
    ultimatebizbuilder's podcast

    Helping Coaches Help More Clients Through Conversational Dancing: Overcome the everyday pains of being an entrepreneur, ensure you have plenty of leads and deals, feel like you have an abundance of time in each day, have marketing funnels that are seamless and perform well, and increase your revenue to bring on extra staff and surround yourselves with the best team. Discover the exact steps to ensure your success in these areas by eliminating the common mistakes made at a foundational level. Once you can identify the root cause, you can treat the REAL issue, and thus more effectively and efficiently handle all the symptoms which drive us entrepreneurs nuts.
    en-usJeremy Kenerson26 Episodes

    Episodes (26)

    Close the Sale with this 4 Step Sales Process

    Close the Sale with this 4 Step Sales Process

    Do you feel better using the word “persuasion” instead of “sales”?  To many, sales is a dirty word.  Slimy even.  We’ve all encountered that one person who changed our perception of a salesman/saleswoman/salesperson forever, and not in a positive way.

    If you feel like you’re being slimy in your sales conversations potential customers are picking up what you’re putting down.  You might find yourself spending so much of your time and energy focused on trying not to feel slimy that you aren’t fully present in a sales conversation.  Or maybe sales copy is taking weeks to write because you keep second guessing every single idea we come up with.

    First, let’s change the idea of “sales” to “persuasion” and see how that resonates with you.  Whichever word you choose, there are 4 elements that you want to ensure you are utilizing to get your message across.

    Whether it's your sales copy in your marketing or whether you're actually having a conversation with someone on the phone or in person, you need to include these: emotion, motivation, value, and the close.  This  4 step sales process of sales conversation or sales copy will ensure you will convert more customers in your business.  

    In this podcast you’ll find examples of how to include emotion, motivation, value and the close in a conversation.  You’ll be able to write your copy and have those conversations without feeling slimy or sleazy.

    Do You Always Ask for the Sale in your Sales Conversations?

    Do You Always Ask for the Sale in your Sales Conversations?

    One of the biggest pieces missing in a sales conversation is not asking for the sale.  You have to ask for the business and not make it awkward.  This is a tip that you can apply right away to start seeing results.  

    A lot of business owners leave a sales conversation without asking because they find it awkward and weird to ask for the sale.  It doesn’t have to be.  In fact, it’s better for you if it isn’t like that first time you asked someone on a date.  People are more inclined to buy from someone who is confident in what they’re selling.  

    First, you’ll need to get over yourself.  It’s not all about you and you aren’t so significant that you asking the other person for their money is somehow going to make them feel awkward and not like you.  You are just asking.  It’s simple.  It’s just a question.

    Rather than spending time worrying about the exact right time of when to ask or how to ask, it’s best to start off by just making sure you do ask for the sale.  Explain your product or service with confidence.  Continue with that same level of confidence when you ask for the sale, “Will that be Visa or Mastercard?”

    Don't be afraid of how people are going to feel. Don't be afraid of how people are going to look at you. Don't be afraid of how you feel and how awkward it is for you. Push those feelings aside because feelings are not going to pay your bills, right? Our business is about making revenue and how you do that is getting people to say yes to you.

    Overcoming Objections in Sales With Tie Down Questions

    Overcoming Objections in Sales With Tie Down Questions

    Today, I'm going to be going over overcoming objections and will teach you about tie down questions. 


    How many times have you been talking to someone and they sound like they are just ready to cross the line and become a customer, then you get that infamous "No"? Your heart is torn out of your chest and you don't know what to do at that point. 


    When you're talking about sales, there's an art and a science to it. Overcoming objections is part of the art of selling. You need to overcome objections before they become objections.  And make sure you are asking for the business.  Surprisingly, one of the things that most people don't do is actually ask for the business.


    Did you know that if you just take the first “no” that you're leaving so much money on the table?  Yes, seriously.  So it’s a good thing you are here right now because this information is going to help you tremendously.


    If what you're doing right now is something that you're passionate about and that you love and you think it's a complete disservice not to offer this to the world, that's step one of being successful in sales!


