
    The Life by Design Business Podcast

    The Life by Design Business Podcast by Claire Nicole Stansfield will bring you inspiration, motivation, strategy and everything in between!
    en-gbClaire Nicole Stansfield87 Episodes

    Episodes (87)

    The Reality of Growing a Successful Business

    The Reality of Growing a Successful Business

    In this week's episode of Life By Design, I interview my amazing friend Emma Louise Parkes. Emma-Louise is a Business Strategist & Mindset coach for ambitious introverts, empaths & highly sensitive entrepreneurs, & host of The Ambitious Introvert® Podcast. She works with entrepreneurs to help them grow & scale successful, sustainable online businesses.


    It is my hope that in listening to this episode you will find it so permission giving, so you can enjoy the process of building and growing your business more and be much kinder with yourself!


    Experienced business coach and mentor Emma Lou Parkes and I share some of where we see newer entrepreneurs going wrong, and how these mistakes can be so easily avoided or course corrected. 


    If you recognise yourself in any way here, please know that you are not alone and there are much easier ways, which is where personalised coaching support makes all of the difference.


    Follow Emma here and say hello:






    How My Client 2x’d Her monthly Corporate Salary in just 3 Weeks!

    How My Client 2x’d Her monthly Corporate Salary in just 3 Weeks!

    In this week's episode of Life By Design, I interview my amazing client Sofia Darling who  3 weeks into my 6 month program  has 2 x her corporate monthly salary,  got paid way more than she ever thought possible, and made more money in one day than she did in a month in corporate!!


    In this week's episode you will learn what Sofia didn’t have  to make 2 x her corporate salary - this will blow your mind and blast through all of it to illustrate how so much of what we believe we need at the start of a business is completely untrue!


    This episode is incredibly inspiring for every business woman who is wanting to reach her next level!


    What You Will Learn in This Episode:


    • How Sofia thinks about business that has made the biggest difference to her, and getting these results. 
    • The challenges she had to overcome in order to move her business forward and create these incredible results. 
    • Exactly what she did to  2 x her monthly corporate salary in 3 weeks so you can do the same!


    22:00 What Sofia says about the Accelerator program

    25:35 What Sofia did to get unstuck

    28:00 How Sofia got resourceful to give her business what it needed.

    33:39 How Sofia is now successfully getting paid 3 x what she was going to charge before coaching.

    34:00 What did Sofia didn’t do to make sales! This will blow your mind. 

    36:22 What made us both laugh like crazy and make me cry happy tears. 


    Join my 6-month intimate group coaching and mentoring program to increase your leads and sales in less time and with more ease and SAVE £500 before 24th June. 


    Follow Sofia here and say hello:






    The Real Story Behind Reels and How to Make Them More Easeful to Grow Your Audience and Impact

    The Real Story Behind Reels and How to Make Them More Easeful to Grow Your Audience and Impact

    In this week's episode of Life By Design, I talk all about Instagram Reels! Do you have limiting beliefs when it comes to making reels? Are you stopping yourself from showing up and using them to grow your business and your audience? If you are, then this episode is for you!


    What You Will Learn in This Episode:


    • How to create the right mindset and boost your confidence when using these new features in your business
    • How to make Reels work for you - so you WANT to create them consistently!  
    • How to make the most of Reels to capture the attention of your audience and provide quality content. 
    • How to incorporate strong hooks within your Reel that makes your audience want to engage




    How to Shift Your Energy and Skyrocket Your Productivity and Results

    How to Shift Your Energy and Skyrocket Your Productivity and Results
    In this week's episode of Life By Design, I talk all about how to identify and plug up energy leaks  to move forward into your business with more energy and more ease. I will share with you some stories of things that you wouldn’t expect would impact your business - but guess what? They do!


    What You Will Learn in This Episode:


    • How to stop leaking energy, so you can get energised and channel it towards more purposeful things
    • How to feel aligned and make more sales in your business. 
    • The neuroscience behind one of the most simple things you can do daily to increase your energy without taking more time. 


    If you are experiencing procrastination and feeling unfocused then this episode is for you! 




