

    Explore " #hope" with insightful episodes like "Stand Strong: Strategies for Holding Your Ground Against the Enemy", ""This Will Be Your Last Time!" w/ Bert Berrios", ""From Infamy To Freedom" w/ David Ayala", "It’s Better Than Money, a Mercedes & a Mansion!" and "The Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7) - PDF" from podcasts like ""The Better Life Podcast with April Osteen Simons", "Wrong To Strong - Chicago", "Wrong To Strong - Chicago", "The HOPE Zone" and "JOY Christian Community Church"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Stand Strong: Strategies for Holding Your Ground Against the Enemy

    Stand Strong: Strategies for Holding Your Ground Against the Enemy

    Don't let the enemy break your spirit. Stand strong and hold your ground with confidence and courage.

    ⭐️ BETTER LIFE 2024
    ⭐️ APRIL 12, 2024 AT 7:00 PM

    Thank you for listening! You can watch this episode on my YouTube channel! 🤍
    For weekly inspiration and info on my events, speaking and more, let's connect HERE!

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    "This Will Be Your Last Time!" w/ Bert Berrios

    "This Will Be Your Last Time!" w/ Bert Berrios

    "This will be your last time!" is the statement Bert hears spoken in his mind on the day he ends up committing a crime that will eventually land him behind bars with a 40 year sentence.  Bert grew up in the Humboldt Park neighborhood on the North side of Chicago. He grew up in a loving home, with mom and dad in the picture. One day he sees his older brother come home after getting into a physical altercation with a stab wound to his head. After this incident Bert feels compelled to get involved into the lifestyle his older brother is in. He joins the same gang and the life of violence begins. At a young age death and destruction become the norm. In the 1990's the streets of Chicago were very violent. In response to some of his friends being murdered he goes and he retaliates. A young man ends up losing his life. There at the hospital investigating the crime is a police officer by the name of Marco David. He is the one that begins the investigation that will eventually lead Bert behind bars. Approximately 10 years into his prison sentence, Bert's dad asks him to add Marco David to his visitor list. He resists at first, because he recognizes that name from his police report, as one of the officers that helped place him behind bars. Bert eventually allows Marco to come visit him. One reason being is that Marco is also a Pastor at a church Bert's parents attend. On the first visit Marco feels compelled to share a word with Bert, something he feels that the LORD is leading him to share with him. He tells him, he doesn't know what this means, but he wants  Bert to know that God is saying to him, "This will be your last time!"
    Tune in to hear how the life of a criminal, a cop and a pastor intersect and lead to a story of redemption like no other.

    Redeemed: The Rebirth of a Latin King (book)

    (Testimonial video) https://vimeo.com/23845


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    You can partner up with us by supporting the work we are doing here via PayPal by using the link below: https://tinyurl.com/W2SPodcast-Donations

    Instagram @w2s_podcast
    Email: wrong2strongchicago@gmail.com

    "From Infamy To Freedom" w/ David Ayala

    "From Infamy To Freedom" w/ David Ayala

    This is an exclusive podcast interview with Chicago's very own David Ayala. David, along with his cousin Jimmy Soto, were recently exonerated after serving over 42 years in prison for a crime they didn't commit. They made history by becoming Illinois longest serving prison inmates to be then exonerated.
    You will hear how I met David just last week by a chance encounter at a tattoo removal place. We started talking and were able to connect and set up this podcast interview a week later.
    David grew up on the southwest side of Chicago in a neighborhood called "Little Village", "La Villita" or 26th street.  You will hear him share his life story. From the fun times running around as a little kid, skitching on the back of cars in the winter, jumping from one garage roof to another for fun in in the summer, to then becoming one of Chicago's most notorious figures.
    You will get an in-depth personal view of this man, his thoughts, emotions, and experiences. You will hear what things helped him remain hopeful, persevere and never give up despite having a life sentence without the possibility of parole. This man's story is a great example of the human will to survive and how faith can help you thrive in the harshest of situations one can encounter in this life.

    Please consider donating to David Ayala's GoFundMe page:

    You can contact David Ayala via email

    Support the show

    You can partner up with us by supporting the work we are doing here via PayPal by using the link below: https://tinyurl.com/W2SPodcast-Donations

    Instagram @w2s_podcast
    Email: wrong2strongchicago@gmail.com

    How Does One Actually Abide in the Spirit?

    How Does One Actually Abide in the Spirit?

    I recently asked a friend, Brett, what he had been thinking about regarding his faith. Responding, he told me he had been thinking about abiding in the SPIRIT and how we can only bear fruit being in the SPIRIT. This immediately started my mind running through the Scriptures with them conforming what Brett had shared. Over the next day I had asked several other people what they would like to see discussed. After spending time in prayer the topic Brett shared kept coming back to the forefront. The more I thought about it the more I realized how many people have questions on walking in the SPIRIT. 

