
    You Were Made for This

    You were made for fulfilling relationships. Listen each week to stories of people finding hope and encouragement in their relationships so that you can too. Host and award-winning author John Certalic, together with his guests, share principles of life-giving relationships. John’s relationship story starts with his birth to a single mother and placement in foster care for the first 16 months of his life. From this comes four different careers, 53 years of marriage to the same wife, and much he has learned about relationships. John draws from all this, along with inspiring stories from his guests, to share how you can find more fulfillment in the relationships you were made for.
    enJohn Certalic218 Episodes

    Episodes (218)

    199: How to Help a Friend

    199: How to Help a Friend

    Today’s episode is about how to help a friend using a model of deepening relationships I’ve talked about before. The ORA principle. You remember it, don’t you? O - Observe. R - Reflect. A -Act. ORA. I saw this model of relating on several different levels from the responses some of you, our listeners, sent in to help another listener. Someone I’m calling “Emily.”

    In episode 197, Emily wrote in, feeling overwhelmed at how to develop relationships. She said she has no friends and is lonely. I‘ll read what she wrote in a minute. I then asked all of you this question near the end of the episode,

    How do you react internally to her words? How did you feel inside about what she shared?  Then, what would you do or say to Emily in response to her comments?  How would you respond to her if the two of you were in a coffee shop having a private conversation with each other?

    But before we get into today’s episode, here’s what this podcast is all about. 

     Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page to the yellow "Subscribe" button, then enter your name and email address in the fields above it. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    As with every episode, our purpose today is to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you. Our listener friend, Emily, certainly isn’t experiencing any joy in her relationships. But let’s see what we can do together to help a friend like her.

    Season seven is coming to a close

    But first, I want to remind you of something I’ve been mentioning in the last couple of episodes.  Next week’s show, number 200 will bring an end to season 7 of You Were Made for This.

    I’ll then be taking a break from the podcast for a time to work on a few projects to better serve you. I’ll still be writing about relationships from time to time and I’d like to keep you in the know.

    If you’re on my email list, I’ll send you an article or email I come across that I think you would find interesting and helpful in nurturing your relationships.

    But if you’re not getting my Wednesday email, then you’re not on my email list. To get on it, just go to johncertalic.com/follow to give me your email address.

    What can we do to help a friend like this?

    Okay, On to today’s program. You may recall in episode 197 I mentioned that someone I’ll call Emily (not her real name) stumbled upon Episode 063: “Six Reasons Why We’re Not More Curious About People.” I’ll have a link to it in the show notes, or if you’re driving, just remember johncertalic.com/063.

    Emily came across this episode 2½ years after it first aired. Listen as I read her comments about it.

    “I found this page because I was trying to do some research into what is ‘wrong with me.’

    “I grew up in a very strict and often abusive household, where it was constantly drilled into my head that if people wanted you to know things, they would tell you. And I was made to feel stupid for asking anything that should be “obvious.” We were basically shamed out of our curiosity as kids and taught to accept everything at face value without asking any questions. 

    “Now almost 40 years old, I’m so frustrated by the fact that I don’t have any real, close friendships. 

    “I don’t know how to be curious about people, and even when I want to be… I have no idea what to ask. It feels like I don’t even know how personal relationships work. I don’t know how often you’re supposed to reach out to people, exactly what parts of their lives you should be 

    involved in, or how often to reach out… it sounds so silly but it’s my reality! I don’t know how to make and keep friends. 

    “I’m sure I come off as selfish and self-centered… But really I just don’t know how all this works and I get overwhelmed by it.”

    The question I asked our listening audience

    So again, the question I asked again of our listening audience is how do you react internally to her words? How would you respond to her if the two of you were in a coffee shop having a private conversation with each other.?

    Here’s a way to help a friend like this

    Our first listener response in answer to this question comes from Marilyn from Minnesota. She writes:

    “John, I felt like crying for this person sharing her relationship problem. I hope she has been getting some sound counseling over the years.

    “When I enter an unfamiliar culture I seek out a mentor or cultural guide to walk me through the confusing web. I can ask the questions that come up and that person can give valuable advice. I believe this would be a help to this person. But how can she even find someone to do it? This is the dilemma.

    “ I would love for this person to be my friend and experience life with her as a cultural guide and friend. But I suppose that’s a crazy idea as a blog is not normally used for such things.

    “I had parents exactly opposite from this individual. When I was very young, we had a missionary in our home for dinner. As we talked around the table, I felt free to ask him a question. In response, he complimented me for asking the question and encouraged me to continue that practice. Interesting how that one complement thrust me forward to get to know people by asking questions. This was also a lesson for me in later years to encourage and strengthen children in little and big ways. You never know the effect it will have.

    “I think you’ve done programs on asking good questions. Always an excellent topic. Some people are so good at it and some are on the opposite spectrum.”

    The elements of the ORA principle in Marilyn’s response

    I like how Marilyn O- observed what was going on inside of her after reading Emily’s comments. “I felt like crying.” While she couldn’t physically observe Emily, she pictured what it must have been like for her. This enabled Marilyn to R-reflect on her own experience of being in an environment that’s unfamiliar - just like the world of healthy relationships is unfamiliar to Emily. This really helped Marilyn identify with what Emily is going through

    Another listener response to help a friend like Emily

    A second listener response comes from Randy in Pennsylvania. Randy writes:

    “This evening, I listened again to this week's Podcast and the words compassion and empathy come to mind when you shared some of "Emily's" story.  It reminds me of the broken world we live in. None of us are born into perfect families and no doubt the baggage, hurts, and scars can be passed on from one generation to another. 

    “I think of "Emily" as a little girl who was conditioned to think so poorly of herself. It defined her and her ability to relate to others because at home she was made to feel stupid which likely shut her down emotionally. Here she is around 40 years old living emotionally imprisoned to being the "bad, stupid, etc." girl that her abusive parents brought her up to think about herself.

    “In many ways, I can relate as I regularly struggle with relational interactions and often feel like I don't go very deep with people. I can look at possible why's....a father who did not speak much.....showed his love through his work and providing not through his talking....he loved us dearly but his actions were his voice, not his mouth. My mom grew up with a very critical mother....hate to say it, but I picked up a bit of that type of thinking...

    Act to help a friend

    “So, thinking back to ‘Emily’, whatever she can do to work on changing her self-talk ‘that she is stupid and can't make friends’ would be a big step forward.  Think about working on changing her ‘mental Muscle Memory’ by replacing the negative thoughts with new, positive words, such as ‘I am deeply and completely loved by God…' something short and easy to repeat.

    “John, this is a very good exercise as what you have done by sharing this story and seeking input helps us do our own processing with taking steps forward in our own growth and healing. Thanks!”

    The ORA principle we see in Randy’s response

    Randy O-observed the compassion and empathy that rose within him as he heard Emily’s story. He observed what her childhood was like as Emily shared parts of it. It caused Randy to R-reflect on his own growing-up years, which allowed him to more easily identify with Emily. He also offered some A-Action Emily could take. 

    He puts it this way, whatever she can do to work on changing her self-talk "that she is stupid and can't make friends" would be a big step forward.  Think about working on changing her "mental Muscle Memory" by replacing the negative thoughts with new, positive words.

    So what does all this mean for YOU? 

    There are people like Emily all around us. Maybe you’re even one of them. Adults, who as children, were never modeled what good relationships look like. People just stuck in their relationships because they don’t know what they don’t know.

    This ORA model of relating is a simple way of remembering what you can do to help a friend. We just touched upon the surface of the 3 components of this principle. There’s so much more to observing, reflecting, and acting that we don’t have time to cover here.  After season 7 of the podcast ends next week, I plan to spend more time developing this concept so I can pass it on to you.

    If you forget everything else from today’s episode, here’s the one thing I hope you remember

    Today’s episode about how to help a friend struggling with relationships shows that the ORA principle of deepening relationships is a useful relational tool. Observe by watching and listening. Reflect upon what you observe and what it could mean. Act based on what you’ve observed and reflected upon.


    Finally, I want to stay in touch with you from time to time after season 7 ends next week

    If you’re on my email list, I’ll occasionally send you information I come across that I think you would find interesting and helpful in nurturing your relationships.

    But if you’re not getting my Wednesday email already, you’re not on my email list. To get on it, just go to johncertalic.com/follow to get on the list.

    In closing, I’d also love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show, to think about how you can apply this simple relationship model, ORA, with the people in your life. It comes in handy for all kinds of relational interactions, especially when you want to help a friend.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

     I have one more listener response to Emily’s dilemma that I’ll share with you next week in episode 200 to close out season seven. And then I’ll share my own thoughts and response to Emily’s challenges.

    I know you’re going to like next week’s program, and I’m confident you will find it helpful. But until then, don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them.  And I’ll see you again next time, for the last time, in season 7. Goodbye for now.

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s shows

    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    063: Six Reasons Why We’re Not More Curious About People

    088: Get Them to say “Thank You for Asking”

    Last week’s episode

    198: Read Your Way to Better Relationships in 2023

    All past and future episodes    JohnCertalic.com

    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    198: Read Your Way to Better Relationships in 2023

    198: Read Your Way to Better Relationships in 2023

    In episode 192 I explained my rationale for suggesting that our word of the year for this year should be READ. Go to johncertalic.com/192 If you missed it. Reading about relationships is a simple way to enjoy better relationships in 2023. For example, in today’s show, I share an article I read recently that I found quite freeing when it comes to dealing with a delicate relationship issue. It’s a relationship concept I read about that I’m sure you will find helpful, too.

    But before we get into today’s episode, here’s what this podcast is all about.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page to the yellow "Subscribe" button, then enter your name and email address in the fields above it. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Reminder about last week's episode

    Before I share the article I read about the sensitive relationship issue I mentioned, I want to remind you of how we left off with last week’s episode, #197, “We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know.” This is the one where a listener I called Emily wrote in to say in that she doesn’t have any close friends, doesn’t understand how relationships work, and feels overwhelmed by them.

    I asked you for suggestions on what to say to someone like her. So I’d appreciate your thoughts on this matter, and so would Emily. You can send them in an email to me, john@caringforothers.org, or you can leave them in the “Comment” box at the bottom of the show notes. I will need them soon.

    If you missed that episode, you can find it johncertalic.com/197. I’ll have a link to it below.

    All right. On to this relationship article I’ve been referring to. It recently appeared in the Wall Street Journal, much of which I’m quoting here. It will help you devlope better relationships in 2023.

    "Simple Condolences Are Underrated"

    “Both my parents died in the past few months, leaving me an orphan in midlife. As I am an only child, they took with them the remembered archives of their marriage and my girlhood. The loss is tremendous.

    “The language to mark it isn’t. ‘I am so sorry,’ people say. ‘You are in my thoughts,’ or ‘for short, ‘My condolences.’ I used to think that simple statements like these, which seem like platitudes show a lack of sensitivity and imagination. I thought that sympathy needed to be buffered through personalized language that reflected the character of the dead person and anticipated the state of mind of the survivor.

    “In years gone by, I spent ages at my desk, straining to come up with something fresh to say to a grieving friend, and once or twice felt so inadequate to the task that I didn’t say anything."

    You don’t have to be creative

    "How I regret that now. Until my parents died, I had no idea how welcome simplicity can be. A statement such as ‘ Our hearts are with you ‘ doesn’t feel canned when your heart is aching. It feels like consolation. Traditional condolences convey that the thing that’s happened is so profound that novelty is beside the point. In their accessibility, the standard phrases acknowledge the universality of loss. And given their formulaic nature, they make possible a simple and painless response.

    “‘Thank you, I really appreciate that,’ I’ve said countless times these past weeks. And you know what? I’ve meant it every time. I really appreciated the expression of fellow feelings. I really have appreciated people’s use of compassion shorthand that lets them off having to say something original and lets me off having to talk about how I’m feeling or go into detail about how it all came about.

    “My parents were unique and irreplaceable….. That these two people should leave the world before their daughter is as commonplace as winter snow in midcoast Maine where they lived …… It has taken many generations to refine the words of bereavement to an elegant sufficiency. I now understand that there’s no need to come up with a custom-designed remark when someone dies. What sounds like a platitude will do nicely.”

    - Meghan Cox-Gurdon. the author of The Enchanted Hour: The Marvelous Power of Reading Aloud in the Age of Distraction.

    So here’s what I learned from what I read: I don’t need to be creative or profound when greeting a person who has lost someone they loved. This sure takes the pressure off. I hope it does for you, too. What a freeing truth I learned to help make for better relationships in 2023.

    And it came from something I read.

    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    If you want better relationships in 2023, or any year for that matter, what are you reading these days to help yourself in this area? It’s easy to complain about the state of some of our relationships. But they can improve if we make an effort to read how to do it.

    For we can learn from the experiences of others who write about what works in their relationships, and what doesn’t.

    The “I’m sorry for your loss” article is one small example. There are even better ones found in the Bible. Romans 12 in the New Testament and the Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament are jam-packed with relationship wisdom we can put into practice today. I’ve done past episodes about these sources that can help you achieve better relationships in 2023. I’ll have links to them in the show notes below.

    If you forget everything else from today’s episode, here’s the one thing I hope you remember

    You will enjoy better relationships in 2023 when you read how to develop and nurture them from wise authors who know what they’re talking about it. While there’s a lot of questionable relationship advice floating around out there, there is much relational wisdom available to us if we look in the right places. The Bible is one such place.


    In closing, I’d also love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show to read something that will help you achieve better relationships in 2023.

    Lastly, I mentioned in last week’s episode that season 7 would be ending with episode 200 in just two weeks. I’ll then be taking a break from podcasting for a time to work on a few projects to better serve you. I’ll still be writing about relationships from time to time and I’d like to keep you in the know.

    If you’re on my email list I’ll send you articles like I just read that I come across that I think you would find interesting and helpful in nurturing your relationships.

    But if you’re not getting my Wednesday email, you’re not on my email list. To get on it, just go to johncertalic.com/follow.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. And I’ll see you again next time for episode 199, just two left before season 7 closes down. Goodbye for now.