    How to Overcome Your Mindset and Money Blocks and Achieve Your Goals with Money Mindset Coach Belinda Smith

    How to Overcome Your Mindset and Money Blocks and Achieve Your Goals with Money Mindset Coach Belinda Smith

    In this week's episode of Life By Design, I interview my dear friend Belinda Smith, a Money Mindset & Confidence Coach who helps women slay their money mindset and confidence demons so they can finally break through their own glass ceilings and live the BIG dreams they’ve been dreaming.

    Your money mindset is your attitude and beliefs about money. It reflects and reinforces your existing relationship with yourself and how you understand and use your personal power.

    It’s not about how much you have, it’s how you see it and how you use it - and we cover that and more in this episode!


    What You Will Learn in This Episode:

    • The #1 question to break through your limiting beliefs
    • How fears around money dictate your business success 
    • Mindset shifts to raise your confidence and self acceptance levels 
    • What we both could not imagine life without

    If you are ready to get ‘unhooked’ from every single thought that’s holding you back from putting yourself in front of the world in a big way - then this episode is definitely for you!




    The #1 Thing To Do If You Want To Get FULLY BOOKED

    The #1 Thing To Do If You Want To Get FULLY BOOKED

    In this weeks episode of Life By Design, I am going to be sharing with you the #1 thing to do if you want to get FULLY BOOKED


    If you want to get more visible, grow your audience, want to make an impact and make a bigger difference in the world then this episode is for you. 


    What You Will Learn in This Episode:


    • The reasons why launching will help you achieve your business goals and that all important financial freedom.
    • How to launch without the overwhelm.
    • How launching can be fun AND aligned with your values!


    Join ‘Laugh While You Launch’, my free training series for women who started their business to make a BIG difference, are done with not knowing where their next client is coming from and want help creating a simple, manageable and fun launch plan to GET FULLY BOOKED!






    How to Overcome Overwhelm

    How to Overcome Overwhelm

    In this weeks episode of Life By Design, I am going to be sharing with you how to overcome overwhelm. 


    I am human just like everybody else and I sometimes get overwhelmed and when I do I know what eases it, and that is exactly what I want to share with you today! 


    Perhaps you are going through a season of overwhelm, you would like to know what to do when it resurfaces again or perhaps you just want to try and avoid it entirely? 


    Either way this episode is for you. 


    What You Will Learn in This Episode:


    • The things I do to avoid overwhelm
    • How to feel immediately calmer and in more control 
    • How to ‘Marie Kondo’ your brain
    • What limiting beliefs lead you to feel more overwhelmed
    • How to use the overwhelm you are experiencing to your advantage
    • Tools you can implement to get you out of overwhelm when you fall into it


    Finding what works for you and committing to that self care, we are able to be better business owners and show up as better coaches for our clients. 


    Your energy is everything in business, so promise yourself to look after it!



    How PR can Help You Grow Your Business with Caroline Joynson

    How PR can Help You Grow Your Business with Caroline Joynson
    If you are a business owner, introducing PR into your marketing is an important part of promoting yourself with confidence and clarity. In this episode, I’m joined by a PR expert Caroline Joynson. Today we will talk about all the reasons why you should incorporate PR into your marketing strategy in order to grow your business, and how to do it. 

    What You Will Learn in This Episode:

    - How to get started and  find PR opportunities

    - What will help you get PR

    - How to make and implement a PR plan

    - Different types of PR

    - How to get behind your message so you can become visible as an expert and increase your confidence

    - Looking at PR as creating relationships and reputation through sharing quality ideas, content and stories.

    All the answers are inside you and they need guidance to get out. As Caroline advises, do your research work, find a great opportunity and go for it. Deal with your emotions and your mindset because your business needs this. 


    - Caroline Joynson’s Website https://cheerleaderpr.com/ 

    - Follow Caroline Joynson on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CheerleaderPR/ 

    - Join Caroline’s Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/prforpassionategogetters/

    - Follow Caroline Joynson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/cheerleader_pr/

    - Join The Six Figure Freedom Accelerator  https://clairenicolecoaching.com/the-3-x-accelerator/      

    - Email me or leave me a review claire@clairenicolecoaching.com

    - Visit my website  https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com

    - Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Clairenicolecoaching/

    - Leave a review on iTunes https://www.chartoo.co.uk/itunes/podcast/1480596326-the-life-by-design-business-podcast

    Do This to Get Better Results

    Do This to Get Better Results

    There are so many things to learn about successful building, creating, growing, scaling, running a business and managing a team. But you don’t have to do all that studying by yourself. In this episode, I’m sharing with you a faster way to achieve what you want in business.

    What You Will Learn in This Episode:

    - Where you need to be selling more and where you are missing opportunities 

    - What your content marketing needs to be like in order to inspire taking action

    - The power of strong belief in your offer

    - How to sell every time you want somebody to take action

    - What business skill you need to learn to increase your business results

    So selling isn't just an exchange of money. It's influencing people to take the action that's going to give them more value.  

    Join my 6-month intimate group coaching and mentoring program to increase your leads and sales in less time and with more ease!


    - Email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com

    - Visit my website  https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com

    - Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Clairenicolecoaching/

    - Leave a review on iTunes https://www.chartoo.co.uk/itunes/podcast/1480596326-the-life-by-design-business-podcast

    Turning Your Content into Clients to Get Fully Booked

    Turning Your Content into Clients to Get Fully Booked
    In the first episode of this year, I am talking all about your content marketing - and how the meaning you are applying to it will make a big difference in helping you become fully booked in 2022.
    What We Cover: 

    - Gaining clarity on what you are making your content mean, so you can start attracting the right clients for your offers.

    - What is so important when it comes to getting FULLY BOOKED and often missed.

    - How to feel more comfortable using your voice to create your brands voice to STAND OUT, CONNECT and get SEEN.

    If you are ready to take 2022 by storm, join me on Monday 10th Jan to learn how to create compelling content that connects and converts to clients to GET FULLY BOOKED and make 2022 the year you sky rocket your sales!  https://claire-stansfield.mykajabi.com/crickets-to-clients 
    I will show you how to
    - Nail your niche and ATTRACT DREAM CLIENTS with more ease
    - Learn how to stop the scroll and deeply CONNECT with your ideal clients and turning them into WARM LEADS
    - The secrets to filling your calendar with discovery calls and CONVERTING WARM LEADS to PAYING CLIENTS to GET FULLY BOOKED!
    Click here to register your place 

    The #1 Thing to Do Now in Your Business

    The #1 Thing to Do Now in Your Business

    As we’re rapidly approaching the end of the year, it’s time to reflect on our business in 2021, and gain all those those amazing insights and great learnings that we want to take with us into 2022. In this episode, I’ll share with you the questions that will help you get those precious insights and give you power that allows you to create more choice for yourself and your business next year. 

    What is covered:

    - Why asking the right questions can be a game changer for your year ahead

    - How to have more of what you want next year!

    - 9 powerful questions to make 2022 your best year to date

    True power lies in decision making, and although those decisions are sometimes uncomfortable, realising you have the power to choose is extremely empowering. You have a choice to either continue as you have been in 2021 and get similar results, or do something that scares you and get the results you really want in 2022. This episode will help you to make more of the right decisions. 



    - Join The Six Figure Freedom Accelerator https://clairenicolecoaching.com/the-3-x-accelerator/      

    - Email me or leave me a review claire@clairenicolecoaching.com

    - Visit my website https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com

    - Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Clairenicolecoaching/

    The #1 Hidden Secret that’s Impacting Your Business Results

    The #1 Hidden Secret that’s Impacting Your Business Results
    You’ve started reflecting on this year, and what you want from next.
    You feel excited.
    You also know that- what got you hear, won’t get you there.
    It’s time to make the necessary changes to create your thriving business in 2022.
    In this weeks episode I’m sharing the BIGGEST SECRET to getting all you want in 2022 and making it your best business year yet!! And it’s not what you think ;)

    - Join The Six Figure Freedom Accelerator https://clairenicolecoaching.com/the-3-x-accelerator/      

    - Email me or leave me a review claire@clairenicolecoaching.com

    How to Have More Luck

    How to Have More Luck
    Are you wondering how others seem to get all the luck? In this week's episode, I'm going to share with you how you can start having more luck and success to make 2022 your Lucky year! 
    What You Will Learn: 
    - What luck really is so you can get more of it!
    - The power of intention and actively seeking opportunities
    - The audacious mindset and how to make it work for you to hit more of your goals
    I want you to take your power back from listening to this episode, and understand that you create your destiny, you hold the power. There's no such thing as luck. So take a look at your behaviour in your business in 2021, and ask yourself - where am I giving my power away? If I was to realise and believe that I can't build a business with hope and chance, and that I need to take intentional action, where can I take my power back? Where can I look for more opportunities?
    To become limitless in 2022, join The 6 Figure Alchemist, a 90 Minutes FREE Masterclass on December 14th, at 12 noon GMT https://clairenicolecoaching.com/the-alchemist/
    - The Secret of Luck | Derren Brown's The Experiment https://youtu.be/RuRGzZAk7S4
    - Email me or leave me a review at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com
    - Join my FREE Triple It Club on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/SupportStrategySalesSuccessGroup 

    What to Do if it Feels Like it Isn't Working

    What to Do if it Feels Like it Isn't Working

    Taking action on the strategy, and not yet seeing the results can feel massively frustrating. It causes many entrepreneurs to start chasing shiny objects and slows down their growth..
    In this episode, I will share with you what you can start doing differently today to feel better immediately, and to see results more quickly!
    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    - One of the biggest mistakes that new entrepreneurs make that effects their results so you don’t fall into this trap too
    - What to focus on to feel better, and to get results more quickly
    - How to feel more confident that it is all working, even if it doesn’t yet seem so
    - How to use the mindset, energy and strategic action to build a successful businesses

    Adopting the mindset of everything is working out for you, even if something isn’t working, will get you one step closer to finding the solution. It's like riding a bike - when you fall off the bike, you stand up and get back on it. Those falling-off moments teach you how to adjust your balance and move forward, and it’s exactly the same in business.  
    - Black Friday Sale! https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com/black-friday-deals/ 
    - Email me or leave me a review claire@clairenicolecoaching.com
    - Visit my website https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com
    - Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Clairenicolecoaching/

    How to Pick Your Epic Offer for Black Friday

    How to Pick Your Epic Offer for Black Friday
    Can you believe we are in November already? Today I’m talking all about how to pick your epic offer for Black Friday, and do all the pieces behind the scenes that you need in order to get that cash injection for your business.
    What You Will Learn In This Episode:
    - Two main benefits of having a Black Friday offer
    - Two ways you can come up with an offer
     - How to create a powerful marketing around your offer
     - How to warm up your ideal clients and create a sense of urgency
     - Pricing and looking at your Black Friday offer as the top of your funnel
     - How long your offer should last for
    Hopefully this podcast is going to come out in enough time for you to get working on your epic Black Friday offer and make the sales.
    If you need some help with setting yourself up for success, sign up for The Alchemist - 3-Day FREE Masterclass 15th-17th November 

    For more information or any questions email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com and join my  Triple It Club group on Facebook.

    What To Do Now in Your Business to End The Year Strong and Get the Best Possible Results in the New Year!

    What To Do Now in Your Business to End The Year Strong and Get the Best Possible Results in the New Year!
    Have you asked yourself recently, what can you do now in your business to get the best possible results in the next couple of months, but at the same time feel tired, and like you actually want to slow down? I'm talking about how you can make the most of the next couple of months of 2021 without doing all the things you think you probably should be doing!
    What You Will Learn In This Episode: 
    - Why what you are doing now in your business will effect  the results you're creating in Q1, 2022.
    - How to make the next few months profitable and successful to end the year strong and start 2022 in the best possible place.
    - What to do now if you are feeling like you want to slow down, when your business needs you to show up.
    - What to do to bring your best energy to your marketing to get the best possible results and make more sales!
    Giving yourself what you need now is absolutely key for you to take the strategic action that will create the success that you desire over the next few months and Q1 of 2022!  So when your ideal clients decide to buy in January or February with their new year new me mindset, you will be the person who they will buy from.

