
    The 'Inspire your Life' Podcast with Arthi Rabikrisson

    To boldly #FindyourPrerna (Prerna = inspiration) with uplifting sentiments, real stories from real people doing extraordinary things, or just asking the questions that need to be asked to ignite your enthusiasm to go beyond your own limitations.If you like what you hear on the episodes, be sure to rate them and write a review. And of course, share!Share your comments on the episodes, it will be great to hear from you! Connect with or follow Arthi and her company, Prerna Advisory on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn with @asrabikrisson, @arthirab or @prernaadvisory. Inspire your life today!www.prernaadvisory.com
    en-zaArthi Rabikrisson65 Episodes

    Episodes (65)

    S2E11 In Conversation with Cheryl Czach: The Yes Mindset

    S2E11 In Conversation with Cheryl Czach: The Yes Mindset

    In Episode 11 of Season 2 Arthi has a motivating discussion with Cheryl Czach about how powerful the YES Mindset is not only for ourselves but others too.
    Cheryl started off with an unconventional career path, where for example, college was not in her path after graduating from high school. Instead she started working, got a part time job in an office as a receptionist and was offered the opportunity to train in accounting and join the accounts department. She said yes to it and that led to another opportunity, a little while later to be in the HR function, where she realised she loved it and wanted to grow her career there. Digging into this allowed her to study for Bachelors and MBA, in her 30s. She became VP of a tier 1 automotive firm and elevated her career into the senior exec level, overseeing many different functional areas that she knew nothing about but had a willingness to learn and try. None of these would have happened if she doubted her ability and that is the premise of the yes mindset, to be open to the potential opportunity, rather than stumble on the perceived challenge. She hares some of the practices and reflective questions to take on opportunities and reconnect with our instinct again.

     Some wise words shared by Cheryl:
      -“Yes is where the growth is.”
      - “If I’m scared, if it makes me feel nervous, then I am on the right path.”
      - “Take the opportunity, take the chance, go for growth.”

    Listen to the full episode to hear more from my wonderful guest.

    About Cheryl Czach:
    As a business leader, Cheryl Czach has been guiding professionals through their work and life journeys for over 20 years. Her passion for coaching employees, at all levels of the organization, to reach their personal and professional goals led her to start her coaching and consulting practice. She works with motivated, visionary leaders and professionals to fine-tune their leadership, improve organizational effectiveness, navigate their career and lead organizational change. Cheryl’s professional experience includes executive leadership in human resources, finance, operations, business development, talent management and entrepreneurship. Cheryl is a Forbes Coaches Council Member, publishing articles on career develop, leadership and organizational effectiveness. Cheryl’s greatest joy as a coach is supporting client’s in achieving career goals that once felt out of reach for them.

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    S2E10 In conversation with Melissa Leich: Embracing change skillfully

    S2E10 In conversation with Melissa Leich: Embracing change skillfully

    In Episode 10 of Season 2 Arthi has an inspiring chat with Melissa Leich, helping us understand the importance of being able to embrace change skillfully.

    Melissa’s multicultural upbringing and love for diversity started in childhood, resulting in her studying in the UK and being able to try out new experiences throughout Europe and Asia as a result. She has made some difficult decisions with transformational change results, from leaving her support structures to start afresh in a new country, to having to even help her friends and family understand how to make sense of the change she sought, thereby being able to assist her when needed. 

    Melissa shares the growth mindset that one need to embrace to successfully navigate through change, along with her guidelines and practical advice to ensure everything we do is about learning and being able to help others to do so too.

     Some wise words shared by Melissa:
      -“we can choose how we react to something.”
      - “see change as a growth process and to have an open mind.”
      - “You can always move along, no matter what happens. It is important to break down into your steps. Don’t see the big problem but rather what are the 4 steps I need to take first.”

    Listen to the full episode to hear more from my inspiring guest.

    About Melissa Leich:
    Melissa is a certified professional coach and member of the International Coach Federation Austrian Chapter. She is also a Fellow of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, and a thought leader at Forbes Coaches Council. Her clients include those from large corporations, SME’s and startups. Melissa brings 20+ years of business development & business consulting background and experience to her executive coaching practice, helping leaders to grow, stretch their vision and push their boundaries. She grew up in Hamburg/Germany, lived in London/England, Singapore, Jakarta/Indonesia and commutes now between Vienna/Austria and Dubai/UAE. She is fluent in English and German and has first-hand experience of European, Asian and Middle Eastern cultures.

