
    The 'Inspire your Life' Podcast with Arthi Rabikrisson

    To boldly #FindyourPrerna (Prerna = inspiration) with uplifting sentiments, real stories from real people doing extraordinary things, or just asking the questions that need to be asked to ignite your enthusiasm to go beyond your own limitations.If you like what you hear on the episodes, be sure to rate them and write a review. And of course, share!Share your comments on the episodes, it will be great to hear from you! Connect with or follow Arthi and her company, Prerna Advisory on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn with @asrabikrisson, @arthirab or @prernaadvisory. Inspire your life today!www.prernaadvisory.com
    en-zaArthi Rabikrisson65 Episodes

    Episodes (65)

    In conversation with Claire Boscq-Scott: How to rise stronger after a fall

    In conversation with Claire Boscq-Scott: How to rise stronger after a fall

    In this episode, Arthi talks with Claire Boscq-Scott, who shares how her realisation that her life was heading out of control, both personally and in her career, made her take the brave decision to take her power back, So, she quit her stressful job, moved to the island of Jersey, even got divorced and had to find her feet again. But it gave birth to her successful entrepreneurial journey. That was 12 years ago.
    However Claire experienced a severe business setback due Covid-19 last year, where she lost all her clients in a matter of days. But she bounced back, through her self-awareness and personal development modalities she had invested in before, and also by asking for support when she needed in.

    Claire shares a lot more about how she found her next chapter in terms of her business journey purpose within feng shui mixed with how to incorporate this with our work environment. She has risen stronger after the fall and shares her words of wisdom with all of us, with practical and useful advice to get your mindset into optimism and openness, for success.

    Claire Boscq-Scott is an international award-winning Customer Experience Expert, the creator of The BizShui concept, a Keynote Speaker who has spoken in over 20 countries, an author of 3 books; with a No 1 Amazon Best Seller in 2020, she is an international media influencer.

    If you enjoyed this episode, then do rate, write a review and share with others. 
     Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.
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    In conversation with Jennifer Helene Popken: Shifting emotional health for career success

    In conversation with Jennifer Helene Popken: Shifting emotional health for career success

    In this episode Arthi invites guest Jennifer Helene Popken to share more about her emotional health and how reaching that difficult place actually catalysed her towards a now successful career.

    Jennifer shares her framework for success called emotional stamina which has the triad pillars of fitness, food and mindset. She shares how food and emotional health is linked and also advocates practical ideas on how we can bring back the fun in how we move. Being more mindful about how we treat our body will ultimately strengthen our emotional health and mental health that will catapult our personal and career success.

    Jennifer is a coach and leads a myriad of online educational programs, in the form of training and business mentoring programmes, by developing innovative content strategies for work/life balance, performance, and optimal living. She also represents a variety of programs as a presenter and evangelist.

    Jennifer is passionate about freedom, and her experience has shown her, that this is achieved through lifestyle practices. One of her personal mantras is  "Your daily practice is your strongest medicine," a great reminder that what we repeat, becomes what we imbibe and put out in the world too.

    If you enjoyed this episode, then do rate, write a review and share with others. 
    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.
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    In conversation with Csaba Toth: Rising from failure towards an uncommon mindset

    In conversation with Csaba Toth: Rising from failure towards an uncommon mindset

    Arthi is in conversation with Csaba Toth, a British/Hungarian entrepreneur, researcher and coach based in the UK. 
    Csaba shares how through some of his business failures arose the opportunity to disrupt the common mindset, at a business, culture and self-awareness basis.
    Listen to his key advice and learning from his journey to-date, to make your own disruptions possible and opportunities to be unlocked from setbacks and failures.

    Csaba is the founder of ICQ Global, a people development organisation with over 100 licensed partners in 38 countries. ICQ, also known as cultural intelligence, is about leading and serving people in a way that they feel valued, understood and being able to turn our differences into synergy.
    He is the developer of the multi award-winning Global DISC model and the best-selling author of the Uncommon Sense in Unusual Times hybrid book published with Marshall Goldsmith. 
    Csaba has 15 years of experience in setting up start-ups, working with Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, entrepreneurs and certifying over 60 coaches and consultants globally.

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    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.
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    Reflections and Gratitude

    Reflections and Gratitude

    In this birthday episode, Arthi shares some reflections from the past year. 
    In a pandemic , there is a new normal in now in place, and even me-time and self care looks very different to pre-pandemic times.

