
    The Artful Athlete

    The Artful Athlete is here to help you find your Voice in Life and in Art! Hosted by Ségolène Scheuer, a Creative and Vocal Empowerment Coach, Performer, Voice Artist and Loony Nerd. Expect a blend of creative and voice health episodes, breathwork and mindful chats to feed your voice Vocally and Creatively. Time to achieve balance and confidence, to let yourself be heard and unlock your Expression and Vocal Power artfully!
    enThe Artful Athlete139 Episodes

    Episodes (139)

    #69 - Peridontal Surgery & Guided Bone Regeneration

    #69 - Peridontal Surgery & Guided Bone Regeneration


    Here's my experience of Guided Bone Regeneration surgery as part of my peridontal illness journey. Guess what: breath had a key role to play.

    I have 5 slots available for Voice & Breath Coaching / Stress Relief and Energy Treatment! Get in Touch!

    Book your free assessment here

    Jaw Release Massage Sequence

    Send me your thoughts and questions:

    DM on Instagram: @segovsch OR @theartfulathlete
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Rate and Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    #68 - Breathe with the Elements: Earth

    #68 - Breathe with the Elements: Earth


    It's been a while since we've done a little grounding practice, so here we go! Grounding is an excellent way to keep anxiety at bay, ease your stress levels, and come back to the present moment. Grab headphones, find a comfortable space, and let's ground.

    Book your free assessment here

    Jaw Release Massage Sequence

    Send me your thoughts and questions:

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Rate and Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    Mixed by The Artful Athlete with music provided by Indoor Mantra

    #67 - Breathe with the Elements: Air

    #67 - Breathe with the Elements: Air

    I'm off this week to recover from jaw surgery and periodontal treatment. And, I felt called to gift you a relaxing elemental breathwork, under the guidance of the autumnal element of Air. 

    Book your free assessment here

    Jaw Release Massage Sequence

    Send me your thoughts and questions:

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Rate and Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    Mixed by The Artful Athlete with music provided by ©Nature Healing Society©

    #66 - Voice Health: Jaw Tension and Languages

    #66 - Voice Health: Jaw Tension and Languages

    After all that jaw tension talk, let's open the door to languages. As a linguist, I love to discover the geography of a language. It'd be silly if your jaw held you back in pronunciation, wouldn't it?

    Book your free assessment here

    Jaw Release Massage Sequence

    Send me your thoughts and questions:

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Rate and Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    #65 - Voice Health: Jaw tension 101

    #65 - Voice Health: Jaw tension 101

    Today let's have a look at the causes for jaw tension, and why you should give it some TLC, especially if you have lost / are loosing teeth. Let's explore the jaw's intricate geography.

    Book your free assessment here

    Jaw Release Massage Sequence

    Send me your thoughts and questions:

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Rate and Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    #64 - Voice Health: Mouth and Shame

    #64 - Voice Health: Mouth and Shame

    Why is it we feel so ashamed of our mouth and what’s inside?

    The mouth is a gate between two worlds. We use it to bite into life, to chew down our meals, to express ourselves, to share who we are with the world.

    Why are we so ashamed of it?
    I've had time to think since my periodontal disease diagnostic.

    And here's my thought process.

    Book your free assessment here

    Send me your thoughts and questions:

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Rate and Review this Podcast if you enjoy it :-)

    #63 - Voice Health: Self-Censorship

    #63 - Voice Health: Self-Censorship

    Self-Censorship is something we don't speak about enough BUT WE ALL DO IT!

    Not just when we stop ourselves from writing or creating. When we stop our speech. And this has physical, mental and emotional consequences.

    Let's break it down.

    Ticket Link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tpoi-virtual-music-conference-tickets-169828909841

    Book your free assessment here

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    #62 - Introduction to Voice Health

    #62 -  Introduction to Voice Health

    Following a heavy diagnostic this summer, I discovered that there's almost nothing available to guide and support people suffering from periodontal illnesses. Even less than for jaw tension and jaw pain!

    Here's the run down of what's been going on and what this new Vocal health series will be made off! If you know someone with periodontal disease, TMJ, or suffering from other mouth-related illness: Share this podcast with them!

    And if you're after some voice support, a stress release treatment or a coaching session: book your assessment below and let's get talking! 

    Book your free assessment here

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk

    #61 - The Importance of Mindfulness & Wellness for Performers

    #61 - The Importance of Mindfulness & Wellness for Performers

    Today you're getting:

    An Origin Story of The Artful Athlete...

    A Questionnaire...

    And I share with you Fear I have for the future performers on our post-covid stage.

    Head over to my website for more information about my Wellness & Mindfulness for Performers workshop! 

    And if you're after some voice support, a stress release treatment or a coaching session: book your assessment below and let's get talking! 

    Book your free assessment here

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk

    #60 - A Creative's Limiting Belief: Finding your Ethos & Values

    #60 - A Creative's Limiting Belief: Finding your Ethos & Values

    This episode is wrapping up our Creative's Limiting Beliefs series, by showing you how to create your own Ethos following just three questions. It's the method I used when revisiting mine not too long ago, which you can read more about on my website: http://theartfulathlete.co.uk/about-me 

    I'm also preparing you a little for what's to come next, so make sure to keep a keen ear all the way till the end! 

    And if you're after some voice support, a stress release treatment or a coaching session: book your assessment below and let's get talking! 