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    S2E9 In conversation with Yuri Ramkissoon: Making your life's passion your blueprint

    S2E9 In conversation with Yuri Ramkissoon: Making your life's passion your blueprint

    In episode 9 of season 2, Arthi welcomes long-time friend, and human and environmental rights activist Yuri Ramkissoon to the show.

    Yuri shares her context of growing up in an activist family, experiencing childhood and teenage-hood in the KZN South Industrial Basin, and bearing witness to the disregard and impunity from the private sector and government to remedy the pollution. 
    A chance selection of environmental science as a filler subject in university ignited her passion in this space but the acknowledgement of this passion came full circle when she joined the  South African Human Rights Commission in 2008. 

    Yuri shares practical tips on how to figure out where your passion lies, how to work through obstacles, how to nurture and evolve your passion, and so much more!
     Some wise words shared by Yuri:
     -“if you wake up in the morning with absolute dread about going to work, you are in the wrong field”.
     - “A passion doesn’t have to be static, it changes over time”.
     - “Don’t take constructive criticism badly, it is something you can learn from”

    Listen to the full episode to hear more from my remarkable guest.

    About Yuri Ramkissoon
    Yuri is a Senior Researcher at the South African Human Rights Commission heading the Economic and Social Rights (ESR) unit. Her activist work began when she was a teenager, growing up in the South Durban Industrial Basin, where communities live in tandem with major, polluting industries, and the link between environmental rights and human rights is clearly apparent. Yuri has a Master of Science in Environmental Science and a post-graduation diploma in Sustainable Development and Human Rights. In her work, she monitors a range of rights, such as healthcare, basic education, water and sanitation, and the cross-cutting impacts on gender, race and groups categorised as vulnerable in South Africa. Yuri has done much work in the field of economic and social rights but has a particular interest in the impact of private sector activities on the environment and other human rights. In addition to undertaking research on realising socio-economic rights in South Africa, Yuri has presented her research finding to the State, Parliament and myriad international organisations including the United Nations. 

    Connect with Yuri at

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    S2E8 In conversation with Alvina Peat: Taking control of your career

    S2E8 In conversation with Alvina Peat: Taking control of your career

    In this episode, Arthi has an interesting discussion with guest Alvina Peat about how one can go about taking control of ones career.

    Alvina worked in mortgage finance for many years and the company underwent a re-organisation, leaving her with a decision to make: reapply for her role or take a leap of faith. Through a mindset shift, she took this juncture as an opportunity to reinvent herself in a way that she wanted to, and hence the start of her business. She didn’t have a business plan or clear goals defined, but she knew where her strengths lay and used that knowledge as the basis for starting her solopreneur journey. With support from her strong sister circle, she has been able to navigate her business to become established and known for the work she does in training and facilitation. From sharing about knowing your PROPS, to learning how to take care of business, to learning how desire, dare and deserve what you do ( you will need to listen in to learn about what these are), Alvina’s offers up a ton of practical and relatable  options to help you in your career journey.

    Some wise words shared by Alvina:
    -“The challenge was the opportunity”
    - “Is there anything out there that is perfect?”
    - “Perfectionism…can be a form of procrastination”

     Listen to the full episode to learn more from my inspiring guest.

    About Alvina Peat:
    Alvina is a solopreneur, communicator, coach, and masterful connector Alvina founded Williamspeat Associates in 2002 with the mission to help women, men, and teams experience success in the workplace. Alvina is also the creator of two exclusive initiatives for women. Her Empowerment Retreats and Resources (H.E.R.), dedicated to lifting women up from where they are to where they deserve and desire to be, and TCBWomen™, an influential network of solopreneurs who aspire to live a life of professional passion and purpose. Alvina is a philanthropist. She donates a portion of the proceeds from her programs, and her creative expertise to various organizations aligned with her mission to uplift women.

    Connect with Alvina at : www.williamspeatassoc.com

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    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.