    Last week’s episode

    197: We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know

    All past and future episodes JohnCertalic.com

    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    197: We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know

    197: We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know

    I’ve said before in past episodes how much I value feedback from people like you. In today’s show, for example, I share a listener reaction to a show from awhile back. It illustrates the concept that when it comes to relationships, sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know. But before we get into the challenging comments from this listener, and how they could very well apply to your life, here’s what this podcast is all about.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach. I'm here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page to the yellow "Subscribe" button. Then enter your name and email address in the fields above it.

    The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Season seven is coming to a close

    Before we get into today's episode about the challenging comments from a listener, there’s a housekeeping matter I need to tell you about. You are listening to episode 197 at the moment, and if my math is right, episode number 200 will be upon us in just a few weeks. That will bring us to the end of season seven of You Were Made for This.

    I’m then going to take a break from these weekly podcasts to work on a few things I’ve been wanting to do in order to serve you better. I plan to take some of the content of our 200 episodes, update the material where needed, and re-purpose some of it in written form. Maybe in video as well. I don’t know. I have more ideas than I have time to implement them. Well, see.

    Having said this, I don’t want to take a break from staying in touch with you. Even though there will be no new episodes for a while after #200, we can still stay connected by occasional emails now and then. If you’ve been getting my Wednesday email about that week’s podcast, you’re good to go. There’s nothing more you need to do.

    But if you’re not getting my Wednesday email, I’d like you to join my email list so I can stay in touch with you about the things I’m working on - and what I’m learning about relationships. Just go to johncertalic.com/follow to sign up.

    Often I come across stories I think you would find interesting, and sending you an email about them from time to time would be the easiest way to get them to you since the podcast will be in hiatus for a time.

    Back to our regularly scheduled program

    Last fall, someone I’ll call Emily (not her real name) stumbled upon Episode 063: “Six Reasons Why We’re Not More Curious About People.” I’ll have a link to it in the show notes. But if  your are driving, or otherwise preoccupied, just remember johncertalic.com/063.

    Emily came across this episode 2½ years after it first aired. Listen as I read her comments about it.

    We don’t know what we don’t know

    “I found this page because I was trying to do some research into what is ‘wrong with me.’

    “I grew up in a very strict and often abusive household, where it was constantly drilled into my head that if people wanted you to know things, they would tell you. And I was made to feel stupid for asking anything that should be “obvious.” We were basically shamed out of our curiosity as kids and taught to accept everything at face value without asking any questions.

    “Now almost 40 years old, I’m so frustrated by the fact that I don’t have any real, close friendships.

    “I don’t know how to be curious about people, and even when I want to be… I have no idea what to ask. I feel like I don’t even know how personal relationships work. I don’t know how often you’re supposed to reach out to people, exactly what parts of their lives you should be involved in, or how often to reach out… it sounds so silly but it’s my reality! I don’t know how to make and keep friends.

    “I’m sure I come off as selfish and self-centered… But really I just don’t know how all this works and I get overwhelmed by it.”

    I’ll have more to say about Emily’s comments later, but for now I’ll say she’s experiencing the challenge many of us face when we don’t know what we don’t know.

    So what does Emily’s response to an episode that first dropped 2½ years ago have to do with you?

    What it has to do with you is that at one time or another you will have people in your life who feel the same way Emily does. Friends, family members, maybe one of your own children! Maybe even you. People experiencing what Emily is going through challenge us in how to relate and care for them.

    For the past 194 episodes of this podcast we’ve talked about relationship skills and principles in one form or another. So I’d like us to try something. Let’s use Emily’s story to put into practice what you’ve learned about relationships. Let’s use her situation as a case study of what to do when we don’t know what we don’t know.

    To begin, how do you react internally to her words? How did you feel inside about what she shared? Then, what would you do or say to Emily in response to her comments? I’m really interested in your thoughts on this one. Let’s see what all of us can learn in how to relate to someone like this.

    Leave your thoughts in the comment box at the bottom of the show notes, or send them to me in an email. (john@caringforothers.org) If you want to remain anonymous, that’s fine, just let me know.

    Now, I know many of you are driving while you listen to the podcast or you’re doing other things like folding laundry, shoveling snow, or finally putting away your Christmas decorations. So I’ll repeat what Emily said so you can think about how you would respond to her if the two of you were in a coffee shop having a private conversation with each other.

    How would you respond to Emily?

    Listen carefully to what goes on inside of you as you hear her comments, and then what would you do or say if she said the following:

    “I found this page because I was trying to do some research into what is ‘wrong with me.’

    “I grew up in a very strict and often abusive household, where it was constantly drilled into my head that if people wanted you to know things, they would tell you. And I was made to feel stupid for asking anything that should be “obvious.”

    We were basically shamed out of our curiosity as kids and taught to accept everything at face value without asking any questions.

    “Now almost 40 years old, I’m so frustrated by the fact that I don’t have any real, close friendships.

    “I don’t know how to be curious about people, and even when I want to be… I have no idea what to ask. I feel like I don’t even know how personal relationships work. I don’t know how often you’re supposed to reach out to people, exactly what parts of their lives you should be involved in, or how often to reach out… it sounds so silly but it’s my reality! I don’t know how to make and keep friends.

    “I’m sure I come off as selfish and self-centered… But really I just don’t know how all this works and I get overwhelmed by it.”

    I’ve got some thoughts of my own about Emily’s comments, but I’ll wait to share them until after I hear from you.

    If you forget everything else from today’s episode, here’s the one thing I hope you remember

    We don’t know what we don’t know is often the case when it comes to relationships, especially when we’re lonely. We all need each other to show us what we don’t know. To tell us what’s true about us when we can’t see it ourselves.


    In closing, I’d love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s topic about we don’t know what we don’t know, and how it applies to the listener comments from Emily.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s shows

    063: Six Reasons Why We’re Not More Curious About People
    139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    All past and future episodes:  JohnCertalic.com

    Last week’s episode

    196: How Will You Be Remembered?

    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    196: How Will You Be Remembered?

    196: How Will You Be Remembered?

    I received a touching email the other day that got me thinking about how I want to be remembered when my time on earth comes to an end. The email is a brief and beautiful story from one of my favorite authors that I share in today’s show. My guess is that after you hear it, you will want to reflect on how you want to be remembered too.

    But before we get into today’s episode, here’s what this podcast is all about.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page to the yellow "Subscribe" button, then enter your name and email address in the fields above it. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    The author of one of my all-time favorite books

    One of the top five books I’ve ever read is Quiet - The Power of Introverts in A World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain. I’ve mentioned the book in previous episodes, and I think at some point I should do a deeper dive review of it. She has a new book that came out late last year in 2022 that is also worthy of a review, Bittersweet - How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole.

    I’ll have links to both books in the show notes.

    With two books under her belt, and online courses she developed, Susan Cain also started a weekly email newsletter, which I signed up for.

    Sign up for my own weekly email newsletter

    As a side note here, many of the listeners to this podcast also get my weekly email which gives a brief description of that week’s episode. If you’re not getting this yourself every Wednesday, and would like to, go to johncertalic.com, scroll a few inches down the page, and under “Actionable relationship insights delivered weekly to your inbox,” enter your name and email address.

    Okay. Back to Susan Cain and the story she tells in the recent email she wrote. Here’s what she said:

    On my way to tennis a few weeks ago, I realized I forgot my water bottle at home. I pulled into a gas station and asked if they sold water.

    "We have no store," said the attendant. Then he looked at me, went to his office, and came back with two bottles of Poland Spring. I pulled out my wallet. “No, no,” he said, waving off my dollars with a wistful smile. “You have the face of my mother.”

    The man wasn’t young; he wore a turban and spoke with a heavy accent; he was far from his childhood home. I imagine it’s been many years since he last saw his mother. I drove away with tears in my eyes. The gift he gave me that day was precious as water itself.

    This is why we’re alive – for moments like this…

    What a beautiful line, This is why we’re alive – for moments like this… I’ll come back to it in a little bit
    Her encounter with the gas station attendant reminded me of a similar event I experienced last summer.

    A similar encounter

    My wife Janet and I wanted to get together with our three local grandkids, so we offered to take them out to dinner one evening. They wanted to go to Mod Pizza. It’s one of those chain restaurants where you go through a line and they make a personal pizza for each person. It looks like an assembly line where they add any of the ingredients you want onto your pizza, and then they stick it in a blazing stone oven. You go sit down at a table and they call you when your individual pizza is done and out of the oven.

    So there we were in line, Janet, our three adult-size grandkids all taller than her, and me at the end of the line. As we waited, we joked around with each other until it was our turn to order. One by one each person in our party told the pizza preparer the ingredients they each wanted on their pizza.

    The person behind the counter making our pizzas was a friendly sort in her mid-20s; working a part-time job was my guess. I was last in line and when it came to my turn to order, she looked up at me from the last pizza she had just finished, smiled, and said in a surprised and cheerful tone.

    “Oh, you look just like my father.”

    I smiled back at her and quickly bantered with her saying, “I bet he is a very handsome man."

    She paused briefly, and then smiled again and said wistfully, “Yeah, he was. He died 6 months ago. You remind me of him.”

    A reflective moment

    I don’t remember what I said next. Did I say “Oh, I’m sorry for your loss?” I don’t remember. I was so taken by her smile and the nostalgic expression on her face that spoke volumes about her relationship with her father. Here is a young woman who loved her father, who felt loved by him, and who was so very grateful for this loving relationship they shared. It was all over her face.

    I enjoy being with our grandkids every time we’re together. But all I could think of the rest of this evening was this 20-something pizza preparer. Her smile told me her father must have been a good man, a good father. It was a bittersweet moment to be thought of  like him. I felt honored.

    It made me wonder how I’ll be remembered by my wife and kids, and grandkids when I’m gone. What will they think of me 6 months after the funeral? Will they smile fondly as the pizza preparer did to me?

    “This is why we’re alive - for moments like this.”

    Earlier I mentioned that I was taken by the line from Susan Cain’s email that I quoted, “This is why we’re alive - for moments like this.”

    We all leave something of ourselves behind, intentionally or not. Something of ourselves that blesses people and invokes gratitude, or sadly, sometimes just the opposite. We’re connected with each other more than we realize.

    I would like to be remembered for how I related to people. Was I kind to others? Did I bring out the best in people? Was I humble? Above all, did I reflect well the character of God, which is why I was brought into the world in the first place? It’s why you and Susan Cain were brought into the world, as well. It’s the best way to be remembered after we’ve left this life.

    Sometimes that’s all we need to know about who we are and how we are to live. This is why we’re alive - for moments like this.

    Another connection point

    Getting back to Susan Cain’s email and her story about the gas station attendant, she said

    If you’ve had an experience like this (or a distant cousin to this), I would love to hear about it. (I read every single one of your e-mails, and do my best to reply to some of them.)

    So I wrote back to her and summarized the story I just told you about the pizza preparer who said I reminded her of her father who died six months earlier.

    A week later I received an email from a person by the name of Renee, who indicated she was Susan Cain’s chief of Staff. Her email said,

    Dear John -- 

    Susan read and loved your letter. It gave her goosebumps! 

    She asked me to tell you she was so happy you wrote to her and that you're part of our community. We wish you the very best! 

    — R

    My best,

    Here’s another connection. My mother’s name was Renee. She died 10 years ago.

    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    How can you use what you’ve heard today to help you find more joy in the relationships in your life?

    I think God used the 20-something pizza preparer to cause me to reflect on how I want to be remembered. I thought her father is someone I’d like to be like. Where 6 months after my funeral, the family will be out for pizza and they’ll see someone that reminds them of me. And it will bring a smile to everyone’s face.

    I can’t control what their response will be after I’m gone. What I can control now is my behavior, attitude, and values which gives me the best chance of being remembered well.

    The same is true for you, too. How do you want to be remembered? It’s not too late to start being the person you want to be. And if you’re about 80% there, rejoice and be glad in the progress you’ve made. Trust God to help you with the other 20% as you get closer to the finish line.

    If you forget everything else from today’s episode, here’s the one thing I hope you remember

    It’s wise to think now about how you will be remembered. You still have time to become the best version of yourself that will make people smile after you’re gone.


    Before we wrap up today’s show, if you’d like some input regarding a relationship question or issue you’re dealing with, I’d love to hear from you. Just go to JohnCertalic.com/question to leave me a voicemail. If you’d rather put your question in writing, enter it in the Comment box at the bottom of the show notes.

    I’ll do my best to answer your question in a future episode.

    In closing, I’d also love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show, to think about how you want to be remembered, and what you might need to do to make that happen.

    For when you think and reflect upon things like this, it will help you experience the joy of relationships God desires for you. Because after all, You Were Made for This.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. Remind them of someone good in their life. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s shows

    130: Be Thankful We Can Make Memories for People

    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    Susan Cain’s books

    Bittersweet - How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole

    Quiet - The Power of Introverts in A World That Can’t Stop Talking

    Last week’s episode

    195: Words Matter

    All past and future episodes:   JohnCertalic.com

    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    195: Words Matter

    195: Words Matter

    In today’s program, I’m going to share three listener responses to recent episodes. I’m doing so because your words matter to me, and to our other listeners, as well. Keep listening, and you’ll pick up an idea or two to try with your relationships.

    Be sure to stick around to the end to hear a story of how a listener applied what she heard in one of our recent shows that made a difference in her life.

    But before we get into today’s episode, here’s what this podcast is all about.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for. I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    A listener responds to “The Underachievers Bible Reading Plan for 2023.”

    The first listener response I’m sharing is in reference to episode 193, “ The Underachievers Bible Reading Plan for 2023.” It comes from Randy, a listener from Pittsburgh. He writes:

    “Good morning John,

    I listened this morning to this week’s You Were Made for This. I appreciated how you described an approach to engaging with scripture. It reminded me of what I’ve been doing for the last year, since bringing Tiana into our family. (Tiana is their new family dog) As I am reading passages, I place a mark when I’ve completed a section. I also have my stack of prayer cards I use as my bookmark. “

    Thanks for your feedback, Randy. I should add that in the show notes for that week’s episode, I included a photo of me reading the Bible, with our new cat, Father Patrick O’Malley, sitting on my lap. So I think that may have reminded Randy of doing the same thing with their dog. And good luck with your new pal, Randy!

