
    The Open Mike

    The Open Mike Podcast is an entrepreneurs view on growth strategies, and how to bridge the gap between the ‘idea’ and successful ‘implementation’. With weekly shows, special guest interviews and Q and A sessions, The Open Mike is for you if you are serious about growing yourself and your business profitably and sustainably.
    enMike Midgley76 Episodes

    Episodes (76)

    S1:E16 - Storytelling Through Marketing

    S1:E16 - Storytelling Through Marketing

    In today’s episode, we are going to be discussing a topic that every business owner should have at the top of their business agenda and that's Storytelling through their marketing...

    Creative engaging copy that tells stories is one of the most worthwhile investment a business can make.

    Too many business owners attempt to write copy themselves, stating the false truth of "nobody knows my business better than me" and how wrong you are, how wrong you are.

    The value of a copywriter that can fuse stories into your market campaigns that make prospects buy is a skill few possess.

    In this episode, I’m excited to be joined by Rob Drummond from Confusion Clinic and the founder of True Story Selling who is going to share the secrets of his craft in copywriting and storytelling in marketing.

    learn more about the great work Rob and his team are doing simply check them out at


    You can also sign up for a free storytelling course at https://www.truestoryselling.com/7-day-story-course-start

    S1:E15 - Transform Your Business For Long Term Success

    S1:E15 - Transform Your Business For Long Term Success

    On today’s episode, we are going to be discussing the essential steps and objective input you need to take to truly Transform Your Business For Long-Term Success.

    It takes a very specific commitment level of both time and money to achieve real and sustainable results to maximise your ROI. It’s essentially a strategic approach is taken prior to your execution.

    I’m very privileged to welcome back to The SuccessHub both a friend and long-term client Marc Mcloughlin KeyFleets Managing Director who is going to share the journey he started with us way back in 2013 to complete a total transformation of the KeyFleet business model.

    Marc covers the step by step approach to the transformation, the highs and lows of the journey, so if you are serious about transforming your business, Marc’s story is a must-listen...buckle up.

    Learn more about Marc and his team at https://www.keyfleet.co.uk/

    You can also connect and follow Marc on  LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcmcloughlin/ and follow and like KeyFleet on social media via  Twitter https://twitter.com/KeyFleet and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Keyfleet/

    S1:E14 - Blockchain & Fintech

    S1:E14 - Blockchain & Fintech

    In today’s episode, we are going to be discussing the awesome topic of Blockchain and Fintech...

    Many of you will have heard of Bitcoin and crypto currencies, however, I meet lots of people who are extremely unsure about the technology of Blockchain that drives it.

    Blockchain has been around a lot longer than people appreciate and originally founded by Satoshi Nakamoto in a white paper released in 2008.

    In this episode, I’m very privileged excited to be joined on the show to help us navigate this topic by Joseph Snyder the President & CEO & Chris Brown The CTO of Lannister Holdings, Inc. a publicly traded Blockchain Technology leader based in Phoenix.

    Learn more about Joseph and his team at https://www.lannisterholdings.com/ or https://www.lannisterdevelopment.com/ - you can also follow Joseph on Twitter @LannisterCEOand Chris on Twitter @LannisterDev

    S1:E13 - Automated Marketing & Buyers Psychology

    S1:E13 - Automated Marketing & Buyers Psychology

    In This Podcast, Mike interviews Kenda Macdonald from Automation Ninjas on Automated Marketing & Buyers Psychology.

    When Considering Automated Marketing there are so many other aspects to consider to ensure the right solution is adopted to maximise your ROI.

    In this episode, Mike interviews Kenda Macdonald who discusses how introducing and understanding buyers psychology can supercharge not only Automated Marketing but offline marketing also.

    Learn more about Kenda and her team at automationninjas.com and to claim a free copy of Kenda’s book “Hack the Buyer Brain" at automationninjas.com/goldenticket

    S1:E12 - Digital PR

    S1:E12 - Digital PR

    In This Podcast, Mike interviews Rebecca Appleton from Dakota Digital on Digital PR.

