
    The Sovereign Man Podcast

    “A real man is sovereign over his own life. He takes full responsibility for becoming a better man, and owns his own successes and failures. But he also understands the value of being a part of a band of brothers, the kind that have his back, and he can call at 3 AM if he’s stuck in a jail cell, because they’ll come and get him. He understands that just like a wolf pack, the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.” — Nicky Billou Welcome to the Sovereign Man Podcast where we have the conversations that matter to you as a man, and inspire you to become the best version of yourself. You’ll learn from the best business, career, financial, relationship, and mans skills experts from around the world. The Sovereign Man Podcast is for motivated men like you who want to win in today’s world. We equip you to become better in every area of your life from establishing mastery over yourself, to defining your purpose, strengthening your family and your relationships, becoming a better leader, and learning man skills. Each week I have real, unscripted conversations with real men, successful men, and men who give a darn.
    enNicky Billou134 Episodes

    Episodes (134)

    EP74: Billou & Arpa - How Money Changes You As A Man

    EP74: Billou & Arpa - How Money Changes You As A Man

    “Money makes you more of who you really are. If you’re a good person with money you’ll be a better person because it’ll let you amplify that. If you’re a bad person with money you’ll be a worse person because it’ll let you amplify that too.”

    There are three phases every man will go through in his relationship with money. It’s a reflection of each man’s process of maturing through life. Understanding that process can help you avoid major pitfalls that get the best of us, especially given the power money can have over a man who’s not on his mission. There are many things a man can invest in to build himself up and prepare his family for the future.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP73: Billou & Arpa - What Is Freedom To A Man?

    EP73: Billou & Arpa - What Is Freedom To A Man?

    “Freedom for a man is to have no choice.”

    There’s a small sense of freedom that comes from having nothing to do. No responsibilities. But it doesn’t last long before boredom sets in and for some of us, that nagging sense that we’re not reaching our full potential and that life is missing something. There’s another approach to freedom and it’s the only way. Find your purpose and surrender to it, fully. Heavy emphasis on surrender. If this seems counterintuitive, listen to today’s episode to get clear on how you can find true freedom.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP72: Lt Colonel David Grossman - It's Springtime For Snowflakes

    EP72: Lt Colonel David Grossman - It's Springtime For Snowflakes

    “I think we should be profoundly concerned about the woke message being given to our children through our schools.”

    “The only thing in the world we can control is ourselves. And we give way to bitterness, if we give way to cynicism or complacency or denial, then we’ve given away the one thing we can control. If you lose your temper, you didn’t lose it, you gave it away.”

    Recent events have shown us there’s a force in the process of trying to take away our freedom; our ability to control our children, our families, and our communities. Even our beliefs. But ultimately these events have only served as a wakeup call. This force is not winning. It’s clear that the majority will not stand by to allow this to unfold. But the way forward is standing up for the principles that support our basic human nature and promote the virtue that strengthens every aspect of our selves and our society.

    Lt Colonel David Grossman is a decorated soldier, Westpoint psychology professor, husband and father, and a man of faith. He’s seen the battle ground and he understands the strength of a man and a society that fights with virtue for truth and freedom. He knows that a man’s freedom is ultimately maintained by his virtuous principles, not his government. He’s written several books, including the Amazon best seller, On Killing (Marine Core Commandants required reading), On Combat, and the soon to be released, On Hunting. He’s trained military and law enforcement around the world.

    Dave’s advice for how to empower your masculinity:

    1. Get control of your life and promote healthy sleep for your self and your family.
    2. Identify the things you can do in a violent world. Learn how to handle a weapon and know how to use it virtuously. Don’t live in fear.
    3. Get control of your children, their training and education. Get control of local politics, school boards. Invest in their education and future through faith based, private education.
    4. Live a virtuous life. Build a virtuous family.

    Some of Dave’s other books are; On Combat, On Spiritual Combat, Sheepdog (kids book), and his latest book, soon to be published is, On Hunting. You can find all of Dave’s books at https://grossmanontruth.com/.

    You can also find Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman and Facebook.


    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    The Sovereign Man Podcast
    enDecember 28, 2022

    EP71 - How To Surprise & Delight Your Woman

    EP71 - How To Surprise & Delight Your Woman

    One of the challenges of being in a longterm relationship is the tendency for things to become routine. This is one way a woman will keep a man out of his comfort zone. But relationships and life aren’t easy and comfort and ease are tempting, so most men need coaching to help them rise up to the challenge of keeping their woman feeling cherished. Listen in for Nicky's top 10 ways to surprise and delight your woman.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    Also in this episode:

    Owen Williams https://relationshipexcellence.com/

    EP70: Sean Castrina - Success Requires Getting Uncomfortable

    EP70: Sean Castrina - Success Requires Getting Uncomfortable

    Just a few generations ago, the average man knew that hard work paid off, and there wasn’t much thought given to shirking responsibilities to self, family, community, and God. Now, many aspects of society will cradle a man who would rather take the easy road, choosing comfort and convenience over hard work and responsibility. Deep down, no man truly wants this but there’s a trend of promoting and raising diminished men who don’t know how or haven’t the courage to step out of their comfort zone. A man who doesn’t know his potential or how to get there is lost.

