
    The Artful Athlete

    The Artful Athlete is here to help you find your Voice in Life and in Art! Hosted by Ségolène Scheuer, a Creative and Vocal Empowerment Coach, Performer, Voice Artist and Loony Nerd. Expect a blend of creative and voice health episodes, breathwork and mindful chats to feed your voice Vocally and Creatively. Time to achieve balance and confidence, to let yourself be heard and unlock your Expression and Vocal Power artfully!
    enThe Artful Athlete139 Episodes

    Episodes (139)

    #105 - Summer of Flows: A Lion’s Pride

    #105 - Summer of Flows: A Lion’s Pride

    Summer of Flows: A series of Subconscious Release Technique, breathwork, meditations and journaling prompts

    This week's flow is a little guided meditation to invite reminders of our achievements to take form and show us that we have all reasons in the world to be proud of the life we've created for ourselves.

    Catch you next week for another flow!


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #104 - Summer of Flows: Hope

    #104 - Summer of Flows: Hope

    Summer of Flows: A series of Subconscious Release Technique, breathwork, meditations and journaling prompts

    "Hope was the wind that came from nowhere to fill your sails and carry you home." - L. Bardugo

    This quote filled my heart with a lot of visions and prompted the theme for our first Summer of Flows session: Hope.

    This Summer of Flow is a blend of gentle breathwork with SRT clearing for limiting beliefs and emotions around Hope. If you'd like to work on something more specific, please get in touch for you free 30min SRT session!

    Never heard of SRT?
    Listen to "What's SRT?": https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/76-whats-srt 


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #103 - Changing Course: Making Change Easier for yourself

    #103 - Changing Course: Making Change Easier for yourself

    Ahoy, Voices!

    This week, let's talk a little about change - while I also tell you what's changing over the next few weeks! 

    Change-ception. Yup, that's what I'm gonna call it. xD

    Summer of Flows starts next week! I'll release a full Flow Menu on Instagram this week so you'll know what's coming your way.

    Listen to "What's SRT?": https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/76-whats-srt 


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #102 - Meditation: Visualise your Throne

    #102 - Meditation: Visualise your Throne

    Today's episode is a short visualisation and meditation. Practice seated.

    Join Bella and I on 24th July at The Lodge.Space 11am to 1pm for a Yin and Breath/Energy Work Session! Limited availability - Book now!


    Mindful Chat with Bella: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/mindful-chat-13-what-is-your-essence-with-bella-maldener


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #101 - Exhibition - Feminine power: the divine to the demonic

    #101 - Exhibition - Feminine power: the divine to the demonic

    Here's a little reflection on the British Museum's exhibition "Feminine power the divine to the demonic" that I went to see last May. 

    Slightly different from our usual content, I know, but I felt like sharing this reflection and this experience with you. If you're in London and fancy seeing it, you have until 25th September, so don't miss out!

    More about the exhibition: https://www.britishmuseum.org/exhibitions/feminine-power-divine-demonic

    Mindful Chat: Book Club with Ilaria: Antigoni Rising


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #100 - Vision and Celebrations

    #100 - Vision and Celebrations

    Support The Artful Athlete Podcast on KoFi: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    Happy 100th episode!

    Today, let's look back to this year and the challenges losing your sight, your vision and your ability to visualise yourself in life. 


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #99 - What to do when... You're disheartened

    #99 - What to do when... You're disheartened

    And here we are episode 99 is up and ready for you.

    And to day we're dealing with things of the heart. Life has been a bit challenging for me since last August. And over the past few months, I've experienced ups and downs... and was left a bit disheartened by the whole process.

    So, if you've felt disheartened, here's some of the ways I've been able to handle mine.

    Sending you much love, and I'll catch you next week for our 100th episode AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #98 - What’s my Why - Part 6 - Breathflow 2: Recharge Your Sun

    #98 - What’s my Why - Part 6 - Breathflow 2: Recharge Your Sun

    And here's breathflow number 2 to seal off our "What's my Why" series. 

    And today, let's summon anchoring from the earth and fuel the sun within through visualisation and breath. 

    Celebrating and connecting to your strengths, your values, motivations, achievements and passions. Breathing into your identity and your why.

    Get cozy, and let's breathe.


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Website: https://theartfulathlete.co.uk/ 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #97 - What’s my Why - part 5: Breathflow

    #97 - What’s my Why - part 5: Breathflow

    Grab some water, a pen and paper... Get comfortable: let's do a little breathflow session to allow you to surrender to the power of your voice.

    This breathflow is a mix of nasal breathing, sighs, humming and SRT. 

    If you're new and don't know what SRT is, feel free to check out ep 76 - What's SRT? : https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/76-whats-srt 


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #96 - What’s my Why - part 4: Surrender

    #96 - What’s my Why - part 4: Surrender

    Reaching the next step in our W H Y exploration: time to surrender. To me, potentially, it's the most difficult step. Not because it requires confidence, but it requires faith and acceptance of all that has been unearthed so far. 

    Let's dive into it together. Listen carefully to the homework at the end of the episode! We'll need it for our breathwork next week.


    Want to work with me?
    Confidence, Empowerment, Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #95 - what’s my Why - part 3: where do I add value?

    #95 - what’s my Why - part 3: where do I add value?

    Part 3 of our W H Y exploration!

    To get to the core of things, you need to ask the big questions. It's necessary to connect to your truth and embody the qualities and skills you developped, are being sollicited for and feel satisfied and fulfilled using.