    Connect with host Arthi here:

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    S2E7 In conversation with Reena Khullar: Leading for success in the pandemic

    S2E7 In conversation with Reena Khullar: Leading for success in the pandemic

    In Episode 7 of Season 2 Arthi has an inspiring chat with founder Reena Khullar, who began her business in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic!
    Reena wanted to try something new and she figured she could go back to a 8am-4pm job at some stage if she wanted to but for now the conditions were right: everyone was working from home, everyone was looking for new ways to manage this environment as the workforce was changing due to evolving roles. Reena decided to go for it, with a ‘nothing to lose’ mindset on this. What she didn’t realise was the impact she would have by writing about global leaders experiences.

    Reena believes her agility  is what has garnered her success, along with the support of clients, colleagues and others in her stakeholder ecosystem. Showcasing ones authenticity brings about new business and support too and Reena also shares how this flows into a brand identity. When building relationships, this is a key factor in garnering support from clients as your brand and values matches similarly to the client also. For those who may be struggling with that misalignment Reena offers some advice around relooking at the job descriptions for the roles  filled by employees and updating these to be current.

    In order to continue leading for success, Reena plans 3-6 months out, just as she advocates for her own clients to do the same and part of her strategy is to connect with more people, in person, because body language adds to the perspective too of what partners, collaborators and clients are undergoing and showing up as.

    Some wise words from Reena:

    • “Success is very very authentic…it is a very personal journey”
    • “We don’t work for the organisation, we are a representative of the organisation…”
    • “Covid has given us an opportunity to go in a  re-evaluate ourselves as a person and our relationships and where we want to be in our life”

    Listen in for her key tips on how to continue leading for success, whether at startup stage or emerging from the pandemic.

    About Reena Khullar:

    Reena Khullar is the Founder and CEO of Agilis Executive Consulting, a management consulting firm that offers HR partnerships and executive coaching to organizations across the globe. Her background is an Executive HR Consultant specialising in leadership strategy and professional development, where she launched and led consulting firms that supported clients with their workforce planning, organizational design strategies, and HR programmes for growth. 

     Reena was nominated for an RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Award through the WOI Women of Influence™ organization. She is a member of the Forbes coaches council and Harvard Business review Advisory council, writes for Entrepreneur Media and is a speaker with the Work Wellness Institute™ in Canada, talking about best practices in leadership, diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.

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    S2E6 In conversation with Leang Chung: self-awareness as a solopreneur

    S2E6 In conversation with Leang Chung: self-awareness as a solopreneur

    In Episode 6 of this season, Arthi has an insightful conversation with Leang about how we need to raise our self-awareness as solopreneur.

    Leang shares how she was someone who always had to do things first in her family, being a role model to cousins and one of the eldest in her generation, she set the bar of what they could consider doing and achieving. It’s quite a responsibility to shoulder of course, and it is very typical of many Asian communities for this to happen. 

    Leang had always had that entrepreneurial spirit and keen on #business, so after 15+ years in the #peoplemanagement and #talent space, she opted to give her own business a go by leveraging her experience and monetising it. 

    Two things offered her security to embark on this journey: a long runway of capital to be able to sustain her lifestyle should things take longer than planned to work out, and confidence in her expertise, backed by experience, to be able to secure a good role again, should she need to return to corporate employment. 

    From her initial focus area not being successful to being pleasantly surprised about how her new target market emerged, from lessons around self-awareness and creating a personal brand, to working with key support structures as needed to amplify her message and be unique and authentic in her business, Leang is journeying through it all and offer emerging solopreneurs and those of us in the trenches, some practical ideas of what to do, of ways to grow and own our awareness of what happens to us and our business. She advocates for us, from her own experience, to be open to change when needed and pay attention to opportunities when they present themselves so they aren’t missed.

     Some wise words from Leang:
     - "Being a solopreneur is the best way to get to know about you, because the buck always stops with you"
     - " Be open to what the market is telling you and listen to how you are responding"
     - "Give yourself that permission that you are a human being and that that was the best decision you could have made in that moment".
     Listen to the full episode to hear more from my inspiring guest.

    About Leang Chung:
    Leang Chung is the Founder & CEO of Pelora Stack. She helps underrepresented early-stage founders and mid-career woman prepare for their ‘first’. What do we mean by this? Examples are: The first time you scale your team….negotiating your salary and making a career change. Leang is able to offer these insights by leveraging her 15+ years of HR leadership, to help companies evolve from one business cycle to the next (from startup, to high growth, and to even turnaround). 

    Leang is an active speaker and writer on topics such as Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Advancing Women in the Workplace, Networking as an Introvert, and Relationship Building as an Entrepreneur to name a few

    She serves on different boards as chair, ambassador and mentor apart from running her own accelerator programme through her business too.