    It’s important to ask questions to help gather information and knowledge from a person so you can overcome those objections earlier on in the conversation.  Money is a big objection and time is another one.  Most often, you’ll need to dig deeper to find the real reason they’ve stated their objection being time or money.  


    In the money objection, perhaps they haven’t seen the value in what you’re offering but will gladly spend that much money (or more) elsewhere, so not having money isn’t the bottom line.  Many people mismanage their time so when a time objection arises, it may be that what you’re offering just isn’t a priority for them.


    Check this out to learn exactly what you need to be doing.

    How to Increase Sales: Tips to Do it Easily and Effectively

    How to Increase Sales: Tips to Do it Easily and Effectively

    I'm going to answer a question that a lot of you probably have. What's one thing that I can do right now to increase all my sales? Well, that's a great question. We all want the answers. Now there's a lot of answers, but today I'm going to cover one that I think is really important because if you look out into the world of your business, how many competitors do you have? How many people are out there doing something similar to what you're doing? And I want you to think about that real quick, because a lot of us, and I think this is part of what makes us so successful, is there's a little bit of arrogance there. We're very confident and we're like, "eh, doesn't matter what my competitors are doing, I'm awesome. I'm better than them because I know I'm better than them." Cool, but why does the rest of the world think you're better than them? It's not just what's in our own mind, it's what's being perceived out there by the marketplace.

    The answer is, if you want to start increasing your sales right now, you need to look at what your offer is. And what you want to do is create something that's called an irresistible offer. It's what people want to buy, not what they need to buy. And what they want is value. They want to know they're getting a good deal. That's number one. Number two is, you hear this phrase a lot, FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out. There needs to be a level of Fear of Missing Out.

    So the other question is, where are you putting this offer? You don't just want to slap an offer on your website. At what point are you positioning yourself to actually ask somebody for the business? We shouldn't be doing that on social media. We should not be doing that in a blog post. We should not be doing that in emails. 

    Listen in to learn more.

    How to Have a Positive Mindset in Sales When Life Sucks

    How to Have a Positive Mindset in Sales When Life Sucks

    What do you do if you feel like you're in the pit of despair, besides sitting there feeling like you're in the pit of despair? How do you have a positive mindset in sales when life sucks?

    I come from a family who, for lack of saying this more elegantly, were chronic complainers. We would even say, “I’m not one to complain but…”!

    One day I got fired from a very well-paying job. We had 2 kids at that time, another one on the way, and my wife was a stay at home mom.  I quickly went into the pit of despair because I felt like it was the end of the world losing this job. On the outside, I was Mr. Tough guy, but inside I was freaking out.

    But I found a way to handle situations like this that has worked for me ever since I learned it at a seminar I attended.  It’s quick and easy to do.  And it gets you out of that pit of despair and into a place without overwhelm or anxiety and no unbearable weight on your shoulders.  This will allow you to actually focus clearly on what your next step should be to go to where you want to go.

    How To Become A High Ticket Closer

    How To Become A High Ticket Closer

    It's as simple as getting back to the fundamentals. That's what my mentor told me about 18 years ago when I was one of the top sales reps and my numbers started dipping down. 

    He was listening to my phone calls, and he was like, "Jeremy, this doesn't sound anything like what you were saying when you were crushing it. Like what changed?" I was like, "I don't know." I thought I was doing the same thing over and over again. 

    I had a pitch that was converting and crushing it. Over time I'd have conversations. I think I would learn something new and apply it. Then again, learn something new and apply it as well. Months down the road, and it was like my whole process had changed cause I kept changing without even knowing it.

    My mentor said I needed to get back to the basics. Sometimes we don't recognize it, and we don't do it, and we continue to struggle. 

    This is me personally reminding you to get back to the basics with these 4 pillars of highly profitable coaching business.

    The four pillars are fundamental. They're so important, and they're necessary to do in order: Mindset, Sales, Marketing, Operations.

    So many people that I've talked to are doing them out of order, and they're wondering why they're struggling so much. They feel like they're running through quicksand trying to get to their goals.