    Words matter in the Bible - Listen, rather than read them

    Another listener, Darlene, also offered her take on the same episode about Bible reading. She offered a different approach that I will have to try. Darlene writes,

    “This is the second year I’ve been doing the Daily Audio Bible (DAB) with Brian, Jill, and their daughter, China Hardin.  Last year I decided to listen to the chronological reading with Jill and China. That was my first chronological experience. Very interesting. We didn’t get to the New Testament until October.

    “This year I am doing the read-through with Brian Hardin who reads portions of the OT, NT, PS, and PROV each day.  He is excellent with his brief overviews after each daily reading. What I also like is that every week he reads from a different translation.

    “I think I’ve read through the Bible once. It is a challenge not to get behind. The audio is great as I can play it each morning while getting ready.”

    Thank you, Darlene, for your comments about reading the 66 books of the Bible in chronological order, and also for the idea of listening to an audio version of the Bible. I’ll have a link to the Daily Audio Bible near the end of the show notes. It includes a free app for your mobile device and a web player for your computer.

    How words matter to this listener

    The last listener feedback I’m sharing with you today comes from Rosy Scott in response to episode 192, “Word of the Year for 2023 - Read”

    As I read her comments, you’ll see how words matter a great deal to her. Listen to the impact they had on her recently. Rosy writes,

    “I really like the simplicity of your word of the year. In past years I’ve chosen a motivating word, but within months could not even remember what I had picked.

    “I listened to this episode twice in the past two days and have landed on my own simple word for 2023. This year I am choosing ‘words’ for my own word of the year.

    “Words are a renewable resource that cost me so little to share. When I am generous with them, they often brighten my own soul as much as the recipient.

    “It is surprising how often taking a chance and offering the gift of words brings a positive result far greater than the painless effort.

    “Words have the power to give life and cause pain. I have experienced both this year and can testify that when I share words of kindness, there is no better medicine for my own wounds or loneliness.

    Words matter with strangers

    “Just this morning as I began a morning jog down a familiar street, an unexpected stranger waved. Then she called out to me with a smile ‘enjoy your run!’

    “Those simple but generous words fueled me to stop two blocks later to talk for just a minute with another person I’ve occasionally seen walking her 3-legged dog for the last many months.

    “Thanks to words, both of us parted with smiles in our hearts as those easy sixty seconds, combined with some previously shared words, pointed us toward potential friendship.

    “Thanks to your words John, I am going to be more intentional about using words to connect with both strangers and friends.

    “And thanks to lessons I learned the hard way in 2022, treat words with the healthy fear and respect they deserve.

    “Perhaps 2023 will become my year to use words for healing and repair, instead of destruction which comes so much easier than I am often willing to admit. Until the damage has already been done.

    “Thank you for your generosity with words via your podcast and weekly email! Blessings to you in the coming year…”

    And thank you, Rosy, for your beautifully written words. I love the examples you give of their power to bless people. May you, and the rest of us, hear kind, empowering, and compassionate WORDS spoken to us this year. And may we speak these same kinds of words ourselves to others who need to hear them.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    Words matter. Our words to others and their words to us. They have the power to bless or destroy. Be careful what we speak, hear, and read. Use them wisely and with care to bless others and ourselves. Treasure the truth we find in them.


    Before we wrap up today’s show, if you’d like some input regarding a relationship question or issue you’re dealing with, I’d love to hear from you. Just go to the contact page on our website, johncertalic.com to let me know what’s on your mind. I’ll do my best to answer your question in a future episode.

    In closing, I’d also love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode.
    Just scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and enter them in
    the Leave a Comment box.

    I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show, to treasure the truth we find in the words we speak, and those we hear. Because words matter.

    When you do this, it will help you experience the joy of relationships God designed for you. You Were Made for This, as you know by now.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s shows

    Daily Audio Bible - https://dailyaudiobible.com/

    Episode 139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?
    Episode 021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    Last week’s show

    194: Martin Luther King, jr. - The Silence of Our Friends

    All past and future episodes: JohnCertalic.com/podcast

    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    194: Martin Luther King - The Silence of Our Friends

    194: Martin Luther King - The Silence of Our Friends

    Here in the US, the third Monday of January is a national holiday to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, jr., the civil rights leader. I recently came across one of his quotes where he said

    “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. ”

    I’ve seen the truth of his comment played out several times in my life. It's what I talk about in today’s episode because it speaks to a relational skill we would do well to master. But first,

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    The day our pastor yelled at me

    When I first read the quote from Martin Luther King an incident popped up into my mind, like a jack-in-the-box that just sprung loose. It was the time the silence of my friends drowned out the words of my “enemy.” It happened the night the pastor of the church yelled at me.

    • A deacon board meeting at church (we had no elder board at the time) A concern we talked about that evening was people leaving the church
    • The 8 of us sat at several tables arranged in a horseshoe. I suggested we contact those leaving and ask why. Do exit interviews
    • The pastor got angry, and while pounding his fist on a table said to me, “We don’t need to do that. I know why people are leaving. It’s families where the wife wears the pants in the family. Those are the people who are leaving the church!”
    • His take on the problem was completely inaccurate. His anger caught me and everyone else off guard. I never considered him my “enemy.” But what struck me most about that evening and what I remember to this day was the “silence of my friends” sitting at that board meeting with me.
    • Without regard to the pastor’s analysis of the issue, which in my view was woefully inaccurate, no one said anything in the meeting. Notjhing about his yelling at me and pounding his fist on the table. Even if you agreed with the pastor’s view, it was inappropriate to respond as he did.
    The silence of our friends
    • No one said a word to him, or to me, and I felt like I was hanging in the wind because no one called the pastor out for his outburst
    • Who are these people I thought? Are they that weak?
    • Days latter an older man on the board, my father’s age, did tell me privately that the pastor’s reaction to my suggestion was totally inappropriate. But he said nothing at the meeting
    • As I think about that night, I think about the times I’ve been weak myself in failing to speak the truth when someone needed defending.
    • I can think of two occasions where I failed to stand up strongly enough for two different youth pastors in two different churches. Both of these guys were great youth pastors. In one case, the board was legalistic and intolerant of new ways of doing youth ministry, and in the other, the senior pastor was intimidated by how gifted his youth pastor was in relating to people, and in his preaching, which was superior to his own.
    Others who spoke for me when I couldn't speak for myself

    These examples of “the silence of our friends” reminds me of several times when people actually did stand up for me. When they spoke for me. As a high school student, an English teacher recognized that I was capable of higher-level academic work and advocated for me to be placed on a more advanced track.

    In my book, THEM, I write about a guidance counselor who was able to get financial aid for me to attend college 250 miles from home when I had no hope of ever getting any help. It’s no exaggeration to say that what she did changed the course of my life. For the better.

    There are times in life when we could all use an advocate. And there are times when God presents us with opportunities to be an advocate for others. To speak on their behalf when they can’t speak for themselves.

    Ending my silence to speak for those who couldn’t

    A number of years ago I was at an annual meeting of the church we were attending. These are normally pretty dull affairs, at least for me. But in this particular meeting, there was a discussion about a missionary couple the church had been supporting for many years. The plan at this meeting was to stop supporting this couple because they were “retiring” and moving back to the US. People seemed in favor of this idea.

    But I knew this coupleI knew that their definition of “retiring” was to return back to the US and continue the Bible translation work they had been doing for people groups in Asia for several decades. They didn’t need to be in Asia to do their work, but they still planned to travel back there on occasion. They were going to be working just as hard in the US as they were in Asia.

    I’m not one to speak up in meetings like this, but I did this time. I couldn’t sit in silence while decisions were made about them. Fortunately, that original proposal was dropped, and their support continued.

    Speaking up for teenagers
    • I was a teacher back in the ‘70s at a high school in a semi-rural area in S.E. Wisconsin
    • Kids, mostly boys complained about the poor condition of the student parking lot behind the school. Lots of potholes. Suspension systems being ruined. It was a mess.
    • The students voiced their complaints, but nothing was done to correct the problem
      My solution: check with the police and see if there is anything prohibiting parking along the highway in front of the school. If it’s legal to park there, start doing that and see what happens. So that’s what they did.
    • It caught the attention of everyone. Within a couple of months, the city passed a “no parking” ordinance and put up signs along the highway in front of the school. Eventually, the parking lot was repaired.
    • It brought me joy seeing these kids getting their voices heard. Their actions broke the silence of the school administration in ways their words could not.
    • It’s been decades since this happened and several years ago I happened to be driving past this old high school where I taught and saw that the “No Parking” signs are still there.
    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    It’s just a couple of days past the Martin Luther King holiday here in the US, and it makes me wonder how the quote of his I mentioned in the beginning has been part of your experience. Where you remember not so much the words of your enemies as you do the silence of your friends.

    It also makes me wonder if you are anything like me, where your silence, is like mine. And it has kept you from speaking up for someone who can’t speak for themself. Is there anyone you think God may want you to advocate for?

    We certainly are not to speak up about everything. And many times the wisest thing to do is to sit in our silence and watch what happens.

    It takes Godly wisdom to know when to speak, and when to remain silent.

    Here’s the main of the episode I hope you take away with you

    Here in the week where we honor Martin Luther King, jr. let’s take his words to heart and not become one of those he mentions in his statement, “We remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Let’s pray for wisdom to know when, and how, to speak up and give voice to those who can’t speak for themself.


    Before we wrap up today’s show, if you’d like some input regarding a relationship question or issue you’re dealing with, I’d love to hear from you. Just go to JohnCertalic.com/question to leave me a voicemail. If you’d rather put your question in writing, just enter it in the "Leave a Comment" box at the bottom of the show notes.

    I’ll do my best to answer your question in a future episode.

    In closing, I’d also love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show, enough to put into practice what you’ve just heard about speaking up for others who need you.

    For when you do, it will help you experience the joy of relationships God desires for you. Because after all, You Were Made for This.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes. Then click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s shows

    139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?

    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    THEM - The Richer Life Found in Caring for Others

    The place to access all past and future episode:  JohnCertalic.com

    Last week’s episode

    193: The Underachievers Bible Reading Plan for 2023

    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    193: The Underachievers Bible Reading Plan for 2023

    193: The Underachievers Bible Reading Plan for 2023

    Last week’s episode, number 192, was about my pick for word for the year: Read. If you’re not much of a reader and can only tackle one book this year, I suggest read the Bible. Some people follow a Bible Reading plan that gets them through the entire book in one year.

    But if you’re an underachiever like me, I’ve got a more manageable, guilt-free way to read the Bible. Keep listening to learn what it is and how it could work for you.

    But before we get into all this, here’s what this podcast is all about.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Intimidated by Pat Boone

    I recently read a Wall Street Journal article about Pat Boone entitled “Last of the Hollywood Squares.” It was about how this actor, whom I’m guessing is about 420 years old by now, has capitalized on his squeaky-clean image throughout his career. He stands in stark contrast to the typical Hollywood actor that comes to mind these days.

    The article talked about Pat Boone’s faith and that he has read through the entire Bible for each of the past 40 years. 40 Years! Yikes!

    Read through the Bible in a year

    People like this intimidate me. I’ve read through the entire Bible I think 3 times. But I’m clearly an underachiever when compared to Pat Boone. I followed a Bible reading plan that each day of the year included chapters from the old testament, the new testament, and the book of psalms. I would read the selected passages for the day, and then put a checkmark in the box next to that day's reading.

    I’m glad I did this. I saw themes and issues that repeated themselves that gave me insight as to what is important to God, which in turn showed me how I should then live.

    If you like feeling a sense of accomplishment, this type of plan works well. The downside to this reading plan for underachievers like me is that some days I’m just reading to be able to check off the box that I completed the task. Some days I was reading just to read, and not to draw closer to God and understand him better. That’s the underachiever in me.

    Another downside, if this is the first time you’re considering reading through the Bible in a year, is that we’re already 11 days into the new year as of the date of this episode. It puts you 11 days behind most Bible reading plans.

    Another option

    But I have an alternative I’d like you to consider. Last summer I came across an idea from a Bible teacher I heard at a Christian family camp we’ve been going to for years. As an aside to whatever he was talking about that day, he said in passing,

    “If you want to get to know Jesus better, read just 3 chapters a day from the Gospels, and you’ll finish all four of them in a month.”

    I started doing that on September 1, but by the middle of the month I got behind, and then on some days couldn’t figure out where I ended the day before so I could start the next day’s reading. As an underabhvier, this was not surprising. So I came up with a slightly different Bible reading plan. This one could work for you, too.

    My Underachievers Bible reading plan for 2023 is to still stick with just reading a portion of the four gospels every day this year. It will mean going over the four Gospels several times during the course of 2023.

    The difference between this plan and the one from the Bible teacher I heard last summer, is that sometimes I’ll read 3 chapters in a day, sometimes 2, and maybe even 4 chapters. Plus, it’s easier to keep track of. Here’s how it works.

    Here’s how it works

    Open your Bible and start reading the first complete chapter that begins on the page on your left. Continue reading onto the page on the right side. Start any new chapter that starts on the right-hand page, and don’t stop until you’ve completed reading the chapter. This will usually mean turning the page, and finishing up that chapter on the next page on your left. You stop here for the day. Tomorrow, you pick up where you left off with a new complete chapter on the page on your left. It’s rinse and repeat every day.

    For example, today I opened my Bible to the page where I placed the burgundy bookmark ribbon yesterday after finishing that day’s reading. I’m in the Gospel of John at the moment. The left page continues the text from the end of John 12 from yesterday’s reading. I started today’s reading with the first complete chapter on the left-hand page, chapter 13.

    It continues onto the right page and ends there. Chapter 14 starts here, and then I turn the page to get to the rest of chapter 14, which ends in the middle of the page and where I stop for the day. I place my bookmark here, which tells me where I start the next day.

    So you start each day with a new complete chapter, and you end each day finishing a chapter.

    Using a bookmark eliminates the need to check off a box for a pre-determined reading for a particular day. If you’re a box checker-offer, type, this approach may not work for you. But for underachievers like me, this bible reading plan works well for getting to know Jesus better.

    Here’s what I’ve noticed

    I’ve been doing this for four months now, just reading through the four gospels multiple times as I’ve described. Here are a few things I’ve noticed in my reading.