    Connect with Leang at https://www.pelorastack.com/

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    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.

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    S2E5 In conversation with Rose Pillay: Purposeful Career Pivots

    S2E5 In conversation with Rose Pillay: Purposeful Career Pivots

    In the 5th episode of Season 2, Arthi is joined by gest Dr Rosetta (Rose) Pillay, a woman who's journey to her purpose is filled with career changes and choices.

    Rose shares context about her traditional upbringing and extremely humble background, with expectations around what her career should be. She boldly selected choices that were out of line of those expectations, and at times without her family's knowledge, purely because her innate sense of awareness guided her towards testing the alternatives that presented themselves to her. With each choice made, it opened up further decisions and pathways, some she rejected and others she took out of necessity, until she eventually reached what she calls the moment of finding her truth and her 'tribe', in the leadership and development space.

    Rose shares a number of  ideas on how we can walk away from the familiar trajectory while still feeling happy with that updated decision, and not allowing self doubt to hinder us. She reminds us to be kind to ourselves even on those days when you don't have the energy or will to be strong. Just attempt again the next day.

    Rose remains motivated by her purpose and is invigorated by the words of Nigerian artist Yemi Alade's song Africa as she embarks on her new project on this beautiful continent.

    Some wise words from Rose:
    - "Decisions made for comfort are great and so are decisions made to stretch us. Ultimately, everything belongs"
    - " Comfort and discomfort have the potential to bring us happiness"
    - "Feedback is a gift...and has the power to deliver powerful transformation".

    Listen to the full episode to hear more from my remarkable guest.

    About Dr Rosetta Pillay
    Dr Rosetta Pillay  is an ICF accredited coach, an impactful facilitator, an innovative thought leader, emerging author and a dynamic motivational speaker. Her work in the field of finance and exposure to the corporate world have given her a deep understanding of business practices. In addition, her study of Leadership Development and contribution to this domain has broadened her perspective on how to improve business performance. Rose believes that shaping learning and development journeys for individuals and team will translate into tangible, sustainable changes. 

    Connect with Rose at https://www.panaceahedging.co.za/

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    S2E4 In conversation with Divya Parekh: The joy of impacting others

    S2E4 In conversation with Divya Parekh: The joy of impacting others

    As we begin #womenhistorymonth in March 2022, Arthi speaks to guest Divya Parekh about the joy of impacting others.
    Divya shares about her career inflection point as a result of watching her colleagues being laid off and how this catalysed her thinking about the impact this on her own esteem and health, and what she could do to ensure next time it was not her being retrenched.
    After some reflection, and knowing her joy of working with people, she opted to undertake coaching certification and accreditation, and has not looked back.
    She shares personal stories of being shunned, of working with clients to be more authentic and how all of this creates her personal joy and purpose, as a servant leader.

    Some wise words from Divya:
    - "Be prepared to fail"
    - " Claim you stage, own it. It will be OK"
    - "Being confident does not mean that you cannot be assertive".

    Listen to the full episode to hear more from my remarkable guest.

    About Divya Parekh
    Divya Parekh, a 10-time #1 bestselling author, business growth strategist, and motivational speaker,  who partners with high achieving business owners, experts on the rise, Fortune 500 and Fortune 50 leaders who are ready to play full out, experience the joy of impacting others, and expand their reach, business, and revenue. 

    Connect with Divya at https://www.divyaparekh.com/

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    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.

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    S2E3 In conversation with Nadine Hack: Humility and Connectedness

    S2E3 In conversation with Nadine Hack: Humility and Connectedness

    In Episode 3 and as part of spotlighting the focus on Black History Month, Arthi is joined by guest Nadine Hack, to talk more about Humility and connectedness.
    Nadine recounts her awareness of ubuntu (the African philosophy of 'I am because we are') as something that she came into the world into, and thereafter being drawn to other  people who imbued connectedness as the key to meaningful life, and who exuded humility in their power as changemakers. These global icons such as Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Shirley Chisholm - to name but a few - impacted her towards her purpose of coalition building and harnessing the power of connectedness through humility across the globe.

