
    The Clark Kegley Podcast

    Welcome to the Clark Kegley Self-Improvement Podcast! If you're looking to take your personal growth to the next level, you've come to the right place. Our show is all about identity shifting - transforming yourself into the 2.0 version of you. From mindset shifts to actionable steps, you'll discover the tools you need to overcome limiting beliefs, build confidence, and achieve your goals. Whether you're struggling with self-doubt, seeking greater fulfillment, or simply looking to make positive changes in your life, this podcast has something for you. So join us as we explore the power of identity shifting and unlocking your full potential. The 2.0 version of you is waiting.
    en183 Episodes

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    Episodes (183)

    Nathaniel Branden on "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" |10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    Nathaniel Branden on "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" |10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    Everybody wants more confidence. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were six traits that could double yours? Going over those in This weeks book review: The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem.

    The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem is a classic book by Nathaniel Branden. This book summary and book review of "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Nathaniel Branden's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer!

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/2dh7rxp
    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★

    1. Arrogance vs. Self Esteem
    Put your mask on first. Can’t give what don’t have. Arrogance is comparison-based (ironically a sign for rather low self-esteem)
    Self-esteem is self-love based (taking joy in being who you are without the need of comparing yourself to another person)

    2. Kill Your Inner Pessimist
    Signs of low self esteem: A) Self fulfilling prophecies B) Self sabotage C) Nothing is enough
    Confidence is not automatic state. Brain 2M years old designed to keep us alive. Looking for what’s wrong constantly. RE WIRE THIS = confidence.

    3. PILLAR I: Living Consciously
    TAKE AWAY: Don’t live life on autopilot. Practice awareness.
    EX: 32,850 - number of days till 90. The days are LONG but the years are SHORT.

    GET THE BOOK HERE http://amzn.to/2dh7rxp

    4. PILLAR II: Self-Acceptance
    EX: Tighten up or Loosen up? Stop beating yourself up! Only animal punishes ourselves repeatedly for same mistake. Improve on what you CAN change - forgive what you CAN’T. Would you hang out with you? Voice in head. (kick ass if someone that negative!)

    5. PILLAR III: Self-Responsibility
    STUDY: Shock experiment - Learned helplessness = Dog's response. Non-victim. Control over your life. I am 100% responsible. I am 100% in control.

    6. PILLAR IV: Self-Assertivness
    Stand up for yourself. Believe in you.
    IN BOOK: Affirmation: “My life does not belong to others and I am not here on earth to live up to someone else’s expectations.”

    7. PILLAR V: Living Purposefully
    Have a goal - strive twoards things in life. Grow or die.
    CTA: Need clarity! Journal about this. UGTKAJ mybestjournal.com - and definitely do the 11 questions to change your life.

    8. PILLAR VI: Personal Integrity
    STORY: Coach playing sports stuck with me: “Clark, character is what you do when no one is looking”. Voice ringing in my head - wash dish in sink or leave for roommate to find. Go extra mile at work even though won’t get credit. Put effort in at check out even though leave in 20sec.

    GET THE BOOK HERE http://amzn.to/2dh7rxp

    9. Ditch The Need to Look Important
    “To find it humiliating to admit an error is a certain sign of a flawed self-esteem.” ~ Nathaniel Branden

    10. Top Affirmations and Mindsets
    I have a right to exist.
    I am of high value to myself.
    I have a right to honor my needs and wants, to treat them as important.
    I am not here on earth to live up to someone else’s expectations; my life belongs to me. (Also, no one is here to live up to my expectations.)
    I do not regard myself as anyone else’s property and I do not regard anyone else as my property.
    I am lovable.
    I am admirable.
    I deserve to be treated courteously and with respect by everyone.
    If people treat me discourteously or disrespectfully, it is a reflection on them, not on me. It is only a reflection on me if I accept their treatment of me as right.
    If someone I like does not return my feeling, it may be disappointing or even painful, but it is not a reflection of my personal worth.
    No other individual or group has the power to determine how I will think and feel about myself.
    I am worthy of happiness.
    I am “enough”.
    I am able to rise again from defeat.
    I have a right to make mistakes; that is one of the ways I learn. Mistakes are not grounds for self-damnation.

    For more workshops and complete lessons: http://www.mybestjournal.com


    ★★★ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E ★★★


    ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★

    ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous
    ➤INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous
    ➤TWITTER: @clarkdangerous

    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: clark@clarkdanger.com

    The Clark Kegley Podcast
    enNovember 30, 2016

    David Deida on "The Way of the Superior Man" | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    David Deida on "The Way of the Superior Man" | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    How do you become a superior man? What does that even mean? Can you really live at your edge and discover what your were born to do?
    This week's book review is on The Way of The Superior Man.

    The Way of The Superior Man is a classic book by David Deida. This book summary and book review of The Way of The Superior Man will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from David Deida's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer!

    Here are the best 10 ideas from “The Way of The Superior Man” by David Deida

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/28V2tIY
    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★

    (2:00) 1. POLARITY
    Polarity - Masculine and Feminine - Night / day. - Black + white / color - Up / down - hot / cold - east / west - moon / sun
    This is what creates ATTRACTION - magnets.

    (0:00) 2. Stop Hoping For Completion
    If you’re not doing it right now - probably won’t ever do it.
    Success fantasies - can be the REASON you hurt and the reason you don't take action.

    (0:00) 3. Live At Your (REAL) Edge (don’t fake it)
    32,850 - number of days from birth to 90 y.o.
    Lean just beyond edge. Small gains. Gym - increase slowly.
    Safety path (educate 20 / work 40 / retire 20) vs. Danger path (risk it all)

    (0:00) 4. Never Change Your Mind to Please Your Woman
    Or anyone for that matter
    Safety mechanism - b/c if your idea fails = ALL on you. If change mind = safety of blaming someone else. BUT if it succeeds = you DON’T feel confident (not your idea). Add stock to your own decision making skills, not others.

    (0:00) 5. Discover Your Purpose Today
    Know Thyself - True North - You and Only You Can Do!
    Discover your STRENGTHS today!
    Martin Seligman “Know your strengths, use them often”
    Authentichappiness.com - strengths finder (24 sig. strengths)

    (0:00) 6. Enjoy Your Friends Criticism
    “You are the AVG of top 5 people you hang around most”
    We can be too close to ourselves / need objective perspective
    Someone who knows you WELL - willing to call you out.

    (0:00) 7. Do Not Use Your Family As An Excuse
    S.E.A. - travel saw people from EVERYWHERE. Hostel. People who “didn’t fit mold” (eat pray love / infinity sign tattoo / granola hippie whole foods) Are you willing to give up excuses? Everyone has eliminated the excuses traveling = why people get along so well!
    Never going to get easier. NEED to start TODAY.