    • The story never gets old. It’s like looking at a painting several times over a period of time and seeing something new each time you see it again.
    • I’ve seen how much Jesus spoke against the religious leaders of the day and their hypocrisy. How they misled people and were out to hold onto the power they had over people
    • How much Jesus loved people
    • The lengths to which Jesus used simple stories to illustrate profound truths
    • How a relationship with Jesus is not as hard as we make it. In John 6:28-29 a crowd of people who weren’t quite sure what they thought of Jesus say to him. “…we want to perform God’s work, too. What should we do? Jesus replies,

    “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”

    Let that sink in for a minute.

    • Religion at times makes it harder to get to know Jesus.
    • I don’t remember where in the gospels I read it, but there’s a scene where the disciple are walking with Jesus around town and pointing out buildings to him. I find this humorous and wonder if the gospel writer saw it too, this guided tour telling Jesus what he was already well aware of. It made me chuckle.
    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    I’ve said it many times before that this podcast is all about finding joy in the relationships God designed for us. The most important relationship is our relationship with Jesus. Following a bible reading plan, any plan, helps nurture that relationship.

    You will find more joy in life the more you read about Jesus and what he tells you. He will be the most impactful person you can read about this year. Take time to discover more about Him this year, a little each day, following a bible reading plan.

    Here’s the main idea I hope you take away from today’s episode

    Reading through the whole Bible this year is one of the most enriching things you can do for yourself. But if this seems too daunting a task right now, give reading 2 or 3 chapters a day from the Gospels a try. Cut yourself some slack, and it’s okay if you miss a day here and there.


    Before we wrap up today’s show, if you’d like some input regarding a relationship question or issue you’re dealing with, I’d love to hear from you. Just go to JohnCertalic.com/question to leave me a voicemail. If you’d rather put your question in writing, just enter it in the Leave a Comment box at the bottom of the show notes.

    I’ll do my best to answer your question in a future show.

    In closing, I’d also love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show, enough to put into practice a Bible reading plan to get to know Jesus better.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. Ask people what they’re reading these days. Tell them what you’re reading. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s shows

    139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    Last week’s episode

    192: Word of the Year for 2023 - Read

    The place to access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    192: Word of the Year for 2023: Read

    192: Word of the Year for 2023: Read

    I received an email recently from a fellow podcaster. He mentioned how he picks a word at the beginning of January to help him stay focused for the year. His 2022 word of the year was “celebrate.” For 2023 he chose “authentic.”

    Apparently lots of people are choosing a word of the year for themselves. I googled the phrase “Word of the Year for 2023” and found 1,060,000,000 entries. Keep listening to hear my pick for word of the year for 2023 and what it could mean for you.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for. I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Word of the Year for 2023

    Some people like to pick a word for the year at the end of the year to summarize what life has been like for them over the past 12 months. The dictionary people at Merriam-Webster, for example, chose “gaslighting” as their word of the year for 2022. They say it has come to mean “the act or practice of grossly misleading someone, especially for a personal advantage.” The word has an interesting origin and a more robust definition, but we’ll have to save that for another episode.

    Like my podcaster friend, though, I would rather come up with a word of the year at the beginning of the year, not at the end.

    So my pick for word of the year for 2023 is “Read.”

    Why “Read”?

    Here’s why I picked this word, rather than any number of other worthwhile words. It starts with a quote I recently came across that I’ve found to be so insightful. It comes from William Nicholson, the playwright most famous for his play, Shadowlands, the story of C.S. Lewis and his relationship with Joy Gresham whom he eventually marries. Again that’s a subject for another podcast.

    Be that as it may, Nicholson says

    “We read to know we are not alone.”

    I find this rather profound. It speaks to the issue of loneliness which plagues many of us, me included, and offers a remedy. We read to know we are not alone.

    A text I read recently

    Here is an example of something I read recently about someone’s experience that resonated with me, and reminded me I’m not alone. It’s a text I received that I’ve altered slightly to protect the privacy of a listener who wrote it. I’ll call her Emily. She writes

    Well, I just listened to your Podcast 187, “Angels We Have Heard On High.” You asked if anyone wanted to share a Christmas Memory. You did have a deadline, and I missed it. However, I wanted to share with you what I discovered when I asked my husband James if he had a joyful Christmas memory that stood out in his mind. He thought and thought and couldn’t come up with one.

    So now I understand why he has never been excited about Christmas in our 52 years of marriage. Has never done any Christmas shopping…didn’t participate in any decorating…I cannot remember getting a gift that he shopped for…and at work, he was known as the “grinch.” It caused more stress in our relationship which ultimately caused me to stop Christmas shopping, and I do very little decorating. So, thanks to you, John, I at least now understand “why.”

    Greater appreciation of people comes from reading their story

    I so identify with both people in this little story. Like, James. I can’t think of a joyful Christmas memory from my childhood. I have many as an adult, but none as a kid. But I also got the sense that James has no adult joyful memories of Christmas either. I feel fortunate that I’ve been able to not let the dysfunctional part of my past interfere with the joy of the present.

    On the one hand, I felt encouraged by what I read in Emily’s text. I so easily could have been like her husband James, and her text reminded me of how blessed I am that God saved me from being stuck in my past. I wish the same would be true for James.

    And at the same time, I feel sad for Emily because her husband hampers her Christmas experience, and sadness for the stress it has caused her. I admire people like Emily who choose to honor her marriage vows despite the conflicts and pain that arise from time to time. How many marriages do you know that have lasted 52 years?

    The Word of the Year for me in 2023, “Read,” gives me a greater appreciation for the values and character of the people like Emily who cross my path. And it only happened because of something I read, namely her text.

    A joyful email I read

    Another podcast listener, Marilyn from Minnesota, has written to me before. This time she wrote to share a joyful Christmas memory, even though it came in after the Christmas deadline. But I’m going to share it anyway. I loved reading it, and I think you’ll love hearing it. It’s a story her mother told her. Marilyn writes,

    My grandfather was born and raised in England where he was apprenticed as a "shipwright," a finish carpenter on large ships. When he immigrated to the US at age 21, he settled in a place far from big ships. He became a "finish carpenter" in homes in northern Indiana. The Great Depression hit his business hard as people decided to save the money they had for necessities.

    There was a lake near grandpa's home and he took a job in the winter cutting huge blocks of ice from the lake for use in refrigeration. During this most difficult financial year, there was no money to buy a real Christmas tree (the only option at that time).

    On Christmas Eve, he was walking home after cutting ice on Cedar Lake. There it was, lying in a heap, a discarded Christmas tree, complete with tinsel.

    Apparently, a family was heading to relatives elsewhere and didn't want to come home to a dried-up Christmas tree in their house. Grandpa took the tree home, set it up, and surprised his family the next morning with everything needed for a joyous celebration!

    God is at work in the stories we read

    Marilyn doesn’t mention “God” at all in her grandfather’s story, but can’t you see God’s hand in providing an unexpected Christmas tree at the last minute for this poor family? I would love to have been in the house on Christmas morning when everyone woke up to see that tinsel-laden Christmas tree. Imagine the joy that would have filled the room.

    There are so many reasons why “read” is my vote for Word of The Year for 2023. One is that when we read stories of the lives of others, like the one Marilyn shared about her grandfather, we often see God at work. And when we see examples of God at work in the lives of others, it gives us hope that he is at work in our life as well. Reading her story about the Christmas tree reminds me of the verse in the Bible, John 5:17, where Jesus tells the Pharisees,

    “My Father is always working, and so am I.”

    So what does what you’ve heard today mean for YOU?

    If my Word of the Year for 2023 (read) doesn’t resonate with you, what word does? You have a lot to choose from. If you see possibilities in read for 2023, what are you going to read?

    Today I only talked about the benefits of reading someone’s text, and another person’s email. We haven’t gotten into the rewards that come from reading books, newspapers, blogs, magazines, or other forms of the written word.

    I’ll share more about this in next week’s episode. But for now, what are you going to read so that you know you are not alone?

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    “Read” is a good choice for Word of The Year for 2023. Reading what others experience connects us with people. Reading reminds us that we’re not alone in the struggles we face and that God is at work in them for our good.

    Do you have a relationship question?

    Would you like some input regarding a relationship issue? If so, go to JohnCertalic.com/question to record your question using your phone or computer. If you’d rather put your question in writing, just enter it in the Leave a Comment box at the bottom of the show notes.

    I’ll do my best to answer your question in a future episode.


    In closing, I’d love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. Feel free to send me an email, or enter your thoughts in the “Leave a Comment” box at the end of the show notes. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show to set aside time to read. Go to a library and check out a book or two. Visit a bookstore.

    If you make “Read” your Word of the Year for 2023 it will help you experience the joy of relationships God desires for you. Because after all, You Were Made for This.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. Tell a few people about what you’re reading. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s shows

    139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    Last week’s episode

    191: Wanting the Joy of Christmas to Linger Awhile?

    The place to access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    191: Wanting the Joy of Christmas to Linger Awhile?

    191: Wanting the Joy of Christmas to Linger Awhile?

    You’re out there, I know you are. I can see you. You’re not quite ready to say goodbye to Christmas this year. You want the joy of Christmas to linger just a little while longer. I get it. I’ve got your back in today’s show. Keep listening, this one’s for you.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Christmas memories

    To keep the joy of Christmas rolling, I’ll start by reading a joyful Christmas memory shared by one of our listeners. Chris wrote:

    A Christmas memory that stands out for me is going to a Christmas tree farm near Cross Plains, Wisconsin where we lived with dad and my siblings. I remember walking quite a bit to choose just the right tree, cutting it with our own saw, dragging it to the car and taking it home to decorate.

    Then Kim, another listener, shared this joyful Christmas memory of hers:

    My memory is going to my grandma’s house at Christmas and seeing her tree. She had a special ornament on her tree for every family member.. when we would get to her house we would always look for our ornament. Our name was written on the ornament. When my husband came into my life and when each of my children were born she designated an ornament for each of them. When she left her home she gave each family their ornaments. I now treasure those ornaments on my tree.

    Lastly, Chris shared another Christmas memory when he wrote:

    My grandparents had a beautiful old Swiss chalet on five acres in Madison Highlands with large rooms and high ceilings. The tree needed to be so large to fill the space that Papa would select a huge tree and cut off the top for our use.This worked out nicely for him because it served to also reopen the view of Lake Mendota in the distance from his property.

    The places Chris refers to are in and around Madison, Wisconsin in the US.

    Thanks for the memories

    So Chris and Mary, thanks for sharing those Christmas memories. The theme I see in all of them is the joy of relationships. Chris with his dad and siblings, Kim with her grandmother, and Chris again with his grandparents.

    Previous episodes about the joy of Christmas

    Now for those of you who aren’t quite ready to say to put Christmas 2022 in the rearview mirror, I went back into our archives of past episodes and pulled out 13 of them that specifically deal with Christmas.

    I’ve posted their titles and the links to them in the show notes, and I’ll say a little about each one to help you decide if you want to listen to one or more of them. If you’re driving to the store to return Christmas presents and aren’t prepared to write the links down, I’ve made it easy for you.

    Each of these episodes can be accessed by going to JohnCertalic.com/ followed by the 3-digit episode number I’ll give you. I’ll start with the oldest episodes first and end with the most recent Christmas shows. And of course, this will all be in the show notes of this episode for you to look up.

    The Gift of Even Though, JohnCertalic.com/004

    I’ll start with the episode entitled “The Gift of Even Though” found at JohnCertalic.com/004. And that’s spelled John with an “h”, and Certalic, C-e-r-t-a-l-i-c. JohnCertalic.com/004.

    It was the first of 3 related to Christmas gifts a few years ago. This particular episode is about a phone conversation I had with our 93-year-old friend Lorraine. We first met when Janet and I were freshmen in college. She and her husband Vern wanted to have children but weren’t able to, and we were like the children - now adults - she never had.

    In a phone conversation with Lorraine, she talked about how grateful she was for the rich life she had lived, even though…she was not able to have what she truly wanted.

    I shared the 5 values Janet and I learned from this childless couple a generation older than us. Values we learned from watching how they lived. They were a great gift to us by showing how to live even though the desires of one’s heart are never met. It’s one of my favorite episodes. JohnCertalic.com/004.

    The Gift of Joy - Part 1, JohnCertalic.com/005

    The second Christmas episode on my list is “The Gift of Joy - Part 1,” found at JohnCertalic.com/005. It’s an answer to the question, “What do I do when I need more joy in my life?” The answer is to share in the joy others experience, even when it has nothing to do with you. I tell two stories that show how to do this. One of which brought tears to my eyes. It’s one of my favorite episodes. JohnCertalic.com/005.

    End the Year with Christmas Joy, JohnCertalic.com/006

    Next on my list of the joy of Christmas episodes is “End the Year with Christmas Joy, found at JohnCertalic.com/006. In this show, I talk about how joy is more like a cat than a dog. Let that sink in for a minute. Listen to this one to learn how joy is more like a cat than a dog.

    This leads to a story about the joy of Christmas found in a flash mob that appeared out of nowhere at a shopping mall food court a few weeks before Christmas. A choir dressed like all the other shoppers springs out from amongst the crowd to sing a rousing rendition of the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah.

    I share a newspaper article about the event and what a moving experience it was for many who were there, and the joy of Christmas it brought into people’s lives. I include a link to the YouTube video of the flash mob scene near the bottom of the show notes for episode 006.

    If you’re feeling down for whatever reason, do yourself a favor and watch the video clip. It’s one of my favorites. Again, go to JohnCertalic.com/006 for all the details.

    Seven Relationship Lessons from the Greatest Christmas Movie Ever Made, JohnCertalic.com/045

    On to the next one on the list. For me, the joy of Christmas would not be complete without watching the greatest Christmas movie ever made, It’s a Wonderful Life! In episode 045 I summarize the plot of the film, and then explain the relationship lessons that are rich gems below the surface of the storyline, namely:

    • Before is often better than now
    • People need our prayers
    • Good leaders are good with relationships
    • Keenly observing people enables us to help them
    • That which bothers us most often reveals the idols in our life
    • Relationships have the power to calm our hearts in the midst of stress and turmoil
    • When we pray for a solution to a problem, God often provides one we never could have imagined

    This really is one of my favorite episodes. I could do a weekend workshop just on these seven relationship lessons from the movie. JohnCertalic.com/045.