    Key words of wisdom shared by Nadine include:
    "I'm going to be about building coalitions about bringing people together about building bridges. Because that's what our world needs."
    "it's a healthier way to live to be a voice of life, light and to amplify other people who are voices in light"
    " Think, reflect, act - and Listen, Learn, Lead"

    Listen in to hear deep stories, real ideas and feel inspired by the richness of Nadine's journey and ongoing support of connecting people for the greater good.

    About Nadine Hack
    Nadine was named Top 100 Thought Leader Trustworthy Business Behaviour often enough to earn Lifetime Achievement Trust Award. She advises business and nonprofit executives, heads of state, international leaders/organizations on clarifying goals and tackling obstacles to achieve them, with particular emphasis on global citizenship, entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership development.  She was the first woman Executive-in-Residence at IMD Business School, where she maintains an active affiliation to focus on responsible leadership, diversity, sustainability, human rights and other social issues for 21st century business. Prior Board Chair of Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation, she’s served on executive committees as a board director of many other nonprofit and business boards.  She’s writing a book, The Power of Connectedness, with a foreword by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Desmond Tutu. 

    Connect with Nadine at https://www.because.net.
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    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.

    Connect with host Arthi here:

    #findyourprerna #prernaadvisory #bebold #bebrave #podcast

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    S2E2 In conversation with Susan Heaton-Wright: Thriving beyond limiting beliefs

    S2E2 In conversation with Susan Heaton-Wright: Thriving beyond limiting beliefs

    On episode 2 of the second season of the Inspire Your Life podcast, Arthi explores the positive side of limiting beliefs, and how one can thrive beyond it, with guest Susan, who has had to overcome tremendous limiting beliefs imposed by others, at a young age, and became her burden to carry and fend off.

    And fend off she did, despite being an introvert. She found the courage on a number of instances, which she shares with us in the episode, but the one that sticks out is the courage to reach beyond what was expected of her in terms of tertiary education options, and how she defied the judgements, created an ally, and eventually studied at a top 100 university in the world!

    Some key words of wisdom shared by Susan include:
    "We are allowing somebody else to limit our potential"
    "Take a moment to step back and enjoy what you've achieved every day"
    " If other people push back with microaggressions and triggers, recognize them. And it's all about them, not about you."

    Listen in to hear the practical advice, real ideas and feel inspired by Susan's journey and optimism.

    About Susan Heaton-Wright
    Susan is a Global Virtual impact, communications and speaking expert for emerging leaders and the creator of the Superstar Communicator™ methodology. She is an international speaker; the MD of award winning music company, Viva Live Music, podcaster and a former prize winning international opera singer. Susan is regularly interviewed on BBC Radio Five Live; BBC2, local radios and international podcasts, like the Inspire Your Life podcast. She is a contributor to articles in Forbes, The Guardian, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, The Scotsman and trade publications. In 2020, she was named as an #ialso 100 top inspirational female entrepreneurs in UK.

    Connect with Susan at www.superstarcommunicator.com  and also find the  Ten Top Tips
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    S2E1 In conversation with Santa Meyer-Nandi: The power of Ikigai

    S2E1 In conversation with Santa Meyer-Nandi: The power of Ikigai

    In this first episode of Season 2, Arthi explores more about #Ikigai, the Japanese philosophy of purpose, with guest Santa, who has been using this philosophy since being a graduate.

    She shares a number of personal stories of her journey of finding herself without a job in the financial crisis, to cultural expectations of what she should do as a career, to being undervalued for her skill - yet she has been daring and courageous to put herself out there, despite being turned down, until the right opportunity materialised  leading her down the path to where she is today. Her ikigai continues to evolve.

    Some key words of wisdom shared by Santa include:
    "Structure gives us freedom"
    "Finding your sweet spot gives you endurance without fatiguing you"
    " Vulnerability is part of being strong"

    Listen in to hear practical advice, real ideas and feel inspired by Santa's journey and optimism.

    About Santa Meyer-Nandi
    Santa is an environmental lawyer turned sustainability & well-being expert, based in Paris. She is the Co-Director and founder of the Think & Action Lab FindingSustainia, a UNESCO award-winning think tank known for its 30 day sustainability challenges, and is currently scaling up the FindingSustainia non-profit approach. She is a speaker, facilitator, writer and coach and speaks German, English, French and Bengali fluently, thus its extremely easy for her to undertake all these opportunities globally.