    Arthi shares how she had to adjust to a new home life, and had to have a new lens on her business too. From collaborators and partners she met along the way, she learned about investing in oneself for a longer term payoff, to the power of the virtual platform to reach so many more people than otherwise thought.

    A key lesson is to be able to pivot one's business and use one's strengths to find a pathway to success. To also push oneself out of a comfort zone brings growth and eventually you become comfortable with that too - its new learnings which spur creativity and innovation,

    Gratitude to all the supporters and listeners of the Inspire Your Life podcast. Your feedback has been fantastic and thank you for sharing your private moments. To know that these episodes resonate and Inspire you is the fulfilment of the goal of the Inspire Your Life podcast.

    Arthi ends the episode with some inspiring words from "Invictus", so help give us courage in these trying times.

    If you enjoyed this episode, then do rate, write a review and share with others. 
    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.
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    Strengthen your emotional resilience

    Strengthen your emotional resilience

    In this episode Arthi speaks about the need to understand and fortify one's emotional resilience to cope with stress, anxiety, frustration, guilt, but also to be able to be truly empathetic, and offer kindness.

    In a world where words and actions can be easily misunderstood or misrepresented, showing emotion can become a double-edged sword. Thus the perceived judgement by others is what leads most people down the path of finding some neutral ground of managing how they show emotion.
    It is far from ideal and creates distance, weakens mental agility and stifles social supporting mechanisms.

    Arthi outlines a 5 step process to relaunch and begin building your emotional resilience:
    Awareness → Feel → Insight → Action/Will → Solidify.

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    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.
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    In conversation with Neshica Bheem: Resilience is a choice

    In conversation with Neshica Bheem: Resilience is a choice

    Arthi is joined by guest Neshica, who shares her personal story of resilience.
    Having been in a near-fatal car accident, Neshica had to find the courage to overpower mental distress in order to recover.  Her sheer tenacity, along with support from loved ones, ensured that she recovered fully and is able to lead a normal life. However, her resilience was tested many times over the years and at each stage, she's taken away learnings and used them to strengthen her resolve, but also to make the concerted choice to always persevere no matter what.

    Neshica is the founder and director of Coachfluence, a coaching and consulting services firm that launched in 2020 and her business focuses on individual and organizational performance improvement as well as growth solutions. Her belief in the power of the human mind and spirit that made her start Coachfluence. Into her business, Neshica brings not only the qualifications such as her B.Sc in Science Education, Masters in Coaching and Behavioural Change and the ICF ACC credential, she also has over 20 years of experience in business analysis, coaching and learning consulting from her corporate career within the telecommunications and financial services.

    Neshica has published thought leadership pieces in the domain of coaching, and has been featured on radio talk shows and in prominent HR Magazines in South Africa. This is a multi-talented business woman, mum to two beautiful girls, wife and so much more.

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    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.
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    In conversation with Gretchen Ki Steidle: How self discovery catalyses social change

    In conversation with Gretchen Ki Steidle: How self discovery catalyses social change

    In this episode, Arthi is joined by Gretchen Ki Steidle, the founder and President of Global Grassroots, a US based NGO that operates a mindfulness-based social venture incubator and women's leadership program in post-conflict East Africa .

    Gretchen gives us insights into her journey of self-discovery, from the young age of 9, knowing that her privilege needed to be used for the better of humankind and specifically women. Through her travels across the world, she transformed herself by turning away from a traditional path in terms of career, to leading a purposeful life as a social change agent, catalysing others to push boundaries and grow beyond their circumstance.

    Gretchen helps us understand mindfulness and the intersection between mindfulness, leadership and social change. She also offers simple ways which we can become social change agents too.

    About Gretchen:
    She is also the founder of Circles for Conscious Change, which is a transformative education-based organization working with social entrepreneurs, non-profits, and corporations on the use of mindfulness as a design tool for social innovation. Gretchen believes that cultivating inner awareness and contributing to the common good are both necessary to advance the greatest level of positive social change.

    From being an author, an emmy nominated documentary producer and an MBA graduate, to being a certified breathwork practitioner assisting women and children to heal from the trauma from war, disaster and gender-based violence ravages in countries such as Rwanda, Haiti, the US and Uganda, Gretchen’s experience is so multi-faceted. She is purposeful in her work and her insight into human nature, suffering and potential for excellence is undeniable. It’s no wonder she has been named on various lists for her remarkable work and is sought after globally for talks and workshops about mindfulness and social change.

    If you enjoyed this episode, then do rate, write a review and share with others. 
    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.
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    In conversation with Able Wanamakok: The 'No' of kNOwing and caring for self

    In conversation with Able Wanamakok: The 'No' of kNOwing and caring for self

    In this episode, Arthi is joined by Able Wanamakok who shares her experience of how she was able to set boundaries with those she loves, by being able to say no.
    Able takes us back to her upbringing and childhood and how her family's expectation was the overriding factor that shaped her life at that stage. The realisation that she was depleted and actually didn't know herself and her true nature set her on a path of self-awareness and self-care and the ability to create new boundaries in her life that would allow her to be authentic. 

    Able is the Founder of Find Your Voice Asia  which specialises in communication Coaching, she is also an International Presenter, TEDx Speaker, Speaker Trainer and Entrepreneur and so much more.

    Born in Hong Kong, raised in small town US and now having made Thailand her home, Able is someone who adapts easily, whether its to the environment, language, clients needs – she is versatile and knowledgeable on so many aspects. I had the fortune to meet Able as a fellow panelist on the very crucial topic about Conquering Imposter Syndrome, at the Corporate Diva Virtual Summit on Women Leadership and Diversity, which was held in March this year. 

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    In Conversation with Debbie Tam: The cost of pursuing perfectionism

    In Conversation with Debbie Tam: The cost of pursuing perfectionism

    In this episode Arthi is in conversation with guest Debbie Tam, who shares her insights into the dark side of perfectionism, the costs and impact it can have on one's life. More importantly though, through some deep introspections comes the realisation that things need to change, and Debbie highlights some of the key things she undertook to overcome the need for perfectionism, as well as lessons learned.

    Debbie is a business owner who offers business performance consulting as well as coaching to leadership teams and individuals using both neuroscience and emotional intelligence methodologies.

    Her ability to do this stems from her deep experience in the public & private sector in the areas of finance, operations, and leadership where she led teams to optimise processes and systems and also held senior leadership roles that built her agility and resilience.

    Debbie holds an MSc in Coaching and Behavioural Change from Henley Business School and is a qualified accountant. Apart from her business, she is also a learning facilitator on the Getsmarter platform, on a course from MIT about Neuroscience in Business.

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    The Power of Authenticity

    The Power of Authenticity

    In this episode, Arthi offers the idea that when a person is truly authentic, it is easy to put the masks aside and live a life that is purposeful and fulfilling.
    Arthi offers 5 ways in which one can work towards being authentic, which include:

    • Finding purpose
    • Releasing from self-limiting beliefs
    • Developing a growth mindset
    • Being courageous to face your fears
    • Speaking from your own space of experience, not in judgement of others

    Feel free to rate, write a review or comment, and share this episode with other too.
    Share your own thoughts on being authentic and what you're doing to stay true to you.
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    3 Habits that show you do not care about you

    3 Habits that show you do not care about you

    In this punchy episode, Arthi turns the spotlight onto self-care and how important it is to be aware when you are actually derailing your wellbeing due to bad habits.
    Why is it important to know? Because...
    You feel (the breadth and depth of which is sometimes unfathomable).

    You strive ambitiously (and win or lose).

    You measure yourself against others (dangerous territory).

    You criticise (passively mostly, underpinned by your web of personal experiences).

    You self-deprecate (often out of fear or self-doubt).

    You think (up to 60000 per day and at least 80% are negative and 95% are repeats from the previous day – what a lot of energy!).

    You believe (and disbelieve).

    Form habits that enhance the productive aspects from all of the above. Take a listen to this episode to hear more.

    Of course, if you like what you hear, fee free to write a review and share with others too. You never know whose life you may change.
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    In conversation with Aviva Baran-Rothschild: Emotional health through self-care and energy optimisation

    In conversation with Aviva Baran-Rothschild: Emotional health through self-care and energy optimisation

    Married at 41, a mother at 42 and widowed at 43. 
    In this episode, Arthi invites her guest Aviva Baran-Rothschild, to share her journey on dealing with grief and trauma that caused her emotional health to suffer.
    Being a single parent to her now 11 year old son, dealing with her own grief, and continuing to build her business,  Aviva has cultivated resilience into the DNA of who she is and in what she  does. Using her personally developed tools, such as energy optimisation, Aviva is enabling working mothers to find their balance again, no matter the challenges they face.

    About Aviva:
    Aviva is the Founder of Fields of Change, her business which offers coaching, design and facilitation to private clients and organisations. Her key focus areas are building leadership skills, emotional intelligence, resilience, and energy optimisation. She has been working in the field of people development for 32 years while academically she is a PCC credentialed coach with the ICF, has her Masters in Coaching an dbehavioursl change and continues to upskill here in areas she find interesting. In addition, she has been involved in many aspects of community development and volunteer work, here in South Africa, the UK, India, and Israel; doing transformation work, conservation, therapy, and teaching. 

    Share your own stories of self care and resilience, and what has helped you overcome challenges you have faced.
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    In conversation with Dipika Trehan: Springboard from self-realisation to true purpose

    In conversation with Dipika Trehan: Springboard from self-realisation to true purpose

    Arthi is in conversation with Dipika Trehan in this episode, the founder of the H.O.W Forum and Corporate Diva.
    Her organisation works across the verticals of holistic employee wellbeing  &  women leadership development. Having stayed abroad for close to a decade, including my home country, South Africa, she understands the nuances of cross-cultural barriers along with prevalent well-being and leadership gaps. Corporate Diva, in particular, addresses the upskilling and support needs of the life cycle of women professionals, all the way from University classroom to Corporate Boardroom. This creates the space for these women to transform into LEADERS.

    Dipika has a strong sense of independence, gained through her upbringing, but shaped but experiences with her health (her weight in particular) and her journeys with her family to different continents due to work circumstances. She candidly shares her inner dialogues and struggles, but also the transformational journey that enabled her to create her business, and find her purpose, which  is to help women realise self-love and assist in rising them up to be their best selves in their professional and personal settings.

     Dipika has a string of awards to her name, including being named by ET NOW as one of the 100 top global Diversity and Inclusion Leaders, honoured by the World Economic Forum as an Iconic woman,  top Woman CEO and top woman achievers and many more accolades. 

    If you enjoyed this episode, then do rate, write a review and share with others. 
    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.

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    In conversation with Helen Young-McLaughlin: The power of intuition in decision-making

    In conversation with Helen Young-McLaughlin: The power of intuition in decision-making

    In this episode, Arthi is in conversation with Helen Young-McLaughlin, founder of Helen Young Coaching and Consulting. 
    Helen shares personal insights about how her intuition has driving her to succeed in priority areas in her life, being  family,  her quest to continuously learn and grow personally, and her career choices too. 
    Helen brings over 18 years of experience into her business, from a breadth of consulting assignments to also the range of industries she has worked in or with. Her sweet spot is focusing her effort on transforming middle-managers into a company's most valuable asset. She shares how intuition and her model of coaching, unlocks middle-managers potential for themselves and their organisations.

    By sharing her key lessons about following your intuition, to how to feel less stuck and being confident in your decisions as an entrepreneur, you will find some useful guidelines for a strong start to your 2021.

    Feel free to write a review and share this episode. Also, share you own ideas on thoughts on intuition and how you have used this for you rown phenomenal results.

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    In conversation with Naleni Govender: Realigning priorities and creating a change agenda

    In conversation with Naleni Govender: Realigning priorities and creating a change agenda

    In this episode, Arthi has an optimistic conversation with Naleni Govender, an Institutional Sales Specialist with many years of experience in the asset management industry, about how 2020 has been a catalyst for positive change amidst the chaos of the pandemic, rearranging the way of work/home/study schedules and much more.
    Naleni offers some key learnings around sense of self and time efficiency to still get many things done, leave other things undone and also to change the narrative and one's agenda.

    Take a listen and share your own learnings looking back on the year that was 2020.

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    In conversation with Rachel Duffy: The powerful journey to consciousness through parenting

    In conversation with Rachel Duffy: The powerful journey to consciousness through parenting

    In this episode, Arthi is in conversation with Rachel Duffy,  who is passionate about her work with parents, families and leaders.

