
    Tom Barry on Awakening with Mother Earth

    Welcome to the Tom Barry on Awakening with Mother Earth podcast.

    As many of you are aware, the essence of us all, is Source, Creator, or God nature.
    Each of us is a direct and deliberate emanation of Source, an explicit expression of Creator manifested in absolute, Unconditional Love.

    An essential element of what many are referring to as the ascension of Mother Earth and all upon her, is humanity returning to being fully conscious or our true nature as Source Beings, as beings of Infinite Love, with all the Sovereignty, Creative Power and Joy that is inherent in your higher conscious.

    My name is Tom Barry,  and I am a channel of angels, and of what are often referred to as Ascended Masters, who are Spirit Guides at the highest, most pristine realms of consciousness, where Unconditional Love, and all that issues from that: flawless union, effortless abundance, perfect joy, health and happiness are the only energies possible.

    At the consciousness of Ascended Masters and angels, which is where you are headed, if you Choose, 3rd and 4th dimensional energies of separation and duality, such as judgment, expectation, disappointment, poverty, blame and hatred cannot, and will not, even exist.

    I began channeling Ascended Masters and angels during my 18 years as a Buddhist monk.  Eventually, as I began to clearly experience the Divine Nature of myself and all beings, I came to put down my robes as a monk, leaving religion and defines spiritual paths behind.

    I learned to discover and BE my own Source nature more fully, and to help others, in their own way, who wish to experience, and then exist within their own, inherent, ascended consciousness.

    My purpose is to help people, through connection with their own, intrinsic, Divine knowing (and their own Ascended Guides if they wish), to recognise, accept and Be their own Source nature.

    This is how we move from the consciousness of separation, duality and suffering, to highest Fifth Dimensional consciousness of our true nature of Unconditional Love and Oneness with All That Is.

    In the end, Dear Ones, it is all, of course, about Love.

    Thank you for joining me here where I will share the recordings of many of my channelings of Ascended Masters and Angels.

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    Episodes (64)

    Your Mind is Holding You Back; How We Define Mind

    Your Mind is Holding You Back; How We Define Mind

    Your mind is holding most of you back. We define mind as everything you have come to know as you: brain, perceptions about what your 5 senses tell you, understandings, habits, skills, fears, etc. Your habitual reliance on these tools acquired in the 3rd dimension, including teachers & gurus, will be of no use where you’re going.

    We define mind as everything, every aspect, that you have come to know as you: understandings, knowledge, wisdom, habits, hopes, fears, desires, skills, perceived weaknesses; your 5 senses and how you’ve come to use them, and your perceptions about the reliability of what they tell you; and of course your brain. These are the TOOLS you used for growing, thriving and surviving 3rd dimensionally. But in terms of your spiritual growth, your habitual reliance upon your mind as we define it is holding most of you back. We offer an analogy where everything we describe as the mind is a boat and you and your boat have been on an adventure sailing the sea of duality. Over the course of the journey, you have come to perceive you and your boat as being inseparable. Now you’ve run aground, but the habit of you and boat, the appearance of absolute reliance, is so deeply engrained, so strong, it doesn’t occur to most people that they can leave their boat behind. It’s confusing and uncomfortable, because the database and toolbox of the mind is no longer providing very clear information upon which decisions and understanding will be made. Many are aware that their boat is no longer moving, but it doesn’t occur to most that it’s safe to get out of the boat. A few brave souls have hopped out of their boat but it does not occur to most of them that they can leave the boat—this partnership with the mind—behind. So they drag the boat with them, which is difficult, plus the tools constituted in the boat are becoming ever less reliable. Then one day you come across a sheer cliff, and it is apparent that you and your boat will not navigate this in any way. People will search the database of their mind for a way. Some will read more and listen to teachers. Some will attempt to scale the cliff using their mind, but it doesn’t work because the tools they’re using don’t work: they see a hand hold, reach for it, but it's not there. At some point, you’ll realize there is no figuring anything out, there are no books or teachers, there is nothing in your tool bag, library, wisdom, understanding, skills, or earthly memory that you acquired in your 3rd dimensional existence that will be of any use where you’re going. So you finally make the decision to let go of everything, even at depths you cannot yet see. At the top of your list of things to let go of are those perceptions, understandings, definitions having to do with you. Let go of all instincts for survival, of gravity being real. In your meditations and walking through life, it is a human habit to have expectations of experience, wondering what something is going to be like, ideas about what’s happening. Let go of those too .As you let go, your higher chakras will open in ways that you’ve not yet experienced in the 3rd Dimension. With regard to people, teachers and gurus who have advice, they’re doing the best they can but remember that they’re using concepts developed in the 3rd dimension. It's not possible to know anything about what lies ahead.