    Connect with Santa http://findingsustainia.org/ and on social media:
    IG: @findingsustainia

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    Connect with host Arthi here:

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    In conversation with Joyel Crawford: Bouncing forward from burnout

    In conversation with Joyel Crawford: Bouncing forward from burnout

    In this final episode of Season 1, Arthi has a meaningful conversation with the inspiring Joyel Crawford about how we can not just move past burnout, but actually bounce forward from it.

    Joyel shares how 2020 was the year she was looking forward to, from a business and professional perspective, with a number of key projects lined up, until the pandemic hit, causing cancellations and clients business to dry up. 

    This caused anxiety and fear but also opportunity, thanks to her network, which helped her to keep the business afloat. But, it was work that was based on desperation, not inspiration as she says. And her anxiety didn’t cause her to question these new contracts enough, in terms of fit and purpose alignment to her. Burnout symptoms started to show, like migraines, eye strain and fatigue which she denied was happening to her, even though she had experienced these warning signs before.

    It manifested as lack of clarity and focus on the work. And this was the big mistake, says Joyel, and it was actually focusing on herself that was needed. It took an intervention by her husband for her to realise she needed to do just that – focus on her. Boundaries was key to begin the journey of recovery.

    Joyel has devised the RISE process and she shares that with all of us to implement, not just when burned out, but also as a healthy way to proactively beat stress and bounce forward.

    Take a listen to the podcast to find out more about this, talismans and so much more!

    About Joyel Crawford:
    Joyel is a Certified Professional Career Coach, Certified Virtual Presenter, and Leadership Development Consultant at Crawford Leadership Strategies. 

    Prior to her consulting career, Joyel supported professionals within all functional groups for 18 years at Verizon Wireless in the areas of Employee Relations, EEO/AA, Staffing, Professional Mentoring and Learning & Development Training.

    She's facilitated leadership development courses and has been a keynote speaker and her career advice efatures regularly on  Forbes, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, and Huffington Post to name a few.

     Joyel also hosts a television show and podcast called “Career View Mirror'. She’s the co-author of the Amazon Best Selling book “Speaking My Truth” presented by Cheryl Wood where she shares her personal story of “How To RISE from the Ashes of Burnout.” 
    She has also recently authored her first book "Show Your Ask" which is also on the bestseller lists.

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    In conversation with Sahar Andrade: Making fear your friend

    In conversation with Sahar Andrade: Making fear your friend

    On this episode, Arthi has a meaningful conversation with Sahar Andrade about how growing up in 7 different countries as a child was laden with both negative and positive experiences.

    On the positive side, she met people who were so diverse, that she became accepting and non-judgemental of who they were. Thus very open-minded as a child. 

    On the negative side, it created a lack of real connection with people, aided by a heightened self-awareness of her weight. She shares a personal story of how at 10 years old, her excess weight caused her to not be permitted to participate in a dance show that she really wanted to. This incident shaped her life by creating her fear of being embarrassed, ridiculed, let down, not being liked, and of rejection. In her words “name the fear and I probably subscribed to it.” And this fear exacerbated the lack of connection with others. 

    The fear settled inside her, and she wanted to become invisible to the world. Fearfulness controlled her life until 3rd year of medical school, where she had had enough of fear taking over her life and defining her path in life. During a summer break, with the support of her dad, she took a job at PanAm, as a first step towards doing something on her own, breaking the chain link of fear-based decision-making. This experience also bolstered her courage to go to the US after completing medical school, to live life on her own terms.

    Being fearless is about having the courage to face fear in spite of fear, says Sahar. Sahar believes one must have a healthy boundary with fear to actually excel and not be complacent. She shares some ideas of how one can make fear a friend through negative visualisation, and reverse the equation. Positive narrative and gratitude makes us happy so make that the new habit!

    “Embrace, claim, name and reinvent” says Sahar! Listen to the episode to find out what that means!

    About Sahar Andrade:
    Sahar is a Diversity, Global Leadership, and Personal Transformation Speaker and Consultant. She has lived, worked and been educated in 7 countries across 3 continents; and she speaks 5 languages. She holds a Double Bachelor of Medicine, and Surgery, with a Major in Psychiatry from Cairo University;

    Sahar’s accolades are wide ranging, from being nominated for DEI awards to businessowoman to be watched, being a Ted and Sue Talk expert, an author, Adjunct professor at USC and just so much more.

