childhood Collective YouTube *Closed Captioning Available

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com

    #138: An Episode for Kids (And Their Grown-Ups!): ADHD and Big Emotions With Katelyn Mabry

    #138: An Episode for Kids (And Their Grown-Ups!): ADHD and Big Emotions With Katelyn Mabry


    EPISODE #138: An Episode for Kids (And Their Grown-Ups!): ADHD and Big Emotions With Katelyn Mabry

    The Childhood Collective




    Can you believe it's our last episode of the year? As we head into a holiday break, we will be taking some time with our own families. Before we do that, we're switching things up and doing something super cool—a chat for both parents AND kids! We've got the amazing Katelyn Mabry, the brilliant creator of the children's podcast, 'Journey with Me Through ADHD,' joining us for today's episode. Katelyn has a passion for speaking to the hearts and minds of children, so this episode is designed for kids to listen to *with* a trusted adult. 

    We know that everyone is in a different place with their ADHD journey, so parents, listen to the episode first and then invite your kiddos in. In this episode, we talk about the magic of ADHD and the need for a little extra help when it comes to managing BIG feelings.



    Katelyn Mabry is an ADHD life coach who is also a special educator with a master’s in Reading. She is the author of “Hi It’s Me! I have ADHD” and the podcast host of “Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband and 4 young kids. Her passion is to speak into the hearts and minds of children and families with ADHD so they feel connected, supported, and understood! 


    Bedtime can be SO tough for kids with ADHD. Zenimal helps our kids rest and reset. That is why we LOVE Zenimal. This tool helps our kids rest and reset. When bedtime rolls around, we use this screen-free meditation tool for EACH of our kids (really, we do!). It’s amazing for kids who are anxious or need help calming their busy bodies before bed. The best part? Each meditation ends with the most beautiful message: “You’re a good kid!” Use our code: TCC for a discount.


    Zenimals Website: use code: TCC for a discount! 

    Katelyn's Instagram

    Hi, It's Me, I Have ADHD Book

    Journey With Me Podcast      

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    The Childhood Collective YouTube *Closed Captioning Available


    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #137: ADHD at School: The One Thing Every Parent NEEDS to Know

    #137: ADHD at School: The One Thing Every Parent NEEDS to Know


    EPISODE #137: ADHD at School: The One Thing Every Parent Needs to Know

    The Childhood Collective




    Sifting your way through evaluations, 504’s, IEP’S, emails, and parent rights, it’s all so much. It can be very confusing to know when to advocate or when to wait. The process can differ from state to state and school system to school system. Our goal is to help you navigate the process so you can feel confident instead of discouraged. You are the best person to support your kids, and we are in your corner. It may feel like there is a mountain of things you have to be an expert in to help your kid. But that's not true! In this episode, we share what every parent NEEDS to know to support their child at school.


    We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. Most importantly, we are moms, just like you.

    After working with families over a combined total of 40 years, we saw a need to provide ongoing support and education to parents raising children with ADHD. 


    Hungryroot offers “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about when it comes to raising kids. We’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. 


    We LOVE Zenimal. It’s amazing for kids who are feeling anxious or need a little help calming their busy body before bed. Each meditation ends with the most beautiful message: “You’re a good kid!” Use our code: TCC for a discount.


    We can’t have your attention and not mention Time Timer. This helps with activity transitions, independence, and building executive function skills. Head to The Time Timer Site and use the code TCC to get a site-wide discount.


    Shining at School

    Dear Colleague, Letter by The Office of CiviI Rights

    Hungry Root - Use code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    Time Timer


    The Childhood Collective YouTube *Closed Captioning Available

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #136: Unwrapping Holiday Strategies for Kids with ADHD

    #136: Unwrapping Holiday Strategies for Kids with ADHD


    EPISODE #136: Unwrapping Holiday Strategies for Kids with ADHD

    The Childhood Collective




    Travel. Turkey. Traditions. Toys. Treats. All are great things that the holidays bring. But let’s be real, those treasures come with disrupted sleep, inconsistent schedules, unfair expectations from relatives and MELTDOWNS (from kids and parents, honestly.) Turns out two things can be true at the same time. The holidays can bring a ton of sweetness AND stress. It is all part of the experience. Our goal is to help you have more of the sweet moments and less of the stressful ones! Today on the podcast, we are sharing our top tips to not just survive, but help your child with ADHD thrive during this holiday season.