    Here to help create a bridge for these men is Sean Catrina. Sean is a husband and father who’s created multiple 8 figure businesses. He’s proven to himself, his employees, and his family the value of hard work and stepping out of your comfort zone. This conversation explores why comfort has become so important to men, where some of the strongest influences in this trend come from, and the mindset it takes to break free and find your version of success.

    To learn more about Sean, go to https://seancastrina.com/.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP69: Jimmy Capra - Men As protectors - Putting Away Bad Guys

    EP69: Jimmy Capra - Men As protectors - Putting Away Bad Guys

    “I’ve always trained my kids to be warriors. Warriors against a culture that wants to change their minds. Warriors about a culture that hates their faith. Warriors about where they stand morally and ethically.”

    Jimmy Capra is the former chief of global operations of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in the US. Him and his team, along with foreign agencies and governments, cleared the streets of countless criminals including El Chapo, various cartels, and large scale traffickers with ties to terrorist groups. Jimmy has too many stories to tell for this one episode but what he shares most is his passion for truth and justice. Jimmy believes in raising boys to be warriors of principle, for their own minds and their countries. He speaks about the fear that plagues the west in the face of the ideologies that are trying to subvert our culture and how we need to take a stand for the truth.

    Jimmy is retired now and is the CEO and Founder of The Front Line Leadership Group. He’s a man of faith, dedicated to his family and grateful for the blessings he’s been given.

    You can learn more about Jimmy or hire him as a speaker at FrontLineLeadershipGroup.com.

    You can find his book, Leader At The Front Line: Lessons Learned About Loving, Leading, and Legacy from a Warrior and Public Servant on Amazon.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    SMP EP68: Michael Jaquith - Emotional Sovereignty & Overcoming Addiction

    SMP EP68: Michael Jaquith - Emotional Sovereignty & Overcoming Addiction

    “The strength of a man comes from his ability to take an emotional blow, process it and let go.”

    The ability to stand firm in the face of his own emotions defines a man’s character. Too much trouble comes to and from a man who justify’s his impulses or who doesn’t believe he can gain control of himself. Addictions of all kinds will plague him and he’ll be sealed off from ever experiencing his true potential or offering it to his friends, family or community.

    Michael Jaquith is a personal growth and development coach. He knows the nature of addiction well and he’s especially aware of how a man can start his journey away from addiction and toward his own emotional sovereignty. There’s something for everyone in this episode, because if you don’t suffer from addiction, someone close to you does and the insights you’ll gain from this conversation could be exactly what you need to hear.

    To connect with Michael, go to https://www.catholiclifecoaches.com/michael-jaquith.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    Also in this episode:

    David Deida - The Way Of The Superior Man

    The Book Of Proverbs

    The Sovereign Man Podcast
    enNovember 30, 2022

    EP67: Billou & Arpa - Thinking For Yourself - The 5th Pillar Of A Sovereign Man

    EP67: Billou & Arpa - Thinking For Yourself - The 5th Pillar Of A Sovereign Man

    “Discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs tonnes.” - Tony Robins

    The five pillars of a sovereign man:

    1. Physical sovereignty
    2. Financial sovereignty
    3. Emotional sovereignty
    4. Spiritual sovereignty 
    5. Intelectual sovereignty

    A man without a mind of his own is a leaf in the wind. A man who takes counsel from his emotions is not in control of himself. Whatever information blows your way will shape your world view and you won’t be living your own life. This is how the media controls the narrative and how schools are raising our children. This episode is about reclaiming your intellectual sovereignty, neutralizing political manipulation, and protecting our families and communities.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP66: James A. Ray - How To Overcome Adversity & Achieve Redemption

    EP66: James A. Ray - How To Overcome Adversity & Achieve Redemption

    “The greatest battles you’ll ever fight are not outside of you. The greatest battles you’ll ever fight are deep inside of you. Your own demons, your own dragons, all those things that tell you, “Thou shall not!” Everything that stands at the door of your dreams and desires and says “You shall not pass!”