    (0:00) 8. Praise Her
    #17 - Praise Her Freely
    Men grow throw challenge (jump fence / lift weight / dare you to X)
    Women grow through praise (X looks great on you / so pretty)
    Both superficial - deeper in relationships. She NEEDS praise form you.
    NO MR. FIX IT. Just wants to be listened to and encouraged - not fixed. Speaking to your woman, call glass half full not half empty. Praise qualities you want to see GROW

    (0:00) 9. Live As If Your Father Was Dead
    Baggage from dad - Kid who looked to others of what to do.
    “What we should do” - get rid of those expectations

    (0:00) 10. Hear Her Complaints As Warning Bells
    #31 Her Complaint is Content Free
    When a woman “nags” should be taken as “get it together”
    Trying to make you better.
    Deeper issue. Not that you didn’t clean the garage when you said you would 2 weeks ago - that she can’t trust you + you don’t keep word. No follow through - flake. Lack of integrity.
    Your word is your bond - your masculine core - your integrity - the polarity that’s attractive!

    For more workshops and complete lessons: http://www.mybestjournal.com


    ★★★ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E ★★★


    ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★

    ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous
    ➤INSTAGRAM: @clarkdangerous
    ➤TWITTER: @clarkdangerous

    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: clark@clarkdanger.com

    The Clark Kegley Podcast
    enNovember 16, 2016

    Malcolm Gladwell on "Outliers" | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    Malcolm Gladwell on "Outliers" | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    What makes someone successful?

    It’s not Intelligence, or ambition - something completely different that we’re going to dive into in this weeks book review on “OUTLIERS” the story of success.

    Outliers is a great book by Malcolm Gladwell. This book summary and book review of Outliers will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Malcolm Gladwell's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer!

    Here are the best 10 ideas from “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell

    FULL VIDEO SHOW: https://youtu.be/WwnhjE7WaL8
    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/2bSZ24e
    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★

    (1:30) 1. 10,000 HOUR RULE
    TEACHER = 4,000 hours
    GOOD = 8,000 hours
    WORLD CLASS = 10,000 hours
    This is seen everywhere else too (chess players / fiction writers / figure skaters) (Motzart sucked at first)

    NOT just 10k hours of practice. DELIBERATE practice.
    EX: Drumming - vs. practicing rudiments / playing with a metronome
    EX: GYM. MOST results come from exercises you…. DON’T WANT TO DO (pull ups / deadlifts / leg day)

    Talent is OVERRATED. BILL gates - spent 1,500 hours in first 7 months learning code. Next 7 years 7 days a week put into coding. “DARK YEARS” - said never took a day off for 10 whole years. No one filmed sexy cubicle with glasses 10 years from 9-9.

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/2bBXdbt

    (9:00) 4. EFFECTS WE CAN’T SEE
    Hockey Players - Birthdays Best ones born in march. WHY? Because of cut off dates (DEC.) This cutoff makes all the difference. Those born in beginning of year = end of cut off date (5/6/7/8 months older - but those months of practice viewed as talent = stand out) Not skill - it was physical maturity.

    (10:00) 5. DEEPER LAYER
    "It's not enough to ask what successful people are like. It is only by asking where they are from that we can unravel the logic behind who succeeds and who doesn't"

    The Beatles performed live in Hamburg, Germany over 1,200 times from 1960 to 1964. WAY more than 10k hours. Biography writer said "So by the time they returned to England from Hamburg, Germany, 'they sounded like no one else. It was the making of them.'

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/2bBXdbt

    (13:30) 7. ONE THING
    Success goes to those who master
    THE ONE THING BOOK REVIEW: https://youtu.be/03Enex_MWpc

    (14:45) 8. LIFESPAN OF MASTERY

    (16:00) 9. TRACK IT
    “What get’s managed get’s measured”
    Need tools to track progress of mastery / see results get motivated!
    Tangible skills (coding / drumming / writing / etc)
    Intangible skills (relationship dev. / personal dev / self growth)

    USE A JOURNAL! http://www.mybestjournal.com

    Best thing you can ever do for self growth. Watch videos on this channel in description.

    Go to mybestjournal.com for more info - change life in under 4 hours.

    (18:30) 10. BIG RECAP
    When you put in the effort - you get rewards.
    Factors you CAN’t CHANGE
    Focus on what you CAN change - MASSIVE effort behind it.
    GO ALL IN. Success comes to those who MASTER ONE THING.
    Get clarity and Track Your Progress (My Best Journal)

    Write it today: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    (19:40) YOUR FREE TOOLS!
    Your free 11 Questions to Change Your Life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/2bBXdbt


    ★★★ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E ★★★


    ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★

    ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: http://amzn.to/1O3riee
    ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous
    ➤INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ClarkDangerous
    ➤FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous/
    ➤PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d...

    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: clark@clarkdanger.com
    "Malcolm gladwell" "malcolm gladwell" "Outliers book" "Outliers audiobook" "Outliers summary" "Malcolm Galdwell Podcast" "malcolm gladwell podcast" "Audiobook full" "New 2017"

    The Clark Kegley Podcast
    enNovember 09, 2016

    Austin Kleon on “Steal Like An Artist” | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    Austin Kleon on  “Steal Like An Artist”  | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    Let's talk about stealing shit.

    Why did The Beatles started as a cover band? Can you write a bestselling book with just 50 words? Why is “art” really “theft”? And good artists copy, but great artists really steal? These are 10 things no one told you about being creative.

    Steal Like An Artist is a great book by Austin Kleon. This book summary and book review of Steal Like An Artist will go over the BEST 10 IDEAS from Austin Kleon's book. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer!

    Here are the best 10 ideas from “Steal Like An Artist” by Austin Kleon

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/2bBXdbt
    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★

    Start viewing art as objective not subjective.
    There’s not “good ideas” or “bad ideas” - only ideas worth stealing & ideas not worth stealing. We can embrace influence, not run from it. When people call something original, nine out of ten times they just don’t remember where influences came from.

    We are all remix. Mother + Father = You. 1 + 1 = 3. Process of evolution. We are the average of the top five people we hang around most. We are also the sum of our role models and influences.
    Create your own "Influence Family Tree".

    It is not that we must “know who we are” before we create, it is in the process that we find who we are. Life isn’t about “Finding ourselves” life is about CREATING OURSELVES

    Shift in identity is hard - might feel as if not there yet.
    Can’t view it that way. Imitation is how we learn. Musicians = scales. Painters = reproduce masterpieces. Kids = alphabet. Drums = cover songs. Remember: even The Beatles started as cover band. Paul McCartney said the only reason The Beatles wrote their own songs was so other bands couldn’t copy set!

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/2bBXdbt

    (9:20) 5. STEAL, DON’T PLAGERIZE
    Plagiarism: to try to pass someone else work as own. Plagiarism is self defeating. When you plagiarize something you deny your own creativity. Like a mechanic takes apart car to see how works.
    We reverse engineer ideas. WILSON MIZNER: “if you copy from one author it’s plagiarism, but if you copy from many, it’s research.”