    When Rachel became a parent to 3 children, she had to examine her own beliefs and conditionings and she saw how she was parenting from ego and not authentic connection. She shifted her focus, dove deep in learning about Conscious Parenting and obtained a coaching certification through Dr. Shefali's Conscious Parenting Coaching Institute. Rachel utilizes
    this paradigm to focus on the parent, rather than the child, to create life lasting change in the parent-child relationship.

    Rachel shares insights about her background, the tough but enlightening journey of self-awareness, how that is shaping her current reality both personally and in her business, while offering up some wonderful lessons and advice for our own pursuit of growth, development and enduring relationships with our kids. 
    If you're a parent, this is one episode you do not want to miss!

    If you enjoyed this episode, then do rate, write a review and share with others. 
    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.

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    Defeating your Imposter Syndrome

    Defeating your Imposter Syndrome

    In this short yet punchy episode, Arthi discusses Imposter Syndrome, showcasing a personal example of how easily one can be made to feel that one doesn't belong, but how equally having an advocate for yourself can change the outcome of the situation.

    Arthi offers 5 tips to help you discard that imposter feeling, which can be implemented immediately with just a little thought and a mindset shift.

    Share some of your key ideas on what has worked for you on defeating your imposter syndrome.
    Rate, comment and share this episode with others who may need some guidance in this area too. Subscribe to the podcast so you catch the episodes as they become available.

    #FindYourPrerna. Be bold. Be brave.

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    Revealing your personal brand - 5 ways to get started

    Revealing your personal brand - 5 ways to get started

    In this episode Arthi underscores the importance of revealing your personal brand, and how your personal brand is transformative ‘normal’ you. It allows you to bring that authenticity about yourself every single time to any occasion or situation you find yourself in.
    This not only deepens networks and relationships, but can be a purveyor of further opportunities.
    Arthi offers 5 ways in which you can start the journey to revealing your personal brand, starting with knowing your purpose.

    Share some of your key ideas on what has worked for you on building your personal brand.
    Rate, comment and share this episode with others who may need some guidance in this area too. Subscribe to the podcast so you catch the episodes as they become available.

    #FindYourPrerna. Be bold. Be brave.

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    In conversation with Lucille Sikosana: Woman in Finance spotlight and building your emotional resilience

    In conversation with Lucille Sikosana: Woman in Finance spotlight and building your emotional resilience

    Arthi's special guest is Lucille Sikosana, who is a Business Development Manager at Old Mutual Investment Group in South Africa. Her passion for investments stems from wanting South Africans to better their lives by bettering their financial circumstances. Lucille has a degree in Economics, an honours in International Trade and Finance and holds the CFP designation. When Lucille isn’t talking money and investments she enjoys networking over good round of golf.

    A range of topics are covered including:

    • Being an African woman in the finance industry, some truths and revelations on navigating a career 
    • How having a sponsor or coach who believes in you can boost your career path
    • Money, it’s relevance and what your relationship with money should be. 
    • Physical health and fitness, and being diagnosed with Lymphoma 3 years ago and how that has contributed to her personal learnings and growth.  
    • Emotional resilience being vitally important when one is dealing with a health diagnosis as this
    • the need for strong support systems around oneself and how Lucille has been anchored by the 3 F’s:  family, friends and faith.

    You will be inspired by Lucille's wise words and practical advice.

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    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.

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    Interview with Amrit Ahuja: Transitioning careers and building a digital brand

    Interview with Amrit Ahuja: Transitioning careers and building a digital brand

    Arthi's guest on this episode is Amrit Ahuja, who is an industry veteran (+28 years) in the communications, PR and marketing space.  By way of background, Amrit specialized in technology firms (Facebook, Dell, Google, Uber, Xiamoi, Intel, AirBnB, Pintrest) brand building and reputation management for brands in India. She is currently an inhouse branding consultant at the Michael Susan Dell Foundation consulting their investee projects across startups and governments. She also consults to the Social Impact Finance NPO to build a voice on Impact Funding in India.
    Amrit is passionate about women upliftment and empowerment, advocating for greater gender diversity on company boards as a result.
    She shares her experiences on her unconventional career in many respects, shattering boundaries along the way. She also delves into how to build an outstanding personal brand both in person and digitally, considerations for transitioning across careers based on purpose as well as what life looks like at a 'slower' pace. A jam packed episode filled with insights and tangible ideas to inspire your growth and development.

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    Share too, your own insights from your journey based on themes from the episode - what has worked or hasn't for you. We can all learn from each other.

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