
    Unconditionally Worthy Podcast

    The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast is hosted by Licensed Clinical Psychologist Dr. Adia Gooden and was created to guide you on your journey to connect with the true source of your self-worth. Having struggled for years with low self-worth, anxiety, perfectionism, and overworking herself, Dr. Adia has gone through incredible transformations and she is here to support you and cultivate a safe space for conversations about self-worth, mental health, relationships, learning to forgive yourself, and using self-worth as a foundation for living courageously. Do you struggle with imposter syndrome or finding compassion for yourself? Is it difficult for you to recognize your unconditional self-worth? Are you feeling stuck, anxious, discontent, or overworked in your life? Tune in to hear honest stories from Dr. Adia and her guest experts about their experiences with low self-worth, as well as personal and professional recommendations for learning to connect to your unconditional self-worth with powerful practices you can implement in your life right now. You are not alone in your struggles. You have the power to live a life of worthiness and freedom! Are you ready to start your journey?
    en-usDr. Adia Gooden102 Episodes

    Episodes (102)

    Ep #100 My Journey to Love

    Ep #100 My Journey to Love

    I deeply believed that I was unlovable for years and the biggest challenge I had on my journey to embracing my unconditional self-worth was believing that I’m lovable and letting go of the belief that I needed a partner to prove that I was worthy. 

    I wonder if you’ve ever struggled with the same thing?

    I want you to know that you’re not alone in what can be a sometimes painful journey and that there are things you can do to turn your journey to finding love beautiful and empowered just like mine was in the end. 

    Tune in to hear the nitty gritty of my struggles in love and how I triumphantly created my happily ever after. 


    • How my belief that I was unlovable impacted my dating and relationships. 
    • My rock bottom experience in my journey to love. 
    • How I made internal shifts to finally be ready for the love and partnership I desired. 
    • How claiming my worth changed the game. 
    • How I’m living my happily ever after. 
    • And more! 

    This episode is also a bit of a farewell as I pause the podcast indefinitely. As a way to honor ending this chapter of the podcast I would love to hear from you about how the podcast has impacted your life. Please email me at info@dradiagooden.com to share your stories with me. You can also leave a rating or review on Apple podcasts or DM me on Instagram (@dradiagooden) or LinkedIn.

    Lastly, if you want to be sure to stay connected, join my email list by signing up for my FREE Guide on Preparing for the Relationship You Want.

    Relevant Resources:

    FREE Guide: Preparing for the Relationship You Want


    New Program: Black Women Claiming Their Worth & Finding Love 

    Email me at info@dradiagooden.com to learn more about my new coaching program to help high achieving professional Black women claim their worth and find love. 

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with me:

    Visit my website: https://www.dradiagooden.com 

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradiagooden 

    Connect with me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adiagooden/

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCURnbYiU8WTj_2RlMIyER0w 

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/612ZcJeUNaY

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/100

    Unconditionally Worthy Podcast
    en-usDecember 19, 2023

    Ep #99 Lessons from the Waiting Room

    Ep #99 Lessons from the Waiting Room

    Have you ever been left waiting for what you wanted? Maybe it was waiting for a promotion, waiting for love, waiting for a baby. I think we all go through waiting periods in our lives and if you’re anything like me, it can be hard to wait. 

    I want you to know that you’re not alone in your waiting. At some point this summer (I’m not sure exactly when), I got put in a metaphorical waiting room. 

    I didn’t know that I was being put in a waiting room and just like my toddler does when we ask her to do something she doesn’t want to do, I went kicking and screaming. 

    In this episode of the Unconditionally Worthy podcast, I’m sharing about my experience struggling with and eventually accepting and learning from a waiting period in my life. This episode will help you think constructively about your own times of waiting so that they can be transformative in your life. 


    • What it felt like to be in a metaphorical waiting room.  
    • The gifts of waiting.  
    • The lessons that I learned from my time of waiting.  
    • Questions to ask yourself when you are in a period of waiting. 
    • And more! 

    Relevant Resources:

    Email me at dradia@dradiagooden.com to learn more about my new coaching program to help high achieving professional Black women in their 30s and 40s claim their worth and find love. 

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with me:

    Visit my website: https://www.dradiagooden.com 

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradiagooden 

    Connect with me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adiagooden/

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCURnbYiU8WTj_2RlMIyER0w 

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/612ZcJeUNaY

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/99

    Unconditionally Worthy Podcast
    en-usDecember 12, 2023

    Ep #98 It's Been a Hard Year, Here's How I'm Coping

    Ep #98 It's Been a Hard Year, Here's How I'm Coping

    This has been a hard year for me. Not all bad by any measure but definitely hard. 

    I started the year out with big goals and plans for my business and met very few of them. 

    My themes for this year were fun and ease and, ironically, I struggled with both of those things. 

    I experienced the resurgence of self-worth challenges that I thought I had resolved and was reminded of the ongoing nature of our self-worth journeys. 

    In this episode of the Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I’m sharing this with you because I want to be open and honest about my own self-worth journey, not just where I’ve been (there are many episodes where I’ve shared that) but where I am now and how I’m moving through the challenging periods in my life. 


    • The challenges I navigated this year. 
    • How I moved through these challenges. 
    • What helped me to ground myself in my unconditional self-worth during challenging times. 
    • Pausing the podcast indefinitely. 

    Relevant Resources:

    Dr. Adia’s Free E-Book: 4 Practices to Connect with Your Unconditional Self-Worth


    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with me:

    Visit my website: https://www.dradiagooden.com 

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradiagooden 

    Connect with me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adiagooden/

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCURnbYiU8WTj_2RlMIyER0w 

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/612ZcJeUNaY

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/98

    Unconditionally Worthy Podcast
    en-usDecember 05, 2023

    Ep #97 This is How You Release Pefectionism with Dr. Rebecca Hubbard

    Ep #97 This is How You Release Pefectionism with Dr. Rebecca Hubbard

    So many of us struggle with perfectionism. Women in particular are socialized to believe that being perfect makes us worthy. If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent years trying to be perfect in all the ways you could think of (academically, professionally, in friendships, in romantic relationships, etc.). After pursuing perfectionism for long enough we are left exhausted and disconnected from the things that used to bring joy into our life. 

    I want to encourage you, one recovering perfectionist to another, that there is another way. That’s exactly what my guest on this episode of the Unconditionally Worthy podcast and I are talking about. I’m joined by Dr. Rebecca Hubbard a licensed clinical psychologist, Kemetic Yoga instructor, former student athlete, and recovering perfectionist.

    Listen in as Dr. Rebecca shares about her  own self-worth journey, how she is releasing perfectionism and how both of us are avoiding the traps of pursuing perfection as new moms. 


    • The problem with perfectionism.  
    • How to slow down and lean into the messy middle of life.
    • The miracle of being alive. 
    • Lessons from being new moms.
    • How therapy helps us to engage in a process of being.  
    • and more!

    Relevant Resources:

    Sign up for Dr. Rebecca’s Newsletter 


    Dr. Adia’s Free E-Book: 4 Practices to Connect with Your Unconditional Self-Worth


    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Dr. Rebecca Hubbard:

    Connect with her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grounded.wellness.living/

    Check out her website: www.groundedwellnessllc.com

    To connect further with me:

    Visit my website: https://www.dradiagooden.com 

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradiagooden 

    Connect with me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adiagooden/

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCURnbYiU8WTj_2RlMIyER0w 

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k_sGK5Bh-I

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/97

    Unconditionally Worthy Podcast
    en-usNovember 28, 2023

    Ep #96 Healing Intergenerational Trauma with Dr. Mariel Buqué

    Ep #96 Healing Intergenerational Trauma with Dr. Mariel Buqué

    Intergenerational trauma is something that impacts most of us whether we know it or not. The trauma that our mothers experienced when we were in their wombs impacts us, the trauma that their mothers experienced impacted them and on and on and on. While it can be discouraging to consider the trauma that has impacted so many people in our lineage, it is empowering to know that we can heal intergenerational trauma and to remember the strength that we can draw from our ancestors. Healing intergenerational trauma is about what we do in our own lives to break the cycle and how we change things for future generations. 

    In this episode of the Unconditionally Worthy podcast I’m joined by Dr. Mariel Buqué who is a psychologist, intergenerational trauma expert, and author. 

    Listen in as Dr. Mariel shares about how imposter syndrome was a big factor in her own self-worth journey and shares her deep wisdom and practical insights on how we can heal intergenerational trauma. 


    • What intergenerational trauma is.  
    • How to heal intergenerational trauma.
    • Why it’s important to invite in grief. 
    • Imposter syndrome.
    • Drawing on intergenerational strength.  
    • and more!

    Relevant Resources:

    Sign up for Dr. Mariel Buqué’s newsletter and receive a free guide on 21 Healing Practices


    Dr. Adia’s Free E-Book: 4 Practices to Connect with Your Unconditional Self-Worth


    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Dr. Mariel Buqué and purchase her book:

    Connect with her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.marielbuque/

    Check out her website: https://www.drmarielbuque.com/

    Buy her forthcoming book: Break the Cycle -  https://sites.prh.com/breakthecyclebook

    To connect further with me:

    Visit my website: https://www.dradiagooden.com 

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradiagooden 

    Connect with me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adiagooden/

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCURnbYiU8WTj_2RlMIyER0w 

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/612ZcJeUNaY

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/96

    Unconditionally Worthy Podcast
    en-usNovember 21, 2023

    Ep #95 You Have the Power to Design Your Life with Jamila Reddy

    Ep #95 You Have the Power to Design Your Life with Jamila Reddy

    Have you been trying to avoid failure and disappointment and ended up living on the sidelines of life? Have you been so worried about the opinions of others or caught up in people pleasing that you have become disconnected from the desires of your heart? 

    I know these are deep questions but they are so important to wrestle with if we want to claim our worth, design our lives, and start living full out. This is exactly what my guest and I talk about on this episode of Unconditionally Worthy. Jamila Reddy, a transformational coach, intuitive guide, writer, and breath work facilitator is my guest on this week’s episode and I can’t wait for you to listen to our powerful conversation and see the shifts it helps you to make in your life.  

    Listen in as we discuss how to design a life that you truly desire, cultivating practices to tolerate disappointment so you can get out on the field of life and play full out, and how breath work helped Jamila move through deep grief. 


    • What it means to design your life.  
    • How designing your life is an act of claiming your worth.
    • Why joy is not optional. 
    • How breathwork helped Jamila move through intense grief.
    • How to deal with disappointment.  
    • and more!

    Relevant Resources:

    Enroll to the Date Yourself course: 4 Weeks to a Healthy Relationship With You www.unconditionallyworthy.com/dateyourself

    Jamila’s Breathwork Course 


    Dr. Adia’s Free E-Book: 4 Practices to Connect with Your Unconditional Self-Worth


    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Jamila:

    Connect with her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamilareddy/

    Check out her website: https://jamilareddy.me/

    To connect further with me:

    Visit my website: https://www.dradiagooden.com 

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradiagooden 

    Connect with me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adiagooden/

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCURnbYiU8WTj_2RlMIyER0w 

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/612ZcJeUNaY

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/95

    Unconditionally Worthy Podcast
    en-usNovember 14, 2023

    How to Reconnect to Yourself with Mohini Gima

    How to Reconnect to Yourself with Mohini Gima

    Do you feel disconnected from yourself? Have you spent so much time and energy doing what other people want that you no longer feel connected to what you truly desire? This is a common experience for so many of us, women in particular. In this episode of the podcast we are going to explore how this happens and show you how to reconnect with yourself. 

    In this episode of Unconditionally Worthy, I welcome Mohini Gima who is an educator, facilitator, guide, and speaker. 

    Listen in as we discuss how we become disconnected from ourselves and the simple practices that help us to reconnect with ourselves and embody our self-worth. Mohini share’s her story of pursuing a “dream” life and then dismantling the life she had created when she realized that it was misaligned. She shares how she courageously created a life that affirms her worth and fulfills her desires. 


    • Mohini’s self-worth journey and how she went from a life that looked great on the outside but felt miserable on the inside to a life that feels good from the inside out. 
    • Three signs that you are disconnected from yourself.  
    • Five practices to help you reconnect with yourself and embody unconditional self-worth. 
    • and more!

    Relevant Resources:

    Enroll to the Date Yourself course: 4 Weeks to a Healthy Relationship With You: www.unconditionallyworthy.com/dateyourself

    Mohini’s Free Guidebook: Voice of Your Womb https://mohinigima.ck.page/voiceofyourwombguidebook

    Dr. Adia’s Free E-Book: 4 Practices to Connect with Your Unconditional Self-Worth https://dradiagooden.com/freee-book/

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Mohini:

    Connect with her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iammohinigima/

    To connect further with me:

    Visit my website: https://www.dradiagooden.com 

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradiagooden 

    Connect with me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adiagooden/

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCURnbYiU8WTj_2RlMIyER0w 

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/612ZcJeUNaY

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/94

    Unconditionally Worthy Podcast
    en-usNovember 07, 2023

    How Limiting Beliefs Limit Your Life with Jennifer Standish

    How Limiting Beliefs Limit Your Life with Jennifer Standish

    Do you have beliefs about yourself and your life that keep you stuck? Do you find yourself longing to do something bigger with your life or break out of your comfort zone but continually feel pulled back into old habits and patterns? Well, you may be experiencing the effects of limiting beliefs in your life. In this episode of Unconditionally Worthy, I welcome Jennifer Standish, author, and personal transformation expert. Listen in as we have a candid discussion about the most common limiting beliefs, how claiming our worth can dismantle those beliefs, and the importance of giving yourself permission to change your mind. 


    • Jennifer’s self-worth journey: the impact of being raised by a narcissistic mother and her own divorce.
    • The three most common limiting beliefs: “I’m not good enough”, “I can’t fail” and “I must please everyone. 
    • Limiting beliefs both Jennifer and Dr. Adia have navigated. 
    • Practical strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs. 
    • and more!

    Relevant Resources:

    Enroll to the Date Yourself course: 4 Weeks to a Healthy Relationship With You: www.unconditionallyworthy.com/dateyourself

    Claim your free e-guide: How to Overcome Low Self-Worth & Imposter Syndrome: www.dradiagooden.com/impostersyndrome

    Permission Granted: Live Your Life Full of Joy and Peace by Jennifer Standish https://www.amazon.com/Permission-Granted-Live-Your-Peace/dp/1955272662

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Jennifer:

    Connect with her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferstandish/

    To connect further with me:

    Visit my website: https://www.dradiagooden.com 

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradiagooden 

    Connect with me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adiagooden/

    Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCURnbYiU8WTj_2RlMIyER0w 

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/612ZcJeUNaY

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/93

    Unconditionally Worthy Podcast
    en-usOctober 31, 2023

    EP 92: How to Improve Your Relationship With Yourself & Your Food with Wendy Lopez & Jessica Jones

    EP 92: How to Improve Your Relationship With Yourself & Your Food with Wendy Lopez & Jessica Jones
    Is your relationship to food feeling like a burden? Do you want to improve your relationship with yourself and make healthier choices? Do you want to feel a sense of freedom and joy when it comes to food? In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Wendy Lopez & Jessica Jones, nationally recognized Registered Dietitians, Certified Diabetes Educators, and Co-Founders of Food Heaven. Tune in to learn about the intersection of self-worth and food, how to improve your relationship with food, and practical recommendations for developing body trust and making healthier food choices.


    • Wendy’s self-worth journey: Childhood and community being her biggest influence.
    • Jessica’s self-worth journey: The impact of never having a Black teacher to look up to.
    • The connection between your relationship with yourself and food.
    • Tips for developing body trust and improving your relationship with food.
    • What is a socially and culturally responsive approach to food/diet/nutrition?
    • The harms of diet culture and nutrition guidelines on Black women and women of color.
    • How unhealthy relationships with food can be rooted in slavery or poverty.
    • My framework for Black self-compassion.
    • and more!

    Resources Mentioned:

    Enroll to the Date Yourself course: 4 Weeks to a Healthy Relationship With You: www.unconditionallyworthy.com/dateyourself

    Claim your free e-guide: How to Overcome Low Self-Worth & Imposter Syndrome: www.dradiagooden.com/impostersyndrome

    Listen to The Food Heaven Podcast - How to Cultivate Self-Compassion with Dr. Adia Gooden: https://foodheavenmadeeasy.com/how-to-cultivate-self-compassion-w-adia-gooden

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Wendy, Jessica, & Food Heaven:

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/612ZcJeUNaY
    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/92

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.
    Learn more at

    EP 91: Owning The Power of Your Voice with Samara Bay

    EP 91: Owning The Power of Your Voice with Samara Bay

    Do you struggle with public speaking? Do you want to learn how to speak up and feel worthy of using your voice in powerful ways? If so, stop scrolling and click play! In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Samara Bay, a Speech Advisor/Coach and Best-Selling Author of “Permission to Speak: How to Change What Power Sounds Like, Starting With You”. Listen in to learn how you can start tapping into the power of your voice and feel worthy before, during, and after a public speaking opportunity.


    • Samara’s self-worth journey: Trying to make it as an actress, losing her voice in her 20s, & writing a best-selling book.
    • The power of accepting affirmations: How pitching a book affirmed her self-worth.
    • Tips on feeling less fearful and more confident in public speaking.
    • 7 ways to start owning the power of your voice.
    • How to dismantle voice bias and pursue voice justice.
    • and more!

    Resources Mentioned:

    Samara’s 5 Minute Warmup for Public Speaking: https://www.samarabay.com/goodies

    The Art of Being Yourself (TEDx Talk) by Caroline McHugh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veEQQ-N9xWU

    NEW OFFER: Claim your FREE guide, How to Overcome Low Self-Worth & Imposter Syndrome: www.dradiagooden.com/impostersyndrome

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Samara Bay:

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Xg3AE80PH1M

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/91

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

    Learn more at https://www.crysandtiana.com

    EP 90: A Self-Worth Conversation with My Mom with Dr. Kumea Shorter-Gooden

    EP 90: A Self-Worth Conversation with My Mom with Dr. Kumea Shorter-Gooden

    In this very special episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I’m joined by my mom, Dr. Kumea Shorter-Gooden, a Psychologist, DEI Consultant/Coach, and co-author of Shifting: The Double Lives of Black Women in America. Listen in as we have a profound and meaningful conversation about her life and self-worth journey. My mom shines light on how she’s been navigating self-worth challenges from childhood to the present and the lessons she’s learned along the way.


    • My mom’s self-worth journey: Dealing with the pressure to perform well academically, integrating her white high school, & being in the first class of women at Princeton.
    • How the strategies Black people have used to dismantle racism have become internalized ways of being.
    • Navigating Racial & Gender Discrimination: What is shifting and how does it show up in Black women?
    • What was it like to integrate a private, all-girls, white high school in the 60s?
    • Her fears (related to self-worth) going into retirement.
    • and more!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Shifting: The Double Lives of Black Women in America by Dr. Kumea Shorter-Gooden & Dr. Charisse Jones: https://www.shorter-goodenconsulting.com/book-articles

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Dr. Kumea Shorter-Gooden:

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/221KnPGnWnk

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/90

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

    Learn more at https://www.crysandtiana.com

    EP 89: Liberating Ourselves and Decolonizing Mental Health with Dr. Han Ren

    EP 89: Liberating Ourselves and Decolonizing Mental Health with Dr. Han Ren

    What does it mean to decolonize mental health? As BIPOC folk, how do we liberate ourselves from colonization and mental illness? In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Dr. Han Ren, a licensed clinical and school psychologist, consultant, speaker, and educator who is deeply rooted in liberation and anti-oppressive work. Tune in to learn what it means to decolonize mental health and what it looks like to care for and liberate yourself as a BIPOC person. By the end of the episode, you’ll know six ways you can start decolonizing mental health.


    • Han’s self-worth journey: Being a child immigrant, tying self-worth to achievement, & rethinking her relationships.
    • What gave her the courage to start making TikToks about mental health and decolonization.
    • What does it mean to decolonize mental health?
    • Differentiating guilt and shame & How guilt can actually be a helpful tool in decolonization.
    • How Dr. Han navigates living in Texas as an immigrant of color & How she supports clients in similar situations.
    • 6 ways to decolonize mental health in constructive ways.
    • and more!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Claim your FREE ebook, 4 Practices to Connect to your Unconditional Self-Worth: www.dradiagooden.com/free-ebook

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Dr. Han Ren:
    Visit her website: https://www.pivotpsychologyatx.com
    Follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.han.ren
    Follow her on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drhanren

    To connect further with me:
    Visit my website: https://www.dradiagooden.com
    Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dradiagooden
    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dradiagooden
    Connect with me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adia-gooden-4b26751b 

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/FPWbNEc1CIs
    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/89

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.
    Learn more at

    EP 88: How to Stop Erasing Yourself and Start Seeing Yourself with Amanda Miller Littlejohn

    EP 88: How to Stop Erasing Yourself and Start Seeing Yourself with Amanda Miller Littlejohn

    Do you ignore your talents and interests in the pursuit of the American Dream? Do you make yourself small to fit in or fly under the radar? Do you over-prioritize hard work until there’s no time for self-expression, creativity, or fun? You might be falling victim to self-erasure… In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Amanda Miller Littlejohn, a Brand Strategist, Executive Coach, Writer, and Founder of Package Your Genius Academy. Listen in as we talk about how to reverse self-erasure, get out of the hustle and grind culture, and imagine bigger possibilities for your life. You’ll walk away with a strong understanding of what self-erasure is, where it comes from, and 5 tips that will help you stop erasing yourself and start seeing yourself. 


    • Amanda’s self-worth journey: Having a baby during the pandemic, burning out, & rethinking her perception of her “hard worker” identity.
    • The interconnection between productivity, hustle culture, and slavery.
    • A revolutionary way to overcome the overworking/high achievement mindset.
    • How a self-worth journey can positively impact your children.
    • How we are socialized into self-erasure, especially as women.
    • 5 ways to overcome self-erasure and start seeing yourself.
    • Combating erasure of BIPOC leaders.
    • and more!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Ready to start seeing and healing yourself? The next cohort of the Unconditionally Group Coaching Program started on September 25th, 2023, but you can still join! Apply now to secure your spot: www.unconditionallyworthy.com/program

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Amanda Miller Littlejohn:

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/fo5akKZKhEU

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/88

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

    Learn more at https://www.crysandtiana.com

    EP 87: The Power of Healing in Community with Dr. Christine Coleman

    EP 87: The Power of Healing in Community with Dr. Christine Coleman

    Do you feel alone or like you’re “the only one” that has gone through what you’ve gone through? Do you not feel seen when talking to the people in your life? Does the term “group coaching” make you want to run for the hills? If so, tune in! In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Christine Coleman, a Licensed Therapist, Speaker, Executive Coach, Consultant, and Founder/CEO of POC Thriving. Listen in to learn the power of healing in community and the unique benefits of group coaching, especially for women of color.


    • Christine’s self-worth journey: Navigating self-confidence, body image, achievement, & her Mexican-Iranian identity.
    • How moving and re-establishing yourself in a new place challenges your mental and emotional health.
    • Major challenges BIPOC folks are experiencing in corporate and academic environments.
    • The benefits of affinity groups and DEIB initiatives in the workplace.
    • What group coaching is like & Why it’s so powerful, especially for BIPOC women.
    • Christine’s favorite wellness practice for women of color.
    • 2 important questions to ask yourself during a self-check-in.
    • and more!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Craving a community to heal with? The next cohort of the Unconditionally Group Coaching Program starts September 25th, 2023! Apply now to secure your spot: www.unconditionallyworthy.com/program

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Christine Coleman:

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/kQV_tIMCnhQ
    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/87

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

    Learn more at https://www.crysandtiana.com

    EP 86: How Claiming Your Worth Creates Shifts in Your Life

    EP 86: How Claiming Your Worth Creates Shifts in Your Life

    In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I invite three former members of the Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program to shed light on their self-worth journeys and what they’ve gained from the program. Based on their own personal experiences, Felicia, Larissa, and Toni each describe how claiming your worth creates shifts, both subtle and monumental, in your life.


    • Felicia, Larissa, and Toni’s self-worth journeys: What they needed help with & Why they joined the program.
    • What former members gained from the Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program.
    • 5 ways claiming your worth creates shifts in your life.
    • and more!

    The Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program is designed to guide you to truly embody and live from the truth that you are unconditionally worthy.

    Ready to take the leap? The next cohort of the Unconditionally Group Coaching Program starts September 25th, 2023! Apply now to secure your spot: www.unconditionallyworthy.com/program

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/2gtrn2FUYeM

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/86

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

    Learn more at https://www.crysandtiana.com

    EP 85: From Believing to Embodying Self-Worth

    EP 85: From Believing to Embodying Self-Worth

    How do you go from believing in your self-worth to fully embodying worthiness? In this solo episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I talk about the difference between intellectually knowing that you are worthy and truly embodying your unconditional self-worth. Then, I share three ways you can start shifting from believing you’re worthy to actually living your life from that truth.


    • The difference between knowing you’re worthy and living like you’re worthy.
    • What life looks like when you are/aren’t embodying unconditional self-worth.
    • 3 ways to start embodying your worthiness.
    • and more!

    Want to tackle this practice together? The Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program is designed to guide you to truly embody and live from the truth that you are unconditionally worthy.

    The next cohort of the Unconditionally Group Coaching Program starts September 25th, 2023! Apply now to secure your spot: www.unconditionallyworthy.com/program

    Not quite ready to take the leap yet? Enroll in the Be Yourself Workshop on Tuesday, September 12th, a 3-part workshop series where we dive deep into my signature framework for how to claim your Unconditional Self-Worth, here: https://www.unconditionallyworthy.com/UWWorkshops

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_IUUBoU7mSM

    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/85

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

    Learn more at https://www.crysandtiana.com

    BONUS EP: How to Be Honest and Kind With Yourself with Kristina Mand-Lakhiani

    BONUS EP: How to Be Honest and Kind With Yourself with Kristina Mand-Lakhiani

    Can you love yourself when you are not the best version of yourself? In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Kristina Mand-Lakhiani, an international speaker, entrepreneur, artist, and author of the recently published book, “Becoming Flawesome: The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic Life. Listen in as Kristina and I discuss what it takes to courageously embrace your flaws, love yourself, and be honest and kind with yourself. She shares a few powerful ways you can be kinder and more honest with yourself so you can pursue and achieve what you want with less resistance and more courage. Ultimately, her insights will help you live an authentic life while embracing all of your imperfections.


    • The evolution of Kristina’s self-worth journey.
    • The importance of having people in your life that support your worthiness.
    • How honesty, kindness, and courage help you embrace your flaws and love yourself unconditionally.
    • 6 ways to be kinder and more honest with yourself.
    • and more!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Listen to Ep 39 with Kristina Mand-Lakhiani: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/39 

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Kristina Mand-Lakhiani:

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/zqefTrgGX-Q

    Read the show notes and transcript here:  https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/becoming-flawesome

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

    Learn more at https://www.crysandtiana.com

    EP 84: Here’s What I Do When I’m Triggered

    EP 84: Here’s What I Do When I’m Triggered

    Tired of getting triggered and not knowing how to heal and move on from it? Want to learn my approach to dealing with triggers? Tune in! In this solo episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I share what I do when I’m triggered and offer advice that will help you better navigate your triggers so you can live an easier life with less anxiety, fear, and anger. Remember, we’re all human and we all have triggers… What matters is how we handle them and move forward!