    (11:00) 6. GO DEEPER
    Don’t just copy style, copy thinking behind style.
    Conan O’Brien says all comedians start by emulating heroes, fall short, then find own style. Kobe Bryant says there isn’t a move that’s a new move. Watched tapes of heroes and tried to copy. Then realized didn't have same body type to pull off - became “original”.

    Scratch your own itch - EX: male cosmetics / hair products. Couldn’t find any made from scratch / good ingredients that didn’t kill my soul using. Salon style / etc. Start business you want to run. Play music you want to hear. Build products you want to use.

    (13:40) 8. LIFESPAN OF A PROJECT

    (16:30) 9. WRITE IT DOWN
    Importance of keeping a journal.
    Write it today: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    (17:40) 10. SIMPLIFY
    No more than 3 points videos.
    Apple = obsessed with clean and simple. iPhone only have ONE button! Streamlined. Dr. Sues wrote “The Cat in The Hat” with only 236 words! Then editor dared him with 50 words = Green Eggs and Ham. One of bestselling children's books of all time. Creativity is subtraction.

    Write it today: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    (21:00) YOUR FREE TOOLS!
    Your free tools: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/2bBXdbt


    ★★★ Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E ★★★


    ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★

    ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: http://amzn.to/1O3riee
    ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous
    ➤INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ClarkDangerous
    ➤FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous/
    ➤PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d...

    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: clark@clarkdanger.com

    "Austin Kleon" "Steal Like AN Artist" "Steal Like An Artist Animated Book summary" "Book review" "Steal like an artist audiobook" "Austin Kleon Interview" "

    The Clark Kegley Podcast
    enNovember 02, 2016

    Robert Kiyosaki on Rich Dad Poor Dad |10 BEST Ideas Book Summary

    Robert Kiyosaki on Rich Dad Poor Dad |10 BEST Ideas Book Summary

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/


    Let's talk about getting rich.

    What do the rich teach their kids about money? Today’s book summary and book review: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

    This book is one of the most successful finance books out there. Robert Kiyosaki's classic wealth income and money making off real estate book, Rich Dad Poor Dad is packed full of actionable ideas and take aways. You might also consider getting the full book or audiobook for this – it’s killer!

    Here are the best 10 ideas from “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki

    FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon)
    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/2ap2EPd

    BIG 10 IDEAS

    (2:30) 1. MODELS FOR WEALTH
    The book focuses mostly on the education and financial learned from his rich dad. We all have models for wealth. Money / Beliefs are LEARNED growing up - most the time not consciously. Become conscious of our beliefs / models in order to change them.

    (4:20) 2. YOU’RE BROKE, NOT POOR
    “Being broke is temporary - being poor is eternal” -RK
    Even if you don't have money now, view yourself as broke, NOT poor.

    (5:20) 3. FINICAL FREEDOM
    “The poor and middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.”
    We have two options in life:
    1. Work hard, pay taxes, save what little is left over, then get taxed on the savings (sounds fun).
    2. Invest in our financial IQ and use it to create assets that allow us to achieve finical freedom.
    The rich ALL take option 02. The rich don’t work for money.

    (7:50) 4. FINICAL IQ
    Schools teach how to work in a job. Not how to get rich.
    EX: You get more money - spend it all. Money is a “X” multiplier for whatever going in your head already. Athletes who get GIANT contracts (no finical IQ) now bankrupt.
    EX: Lap band surgery for fat person - don’t change mindset / habits = gain ALL back.
    Solution? NEED to increase our Finical IQ

    Finical IQ composed:
    ACCOUNTING:understand financial statements.
    INVESTING: The science of money making money.
    UNDERSTANDING MARKETS: supply and demand; technical (emotion-driven) and fundamental (economic sense) investments
    LAW: Understanding taxes / avoiding lawsuits.

    (11:10) 5. E.B.S.I.
    EBSI: Employee / Business Owner / Self Employed / Investor
    Four possible paths for us (can be a mix of all.)

    (12:40) 6. ASSETS
    "Know what an asset is, acquire them and become rich.”
    BIG IDEA: For most people, their profession is their income. For rich people, their assets are their income.
    ASSETS ARE: Businesses, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual funds, Income-generating real estate, Royalties, Anything which appreciates in value over time

    (15:00) 7. LIABILITIES
    and a liability, something which takes money out of your pocket.
    Keep your expenses low and reduce your liabilities.
    Learn to live off of 75% of your paycheck.
    Favorite advice: “Grow your income not your lifestyle.”

    VIDEO SOURECE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=immQX...
    Why the 1% get richer.
    Look into the power of compounding.
    Einstein: Compounding is the 8th wonder of world

    (16:50) 9. PAY YOURSELF FIRST
    Pay yourself first.
    Before you pay your bills each month. Save 10%.
    MY TIP: If there's ice cream in freezer, it WILL get eaten. Separate bank account for this 10% money. Automatic withdrawal from paycheck.

    Be VERY clear here: NOT giving personal finical advice - not qualified for that. telling you what I am doing / what is recommended in this book.

    1. Learn about investing before you invest.
    2. Every dollar is plus one or minus one.
    3. Learn to live on 75% of your paycheck.
    4. Pay yourself first.
    5. Choose friends careful. Who you hang around avg of top 5.
    6. Always ask “How fast do I get my money back?”
    7. MINT.COM
    9. MONEY MASTER THE GAME (read this book)
    10. TEACH IT! comment with insights down bellow.

    (19:50) YOUR FREE TOOLS!
    Your free tools: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    L I N K S & S U P P O R T 

    BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: http://amzn.to/1O3riee
    SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ClarkDangerous
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous/
    PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d...

    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: clark@clarkdanger.com

    "Robery Kiyosaki" "Rich Dad Poor Dad" "Rich Dad Poor Dad Audiobook" "Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Summary" ""Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki" "Robert Kiyosaki Donald Trump" "Robert Kiyosaki 2016"

    The Clark Kegley Podcast
    enOctober 05, 2016

    Dale Carnegie on How to Win Friends and Influence People |10 BEST Ideas Book Summary

    Dale Carnegie on How to Win Friends and Influence People |10 BEST Ideas  Book Summary

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/


    The Most successful leaders all have one thing in common: They’ve read “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

    Today’s book summary and book review: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

    This book will rock your communication. Dale Carnegie's classic public speaking and interpersonal communication book, how to win friends and influence people is packed full of actionable ideas and take aways. You might also consider getting the full book for this – it’s killer!

    Here are the best 10 ideas from “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.

    FULL BLOG POST: (coming soon)
    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/29XwSTc

    Discover how you can change your life in less than 4-hours. FULL journal mastery course is now live! Learn more here: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    BIG 10 IDEAS 

    (1:30) 1. Become Genuinely Interested In Other People
    "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” -Dale Carnegie

    (2:45) 2. Let The Other Person Feel That The Idea is His or Hers.
    It's amazing what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit for it.