    People want redemption and sovereignty but society has been drifting from the foundation of both. Younger generations have been taught to avoid responsibility so they might not even recognize a need for redemption or sovereignty. But what we’re seeing throughout the world now, as many social phenomenon reach the extreme, is that a sustainable future depends on us all having and maintaining both.

    James A. Ray is a man who needed redemption and he found it. When others would have given up, James had the necessary mindset to breakthrough the adversity and earn redemption. The conversation goes from being lost in the desert, to millennials, to quantum physics. We learn about the role sovereignty has to play in achieving redemption and what it means to achieve excellence as a virtuous man.

    A great place to start to learn more about James A. Ray in his Youtube channel, JamesA Ray.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP65: Ernest Emerson - How To Survive The Attack Of A Bad Guy With A Gun

    EP65: Ernest Emerson - How To Survive The Attack Of A Bad Guy With A Gun

    “Never back down from evil. If you turn your back on it, it will only attack you from behind.“

    The creator of the iconic Emerson Knives and renowned self-defence coach, Ernest Emerson is back with us again to share some of the knowledge from his book, Bad Guy With A Gun: How To Survive The Attack Of An Active Shooter - Volume 1&2. Most civilians aren’t prepared with the right skills or mindset to defend themselves or others should they come across someone with a gun. Nicky and Ernest go through several chapters of the book and clarify many issues related to guns and weapons, from how to interpret gun related statistics to the proper handling of a gun to the fact that the person is the weapon, not the gun.

    You can find Bad Guy With A Gun: How To Survive The Attack Of An Active Shooter - Volume 1&2 at EmersonKnives.com.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    The Sovereign Man Podcast
    enNovember 09, 2022

    EP64: Stephen Arms - Why Boys Need A Rite Of Passage To Manhood

    EP64: Stephen Arms - Why Boys Need A Rite Of Passage To Manhood

    “That was the moment I became a man.”

    Boys who aren’t guided toward manhood and who aren’t told when they’ve arrived will seek to prove themselves. And without the integrity that comes with truly being a man, the boy will take a side track that could lead to a lot of trouble for himself and the people around him. A rite of passage is a ritual that makes the transition tangible, and tells the boy that he’s ready to take on the rest of his life. But in these modern times, ritual is something we have to create for ourselves. It’s up to each of us to find or create a rite of passage for the boys around us.

    Stephen Arms’ father gave him a rite passage and he’s written the book, Milestone To Manhood: A Christian Rite Of Passage to Help Your 13-Year-Old Son Make The Leap From Boyhood To Manhood to help remind others of the need for boys to truly become men.

    You can find Milestone To Manhood at https://www.milestonetomanhood.com/ or on Amazon.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    The Sovereign Man Podcast
    enNovember 02, 2022

    EP63: Clint Emerson - Living The Rugged Life

    EP63: Clint Emerson - Living The Rugged Life

    Only a few generations ago, boys were given many opportunities to grow into good, strong men. The Boy Scouts was actually created by British spies to prepare young men for potential wars. Though we still have the Boy Scouts, things have changed. There’s too much pulling boys away from the path toward manhood. Here to talk about this issue and to offer solutions is Clint Emerson. Clint is a retired navy seal and the best selling author of 100 deadly Skills. He serves others by teaching skills for survival and self-defence. We touch on the need for father’s to get involved in their son’s lives, the need for parents to get involved in conversations around school curriculum, serving others; not yourself, knife use and types, and Clint’s book, 100 Deadly Skills.

    Check out Clint’s online store for apparel, knives and gear, and his books. https://violentnomad.com/

    Go to https://clintemerson.com/ to learn more about Clint and his latest offering, the Ready Room: A Self-Reliance Network, where you can get exclusive access to emergency safety courses, skills videos, and a community of likeminded people.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP62: Steven Powell aka The Gun Life Coach - Why Every Man Should Learn How To Use A Gun

    EP62: Steven Powell aka The Gun Life Coach - Why Every Man Should Learn How To Use A Gun

    Owning a gun is one thing, but learning how to use it is something else altogether. It is a skill well worth developing and Stephen Powell has made it his mission to teach people from all walks of life the responsible and effective way to handle a gun and defend themselves.

    The conversation touches on the practical use of a gun and the philosophy of violence, the politics that threaten our freedoms, and why men should find their voice to speak their truth.

    To learn more about Stephen and The Gunlife Coach, go to https://www.thegunlifecoach.com/.

    Also in this episode:

    Book: When Violence Is The Answer by Tim Larkin.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP61: Billou & Arpa - Why Men Need To Stand Up For Freedom

    EP61: Billou & Arpa - Why Men Need To Stand Up For Freedom

    Individual freedom and sovereignty are the cornerstone of a democratic society and there’s a direct relationship between the strength of men and masculinity and the strength of that society.