    Say Goodbye to Old Stuff that Arises; Take Charge of Your Life

    Say Goodbye to Old Stuff that Arises; Take Charge of Your Life

    Make a conscious decision not to react to the ever-deeper layers of old stuff being shaken loose. It’s time to take charge of your life as a being with divine knowing by following your inner knowing. 

    Ever deeper layers of your old, lower vibrational stuff are being shaken loose, ancient forgotten traumas, old fears, feelings, whatever. As these arise and you begin to react, stop and be an objective observer. Know that whatever it is that you’ve begun to react to, it’s only energy and has no reality to you in your consciousness, no power or effect, until you react to it and make it real. It might help to say in your mind or out loud something like: “thank you for once serving me, I no longer resonate with you, goodbye”. Or send it to your Ascended Guides. When you make a conscious decision not to react, your level of consciousness rises. Another key aspect of ascension is following your inner knowing or heart. Not just knowing your heart, but following it: taking charge of your life as a being with divine knowing. Do the best you can, but do something: move, create movement. Quite a few Light Workers continue to do things (such as jobs and relationships) that they’ve known in their heart of hearts isn’t for them. Also love yourself: moment by moment nurture and take care of yourself. Another aspect of your rising consciousness is that which used to resonate with you no longer does, it falls away: people, places, situations, things, interests.

    There are no rules to ascension, no steps. Just a posture of intent to ascend, whatever that looks like for you, the intent to let go and move beyond the old reality, to return to your own truth, unconditional love. You don’t need to understand.  Any idea, understanding, or concept that a person has when they are still in duality, even if just a little, cannot possibly be correct, because it was formed in the illusion of duality. As soon as you achieve an understanding, let it go. At this stage for most of you, any understanding you have is a barrier, constraint, or ceiling to where you’re going. We acknowledge that one needs enough understanding to decide what to do, moment by moment. Higher understanding comes from your heart, third eye, intuition.

    You Are the Only Change that is Important Now; Engage in it in a Determined Way

    You Are the Only Change that is Important Now; Engage in it in a Determined Way

    YOU are the only change now you need to be concerned with that will have any impact. Hard-wired habits of reaction will continue to come up. Just catch yourself and make the conscious decision to let it go and center in your higher knowing. It’s possible to disengage from what's going on but still function within it.

    For every person on the planet, what you create as reality with your reactions, thoughts, and emotions (often habitual), collectively these go into the consciousness that is more or less the governing vibration of the planet at any given moment. YOU are the only change now that you need to be concerned with, to engage and work on, that will have any impact or importance whatsoever. The massive shift of this planet and you to higher vibration has to do with you moving to a place of following your own divine nature. It’s all about you embracing and engaging in the change within you, in a determined, consistent way for awhile. All the rest of it ...it means something, but the actual causes for all these visible changes are YOU, rising to higher vibration, rising to a place where you functioning within the higher vibrational aspects of this planet, leading the way, holding the light. You flowing into your natural state as a fully conscious being is something that is so natural, and now so easy, all it really requires is a willingness to let go and stay in this place of UCL, and to maintain this as much as you can. It’s all set up. Habits of reaction are hard wired...amazement, self-righteousness, blame... will continue to come up. Every time you catch yourself and make the conscious decision to let it go and center at a higher place centered in your HEART, your inner knowing, you create the ability to do that even more so next time. It is possible to disengage and be in a place of absolute UCL and acceptance, no longer treating what’s around as real but still functioning within it. Acceptance does not mean that deciding that everything everyone is doing is OK.

    The Ascended Masters Answer Questions From Listeners

    The Ascended Masters Answer Questions From Listeners

    The Masters discuss their nature and purposes here in the ascended, and other realms of earth, as well as how to effectively connect with them and use their guidance and assistance. Included in this discourse are cautions about spirits who masquerade as Ascended Guides, and how to avoid them.

    Other questions addressed have to do with the difficulties lightworkers face in triggering reactions and disproportionate responses in those around them, and how best to handle these situations. Also discussed are issues of diet, listening more closely to the needs of our bodies (while putting beliefs and habits of mind aside), and so on.