    We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. If you’re not engaging with us on social, click the links below. We share ADHD parenting tools and tips along with empathy (and a little humor!) 


    We talk a lot about emotionally healthy kids, and sleep is a huge part of that! That is why we LOVE Zenimal. When bedtime rolls around, we use this screen-free meditation tool for EACH of our kids (really, we do!). It’s amazing for kids who are feeling anxious or need a little help calming their busy body before bed. The best part? Each meditation ends with the most beautiful message: “You’re a good kid!” Use our code: TCC for a discount.



    Free ADHD Parenting Guide- 6 Keys

    Creating Calm Parenting Course

    Zenimals Website: use code: TCC for a discount!                 

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    The Childhood Collective YouTube *Closed Captioning Available


    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #135: Changing Our View on "Challenging” Behavior with Dayna Abraham

    #135: Changing Our View on "Challenging” Behavior with Dayna Abraham


    EPISODE #135: Changing Our View on ”Challenging” Behavior with Dayna Abraham

    The Childhood Collective




    You’re hiding in your closet, and tears roll down your cheek. You tell yourself, “This is just too hard, and I can’t do it.” Feelings of suffocation and hopelessness fill your chest as you grieve the fact that your child with ADHD feels extremely challenging. You wonder if this will be your reality for the next decade or two. It’s heavy, and we’ve been there. But we promise it doesn’t have to stay there. It is possible to calm the chaos in your home from challenging behavior. In this episode, we sit down with Author Dayna Abraham to explore finding a parenting framework that helps create harmony in your home and redefining the idea of a “challenging child.”



    Dayna Abraham, bestselling author of Calm the Chaos: A Failproof Roadmap for Parenting Even the Most Challenging Kids.

    As a National Board Certified educator, parent of three neurodivergent children, and an ADHD adult herself, Dayna brings a unique and out-of-the-box perspective to parents raising kids in the modern world. 

    Through her compassionate framework, Calm the Chaos, she has helped millions of desperate parents around the world find peace and meet their children where they're at when conventional parenting tools have failed them.


    We can’t have your attention and not mention Time Timer. As parents, we are looking for anything that will support our kids and make our lives easier. The original Time Timer does just that. In our homes, it allows us to teach our kids how to visualize time. This helps with activity transitions, independence, and building executive function skills. Trust our pro-tip; it’s a game changer! Bonus: Head to Time Timer and use the code TCC to get a site-wide discount. 



    Calm the Chaos Book

    Calm The Chaos Instagram

    Time Timer Site  Code: TCC for a discount!

    The Childhood Collective                  

    The Childhood Collective Instagram


    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com



    #134: “I Don’t Want to Mess This Up!” Talking with Your Kids About ADHD

    #134: “I Don’t Want to Mess This Up!” Talking with Your Kids About ADHD


    EPISODE #134: “I Don’t Want to Mess This Up!” Talking with Your Kids About ADHD

    The Childhood Collective




    As expectant parents, I am sure you read “the books” like we did. Books about pregnancy, books about sleep, books about nutrition, books about not paying attention to the books, the list goes on and on. Interestingly enough, none of the books prepare you for discovering your child is neurodivergent. It is only when you realize that your child doesn't play by those books and then you feel like you’re in uncharted territory. You finally get a diagnosis of ADHD for your child, and you feel validated, and you can finally stop caring about what Aunt Carol says about your parenting. But how do you talk with your child about it? Letting them understand how their brain works and how amazing they are is foundational for their self-esteem. Chances are they already experience being “different,” so the understanding is a gift to them. Nothing we do in parenting is perfect because WE aren’t perfect, but in this episode, we share our favorite strategies for talking to your child about their ADHD diagnosis. 


    We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. Most importantly, we are moms, just like you.

    After working with families over a combined total of 40 years, we saw a need to provide ongoing support and education to parents raising children with ADHD. 


