
    The Real Relationships Podcast

    We live in a world that portrays relationships in such a way that people have started to have warped expectations of what they should be. My podcast will talk about what happens in the real world, to real people, with real stories (good as well as bad) and topics to help you understand relationships better, not just with others but also also with yourself.
    enSophie Personne137 Episodes

    Episodes (137)

    Dealing With The Unexpected

    Dealing With The Unexpected

    Today, I interview Cath Lloyd and we talk about ways to deal with the unexpected. Sudden life changes will literally sometimes take us by surprise and force us to face up to things we would never have thought possible.

    Join us to hear more about her inspiring story...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    The Impact of Grief

    The Impact of Grief

    Today I interview Katie Holtaway and we discuss the impact of grief, not just on ourselves but on our relationships. We all know that we are going to die one day, we just don't know when. What we fail to realise and underestimate is the impact it will have on others and their own relationships...

    Join us to find out more...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    Understanding Our Needs

    Understanding Our Needs

    Today I interview Shay McConnon and we talk about the importance of understanding needs but also of getting them met. Whether it's in personal relationships or in the workplace, our own or other people's, we must recognise that needs are key to our happiness, satisfaction and wellbeing.

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    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    The Impact of Childhood in Relationships

    The Impact of Childhood in Relationships

    Today, I interview Eleanor Baggaley, Children's Author, and we discuss the impact of childhood in relationships.

    The foundation of healthy relationships starts very early indeed, as the way children are raised or what they go through will have future consequences. This is actually one of the reasons some people struggle to get good and positive relationships.

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    For more info, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    The Impact of Retirement on Relationships

    The Impact of Retirement on Relationships

    Today I interview Deanna Bryant - Midlife Marriage Strategist and we discuss the impact of retirement on relationships. Whilst it may not seem obvious to some, it is actually be huge. From having evolved differently to becoming more aware of aging or a change in roles, retirement can actually throw a lot of problems at couples.

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    For more info, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    Understanding Your Inner Motivations

    Understanding Your Inner Motivations

    Today I interview Lex McKee and we talk about our inner motivations...

    Motivational mapping is a tool mainly used in the workplace or as part of the recruitment process but it also has its place for understanding relationships.

    It's actually crucial to be aware of what motivates or demotivates us because understanding yourself is key to a happy relationship.

    Join us to find out more...

    For more info, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    Polyamorous Relationships

    Polyamorous Relationships

    Today, I interview Tatjana Berthelsen who shares with us her relationship journey and how she found that having just one romantic partner wasn't for her.

    We discuss polyamory and how it differs from an open relationship. We also explore why polyamorous relationships may not be for everyone but how some people are quite open to find out what it's really like. 

    Join us to hear more...

    For more info, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    Are You in the Wrong Relationship?

    Are You in the Wrong Relationship?

    Today I interview Rick Soetebier, Relationship & Dating Coach, and we discuss a very common relationship issue, which is to be in the wrong one...

    It can be for a number of reasons, from dating the wrong kind of people to evolving in different directions, via being scared to leave or of being on your own.

    Join us to find out more...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com 

    Debunking The Leadership Myths

    Debunking The Leadership Myths

    Today I interview Paul Kinkaid from Selfless Leadership and we focus on debunking the leadership myths.

    Leadership is far more than just meets the eye and in order to create truly engaged, highly performing & productive teams, it's crucial to come from a position of care.

    Join us to find out more...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    The Most Important Relationship You'll Ever Have...

    The Most Important Relationship You'll Ever Have...

    Today I interview Vie Portland and we discuss the most important relationship anyone can have... The one with ourselves. It might sound obvious to some or irrelevant to others but if you want better relationships and to be happy, it is key to really understand it.

    Join us to find out more...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    The Art of Deception

    The Art of Deception

    Today I interview Paul Newton, Magician & Author of Mental Theft, and we discuss the art of deception. As human beings, it's very easy for us to just see what we want to see... It is therefore equally as easy for us to be deceived, purely because of how our brain works and where we choose to put our focus.

    Join us to hear more...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    Tackling Change with Confidence

    Tackling Change with Confidence

    Today I interview Astrid Davies and we talk about the importance of tackling change with confidence. Change can be scary and have a massive impact on our lives so it's key to get an understanding of how to handle it.

    Join us to find out exactly how to do that...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    The Ripple Effect of Our Decisions

    The Ripple Effect of Our Decisions

    Today, I interview Cath Lloyd, author of 'When Dad Became Joan' and we talk about the impact of our decisions, not just on ourselves but on others too. When Cath's father decided to undergo gender reassignment, it changed the entire family's life - from grieving the person they once knew to adjusting to life with a transgender parent, the ripple effect was immense.

    Join us to hear more of Cath's amazing story...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    How to Navigate Change in a Marriage

    How to Navigate Change in a Marriage

    Today I interview Deanna Bryant and we talk about how to handle change in a marriage. Life will throw some curve balls but sometimes we also don't evolve in the same way. Different career opportunities or interests, affairs, kids, midlife crisis... All have the power to destabilize a marriage but how can we go through change together?

    Join us to find out more...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    Being an Entrepreneur & the Impact on Relationships

    Being an Entrepreneur & the Impact on Relationships

    Today I interview Ben Ivey from Entrepreneur Lifestyle and we discuss how being an entrepreneur can have a massive impact on your relationships. It may not seem obvious if you are new to it or have not (yet) attempted to set up your own business but for many, it can be overwhelming and take over your life.

    Join us to find out more on what you can do to prevent it from happening...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    The Secrets to a Happy Marriage

    The Secrets to a Happy Marriage

    Today I interview Tod Jacobs & Peter Lynn from Not A Partnership and we discuss the secrets to having a happy marriage. Let's be honest, the divorce stats really highlight that something isn't working out as it should so why not try a different approach?

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    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    Creating Healthy Relationships with Customers

    Creating Healthy Relationships with Customers

    Today I interview Sue Farrance and we talk about the importance of creating healthy business relationships with customers. The foundations should be based on honesty and trust - for both parties - in order to create the best experience possible.

    Join us to find out more...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com.

    Positive Emotions & Happiness

    Positive Emotions & Happiness

    Today I interview Nic Marks from Friday Pulse and we talk about positive emotions & happiness. Feelings and emotions - good and bad - can control our lives so it's important to know (and more importantly understand) what we can do to improve our wellbeing and own quality of life.

    Join us to hear more...

    For more information, please visit https://www.sophiepersonne.com