    The topic of Digital PR is often misunderstood or thought [incorrectly] as not needed by small to medium businesses, and typically associated with bigger organisations.

    However, it is a crucial element of all businesses inbound marketing outreach strategy.

    Mike and Rebecca discuss detailed frameworks of Digital PR to get you started. Learn more about Rebecca an Award Winning Journalists at dakotadigital.co.uk or at facebook.com/dakotadigitalpr

    S1:E11 - The Entrepreneurs Journey

    S1:E11 - The Entrepreneurs Journey

    In This Podcast, Mike interviews James Abbott and Lucy Barrow from Mix and Twist.

    Discussing their own journeys from finding entrepreneurship, through the highs and lows of the roller coaster ride to being crowned the winners of the prestigious Yorkshire Choice Independent Business of the Year Award in 2018.

    Learn more about the awesome mobile bar service Mix and Twist provide to corporates and private parties at https://www.mixandtwist.co.uk/

    S1:E10 - Chatbots 101

    S1:E10 - Chatbots 101

    Hey, and welcome to episode 10 of The Open Mike podcast. And in this episode, we're gonna be talking everything about chat bots. And I'm really pleased to be joined by two powerhouses in the digital space. Big shout out the Nick Jensen and Alasdair McWilliam.

    S1:E9 - SEO Essentials For Entrepreneurs

    S1:E9 - SEO Essentials For Entrepreneurs

    Whilst SEO Essentials For Entrepreneurs covers that SEO is not 100% reliable, or a silver bullet, it is an essential strategy that all entrepreneurs need to employ to increase online presence and maximise their visibility, done correctly it can contribute significantly to your overall digital strategy.

    Hey, and welcome to The Open Mike podcast show episode nine. This week we're going to be talking about everything SEO Essentials SEO Essentials For Entrepreneurs. I'm super stoked excited to be joined by Mark Radford, the SuccessHubs lead SEO and web strategist. Mark, it's great to have you on the show today buddy, how you doing?

    In the Podcast, we are going to be discussing a series of SEO essential strategies for entrepreneurs and how you can increase your online presence.

    Whether you are just starting out, or an intermediate with SEO we have some great content to share with you to help you increase your online presence and avoid making killer mistakes.

    SEO Essentials SEO Essentials For Entrepreneurs

    I think SEO is just one of those subjects, isn't it, that you either understand it, you get it, and we get a lot of questions coming through the blogs and our traffic channels, the live events that we do people are saying to

    us, "Tell me more about SEO. Can I do this myself? Is this something that we need to pay somebody to do?" Hopefully we're going to get a lot of these answered for it, but just as a bit of a warning really, you don't want to go all in with SEO.

    It should be part of a larger digital strategy. For the entrepreneurs out there, we have a wide range of an audience. We've got beginners, we've got more advanced or intermediate. We're going to try and cover all angles for you

    today on this show, and I don't know, Mark's going to do that.

    Let's get started......

    S1:E8 - 5 Common Social Media FAQ’s

    S1:E8 - 5 Common Social Media FAQ’s

    Hey, and welcome back to The Open Mike podcast. And today, we're going to be speaking everything about the five common social media frequently asked questions that we regularly get from small business owners.

    My name's Mike Midgley. I'm the lead strategist here at The Success Hub and today I'm super proud to be joined by Megan Herring, The Success Hub's lead social media and content marketing specialist.

    The Open Mike
    enApril 17, 2017

    S1:E7 - How Infusionsoft is Helping Small Business Succeed

    S1:E7 - How Infusionsoft is Helping Small Business Succeed

    How Infusionsoft is helping Small Businesses Succeed


    Hello, welcome to The Open Mike episode seven. Today, we are delighted to be out in Spain, in Xabia, Spain, with Marc P. Summers an Infusionsoft Certified Partner and founder of Information Street. Episode 7 is going to all be about How Infusionsoft is helping Small Businesses Succeed, Powering Small Business to Success, a Certified Partners view.

    I'm really excited to be joined by a phenomenal wealth of talent from some of the most influential and successful people in the Infusionsoft Certified Partner community, as well as joined by Infusionsoft themselves.