    We can’t have your attention and not mention Time Timer. As parents, we are looking for anything that will support our kids and make our lives easier. The original Time Timer does just that. In our homes, it allows us to teach our kids how to visualize time. This helps with activity transitions, independence, and building executive function skills. Trust our pro-tip; it’s a game changer! Bonus: Head to Time Timer and use the code TCC to get a site-wide discount.


    Creating Calm Course

    Time Timer

    The Childhood Collective Youtube  *Closed Captioning Available

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #133: The Benefits of Meditation for Kids with ADHD with Zenimal Creator, Anna Macsalka

    #133: The Benefits of Meditation for Kids with ADHD with Zenimal Creator, Anna Macsalka


    EPISODE #133: The Benefits of Meditation for Kids with ADHD with Zenimal Creator, Anna Macsalka

    The Childhood Collective




    If you have been listening to the Shining with ADHD podcast for a bit, you’ve heard us talk about the Zenimal. This screen-free audio device has been a GAME-CHANGER in our homes regarding sleep. But the Zenimal isn’t just for sleep support. The device also comes with meditations to guide your kids and teens through helpful breathing practices and mindset shifts. In fact, our favorite thing about the Zenimal is that every meditation ends with “And don’t forget, you’re a good kid!” In this episode, creator Anna Macsalka discusses the story behind those words and the benefits of meditation for the mind and body. Her personal experience shows the immense value of meditation for kids. And listen, you might be thinking…” My child with the Ferrari brain and bicycle brakes will not slow down enough for meditation.” We’ve also been there and have heard story after story of kids who were resistant initially but now ask for their Zenimal at school and home. Check out the episode and see why! 


    The company Zenimal was founded in 2017 by Anna Peterson Macsalka. She is a mom entrepreneur who wanted to help people lead healthier, more joyful lives through meditation. She believed that meditation could help everyone, both adults and children, to navigate our endlessly connected, fast-paced world. After suffering from severe anxiety as a child and finding solace in mindfulness practice at an early age, Anna wanted to give this gift to her children and to all beings everywhere in a way that doesn’t require a stress-inducing screen. Anna created the Zenimal+, which is a screen-free solution to practice and learn the art of mindfulness through meditation. 


    We feel so strongly about the benefits of meditation for kids with ADHD, so we devoted a whole podcast episode to it! If you love blogs as much as we do, we've summed up why we love the Zenimal for kids with ADHD and Anxiety! Zenimal helps our kids rest and reset. When bedtime rolls around, we use this screen-free meditation tool for EACH of our kids (really, we do!). It’s amazing for kids who are anxious or need help calming their busy bodies before bed. The best part? Each meditation ends with the most beautiful message: “You’re a good kid!” Use our code: TCC for a discount.


    Zenimals Website: use code: TCC for a discount! 

    Facebook Group for Zenimal Customers   

    Zenimal Instagram   

    8 Reasons Why I Love the Zenimal for Kids with ADHD + Anxiety Blog Post         

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    The Childhood Collective YouTube *Closed Captioning Available


    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #132: Building Resilience: Supporting Kids with ADHD + Anxiety

    #132: Building Resilience: Supporting Kids with ADHD + Anxiety


    EPISODE #132: Building Resilience: Supporting Kids with ADHD + Anxiety

    The Childhood Collective




    It seems like being a parent is always trying to find the goldilocks in every situation. We want to be gentle but not too permissive; we want to be child-centered but not forget ourselves. We want to be open with our kids but want to maintain healthy boundaries. The list goes on and on. The experience is only heightened with ADHD, especially when there is a second challenge or diagnosis in play. Today, we’re talking about ADHD and Anxiety. Anxiety is 2nd most common disorder that is diagnosed in kids with ADHD. According to the CDC, around 33% of kids with ADHD have anxiety. And the more concerning fact is that only around 60% of children who have an anxiety disorder ever go on to receive treatment. That means there are many kids out there suffering and not getting the tools they need to cope with their worries. In this episode, Lori from our TCC teams shares her knowledge on supporting kids with ADHD and Anxiety. 


    We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. If you’re not engaging with us on social, click the links below. We share ADHD parenting tools and tips along with empathy (and a little humor!) 


    We talk a lot about emotionally healthy kids, and sleep is a huge part of that! That is why we LOVE Zenimal. When bedtime rolls around, we use this screen-free meditation tool for EACH of our kids (really, we do!). It’s amazing for kids who are feeling anxious or need a little help calming their busy body before bed. The best part? Each meditation ends with the most beautiful message: “You’re a good kid!” Use our code: TCC for a discount.