    Where Joy to the World is Found, JohnCertalic.com/046

    Moving on, Episode 046 is “Where Joy to the World is Found.” Here’s a line from that show that summarizes what it’s all about: look for joy in the ordinary, in the simple, that’s hiding in plain sight right in front of us all year round. It’s in the ordinary where the joy of Christmas is found. Go to JohnCertalic.com/046 to listen in and see how. It’s one of my favorites.

    What Mary Treasured on Christmas Day, JohnCertalic.com/047

    Then we have “What Mary Treasured on Christmas Day” in episode 047. It’s where I comment on the Christmas Story found in Luke 2:1-20 in the Bible. Relationships are what Mary treasured most, and it’s these relationships that make the joy of Christmas like no other event in human history. The implications of these relationships are what Mary pondered and treasured in her heart, and thought about them often. It’s one my all-time favorites.

    A Christmas Gift of Silence, JohnCertalic.com/080

    Moving on, episode 080, “A Christmas Gift of Silence,“ focuses on an early player in the joy of Christmas story - Zechariah. I talk about why he was silenced, and what we learn from Zechariah’s mistake. The main point of this show is trust God and what he says, even when it defies logic, human wisdom, and experience. Silence can be a real gift as you’ll hear in episode 080. This is one of my favorite episodes.

    A Christmas Gift of Deep Personal Connection, JohnCertalic.com/081

    Next is “A Christmas Gift of Deep Personal Connection,” in episode 081. Here I discuss the personal connection between Mary and her cousin Elizabeth, and the gift of having people in our life who ”get us.” This gift certainly adds to the joy of Christmas. Elizabeth and Mary connect with each other even though there’s a large age gap between the two of them. The close relationship they each have with God makes this possible. There’s is a triangulated relationship in the best sense of the word. Relationships like this are a great gift we can give each other. Check it out at JohnCertalic.com/081. Be sure to check this one out; it’s one of my favorites.

    A Christmas Gift of Anticipation, JohnCertalic.com/082

    Following episode 081 is “ A Christmas Gift of Anticipation, “ in episode 082. It’s about anticipating the joy of Christmas. The beginning of the Christmas story found in Luke’s Gospel account is just dripping with anticipation, and the joy that comes with it.

    I make the point that the deeper we know Jesus and what he’s already done for us, the more joy there is in anticipating what he will do in the future. It’s a great Christmas gift. I really like this one, and I think you will, too.

    The Best Christmas - Be with People in Community, JohnCertalic.com/083

    Moving on, episode 083 is the only joy of Christmas show where I interview someone. In “The Best Christmas - Be with People in Community” I interview Josephine, a single missionary serving in Eastern Europe. She talks about being in her apartment alone in her pajamas at Christmas, some 5,000 miles from home. But then, a group of her local musician friends invite her out to play Christmas music. They did it to honor her. She talks at length about the personal meaning of Emmanuel - “God with us.” She sees it in the shepherds on that first Christmas night and their need for community. I really enjoyed this. It’s one of my favorites.

    A Better Kind of Christmas Joy, JohnCertalic.com/134

    Next is episode 134, “ A Better Kind of Christmas Joy.” It’s about the characters at the beginning of the Christmas story, Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary. How they interact with God and each other is another way we too can experience the joy of Christmas. I enjoyed digging beneath the surface of the storyline to see how each of these characters develop. I’m pretty sure you’re going to like this one. It’s one of my favorite episodes.

    Christmas with a Good Man Brings Joy, JohnCertalic.com/135

    Next up is “Christmas with a Good Man Brings Joy,” episode 135. It’s about Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. I call him the Marcel Marceau of the New Testament because there’s no record of him saying anything. Yet this behind-the-scenes kind of guy makes a significant contribution to the joy of Christmas by the example he sets. His actions speak volumes about what good men do in their relationships. I really love this episode, and I think you will too. JohnCertalic.com/135.

    Make it a Mary Christmas this Year, JohnCertalic.com/136

    Finally, “Make it a Mary Christmas this Year,” you will find at JohnCertalic.com/136. And that’s Mary, spelled M-a-r-y. It’s about the Virgin Mary’s perspective of that first Christmas, and how she applied the ORA principle of deepening relationships we’ve talked about. The episode is about what she Observed, Reflected, and Acted upon. All things that apply to us today. Like all the others, this is one of my favorite shows.

    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    If you want the joy of Christmas to linger just a little while longer, listen to the episodes I described. They will help carry you through the days ahead. They’ll show you principles of healthy relationships you can put into practice every day of the year.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    The joy of Christmas is the joy of Jesus coming to us so one day we can go to be with him, fully transformed into the person we were meant to be. You were made for this.


    In closing, I’d love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. Especially if there’s a particular past episode you found especially meaningful. You can send me an email, or share your thoughts in the “Leave a Comment” box at the bottom of the show notes of this episode.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    I’ll close with a sign I saw yesterday at my eye doctor’s office. Next to the receptionist’s desk were two small blocks, one on top of the other, that read “Spread Kindness.” I’ve been thinking about that since, and it’s something I’m trying to act on. I hope you do the same. Spread kindness. And I’ll see you again next year on January 4th, for the first episode of 2023. Goodbye for now.

    The place to access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    Links to the Christmas episodes mentioned

    The Gift of Even Though

    The Gift of Joy - Part 1

    The Gift of Joy - Part 2

    Seven Relationship Lessons from the Greatest Christmas Movie Ever Made

    Where Joy to the World is Found

    What Mary Treasured on Christmas Day

    A Christmas Gift of Silence

    A Christmas Gift of Deep Personal Connection

    A Christmas Gift of Anticipation

    The Best Christmas - Be with People in Community

    A Better Kind of Christmas Joy

    Christmas with a Good Man Brings Joy

    Make it a Merry Christmas this Year

    End the Year with Christmas Joy


    190: The Christmas Story In 2022

    190: The Christmas Story In 2022

    The Christmas story in 2022, as with the first one centuries ago, is all about Jesus. Mary treasured all its many details, thought about them often, and pondered them in her heart. May we do the same.

    Here's the original Christmas story as recorded in Luke's Gospel, just as it happened.

    The Birth of Jesus

    At that time the Roman emperor, Augustus, decreed that a census should be taken throughout the Roman Empire. (This was the first census taken when Quirinius was governor of Syria.) All returned to their own ancestral towns to register for this census.

    And because Joseph was a descendant of King David, he had to go to Bethlehem in Judea, David’s ancient home. He traveled there from the village of Nazareth in Galilee. He took with him Mary, his fiancée, who was now obviously pregnant. And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born.

    She gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them.

    That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said.

    Good News of Great Joy

    “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.

    “Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”

    When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

    They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger. After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child.

    All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished, but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often.

    The shepherds went back to their flocks, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen. It was just as the angel had told them.

    ~ Luke 2: 1-20 (NIV)

    Merry Christmas, everyone.

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s shows

    082: A Christmas Gift of Anticipation
    136: Make it a Merry Christmas this Year
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    Last week’s episode

    189: O Holy Night - An Unusual History

    The place to access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.


    189: O Holy Night - An Unusual History

    189: O Holy Night - An Unusual History

    My favorite church experience is singing “O Holy Night” at a Christmas Eve service. Many churches will turn off the lights and pass out candles that are lit as the song begins. It’s quite moving.

    Today’s episode is about the interesting and surprising history of “O Holy Night.” But first this:

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you. To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    "O Holy Night"

    The words to “ O Holy Night” were written in 1843 by Placide Cappeau, a French wine merchant and poet. Although he was never particularly religious, Cappeau was asked by a local parish priest to write a Christmas poem to celebrate the recent renovation of the church organ in his hometown. The poem was entitled “Midnight, Christians.” Four years later in 1847 his friend, Adolphe Adam, wrote music to accompany the lyrics creating the song initially titled, “Cantique de Noel,” or “Christmas Carol” in English.

    Adam was a French composer and music critic who wrote mostly operas and ballets. Alongside the opera Giselle (1841), “O Holy Night” is one of his best-known works.

    “Cantique de Noel” (i.e., “Christmas Carol”) became popular in France and was sung in many Christmas services. But when Placide Cappeau left the church to join a socialist movement, and it was discovered that Adolphe Adams was a Jew, the French Catholic church leaders decided “Cantique de Noel” was “unfit for church services because of its lack of musical taste and total absence of the spirit of religion.” But even though the church no longer allowed the song in their services, the French people continued to sing it.

    An American perspective on “O Holy Night”

    Then in 1855, an American minister and writer, John Sullivan Dwight, saw something in the song that moved him beyond the story of the birth of Christ. An abolitionist, Dwight strongly identified with the lines of the third verse of the song

    “Truly he taught us to love one another; his law is love, and his gospel is peace. Chains shall he break, for the slave is our brother, and in his name all oppression shall cease.”

    He published his English translation of “O Holy Night” in his magazine, and the song quickly found favor in America, especially in the North during the Civil War.

    Back in France, the song continued to be banned by the church for almost two decades, while the people still sang “Cantique de Noel” at home. Legend has it that on Christmas Eve 1871, in the midst of fierce fighting between the armies of Germany and France, during the Franco-Prussian War, a French soldier suddenly jumped out of his muddy trench and began singing “Cantique de Noel.” Then a German soldier stepped into the open and answered the Frenchman’s song with Martin Luther’s “From Heaven Above to Earth I Come.”

    The story goes that the fighting stopped for the next twenty-four hours while the men on both sides observed a temporary peace in honor of Christmas day. There is no proof that this ever happened, but that’s why it’s a legend and a good story, never the less. One thing I couldn’t find is how or when the title of this Christmas carol became “O Holy Night.”

    "O Holy Night" is a first

    Years later on Christmas Eve 1906, Reginald Fessenden–a 33-year-old university professor and former chief chemist for Thomas Edison–did something long thought impossible. Using a new type of generator, Fessenden spoke into a microphone and, for the first time in history, a man’s voice was broadcast over the airwaves. And what did he say? He recited the beginning of the Christmas story found in chapter 2 of Luke’s gospel,

    “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed…

    After finishing his recitation of the birth of Christ, Fessenden picked up his violin and played “O Holy Night,” the first song ever sent through the air via radio waves.

    Starting as a poem requested by a local parish priest in 1843, which morphed into a song 4 years later, “O Holy Night” has a most interesting history. Written by a poet who later left the church, then given soaring melodies by a Jewish composer, and then brought to America and used in the anti-slavery movement, this beloved Christmas carol is sung by millions around the world today.

    Lyrics to “O Holy Night”

    O holy night, the stars are brightly shining,

    It is the night of the dear Saviour’s birth;

    Long lay the world in sin and error pining,

    'Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth.

    A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,

    For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn;


    Fall on your knees, Oh hear the angel voices!

O night divine! Oh night when Christ was born.

    O night, O holy night, O night divine.

    Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming;

    With glowing hearts by his cradle we stand:

    So, led by light of a star sweetly gleaming,

    Here come the wise men from Orient land,

    The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger,

    In all our trials born to be our friend;


    He knows our need, To our weakness no stranger!

    Behold your King! Before Him lowly bend!

    Behold your King! your King! before him bend!

    Truly He taught us to love one another;

    His law is Love and His gospel is Peace;

    Chains shall he break, for the slave is our brother,

    And in his name all oppression shall cease,

    Sweet hymns of joy in grateful Chorus raise we;

    Let all within us praise his Holy name!


    Christ is the Lord, then ever! ever praise we!

    His pow'r and glory, evermore proclaim!

    His pow'r and glory, evermore proclaim!


    (Stories Behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas”  Zondervan)

    What does all this mean for you?

    “O Holy Night" reminds us of God’s relentless creativity in pursuing all of us. Using a man who left his faith in God to write the lyrics, and a Jew who rejects Jesus, God uses this song, over 200 years old, for the purpose of drawing us to himself.

    "O Holy Night" isn’t just about one night, Christmas night. It’s about all the nights and days that follow. Nights where you are offered reconciliation and forgiveness for your sins.

    Nights of faith made possible by the birth of Jesus who knows your needs and weaknesses, and who teaches us to love one another.

    It’s about nights of hope for the future because Christ entered our world to save us from ourselves. It’s about nights of worship for all that the Lord has done for us.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    “O Holy Night" shows God’s passion for making himself known. He uses music written by people who don’t believe in him to comfort people who do.


    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s shows

    082: A Christmas Gift of Anticipation
    136: Make it a Merry Christmas this Year
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    Last week’s episode

    188: Joy to the World - The Unintended Christmas Carol

    The place to access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    188: Joy to the World - The Unintended Christmas Carol

    188: Joy to the World - The Unintended Christmas Carol

    In episode 187 last week I talked about the back story behind “Angels We Have Heard on High.” Today I pull the curtain back to look at the history behind another well-known Christmas carol, this one going back to 1719.

    It never started out to be a song, but before we get into all this, here’s a word from another Christmas Carol, one of my favorites, my boss, Carol Steward.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you. To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Isaac Watts

    I’ll start by talking about how “Joy to the World, one of the most famous Christmas Carols of all time,” came to be. It starts with the lyrics written in 1719 by hymn writer Isaac Watts.

    While he is appreciated today in church music circles, during his lifetime Watts was considered by many to be a disturbance of the status quo and even possibly a heretic for the lyrics he wrote. While he wasn’t a heretic, he was a revolutionary.

    Watts grew up in a world where the music in every worship service consisted only of psalms or sections of Scripture put to music. Watts found the practice monotonous. To him, there was a lack of joy and emotion among the people in the pew as they sang. He described it like this,

    “To see the dull indifference, the negligent and thoughtless air that sits upon the faces of a whole assembly, while the psalm is upon their lips, might even tempt a charitable observer to suspect the fervency of their inward religion.”

    Yikes, this sounds like me many times.