    Let Go of Belief that Anything Outside of You Can Affect You

    Let Go of Belief that Anything Outside of You Can Affect You

    There is nothing outside of yourself that can hurt, save, or otherwise affect you unless you let it. Letting go of that which contradicts your truth, and welcoming your transition from duality to oneness, opens you up energetically for this transition to flow.

    There is nothing outside of yourself—no concept, person, anything—that can control, hurt, save, or even affect you, unless you give it that power. When you truly begin to loosen up on the boundaries you’ve created for yourself, energetically you're opening up to divine flow. When you loosen up on that which contradicts your truth, your truth flows more freely. It’s what you as divine creator create for yourself. It will be necessary for you to welcome the fact that ascension requires your transformation from a being who has been deeply engaged in duality back to an awakening, then awakened ascended being, who not only believes you are one with you are one with all that is, but you are that. As divine creator, you need to create the space, the openness, the invitation, the willingness for this transformation. The more your consciousness moves towards an awakened state, the less duality will resonate with you. More and more you will exist in a state of unconditional love, true compassion, kindness, and an awareness of oneness. Reaction to people, events, situations in a judgmental way will fall away. You will be a light and people will see it. Open your heart to love and being your light, that’s it.

    All of the ways of being, the systems on your planet—especially those dealing with how humans deal with one another—all will change quite rapidly. In every sense there will be equality, not just economically but politically, environmentally, every way you can think of. Power as you think of it, as it’s understood, will no longer be a factor. Hierarchies where a person or group holds power over others will no longer be able to exist. Humans, in cooperation with us and galactic beings, will begin healing one another and Gaia. This process cannot be turned around, it has reached a point of no return and cannot fail. How you each experience this will be determined by your level of consciousness. You as light workers are so critical, you are the free will of humanity in expression.

    Your Resurrection; Manifesting Abundance

    Your Resurrection; Manifesting Abundance

    The resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus)—returning to that highest essence of all that is—is the same as yours, although you made the choice to ascend while retaining your physical form. In manifesting abundance for yourself, shift away from dualistic cause and effect to having the consciousness that it can come in any way.

    After crucifixion, Yeshua returned to his true state, that highest essence of all that is, which goes by many terms (source, creator, The One, God, Allah, ...). On Sunday he reappeared in physical form, then again left his body behind to exist in that highest state. Your resurrection and Yeshua’s are the same, although your process looks different because most of you made the choice to ASCEND while retaining your physical form. An aspect of your ascension is to be that purest love on a physical planet in physical form, to anchor that love and be a beacon and demonstration of that love to all others. This would not be possible while still maintaining your lower-vibration form, so you're changing from carbon-based to crystalline and many new chakras will allow you to exist at full consciousness in every way, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Yeshua, Buddha, and so many others of us got together with you—you who have reincarnated repeatedly doing this human experience and are ascending—and decided to do this together. So remember that you're already absolute love, source/creation/creator. You’re simply in a process of remembering, and more than anything loving. And remember that self-love, self-treasuring means loving the divine, your truth. In your mediation or quiet times, call in and merge with Yeshua, who is here with you now, as always. Ask to remember your awareness of being absolute love.

    Regarding what you put into yourself, we urge you to simply follow your inner knowing as to what your body is asking for, and the energetic cause and effect on you at every level, how you behave, think, feel. In one moment, you might feel that flesh doesn’t resonate, but the next day your body might be calling for something else. It’s true that most who are ascending will reach a point where lower-vibrational substances no longer resonate, such as animal flesh, alcohol, drugs, and medications. But there are no requirements for ascension regarding this, it's simply a matter of energy.

    Humanity will have abundance, it's simply an aspect of that rainbow of divine. But the timing is unknown and there’s no logical progression, because the paths are limitless given the billions of humans still creating from a belief in want and separation (although the balance is shifting as Light Workers are beginning to create consciously). Whatever happens, every being on earth will experience and understand everything at the level of their consciousness, whatever mixture of energies remains within them at a given time: Unconditional Love, human love, joy, happiness, generosity, compassion, mixed with those remnants from separation such as neediness, lack, and fear. In manifesting abundance for yourself, shift away from dualistic cause and effect. Instead of doing something such as buying currency to experience abundance, you might shift your intent for these purchases to be one of creating a path for abundance in your consciousness in these ever-shifting energies of humanity, with the consciousness that abundance can come in any way.

