
    The Life by Design Business Podcast

    The Life by Design Business Podcast by Claire Nicole Stansfield will bring you inspiration, motivation, strategy and everything in between!
    en-gbClaire Nicole Stansfield87 Episodes

    Episodes (87)

    Why How You Feel About Your Offers is Everything

    Why How You Feel About Your Offers is Everything

    In this episode, I'm going to share with you why your feelings are having such an impact on the sales you're making. We're going to talk about your offers and how you feel about your offers. Whether you are a brand new business owner and putting out your first ever offer, whether you are creating new offers and adding them to your product suite, or if you've been serving clients within a program for a considerable amount of time, but something's just not feeling right anymore, this episode is for you.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    - Why we say that energy is everything and that to sell means to serve

    - Why your feelings matter so much when it comes to making sales in your business

    - Discovering your belief about the outcome your clients are going to get from your offer

    - How much the pricing really impacts the decision of a client to buy your offer

    - How to make sure that you are valuing your clients' transformation as much as they are valuing it

    - How to recognise your feelings inside your body and take action on it

    - Letting go of perfectionism and allowing yourself and your business to evolve over time

    Your energy is everything, so pay attention to how you feel about your offers. What do you believe around the outcome for your clients? What do you believe in terms of the value of their transformation? How do you feel about the pricing?

    To dive deeper into these concepts, join my FREE Challenge Crickets to Clients starting on Monday, September 13th. Sign up here: https://clairenicolecoachingnextlevelsuccess.lpages.co/crickets-to-clients-sept-copy-copy/ 

    To book a free 30 mins strategy call with me, email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com

    Content is Your Catalyst to Connect and Make Sales

    Content is Your Catalyst to Connect and Make Sales

    On today's show I’m talking content creation. If you want to market your business online, then you need to know what kind of content you need to be creating, and how to make it work for you.

    In This Episode You'll Learn:

    - Breaking down the different types of content that powerfully connects with your audience

    - How you can make your content work for you by building relationships with the audience

    - What are the things you need to consider before you share anything online

    - What type of copy will help you make more sales

    There are often mindset hurdles and visibility fears around creating the right kind of content and sharing it online. If you would like to learn and to be supported to effectively market your business online and make more sales, send me a message now at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com and book a no obligation discovery call with me to see if we will be a good fit to work together.

    Join my FREE Triple It Club group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/SupportStrategySalesSuccessGroup

    Letting go of Judgement

    Letting go of Judgement

    So many of us have experienced fear of judgment, but when we hold onto that fear, it lowers our frequencies, and we aren't giving ourselves permission to do the work that we desire. The fear of judgement holds so many amazing people back from changing the world. My intention for this episode is to help you let go of this fear. 

    In this episode you will learn:

    - How to let go of judgment and give yourself permission to share your truth and connect with the people that need to hear your message

    - How to shift your expectation of appreciation and let go of desire to please everyone

    - How to share your message, your mission and your vision through your authentic self with your ideal clients

    When you are afraid of being judged, ask yourself, ‘What am I really afraid of?’ The fear of judgement gives away your power to other people, so when you learn to let go of that fear, it will lift a massive weight off your shoulders and you will take back your power. 


    If you're interested in working with me, email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com
    Visit my website www.clairenicolecoaching.com

    Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Clairenicolecoaching/

    How Honouring the Feminine Inside of Us Helps to Grow Our Business with Dr. Sarah Coxon

    How Honouring the Feminine Inside of Us Helps to Grow Our Business with Dr. Sarah Coxon

    In this episode, I'm joined by Dr. Sarah Coxon, who is an archaeologist, yoga teacher, sacred activist, author and mentor for magical feminine-essence beings.

    We talk about how the elevation of the masculine and devaluation of the feminine is at the root of almost all the social, economical and environmental issues that we face in the world. She gives us valuable insights into how to value and honour the feminine inside all of us, so we can work towards rebalancing our life, our businesses, and the world we live in. 

    In this Episode You Will Learn:

    - Why we need to question the assumptions we have about the nature of masculine and feminine roles of men and women, in both life and business
    - The importance of learning to state our needs and standing up for what we want from the place of feminine energy
    - Why valuing the feminine is crucial for the growth of our business  
    - Why we need to let go of the idea of separation, and turn to teamwork to get back to balance on both social and environmental level

    There are lower and higher levels of both masculine and feminine energy. Reclaiming the feminine on a high level is absolutely key for our growth and expansion on all levels, while also working for the benefit of others.  