    (4:30) 3. Talk About Your Own Mistakes Before Criticizing The Other Person.
    Call Attention to People’s Mistakes Indirectly.
    How do you give negative feedback without sounding like a jerk? or asshole?
    TIP: Swap “BUT” for “AND”

    (6:50) 4. Dramatize Your Ideas.
    Break the script.
    Implant and anchor a reference can’t get out of head.
    EXAMPLE: Jamie Oliver’s TED Talk with sugar wheelbarrow:

    (8:45) 5. Talk in Terms of The Other Person’s Interests.
    Best point if you’re in sales / leadership / wok to influence people.
    WIIFM = most powerful tool I’ve used. (how I start these videos).

    (10:20) 6. Get The Other Person Saying “Yes, Yes” Immediately.
    EX: Psychology - we’re more likely to say yes to bigger task if said yes to smaller one first.

    (12:45) 7. Give Honest and Sincere Appreciation
    Flattery is of the tongue, appreciation is of the heart.
    TIP: Honest and sincere doesn't mean BIG and massive. Simple, “Hey, you’re a really solid speaker. Room lit up when you said that joke about the museum” or “I really love how authentic you are when speaking to others.”

    (14:20) 8. Give the Other Person a Fine Reputation to Live Up to.
    EXAMPLE: working with kids: “(NAME) you’re a leader. The other kids see you as one” - Conform to that identity.

    (16:00) 9. IDENTITY The Power of “I AM”.
    Two most Powerful words in english language? “I AM”

    Ex: I AM too old / young
    Ex: I AM too fat / skinny
    Ex: I AM a woman / man
    Ex: I AM a depressed person
    Ex: I AM too broke
    Ex: I AM not educated enough
    Ex: I AM not in the right location
    Ex: I AM able to accomplish anything I put my mind to
    Ex: I AM someone who overflows with positivity to others.
    Ex: I AM not the kind of person who chews tobacco (big one for me)
    Ex: I AM someone who provides massive value and deserves to be compensated fairly.
    Ex: I AM someone who gives their all in a relationship at all times

    (17:40) 10. SAY MY NAME!
    “Remember a person’s name is the sweetest sound”
    Names carry (AGE) years of meaning.
    Identity acknowledgement
    EX: Even dogs know their names!

    (19:50) YOUR FREE TOOLS!
    Your free tools: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/


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    BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: http://amzn.to/1O3riee
    SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ClarkDangerous
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    PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d...

    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: clark@clarkdanger.com
    “how to win friends and influence people" "how to win friends and influence people audiobook" "Dale Carnegie" "win friends and influence people summary" "how to win friends influence people book review"

    The Clark Kegley Podcast
    enSeptember 28, 2016

    Dr. Gary D. Chapman on The 5 Love Languages | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    Dr. Gary D. Chapman on The 5 Love Languages | 10 Best Ideas Book Summary

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    What’s the one book that will have the biggest impact on your relationships? The 5 Love Languages!

    Today’s book summary and book review: The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.
    This book will rock your relationships. If you read only one book that will have biggest impact on your relationships, it’s this one! Gary Chapman’s amazing relationship book that has influenced millions of couples worldwide for decades. You might also consider getting the full book for this – it’s killer!

    Special note: This book is not just for intimate relationships. The book works great for every relationship you have (co-workers / family / strangers / sales / etc).

    Here are the best 10 ideas from “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman.

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/296REnG

    Discover how you can change your life in less than 4-hours. FULL journal mastery course is now live! Learn more here: http://www.mybestjournal.com
    ★★★ BIG 10 IDEAS ★★★

    Metaphor like our car has a gas tank, our love life has a love tank.
    keep this tank full. If we neglect our love tank, we’ll start to get bigger problems.
    we need love… stats show we’re not too good at it:
    40% of marriages in USA divorce
    60% of second
    75% of third
    What’s happening? Where do we go wrong?

    (3:45) DON’T BE IN LOVE
    Falling in love is the opposite of what we should strive for. That honeymoon style / chick flick / notebook rain make out scene.
    Dr. M Scott Peck: falling in love is NOT love for three reasons:
    1. Not act of will or conscious choice (fall in love with people not compatible with)
    2. Effortless. Real love requires work.
    3. Not centered on growth of other. Gives us false sense we have arrived / at the peak

    Quality Time
    Words of Affirmation
    Physical Touch
    Acts of Service
    In order for the other person to feel loved, we must understand and speak their love language to them. Otherwise we might as well be speaking in Chinese when they understand English.

    (10:00) QUALITY TIME
    This language is all about giving the other person your undivided attention. Most “typical” love language.
    HOW TO & TIPS:
    Intentional date night - schedule it in!
    Avoid routines. Relationship killer.
    Table topics: http://amzn.to/28LAlse

    This love languages uses words to affirm other people. Not just words - but deeper reasons behind them. Give them the “WHY” “I love you” vs. “I love you because…..” or “Great job with that project” vs. “Great job with that project - you put a lot of time in it shows”
    HOW TO & TIPS:
    Focus on giving one killer compliment x a day.
    Compliment in presence of peers / brag about them in front of people.
    No longer “Thank you” it’s “Thank you for….”

    (15:15) GIFTS
    Not materialistic. Not diamonds everyday. Gifts can be cards, can be flower, can be favorite soda from Trader Joes.
    HOW TO & TIPS:
    Remember important dates.
    Focus on thoughtful ness behind gift.
    Keep log in your phone if she mentions something she likes - order it in bulk one day, disperse over time.

    (18:00) ACTS OF SERVICE
    For these people, actions speak louder than words. My dad: Would do my laundry and clean my room. Wash my car. This was his love language.
    HOW TO & TIPS:
    Don’t be lazy - pisses this person off like no other.
    Cook them dinner. Do their Laundry. Make the bed. Clean their space / room / desk / etc.
    Volunteer to help out more.

    (19:30) PHYSICAL TOUCH
    To this person, nothing speaks more deeply than appropriate touch (not bedroom only).
    Hand holding / hugs / PDA / etc.

    (22:00) FIND YOURS
    TEST ONLINE: http://www.5lovelanguages.com/profile/
    TEST IN BOOK: http://amzn.to/28O7uCw

    (22:45) CHOOSE LOVE
    Unpopular truth is that love requires work. Unglamorous side of things. Toilets don’t get flushed - hair in sink. Get realistic with it - kill fantasies. Not a finish line - real work starts after honeymoon.

    (24:00) YOUR FREE TOOLS!
    Your free tools: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/


    ★★★ L I N K S & S U P P O R T ★★★

    ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: http://amzn.to/1O3riee
    ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous
    ➤INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ClarkDangerous
    ➤FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous/
    ➤PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d...

    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: clark@clarkdanger.com
    “the five love languages" "The Five Love Languages audiobook" "Gary Chapman" "5 love languages summary" "5 love languages review"

    The Clark Kegley Podcast
    enSeptember 21, 2016

    Jonathan Haidt on The Happiness Hypothesis 10 BEST IDEAS|Book Summary

    Jonathan Haidt on The Happiness Hypothesis 10 BEST IDEAS|Book Summary

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    Where does happiness come from? This week going over best 10 ideas on: The Happiness Hypothesis. Today’s book summary and book review: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. A great read on the positive psychology movement and studying where happiness comes from. You might also consider getting the full audiobook for this!