    Higher Consciousness Begins With Loving the Divine in All Beings

    Higher Consciousness Begins With Loving the Divine in All Beings

    Loving the Source Nature of all beings is so powerful that the actuality of your interconnection with all others will become apparent in a way that you will begin experiencing your own Divine Nature as One with All That Is. You just need to start. This is the subject of today's channeling with the Ascended Masters.

    Unconditional Love Cannot Coexist with Judgment

    Unconditional Love Cannot Coexist with Judgment

    Moving into a state of higher consciousness, beyond the 3rd and 4th dimensions, is all about unconditional love. It is about seeing Source Nature, the essence of Absolute Love in all that is, and being that. In this episode the Ascended Masters discuss letting go of all forms of judgment as an essential element of this process.

    Do We Consciously Choose to Take Our Rebirths (Reincarnations) with Specific Missions and Purposes?

    Do We Consciously Choose to Take Our Rebirths (Reincarnations) with Specific Missions and Purposes?

    In this episode the Ascended Masters talk about the myriad processes and possibilities involved in how we earth beings make our choices to be reborn as humans (or not) on Mother Earth, and how we choose what to do with our lives, both before and during our current incarnations.

    Step into Your Role as a Creator of the Fifth Dimension on Earth

    Step into Your Role as a Creator of the Fifth Dimension on Earth

    It no longer matters what’s happening third dimensionally, everything will play out in these arenas as they need to. What really matters is you being ready to step up and out of the old ways into your roles as creators of the fifth dimension on Earth. Ask yourselves what it is that you’re so afraid of leaving behind.

    It no longer matters what is happening politically, economically, or socially. It no longer matters who is doing what to whom, for what reason. Everything will play out in these third-dimensional arenas as they need to, in order for Gaia, and those of you who are coming along, to carry yourselves into fifth-dimensional existence. Now the only thing that really matters is which of you, how many of you, are ready to step up and out of the old ways and accept your roles as creators of the fifth dimension on Earth. You who can hear these messages chose long ago to create heaven on Earth. You did this out of unconditional love and incredible courage, and for many of you even a sense of adventure.

    If you're going through major unsettling changes, such as the loss of your job, home, business, or family or friends, consider that these experiences might be your wake-up call. The time that you have waited for has finally arrived. How much longer do you want to subject yourselves to the narrative that the media, society, and all of these still deeply-asleep people swirling around you are trying to feed you? Ask yourselves what it is that you’re so afraid of leaving behind. You will find fifth dimensional reality beyond the veil of fear. It is not possible to stay mentally and emotionally attached to, or invested in, the illusions of third dimensional cause-and-result, and still ascend beyond those habitual beliefs and perceptions to higher, fifth dimensional consciousness. Some of you, even now, are staying within old familiar realms of understanding and behavior while still trying to move to higher consciousness.

    You are approaching a crossroads: one way carries you to the new fifth-dimensional Earth, the other way returns to you to the disintegrating 3D world of separation and self-created suffering. Which road do you choose?A wondrous world of unconditional love, compassion, cooperation, equanimity, peace, and unimaginable freedom awaits you. But do not think you can just sit back and wait for this utopia, it will not be delivered to you. This wondrous, ascended world awaits you on the other side of fear, uncertainty, your programming, and your habitual perceptions and beliefs. You, awakened ones of Earth, are in charge. It is you who have the power to let loose the shackles that have bound you for millennia, and allow your hearts to soar into the higher frequencies of true freedom.

    Individuals from various ascended civilizations in the Galactic Federation will be coming down to Earth to help with the transition from third and fourth dimension to fifth in many, many ways. This will happen in accordance with humanity’s ability to accept this and work with us. There will be technologies deployed during this period of time to help with the transition, such as medical technology to help cure people and reverse aging.

    A powerful vortex is opening in Uluru (or Ayers rock), a large sandstone rock formation in Australia, that will bring much power into the ascension energy grid around the planet. One of its purposes is to clear and transmute heavy energies from certain chakras of Mother Earth.

    Move Beyond Your Programming to Make Choices as a Sovereign Being

    Move Beyond Your Programming to Make Choices as a Sovereign Being

    Your return to sovereignty is about you no longer allowing yourselves to be told what to feel or think or believe or fear. Practice your sovereignty by asking yourself, moment to moment, whether you’re choosing for yourself, independent of external influence and control, or out of programmed habit or the mass narrative.