    - ”The Way of the Priestess: A Reclamation of Feminine Power and Divine Purpose” by Dr. Sarah Coxon  https://www.amazon.com/Way-Priestess-Reclamation-Feminine-Purpose/dp/1913590119

    - Follow Dr. Sarah Coxon on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/drsarahcoxon/ 

    - Dr. Sarah Coxon’s website https://www.drsarahcoxon.com/

    - The way of the priestess podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/rs/podcast/the-way-of-the-priestess-podcast/id1472457887 

    If you're interested in working with me, email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com
    Visit my website www.clairenicolecoaching.com

    The Exact Steps to Become Fully Booked

    The Exact Steps to Become Fully Booked

    Many of my clients go from barely making any sales, to fully booked, with a waitlist. In this episode, I will share with you the exact steps you can take and implement in your businesses to become fully booked too.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode: 
    - The mindset and energy shifts you need to become fully booked
    - The exact strategies you can go and implement today
    - The 3 things you need to be clear on in your messaging to attract dream clients that will buy your offers with ease.
    We want to focus on selling one thing at a time. You need to have one ideal client, one set of pain points, one solution, and you need to be explicit on how that offer is going to help your client solve their problems. Finally, you need to make one call to action and get people on the phone with you.
    Join my Goal Setting Workshop so you can create a plan to become fully booked too and have  5-10k Months on Repeat,  July 26th https://ms-my.facebook.com/events/d41d8cd9/goal-setting-workshop-to-hit-5-10k-months-on-repeat/164782148935289/ 
    Book a free 30 mins strategy call , email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com
    Visit my website https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com

    The Key Ingredient That Will Mean Your Audience Buy Your Offer with Ease

    The Key Ingredient That Will Mean Your Audience Buy Your Offer with Ease

    Today I'm going to share with you how you can get more interest in your offers, and what is #1 mistake I see people are making when it comes to their Instagram bio, their content marketing, and their sales pages. I will give you a few things that you can implement in your copy, and in your marketing today, which will get you more leads and make more sales in your business.

    In This Episode you will learn:

    - How to be clear on the difference you're going to make in people's lives
    - How to sell a feeling
    - How to be explicit enough in your IG bio and on your sales page on how your programs are going to help people feel
    - How to step into your power and live your best life
    - How to determine what your ideal client’s best life is
    - How your container is going to get your clients the transformation they're looking for

    I am fully and energetically behind my offering. I know that I help my clients grow their confidence, grow their business with more ease, create results and make more money, so they can feel proud.

    If you're interested in working with me, send me a DM or you can email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com

    - Visit my website https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com
    - Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Clairenicolecoaching
    - Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clairenicolestansfield/

    The Power of Decluttering to Help You Get Best Results in Life and in Business

    The Power of Decluttering to Help You Get Best Results in Life and in Business

    My guest today is Hayley Forster, a simple living mentor who helps people declutter their lives and overcome overwhelm, so they can live their most simple, enjoyable life with intention. She is the founder of Simple Joy, and she shares with us her story and useful tips for anyone who wants to start decluttering their life. 


    What You Will Learn in This Episode: 

    - What cluttering and decluttering your life or business really mean

    - Why we believe that having clutter in our life or business keeps us safe

    - How constantly being overwhelmed with doing prevents us from being 

    - Why you need to start slow with decluttering and process all the emotional connections with the clutter in your life

    - How increasing the white space in your life helps you get back to who your really are

    - The importance of knowing your why for making any change in your life or business


    Connect with Hayley Forster: 

    - https://simplejoy.co.uk/ 

    - https://www.facebook.com/groups/thesimplelivingsociety/ 

    - https://www.instagram.com/hellosimplejoy/ 


    If you want to work with me to grow your business, send me a message at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com, and let's hop on a no obligation discovery call. 


    Join my FREE Triple It Club group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/SupportStrategySalesSuccessGroup

    Mastering the Inner Game to Get More Leads and Sales

    Mastering the Inner Game to Get More Leads and Sales

    Today I'm going to share with you the things that you can do inwardly to make a big difference outwardly, to help you start making more sales in your business and get more clients.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode: 

    - Why we tend to forget our skills and experience when we start a new business

    - Your first step as an entrepreneur is to own your strengths and your superpowers

    - Why women entrepreneurs have difficulties to own what makes them special 

    - Exercise: Write down 10 things that you are good at 


    Send me an email at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com and share with me what you are really good at. Have fun with it, own it, create some affirmations around that, remind yourself every single day of it, just get into the energy of being amazing at it. And I promise you, when you master this inner game, when you get really sold on yourself first, it’s going to make a massive difference to your business.