    A Christmas carol from a poem

    I was surprised to learn that the lyrics for “Joy to the World” actually came out of a book of poetry Isaac Watts wrote, where each poem was based on a different psalm from the Bible. Rather than just translating the original Old Testament texts word for word, he adapted them to refer more explicitly to the work of Jesus as it had been revealed in the New Testament.

    The poetry book was never a best-seller, and the only remnants of it anyone can find is the second part of Psalm 98, which became the basis for “Joy to the World.”
    While meditating on Psalm 98, verse 4 gripped Watts:

    “Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!”

    Watts had no intention of creating a hymn when he composed the verse for Psalm 98 as part of his book of poetry. But then in 1836 a man by the name of Lowell Mason composed a riveting melody for Watts’ lyrics, which eventually became quite popular in the church.

    The lyrics

    Joy to the world, the Lord is come;

    Let earth receive her King!

Let every heart prepare him room

    And heaven and nature sing! 
And heaven and nature sing . . . and heaven . . . and heaven . . . and nature sing.


    Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns!

    Let men their songs employ

While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains,

Repeat the sounding joy . .  repeat the sounding joy!

Repeat . . . repeat . . . the sounding joy!


    No more let sins and sorrows grow,

    Nor thorns infest the ground;

    He comes to make his blessings flow

Far as the curse is found . . fFar as the curse is found . . .

    Far as . . . far as . . . the curse is found!


    He rules the world with truth and grace

    And makes the nations prove

    The glories of his righteousness

    And wonders of his love . . . and wonders of his love!

    And wonders . . . wonders . . . of his love!

    Hope for better days ahead

    The intent of Psalm 98 is to bring joy to people. “Joy to the World” inspires us to look forward to the future when sin and sorrow no longer play a part in our lives. Where no thorn infests the ground, and where we are caught up in the grace, glory, and love of God.

    So what does “Joy to the World” mean for you today

    It’s been 300 years since the carol was written, but it still speaks to us today.

    It speaks to creating room in our hearts for Jesus, as the third line of the song declares, “Let every heart prepare him room.” No easy task these days with all the distractions we have keeping us from considering our relationship with God and how we should live in light of that relationship.

    The song speaks to the joy that is yours when you consider that God is in control, that he has defeated sin, and is making his blessings flow.

    One other thing that “Joy to the World” means is that we can experience joy no matter our circumstances.

    Yesterday morning I received a text from a missionary who has been serving in South America for many years. She wrote to tell me she just listened again to episode 155, “How to Find Joy No Matter What,” and that it blessed her again in the midst of the stresses of missionary life and relationships in general.

    To listen to it yourself, just go to JohnCertalic.com/155.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    What better time than this Christmas season to reflect upon how God delivered joy to the world by sending us His son, Jesus. Our relationship with Him is the source of lasting joy worth singing about.

    Relationship question of the month

    If you have a relationship question you’d like me to answer in an upcoming episode, please go to JohnCertalic.com/question to record your question using your phone or computer.

    With your question, please include your name and where you’re from. It’s that simple. If you’d rather submit a written question, just enter it in the Leave a Comment box at the bottom of the show notes.


    In closing, I’d love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show to reflect upon the meaning of “Joy to the World.”

    For when you do, it will help you experience the joy of relationships God desires for you. Because after all, You Were Made for This.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. Scroll down to the bottom of the show notes and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Inject a measure of Christmas joy into the lives of others. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s show

    155: How to Find Joy No Matter What
    134: A Better Kind of Christmas Joy
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All



    The Gospdel Coalition. "Joy to the World: A Christmas Hymn Reconsidered"

    Last week’s episode

    187: This Christmas Carol Invites You

    The place to access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    187: This Christmas Carol Invites You

    187: This Christmas Carol Invites You

    It’s hard to go anywhere this time of the year without hearing Christmas music. They really help set the mood for the holidays, which I love. The melodies of many of the traditional Christmas carols are fixed in our minds because we’ve heard them for years and years. But often the words are not. Who can remember the 3rd verse of “Silent Night,” for example?

    The lyrics of the really good Christmas carols have a relationship component to them worth considering this time of year. I’m going to talk about one of these carols in today’s episode.

    But before we get into all this, here’s a word from my favorite Christmas Carol, our executive producer, Carol Steward.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    Your host, John Certalic, is an award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.
    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Angels We Have Heard on High

    I have been hearing “Angels We Have Heard on High” as a Christmas Carol ever since I was a kid. I bet the same is true for you, too. It is an easily recognizable tune, mainly because of its chorus, “Gloria In Excelsis Deo” which is Latin for Glory to God in the Highest.

    Because the melody is so familiar and catchy, the lyrics, except for the first few lines, are something I’ve never thought much about. Until just recently. This “Angels We Have Heard on High” Christmas Carol has an interesting history, going back to the second century, and an even more interesting meaning for celebrating the Christmas season here in 2022.

    I’ll get into all this in just a moment, but first I’ll play the melody and recite the lyrics. Try to focus on the words and their meaning.

    [Play the melody of “Angels We Have Heard on High”]

    Lyrics to “Angels We Have Heard on High”

    [Verse 1]
    Angels we have heard on high
    Sweetly singing o'er the plains
    And the mountains in reply
    Echoing their joyous strains

    Gloria In Excelsis Deo
    Gloria In Excelsis Deo

    [Verse 2]
    Shepherds why this jubilee?
    Why your joyous strains prolong?
    Say what may the tidings be
    Which inspire your heavenly song?

    Gloria In Excelsis Deo
    Gloria In Excelsis Deo

    [Verse 3]
    Come to Bethlehem and see
    Him Whose birth the angels sing;
    Come, adore on bended knee
    Christ the Lord, the newborn King

    Gloria In Excelsis Deo
    Gloria In Excelsis Deo

    [Verse 4]
    See within in a manger laid
    Jesus Lord of heav'n and earth
    Mary, Joseph lend your aid
    With us sing our Savior's birth

    The back story to this Christmas Carol

    “Angels We Have Heard On High,” is a traditional French Christmas carol, previously known as “The Angels in Our Countryside.” It tells the story of angels announcing to local shepherds the good news of the birth of Jesus.

    Though the source of the song is unknown, it is believed to have originated in 18th-century France. The song was first translated into English in 1860 by James Chadwick, a Roman Catholic bishop.

    Just as the origin of the words to this French song is unknown, so also is the melody. Since it was common for lyrics to be written for existing tunes, it is possible that the melody is even older than the words.

    Gloria in Excelsis Deo

    The refrain in this Christmas carol, “Gloria in Excelsis Deo,” (Latin for "Glory to God in the Highest”) has an interesting background. The phrase is first found in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 2, verse 14, when a vast host of angels suddenly appear to the shepherds, praising God.

    Centuries ago in the hills of southern France, tradition has it that shepherds had a Christmas Eve custom of calling to one another, each from their own hillside, singing “Gloria in Excelsis Deo.” Verses 1 and 2 in Angels We Have Heard on High” reference this when they speak of the “mountains” (i.e., the shepherds on the mountains) replying to the angels in joyous heavenly song.

    The phrase “Gloria in Excelsis Deo.” played an important part in worship at church masses dating back to 130 A.D. During this time period, one of the early Roman Catholic popes, Pope Telesphorus, issued a decree that on Christmas Day all churches should have special evening services.

    He also ordered that at these masses, after the reading of certain Scripture or the conclusion of specific prayers, the congregation should always sing the words “Gloria in Excelsis Deo.” Historical church documents reveal that monks carried this executive order throughout the land and that by the third century it was a practice used by most churches at Christmas services.



    So, what does “Angels We Have Heard of High” mean for you?

    This Christmas carol stands in sharp contrast to all the things we add to the original meaning of Christmas. The presents, the activities, the gathering of families together. All these are fine, but they have nothing to do with Jesus is the reason for the season.

    “Angels We Have Heard on High” is largely a song to celebrate the invitation God extends to all of us, you and me included, to come and see who Jesus is.
    It’s to celebrate the generous love of God to give us this greatest gift ever.

    It’s also an encouragement to accept this wonderful invitation. As the angels said to the shepherds, just come and see. Come and see.

    And that’s what “Angels We Have Heard on High” means for us this Christmas season in 2022 and every year.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    A Christmas carol like “Angels We Have Heard on High” invites you and me into a relationship with Jesus, just as it did for the shepherds in the song. It’s an invitation for us to either accept or reject.

    Relationship question of the month for December

    What joyful memory of Christmas do you have? What is a tradition or event stands out for you when you think about this holiday?

    Just go to JohnCertalic.com/question to record your answer using your phone or computer. With your answer, please include your name and where you’re from. It’s that simple. If you’d rather give a written answer, just enter it in the Leave a Comment box at the bottom of the show notes.

    I’ll need your response by 5 pm Central time on December 12, 2022. Again, head over to JohnCertalic.com/question and leave a message.

    I’ll pick several responses to air on our episode before Christmas.


    In closing, I encourage you can take a few minutes to look past the distractions that seep into the Christmas season. I hope you take to reflect on its real meaning so that you can give glory to God in the highest as the shepherds on those French hillsides did so many years ago.

    I so often close each episode by encouraging you to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet and to spark some joy for them. But for this month, I want to encourage you to be on the lookout for the sunshine God is shining into your life. Expect true Christmas joy to show up on your relational doorstep to surprise you by filling your heart.

    And I’ll end with one last round of “Angels We Have Heard on High.”

    Merry Christmas and God bless us everyone!
    Other episodes or resources related to today’s show

    133: Relationships - The Back Story to the Christmas Story
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    Last week’s episode

    186: Thankful for Life After Death

    The place to access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    186: Thankful for Life After Death

    186: Thankful for Life After Death

    My friend Larry Goring died 2 months ago after a nine-month battle with cancer. He was only 73, and I miss him greatly. Larry was one of the original board members of our missionary care ministry, Caring for Others, and was always a great encouragement to me. His wife Jill gave me permission to share some of the details following Larry’s death that I want to share with you. I’m doing so because here in November 2022, the month we celebrate Thanksgiving, Jill’s response shows us how we can be thankful for life after death.

    What she did for Larry’s funeral service is quite encouraging, and I thought you would appreciate a little encouragement today.

    But before I tell you what Jill did, here’s what this podcast is all about.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Thankful for Life After Death

    Thank you, Carol. I’ll start by reading part of the email Janet and I received from Jill, the night Larry died at home, surrounded by Jill and their two adult children.

    “We are grief-stricken. At the same time, we are so thankful that he is pain-free and joy-filled and enjoying the glories of heaven, meeting his savior, reuniting with his parents, his brother-in-law, my nephew, and so many other dear ones. We are grateful for what the Lord Jesus did to make this possible. We were sitting with him and playing one of the many songs he loves [The Holy City] when he took his last breath.

    “Everywhere we turn in the house makes us weep with his absence. We wish we could just sit and cry and hug all of you who loved him.

    Thank you for your prayers.”

    The burial service

    Twelve days later Jill wrote:

    “Tomorrow it will be a week since Larry’s burial service. It crushes my heart to write those words.

    “We gathered for some family time at the funeral home, and whoever wanted to read a verse took a printed one before we crossed the street to the cemetery.

    “At the graveside, all we did was read these Scriptures.

    “Each voice was loud and clear with not a single stumble—from the eight-year-old to the teenagers to the nieces and nephews and us older ones.
    It was powerfully comforting.

    “Tonight—my first night home alone--I am reading them again. As I will do over and over again. I hope you are blessed by them.

    “Thank you again for your prayers.

    Scriptures that assure us of life after death

    Several weeks later when Jill was visiting us in our home, she told us more about Larry’s burial service. 15- 20 people gathered around the gravesite, ranging in ages from 8 to 73. Jill had printed scripture verses on 5x7 notecards that spoke of life after death and the encouragement we can draw from them. Anyone who wanted to read the Bible verses could do so.

    Here are the verses people read standing around the gravesite. I hope you can picture the scene. May they give those of us with a relationship with Jesus great comfort, both now, and for when our time on earth comes to an end.

    John 3:16-17

    [Jesus talking to the religious teacher Nicodemus]
    God loved the world so much that He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. That’s why God sent his son—not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.

    John 5:24-25

    [Jesus’ promise]
    I’m telling you the absolute truth: those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins—in fact, they have already passed from death into life.

    And I assure you that the time is coming, indeed it’s here now, when the dead will hear my voice—the voice of the Son of God. And those who listen will live!

    Picture someone reading John 11:23-26

    [Jesus talking to Mary at her brother Lazarus’ grave]
    Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died.  But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask.”
    Jesus told her, “Your brother will rise again.”

    “Yes,” Martha said, “he will rise when everyone else rises, at the last day.”
    Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.  Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?”

    “Yes, Lord,” she told him. “I have always believed you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one who has come into the world from God.”

    II Timothy 4:6-8

    [some of the apostle Paul’s last words as he awaits life after death ]
    As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.  And now the prize awaits me—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing.

    I Corinthians 13:11-15

    When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.

    Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

    II Corinthians 4:16-5:9.  What we know about life after death

    [The apostle Paul in his second letter to the church at Corinth]
    [And so] we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. Our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!  So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. Because the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

    We know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. …While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it’s not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life.  God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee, he has given us his Holy Spirit.

    [5:6-9] We’re very sure of that, dear friends. We live believing that, even though we can’t see it with our eyes. We know that as soon as we leave these earthly bodies—we’ll be at home with the Lord! And that’s where we’d rather be! But no matter where we are—whether in these bodies or there with him—our goal is to please him.

    Picture one of the children reading from the following.

    It’s from the apostle Paul and one of his letters to a church he loved dearly. He described Papa’s (i.e, what the grandkids called Larry) future & ours:
    Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die,
    but they will be raised to live forever.
    Our bodies are buried in brokenness,
    but they will be raised in glory.
    They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength.
    They are buried as natural human bodies,
    but they will be raised as spiritual bodies.

    Because here’s the thing, dear brothers and sisters.
    God has amazing, eternal blessings planned for us.

    But our physical bodies cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. These dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever. Our bodies have to be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies have to be changed into immortal bodies to experience the eternal blessings God has prepared for us.

    [That’s what’s going to happen to Papa and great-grandpa Bartlett and all us ‘left-behind’ ones!]