    Right now, in Iran and throughout the world, freedom is under attack just as masculinity is under attack. Arpa and Billou explore this and several ways we can stand up to defend our freedoms.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP60: Nick Koumalatsos - Why Every Man Needs To Be Physically Fit

    EP60: Nick Koumalatsos - Why Every Man Needs To Be Physically Fit

    Life happens and it’s not easy to keep up, so this episode is about giving you the clarity, motivation and know-how to step up your fitness game. Being the best version of yourself is not about vanity. It’s about serving your family and your community. If you’re complacent in your fitness, it will show up in other parts of your life. 

    Nick Koumalatsos is an ex-marine raider, fitness trainer, men’s coach, entrepreneur, and podcast host. He’s the founder of the Agoge Training Method, using four pillars; Fitness, Discipline, Belief, and Tribe to help men become the best versions of themselves.

    To learn more about the Agoge Training Method, go to https://agogetraining.com/.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP59: John Spencer - Put Yourself To The Test

    EP59: John Spencer - Put Yourself To The Test

    What is strength and what is preparedness? What kind of conditions result in war, is war possible in the west, and how do we prepare? Leading scholar and expert in the field of urban warfare, John Spencer, is here to share his 25+ years experience of service in US military and field research on urban battlefields. In his travels, John witnessed what masculinity looks like in different cultures. He believes in cohesion and community and in building strong individuals who can be prepared for adversity when it comes. We’ll hear about the phenomenon of learned helplessness, boys without father figures, the need for martial skills, and Ukrainians stepping up and showing the preparedness to defend themselves.

    John is a frequent guest on CNN, MSNBC, BBC, CNBC, and many other televised media outlets. He writes for the Wallstreet Journal, New York Times, Military Times, NBS News, Fox News, and many more.

    To learn more, go to https://www.johnspenceronline.com/publications.

    John has written two books, Connected Soldiers: Life, Leadership, and Social Connections in Modern War, and Understanding Urban Warfare.

    Expert action steps:

    1. Look deep into yourself and be sure you’re putting yourself to the test. You only become strong through adversity. If you’re comfortable, that only leads to weakness.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP58: Chris Voss - How To Build Successful 8 Figure Businesses

    EP58: Chris Voss - How To Build Successful 8 Figure Businesses

    There are things that a man needs and there are things he only wants. Purpose is one thing a man needs and it’s the foundation he builds for all the things he wants. Having a mindset focussed on purpose will ensure your financial success and sovereignty. But there are many things in this world working against men’s natural tendency toward finding and fulfilling purpose.

    Chris Voss is the CEO and host of The Chris Voss Show podcast. He’s an author, speaker, consultant, YouTuber, and has won numerous awards including the Forbes Top 50. He has an audience of over 300,000 on social media and more than 35 years of entrepreneurial experience.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    EP57: Rob Arpa - The Lies Of The Left

    EP57: Rob Arpa - The Lies Of The Left

    “Any man under 30 who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over thirty who is not a conservative has no brains.” ― Winston S. Churchill

    Leftist ideology is detached from reality. The list of examples is long so we'll just pick one. They’re trying to rewrite human nature and they try to use science to convince us. They want to alter our children’s bodies while taking away the parents right to be involved in the decision. The lies of the left run deep and this episode aims to expose them.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    The Sovereign Man Podcast
    enSeptember 14, 2022

    SMP EP56 Arpa & Billou -- How To Avoid A Midlife Crisis

    SMP EP56 Arpa & Billou -- How To Avoid A Midlife Crisis

    “If it’s a big deal to your wife, it better become a big deal to you.”

    Maybe a midlife crisis, on some level, is inevitable. The pattern has its roots. But if men and women, husbands and wives aren’t grounded by some basic human principles, the midlife crisis can get out of hand and messy. Ultimately, family comes first. If your partner is showing signs of the midlife crisis, there are things you can and should do to uphold the strength and balance of the family.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    The Sovereign Man Podcast
    enSeptember 07, 2022

    EP55: Billou & Arpa - Andrew Tate - Hero Or Villain?

    EP55: Billou & Arpa - Andrew Tate - Hero Or Villain?

    Andrew Tate sends a confusing message. On one hand, he contributes to raising awareness of some dangerous political and social issues. But on the other hand, he’s actually contributing to those same issues by giving advice that can only do damage to men, women and society on a macro scale.

    Check out the Sovereign Circle or the Battle Ready program at https://www.sovereignman.ca/. While you’re there, check out the store for Sovereign Man t-shirts, hats, and books.

    Also in this episode:

    P. J. O'Rourke