
    ultimatebizbuilder's podcast

    Helping Coaches Help More Clients Through Conversational Dancing: Overcome the everyday pains of being an entrepreneur, ensure you have plenty of leads and deals, feel like you have an abundance of time in each day, have marketing funnels that are seamless and perform well, and increase your revenue to bring on extra staff and surround yourselves with the best team. Discover the exact steps to ensure your success in these areas by eliminating the common mistakes made at a foundational level. Once you can identify the root cause, you can treat the REAL issue, and thus more effectively and efficiently handle all the symptoms which drive us entrepreneurs nuts.
    en-usJeremy Kenerson26 Episodes

    Episodes (26)

    How Fibromyalgia & Niching Down Exploded My Business Growth - With Tiffany DeLuisi

    How Fibromyalgia & Niching Down Exploded My Business Growth - With Tiffany DeLuisi

    Tiffany DeLuisi is a board certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and Master Herbalist who specializes in helping women with fibromyalgia and autoimmune issues alleviate symptoms with natural remedies and take control of their healing so that they can reclaim their health and their life!

    As a functional wellness practitioner, Tiffany believes that the body is an integrated whole.  Her goal is to get to the underlying cause of her client’s health complaints and address them at the root level, rather than just masking symptoms.  She does this by helping client’s address the fundamentals of wellness every single person needs to have optimized in order to get their body back into a balanced, healthy state.  

    In addition to optimizing the health of our physical body, Tiffany believes the body, mind and spirit are an integrated whole and that each aspect of our being impacts the others.  We must address the body-mind-spirit connection in order to relieve health complaints and live a vibrant, joy-filled life.

    Learn about the struggles that Tiffany has faced as an entrepreneur and how she found niching down helped her grow her business with targeted messaging.  

    Just like in wellness, in business there’s always a root cause that needs to be addressed to have the growth and success we are looking for.


    Download My Top 5 Favorite Closing Questions Workbook Here : https://jeremykenerson.com/my-top-5-favorite-closing-questions-workbook/

    Stop the Self Sabotage | Get to the Root Cause | Anti Diet with Melanie Sobocinski

    Stop the Self Sabotage | Get to the Root Cause | Anti Diet with Melanie Sobocinski

    It’s time to end the self sabotage of our own health.  While we may have faced adversity and overcome adversity in our lives and with our health, being proactive will serve us in the long run.  When our goal is to  become the best version of yourself, we should consider part of that action is digging into the root cause of what’s really going on with our health and wellness.


    In this podcast we’ll discuss:

    1. To improve health, we have to stop self sabotaging and embrace an anti diet mindset by ditching the diet and focusing instead on body positivity.
    2. For years people have tried diets and fads only to find out they don’t work long term for most people.  When they don’t work or “fail”, we tend to blame ourselves and not a diet that so-and-so had success with.  
    3. Most of these widely promoted “health concepts” aren’t sustainable for most people and often don’t fit in with our regular lives.
    4. Discovering the root cause of health issues and adding in some different healthy habits (nutrition, exercise, sleep, etc) can ensure success in achieving health and wellness goals.
    5. Foods don’t have to be labeled “off limits” or “bad for you”.


    Melanie Sobocinski is a certified integrative Nutrition coach, life coach, and personal trainer who specializes in helping middle-aged women who are struggling with weight loss, get off the yo-yo diet rollercoaster and feel comfortable and confident in their skin. 


    By reclaiming their health through mindful eating, stress management, harmonizing their hormones, and mending their metabolism, Melanie’s clients finally experience the progress they’ve been seeking for years.


    Melanie’s unique approach with the CIRNA method is transformational for the body, mind, and spirit.

    Grab Melanie’s FREE PDF Download to Discover The 7 Secrets The Diet Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know… www.cirnamethod.com

    How Marketing Automation Can Cut Your Workload in Half In Your Business

    How Marketing Automation Can Cut Your Workload in Half In Your Business

    I’ve done this before and many business owners have too.  There’s a stack of Post-It notes that are keeping track of the lifeblood of your business.  Can’t see any problems with that, right?