    Those left behind can be thankful for life after death

    And for we who are left behind:
    Listen! Let me tell you a wonderful secret!
    We may not all die.
    But we WILL all be transformed.
    It will happen in a moment—in the blink of an eye--
    when the last trumpet is blown.
    I say ‘in the blink of an eye’, because when the trumpet sounds, those who have already died will instantly be raised to live forever!
    And we who are living will also be immediately transformed.
    Our bodies will be changed into bodies that never die!

    Then –then what God promised in His Word long ago
    will be fulfilled:
    Death is swallowed up in victory.

    You think you can hurt us, death?
    You think you’ve won?
    You are conquered forever—through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    [I Corinthians 15:42-55, 58]

    So my dear children and grandchildren and mother and sister and brother and in-laws and nieces and nephews: be strong and immovable.

    Always work enthusiastically for the Lord—because we know that nothing we do for the Lord is ever useless!

    Romans 6:5, 8-9

    Since we have been united with Christ in his death, we will also be raised to life as he was.

    And since we died with Christ, we know we will also live with him. We are sure of this because Christ was raised from the dead, and he will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him.

    Parts of Romans 8:18-24 [paraphrase]

    Just think, friends! We are God’s children—His heirs—those He is showering with all His goodness. And in fact we are going to be glorified with Him!

    And this suffering that we’re going through now—it is going to seem like nothing --not even worthy to be mentioned compared with that glory that’s ahead.

    I’m talking about the glory that the whole world will see when God reveals all of us His children--sharing in all His glory!

    Another reason to be grateful for life after death

    With eager hope, creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay.  Right now…all creation is still groaning, as it has been since the fall. And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, because we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us.
    That’s the hope God gave us when we were saved!

    Romans 8:31-39

    [Larry loved listening to these verses in his final days.]
    What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?  Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?  Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself.  Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.

    Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death?  No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

    And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.  No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Another child reads from Colossians 3:1-4

    [the apostle Paul to the church at Colosse; Papa loved these verses]
    Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand.  Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. Because you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.  And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory!

    Ephesians 3:14-21

    [Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians; this is our prayer for all of us in the family]
    When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit.  Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.

    And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
    Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.

    I Thessalonians 4:13-18

    [the Apostle Paul explains what will happen to believers who have died]

    And now, dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope.
    [The reason we don’t grieve like they do is] because we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again—so we also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him the believers who have died.
    We tell you this directly from the Lord: We who are still living when the Lord returns will not meet him ahead of those who have died.
    For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout…
    with the voice of the archangel
    And with the trumpet call of God.
    First the believers who have died will rise from their graves.
    Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
    Then we will be with the Lord forever!
    So encourage each other with these words.

    Imagine another child around the gravesite reading from Revelation 21:1-6

    [This is what Jesus showed his disciple John, and what Papa and all of us are looking forward to!]
    Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone.  And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

    I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”
    And the one sitting on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true.”  And he also said, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life.

    Parts of Revelation 21 tells about life after death

    So he took me in the Spirit to a great, high mountain, and he showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.  It shone with the glory of God and sparkled like a precious stone—like jasper as clear as crystal.
    The wall was made of jasper, and the city was pure gold, as clear as glass.
    The twelve gates were made of pearls—each gate from a single pearl! And the main street was pure gold, as clear as glass.
    I saw no temple in the city, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.  And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the glory of God illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its light.  The nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the world will enter the city in all their glory. Its gates will never be closed at the end of day because there is no night there.

    Parts of Revelation 22

    [What awaits us in our life after death is more of what Jesus showed his disciple John—the end of the Story!]
    No longer will there be a curse upon anything. For the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and his servants will worship him.  And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads, and there will be no night there—no need for lamps or sun—for the Lord God will shine on them. And they will reign forever and ever.
    Then the angel said to me, “Everything you have heard and seen is trustworthy and true. The Lord God, who inspires his prophets, has sent his angel to tell his servants what will happen soon.”

    And Jesus said:
    Look, I am coming soon!
    Yes, I am coming soon!
    [And we say:]
    Amen! Come Lord Jesus!

    I Timothy 6:15-16

    At just the right time Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only almighty God, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords.  He alone can never die, and he lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach him. No human eye has ever seen him, nor ever will. All honor and power to him forever! Amen.

    Hebrews 13:20-21

    Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

    II Thessalonians 2:16-17

    Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.
    To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

    Jude 24-25

    Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault.
    All glory to him who alone is God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his
    …before all time
    …and in the present
    …and beyond all time!

    1 Passages from New Living Translation and/or the BRE [Bible in Real English—Jill’s paraphrase for kids]. All passages were read clearly and distinctly by adults and children as young as 8, with not a single stumbling. It was a huge blessing to hear.

    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    How does what you heard today affect how you view death? Your own death?
    I wonder what you would like said and done at your funeral service.

    I especially wonder how your relationship with Jesus, or for some of you, lack of relationship with Him, will affect your last days on earth and the people you leave behind.

    These are important questions to consider. Our life after death depends on how we answer.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    Our relationship with Jesus enables us to be grateful for life after death. Those we leave behind who also have a relationship with Jesus can be comforted by this important truth. We will all be together again one day because Jesus defeated death. Sadly, there are those who refuse this great gift because they don’t want a relationship with Jesus.

    Relationship question of the month.

    On a lighter note, our relationship question of the month as we move into the Christmas season is this:

    What joyful memory of Christmas do you have? What is a tradition or event that stands out for you when you think about this holiday?

    Just go to johncertalic.com/question to record your answer using your phone or computer. With your answer, please include your name and where you’re from. It’s that simple. If you’d rather give a written answer, just enter it in the Leave a Comment box at the bottom of the show notes.

    I’ll need your response by 5 pm Central time on December 12, 2022. I’ll pick several responses to air on one of our episodes before Christmas.


    In closing, I’d love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope you were encouraged by the fact that we can be thankful for Life after death

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. The link is JohnCertalic.com/186. Or scroll down to the bottom of the show notes for this episode and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    185: Thankful for Curious People

    185: Thankful for Curious People

    For the past two years, my grandson George has been a resident assistant in his college dorm. Before students check in at the start of the school year, each RA creates a bulletin board for their floor with here’s-who-I-am information about themself. It’s a way to start building a sense of community. I wish they would have had something like this when I was in college.

    The only thing posted in my day was the time and place of the next anti-war protest rally.
    Demonstrations about how the South succeeding from the Union was going to lead to war. That kind of thing.

    Anyway, I've included a photo of George’s RA bulletin board . As you can see, at the top he posted in big bold letters, "Are You Curious About George?,"  accompanied by a cut-out of the Curious George monkey. He then attached pictures representing his interests and things important to him.

    I’m going to tell you what happened as a result of that creative bulletin board, but before I do, here’s what this podcast is all about.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.
    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Was anyone curious about George?

    Just recently I talked to George about his RA bulletin board and asked him if anyone on his floor was, in fact, curious about him. Did anyone ask about any of the things he displayed about his interests?

    “Just one person,” George said. “And it was only a very brief conversation.”

    Yeah, that’s how it usually goes, I thought. There aren’t a lot of relationally curious people out there. And that’s a shame. I talked about this in several episodes in the past, and I’ll have links to them at the end of the show notes:

    Why I’m thankful for Curious people

    But here’s why I’m thankful for relationally curious people, though they are few in number. Not nosey people, but curious people. I talk about the difference in episode 165.

    Curious people honor others by wanting to know someone’s story. By being interested in a person’s history, and why someone is the way they are. With the questions they ask, they give people a voice and an opportunity to be known. I’m thankful for people like this.

    Curious people try to connect with others by listening, rather than talking. Oh, there are so many talkers out there today, but so few really good listeners. Most talkers are good people and mean well. But sadly, they engage with others by using their words rather than their ears.

    Curious people aren’t like this. They tend to be good listeners. They draw people out to make them the center of attention, rather than themself. I’m always drawn to someone who by their very nature makes other people the focus of a conversation, rather than themself. Curious people are like this, and I’m thankful for them.

    Another thing about curious people that I appreciate is how they deal with relational problems. They are curious enough to look below the surface of an issue to discover what may be causing it. Curious people look beyond the obvious. They consider possibilities that may go unnoticed by others.

    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    How can you use what you’ve heard today about curious people to help you find more joy in the relationships in your life?

    I suggest giving a try at being more relationally curious yourself. In conversations with people make fewer statements and instead ask more questions. Ask just one follow-up question and see how that enriches your relationships.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    Be thankful for the relationally curious people in your life. They bless us by showing how we can all connect better with each other by listening, rather than talking. They honor us by giving us a voice so that we feel the joy of being known.

    Relationship question of the month.

    In previous episodes, I asked for your response to a question I asked for the month of November. I did not get ANY.

    That’s OK. We’ll give it one more try.

    This question I’m asking you for December is

    What joyful memory of Christmas do you have? Some tradition or event that stands out for you when you think about this holiday?

    Just go to PodinBox.com/John to record your answer using your phone or computer. With your answer, please include your name and where you’re from. It’s that simple. If you’d rather give a written answer, just enter it in the Leave a Comment box at the bottom of the show notes.

    I’ll need your response by 5 pm Central time on December 12, 2022. I’ll pick several responses to air on one of our episodes before Christmas.


    In closing, I’d love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show, enough to be a little more curious about the people who cross your path. And then act on your curiosity.

    For when you do, it will help you experience the joy of relationships God desires for you. Because after all, You Were Made for This.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. The link is JohnCertalic.com/185. Or scroll down to the bottom of the show notes for this episode and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Other episodes or resources related to today’s shows

    062: Vaccine Now Available for this Relational Virus (i.e., lack of curiosity )
    063: Six Reasons Why We’re Not Curious About People
    073: Could Curiosity About Others Minimize Racism
    165: Nosey People Weaken Relationships; Curious People Strengthen Them

    Last week’s episode

    184: Thankful for Parents Who Discipline Their Children

    The place to access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.


    184: Thankful for Parents Who Discipline Their Children

    184: Thankful for Parents Who Discipline Their Children

    A family friend and listener to this podcast told me about an unpleasant experience she recently had at a big box retail store that got me thinking about climate change. Not the climate change we hear environmentalists and politicians talk about. I’m thinking about relational climate change. How the climate in a room changes when parents fail to discipline their children. And how it improves when they do.

    Continuing our “Thankful in November” series, today’s episode is about how we can be thankful for parents who discipline their children because of how it improves the relational climate we live in.

    But before we get into today’s episode, here’s what this podcast is all about.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    The need for a relational climate change

    I think most of us at one time or another experienced what a listener to our podcast went through recently while in the check-out line at Walmart. A father in front of her had a toddler strapped in his cart, while another young child, standing at his side, engaged in all manner of behavior to irritate the kid in the cart. The poking and taunting of the toddler elicited back-and-forth yelling between the two kids.

    And what do you think the father did about this? You guessed, it. Nothing.

    It got so irritating to our listener friend that she stepped out of line, abandoned her cart, and went across the street to a grocery store to buy the same items she left behind at Walmart. The climate change between the two stores was palpable. From chaos at Walmart to peace and calm at the grocery store. No undisciplined kids creating tension for fellow shoppers.

    The sad thing for me about stories like this is that it’s not the kids’ fault. It’s on the parents for failing to disciple their children. The dad in this case needed to go sit on a chair in the time-out corner.

    My thoughts on child discipline

    Having raised two kids of my own with my wife, and then watching them parent their own children, I learned a few things about disciplining children.

    I’ll start with this. Parents who discipline their children well when they are younger will have to discipline them less when they’re older. When you don’t discipline kids when they’re young, it is much harder to do so when they’re older as teenagers when the consequences of bad behavior are much greater.

    And then if you don’t discipline them as teenagers, you get adults like Meghan Markle who’s at the epicenter of the family dysfunction in Britain’s royal family.

    It’s been reported that he said he regrets not disciplining his daughter when she was a child. “I gave her everything she wanted,” he said. “I never said no.”

    Parents are sometimes reluctant to discipline their kids because they want their kids to like them, to not be upset with them. They want their children to view them as a friend. Children don’t need you to be their friend. They need you to be a strong parent to teach them the most important thing they need to know as a young child, and that is to obey.

    The most important thing a young child needs to know

    The main job of young children is to learn to obey. Oh, there is so much disobedience out there. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    Years ago I attended a week-long conference featuring Christian Counselors Larry Crabb and Dan Allender. During a Q & A session, someone asked Crabb for parenting advice. He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts and said, “I’m not a parenting expert by any stretch of the imagination. All I can tell you is that the main task of a parent is to drive foolishness out of the heart of a child. Stick with that, and you’ll do fine as a parent.”

    Let that sink in for a moment, “the main task of a parent is to drive foolishness out of the heart of a child.” It’s taken from Proverbs 22:15 in the Bible.

    Parenting by a thousand paper cuts

    If there was ever a comment to illustrate the phrase, “easier said than done.” It would be Crabb’s comment. Parenting is hard work. Kids wear you down. Over and over again they push you to your limits of patience.

    If I were to write a parenting book, I would entitle it, Parenting by a Thousand Paper Cuts. How many times do you have to say “no?” How many times do you have to pit your will against your child’s will? It is so much easier to give in to your kid’s disobedience. To just raise your voice at them, with no attendant consequence for their disobedience.

    When a child disobeys, a negative consequence for the child is called for. Just raising your voice out of frustration for the child not obeying you won’t cut it.
    A parent’s job in dealing with disobedience is to introduce some form of “pain” into their life. Depriving them of something they enjoy usually works. And every kid is different in this regard. It’s not rocket science.

    So what does God say about discipline?

    Through Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, God has a number of things to tell about us about discipline in the Book of Proverbs. I count ten verses dealing with the discipline of children. The first five are directed to children themselves, the recipients of parental discipline. If you have kids, you might want to share these with them. It likely won’t register with your children at the moment you need to disciple them. Instead, share these verses after the storm of misbehavior passes and relational calm returns.

    How children should view discipline

    With regard to children and what their attitude should be, Solomon says the following:

    Proverbs 1: 8 My child, listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction.

    Proverbs 4: 1-2 My children, listen when your father corrects you. Pay attention and learn good judgment, for I am giving you good guidance. Don’t turn away from my instructions.