    I'm pleased to be also joined today by Lindsey Kokosh, Infusionsoft's EMEA Partner Manager, Ashley Marshall an Infusionsoft Certified Partner and founder of Jumpworks and Peter Daly-Dickson an Infusionsoft Certified Partner and founder of macanta.

    For the audience, the entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs, whether you're just getting started with Infusionsoft, or you're looking to become a customer of Infusionsoft, this is an absolute must listen. There's no bias to anything here. It's just Infusionsoft demonstrating its power, demonstrating its ability to help small businesses succeed.

    Just to give you a little bit of an intro of what you can expect from this show, slightly different from what we've done on the interviews for the regular listeners of the show. This is more of an open panel and question, and, as I said, it's going to concentrate heavily around Infusionsoft, and really the folks at home, to get the show started, how Infusionsoft has impacted the lives and provided a positive environment for small business owners

    Let's get started......

    The Open Mike
    enFebruary 09, 2017

    S1:E6 - Scale & Increase Your Leads Sales & Profits Using Paid Traffic

    S1:E6 - Scale & Increase Your Leads Sales & Profits Using Paid Traffic

    Hey and welcome to episode six of The Open Mike show. It's great to be on the show, and this week we're going to talking everything about paid traffic, and the conundrum that sits around, getting those traffic results and filling those funnels, in various mediums. I'm really excited to be joined today by Damian Qualter. Damian is our lead paid traffic consultant.

    The Open Mike
    enJanuary 26, 2017

    S1:E5 - Selling To Serve

    S1:E5 - Selling To Serve

    Selling to Serve

    Selling to Serve is your chance to Serve More and Earn More..the need to change your mindset towards abundance instead of scarcity is your first step in Mastering Selling to Serve.

    Get it Right...and it will significantly raise your income whilst simultaneously serving more people.

    Welcome to episode 5 of The Open Mike show. Today, we're going to be talking all about Selling to Serve. I'm excited to be joined by the man, Jeremiah Sarkett, live from Infusionsoft in Arizona, USA

    Apart from being a good goalkeeper and having safe hands, he's been with Infusionsoft circa five years. He's worked the UK territories as a partner manager. Jeremiah, currently managing two territories now in the states?

    Jeremiah, today has an awesome sales background, he is a public speaker and also hosts his own show Mondays with the Mako which you can follow his fan page on facebook @jeremiahshark

    We are going to talk about in the podcast, guys, a little bit more about Selling to Serve. For the entrepreneurs out there in the audience, approaching sales can be somewhat of a more nervous or serious thing to overcome. We will overcome this and give you great insights as to how to approach sales that makes it a lot easier and how to have your prospects wanting to speak with you again and again.

    Let's get started.....

    The Open Mike
    enJanuary 15, 2017

    S1:E4 - What Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Copywriting

    S1:E4 - What Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Copywriting

    The Importance of Copywriting

    Hey and welcome to The Open Mike show, this episode four is all around that conundrum, which is copywriting and what every entrepreneur should know about copywriting. I'm really, really pleased to be joined today with Gary Spinks.

    One of the most misunderstood parts of digital marketing is copywriting.

    You can have the best strategy and a well-constructed sales funnel - but without strong copy, it could all end in disappointment.

    The words you use can have a powerful impact on your lead generation, conversions and sales. As a rule of thumb, the better the copy, the better the results.


    The Open Mike
    enDecember 29, 2016

    S1:E3 - Data Segmentation

    S1:E3 - Data Segmentation

    Hey and welcome to this episode three of The Open Mike show, which is all about data segmentation. As the lead strategist and an Infusionsoft certified partner where we get all sorts of challenges here at the SuccessHub, I'm really excited to be delivering this for you in what I call a mini action plan. Whilst this podcast is going to cover theoretical stuff, it's also going to set you a work project that you can download. You just visit blog.thesuccesshub.io, go over to the Podcast section, and episode three, data segmentation. There's a little, mini project there you can do. You can implement this right out of the gate, and hopefully that'll make some impact into your business and help you on your journey.