    Our Favorite Books for Anxiety

    Anxiety Blogs from TCC

    Zenimals Website: use code: TCC for a discount!                 

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    The Childhood Collective YouTube *Closed Captioning Available


    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #131: Balancing Dad Mode and ADHD with Therapist Eli Weinstein

    #131: Balancing Dad Mode and ADHD with Therapist Eli Weinstein


    EPISODE #131: Balancing Dad Mode and ADHD with Therapist Eli Weinstein

    The Childhood Collective




    Parenting ADHD comes with it’s own challenges, but what about when you are parenting with your own ADHD? Today on the podcast, we are interviewing therapist Eli Weinstein on what it was like to grow up with ADHD and what managing looks like for him as a dad and practice owner. Eli shares how he keeps up with mental tasks, sensory overload, and getting support from his community. In this episode, we’ll discuss communication tips, and mindset shifts for parenting through our own neurodivergence. 



    Eli is a Therapist (specializing in relationship + parenting) who currently runs his own private practice in NY + NV. He is married to his wife Ariella and has two beautiful children, Rikki + Max and lives in sunny Las Vegas.

    He created ELIvation + The Dude Therapist Podcast host. He became a therapist to fill a need and create a modern outlook on mental health to create a more digestible and relatable view on mental health to help those in struggling times and add some extra inspiration and motivation into everyday life.

    Eli has been featured on Kelly Clarkson Show, The Trauma Therapist, Mimosas With Moms, Holding Space, Breaking Taboo, Therapy Thoughts w/ Tiffany Roe, and on multiple podcasts ranging from parenting, relationships, and mental health. His main goal is to help people on their journey to add support, care, empathy, expertise, and insight with no BS.

    He runs events, seminars, and individual coaching on topics from mental health awareness to public speaking coaching, relationship coaching, and confidence-boosting.




    We talk A LOT about executive function and what it takes for our kids with ADHD to plan and execute important tasks in their lives. But what about us? The mental load of parenting is real, and there is SO MUCH we have to use our executive functions for. One of those things is meal planning. What does everyone like? What will my kids eat? Which family member can have dairy, and which one can’t have gluten? The list goes on and on. We know nutrition is important, but balanced meals take a backseat between school, therapy appointments, activities, and more. That is why we are loving Hungryroot. They offer “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. Happy eating! 


    The Dude Therapist Podcast

    Eli's Website 

    Eli's Social 

    Hungry Root - Use code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    The Childhood Collective Youtube  *Closed Captioning Available

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #130: Getting to the Root of Homework Resistance

    #130: Getting to the Root of Homework Resistance


    EPISODE #130: Getting To the Root of Homework Resistance

    The Childhood Collective




    Let's take a moment to imagine a scenario. Picture yourself in a typical workday, hustling in your office. It's non-stop, and by the end of the day, you're exhausted, craving nothing more than some well-deserved relaxation at home. However, as soon as you step through your front door, your boss sends you a flurry of texts with a laundry list of tasks that need immediate attention. Sounds pretty dreadful, doesn't it? This is how homework can feel to children with ADHD. They have kept it together ALL day long at school, and their brains are tired. This turns into battles at home, kids using negative self-talk, and mountains of stress. In this episode, we are getting to the root of homework resistance and providing tools to minimize the struggle. 


    We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. Most importantly, we are moms, just like you.

    After working with families over a combined total of 40 years, we saw a need to provide ongoing support and education to parents raising children with ADHD. 


    We talk A LOT about executive function and what it takes for our kids with ADHD to plan and execute important tasks in their lives. But what about us? The mental load of parenting is real, and there is SO MUCH we have to use our executive functions for. One of those things is meal planning. What does everyone like? What will my kids eat? Which family can have dairy, and which one can’t have gluten? The list goes on and on. We know nutrition is important, but balanced meals take a backseat between school, therapy appointments, activities, and more. That is why we are loving Hungryroot. They offer “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. Happy eating! 