    The Great Shift or Event will forever change the reality and destiny of humankind. The energies coming in the last weeks and over the next few months give you the opportunity to return to your rightful place in the universe as sovereign beings. You are designed to create your realities in each moment through your intentions and choices as sovereign beings. For a very long time, humans have been told what their values are, who and what to support, who and what to fear, who and what to blame, what’s true and not true, who is foe, who his friend. Your return to sovereignty is about you no longer allowing yourselves to be told what to feel or think or believe or fear.

    This is how you move collective consciousness: by being a sovereign, awake human making your own choices, irrespective of the delusions of the collective. As you do so, you are showing others how to be sovereign, how to allow themselves to just be themselves. Many will not know until they are shown by your example. You are doing something of true and lasting benefit just by being your true selves. There is light, a pristine pure frequency coming out of each of you. You are lighting up the planet, just by being you.

    A necessary part of your return to sovereignty is to be fully present in your earthly experience. To do that, you will need to feel everything that comes up in your body and your being: emotions, thoughts, behaviors, feelings, intentions, desires, beliefs, fears, choices, and reactions. Feel your feelings in each moment, and allow and acknowledge whatever arises from within you without judgment or reaction.

    Practice your sovereignty. Ask yourselves, moment to moment, am I creating my reality out of programmed habit, or am I thinking, feeling, and choosing for myself as a sovereign being, independent of external influence and control? Am I choosing or am I following what I’ve been told? Am I choosing this belief or am I being told to choose this belief? As you move through each moment, each day, deciding what’s right for you, are you listening to and leading yourself, or are you following what you’ve been taught, the collective narrative, whatever the media or your peers tell you is proper behavior and thought? Are you intending and consciously creating your next choices and experiences, following your own truth and doing what you feel is best, or are you habitually allowing someone or something to create them for you? There is no right or wrong to this process, this is simply about you learning how to be fully sovereign.

    It is as a sovereign, free-thinking, self-determining human that you are breaking free from the fetters of fear and control, independent finally of external forces.  As you move forward with your practice of sovereignty, allow yourselves to experience the joy of your new-found freedom and the serenity of being a truly self-determined, sovereign being. When you are consciously making your own choices, creating your own reality, you will finally see that what’s happening outside of you no longer matters.

    Make Everything An Aware Choice, a Conscious Creation

    Make Everything An Aware Choice, a Conscious Creation

    Earth is being infused with sustained waves resonating at the frequencies of fifth dimensional consciousness.You will start to feel the greater effects of them roughly from May through September.Your use of these hugely powerful, transformative energies is up to you.Make higher consciousness choice your new habit.

    The energies of the great shift of December 21st are infusing Earth and humanity with sustained cosmic waves from your Galactic Central Sun. They are resonating at the frequencies of fifth dimensional consciousness, transmuting the density of third-dimensional vibration such that it will no longer exist for you. You are now vibrating at the frequency of divine love, from the very depths of your souls to your most basic physical aspects. These energies are only beginning: you will start to feel the greater effects of them roughly from May through September of the coming year. By that time, many of you will no longer even recognize your old selves or your old ways of being. You will be able to experience a far greater range of frequencies and process higher vibrational information at ascended-levels of understanding.

    What lies ahead for you in no way resembles anything you’ve yet experienced or seen. So we encourage you to continually put aside any attempts to project into the future.The more you can move into a posture of easy-going acceptance, the easier your transformations will be.You may find some changes temporarily uncomfortable, as old ideas of the way things should be are challenged.But on your new Earth, all you need will be provided. There will be an end to poverty, an end to lack and disease, you will be loved by all those around you, and you will love all those around you.

    Your use of these hugely powerful, transformative energies is up to you. There’s no more time for being victims, or for letting yourselves be influenced by old concepts of anything. When you find yourself stuck in old reactions of good and bad, division or fear—which will occasionally happen—allow yourself to see that that stuff is from the old you, and choose to not buy into those old ways and old polarities. Any limiting beliefs or thoughts are only old programs from your previous lower-dimensional human existence, they are not coming from your new, higher-conscious, present reality.