    I know what it's like starting over. You get into personal development curve and then you suddenly get overwhelmed. You try to implement all the longer term strategies and I hear when you scream, "But Mike, what about now? I need to eat today to be able to deliver tomorrow. It's like a second part-time job in some respects, so I'm all for personal development, but it can be confusing, it can be overwhelming. You don't always get it straight away and sometimes some of the stuff, whilst very impactful to start with, can't yield results for the longer term.

    These little mini action plans are designed to get you going today, so we've got your back. That's why as part of this podcast series we'll be putting quick win tactic exercises like this in between other episodes to help you get off the bench and in the game faster whilst the medium to long term strategies take hold.

    Data segmentation benefit, is that a myth or a reality?

    A question that we get asked a lot, is this really necessary. Like anything, if you do it well, the reality of the result shines through. We all have data in our businesses and in reality more than we know. Later in this podcast I'll open up a few extra areas you might not have thought about or didn't know you had access to, but once you do and if you can put these different types of data into different buckets as we call them, then what you're left with is an awesome data set that allows you to send the right message to the right audience at the right time, and re-target existing data, whether that's with promotions or offer a new service that they may not know about.

    S1:E2 - The Strategy Compass

    S1:E2 - The Strategy Compass

    Hey and welcome to The Open Mike show. In this episode two, we're going to be talking all about the strategy compass. Now as lead strategist and an infusionsoft Certified partner here at the successor, personally I'm really excited to be digging deep into this topic. I've chosen to discuss this topic right out of the gate part as this podcast series. Why? I believe really it is an essential tool that will help you as a next level or young entrepreneur with your business and marketing strategy to guide you what we call hiking through the mountain range in your entrepreneurial life.

    As you follow on with continued personal development, it's likely that you will want to apply changes to your existing business model. Plans, as you learn and from your peers and your new found knowledge, things are going to change. They always do. What I find is, that a lot of entrepreneurs, they sort of look at it in isolation. They're not looking at the wider picture and they can make a decision or enter into a debate, waste valuable time or money investing in areas to try and get things back on track and not really considering the impact it has on other areas of the business.

    The strategy compass. What do I mean when I say this? Well, it's a tool we use here at Successor with our clients to firstly dismiss their belief that their business is different. You know you maybe sat here listening to this saying, but hey Mike, my business is different. Trust me I've been doing this a long, long time. Your business is no different to any other. The way you may deliver your product or service, yeah sure that'll differ for sure. Your culture, your goals, the way you manage your customer service, absolutely, but your fundamental business model is no different that any other. Okay? 

    It's ultimately made up of the same components. Secondly and more importantly, we use the strategy compass to help maintain focus with key decision making. The secret is you just have to have the points understood of the strategy compass when decision making in your strategic sessions. If you apply this wisely to ensure decisions do not adversely affect your business performance.

    The Open Mike
    enNovember 21, 2016

    S1:E1 - Personal Development & Mindset

    S1:E1 - Personal Development & Mindset

    In this particular podcast, I want to share some of my experiences with you. Sure, different entrepreneurs have different takes on things and different entrepreneurs have different orders. That's fine. The benefit of listening to podcasts like this, listen to other great speakers out there, is you get different perspectives on things. We encourage that. That's awesome. From our point of view, there's really five fundamental areas that you need to be conversant with if you're going to be successful as an entrepreneur.

    If you're weak in any of these areas, this is going to have an impact on your results. It means you're going to be more reliant on others to help you navigate your path. If your team's established or it's a fairly early start, it can be risky. You won't be a pro overnight. You won't be a pro in all areas straight away. Knowledgeable and having a core understanding of these five areas will really help you make informed decisions in your business and help you understand what impact the decisions you are making, what are you making in your business.

    Without further ado, let's break these five categories down in summary form. Number one, straight out of the gate guys, is finance. Number two, operations, your systems and your processes. Number three, people. Human resources we need to get delivered out there. Number four Sales and marketing to bring in the revenue. Number five Corporate governance, managing the business correctly and in line and adopting good policies.