    While Post-It's business is a huge empire, the chances of anyone else’s business building to that level on Post-It's is just not likely going to happen.


    There’s various good business practices that all businesses should implement regardless of their size.  One of those things is to automate the pieces of your business that you repeat day after day.  


    Using marketing automation in your business can cut your workload in half.  Just the right amount of automation in your business can help you with your lead generation, email marketing, customer retention… basically every element of your business.


    By having the systems, processes, and people in place in your business you can save time with the automation and duplication needed for business growth.  This will also allow you more time to work and focus on the pieces of your business that need your expertise.


    In this podcast you’re going to learn a better and more efficient way using: 


    • CRM: Customer Relationship Management
    • Calendly
    • Sales Funnel
    • Email Marketing Software


    Download My Top 5 Favorite Closing Questions Workbook Here : https://jeremykenerson.com/my-top-5-favorite-closing-questions-workbook/

    Why You Need a SOP Now in Your Business | Standard Operating Procedure to Systematize Your Business

    Why You Need a SOP Now in Your Business | Standard Operating Procedure to Systematize Your Business

    Did you know that your business would benefit from creating and implementing SOPs today? Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) helps entrepreneurs systematize the workflow of the business.


    Having all repeatable tasks mapped out with the exact steps will help any team (even if it’s a very small one) save time which saves the business money.


    Take a moment to take a 30,000 foot view of your business.  This can help find holes in your business processes.  From here, you can ensure you have all your systems and processes in place to foster efficiency yet not over-automate.


    Does your business have standard operating procedures in place already? After learning more about the importance of standard operating procedures, are you going to get them prepared and start utilizing them?


    Here's a little something for you...

    Download My Top 5 Favorite Closing Questions Workbook Here : https://jeremykenerson.com/my-top-5-favorite-closing-questions-workbook/

    How to Hire People for Your Business | Importance of Hiring the Right People

    How to Hire People for Your Business |  Importance of Hiring the Right People

    Hiring the right people to work with you in your business can help you grow and scale your business.


    I’ve done this myself and it’s been something I’ve encountered frequently in conversations with other entrepreneurs and that is entrepreneurs  often cut corners when it comes to hiring people to help them. Why these entrepreneur mistakes?

    Because we're desperate and we need help as small business owners.  It’s a huge ordeal to get out there and recruit, interview, and that whole process.


    The thing is, when we try to cut corners, we make our lives miserable and we make other people's lives miserable.  Most often, the few extra minutes or hours we try to save, ends up with us wasting quadruple that amount of time.


    When you learn how to hire people for your business, you can move forward with peace and freedom.  If you suspect you have the wrong people on your team, handling that quickly even though it can be uncomfortable, is the best thing to do.  


    Did you know that having the wrong members on your team is a disservice to your company, to you, but most importantly, to them?


    Pro Tip: When you have a great team that works with you in your business, make sure you let them know that you appreciate their efforts and that the work they do really matters.  That helps build the camaraderie and create a great company culture.


    Download My Top 5 Favorite Closing Questions Workbook Here : https://jeremykenerson.com/my-top-5-favorite-closing-questions-workbook/

    How to Have a Successful Onboarding Process in Your Sales Workflow | With Jeremy Kenerson

    How to Have a Successful Onboarding Process in Your Sales Workflow | With Jeremy Kenerson

    A sales workflow should always include a successful onboarding process.  Bringing on a new client without this critical component will interfere with growing and scaling your business.


    To ensure you aren’t missing any important instructions or details your new client would need about working with you, have your onboarding process outlined before signing them up.


    Just winging it sets you up for failing the new client’s expectations.  Having an onboarding process outlined is foundational work.  You’ll onboard that new client with confidence and they will be assured you are a professional and you know what you are doing.