    Make higher consciousness choice your new habit, moment to moment. Make everything an aware choice, a conscious creation of your reality. Ask yourself: what if I did have a choice, what would that look like? What if I could do something to change this or that aspect of my life? Many of those hearing this will initially have difficulty with the very concept of higher consciousness choice, because many traditional human beliefs are so accepted as reality that they are not even seen as matters of choice. Everything is choice. You are divine creator. Deliberately and purposefully create your own reality.

    It’s becoming clear to many of you that in these last months and time of the dark state, the world is being exposed to ever greater attempts at mass deception and creating division and fear. Ignore all of it, none of it’s true. The primary virus in the world, Dear Ones, is fear.

    In the foreseeable future, you will continually be faced with the choice between love and fear. As more is disclosed about the horrors the dark ones have inflicted upon humanity, your compulsion toward rage, blame and fear may sometimes seem insurmountable. It is not so, those are only old shadows of your former selves. You will continue to experience what you have habitually seen as bad stuff and darkness appearing in the world to the degree that these shadows remain in you. You are beings of Light, of absolute love, and as such you always have a choice. Hold in your hearts the new Earth of peace and love for all, and do your best to forgive those who have harmed you and harmed humanity. See the light in all beings, including th

    Releasing Old Emotion al Patterns

    Releasing Old Emotion al Patterns

    Emotions are energy and the nature of all energy is to flow. When you suppress an emotion or try to change it, you stop its flow so it becomes stuck in your body and re-creates old emotional patterns. When an old emotional energy arises, feel it expressing itself in your now moment, without reacting to it, and let if flow.

    All energy is consciousness, including emotions. Emotions are energy. The nature of all energy, including emotions of any kind, is flow, movement. When you FEEL an emotion, you are allowing this natural flow through your body. When you RESIST an emotion—or try to change or shift it into another emotion or experience—you are stopping what is meant to flow, causing that energy to become stuck in your body. Intentionally or unintentionally, you are judging that emotion and denying the reality of your present moment. That energy gets stuck in you and will stay there until triggered to come up again for release.

    Emotions are not meant to be stored in your body. They are meant to be felt just as they are, without resistance, definition or change. Whatever emotion comes up, accept it without judgment, regret, reaction or definition. Feel it and let it flow unimpeded through you, expressing itself in your now moment. You cannot change an emotion, its energy. So just let it be what it is. Any effort you make to suppress or change it will stop its flow and re-create your old emotional patterns. Avoiding the creation of energy blockages within your body allows you to stay energetically clear and aligned with your Source energy.

    When you stop the flow of an old emotion that arises, by trying to suppress or change it, you bring that emotion to rest in your body. Since energy’s natural state is to flow, your body then seeks other avenues to allow these pent-up energies to flow, to move on.  As most of you have experienced, the release of suppressed or blocked emotional energy through these other avenues frequently manifests as disorders or diseases in your bodies. Indeed, blocked energy seeking to release by resuming its flow is cause for much of the illness and issues experienced by humanity. It has been this way for a very long time.

    These days, more and more old energies are coming up for clearing. You are releasing versions of you that have existed for many, many lifetimes, old karmic patterns founded in duality, fear, blame, judgment and self-judgment. These illusory habitual patterns have been hardwired into your consciousness, your cellular memory, over countless lifetimes of 3-D existence. Now you are ready, with all the support you need, to release the old patterns you have around emotions and move into your true way of being, to higher consciousness. When an old emotional energy arises, feel it without reacting to it, let if flow, then release it.

    We suggest a way to release an old energy, say an unpleasant emotion. There’s no right or wrong way, this is a starting point. First, just accept the emotion, feel it, allow it to flow through you. Perceiving it as anything but old energy is just 3-D habit. Then call in us, your ascended guides. If you wish, call in someone specific. Archangel Michael, for example, will use a flaming sword to co-create with you cutting away and releasing those old karmic energies. As one with Michael or whomever you choose, visualize the old energy as a cloud, toss it into infinite oneness, and watch it disappear in a puff of light. Then recenter in your heart with love and confidence that you have done this.

    The Unraveling of Your Ego and 3D Mind

    The Unraveling of Your Ego and 3D Mind

    Now and for the next half year or so, increasingly intense energies streaming in will be causing a dissolution of 3D mind. Simply observe the unraveling of your ego mind while letting go of who and what you once thought you were. Be a joyful witness to your reconstitution as a consciously-divine being!