    Here is a section of Scripture I mentioned in the video, but did not get time to really discuss. It along with numerous others GOD uses to guide us clearly on this all to important topic. Truly, if we can do nothing unless we are in CHRIST and following HIM it would be unloving of GOD not to tell us how. Galatians 5:16–26 (NASB95): 

    16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. 17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. 19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, 21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. 26 Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another. 

    Listen to these words of the LORD JESUS: 

    John 15:1–6 (NASB95): 1 “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. 3 “You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4 “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. 5 “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. 6 “If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned.” 

    So, join with me now, as we seek the face of GOD in knowing how each day we live in victory and in a manner worthy of the LORD and HIS calling. 

    Grace and peace to all who are in CHRIST JESUS the LORD! 

    P.S. This article about Coram Deo, by R.C. Sproul will be very helpful for getting a real good foundation on abiding in the SPIRIT. https://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/what-does-coram-deo-mean

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    EP:91 Tyler Corcoran: Incarceration to New Beginnings

    EP:91 Tyler Corcoran: Incarceration to New Beginnings

    In this heartfelt episode, Suzi talks with Tyler Corcoran about family, incarceration, redemption and new beginnings. 
    Tyler's remarkable metamorphosis, from a 17-year-old staring down a near life sentence to a man who dared to redefine his destiny, shines as a beacon of possibility, reminding us of the indomitable human capacity for change.

    Music credit to Kalvin Love for the podcast’s theme song “Bee Your Best Self”

    Tune into our CHW Streaming Radio and the full lineup at cominghomewell.com
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    Online-Therapy.com ~ Life Changing Therapy Click here for a 20% discount on your first month.

    Contact Suzi at suzigma@gmail.com or (818) 470-2013 and share your story.

    Thank you for listening! Be sure to SHARE, LIKE and leave us a REVIEW!

    "The Battles We've Fought & The Lessons We've Learned" w/ Shawn Rae & Julio Mercado

    "The Battles We've Fought & The Lessons We've Learned" w/ Shawn Rae & Julio Mercado

    From Colorado all the way back to Chicago! I had the opportunity to connect with Shawn Rae, for the first time in person.  I picked him up from Ohare airport while being followed & mean mugged by airport police. This is how our day started LOL. We also had Julio Mercado join us in the studio for the recording of this podcast episode. 
    On here Shawn shares how he ended up connecting with "Wrong To Strong " and about the ministry work he is doing for them today.  Join in on our conversation as we discuss various topics including how growing up in Chicago shaped us and molded us into the men we are today. Listen to battles we've fought, lessons we learned and to the joy we are experiencing today. Julio said it best when he said, "Things are not falling apart, they are falling into place!"

    Support the show

    You can partner up with us by supporting the work we are doing here via PayPal by using the link below: https://tinyurl.com/W2SPodcast-Donations

    Instagram @w2s_podcast
    Email: wrong2strongchicago@gmail.com

    The Four Pillars of Foxhole Friendship

    The Four Pillars of Foxhole Friendship

    Have you taken inventory of your friend circle lately to ask yourself, “Who are my true friends?” The real question should be, “What makes someone a true friend?”  One of the greatest human relationships in the world is friendship. In episode 29, discover the four pillars of “foxhole” friendship. This episode offers practical insight whether you have several friends or no friends at all. 

    The HOPE Zone...where there's HOPE for every situation!

    Episode 026. Graduate insights: Why you should employ a fresh Personal Brand.

    Episode 026. Graduate insights: Why you should employ a fresh Personal Brand.

    In this episode of the Art of the Suit, the focus is on your Personal Brand.

    But you won’t be listening to me talk about this passion of mine.  What makes this episode so engaging is that you will be listening to a range of voices – all of them are students from the University of Johannesburg who are in the final months of their Honours in B. Com Marketing and participated in the inaugural year of an innovative Practical Marketing programme.  The curriculum included a range of soft skill development that would have practical application for them in the workplace. 

    This recording was made at the live event celebrating their participation in my programme.  A milestone I am particularly proud of and grateful for.

    You will have the opportunity to experience a few of the students’ Personal Brand pitches, but whether you are a person contemplating your own Personal Brand, and how you can reinvent yourself, or a prospective employer concerned about whether or not your recruitment methodology is best suited to the current generation and environment, there is an enormous amount of authentic insight from these brilliant minds that you will benefit from.

    Some of the key questions addressed were:

    - The most enlightening discoveries experienced about their personal brand

    - The message they have for their generation about how they should shift the way they think about themselves? 

    - What is it about the environment we live in that contributes most to their sense of anxiety about achieving their goals out in the marketplace?

    - The generation gap and the attitude towards work and job commitment.  Is this well-founded?

    - Their message to prospective employers about how they can help graduates entering the workplace?

    My appreciation goes to TimesLive for providing us with the use of their very glamorous viewing cinema for the event.  It made the grand finale staging all that more enjoyable.

    And of course to Dr. Nicole Cunningham and UJ for this unique and forward-thinking opportunity.