    In this podcast episode, I’ll cover:

    • Cons of not having an onboarding process
    • Benefits of having an onboarding process
    • Information you may want to include in your onboarding process
    • Outline of what an onboarding process can look like including using a crm

    Now it’s time for you to get that onboarding process in place if you didn’t have one.  


    Download My Top 5 Favorite Closing Questions Workbook Here : https://jeremykenerson.com/my-top-5-favorite-closing-questions-workbook/

    How To Get Leads in Sales | Best Lead Sources For A Successful Business

    How To Get Leads in Sales | Best Lead Sources For A Successful Business

    Having consistent and reliable lead sources will help you grow and scale your business.  However, if you don’t know how to get leads and aren’t building the relationships that you need to build, you’ll only go so far.  As wonderful as luck and referrals are, it’s ensuring you have leads continuously entering your pipeline that keeps your business moving forward.  


    So, to achieve the growth and scaling success you are looking for as an entrepreneur, having a good lead source, actually multiple good lead sources, is critical.


    Entrepreneurs need to create awareness of their products or services through marketing and build solid relationships for that “know, like, and trust” factor.  You’ll want to consider your options of both paid and free avenues to obtain lead sources.


    In this podcast episode, you’ll learn what these paid and free avenues are.  You’ll also learn the best strategy to  move forward with these lead sources and implement them in your business workflow.

    Download My Top 5 Favorite Closing Questions Workbook Here : https://jeremykenerson.com/my-top-5-favorite-closing-questions-workbook/

    Lead Tracking 101 | Successful Business Workflow

    Lead Tracking 101 | Successful Business Workflow

    Lead tracking is an essential part of your successful business workflow.  So tell me, are you steering your business with your eyes wide open or are you steering your business with your eyes shut?


    When I was asked this, it was a huge eye opener (pun intended) for me because I was definitely steering my business with my eyes shut.


    A friend of mine told me that if you don't know how many leads you're getting each month, you don't have a business. That hit me in the feels and took my breath away.  It was something I wasn’t tracking. 


    If you're just sitting there hoping business happens and you're living off of referrals and word of mouth, you're only going to be able to get so far, right? By not tracking leads, it’s the same thing, you won’t know where your bottlenecks are in your sales process.


    In this podcast episode, I'm going to dig a little bit deeper for you so you can get this aha moment too. When I did, it really changed my business.


    We’ll go over:

    What is a lead?

    How do you track that?

    What is a customer?

    How do you determine your conversion rate?

    How do you determine the bottlenecks in your sales process?


    I guarantee you, if you keep track of what I share with you in this podcast, and you’re able to really visualize what’s going on in your business sales process, you’ll see exactly what you need to work on.  This way, you can be super, hyper focused and you’re going to see exponential growth in your business.


    Download My Top 5 Favorite Closing Questions Workbook Here : https://jeremykenerson.com/my-top-5-favorite-closing-questions-workbook/


    SEARCHING FOR MORE? Here are some resources that can help with topics such as Online Marketing Tips, Sales Training, Entrepreneurial Mindset, and Growth and Operations!


    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/jeremykenerson1/


    INSTAGRAM: @jeremykenerson


    WEBSITE: https://www.jeremykenerson.com/


    PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/jdkenerson/


    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-kenerson-18226160/


    PODCAST: https://jeremykenerson.com/podcast/


    BLOG: https://jeremykenerson.com/blog/


    Ultimate Biz Builder



    Entrepreneur Mindset


    Foundation of a Highly Successful Business

    Foundation of a Highly Successful Business

    One can compare building a business to building a house.  Both should start with having a solid foundation laid first.

    Building a business on a solid foundation starts with the four pillars of a highly profitable business, a process that I have implemented myself after going through frustrations, pains, loss in revenue, and missed potential opportunities. This is a process that I also teach to others so they too can avoid the setbacks and get their businesses launched, get their products/services out to those who need them, and then scale into reaching more customers/clients and generate more revenue.