    Shining at School Online Course

    Episode #105: Is It Just ADHD or Something Else

    Episode #124: Homework Success Starts with the Space

    Hungry Root - Use code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    The Childhood Collective YouTube  *Closed Captioning Available

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com

    #129: A Pediatrician's Role in ADHD Diagnosis and Care with Dr. Kelly Fradin

    #129: A Pediatrician's Role in ADHD Diagnosis and Care with Dr. Kelly Fradin


    EPISODE #129: A Pediatrician's Role in ADHD Diagnosis and Care with Dr. Kelly Fradin 

    The Childhood Collective




    Here’s an obvious news flash: parenting is the best of times and the worst of times, sometimes at the same time. Parenting children with challenges like ADHD or suspected ADHD can leave you feeling confused and overwhelmed. Figuring out where to get help and who you need in your corner can be a little tricky. We’ve been there, and we’ve got you covered! In this episode, we chat with Dr. Kelly Fradin about the pediatrician's role in ADHD Diagnosis and Care.



    Kelly Fradin is the Director of Pediatrics at the Atria Institute in NYC, where she works with leading experts to bring innovations in preventive care to their members and underserved populations.

    During her time working in public health in the South Bronx, she launched her Instagram account @adviceigivemyfriends to provide calm, realistic, and evidence-based advice to families. Pursuing this mission, she wrote Parenting in a Pandemic to help give parents the tools they needed to interpret the news and support their families during the pandemic's peak. Her new book, Advanced Parenting, seeks to support parents in navigating their children’s challenges.



    We talk A LOT about executive function and what it takes for our kids with ADHD to plan and execute essential tasks in their lives. But what about us? The mental load of parenting is real, and there is SO MUCH we have to use our executive functions for. One of those things is meal planning. What does everyone like? What will my kids eat? Which family member can have dairy, and which one can’t have gluten? The list goes on and on. We know nutrition is important, but balanced meals take a backseat between school, therapy appointments, activities, and more. That is why we are loving Hungryroot. They offer “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about. As always, we want to help you, so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. Happy eating! 


    Advanced Parenting Book

    Dr. Kelly's Website

    Dr. Kelly Fradin's Instagram

    Hungry Root - Use code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    The Childhood Collective YouTube  *Closed Captioning Available

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com


    #128: I Suspect ADHD, but My Child Is Too Young for a Diagnosis

    #128: I Suspect ADHD, but My Child Is Too Young for a Diagnosis


    EPISODE #128: I Suspect ADHD but My Child Is Too Young for a Diagnosis

    The Childhood Collective




    It happened again. Another call from the preschool or another comment from a family member about your child’s behavior. Your intuition tells you something is under the surface, but your child is too young for an ADHD diagnosis. This is a hard season to be in! It seems like every week, we get messages from parents of younger children who are struggling with constant meltdowns and challenging behaviors. Today, we will share a few things families can do at home AND school (even without the diagnosis!) to help support your child and make life a little easier. 


    We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are child psychologists, and Katie is a speech language pathologist. Most importantly, we are moms, just like you.

    After working with families over a combined total of 40 years, we saw a need to provide ongoing support and education to parents raising children with ADHD. 


    We talk A LOT about executive function and what it takes for our kids with ADHD to plan and execute important tasks in their lives. But what about us? The mental load of parenting is real, and there is SO MUCH we have to use our executive functions for. One of those things is meal planning. What does everyone like? What will my kids eat? Which family can have dairy, and which one can’t have gluten? The list goes on and on. We know nutrition is important, but balanced meals take a backseat between school, therapy appointments, activities, and more. That is why we are loving Hungryroot. They offer “good-for-you groceries and simple recipes.” We have loved having one less thing to worry about. As always, we want to help you so we’ve got a code for 40% off your first box.  Just click the link and use CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40 in all caps to get the discount. Happy eating! 


    Creating Calm ADHD Course

    Episode 104: Early Signs of ADHD

    Episode 115: Who Can Diagnose ADHD?

    Zenimals Website: use code: TCC for a discount! 

    Hungry Root - Use code CHILDHOODCOLLECTIVE40

    The Childhood Collective Youtube  *Closed Captioning Available

    The Childhood Collective Instagram

    Have a question or want to share some thoughts? Shoot us an email at hello@thechildhoodcollective.com