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/1Xl4jVL

    Discover how you can change your life in less than 4-hours. FULL journal mastery course is now live! Learn more here: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    BIG 10 IDEAS 

    Lots of divisions in past have been made: BODY vs. MIND / Right brain vs. Left brain / Superego id and super Id / etc
    Internal conflicts + sometimes want different things. Body mind need to work together.
    EX: Want monogamy - body attracted to different people
    EX: Want health but body craves sugar / salt / fat
    EX: Want start business but love sleeping in

    -STORY: Me in Thailand w/ monks. Doing whole life sitting / meditating. Rid of attachments. Other extreme: USA strive / compete / climb corporate ladder - consumer everything. Feels empty.
    What is middle path? Are there attachments worth striving for?
    1. GET WHAT YOU WANT (i.e. post goal / achievement / hedonism)
    2. COMES FROM WITHIN (Buddha / enlighten / exist)
    COMES FROM WITHIN, ALSO WITHOUT (middle path! / ARE things worth striving for in life / Strive for the RIGHT attachments)

    We adapt to set point
    New TV week one is HUGE. Hot tub is HOT. Adapt over time.
    EX: 20million or be paralyzed from neck down - who’s happier? (within a year both similar to base line level of happiness w/in 10%)
    “Hedonic treadmill” - we don’t just habituate, we recalibrate

    H = S+C+V
    EX: Plant: Spring back to life if get conditions right. Almost dead - but can be fixed. Same with us.
    Happiness = set point + conditions + voluntary actions
    Don't worry about what you can'y control (set point). Focus on what we can control (Conditions & Voluntary Actions) and maximize that!

    2 kinds of love
    Compassionate love vs. passionate love
    VIDEO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFzG3...

    NOISE: linked to more stress
    COMMUTE TIME: Never adapt or get used to
    LACK OF CONTROL: Wellspring of human happiness
    SHAME: sucks self worth
    RELATIONSHIPS: Need to handle conflict healthy way

    Strong marriages
    physical touch
    meaningful relationships
    religious affiliation

    Suicide study = less likely the more constraints we have.
    Beneficial to have lines (coloring inside lines can be fun)

    Pre goal striving vs Post goal striving
    Astronaut Syndrome: Whole life working for a goal, go to moon and back, shake president hand.... now what?
    We get more pleasure from making progress twoards our goals than we do from achieving them.

    (19:20) PURPOSE OF LIFE
    QUOTE: “I don’t believe there is an inspiring answer to the question ‘What is the purpose of life?’” he says. “Yet by drawing on ancient wisdom and modern science, we can find compelling answers to the questions of purpose within life. . . . Happiness is not something you can find, acquire or achieve directly. You have to get the conditions right, and then wait.” Focus on what you can do - get conditions right, keep improving and striving / accepting more. Certain level can force happiness. Just exists.

    (20:00) YOUR FREE TOOLS!
    Your free tools: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

     L I N K S & S U P P O R T 

    BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: http://amzn.to/1O3riee
    SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous
    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ClarkDangerous
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous/
    PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d...

    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com

    Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: clark@clarkdanger.com
    “The Happiness Hypothesis" "The Happiness Hypothesis book summary" "Happiness Hypothesis full audiobook" " Jonathan Haidt Interview" " Jonathan Haidt 2016" " "Jonathan Haidt"

    The Clark Kegley Podcast
    enSeptember 14, 2016

    Gary Keller on The ONE Thing | 10 BEST Ideas Book Summary

    Gary Keller on The ONE Thing | 10 BEST Ideas Book Summary

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    Today’s book summary and book review: The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. How can you cut through the clutter, overcome the overwhelm feeling, and achieve your 5 year goal in 5 months? Today we’re going over the 10 BEST ideas from: The ONE thing You might also consider getting the full audiobook for this!

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/1syDWz3

    FULL Video Version: https://youtu.be/03Enex_MWpc

    BIG 10 IDEAS:

    (1:50) DOMINOS
    Dominos can knock over next one up to 50% larger
    1D 2” 23D Eiffel tower 31D Mt. Everst 57D Moon
    Small change - habits build on each other

    (2:50) THE ONE THING
    Try to chase 2 rabbits, won’t catch either
    EX: Starbucks - coffee
    EX: KFC - chicken
    EX: Starwars - merchandise
    EX: Google - search

    (5:40) THE 3 MYTHS
    Multitaskers (-28% of day due to multitasking. / To juggle is an illusion - only hold 1 ball at time (College) / Distracted driving = 16% all car fatalities in USA)
    Willpower - (like a muscle - more you use more you lose. Prioritize MIT in morning) (STUDY: Stanford undergrad. memorize 2digit # or 7 digit number. cake or healthy snack - 7 digit number crew 2x likely to chose cake!)
    80/20 - real quick summary (busy or productive)

    (10:45) RUBBER OR GLASS?
    "Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them - work, family, health, friends and spirit and you're keeping all of these in the air. You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls - family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life."

    (11:15) PARKINSON'S LAW
    tasks expand to time allotted
    set deadlines
    weddings / term papers / projects all have deadlines

    (12:50) THE SUCCESS LIST
    80/20 your to do list
    priority not being busy

    “What’s the one thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?”
    EX: These videos - film on MONDAY

    (14:40) LIVE BY PRIORITY
    BIG picture - small focus

    (15:30) THE 4 THIEVS
    1. Inability to say “no"
    2. Environment unsupportive
    3. Poor health practices
    4. Fear of chaos

    (17:10) APPLY THE ONE THING!
    Q: “What would this look like if it were easy”
    Q: “What’s the one thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?”
    Q: “What’s the ONE thing I could do that would have biggest impact on my: relationship / family / finical / health"
    Q: What are my ONE year goals? (journal back of notebook) - goals: 39% more likely when write down - 76% more likely when weekly report / accountability.