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    In conversation with Michael Thiemann: defining vision through values

    In conversation with Michael Thiemann: defining vision through values

    In this episode, Arthi has a purpose and value-based discussion with Michael Thiemann, who shares some of his personal journey where he reached a tipping point in a very successful corporate career and made the decision to live more purposefully based on his values. A positive impact from the financial crisis, would you believe!

    Michaels shares his personal vision, which is inspiring and some of the personal development he has done, and offers others too, such as founders and senior executives, build their journey towards a values based vision - the north star as he mentions that we all need to find.

    If you have been grappling with how to find your north star, or even how to underpin what you are doing, with your values, take a listen to Michael's tips and ideas. Life is too short and we want to be able to leave a lasting legacy of the positive impact we have made in the world.

    Just do it today, says Michael. Here Here to that.

    About Michael:
    Michael is the founder of Strategy-Lab™, a strategy & business model consultancy, which has been helping large and medium-sized companies, start-ups and founders for over 30 years. in finding and implementing value-oriented growth strategies that are geared towards trends and market contexts and are based on human-centered business models. Michael has been a C-Suite executive for many years, and he has played interim manager role, is a strategy consultant,  a project manager, coach, international key note speaker and author.

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    In conversation with Sujata Gupta: In pursuit of the dream

    In conversation with Sujata Gupta: In pursuit of the dream

    In this episode Arthi has an inspiring conversation with Sujata Gupta, the creative head and founder of fashion boutique Nandni Studio in India.
    Sujata reached her 40's and realised that this 3rd phase of her life needed to be purposeful and meaningful to her, not based on others expectations.
    Being a seasoned IT specialist in the corporate world,  it was a chance sighting of a billboard for a fashion design course at the leading school in India that catalysed Sujata into action.
    From undertaking the fashion design course, to quitting her job and starting the fashion label with the simple intention of just pursuing creative interests, her business has grown, has had setbacks and continued to flourish thereafter. So too has Sujata grown personally.
    Her advice: the dream is worth pursuing. It might fail, but rather to live, try and fail or win, than live but never know what could have been.
    "Kal Ho Naa Ho" keeps Sujata inspired, and this conversation is sure to inspire you too.

    More about Sujata Gupta:
    A senior IT executive, an alumni of IIM Calcutta & NIT Kurukshetra, with 24 years of corporate exposure, Soojata quit the IT industry to follow her passion and dabble with garment design. After understanding the basics of the design process from Pearl Academy, she has launched her own label – Nandni. She has a keen interest in handwoven fabrics, handwork and subtle details which is well reflected in her work. Minimal and functional and the two best ways to describe her work.
    Visit www.nandnistudio.com

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    In conversation with Harumi Gondo: Stepping up boundaries for business success

    In conversation with Harumi Gondo: Stepping up boundaries for business success

    In this episode, Arthi has an eye-opening conversation with Harumi Gondo, about knowing the value of the business you conduct, and how to set those all important next step boundaries.
    Harumi shares her personal business experiences of growing her NPO and business and how having a low pricing model hindered her success, until she became self-aware that this needed to change. With courageous conversations, she set and reinforced boundaries that have allowed her to thrive both personally and professionally. 
    Harumi's share some wonderful analogies of the staircase and the open house, as ways for us to understand how we can grow beyond the present towards our vision. 
    Take a listen to these wonderfully candid insights.

    About Harumi Gondo:
    Harumi has done a lot of work in the teaching space in academic and journalism spheres, before she founded an NPO in 2018 called TypeLAB, which trains and certifies Japanese mothers to understand and develop themselves to engage in satisfying relationships and careers. Her work centres around facilitating personality development through understanding  of Self.

    Harumi also founded her for-profit group 2 years later, 16 Type, to run type trainings for companies and associations to build teamwork and culture centered around growth and psychological safety. Harumi believes this is her third and most likely final career.

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    In conversation wit Ryan Lahti: Dealing with blame, uncertainty and risk

    In conversation wit Ryan Lahti: Dealing with blame, uncertainty and risk

    In this episode Arthi has a conversation with Dr Ryan Lahti about how one can deal with blame, uncertainty and risk.  In this VUCA environment, we face these threats regularly and often are ill equipped to handle them with success. Ryan shares his personal experience of dealing with  blame, uncertainty and risk in a client context and shares insights on how to navigate these as skillfully as possible - with finesse!
    By learning and practicing how to 'finesse the grey', one can learn an effective way to cope that realises productive strategic outcomes personally and in business.
    Ryan share his finesse framework as a useful guide, to save you listeners, time on figuring out what to do. He ends off the show encouraging us to adopt the idea of SiSu, a finnish term talking to "tenacity, perseverance and acting rationally in the face of adversity."