    It’s important to not only start with the foundation but building a solid foundation in the right order is key.

    What I’ve found is that focussing on these foundations out of order didn’t achieve the business success I was looking for.  Same goes for a  lot of the clients that I've worked with, coached, mentored, trained, and helped take to the next level. Their biggest struggle in moving to new levels was typically because they were doing these steps out of order. And that really is key.

    When we look at the foundation pieces of a business we need to consider:

    • Mindset
    • Marketing
    • Customer Service
    • Operations

    Focussing on these pillars when building a business allows for a solid foundation which provides growth and scalability with less pain and heartache.

    The 3 Ingredient Recipe to Close More Deals

    The 3 Ingredient Recipe to Close More Deals

    Would you like to learn the secret sauce “recipe” to close more deals? I’m bringing you 20 years of experience to help you close more sales and help you avoid all of the heartaches and trials that I had to go through to figure out how to maximize my conversion rates.


    There's 3 key ingredients that go into closing more deals. But, prior to actually asking somebody to do business with you they have to know, like, and trust you. In order for that to happen, there's a lot of stuff earlier on in the conversation that needs to happen to make sure you can close the most amount of people that you possibly can. Now again, I'm going to put this out here a little asterisks to what I'm talking about is "With great power comes great responsibility." So hopefully you're selling a product or service that you believe in and that you trust because that really comes down to number one, having integrity. But number two, the first ingredient in the secret sauce.


    Ingredient Number 1: Confidence - You have to be able to believe in the product or service that you're selling. 


    Ingredient Number 1.5: More Confidence - You have to have confidence as an individual. You have to sound like you know what you're talking about, but number one, that you believe this is something that's actually going to help them. 


    Ingredient Number 2: Transition - Move from the conversation into the close utilizing tie-down questions.


    Ingredient Number 3: Closing Question - Have a legitimate good closing question that you’ve practiced over and over and over and over and over.


    Now, that’s your secret sauce main ingredients list.  BUT, here’s the icing on the cake in the entire recipe book: The first person to speak, loses.


    Yes, that sounds incredibly awkward. Listen to this podcast episode to learn exactly what that means and why it’s the icing on the cake.

    4 Critical Pieces to the Sales Call Process

    4 Critical Pieces to the Sales Call Process

    Do you struggle with having an effective sales call? You may be skipping one of the 4 Critical Pieces to the Sales Call Process. 


    How do you want your sales conversations to go? Do you ever feel stuck with what to say on sales calls? Normally we get stuck on what to say because we don't have a plan. So, because of that, we end up pausing and thinking a lot and we're not sounding professional and we're not sounding confident. Sounding professional and confident go a really, really long way to help people get to know, like, and trust you, which are the three things that need to happen to build your relationship and increase your sales.


    If somebody is actually going to buy from you or sign up with you, they need to know, like, and trust you. The conversation has to flow. 


    Here are the 4 critical pieces to the sales conversation process that need to be covered:

    Qualify - Are they a good fit? Can they afford it?

    Motivation - What is their motivation?

    Emotion - What is this product/service going to do for them? How does it make their life better?

    Value - What is the value they are receiving?


    You can mix and match those in whatever order you need to based on how your conversation is going. In each one of those sections, you want to have certain open ended questions that you can ask that's going to give you the information you need when you get towards the end and you ask them for the business. This is golden for overcoming those objections at that point.

    3 Ways to Crush Your Next Sales Conversation

    3 Ways to Crush Your Next Sales Conversation

    “I hate sales” is something I hear a lot.  Often the struggle is because you aren’t having good sales conversations because you don’t know what to do.  But it really is simple.  If you make a friend, you make a sale.


    When you make someone laugh you create a bond with an emotional attachment. There’s a certain level of know, like, and trust that comes out of this building of the relationship. Too often, in a sales conversation, we have so much going on in our head that we block the opportunity to have this emotional response with a potential client. 