    (19:30) YOUR FREE TOOLS!
    Your free tools: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/


    1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous
    2. EMAIL Q: clark@clarkdanger.com
    3. FB MESSAGE: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous/


    -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E -



    - G E A R & T E C H -

    STUDIO CAMERA t5i: http://amzn.to/1lMokE0
    STUDIO MIC KIT: http://amzn.to/1M0rnFD
    MAIN CAMERA G7x : http://amzn.to/1JzLaKX
    ACTION: GoPro: http://amzn.to/1M0rfG5
    JOURNAL I USE: http://amzn.to/1U0qI5A

    "Runaway" (Pierce Fulton)
    “youknowme” (Eli Filosov)
    “drift” (TREGS)
    “flood” (TREGS)
    “perth” (mi Ka Remix)
    “refute” (nimino)
    “Back of Your Hands” (nimino)

    Final Cut Pro X


    -L I N K S & S U P P O R T -

    ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: http://amzn.to/1O3riee
    ➤SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-dm...
    ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous
    ➤INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ClarkDangerous
    ➤FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous/
    ➤PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d...
    ➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t...
    ➤DRUMS: http://www.youtube.com/ClarkDangerDrums

    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com
    GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: http://amzn.to/1WWHVT7

    Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: clark@clarkdanger.com

    “The one thing" "The ONE THING (book)" "Gary Keller" "The ONE Thing Audiobook" "Gary Keller Interview" "The one thing book summary"

    Tim Ferriss on The Best 10 Ideas The 4-Hour Work Week

    Tim Ferriss on The Best 10 Ideas The 4-Hour Work Week

    11 Questions That May Change Your Life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    Today’s book summary and book review: The 4-hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. The four hour work week is a game changer. Tim Ferriss wrote a killer lifestyle design book that has influenced entrepreneurs, world travelers and hackers for decades. You might also consider getting the full audiobook for this - it’s killer!

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/1syDWz3

    FULL VIDEO VERSION: https://youtu.be/Pe670Q9cJXE

    BIG 10 IDEAS:

    (2:45) THE NEW RICH
    Freedom multiplier (What / when / whom / where)
    Amount of W’s you control is how free you are!

    (4:08) D E A L
    Definition: Replace self-defeating assumptions.
    Elimination: Forget time management, learn to ignore the unimportant. (provides time)
    Automation: Learn to put cash flow on autopilot. (provides income)
    Liberation: Create freedom of location. (provides mobility)

    (6:09) Time Wealth
    Rolf Potts on interview here
    Value time over Money
    Having all the time is not the goal!
    Doing what excites you is!
    Only so many Pina Colada you can drink before bored

    (7:00) Why Retirement sucks
    1. Assumes you hate what you do
    2. Cost of living keeps increasing (30+ years is a TON of money)
    3. Bored by week 3

    (8:30) QUOTE
    “A person’s success or failure is determined by the amount of uncomfortable conversations he/she is willing to have”
    Noting’s going to be easy! Going to be uncomfortable - how you grow.
    What’s uncomfortable: Relationships dating / travel / starting a business / living new place / new job
    Those are also the most rewarding things.

    (9:40) TRAVEL on the cheap
    Reason I traveled was read “live like a king for $500 in Thailand”
    Did it! Solo travel - Hawaii x2 while working job
    Backpacking SEA w/o quitting job

    (11:30) Less is NOT laziness
    EX: Gym. Exercise stimulus comes in first 20min. 80% benefit in that first 20.
    If you only worked out (everyday) for first 20min better shape than if worked out 1.5 hrs 5-6x week
    Being busy IS being lazy (avoiding unimportant. Lazy to procrastinate. Lazy to check you email 50 x day)

    (13:40) Don’t shit where you eat!
    Separate spaces for work / rest / sleep

    (14:30) BEST: 80/20 and Parkinson's Law
    task swell to time allotted

    (16:50) YOUR FREE TOOLS!
    Your free tools: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/


    1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous
    2. EMAIL Q: clark@clarkdanger.com
    3. FB MESSAGE: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous/


    -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E -



    - G E A R & T E C H -

    STUDIO CAMERA t5i: http://amzn.to/1lMokE0
    STUDIO MIC KIT: http://amzn.to/1M0rnFD
    MAIN CAMERA G7x : http://amzn.to/1JzLaKX
    ACTION: GoPro: http://amzn.to/1M0rfG5
    JOURNAL I USE: http://amzn.to/1U0qI5A

    "Runaway" (Pierce Fulton)
    “youknowme” (Eli Filosov)
    “drift” (TREGS)
    “flood” (TREGS)
    “perth” (mi Ka Remix)
    “refute” (nimino)
    “Back of Your Hands” (nimino)

    Final Cut Pro X


    -L I N K S & S U P P O R T -

    ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: http://amzn.to/1O3riee
    ➤SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-dm...
    ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous
    ➤INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ClarkDangerous
    ➤FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous/
    ➤PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d...
    ➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t...
    ➤DRUMS: http://www.youtube.com/ClarkDangerDrums

    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com
    GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: http://amzn.to/1WWHVT7

    Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: clark@clarkdanger.com

    “Timothy Ferriss (Author)” “The 4-Hour Workweek (Book)” “the 4 hour work week” “the 4 hour work week audiobook” “the 4 hour work week review” “Four Hour work week” “Tim Ferriss” “Tim Ferriss Podcast” “Audiobook” “Free Download”

    Stephen Covey on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | BEST 10 IDEAS

    Stephen Covey on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | BEST 10 IDEAS

    GET THE BOOK: http://amzn.to/1UjIIXy

    WATCH THE FULL VIDEO SHOW: https://youtu.be/RgYmmjesuKw

    Today’s book summary and book review: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is one of the best books in self-development. Stephen Covery’s classic book has been influenced leaders for decades. You might also consider getting the full audiobook for this - it’s killer!

    BIG 10 IDEAS:

    (1:20) HABIT 1: Be Proactive
    Close the stimulus response gap
    What do you WANT (not don’t want)
    Focus goes energy flows - focus on goal not problem
    EX: Housekeeping in College

    (3:00) HABIT 2: Begin With The End In Mind
    Funeral Test
    Neil Gamen “Make Good Art” + climb the mountain : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plWexCID-kA

    (6:20) HABIT 3: Put First Things First
    “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least” -Gothe
    Make a “Not to do list”
    M.ost I.mportant T.ask
    Am I being busy or being productive?

    (7:30) HABIT 4: Think Win-WIn
    5 Potential outcomes: w/w w/l l/l l/w or W.
    The best outcome: 6th WIN WIN OR NO DEAL
    Negotiating salary? Selling car on craigslist? Compromises in Relationships?
    Win / win or no deal.

    (9:15) HABIT 5: Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood
    EXAMPLE: BBGC - listen vs. not listen.
    Too busy in their own head to listen to you!
    Understand first: Bonus you can communicate with them even better!
    Empathetic listing.

    (11:30) HABIT 6: Synergize
    Sum greater than parts
    EX: Apples on tree too high. Sit on shoulders to get for both of you.
    Compete or corporate? (Kegley + CO. & Pomade brewers)

    (12:30) HABIT 7: Sharpen The Saw
    EX: Cut down tree (too busy chopping to sharpen saw!)
    How? JOURNAL = #1 WAY! All these ideas in my journal. Coach yourself
    11 Q to change your life: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/

    (14:20) THE 8th HABIT
    Secret to living is giving
    Depression / anxiety / stress is a “ME” focus.
    Need a “WE” focus to feel better

    (15:20) THE 4-QUADRANTS

    (16:20) BLUEPRINT
    Everything is created twice!