    About Ryan:
    Dr Ryan Lahti is the founder and managing principal of OrgLeader based in southern California. He is the author of a book called The Finesse Factor as well as a contributor to Forbes on leadership, talent management and organizational effectiveness issues.

    Ryan serves midsize and Fortune 500 companies that are driven by science, tech, engineering and math (STEM businesses) and he particularly focuses on enabling the leadership of these companies to develop key capabilities so that they can optimise their organisations, 

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    In conversation with Erin Urban: Elevating your path from setbacks

    In conversation with Erin Urban: Elevating your path from setbacks

    Arthi's guest on the show  is career coach Erin Urban. Erin shares how a poor performance review gave her much needed insight about why she was not moving ahead in her career towards the desired leadership role. This catalysed her to reflect and with the support of both her CEO and mentor, began a self-awareness journey that culminated in what she does today.

    Erin offers ideas about why we may be held back in our careers, which can be based on fixed mindsets that may be in place, along with specific narratives, stories or mental models that we have created that shapes the way we experience and show up.

    She offers great advice on how we can start to unravel these unproductive stories along with finding ways to celebrate both the wins and the setbacks, and elevate our career game plan by making small incremental changes.

    About Erin:
    Erin is a certified Executive Coach & Career Accelerator and helps emerging and evolving leaders remove career roadblocks, unlock their potential, and elevate their careers.  is an international speaker, behavioral scientist, and the host of the Career Coffee Chat Podcast. She is also the author of the bestselling book, Elevate Your Career: More Impact + More Income. Visit www.coacheurban.com to find out more.

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    In conversation with Christine Rose: Surviving and thriving beyond gender violence

    In conversation with Christine Rose: Surviving and thriving beyond gender violence

    In this episode Arthi has a deep and impactful conversation with Christine Rose, about her experiences with gender violence in childhood and how that impacted her into teenage and adulthood.
    She shares how with support and guidance, she was able to heal from the trauma and returned to her authentic self again. She has dedicated her life to service for others, be it via coaching or other initiatives, and she have thrived and become successful (and nationally celebrated!) because of the impact she has made.
    Listen in to this powerhouse woman for some beautiful words of wisdom and empowerment about regaining control despite one's historical context, and finding the wins in failure too, so it also becomes a source of celebration.

    Christine is an  ICF credentialed coach, was named Top Business Coach of 2019 and is listed in the 2020 Registry of Top 100 Business & Executive Coaches. She has co-Author and authored  International Bestselling books and is a strong advocate and leading the way when it comes  coaching and campaigning for gender equality, in her own practice as well as on international bodies such as U.N. Foundation’s #EqualEverywhere campaign .

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    In Conversation with Ali Dunn: Creating personal growth beyond motherhood

    In Conversation with Ali Dunn: Creating personal growth beyond motherhood

    On this episode, Arthi has a deep conversation with Ali Dunn about the (internal) barriers that come into play once women become mothers, both on the personal and professional front. Because women play many roles in their personal and career lives, there is often guilt around time management and prioritisation between these two areas.
    Ali shares her personal story of grappling with this and how she has been able to diminish these negative thoughts and push through to do what is now her purpose. 
    So if you are curious about personal and professional growth beyond motherhood,  listen in for useful advice, lessons and practical ideas to get that started for you, or to help you keep persevering.

    Ali Dunn is an ICF accredited Life and Leadership coach for professional women who want to live a more empowered  and meaningful life. She coaches women into greater possibilities both personally and professionally through 1:1 and group coaching. Whether it’s career changes, entrepreneurship, or leadership it begins with a solid foundation of learning to trust yourself and tap into your values so you can live a more meaningful and on purpose life.

    Ali runs and participates in a number of initiatives. There’s a weekly coaching group called Cup of Clarity, on productivity and planning. There's also an entrepreneurial coaching group called Feel the Growth. She serves as a mentor coach at The HIvery in San Francisco and works with Women for Change, which in a non profit focused on making coaching accessible to women from diverse backgrounds.

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