    Book your free assessment here

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk

    #59 - A Creative's Limiting Belief: The Root of Confidence in Expression

    #59 - A Creative's Limiting Belief: The Root of Confidence in Expression

    I'm often asked what's the best way to unlock your voice and be confident. And my answer is always the same: 

    Yes, your can practice your technique on the daily. But that's half the job. 
    True mastery lies in the deep dives, at the source of your expression: because it's where everything starts. 

    One more episode of this series to go, and then... I'll need a heart to heart with you on the future content of this sharing experience. 

    Book your free assessment here

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk

    #58 - A Creative's Limiting Belief: Looking After your Creative Self

    #58 - A Creative's Limiting Belief: Looking After your Creative Self

    If you want to last in the arts industry...
    Without burning out... Without feeling voiceless... Without anxiety, fear, low self-esteem... 

    You need to look after your creative self. 

    For your voice to stay unafraid of expressing, you need to tune in to your needs, hopes, fears, dreams... You need to define what "making it" means to you, and what parameters you want to set. 

    Book your free 40min assessment!

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Mindful Chat #9 - Performance Anxiety & Vocal Pressure with Anne-Sofie Soeby

    Mindful Chat #9 - Performance Anxiety & Vocal Pressure with Anne-Sofie Soeby

    Going back to perform post lockdown is not an easy and straightforward road. But when the chance presents itself, and you're able to take part: Magic happens again. 

    Singfluencer Anne-Sofie Soeby (Insta: @annesofie.soeby) tells us of her experience overcoming performance anxiety and stage trauma, post-covid performing, and saying stop to the BS passed on in the performing arts industry.

    For more about Anne-Sofie: http://www.annesofiejensen.com 
    And tune in to her Podcast: Singfluence with Anne-Sofie



    #57 - A Creative's Limiting Belief: Why master the Breath

    #57 - A Creative's Limiting Belief: Why master the Breath

    Why do I keep on telling you to work on your breath to support your expression, your creation and your voice?... Well, today's let's break it down: from instrument to brain activation, from expression to connection. Mastering the breath has an impact that touches brain, body, mind and creative spirit.

    Need a hand to relax? To free your voice from tension? To connect to your true expression? Book your session!

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Mindful Chat #8 - Safety & Truth in Performance with Désy

    Mindful Chat #8 - Safety & Truth in Performance with Désy

    It's been a wild ride for performers and creatives since 2020. Going back to performing, we need to bring more mindfulness into the rehearsal room: Creating a safe space for all members of cast and crew should be a priority going forward.

    Désy (@desireewenger), Theatre Director and current AD in residence at Schauspiel, Bern, sits down to talk all things intimacy directing, the concept of "The Room", and the spiritual side of theatre creation. 

    #56 - A Creative's Limiting Beliefs: Is Perfection our friend?

    #56 - A Creative's Limiting Beliefs: Is Perfection our friend?

    Perfectionism is both a blessing and a curse. It's wonderful to have standards and to hold yourself accountable for creating the BEST thing. But what parameters are you using? What's creating the BLOCK in your brain? How can we find our accessible vision of perfection.

    Get in touch to lift what's weighing you down mentally, emotionally, creatively. Redefine YOUR Standards to free your Voice from self-censorship.

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch
    Email: welcome@theartfulathlete.co.uk 

    Mindful Chat #7 - Chrysalis & Creative Health with Andy Valentine

    Mindful Chat #7 - Chrysalis & Creative Health with Andy Valentine

    The call to exploring creativity and creation is a wonderful one. While it is immensely mindful, why are creatives notoriously bad at looking after themselves? And what can be done to foster a healthier balance of life-life and creation?

    Cosplayer, Prop-Maker and Creative extraordinaire Andy Valentine (@itsandyvalentine on Insta) shares how finding creative balance is helping him on his recovery from trauma & ptsd while taking his business to new heights.

    What's an Energy Warrior? Why a Chrysalis? Tune in to find out!

    #55 - A Creative's Limiting Beliefs: Be done with Sacrifice

    #55 - A Creative's Limiting Beliefs: Be done with Sacrifice

    The Sacrificial Artists is an archetype that needs to be healed. And for that, we need to address what society has put in our heads, and the good and honest truth that comes out when we're allowing our creative to give.


    Need help lifting what's weighing you down mentally, emotionally, creatively: get in touch for your relaxing, creative energy healing session!

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch

    Mindful Chat - #6 Deep in the Cold with Owen Jackson

    Mindful Chat - #6 Deep in the Cold with Owen Jackson

    Welcome to Mindful Chats #6! Today Coach and Cold expert Owen B Jackson is talking all things finding solace in cold water and nature, embracing the Disney princess vibes, social media and getting out of our heads.
    We're all creatives with busy minds: to keep it in flow and prevent over-heating, slowing down and reconnecting to the world around us is key.

    Does your mind run at full speed? Would you embrace the cold? Maybe Owen's wisdom can help you out.

    Find Owen on instagram @Owenbjackson and connect to YOUR Powerful Experience

    #54 - A Creative's Limiting Beliefs: A Safe Creative Space

    #54 - A Creative's Limiting Beliefs: A Safe Creative Space

    If you want your creativity and your voice to flourish, you need to treat them as honored guests and make them feel at home. Give them the space to BE first. When we can just BE, expression flows more truly and easily. Because we've made space for it.


    Need help lifting what's weighing you down mentally, emotionally, creatively: get in touch for your relaxing, creative energy healing session!

    DM on Instagram: @theartfulathlete OR @segovsch