    (17:30) YOUR FREE TOOLS!
    Your free tools: http://www.clarkdanger.com/download/


    1. SNAP VIDEO (highest priority): @clarkdangerous
    2. EMAIL Q: clark@clarkdanger.com
    3. FB MESSAGE: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous/


    -Y O U M A Y A L S O L I K E -



    - G E A R & T E C H -

    STUDIO CAMERA t5i: http://amzn.to/1lMokE0
    STUDIO MIC KIT: http://amzn.to/1M0rnFD
    MAIN CAMERA G7x : http://amzn.to/1JzLaKX
    ACTION: GoPro: http://amzn.to/1M0rfG5
    JOURNAL I USE: http://amzn.to/1U0qI5A

    "Runaway" (Pierce Fulton)
    “youknowme” (Eli Filosov)
    “drift” (TREGS)
    “flood” (TREGS)
    “perth” (mi Ka Remix)
    “refute” (nimino)
    “Back of Your Hands” (nimino)

    Final Cut Pro X


    -L I N K S & S U P P O R T -

    ➤BUY THROGH AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK: http://amzn.to/1O3riee
    ➤SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-dm...
    ➤SNAPCHAT: clarkdangerous
    ➤INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ClarkDangerous
    ➤FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerous/
    ➤PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d...
    ➤PALEOHACKS PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t...
    ➤DRUMS: http://www.youtube.com/ClarkDangerDrums

    MASTER JOURNALING: http://www.mybestjournal.com
    GRAB THE JOURNAL I USE HERE: http://amzn.to/1WWHVT7

    Please feel free to email me for any time for any reason: clark@clarkdanger.com

    “The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People (Book)” “Stephen Covey (Author)” “the 7 habits of highly effective people audiobook full” “the 7 habits of highly effective people audiobook” “the 7 habits of highly effective people by stephen covey” “the 7 habits of highly effective people review” “the 7 habits of highly effective people summary” “7 habits, covey” “Leadership”

    The RISKIEST thing you can do (what Ralph Waldo Emerson taught me)

    The RISKIEST thing you can do (what Ralph Waldo Emerson taught me)

    The RISKIEST thing you can do (what Ralph Waldo Emerson taught me)


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    Thanks for the support on the show!

    TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "Clarkdanger.com" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life" "Ralph waldo emerson" 

    What Tim Ferriss taught me - The Minimal Effective Dose

    What Tim Ferriss taught me - The Minimal Effective Dose

    What Tim Ferriss taught me - The Minimal Effective Dose


    TAGS: "Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "Clarkdanger.com" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life"

    The Clark Kegley Podcast
    enNovember 22, 2013

    Make YOUR Art. - (What Seth Godin Taught Me.)

    Make YOUR Art. - (What Seth Godin Taught Me.)

    Make YOUR Art. - (What Seth Godin Taught Me.)


    Thanks for the support!

    Control your life, don't let life control you.

    TAGS: Tony Robbins" "Anthony Robbins" "jim Rohn" "Personal Development" "Motivation" "Motavational" "The Secret" "Zig Ziglar" "Podcast" "interview" "2013" "2014" "new" "Clark Danger" "Brian Tracey" "Tim Ferris" "How to" "Do Over" "The New Man" "Pickup Artist" "Pickup" "Zencast" "School Of Greatness" "Health" "wellness" "Self-Help" "Dude Where's My Health" "Clarkdanger.com" "paleohacks" "paleo" "hacks" "life"

    CLARK DANGER: Top 40 Things I Learned in 2012 : Business & Passion

    CLARK DANGER: Top 40 Things I Learned in 2012 : Business & Passion

    Here's the second episode on the Top 40 List!

    As you know, I'm HUGE on mindset. Each month I'll be going solo to bring you some of the biggest / most impactful / personal development ideas and practices. I hope you get something out of this week's session as I go through my top 8 things I learned about Business & Passion in 2012. 

    Success leaves clues. Why take one new massive goals when you haven’t even reflected upon this past year’s success? I guess that’s why I’ve never been good nor seen the point with “New Years Resolutions”. If you want to replicate ANY form of success, you need to REFLECT on WHY and HOW you were successful. It is for this reason I feel that it’s much more important to reflect upon what you’ve learned over the past year. It’s in the reflection that we are reminded of life’s lessons.

    As always: can’t WAIT to hear your feedback at the end! Which lessons did you connect with? Where in your life did you experience something similar?

    Real quick: I’d also like to note that I’m in no way trying to sound preachy. These are as much reminders for myself to look back on throughout the years as they are to you! May we all get something out of these!


    Top 8 Things I Learned About: Passion / Business

    9. ABSOLUTE ABS Launching a business / product is HARRRDD! SHIT! I had no idea how much time / effort this would all be. Hiring a programmer, web developer, online banker, videographer, producer, camera man (YOU’RE MY MAN HARRY!), Film editor, graphic designer, AND writing / creating the program. WHEW! Glad that’s done! HOWEVER! SO thankful that I’ve learned how to do it all so I can be better prepared for the next products! Thanks for the support on Absolute Abs guys! www.Absolute-Abs-Workout.com (had to plug it).

    10. TWO ULTIMATE RESOURCES Time and money. Ultimately, you’re time is more valuable. You have to choose which one of the two you want to spend. The other will suffer. Spending all those hours editing / producing Absolute Abs saved me thousands, however my whole summer was spent a slave to Final Cut Pro!

    11. DHARMA This one could go in any category really. Dharma a concept I ripped of Deepak Chopra’s must read: “The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success”. The seventh law is the law of Dharma. Basically Dharma is a concept that we are ALL put here for a unique purpose. The “Universe” or “God” or “Creator” (whatever you want to label it) NEVER duplicates. Each and every one of us were given unique talents / gifts. By not fully using those gifts or fully expressing yourself you do a disservice to yourself, but more importantly everyone else who could of benefited from them! My English teacher would kill me for that run on sentence, but you get the point! Dharma. Powerful stuff!

    12. EVERYTHING IS CREATED TWICE. Once in your mind, and once in reality! This is the concept of blueprinting! We gotta give ourselves permission to dream big and think even bigger! Once you’ve created something in your mind, all that’s left is to get a M.A.P. or “Massive Action Plan.” Take action and manifest that blueprint into a reality! Dream it up peeps!

    13. EARN A DEGREE IN G.S.D: GET SHIT DONE Sometimes you just need a degree in G.S.D or “Getting Shit Done!” Turn the distractions off, lock yourself down, and make a to-do list. GSD! Oh and shout out to my roommate / best friend Harry with this one!

    14. OUTSOURCE If you want to be a millionaire, then you need to stop doing $10/hour tasks! Word. Sri Lanka does great work as does South Africa! Elance.com has saved me SO MUCH MONEY. Tim Ferris thought me this one for sure. Not just in business, but in every area of your life. There’s only so much time that we have. What’s the 5% of things that you and ONLY you can do? Do them and outsource the rest.

    15. START & STOP “What’s the #1 thing you should START doing. What’s the #1 thing you should STOP doing?” Hands down, one of the BEST questions I ask myself whenever I’m feeling off-task or off-centered. It’s not surprising at all how many times the answer has been some form of social media…. What a time-eater facebook is, good God!

