

    Explore " #unconditionallove" with insightful episodes like "The Ascended Masters Answer Questions From Listeners", "Let Go of Belief that Anything Outside of You Can Affect You", "Your Resurrection; Manifesting Abundance", "Higher Consciousness Begins With Loving the Divine in All Beings" and "Unconditional Love Cannot Coexist with Judgment" from podcasts like ""Tom Barry on Awakening with Mother Earth", "Tom Barry on Awakening with Mother Earth", "Tom Barry on Awakening with Mother Earth", "Tom Barry on Awakening with Mother Earth" and "Tom Barry on Awakening with Mother Earth"" and more!

    Episodes (15)

    The Ascended Masters Answer Questions From Listeners

    The Ascended Masters Answer Questions From Listeners

    The Masters discuss their nature and purposes here in the ascended, and other realms of earth, as well as how to effectively connect with them and use their guidance and assistance. Included in this discourse are cautions about spirits who masquerade as Ascended Guides, and how to avoid them.

    Other questions addressed have to do with the difficulties lightworkers face in triggering reactions and disproportionate responses in those around them, and how best to handle these situations. Also discussed are issues of diet, listening more closely to the needs of our bodies (while putting beliefs and habits of mind aside), and so on.

    Let Go of Belief that Anything Outside of You Can Affect You

    Let Go of Belief that Anything Outside of You Can Affect You

    There is nothing outside of yourself that can hurt, save, or otherwise affect you unless you let it. Letting go of that which contradicts your truth, and welcoming your transition from duality to oneness, opens you up energetically for this transition to flow.

    There is nothing outside of yourself—no concept, person, anything—that can control, hurt, save, or even affect you, unless you give it that power. When you truly begin to loosen up on the boundaries you’ve created for yourself, energetically you're opening up to divine flow. When you loosen up on that which contradicts your truth, your truth flows more freely. It’s what you as divine creator create for yourself. It will be necessary for you to welcome the fact that ascension requires your transformation from a being who has been deeply engaged in duality back to an awakening, then awakened ascended being, who not only believes you are one with you are one with all that is, but you are that. As divine creator, you need to create the space, the openness, the invitation, the willingness for this transformation. The more your consciousness moves towards an awakened state, the less duality will resonate with you. More and more you will exist in a state of unconditional love, true compassion, kindness, and an awareness of oneness. Reaction to people, events, situations in a judgmental way will fall away. You will be a light and people will see it. Open your heart to love and being your light, that’s it.

    All of the ways of being, the systems on your planet—especially those dealing with how humans deal with one another—all will change quite rapidly. In every sense there will be equality, not just economically but politically, environmentally, every way you can think of. Power as you think of it, as it’s understood, will no longer be a factor. Hierarchies where a person or group holds power over others will no longer be able to exist. Humans, in cooperation with us and galactic beings, will begin healing one another and Gaia. This process cannot be turned around, it has reached a point of no return and cannot fail. How you each experience this will be determined by your level of consciousness. You as light workers are so critical, you are the free will of humanity in expression.

    Your Resurrection; Manifesting Abundance

    Your Resurrection; Manifesting Abundance

    The resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus)—returning to that highest essence of all that is—is the same as yours, although you made the choice to ascend while retaining your physical form. In manifesting abundance for yourself, shift away from dualistic cause and effect to having the consciousness that it can come in any way.

    After crucifixion, Yeshua returned to his true state, that highest essence of all that is, which goes by many terms (source, creator, The One, God, Allah, ...). On Sunday he reappeared in physical form, then again left his body behind to exist in that highest state. Your resurrection and Yeshua’s are the same, although your process looks different because most of you made the choice to ASCEND while retaining your physical form. An aspect of your ascension is to be that purest love on a physical planet in physical form, to anchor that love and be a beacon and demonstration of that love to all others. This would not be possible while still maintaining your lower-vibration form, so you're changing from carbon-based to crystalline and many new chakras will allow you to exist at full consciousness in every way, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Yeshua, Buddha, and so many others of us got together with you—you who have reincarnated repeatedly doing this human experience and are ascending—and decided to do this together. So remember that you're already absolute love, source/creation/creator. You’re simply in a process of remembering, and more than anything loving. And remember that self-love, self-treasuring means loving the divine, your truth. In your mediation or quiet times, call in and merge with Yeshua, who is here with you now, as always. Ask to remember your awareness of being absolute love.

    Regarding what you put into yourself, we urge you to simply follow your inner knowing as to what your body is asking for, and the energetic cause and effect on you at every level, how you behave, think, feel. In one moment, you might feel that flesh doesn’t resonate, but the next day your body might be calling for something else. It’s true that most who are ascending will reach a point where lower-vibrational substances no longer resonate, such as animal flesh, alcohol, drugs, and medications. But there are no requirements for ascension regarding this, it's simply a matter of energy.