    I have one six-month VIP coaching space available! Once this spot is gone, I'm opening my waitlist, so if you want to work with me to grow your business, send me a message now at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com, and let's hop on a discovery call so you can share with me what's going on your business. 


    Join my FREE Triple It Club group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/SupportStrategySalesSuccessGroup

    How to Use Wellbeing as a Business Strategy with Ruth Gilbey

    How to Use Wellbeing as a Business Strategy with Ruth Gilbey
    Ruth Gilbey is a Marketing and Business Coach helping struggling freelancers become thriving business owners. She works with freelancers who are in the feast and famine cycle, and helping them turn their businesses into something profitable without burning out.
    Ruth is also the host of Inspiring Women In Business Podcast, Founder of The Online Business Collective, as well as my former client. Today, we talk about how slowing down and looking after yourself can actually bring you tangible results for your business.
    What We Cover:
    - What was Ruth's wakeup call that made her change the way she runs her life and her business
    - How tuning into your zone of genius can bring a huge sense of ease to your business
    - What numbers you should be looking at to know where you are with your marketing 
    - What the number of social media followers can and cannot tell you
    - Why investing in personal development and mindset work as early as possible is a good strategic decision
    - How to look at wellbeing and creating downtime for yourself as a business strategy
    Connect with Ruth Gilbey: 

    Join my FREE Triple It Club group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/SupportStrategySalesSuccessGroup

    Lessons From 25 Years as an Entrepreneur

    Lessons From 25 Years as an Entrepreneur
    Today I'm going to share with you ten golden lessons that I have learned from my 25 years of business experience. These are the things that you need to consider when building, running and growing your business, that are going to save you time, money and energy.

    What You Will Learn in This Episode:

    - Start with clarity on what it is that you are selling and have legal bits in place
    - Always under promise what you are offering and over deliver to wow the clients
    - Get help before you are ready so you can focus on growing your business
    - Invest in your dream because your dreams are worth it
    - Get visible in front of your ideal clients
    - Focus on building relationships and connections for your business
    - Surround yourself with the people who get you and support you
    - Have your eyes on the numbers and hire a bookkeeper
    - Show up in your business, get on sales calls, collect payments and outsource the rest
    - Focus on your unique skills and talents instead of getting lost in the comparison game
    - Fill your cup first so you can show up as the best service provider for your clients

    These are the top lessons from my 25 years of being in business. I'd love to hear what your biggest takeaway has been, and what you're going to implement in your business. If you're interested in how I can help you grow your business, send me an email at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com
    Join my FREE Triple It Club group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/SupportStrategySalesSuccessGroup

    How to Let Go of Past Mistakes for More Results

    How to Let Go of Past Mistakes for More Results

    In this episode, I’m talking about how you can move on and get over any investments into your business that you have perhaps regretted. I’ll share with you how I’ve learned not to make myself wrong for these experiences, and how to move forward and get amazing results in my business.

    What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

    - My first investment into coaching and what I’ve learned from it

    - Understanding that the common denominator in all of your experiences is you

    - How to take responsibility for your investment decisions and show up to do the mindset work

    - How to look at things from the lens of love towards yourself and being kind to yourself

    - Nurturing the growth mindset, and asking yourself the questions that can push you forward in your business

    I truly believe that where focus goes, energy flows. If we're making ourselves wrong for something, then all the energy is going towards that negative. But if we choose to look at ourselves through the lens of love and kindness, then it could be used elsewhere to grow our business, and to start creating the results we want to see in our life and in our business.


    - Join my Fill Your Funnel to Fill Your Pockets Challenge starting on Monday, April 26th in my FREE Triple It Club group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/SupportStrategySalesSuccessGroup

    - Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Clairenicolecoaching

    - Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clairenicolestansfield/

    Why Messy Action is More Than OK!!

    Why Messy Action is More Than OK!!

    Today, I'm going to talk about taking action in your business messily, and why it is important to give yourself permission to make mistakes and do things in a way that you enjoy doing them in order to make huge progress in your business.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    - Why comparing yourself to others will slow you down

    - Being aligned with your action is more important than being perfect

    - The benefits of making mistakes for your learning process

    - How to give yourself the permission to be human and take action messily

    - How to set boundaries with your clients and still remain open to constant improvement


    I truly believe that the results come quickest when we are in total alignment with what we do, because that’s when things start to feel easier in our business. The more you take action messily, and the more you allow yourself to create, you are going to feel more joy, and that means that you are going to get results much faster.