    If you go into the sales conversation expecting to close the sale, your intention is to close the sale. Which means your focus is going to be to close the person and you're constantly going to be thinking of what to say next, which creates a very inauthentic conversation. The person feels like they're being sold. You're going to feel salesy, and you're going to sound salesy. 


    Let’s review 3 tips on how to have a good sales conversation:


    1. Go into the call with the intention of being a service to the person. And be sure to follow the 80/20 rule.  (You should be speaking 20% of the time and the person that you're talking to should be speaking 80% of the time.) If you go into the conversation expecting to close the person, your intention is to close the person. Which means your focus is going to be to close the person and you're constantly going to be thinking of what to say next, which creates a very inauthentic conversation. The person feels like they're being sold. You're going to feel salesy, and you're going to sound salesy. 
    2. Ask open-ended questions. An open-ended question allows the prospect to provide a potentially long answer that may reveal some clues as to how you can help them and approach them with your product/service. Open-ended questions help you stay on track with the 80/20 rule. A close ended question creates a one word response and is normally not too helpful.
    3. Control the conversation but ensure they feel as though they are controlling the conversation. This loops back to the open-ended questions. Position the questions for them to be able to feel as though they are controlling the conversation such that it doesn’t feel like an interrogation on their end.


    Even though this goes with tip 1, it’s worth highlighting, so pay attention… If your product/service truly doesn’t seem like a good fit for someone (aside from you earning income), don’t sell it to them.  Actually tell them you aren’t going to sell to them because they aren’t a good fit.  Why? It sets you up with a level of integrity. And it's amazing how, when you have really good integrity, that word spreads about what a great person you are.  Even though this person maybe didn’t buy from you, they will still refer you people because they know that you have a very high level of integrity. So if you have to tell a person it's not a good fit, that's fine. Move on to the next one.

    What is CRM? | How to Use Marketing Automation to Increase Your Sales Success

    What is CRM? | How to Use Marketing Automation to Increase Your Sales Success

    Follow up is the key to being successful. It's what separates successful entrepreneurs and unsuccessful entrepreneurs or even salespeople in general. The people that are successful are the people that follow up the most. They follow up religiously using a CRM.


    It takes a lot of time to figure out what to do, who to reach out to, when to reach out to them, who not to forget when to follow up… unless you have a system.  And I’m not talking pen and paper. You’ll quickly grow out of that type of tracking because you are leveling up in your business, right? You need to have a Customer Relationship Management software or tool.


    A CRM keeps track of your potential client and client’s names, emails, phone numbers, and any other details you wish to record.  The CRM will guide you on how often to follow up as well.


    Using Marketing Automation Software in tandem with a CRM really takes you to the next level of powerful automation to support your business growth.  Marketing Automation Software gets set up to automatically email people who come into your email list. Emails can go out to them over a period of time to stay in touch and market your product/service.  


    When you continue to build your list, the more people you're able to email and the more people you're able to get on the phone  with to convert/close and grow your business. This is part of the science of the sale that I speak about.  This is utilizing systems that can save you time, energy, and increase your revenue exponentially.

    Lock in Your Sales Goals to Close the Sale

    Lock in Your Sales Goals to Close the Sale

    “I need to close more sales. My conversations don't feel authentic or smooth and it gets kind of awkward.”  I hear this a lot and I know it’s frustrating to have a great sales conversation but then not be able to close the deal.


    With sales there’s an art and a science.  The science of the sale is a numbers game. To understand this, you have to understand your sales goals at each step leading up to a sale.  In this numbers game, where does marketing come in?


    Marketing creates awareness but marketing is not sales. Marketing will create attraction but what is your goal once you’ve created awareness and attraction?  Is it to lead someone to a sales call?  From there, what’s the next goal?  Is it to sell a product or service?  If they don’t buy the product/service on that call, what’s you next step, the next goal?  Perhaps a followup call?  There should always be next steps in place so you can reach your business sales goals.