    Prospective employers can reach the students via Dr. Nicole Cunningham, Senior Lecturer and Deputy HoD for Undergraduate Programmes Teaching & Learning at ncunningham@uj.ac.za

    And if you are interested in your Personal Brand journey contact me at dawn@theartofthesuit.com 



    From Something to Someone: The Denise Bard Story of Resilience and Hope Part 1

    From Something to Someone: The Denise Bard Story of Resilience and Hope Part 1

    Denise Bard's  life story, one marked by struggles and hardships, is a compelling portrayal of the human spirit's capacity to rise above circumstances. This is a must listen as Denise discusses being born from  two drug-addicted parents and the  physical, mental, and emotional abuse that she endured. Abuse and neglect led her to almost taking her own life, but she chose to live and fight.

    Denise attributes her transformation to the intervention and constant support from Anchor House, a shelter for runaway, abused and homeless youth, in New Jersey, that left an indelible mark on her life. The guidance she received from her case manager, Michelle, was instrumental in unshackling her from the cycle of abuse and neglect. Michelle's teachings of resilience and recognizing the value of genuine care, shaped Denise's outlook on life. One hug literally melted the fear she had felt, daily.  Today, Denise stands tall, forever guided by these lessons that continue to shape her life journey.

    Now, Denise is giving voice to her story, shattering her past's silence and finding empowerment in doing so. A chance encounter with Anchor House during an annual bike ride in her town presented her with an opportunity to share her story publicly. This fortuitous encounter eventually led to her becoming a board member of the non-profit organization that helped save her life.  Denise Bard's story serves as an affirmation of the power of resilience, a testament to the transformational effect of positive influence, and a beacon of hope for anyone battling childhood trauma. Join us, as we traverse this journey of resilience, transformation, and hope with Denise Bard and hear how just 30 seconds can change someone for a lifetime.
    Give to anchor house in New Jersey and help them, help more youth.

    This is part 1. Stay tuned....

    Good Will Hunting is mentioned

    *There was a small clicking sometimes when Denise was speaking that was not in our interview, I have spoken to my recording host as I have not experienced this before. I tried to clean it up best I could, but you can still slightly hear it. My apologies, but it does not take away from her story.

    Follow us on Tina and Ann's website 
    Real Talk with Tina and Ann | Facebook
    or at:  realtalkpodcastwithtinaann@gmail.com or annied643@gmail.com
    Apple Podcasts: Real Talk with Tina and Ann on Apple Podcasts
    Spotify: Real Talk with Tina and Ann | Podcast on Spotify
    Amazon Music: Real Talk with Tina and Ann Podcast | Listen on Amazon Music
    iHeart Radio: Real Talk with Tina and Ann Podcast | Listen on Amazon Music
    Castro: Real Talk with Tina and Ann (castro.fm)

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    Kathy chooses HOPE & Dave Clemens chooses PATIENCE!

    Kathy chooses HOPE & Dave Clemens chooses PATIENCE!

    Our words are powerful. They can inspire us to do great things. They can remind us of our importance, or simply remind us to breathe and live in the moment.

    Be sure to tune into the full interview with Kathy and Dave Clemens on 10.17.23 via The Guilbault Girls Show podcast and on 10.20.23 @6pm on our Guilbault Girls YouTube Channel!

    If you would like to order a token with your word hand stamped and inked email me at GuilbaultGirls@gmail.com 

    Bracelets are $15 and Keychains are $10. That includes tax & shipping in the US.

    Become a supporter of The Guilbault Girls Show today by clicking on the following link:


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    WORDS HURT! How to Heal from Word Wounds

    WORDS HURT! How to Heal from Word Wounds

     Someone coined the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” What a statement of DENIAL! The truth is that sticks and stones can break our bones, but words can break our spirit. If you have ever been put down, criticized, verbally abused or struggled with low self-esteem or low self-worth, this episode will greatly empower you to regain your power over hurtful, toxic words that have affected your life. Let the healing begin! Learn how to fight back and win!

    The HOPE Zone...where there's HOPE for every situation!

    Episode 377 with Nick Chermol host of “All Cap No Brim”

    Episode 377 with Nick Chermol host of “All Cap No Brim”

    I am absolutely thrilled to share with you Nick Chermol’s story. 

    He is the host of “All Cap No Brim” and he grew up in the Philadelphia area and is sober. 

    Nick is a sober podcast host who believes in doing something that scares you. 

    He is a student, a comedian, a gym advocate… and human, so “I’m not perfect” Nick Chermol. 

    Listen in and hear how I do it but more importantly why💪🏼

    To reach Nick:

    allcapnobrim | Instagram, TikTok | Linktree request Nick Chermol

    Please subscribe to my channel and if you like what you hear share it with your friends. 

    Please email me at: elizabeth@elizabethchance.com

    Remember you are not alone!

    Live life One Day at a Time! 

    You got this!!! 

    Have a great week! 

    Elizabeth aka Bizzy 

    To learn more about Soberlink or to get a $50 Promo code visit www.soberlink.com/bls