    There are a couple of spots available for one-on-one coaching with me. Book a no obligation call and let’s chat about how I can help you remove any blocks on your way to achieve the results you want to see in your business.

    Schedule a call here: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=17016266&appointmentType=12420139 

    Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Clairenicolecoaching

    Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clairenicolestansfield/

    Dispelling the Myths Around What it Takes and Means to Hit a £26k Cash Month

    Dispelling the Myths Around What it Takes and Means to Hit a £26k Cash Month

    Today I'm going to be sharing with you the secrets behind a 26k cash month and a 30k sales month. I’m going to break down for you the mindset, the energy and the strategic action that went behind getting those results.

    Today I'm going to be sharing with you the secrets behind a 26k cash month and a 30k sales month. I’m going to break down for you the mindset, the energy and the strategic action that went behind getting those results. 


    What You Will Learn in This Episode:

    - Why we believe business must feel like hard work and how to allow it to feel easy

    - How to access the energy of allowing, receiving and trust so we can get more of what we want

    - Remembering your WHY to create motivation and inspire strategic action towards your goals

    - Finding out what triggers you and how coaching can help you

    The biggest message that I'd love for you to take away is just being in an energy of allowing. Take action, get support. Yes, it's scary to invest in yourself, but no one is going to work as hard on you as you will do.


    To learn more about my 1 on 1 business coaching programme, book a no-obligation discovery call with me here


    To join weekly live coaching sessions, join my FREE Triple It Club group on Facebook.


    Have more questions or want to hear something on the podcast? Email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com 

    How to Make Sales through Facebook Groups with Tristan Cade

    How to Make Sales through Facebook Groups with Tristan Cade

    My guest in this episode is Tristan Cade, who helps coaches and entrepreneurs book themselves full through social media and monetise their message. Tristan is an expert on using Facebook groups to build businesses, and today he shares some of his wisdom with us. 


    What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

    - Tristan’s journey into his third business and what he’s learned so far as a creative entrepreneur

    - Three stages of using Facebook groups - from high effort-low yield to low effort-high yield

    - What prevents people from making sales in their own and other people’s groups

    - How to understand and trigger Facebook algorithms to your advantage

    - How to ‘borrow’ other people’s audiences to share your message and build relationships

    - How to keep running your own Facebook group simple and consistent

    - The biggest benefits of Facebook groups over Facebook pages 


    Take away Tristan’s tips for overcoming the resistance towards Facebook groups and using them to leverage your audience, build connections, build your business and make more sales. 



    - Connect with Tristan Cade on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tristancade/ 


    - Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tristancade/ 


    To learn more about my group business coaching and 1 on 1 coaching programmes, email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com and join my Triple It Club group on Facebook.

    The Connection Between Worth & Wealth with Ilaria Petrucci

    The Connection Between Worth & Wealth with Ilaria Petrucci

    Ilaria Petrucci is a self-worth and money behavioral coach. She helps women step into their value, recognise and own their worth, so that they can show up in their business and in their lives as the best version of themselves, achieving the outcome and the results that they know they deserve.


    What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

    • What is the real cause beneath your money issues
    • Why discounting your services can be a long-term trap in your business
    • How to discover your values and separate them from your needs that might keep you trapped
    • The power of NLP to discover and transform your deep beliefs into more beneficial ones
    • ‘I can’t’ versus ‘I’m not willing’ and the energetic difference between the two
    • The path towards choosing to believe in yourself and letting go of external validation
    • How to use triggers as an opportunity for growth 



    How to Get More of What You Want

    How to Get More of What You Want

    Today I'm going to share with you how you can get more of what you desire, and how you shouldn't stop until you have everything that you want.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    • How to align yourself energetically with WHAT you want to find out HOW to get it
    • How your subconscious may prevent you from going after what you desire
    • Nurturing self-love and self-worth to allow yourself to have what you want
    • How to take empowered action and go the extra mile to get more of what you want

    So what is it that you desire? Do you feel worthy of it? I invite you to give yourself permission to have what you desire, and I promise you, the universe will pay you back for it big time. When you show up for your dreams with the right energetic match, watch the universe shift as a result for you.

    If you are interested in 1 on 1 coaching with me, I still have a couple of spots open. To learn more, book a no-obligation discovery call with me HERE.
    For more information or any questions email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com and join my Triple It Club group on Facebook.