    - Join The Six Figure Freedom Accelerator https://clairenicolecoaching.com/the-3-x-accelerator/      

    - Email me or leave me a review claire@clairenicolecoaching.com

    Celebrating Your Way to Success

    Celebrating Your Way to Success

    This week, we are talking about celebrating, and why celebrating is such a big piece of our ethos and our culture at Claire Nicole Coaching. I’m going to share with you what I’m celebrating at the moment in my business. It’s a big part of my life, and I’ll share with you the reason why and the difference I believe celebrating will make to you in your life and in your business too. It’s also my birthday this week and I’ve prepared a special gift for you! 
    What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

    - How practicing the art of gratitude can attract more goodness into our life and our business

    - Why celebrating your successes is an easy and effective way to create more success

    - Why we need to pay attention to what we make things mean and how celebrating wires our brain

    - A simple practice you can introduce to your workweek right away to set your mind and energy onto success  

    To celebrate my birthday, I’m offering five 45-minute free coaching calls with me. To sign up, send me an email at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com with the subject line “Free Podcast Call” and let’s get you booked in! 


    - My website https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com

    - The Triple It Club https://www.facebook.com/groups/SupportStrategySalesSuccessGroup

    Things I Would Differently To Create Success More Quickly And With More Ease, If I Was Starting Over Again

    Things I Would Differently To Create Success More Quickly And With More Ease, If I Was Starting Over Again

    Creating a successful business takes commitment, determination and grit to get you through the challenges of the entrepreneurial rollercoaster, and from building 4 successful businesses online and off including a 6 figure + online coaching business in year one, and the UK's largest mobile hair and makeup company for over 20 years.

    In this week's episode I will share with you my key lessons that I've learned since I’ve started my online coaching business 2 years ago, (even with over 20 years of entrepreneurial). You’ll learn how to avoid making mistakes that I’ve made and how to have independence, success and freedom to spend more time doing what you love.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    - 4 simple things you can start doing today that will help you to feel more successful, and reach your goals more quickly and with more ease

    - The thing a successful CEO always does before feeling ready

    - How to create content that speaks directly to your ideal client

    It is important that we have goals that move us forward. I hope these key lessons that I’ve learned over the last two years of my online coaching business will help you with the consistency of your mindset, and get you the results you desire.


    - Join The Six Figure Freedom Accelerator  https://clairenicolecoaching.com/the-3-x-accelerator/      

    - Email me or leave me a review claire@clairenicolecoaching.com

    - Visit my website  https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com

    - Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Clairenicolecoaching/

    - Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clairenicolestansfield/

    The Marketing Shifts You Will Need to Make for Scaling Your Offers From One to One

    The Marketing Shifts You Will Need to Make for Scaling Your Offers From One to One

    Today we are talking about the power of being in a group coaching program. If you are working on growing your business and you are surrounded by people that aren't entrepreneurs or their mindset isn't like the mindset that you want, a group coaching or mentoring program can help you, particularly The Six Figure Freedom Accelerator. A program like this gathers women who are working on themselves, who are improving their own mindset and their own energy so they are able to create their dream business.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    - How to rise with other amazing women who are on the same journey as you

    - Using proximity as a power to find answers to questions you haven't thought of asking yourself so you can accelerate your success

    - The advantages of celebrating your wins together with other women in the group

    - How to enjoy your personalised journey within a group program

    The Six Figure Freedom Accelerator will provide you with the knowledge of how to create powerful content pillars and a content system that works for your business. You’ll learn how to create your unique methodology, your offers, and your product suite to create a sales ecosystem that can scale your offers from one to one.


    - Join The Six Figure Freedom Accelerator https://clairenicolecoaching.com/the-3-x-accelerator/ 

    - Email me and book a no obligation chat about your business at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com

    - Visit my website https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com

    - Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Clairenicolecoaching/



    Today I'm going to be sharing with you how, when you go first, everything changes in your business. This simple mindset shift is the gateway to everything you want from your business and your life. However, it does create a lot of fear in people, so I’m going to address that fear in this episode as well, and explain what I mean by you going first.

    What You Will Learn in This Episode: 

    - What going first means in the context of your business and your clients

    - How not going first shows up on your sales calls

    - How to step into the leadership role and help your clients overcome their objections

    - How to value yourself enough so you can give yourself and your business what it needs

    We’ve opened the doors to 3xAccelerator! The Accelerator is a potent transformational mindset, marketing and sales container thats 6 months to make sure you get ALL YOU NEED to create, build, grow and scale your dream business.

    The first 50% spots are already filled, and our early bird offer saving you £500 expires TONIGHT!

    Go first and sign up at https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com/the-3-x-accelerator