    Next stop: Surrender and leap of faith.


    I'm offering a 20% Discount to all individual online sessions for May! Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #94 - What’s my Why - part 2: 7-day challenge to self-awareness

    #94 - What’s my Why - part 2: 7-day challenge to self-awareness

    Let's carry on exploring and connecting to our WHY...

    And for that, why not make a little game or challenge of it over 7 days? To dive deep into self-awareness, identify your core values, motivations, passions and strength  and let these mould your mindset and connection to life.

    Would you join in a Facebook group or Discord to exchange and support each other on this exploration? Let me know on insta or over email!

    I apologise, I'm away from my home at the moment and the sound quality isn't what it normally is - but all will be back in order next week.


    I'm offering a 20% Discount to all individual online sessions for May! Jaw work, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #93 - What’s my Why - part 1: Connecting to your Purpose and when to ask “why”

    #93 - What’s my Why - part 1: Connecting to your Purpose and when to ask “why”


    Let's explore this "why" together using a 3 step method to ger out of the negative loop. In this little introductory episode, we're talking all things finding purpose and why asking "why" isn't always the best thing to do.

    I'm offering a 20% Discount to all individual online sessions for May! Jaw work, Energy Clearing, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #92 - The benefits of taking a break: easter, rituals, and future podcast plans

    #92 - The benefits of taking a break: easter, rituals, and future podcast plans

    Hello Voices! I'm back from my little excursion over to Greece! I'm sharing some of the beauty and realisations I've experienced over the past couple of weeks, some exciting creative opportunities I'm embarking on, what's the plan for The Artful Athlete Podcast next AND....

    I'm offering a 20% Discount to all individual online sessions for May! Jaw work, Energy Clearing, Release and Energy Clearing - take your pic! Get in touch to book your slot! 

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE 30MIN CALL HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #91 - New Course, Ahoy! What would you like to see next?

    #91 - New Course, Ahoy! What would you like to see next?

    I've got a few questions for you... Will you help me shape the future of The Artful Athlete Podcast?

    I'm still away this week, so this is a pre-recorded episode where I'm letting you in on this transformational and transitional path I'm stepping into.

    Have a listen... And, send me your thoughts on the content you'd like to see coming up on The Artful Athlete Podcast:

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE SESSION HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #90 -The Resilient Spirit: Breathflow with Journaling Prompts

    #90 -The Resilient Spirit: Breathflow with Journaling Prompts

    This week as promised is a breath and journaling follow along practice!

    Bring pen, paper and some water, take a seat: let's ask your body to show you the aspects of your life that require some release, and flexibility to build resilience mindfully.

    Let me know how you enjoyed the session on instagram, Ko-Fi, facebook or via email! All details are available below.

    Send me your thoughts and questions:

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    BOOK YOUR FREE SESSION HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    #89 - Resilience or Endurance: In the end is it all about Discipline?

    #89 - Resilience or Endurance: In the end is it all about Discipline?

    If you don't bend, eventually you'll break. This is the core difference between Resilience and Endurance. And this is what we're exploring today. 

    Resilience vs Endurance Blog Article: https://thelifeadventure.co/resilience-not-endurance/

    BOOK YOUR FREE SESSION HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    Breath Hub Interview: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6GzocHHxbbK99eEY5c9HDO?si=df24e199caf14120 

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    Send me your thoughts and questions:

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    #88 - Building Resilience into your Day - My Resilience Practice

    #88 - Building Resilience into your Day - My Resilience Practice

    This week's episode is a lot more personal. We've covered some good exercises for building resilience steadily last week. Today, I'm sharing with you how I've incorporated resilience building moments into my everyday. And no, it doesn't mean putting myself through daily hardcore emotional and psychological drilling.

    How can YOU make space for little building moments such as these?

    BOOK YOUR FREE SESSION HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    SUPPORT ME ON KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/theartfulathlete

    Breath Hub Interview with Nevsah: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6GzocHHxbbK99eEY5c9HDO?si=df24e199caf14120 

    Find Jacko on instagram @Jackohumanflag
    Listen to Jacko's Mindful Chat: https://theartfulathlete.libsyn.com/mindful-chats-1-discovering-breath-with-jacko 

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    Send me your thoughts and questions:

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    #87 - 5 Practices to Build Resilience

    #87 - 5 Practices to Build Resilience

    There's so many lists out there with advice on how to build resilience. These are some practices I found when doing research for this episode. They're all very accessible and will help you find resolve, balance and peace. Resilience is a quality we all need to cultivate in order to bring as much acceptance and drive to our lives again.

    5 Science Backed Strategies to Build Resilience: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/five_science_backed_strategies_to_build_resilience

    23 Resilience Building Tools and Exercises: https://positivepsychology.com/resilience-activities-exercises/

    The 9 Steps to Fogiveness:

    BOOK YOUR FREE SESSION HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    Send me your thoughts and questions:

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    #86 - The 5 Pillars of Resilience

    #86 - The 5 Pillars of Resilience

    What are the 5 pillars of resilience?
    When faced with uncertainty, stress and challenges - because you know... Life curve balls happen - which abilities and foundations should you turn to en ensure you stay in charge of this ship? 

    Enjoy the little exercise and let me know if it helped! We'll explore 5 more practices next week.

    BOOK YOUR FREE SESSION HERE: https://calendly.com/theartfulathlete/bookyoursession

    JAW MASSAGE: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMFJFTwH_Nd/

    Send me your thoughts and questions:

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete

    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Share, Rate & Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)