    Now and for the next half year or so, increasingly intense energies will be streaming into Earth and humanity that will cause a fragmentation or breakdown of traditional human mind, ego and persona. The foundation of third-dimensional beliefs upon which people based virtually everything, especially self-definition and understanding, are disintegrating. The new flow of frequencies is dissolving dense, illusory belief and habit, stripping away all that is not the truth within you, clearing the way for your divine consciousness to break free. Only your higher selves will be able to exist within these frequencies.

    Everyone will be experiencing this dissolution of 3D mind, ego and persona in different ways, in accordance with their willingness to let loose of habitual self-perception and reside in their hearts in a state of love. Those who stay engaged with the external world as though it means something, and those who cling tightly to old self definition, methods and purposes, will be experiencing some serious disruption to their psyche. For those who are at least somewhat awake, which are most of you listening to these messages, these transformative energies will profoundly support you in disconnecting from your false 3D selves, helping you step more easily and powerfully into your true, higher consciousness selves.

    For now, and over the next several months, one of the most effective things you can do is to simply observe the unraveling of your ego mind. What you are experiencing is the necessary and accelerating shifting of your mind to higher consciousness. Experience it without clinging to who and what you once thought you were. Observe the changes you’re going through while doing your best not to react to it or give it power. The more you can drop all concepts of you—including ideas of duties, rules, functions, purpose, life itself—the easier it will be to experience these ascension energies the way they’re meant to be experienced.

    You are in the process of re-learning everything, at every level. Be a joyful witness to your reconstitution as a consciously-divine being! Eventually, all the layers of false self will fall away and the real, higher-consciousness you will emerge, no longer fettered by the limits of the 3D mind you’re letting go of.  As your minds are cleared of illusory habit and perception, you will more easily see through the false nature of the world around you. You will more easily become a higher-consciousness observer of a transforming third-dimensional world while no longer making that part of your own being.

    This is the time to question everything, as it relates to you.  Ask yourself, does holding onto this, whatever it is, help me? Does it bring me peace, does it bring me joy? Allow yourself to discard all that does not ring true to you, moment by moment. This is the time to follow your heart, to be you, whatever that is, who ever that is, in any moment. Accept that, for a while, you’ve lost hold of knowing exactly who you are. For now, allowing yourself to be you will be a moment-to-moment thing. And remember, even as you question everything, it’s so important now to love everyone and everything.

    Some Basic Indicators that One Is Residing in 5D Consciousness

    Some Basic Indicators that One Is Residing in 5D Consciousness

    Twelve basic indicators are provided to give you some idea of what 5D consciousness could look like. Among these are self-honesty and standing in your truth. Many are still rationalizing their compliance with deep state mandates. It is your choice, but it is not possible to bring such 3D behaviors into 5D consciousness.

    Consciousness consists of energies that are experienced as beliefs, thoughts, perceptions and emotions, and the behaviors that result from these. It is by these self-generated energies that people create the realities they live and experience. Most of you who can hear these and similar messages are shifting into fifth-dimensional consciousness. At a practical level, we provide 12 basic indicators to give you some idea of what 5D consciousness could look like.

    1. Non-judgment–you have moved beyond traditional perspectives of duality to see that everything is energy; there is no good or bad.
    2. Being present–you are not residing in the past or thinking about the future, you are now present in each moment.
    3. Mindfulness–you have created the habit of moment-to-moment self-awareness, objectively observing your mind without judgment or reaction.
    4. Acceptance–you accept whatever is happening with you without judgment or reaction, and you accept others as they are without trying to change them. 
    5. Compassion–you are aware that we’re all one and you are living from a place of unconditional love for all beings.
    6. Living from your higher self–you’re beginning to live from your higher consciousness as it expresses itself through your body, heart, inner knowing, and intuition.
    7. Surrender and trust–you’re following your truth, and you trust that. You trust that everything you’re going through is guiding you to release and go beyond, no longer resisting or attempting to control.
    8. You are awake–you see and acknowledge the 3-D matrix you’ve been in and you are making your choices accordingly.
    9. Personal responsibility–you are taking full responsibility for all of your experiences and emotions, no more being a victim.
    10. Consciously creating your own reality–you are now consciously creating your own reality, moment by moment, through awareness, deliberate choice, intention, and feelings.
    11. Self honesty–you have moved beyond habits of rationalization and denial. You have willingness to examine yourself without judgment so your actions in the world are an honest reflection of your truth.
    12.Standing in your truth–you are now standing up for yourself and speaking your truth, with compassion.