    Why Leaning into Self-Trust is Vital to the Success You See and Feel in Your Business

    Why Leaning into Self-Trust is Vital to the Success You See and Feel in Your Business

    Today I’m speaking to you about leaning into self trust and intuition when it comes to your business decisions, and what it means to trust yourself and still have respect for the relationship with your partner.

    Today I’m speaking to you about leaning into self trust and intuition when it comes to your business decisions, and what it means to trust yourself and still have respect for the relationship with your partner.

    What You’ll Learn In This Episode:
    • The foundations of building a business that you must learn
    • One thing that over 80% of your business success depends on
    • What can happen when you ask your partner to support your business decisions
    • The tradeoffs you must consider when making business decisions
    • How to create healthy boundaries around your business and your relationship
    • How to become a fully aligned and resourceful business owner

    After 25 years of being successful in business, what I’ve learned is that when I am in full trust as I grow my business, that's when I create the most epic results. So lean into that self-trust when making decisions for your business success.

    If you would like to know more about my group coaching program doors are open until 29th January https://www.clairenicolecoaching.com/the-3-x-accelerator/
    If you are interested in 1 on 1 coaching with me, I still have a couple of spots open. To learn more, book a no-obligation discovery call with me HERE.
    For more information or any questions email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com and join my Triple It Club group on Facebook.

    Behind the Scenes of a Sold-Out Launch

    Behind the Scenes of a Sold-Out Launch

    Today you'll hear what's going on behind the scenes of my group coaching program launch, that got 50% full only one hour after I opened the early bird, and how I've hit my goal one week before the cart closes!

    I'm going to share with you the pathway to sales the ladies have taken, and the mindset that's gone into my launch to allow it to play out that way. I'm also going to encourage you to look at business in a different way and make it so much more fun.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    • Check in with yourself - are you always looking to fix the thing that is not working in your business?
    • The power of the mindset and energy for your business results
    • The concrete examples of why my clients decided to sign up for the 3x Accelerator
    • The value of playing the long game in your business
    • The importance of personal touch and building relationships in order to have a sustainable business
    • Letting go and surrendering to the frequency of abundance and success

    So if you're not making the sales you want yet, the 3x Accelerator is my six-month signature group coaching program, it's a rock solid-rock container to help you skyrocket your results in 2021. The cart is closing on January 27th, you still have time to sign up at https://clairenicolecoaching.com/the-3-x-accelerator/

    For more information or any questions email me at claire@clairenicolecoaching.com and join my Triple It Club group on Facebook.

    How to Set Intentions and Create Vision Boards that Actually Work in 2021

    How to Set Intentions and Create Vision Boards that Actually Work in 2021

    Happy New Year! Today I’m going to share with you how to set intentions for 2021, and how to create vision boards that are really going to bring you results for your life and business.

    What You Will Learn in This Episode:

    • Setting the intention for the year in one word
    • The shift in energy that you can get by setting an intention or creating a vision board using this effective approach 
    • The one key element not to miss that will make your vision board work for you
    • Where to place your vision board to maximise results
    • Why when done this way, vision boards work, and the neuroscience to explain the how. 

    My intention for 2021 is discipline in routine. What is yours?

    If you have decided that 2021 is going to be your year of sales, if you want to learn how to feel confident with creating content that will connect and convert to get more ideal clients, then join me for my EPIC FREE 5 day Challenge ‘Crickets to Clients.’

    Register here: https://clairenicolecoachingnextlevelsuccess.lpages.co/crickets-to-clients-jan/ 


    Talk Yourself to Success in 2021

    Talk Yourself to Success in 2021

    In this episode I'm talking about the power of words that you use every day, the neuroscience behind them and why the choice of words and your self-talk is crucial for your success in 2021.

    What You Will Learn in This Episode:

    • The voice you hear the most throughout the day is your own
    • Would you talk to your best friend in the same way that you talk to yourself?
    • How the meaning of words affects our biochemistry
    • The examples of different energetic frequencies of certain words and sentences
    • Why you need to be aware of whom you're spending time with
    • The importance of the words you are using around your children

    So have a think, what have you said to yourself already today? And when you think about your business in 2021, what energy do you want to bring to it in a consistent way? The easiest thing you can do is pay attention to the way you're talking to yourself.

    The doors to my 6-month 3x Accelerator program and 1 on 1 coaching are opening in January! To learn more, book a no-obligation discovery call with me HERE.

    Check out my Triple It Club group on Facebook where I offer free weekly live training that will help you triple your sales with more ease and flow.

    More Resources: