
    Wellness Center Creators

    Health and wellness providers know that better patient outcomes require a whole person multidisciplinary approach that they just can't provide on our own. That's why host Kendall Hagensen started the Wellness Center Creators podcast. Every week she brings you interviews with experts, tips, tricks, secrets, resources, systems, and solutions, so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel when creating your wellness center. Kendall is a somatic psychotherapist turned multidisciplinary clinic owner and business coach, and she has dedicated her professional life to helping people live in their truth and work in a way that feeds their soul and still allows them to feed their family. She believes in empowering health and wellness professionals to create the collaborative, integrated wellness practices they've always dreamed of. That's why she’s here with this podcast bringing ideas, information, and guests that can help you find WELLlth in life and business. Sponsored by Jane.app
    enKendall Hagensen89 Episodes

    Episodes (89)

    Clear Skin and Optimal Health: The Functional Medicine Approach to Psoriasis with Dayna Hrovath

    Clear Skin and Optimal Health: The Functional Medicine Approach to Psoriasis with Dayna Hrovath
    If you're feeling frustrated and defeated by the constant itchiness and irritation of your psoriasis, despite trying countless creams and medications, then you are not alone! Many individuals like you are experiencing the disappointment of temporary relief followed by recurring flare-ups that disrupt their daily lives. Instead of the clear, healthy skin you long for, you may find yourself trapped in a cycle of symptom management, never truly addressing the root causes of your condition. Demonstrating a profound understanding of the intimate link between skin health and systemic wellness, Dayna Hrovath has emerged as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with chronic skin conditions, particularly psoriasis. As a skilled dermatology physician assistant, Dayna’s conventional medicine proficiency is evident in her work. However, what truly sets her apart is her commitment to functional medicine which has enabled her to devise effective lifestyle modification strategies at her clinic, Fountain Mills Functional Wellness. Emphasizing the role of diet, stress control, and a low-toxin lifestyle, Dayna's methods offer a whole new perspective on disease management. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Transform Your Beliefs and Boost Your Income as a Wellness Provider with Jason Stein

    Transform Your Beliefs and Boost Your Income as a Wellness Provider with Jason Stein
    Discover how a passionate acupuncturist turned business consultant helps wellness providers overcome money challenges and achieve financial stability, all while balancing their work and personal lives. If you don't figure out the money end of things, things can get really challenging. And there's a lot of burnout in this field for people that are afraid to raise their prices or are paying too much in rent... - Jason Stein In this episode, you will be able to: - Unlock diverse financial management challenges that wellness providers come across, learning effective strategies to conquer them. - Absorb viable and constructive marketing strategies for wellness providers, with a spotlight on utilizing Google Business Profiles. - Perceive the vital element of balance between professional and personal life for wellness providers; and how to avert the risk of burnout. - Delve into the use of modern technology to widen horizons and spawn opportunities for wellness providers. And more! Today I’m joined by Jason Stein, an acupuncturist who started his journey almost two decades ago. What makes Jason exceptional is his inherent ability to adapt and grow - leading him from practicing acupuncture to consulting and coaching other wellness providers on business practices. His dedication to his craft is evident while running a wellness retreat center alongside his wife. Jason's entrepreneurial spirit shines through all his endeavors, from running his center to his work with Wellness Renegades. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Take the Guesswork Out of Planning for Retirement with Eunicia Peret

    Take the Guesswork Out of Planning for Retirement with Eunicia Peret
    If you're feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about your financial future, despite trying to save and invest, then you are not alone! Many individuals find themselves stuck in a cycle of financial insecurity, unable to achieve their desired retirement goals. They may be following generic, “cookie-cutter” financial advice or relying on outdated strategies that fail to consider their unique circumstances and goals. As a result, they miss out on the opportunity to maximize their wealth and secure a personalized financial plan that can lead to a prosperous retirement. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Unveiling the Vital Role of Office Managers in Healthcare Businesses with Brittany Ludwig

    Unveiling the Vital Role of Office Managers in Healthcare Businesses with Brittany Ludwig
    Do you want to enhance the efficiency and success of your healthcare business? Are you looking for the key to unlocking improved understanding and recognition of the role and importance of office managers in your organization? Look no further, as Brittany Ludwig shares the solution that will help you achieve this desired outcome. Understanding the critical role that office managers play in your healthcare businesses is key to creating a thriving environment. This environment will not only maximize productivity and ensure seamless operations, but also set the best possible tone for your valued clients and patients. Recognize that this isn't just an opportunity to complete a transaction, but an opportunity to connect and make someone feel taken care of. - Brittany Ludwig With a background in retail, preschool teaching, and personal styling, Brittany has finally discovered her true calling in advocating for health and wellness at Vancouver Wellness Studio. Brittany shines as an office manager, harnessing her passion for people, health and psychology to redefine customer service and create an authentic human connection in a healthcare setting. In this episode, you will be able to: - Uncover the pivotal role of an office manager in shaping successful healthcare ventures. - Discover the nuances of hiring for administrative and front-end staff in detail. - Grasp the vital importance of establishing authentic connections. - Experience the role of front end staff, often the first human touchpoint, in setting the company's face. And much more! Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Secure Your Financial Future: Practical Tips for Healthcare Providers with Robin Valadares

    Secure Your Financial Future: Practical Tips for Healthcare Providers with Robin Valadares
    If you're a healthcare professional and feel overwhelmed and stressed about your finances, living paycheck to paycheck, struggling with debt, and unsure about your future, know that you're not alone! Today, we are delighted to introduce our guest Robin Valadares. In addition to his successful career as a physiotherapist, Robin has immersed himself in the realm of financial education. After recognizing the finite nature of income in his field, he found himself drawn towards the world of financial literacy. Robin takes great pride in his skill of simplifying the complex financial jargon, a talent that truly connects with other healthcare professionals seeking guidance in comprehending their earnings and expenditures. His goal? To empower individuals in the healthcare industry with financial skills that will last them a lifetime. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Maximizing Productivity: Mastering the 4 P's of Effective Meetings

    Maximizing Productivity: Mastering the 4 P's of Effective Meetings
    If you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by unproductive meetings that seem to go nowhere, then you are not alone! Despite your efforts to lead engaging discussions, you may find yourself stuck in a cycle of inefficient decision-making and disengaged participants. Your attempts to create a structured meeting agenda may be falling flat, resulting in wasted time and missed opportunities for collaboration. Enter the four P's; People, Process, Product, and Purpose! Nothing boosts productivity like having the right people in the room, those who are crucial to the meeting's goal. The process, or the structure of the meeting, sets the tone for an efficient discourse. The product - the expected outcome of the meeting - ensures we're all working towards a common goal. And finally, the purpose. Why are we here? Answering this question adds clarity, making the meeting meaningful and necessary. When everyone has a role, purpose, intention, and actions in meetings, the relationship goes more smoothly and builds to a deeper, more sustainable place. - Kendall Hagensen Get all the links, resources and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Building a Wellness Center and Acupuncture Practice with Sarah Swanberg

    Building a Wellness Center and Acupuncture Practice with Sarah Swanberg
    Follow the journey of Sarah Swanberg, a determined wellness provider who discovered acupuncture as a second career. She has built Indigo Wellness Group, a thriving center that fills the gaps in traditional healthcare for women, while collaborating with her sister and creating a supportive environment for her team and clients. In this episode, you will be able to: - Develop a thriving wellness center equipped with acupuncture therapy. - Create unity through effective team-building in the health sector. - Unlock the potential of alternative healthcare with insightful intuition. - Transform family bonds into business ties. - Envision the expansion of your wellness services for continuous growth. Today's special guest is Sarah Swanberg. With a heart full of passion and a desire to create an impact, she embarked on a journey to build a wellness center that would cater to women's unique needs during key stages of life - preconception, fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum. Sarah isn't just an acupuncturist - she's a holistic healer, a caregiver, and an influential entrepreneur. Having successfully navigated a personal journey through motherhood and fertility, combined with a professional background in Chinese medicine, Sarah founded and now co-manages the flourishing Indigo Wellness Group. Her story is a compelling manifestation of the seamless blending of personal experience with professional knowledge. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Unlocking Team Synergy: The Power of Relationship-Centered Hiring

    Unlocking Team Synergy: The Power of Relationship-Centered Hiring
    Are you tired of hiring skilled candidates who just don't fit into your company's culture? In this episode, I delve into the crucial topic of relationship-centered hiring and leadership. Tune in to find out how it could change the way you approach hiring and leading a team. Get all the links, resources and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Growing and Nurturing a Flourishing Group Practice with Leah DeRose

    Growing and Nurturing a Flourishing Group Practice with Leah DeRose
    Do you want to successfully transition from a private practice to a group practice, effectively establishing and managing your own team of therapists? Listen in as Leah DeRose shares some key solutions to achieving this desired outcome, allowing you to thrive in your new group practice venture. Leah DeRose has had a 15-year professional journey that shows resilience, passion, and commitment. She started with a successful private practice, and now she is designing a growing group practice.Tapping into her personal history and transformative experiences, Leah has focused on developing a supportive professional atmosphere where individual growth is championed alongside a commitment to holistic health and well-being. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com

    A Holistic and Revolutionary Approach to Addiction Recovery with Luke DeBoy

    A Holistic and Revolutionary Approach to Addiction Recovery with Luke DeBoy
    In this fascinating interview on the Wellness Center Creators podcast, therapist Luke Dubois shares his journey from athletic training to becoming a certified addiction counselor. With a holistic and integrative approach to treatment, Luke's practice, Recovery Collective, offers a groundbreaking approach that addresses psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs simultaneously. Despite efforts to achieve freedom from addiction, those suffering from substance use disorder may find themselves repeatedly succumbing to cravings, relapses, and overwhelming emotions. The traditional, one-size-fits-all approach to addiction treatment may not address the root causes of addiction or provide the necessary tools to heal holistically. Today we explore a comprehensive, integrative treatment approach that considers physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, paving the way for a truly transformative recovery journey. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com

    A Guide to Implementing Flexible Therapy Offices with Anna O'Brien and Jim Pasquarella

    A Guide to Implementing Flexible Therapy Offices with Anna O'Brien and Jim Pasquarella
    Anna O’Brien a licensed professional counselor and board-certified art therapist, has successfully transitioned from group to private practice. Recognized for her entrepreneurial spirit, she partnered with Jim Pasquarella, a stalwart in commercial real estate, who led the transformation of his church's unused space into a thriving wellness center. Together, they have created a new approach to integrating therapy services into wellness centers. Join us in this episode as we unveil strategies to designing thriving therapeutic spaces. Say goodbye to rigid models and hello to flexibility, low overhead costs, community engagement, and effective marketing. It's time to create therapy offices and a wellness center that truly thrives. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Holistic and Comprehensive Maternal Care with Dr. Lisa Jewell

    Holistic and Comprehensive Maternal Care with Dr. Lisa Jewell
    Dr. Lisa Jewell shares a comprehensive approach to perinatal health that can provide better patient care and improve outcomes for both mothers and babies. Dr. Lisa is a passionate chiropractic physician who is revolutionizing women's health in Portland, Oregon. With a strong focus on prenatal and postpartum care, she brings together a wealth of expertise in chiropractic, physical therapy, and body work. Dr. Lisa's unique model delivers an all-encompassing, integrated approach to women's health, ensuring her patients get the support they need during their pregnancy journey. Through her innovative practices, she truly makes a difference in the lives of her patients and their families. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Healthcare Business Education and Starting Your Practice with Marco De Ciantis

    Healthcare Business Education and Starting Your Practice with Marco De Ciantis
    At first glance, Marco De Ciantis' journey in the healthcare industry seems like a typical success story. A skilled practitioner, he quickly rose to prominence within his field, becoming a respected name amongst his peers. But as he delved deeper into entrepreneurship, Marco discovered an unexpected truth: mastering the medical aspect of his profession was only half the battle. To truly thrive in healthcare, he had to master the business aspect as well. In this inspiring episode, Marco shares his hard-won wisdom on how to research and prepare for the business side of your healthcare career. Marco's fervor for supporting his fellow healthcare professionals has led him to mentor new graduates embarking on their entrepreneurial journey. Through projects like Daphne Health Alliance, Marco is cultivating a space where emerging healthcare providers can develop their own practices while gaining valuable business guidance to ensure a successful and fulfilling career path. In this episode, you will be able to: Master tactics to conquer the healthcare and wellness entrepreneurial landscape. Embrace the vital impact of fostering a collaborative professional team for your business. Determine the fine line between personal management and business growth as a wellness entrepreneur. Investigate the cutting-edge solutions offered by Daphne Health Alliance for upcoming clinical business owners. Acknowledge the value of robust business knowledge in the fast-paced healthcare industry. And more! Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Holistic Skin Health Techniques Using Natural Ingredients with Jamie O’Neill

    Holistic Skin Health Techniques Using Natural Ingredients with Jamie O’Neill
    Today, Vancouver Wellness Studio’s Jamie O'Neill explains her multi-method approach to skin health. She shares the truth about the benefits of using organic and natural products that are personalized to your unique skin needs. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to healthier, more radiant skin with Jamie's customized routines for skin health. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Ihor Bauman's Top Tips for a Thriving Freelance Practice

    Ihor Bauman's Top Tips for a Thriving Freelance Practice
    Drawing from his personal experience, Ihor Bauman offers valuable tips for starting a freelance practice in 2023. Find out how his mother's layoff led to the creation of a platform that supports over 6,000 freelancers today. We help you to automate routine operations to allow you to free up your time… so you can invest more in yourself, you can have better work-life balance, you can invest more time in your clients and make more money. - Ihor Bauman Ihor is committed to the future of work and has been recognized as a member of the Forbes Business Council and a speaker at the University of Berkeley. Ihor emphasizes the importance of finding one's unique value proposition, establishing a personal brand, and building a supportive network of referrals. Ihor also recommends creating a professional website, using search engine optimization, and engaging with various social media platforms to attract organic traffic. Furthermore, he encourages freelancers to contribute to blogs and collaborate with others to increase their online presence. Ihor is a trustworthy advisor for freelancers who genuinely cares about their success and wellbeing. His advice is insightful and beneficial in the continuously changing world of work. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Overcoming Business Obstacles & Creating Patient Value with Dr. Lorne Brown

    Overcoming Business Obstacles & Creating Patient Value with Dr. Lorne Brown
    Do you believe these myths about mindset and inner work for business success as a healthcare practitioner? Myth #1: 'Providing quality medical care is enough to thrive in the industry.' Myth #2: 'Business success is solely dependent on external factors like location and marketing.' Myth #3: 'Mindset work is only for personal development, not business growth.' If you're ready to learn the truth, stay tuned for insights from Dr. Lorne Brown on the importance of mindset and value creation for healthcare business success. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Maximize Team Performance: Clare Willson on Kolbe & PRINT Tools

    Maximize Team Performance: Clare Willson on Kolbe & PRINT Tools
    Do you want your team to work more efficiently and collaboratively by identifying and utilizing each team member's unique strengths? If so, Clare Willson has the solution to help you achieve increased productivity and improved collaboration through understanding your team's strengths. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Inspiring Playgrounds Where Nature Meets Inclusion with G Cody QJ Goldberg

    Inspiring Playgrounds Where Nature Meets Inclusion with G Cody QJ Goldberg
    From a father's determination to make a difference, Harper's Playground was born - a nonprofit that has revolutionized the world of inclusive playgrounds. Inclusion is important because every one of us has a gift to offer the community, and when we allow people to be marginalized and not included, we are missing out on the gift they could otherwise offer us as a community. G Cody QJ Goldberg is a passionate advocate for inclusive play spaces, with over 13 years of experience in designing and creating playgrounds that cater to every child's needs. As the co-founder of Harper's Playground, a nonprofit organization, Cody has been instrumental in bringing about change in the way playgrounds are designed and built. Having a child with a disability himself, Cody understands the importance of play in children's well-being and development, and he is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has access to play in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Get ready to be inspired by Cody's personal journey and his commitment to making the world a better place, one playground at a time. When Cody’s daughter Harper, who has a disability, struggled to navigate through wood chips at a local park, Cody and his wife knew they had to do something about it. Starting a nonprofit called Harper's Playground, they embarked on a 13-year journey to create playgrounds that are not only accessible to all, but also immersed in nature's beauty. Their innovative design theory has now made a significant impact on children's well-being and development. Providing an unstructured, natural environment that caters to every ability level, these playgrounds encourage play and help children face fears, overcome challenges, and discover themselves. With projects all around the world, their dedication to inclusive play is inspiring and touching the lives of countless children and their families. In this episode, you will be able to: Learn about the significance of inclusive playgrounds for fostering children's growth and happiness. Gain insights into the personal connections that inspire a focus on accessibility and inclusive design. Investigate how incorporating adaptation and natural elements can enhance playground experiences for all. Recognize the power of community participation in advancing and sustaining inclusive causes. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Nurturing Connection and Collaboration with Ron Bryan

    Nurturing Connection and Collaboration with Ron Bryan
    Ron Bryan had to decide between serving clients collaboratively or fulfilling his own ambition when he joined the team of Vancouver Wellness Studio professionals. Ron Bryan, a dedicated fitness trainer and owner of True Fit Personal Fitness, brings his passion for holistic health to Vancouver Wellness Studio. With a strong focus on collaboration and client care, Ron's approach to fitness perfectly complements the diverse range of services offered at the studio. Ron is a fitness expert who is great at building professional relationships. During this conversation, he explains how important networking is for healthcare businesses to grow and why collaboration is a key to success. Ron values the teamwork at the Vancouver Wellness Studio, where practitioners with diverse expertise complement each other to provide genuine care to clients. This unique collaborative environment, built on the foundation of trust and the absence of ego, has led to both personal and professional growth for Ron, turning colleagues into friends and strengthening the bonds of the healthcare community. Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!

    Transform Your Wellness Center with Events: Insights by Katie Friel

    Transform Your Wellness Center with Events: Insights by Katie Friel
    Katie Friel created a unique, personalized experience for her clients, giving them a nurturing and welcoming environment to immerse themselves in. But little did she know that this would lead to something even more incredible - the building of strong community and client relationships and an immense sense of personal satisfaction with her work! Listen in for Katie’s best tips on how to create successful wellness center events. Take calculated risks, and your space does not have to be perfect before you throw an amazing celebration there for your community, just jump right in 100%. - Katie Friel Katie Friel, a holistic health expert and business consultant, is the proud owner of Twin Ponds Holistic Health located in Breinigsville, Pennsylvania. With a passion for community engagement, Katie has successfully hosted a variety of events at her wellness center, catering to diverse interests and needs. Her innovative approach to event planning and personalized itineraries have helped in building strong community and client relationships. Katie's experience in the wellness industry and her expertise in Internal Family Systems (IFS) make her an invaluable resource for wellness center owners seeking to grow their businesses and foster community connections. Katie found her way to hosting community events through the desire to offer a unique and personalized experience for her clients. She carefully plans and executes events that cater to individual preferences, allowing participants to fully immerse themselves in a day of self-care. Through these events, Katie manages to create an environment that is both welcoming and nurturing for all who attended. In this episode, you will be able to: Craft personalized itineraries for tailor-made wellness center experiences. Organize community events that balance risks, rewards, and pricing strategies. Explore fresh ideas for holistic bridal and baby shower alternatives. Strengthen your brand and customer relationships in wellness centers. Harness the power of social media to showcase your holistic health services. And more! Get all the links, resources, and show notes here: https://wellnesscentercreators.com Sponsored by Jane App, Jane offers online booking, charting, scheduling, secure video and invoicing on one secure, beautifully designed system: https://jane.app/ Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it!