    16. GIVE GIVE GIVE I said it last year, but it’s worth repeating. THE SECRET TO LIVING IS GIVING

    Thanks for the support guys!

    As always, head over to www.ClarkDanger.com to get the full top 40 list.

    Control your life and don't let life contol you!


    HOME: http://www.clarkdanger.com/
    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ClarkDangerous
    FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerUS?ref=hl
    ABSOLUTE ABS: http://absolute-abs-workout.com/

    ELLIOTT HULSE: Strongest Version of YOU, Four Layers of Strength, Steroids, Depression, Meditation, Balls Brain : Episode #7

    ELLIOTT HULSE: Strongest Version of YOU, Four Layers of Strength, Steroids, Depression, Meditation, Balls Brain : Episode #7


    What does is mean to yield into you balls brain? How would it feel to fully cash in on the four layers of strength? Is there something holding you back from being the strongest version of yourself? This show's the money maker!

    Today on the show we got Pro strongman, Non Jobber, and fellow holistic health lover Elliott Hulse. Stick around to hear how YOU can become the STRONGEST VERSION OF YORSELF. To do this you must utilize the FOUR layers of strength, while yielding into your heart & your balls brain. 
    SPEED ROUND TOPICS: Meditation, Steroids, Depression, Parenthood, and MORE!

    Control your life don't let life control you!











    CLARK DANGER : Top 8 Things I Learned in 2012 : Personal Development

    CLARK DANGER : Top 8 Things I Learned in 2012 : Personal Development

    Hey dude! We got something a little different this week, you up for it? As you know, I'm HUGE on mindset. Each month I'll be going solo to bring you some of the biggest / most impactful / personal development ideas and practices. I hope you get something out of this week's session as I go through my top 8 things I learned about Personal Development in 2012. 

    Success leaves clues. Why take one new massive goals when you haven’t even reflected upon this past year’s success? I guess that’s why I’ve never been good nor seen the point with “New Years Resolutions”. If you want to replicate ANY form of success, you need to REFLECT on WHY and HOW you were successful. It is for this reason I feel that it’s much more important to reflect upon what you’ve learned over the past year. It’s in the reflection that we are reminded of life’s lessons.

    As always: can’t WAIT to hear your feedback at the end! Which lessons did you connect with? Where in your life did you experience something similar?

    Real quick: I’d also like to note that I’m in no way trying to sound preachy. These are as much reminders for myself to look back on throughout the years as they are to you! May we all get something out of these!


    Top 8 Things I Learned About: Personal Development 

    1. “WHAT ONE CAN BE, ONE MUST BE” In short, this has become my life’s philosophy. What Abraham Maslow is saying is that all of us have this divinely inspired need of self-actualization. It’s corny but true, that everyone is as unique on the inside as they are on the outside. The universe NEVER recreates. You were put here for a distinct purpose. We must fully express ourselves and use our unique gifts / services to better serve the world. Don’t cheat us from your unique gifts!

    2. THERE’S NO “HOLY GRAILS”. “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Did you know that back in Jefferson’s day, the word “pursuit” actually meant, “PRACTICE”? Pretty different than our common interpretation of “to chase after”. If we want happiness, whatever that means to us, we can’t be caught up in this Holy Grail chase of “one day”. We must practice it EVERYday. VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S6H05qFHPg

    3. EXPRESS OR DEPRESS . Probably my most important lesson this year. Everything in nature has a polar opposite. There’s hot / cold, night / day, male / female, depression / expression. If you want to get out of a rut, you NEED to express yourself. This looks totally different for everyone. My favorite way is through Dynamic Drumming Meditation. All you drumming buddies know what I mean! EXPRESS OR DEPRESS!

    4. CONSISTENCY ON THE FUNDAMENTALS. Not taking time for yourself is like saying that you’re too busy driving to stop for gas! Ridiculous right!? Yet we do this SO much. Doing the fundamentals or things that FILL you up is a must. My big ones are: Exercise, good nutrition, proper hydration, expression, restful sleep, and personal development books. What are yours!? Do them!

    5. REAL COURAGE IS… Real courage is NOT getting rid of fear; REAL courage is taking action in spite of fear. I feel there’s a huge myth in our society that we’ll “one day” or “somehow” completely rid ourselves of fear. Let’s listen to good ol’ Mark Twain with this gem: “courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” Take action. Yesterday you said tomorrow. Begin it today.

    6. WHEN YOU’RE GREEN YOU’RE GROWING “When you’re green, you’re growing. When you’re ripe, you start to rot.” -Ray Kroc. In short, never stop learning. Oh MAN is this true! There’s something so beautiful about growth. As is in nature when something stops growing, it dies. The same is true with us! You may not die in a literal sense, but you’ll be one of those people who die at the age of 25 and continue walking around like a zombie till 70! Never. Stop. Learning.

    7. KNOLEDGE COMES IN THE REFLECTION I’ll be the first to admit, this one’s super hard for me to practice. I feel the constant need to be in the “Action Mode” when in reality, real growth happens in the “Reflection Mode”. Journaling has become a huge practice of mine. I feel that this is where everything really soaks in. Knowledge without application is useless.

    8. 95% A BITCH, 100% A BREEZE How true is this title? There’s that monkey on your back when you don’t fully commit. It’s always going to beg the question of “is this the 5% day?” That 5% will start turning into 50, then pretty soon you quit! When you’re REALLY 100%, there’s NO question and NO guess work! It’s a breeze because there’s no thinking! Take the 100% and live it!

    Thanks for the support guys!

    As always, head over to www.ClarkDanger.com to get the full top 40 list.

    Control your life and don't let life contol you!


    HOME: http://www.clarkdanger.com/
    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ClarkDangerous
    FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/ClarkDangerUS?ref=hl
    ABSOLUTE ABS: http://absolute-abs-workout.com/

    ABEL JAMES : The Fat Burning Man on a Wild Diet : Episode #5

    ABEL JAMES : The Fat Burning Man on a Wild Diet : Episode #5

    Real food. Real Results. Is it really possible to get absolutly shreded with only 5 min of sprints a day? Can you REALLY acheive optimal health while eating WHOLE sticks of Raw Organic Butter? My next guss sure can. Today we have the none other than the Fat Burning Man Abel James from the #1 Fitness and Nutrition podcast on iTunes. Abel and I touch on why you should chase your coffee with your vodka. How eating almost all fat is brain food. Why you shouldn't be a soy sucker and why you won't see Abel fist pumping on the jersey shore anytime soon. And how dubstep just might be worse for you than Justin Beiber or Ke$ha for your musical brain!

    Speed round topics: Superfoods, Supplements, Safe Carbs, Paleo Primal, Coffee

    Thanks for your support on ClarkDanger.com guys! Feel free to leave an honest review / rating on iTunes and let me know what you think! I'll bake you cookies! 

    Pura Vida


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    PODCAST: The Fat Burning Man Show






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