    So, how do you determine how to stay on track for your business sales goals?  You can reverse engineer this.  How many sales do you want per week?  How many sales conversations do you have to have to close that many sales?  How many leads do you need to ensure you are having enough sales conversations?  Now, if you work Monday to Friday, what does this equate to per day for sales, conversations, and leads?  Instead of getting to the end of a month and having to “hustle” to get to where you wanted to be, try breaking it down into what you need to do each day without having to think about it.  You can just wake up and take action.


    We spend more time and energy looking for an end goal of how we can get more in our business with less work. And if we focus that energy on actually getting results, we would hit our goals and we would have the money that we need to then utilize the cutting of corners to work smarter and not harder. 

    Are you doing income producing activities daily in your business?

    Are you doing income producing activities daily in your business?

    It’s time to keep your own voice and maintain your soul because you can sell without selling.  The biggest thing is people don't want to feel like a sellout. They don't want to be inauthentic and be that slimy salesperson that's all about themselves. I teach the art and the science of the sale so that you are able to sell in a way that leaves you feeling truthful and helpful.


    The science of the sale follows the 80/20 rule, meaning that 80% of your time throughout your day should be dedicated towards income producing activities (marketing, content, lead generation, phone calls, closing conversations). The other 20% should be spent on admin stuff, things that are necessary that have to get done in your business, but that aren't revenue producing.


    Really prioritize what you're doing throughout the day. Reorganizing the tasks by saying, "Okay, revenue producing activities is the most important thing in my business. Everything else can be postponed, delegated, put off, just not done at all."


    A lot of times we end up not liking to do the revenue producing things because it involves other people. It involves us feeling uncomfortable and then we create all these admin things, all these little tasks and checklists. Then we determine a “productive day” by the number of tasks we checked off. Businesses don’t grow when our 80/20 balance is more like 10/90.


    Sales is a numbers game and you have to know your numbers.  People buy when they want to buy, not when you're ready to sell them. So what you want to do is find the people that are ready to buy now.


    Listen in to learn how to crunch your numbers, the importance of time blocking, using a CRM (customer relationship management) program, the skill of listening, and how to have a conversational dance.

    Mindset of High Achievers to Take Your Business to the Next Level

    Mindset of High Achievers to Take Your Business to the Next Level

    When looking to take your life and business to the next level, implement these three strategies to make sure you get in the right mindset of high achievers. 


    The very first thing is you have to have the end purpose in mind. So what's your end goal? You have to have a purpose in life. Like what's your purpose? Why are you here? Why are you on the earth? What are you setting out to accomplish with the small, tiny amount of time you actually get on this earth? What are you going to do with it? If you want to level up your life, what's the end goal?


    On to the second strategy, celebrating your wins.  This one may have you feeling awkward.  Whenever I make something about me or share things on social media, I feel really weird. But, you have to do something to connect with another human being and say, Hey, I just had this huge win and I wanted to share it with somebody. This creates additional motivation to continue to drive even harder and longer and boosts your energy.


    The third strategy is to focus on growth and not speed. If you're focused on speed, you're going to cut corners, you're going to do things quickly (but possibly inefficiently and ineffectively), and you're going to have mistakes that you're going to have to go back and fix again. So trying to go quickly is going to create more headaches and more problems. Do not be impatient. Take a deep breath knowing things don't always happen as fast as we want and be okay with that and just focus on growth.


    Change your mindset, get in action, have greater success, and take your life in your business to the next level.

    3 Mindset Habits to Have Success in Your Business

    3 Mindset Habits to Have Success in Your Business

    If you shortcut your mindset you're not going to be able to have the success that you are wanting, thriving for, and driving for.  Do these three mindset habits to have a change in your mindset and thus a change in the success in your business.


    The first thing is to replace the word failing with learning. A lot of times we don't do certain things because we're afraid to fail. But why are we afraid to fail? We're afraid of how we're going to be perceived by other people when we do fail. That's really the root at the heart of being afraid to fail. It's not the failing that sucks. It's what other people are going to think about you. That's trying to preserve your self image.