    Humanity will have abundance, it's simply an aspect of that rainbow of divine. But the timing is unknown and there’s no logical progression, because the paths are limitless given the billions of humans still creating from a belief in want and separation (although the balance is shifting as Light Workers are beginning to create consciously). Whatever happens, every being on earth will experience and understand everything at the level of their consciousness, whatever mixture of energies remains within them at a given time: Unconditional Love, human love, joy, happiness, generosity, compassion, mixed with those remnants from separation such as neediness, lack, and fear. In manifesting abundance for yourself, shift away from dualistic cause and effect. Instead of doing something such as buying currency to experience abundance, you might shift your intent for these purchases to be one of creating a path for abundance in your consciousness in these ever-shifting energies of humanity, with the consciousness that abundance can come in any way.

    Higher Consciousness Begins With Loving the Divine in All Beings

    Higher Consciousness Begins With Loving the Divine in All Beings

    Loving the Source Nature of all beings is so powerful that the actuality of your interconnection with all others will become apparent in a way that you will begin experiencing your own Divine Nature as One with All That Is. You just need to start. This is the subject of today's channeling with the Ascended Masters.

    Unconditional Love Cannot Coexist with Judgment

    Unconditional Love Cannot Coexist with Judgment

    Moving into a state of higher consciousness, beyond the 3rd and 4th dimensions, is all about unconditional love. It is about seeing Source Nature, the essence of Absolute Love in all that is, and being that. In this episode the Ascended Masters discuss letting go of all forms of judgment as an essential element of this process.

    Loving Past the Distractions of Duality

    Loving Past the Distractions of Duality

    Many of the distractions in humanity's current 3rd dimensional experience are deliberately created to keep your vibration low - in fear, confusion and separation. In this podcast the Ascended Masters speak of these diversions, and how to move beyond them - within - to your own true essence as Source, as One with All That Is. As absolute, Unconditional Love.

    A Technique For Clearing Karma and Clear & Transmute 3D Consciousness

    A Technique For Clearing Karma and Clear & Transmute 3D Consciousness

    Ascension symptoms are simply the very rapid and powerful release of lower vibration that can no longer exist in your higher vibrational form and on this high vibrational earth.

    In this channeling we provide a technique to clear karma and to clear and transmute the 3rd dimensional consciousness in which you have created your karma, belief systems, perceptions, hopes, fears, conceptions, etc.

    #129 Life Between Lives and The Expansion of Consciousness with Jen Catlin

    #129 Life Between Lives and The Expansion of Consciousness with Jen Catlin

    In episode # 129 our guest is Jen Catlin, she is the Interim Director of the Education Committee for the Michael Newton Institute, a hypnotherapist , co-founder of Soul Connection Hypnosis and a near- death experiencer.Today we will talk about the expansion of consciousness, and trends in Life Between Lives(LBL) sessions. What we observed:

    • A series of spiritually transformative events( STE) led her to learn about hypnosis
    • Two weeks after a hypnosis training and experienced going to another planet, she had a near-death experience(NDE)
    • the concept of time is often not linear as reported by STE experiencers
    • Her NDE occurred while she was driving; she thought she was having a stroke
    • During her NDE she felt “an unconditional love that doesn’t exist here
    • Common after effects of an NDE are having abilities they did not have before as well as a reduced, or absence of a fear of death
    • What was experienced in the life between lives space
    • Why the life review is important 
    • Michael Newton developed a comprehensive methodology that  includes going back through childhood into the womb and doing a womb regression.
    • How spirit guides may show up in a session
    • How life between lives sessions are changing