    • The story of how I recently got triggered and how I responded.
    • What to do when you feel left out or excluded from a group/event.
    • How to deal with your triggers in healthy ways.
    • How to maintain a sense of worthiness when you’re triggered.
    • and more!

    Resources & Important Dates Mentioned:

    Enroll in the Date Yourself Course - 4 Weeks to a Healthy Relationship With You: www.unconditionallyworthy.com/dateyourself

    Next cohort of The Unconditionally Worthy Group Coaching Program starts: September 2023!

    Season 6 of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast starts: September 5th, 2023!

    If you enjoyed this solo episode, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/lOZghWoyulk
    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/84

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.
    Learn more at

    EP 83: Navigating the Challenges & Opportunities of Midlife with Julie Artis

    EP 83: Navigating the Challenges & Opportunities of Midlife with Julie Artis

    Are you currently navigating midlife or curious about what midlife will be like for you? Let me first tell you, it’s not full of crises! Midlife is actually a beautiful, transformative time that can enable you to live a life full of curiosity, passion, wisdom, and above all, FUN. In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Julie Artis, PhD, a Leadership and Career Coach for women and published expert on women’s work and women’s midlife transitions. Listen in as Julie and I shine light on the challenges and opportunities that come up during midlife and how we can navigate them with a strong sense of self-worth and openness to change.


    • Julie’s self-worth journey: Climbing the academic ladder, relying on external recognition, & feeling discomfort in leadership.
    • How divorce impacted Julie’s identity and shifted her perspective in midlife.
    • Challenges and opportunities you have in midlife.
    • How to start making changes in midlife and confidently own your age.
    • and more!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Enroll in the Date Yourself Course - 4 Weeks to a Healthy Relationship With You: www.unconditionallyworthy.com/dateyourself
    Read “The Midlife Unraveling” by Brene Brown: https://brenebrown.com/articles/2018/05/24/the-midlife-unraveling
    Listen to Glennon Doyle’s We Can Do Hard Things Podcast: http://wecandohardthingspodcast.com

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Julie Artis:

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3TbViEIHjLI
    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/83

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.
    Learn more at

    EP 82: Knowing Your Human Design Helps You Claim Your Worth with Dr. Naieema Jackson

    EP 82: Knowing Your Human Design Helps You Claim Your Worth with Dr. Naieema Jackson

    Did you know there’s a simple, yet profound way to learn more about who you truly are AND confidently claim your worth? It’s called Human Design. In this episode of The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast, I welcome Dr. Naieema Jackson, an Intuitive Business Strategist and Human Design Expert. Listen in as Naieema and I explore what human design is, the benefits of knowing your human design chart, and how that can shape your relationship with self-worth.


    • Naieema’s self-worth journey: Being a Black woman in America, growing up poor, & tying her worth to the corporate ladder.
    • What is Human Design?
    • How human design has shaped Naieema’s life and made her more successful in her career.
    • Naieema shares powerful insights from my own human design chart.
    • 5+ ways human design helps you claim your worth.
    • and more!

    Do you want to learn your human design chart? Go to www.bodygraphchart.com

    Claim your FREE Human Design Alignment in Business Course: https://thedeterminedfempreneur.com/sample-wealthy-chick-by-design-podcast 

    Enroll in the Date Yourself Course: www.unconditionallyworthy.com/dateyourself

    If you enjoyed this discussion, share it with a loved one, then…

    Leave a Rating & Review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify to show your love to The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast!

    Stream & Download The Unconditionally Worthy Podcast NOW for FREE on Apple Podcast, Google, Stitcher, Pandora, and Spotify!

    To connect further with Dr. Naieema Jackson:

    To connect further with me:

    Watch the full interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/eB9h7Xf_mRY
    Read the show notes and transcript here: https://dradiagooden.com/episodearchive/82

    This episode was produced by Crys & Tiana.

    Learn more at https://www.crysandtiana.com