    Step number two is stop seeking other people's approval. Don't do it. It's not worth it. The only way to get to what we want to be is to not worry about what other people think.


    The third step is to value the process over the end result. The reason you want to value the process versus the result is because every time you try something new the odds are you're not going to have the result that you wanted. 


    All you got is now. You can't do anything about the past. You can't go back and change it. So don't dwell on that. Life is all about enjoying the moments in the series of moments. Create those memories and enjoy the journey.  Adhere to these three things to ensure your mindset is on track for success.

    3 Mindset Hacks for Successful Entrepreneurs

    3 Mindset Hacks for Successful Entrepreneurs

    Success doesn't come from hard work. It doesn't come from learning strategies. It doesn't come from being in action and implementing those strategies. It comes from having the right mindset. 


    Be honest with yourself and embrace your imperfections and embrace your weaknesses.  If you come off as too perfect, like people aren't going to want to learn from you. It's just not authentic. There's no connection there.  Just embrace your imperfections.


    Here are three ways you can be perfectly imperfect as you share your gifts with the world.

    1. Acknowledge your imperfections. Because if you hide from them you'll never overcome them. Okay? So be okay with that. Be okay to not be perfect and really, really get vulnerable when you're around people or customers.
    2. View challenges as opportunities.  When a challenge arises and you may want to think about how badly it “sucks”, change the thought to "This is an opportunity for me to learn something and an opportunity that's going to help me grow."  Give yourself the permission to fail.  Be graceful in the failing and learn from it.
    3. Always be learning. Learn different ways to learn, learn different subjects. Always be a student of learning.  Know how you learn and do not try to fit into a box that other people try to fit you into.  It's all about finding your own voice, your own way and your own learning.

    Now, write these down so that you can practice them. Because without practicing them, you're never going to implement them. And if you don't implement them, you're never going to have a change in the mindset. And if you don't have the change in mindset, you're never going to be able to break through that ceiling that's preventing you from getting to where you want to freaking be.

    4 Steps to Change Your Mindset for Success

    4 Steps to Change Your Mindset for Success

    It’s absolutely amazing what becomes possible in business and life when we change our mindset.  Let’s review four steps that you can take to actually change your mindset.

    1. Check the voice in your head with the thoughts. We may think that only crazy people talk to themselves. But in reality, we all talk to ourselves. We talk to ourselves a lot! By identifying the self-talk, we are equipped to take action.
    2. We have a choice. We can believe the negative self-talk or we can see it for where it’s truly coming from.
    3. Talk back to yourself. This is probably the most important step. Change the narrative.
    4. Take action. This is where the growth comes from and the magic happens.

    By repeating these steps every day, it ensures consistent focus on changing from a negative mindset to a positive mindset.  This will create the changes, both personally and professionally, to become the best version of ourselves we can be.

    It’s time to shut down that negative voice in your head and become wildly successful.

    The Entrepreneurial Mindset Needed for Success

    The Entrepreneurial Mindset Needed for Success

    Are you frustrated with your level of success, yet you feel like you’ve put in a bunch of time, energy, and effort and you’ve been grinding it out?  It may feel like you’ve hit a glass ceiling or a limit on how successful you really can be.  I’m here to show you how to have the entrepreneurial mindset you need to break through that glass ceiling.

    We're always focused on the next tip or trick or software or a strategy to grow our business. And we really forget the first step, the very first thing that we need in order to be successful.

    It starts with your words, your thoughts. One has to examine the thoughts in their head, their narrative, that is creating their habits.  Habits, the things that you do over and over, over again all the time is what actually creates your character. In order to change your words, you have to change your thoughts. This is the key to changing your mindset. Changing your mindset is the key to having success because you will behave differently or have an improved character.

    Be sure to take action on the “homework” assigned to ensure you are always examining your thoughts and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones that will break that glass ceiling you’ve been bumping up against.  It’s time for your extreme success.