    For more info:  www.jencatlin.com

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    Black Box Traders

    Shadow-work is the LIGHT-work

    Shadow-work is the LIGHT-work
    Darkness....the unknown...we've ALL been conditioned to fear these aspects of the human journey. The egoic part of us just wants to keep us safe because it lives, thrives & survives IN fear. Our Spirit/Soul/Eternal Energy vibrates IN unconditional love & TRUSTS that which remains hidden to the human. In this episode Maria & Sam talk about their inner work journey & how it has allowed them to feel more connected to SPIRIT, as well as to their human experiences. The phrase shadow self, coined by Carl Jung, stated the shadow to be “the unknown dark side of the personality.” Jung also said that “Everyone carries a shadow,” and “The less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” We ALL have aspects of our personalities that we don’t “like,” but when we suppress these thoughts, emotions and/or behaviors they can take an unconscious hold of our lives & often paint our realities from a limited & victimized mindset. We tend to BEcome the very things we fear & want to avoid. By facing that which we perceive to be “negative” (usually born from traumatic experiences) about ourselves (and others) we begin to bring the darkness to Light, freeing all that is withIN us and only wants our loving compassion, innerstanding & acceptance. This also relates to BEing able to look @ & SEE the darkness that is unfolding IN the external matrix world. By opening our HEARTS & allowing ALL realties to be true we step INto LIMITLESS potentials & possibilities for both our inner worlds & outer ONEs. Shadow work merely means we are beginning to make the unconscious/unacknowledged/unexpressed truths conscious. It does not make these things any more or any less true because they've ALL been there the entire time. But we finally begin taking our POWER back when we stop living in unconscious cycles, loops & patterns of the past. We ALL want peace. And the energy of peace lives deep withIN every single ONE of us- but we must first embrace & feel the layers of chaos that are clouding & muddying the way. Check out Sam & Maria & all the tools they offer in helping YOU to remember your Light, YOUR LOVE & your empowerment!: https://linktr.ee/Sam.Maria.BranchesLLC

    Episode 30: "I Am Lovable."

    Episode 30: "I Am Lovable."

    In this episode of The Shrink Yourself Podcast, Amorita speaks to her own healing journey & growth process-- specifically within the last 5 years of her journey, working through her own personal self-love & self-worth practices. She shares aspects of her childhood & journey that made her feel "unlovable" in the past, and authentically speaks to how she's continued to grow through rewiring that false self-limiting belief. The host lovingly reminds us that the healing journey is unique to each of us, and that it is a consistent practice that can take time. It is so crucial that we are patient with ourselves throughout the process. Amorita reminds us that we are ALL worthy & deserving of true & unconditional love. She encourages us to sovereignly claim the affirmation...
    "I am lovable. You are lovable. We are lovable."

    Support The Show: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/amoritaspurpose
    Email In: Shrinkyourselfpodcast@gmail.com
    Instagram: @ShrinkYourselfPodcast

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    Counting the Stars Episode 18: "Hope, Suffering, & Prayer for Today"

    Counting the Stars Episode 18: "Hope, Suffering, & Prayer for Today"

    Join us this week as we dive into a discussion on the meaning of hope for us today, the way to develop intimacy with God in the middle of your suffering, and what personal prayer can be for each of us. High fives to Baxter Kruger (our friend and big brother) and Hugh Jackman (Wolverine and now coffee producer).

    Mary & Malone

    Email: mandmcountingthestars@gmail.com
    Facebook: Arts and Wellness of Edenton
    Instagram: @marysloangilliam
    SoundCloud: Malone Gilliam

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    The Oldest Profession

    The Oldest Profession

    Get to know Olivia La Rue, wife, mother, courtesan and madame, as she opens up to Dr. Tammy about her life as a sex worker and why it's her spiritual calling. An unexpected guest later joins Dr. Tammy and Olivia only to add another layer to this revealing conversation.

    DR. TAMMY WANTS TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS about Sex, Love & Relationships! Send your questions to drtammy@thetroublewithsex.com.


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    Guest Bio:
    Olivia LaRue is a practicing Sex Worker and Madame. She views sex work as a spiritual calling and feels that connection and touch are as important as food, air, and water. Her companies, Courtesan Consulting and The Biggest Little Escort Service, mentors aspiring Courtesans while providing companionship to clients near and far. For more information visit: www.blesnv.com.


    · To read more about how to improve your sex life, check out Getting the Sex You Want: Shed Your Inhibitions and Reach New Heights of Passion Together.

    · Learn more about love, marriage, monogamy and how to redefine your commitment to each other in Dr. Tammy's TEDX talk - The New Monogamy - or her book by the same name.

    ·  Book an ONLINE Couples or Individual Session with Dr. Tammy during COVID-19.
    Email: drtammy@thetroublewithsex.com.

     ·  Want more Dr. Tammy?  Read: The New Monogamy, When You're the One Who Cheats  and Getting the Sex You Want.

     ·  Listen to our full theme song here! NoTroublewithSex_ThemeSong 

    Follow us on Instagram @thetroublewithsex and doctor_tammynelson.

    Retaining Top Talent with Peter Husak (CEO/Owner Team Pikes Peak)

    Retaining Top Talent  with Peter Husak (CEO/Owner Team Pikes Peak)

    Peter Husak is the founder/owner of Team Pikes Peak serving as CEO running three businesses. He uses spiritual wisdom based on unconditional love to run his company.  Just executing a good business plan wasn't enough. Pete developed core values reflecting his spiritual insight to bring out the best of his employees' talents.  Hear how he measures company performance with tangible and intangible ways. By the end of the show you'll want to work with Pete!

    Host: Michael Sipe - Business Vitality Catalyst

    Peter Husak -Team Pikes Peak, LLC


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