    We would like to speak more about standing in your truth. Many Lightworkers are still rationalizing their compliance with deep state mandates. It is your choice, but all of your choices are carrying you in one of two directions:  launching you into higher 5D consciousness or continuing to anchor you in lower 3-D consciousness. You cannot bring 3-D duplicity, energies, and behaviors into 5D consciousness, it simply will not work, it’s a matter of energy. You cannot detach from the third-dimensional field of consciousness if you’re continuing to go through the motions of obeying the lower-vibrational, manipulative and duplicitous demands of the dark state. Self-honesty is required here.

    The next major event (influx of transformational ascension energies) coming up—no information on timing can be provided—is sometimes called the Compression Breakthrough. It will be the start of a profound shift in frequency in the human collective. On the physical plane, a great many changes to earth systems will shift into high gear and be quite apparent and visible.

    The Effectiveness and Ineffectiveness of Items Sold to Help You

    The Effectiveness and Ineffectiveness of Items Sold to Help You

    One term used to describe these times that humanity is currently experiencing is Kali Yuga, which refers to the end of the dark times (separation, duality, 3D existence), and the rebirth of higher consciousness (5th dimensional existence) on earth. A temporary aspect of these ascending times is the prevalence of duplicity and false information, both for profit and to keep the consciousness of humanity low. This is true of many of the devices, pendants and other items marketed as being of benefit to you.

    These matters, as well as how to begin going within to self-heal and raise your own consciousness, are the subject of this episode.

    Change is the Vehicle of Your Evolution to Higher Consciousness

    Change is the Vehicle of Your Evolution to Higher Consciousness

    Without change, you cannot evolve out of 3-D consciousness into 5D and beyond. How you choose to experience your changes will very powerfully affect your evolution to higher consciousness. Accept and welcome change as opportunities. Put aside the need for approval. Don’t compromise your truth to fit the expectations and wishes of others.

    You are an evolving consciousness. Evolution is growth, and it occurs through change. Human 3-D habit is to perceive change as a negative thing, as threatening, destabilizing. It will be immensely helpful to you to shift your perspective of change, especially regarding those changes that are unplanned. You have a choice: will you be conscious or unconscious in how you experience change? Recognize that whatever changes you’re going through are an opportunity to evolve into higher consciousness. The myriad changes you’re experiencing are to further your evolution as a human being, out of 3-D consciousness into 5D and beyond. You change in order to grow and evolve. Without change, humanity, you, would remain stuck in 3-D habits of belief, trauma, and illusion. How you choose to experience your changes, both internal and external, will very powerfully affect your evolution to higher consciousness. You always have choice in how you view and experience an event or change, even external changes over which you have little or no control. Acknowledge that, at this point in your evolution, everything is for your highest benefit, regardless of how it may appear. Nurture the intention to accept and welcome change, and to even initiate change in your life.

    As you experience the seminal shift in your consciousness and that of Planet Earth, it is important to be mindful of your state in each moment. It is difficult to change your beliefs, thoughts, behaviors, and emotional condition if you’re not aware of them in the moment, without judgment. The habitual state of 3-D consciousness is to move through life in ceaseless, unaware reaction to the habits of your mind. To change the inner map of your journey, you need to become self-aware of your beliefs, behaviors and ways of being so that you may change them. Without such change, there is no evolution to higher consciousness.

    One of the greatest challenges for Lightworkers now is the fear of what others might think and feel about your decisions, you becoming a Lightworker and the ways in which you’re changing. This fear is often processed in the minds of Lightworkers as the fear of hurting their loved ones. We ask you to look at what is beneath such fears. You will find it extremely difficult to ascend out of 3-D consciousness if you cannot put aside the wishes of others and follow your heart completely and without reservation. How can you follow your truth if you compromise it to fit other people’s or society’s expectations for you?

    For almost all Lightworkers, for the next bit of time, very few of your old acquaintances, family or friends are going to understand what you’re doing, let alone approve it. Nurture the willingness to put aside the approval and expectations of others. Put aside all concepts and values external to your own heart that will get in the way of your path. Live your path, whatever that is, to the best of your ability in each present moment. Be kind and loving in this process, but that doesn’t mean adhering to other people’s or society’s concepts of who or what you should be, or what love or duty is.