    Proverbs 6: 20 - 23 My son, obey your father’s commands, and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. Keep their words always in your heart. Tie them around your neck. When you walk, their counsel will lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up, they will advise you. For their command is a lamp and their instruction a light; their corrective discipline is the way to life.

    Proverbs 12:1 To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction.

    Proverbs 13:1 A wise child accepts a parent’s discipline; a mocker refuses to listen to correction.

    Why parents need to discipline their children

    As for parents, here are principles from the Book of Proverbs to keep in mind about why it is so important for them to discipline their children.

    Proverbs 13: 24 Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children. Those who love their children care enough to discipline them.

    Proverbs 22:15 A youngster’s heart is filled with foolishness, but physical discipline will drive it far away. This is the sum total of Larry Crabb’s philosophy I mentioned earlier.

    Proverbs 23:13-14 Don’t fail to discipline your children. The rod of punishment won’t kill them. Physical discipline may well save them from death.

    Proverbs 29:15 To discipline a child produces wisdom, but a mother is disgraced by an undisciplined child.

    Proverbs 29:17 Discipline your children, and they will give you peace of mind and will make your heart glad.

    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    How can you use what you’ve heard today to help you find more joy in the relationships in your life?

    If you’re a parent, disciplining your children, not only benefits them and you, it also goes a long way to improving the relational climate of those around you. No one wants to be around bratty kids. No one wants to be around parents who ignore or can’t handle their child’s misbehavior.

    People probably won’t say so, but we’ll be thankful for you when your kids act up and you step in to take control of them. So be the kind of parent we can all be thankful for.

    To see this in action, one really helpful thing you can do is watch episodes of the TV Show, Supernanny. You can see past episodes on YouTube. You’ll get a lot of good ideas to help you understand what may be causing you to be weak when it comes to child discipline, and how to get a lot better at it. I’ll have a link to it in the show notes.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    Be thankful for parents who discipline their children. Teaching children to obey teaches them they are not the center of the universe, a lesson one can never learn too early. It also makes them a lot easier to parent when they’re teenagers. It’s a great gift to society when parents discipline their children well.

    Relationship question of the month.

    This question I’m asking you is part of the Relationship Question of the month for November. Namely,

    What is one relationship you are especially thankful for?

    Just go to PodinBox.com/John  and record your answer using your phone or computer. With your answer, please include your name and where you’re from. It’s that simple.

    I’ll need your response by 5 pm Central time on November 16, 2022. Again, head over to  PodinBox.com/John  and leave a message for me.

    I’ll pick several responses to air on our Thanksgiving episode. Who knows, it could be yours! And if so, it will look good on your resume.


    In closing, I’d love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show, enough to put into practice what you’ve just heard about disciplining children

    For when you do, it will help you experience the joy of relationships God desires for you. Because after all, You Were Made for This.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. The link is JohnCertalic.com/184. Or scroll down to the bottom of the show notes for this episode and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Related resources to today's episode

    139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    The TV show, Supernanny

    Last week’s episode

    183: Thankful for People Who Inspire Us

    The place to access all past and future episodes go to JohnCertalic.com

    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    183: Thankful for People Who Inspire Us

    183: Thankful for People Who Inspire Us

    In last week’s episode, no. 182, we began our Thankful in November series by talking about being thankful for the last time we experienced something. Today we continue this series by considering the blessing of being thankful for the people who inspire us.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.
    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Two words to describe our podcast

    If I could use only one word to describe our You Were Made for This podcast, it would be “relationships.” And if I could add one more word to the description, it would be “joy.” As in how to experience more joy in the relationships God designed for us. It’s what we were made for.


    One source of joy in relationships is to be thankful for people who inspire us. “Inspire” is an interesting word. It literally means "to fill someone with the urge to do or feel something."

    My wife used to love going to a home furnishings store by the name of Inspire. It sold decorative items for your house like pillows, small pieces of furniture, things to hang on the wall. Stuff like that. It certainly filled my wife with the urge to do something. I’ll leave it to your imagination to guess what that urge might have been. She doesn’t go there anymore because the store went out of business. At least that’s what I’ve been telling her when she talks about going back there. Let’s just keep that a secret between you and me. Okay?

    When my book came out in 2016, THEM - The Richer Life Found in Caring for Others, Writer’s, Digest Magazine awarded it “best inspirational book of the year.” My purpose in writing the book was to urge people to care better for each other, which would make us feel good about ourselves, because we were made for this.

    “Inspire”: to fill someone with the urge to do or feel something.

    People can Inspire us

    The Inspire store and my book were intentional about their purpose in urging people to do something or feel something. I would add motivational speakers to these two intentional sources of inspiration.

    But for me, I’ve always been thankful for people who inspire us unintentionally by the way they live. They’re the examples I would like to be more like. They don’t tell you how to conduct yourself, they show you. They’re the people who inspire us without even trying to do so. Here’s a recent example from just two months ago.

    Queen Elizabeth II

    When Queen Elizabeth II died on September 8, 2022, there was an outpouring of admiration for her and the way she lived her life. Ruling England for over 70 years, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who didn’t admire her. A particularly insightful article by Daniel Henninger, one of my favorite newspaper columnists, appeared in The Wall Street Journal a week or so after she died. I’ll quote a few paragraphs from his piece, entitled “The Countercultural Queen”:

    Within the hour of her death, Queen Elizabeth II was praised by commentators from left to right for representing so many traditional values. Reserve, self-containment, duty, responsibility. modesty of demeanor, graciousness, civility, prudence, fortitude…

    What is most notable is that this instant outpouring of media praise for the queen’s traditional virtues comes amid a contemporary culture that elevates daily, even hourly, a value system of self-regard, self-promotion, changeability, acting out, and anything-goes behavior that is the polar opposite of Queen Elizabeth’s.

    The queen’s own family reflected this trend. First Princess Diana in the 1980s rode the rising celebrity wave, and ultimately it drowned her. Then Prince Harry married Meghan Markle, known primarily as an influencer.

    “Influencer” is the defining word of our times.

    An influencer’s success depends overwhelmingly on one thing: self-promotion accomplished by rising in the hot-air balloons of Instagram, TikTok, and other social media. The goal is to marry marketing with fame. Because influencers do it, millions of others, often young women make preoccupation with self the one habit that directs their lives.

    A contrast of values

    To say that the queen’s values were traditional means they existed for a very long time. The poised 14-year-old Elizabeth we heard in news clips reading her first public speech to children during the Blitz of World War II had by then had by then been taught personal virtues held in high regard for centuries in the West and arguably longer in the East.

    In our time, however, personal virtue has been demoted by social virtue.

    One effect of giving social responsibility more weight than personal responsibility is that it gives people a pass on their personal behavior.

    So long as one’s life is “centered” on some larger social good, the conduct of one’s personal life is well, irrelevant…

    The queen’s habits were a source of personal stability. Modern values are a source of instability. The habits of behavior associated with her are not about mere goodness, but about creating a structure of life inside of which one can then perform successfully as a person, hopefully for the good. She did that for her country for 70 years.

    Henninger’s column is a reminder that people who inspire us often run against the grain of contemporary culture. Queen Elizabeth showed us we can live a fulfilling meaningful life when it is based on the personal virtues that have been admired down through the ages.

    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    A couple of thoughts come to mind. They start with going back to the definition of “inspire” I mentioned earlier, “to fill someone with the urge to do or feel something.”

    Wouldn’t it be great if people said that you inspired them to be more like you? That because of who you are and how you lived you motivated them to think or behave in a way that may not have been their natural inclination? That because of you they became a better person?

    It’s possible for you to be an inspiration to others when you follow the teachings of Jesus, and day by day become more like the person he created you to be. As that happens, people will notice. And they will be inspired.

    Another thought I have is really a question. I wonder about the people who inspire you. What are they like? What do they do to fill you with the urge to do or feel something? And then how do they do it?

    This question I’m asking you is part of the Relationship Question of the month for November. Namely,

    What is a story from one of your relationships that you are especially thankful for because of how it inspires you?

    Just go to PodinBox.com/John to record your answer using your phone or computer. With your answer, please include your name and where you’re from. It’s that simple.

    I’ll need your response by 5 pm Central time on November 16, 2022. Again, head over to podinbox.com/Johnn and leave a message for me.

    I’ll pick several responses to air on our Thanksgiving episode. Who knows, it could be yours! And if so, it will look good on your resume.

    A person who inspires me

    On a personal note, one person who inspires me is my boss and our executive producer, Carol Steward. You hear her introduce me at the beginning of each episode. In episode 021 I describe how I first met Carol, and how she inspired Janet and me to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus. I also talk about this life-changing experience in chapter 7 of my book, THEM.

    You can learn more about Carol and how Jesus has been the cornerstone of her relationship with Janet and me in a two-part interview I did with her in episodes 100 and 101. I’ll have links to all this at the bottom of the show notes.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    Being thankful for the people who inspire us has a way of motivating us to become inspiring people ourselves. Each day by becoming more like the men and women God created us to be, we model and inspire others to be the person God created them to be as well.

    Relationship question of the month

    Please don’t forget our Relationship Question of the month for November.

    What is a story from one of your relationships that you are especially thankful for because of how it inspires you?

    Just go to PodinBox.com/John to record your answer using your phone or computer.

    If you’d rather not record anything, please email your answer to me at john@caringforothers.org. You can also leave a written response at the bottom of the show notes for this episode in the “Leave a Comment” box.


    In closing, I’d love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show to be thankful for the people who inspire you. And then to become more of an inspiring person yourself.

    For when you do, it will help you experience the joy of relationships God desires for you. Because after all, You Were Made for This.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. The link is JohnCertalic.com/183. Or scroll down to the bottom of the show notes for this episode and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Related episodes you may want to listen to

    180: An Unusual Place to Find Joy
    100: Start Conversations with Remembering
    101: Life-Giving Relationships
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    THEM - The Richer Life Found in Caring for Others

    Last week’s episode

    182: Thankful for “The Last Time I Will Ever…”

    The place to access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    You Were Made for This
    enNovember 09, 2022

    182: Thankful for “The Last Time I Will Ever…”

    182: Thankful for “The Last Time I Will Ever…”

    It happened a few weeks ago, another one of those It was the last time I will ever … moments. It was the last time I experienced something so meaningful and enjoyable that it brought on a tinge of sadness knowing I will never experience it again.

    But based on several other last time I will ever … events in my life I know I can be thankful for what comes next. And so can you. It’s what I talk about in today’s episode, the first in my “Thankful in November” series starting today.

    But before we get into today’s episode, here’s what this podcast is all about.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach. I'mhere to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page. Enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    The last little league baseball game I will ever see

    I’ve got three, “the last time I will ever… " stories to share with you today. Events in my life I’m thankful for this November, a month we celebrate thankfulness. I’m talking about them today hoping it will get you thinking about your the last time I will ever… moments in your life that you can be thankful for.

    The first of my stories is prompted by the times I drive past a local park near where we live. It’s where our twin grandsons, Grant and George played little league baseball when they were young. They’re both 20 years old now and in college.

    They played in this baseball league through 6th grade, which was the age limit by which they could participate. Driving past this park reminds me of the last baseball game they played in. They played for one of those leagues that downplay competitiveness so that everyone on the team gets to play in every game. Even if it is just for an inning. It was all about fun, not about winning.

    The last out to win the game and end the season

    In the boys’ last game for the season at this park, their team was up by a run at the top of the last inning. George was playing first base, Grant was at third. The batter for the other team hit a grounder to Grant, who fielded the ball cleanly. He then reared back and with all his might and strength threw the ball in the air as hard as his skinny arm would allow to his brother at first base. George easily caught the ball on the fly, and stepped on first base to make the final out to end the game. The final play, of the final game, of their final season as little league baseball players.

    Shortly after this. it hit me, this was the last time I will ever see them play little league baseball together again. It was the end of an era in their still very young lives. It was the end of the joy Janet and I were so thankful for that we could be part of as spectators. More joy would come later for other things, but this one last moment. This one last time I will ever … moment filled me with joy I am still thankful for years later.

    I’m thankful for being part of the joy they experienced in playing well together for the very last time. Thankful to see that last play that so symbolizes their connection with each as twin brothers.

    Her last tennis match I will ever see

    Another of my the last time I will ever… moments happened just a few weeks ago. Our granddaughter Eleanor is a high school senior and has been on her school’s tennis team since she was a freshman. It’s been a great run for her in many ways.

    Girls’ high school tennis is a fall sport where we live. Each season concludes with a state tournament that began a few weeks ago. I drove out to the school where the first round was to be held to watch Eleanor play. I knew she wasn’t going to know until after she warmed up if she’d even be able to play. Eleanor’s had a painful knee problem for the last part of the season, and then the callouses on her feet had recently broken open, exposing very tender skin. Yikes.

    She decided after warming up to give it a go, so I watched her play and win her match. Though she won and advanced to the next round, the pain in her knee and feet was too much, forcing her to withdraw from the next round. The risk of further injury was too great and not worth it. You see Eleanor is also very active in ballet, and an important performance was coming up. She didn’t want to jeopardize participation in her last year of dance.

    But I was so happy and thankful she got to win the last high school match she will ever play in. Yet at the same time, I felt a pit in my stomach knowing this was the last time I will ever see her do so. It was kind of sad, actually.

    The next thing after the last thing

    I’m sure you’ve had your own this is the last time I will ever… moments in life. The thing I’ve learned about them is that they often lead to something better. It’s not always true, but often the last time of experiencing something good makes room for the next thing - a better thing - to occur.

    As with most kids, Eleanor learned valuable lessons in sports that will serve her well for many years into the future. Her last time I will ever… moment was built upon hard work, sacrifice, dealing with adversity, and self-discipline. It’s prepared her well for something even better coming down the road as a young adult. What she learned in her last thing has been great preparation for the next thing, whatever that may be.

    Two of the last time I will ever… moments converge

    There’s an interesting connection to this last-time-moment of Eleanor’s and one of my own the last time I will ever…events. At least it’s interesting to me, and hopefully to you, too.

    In the four years Eleanor played tennis for her school, she had never played at the high school where the sectionals for the state tournament were held, and where she played her last ever tennis match. It surprised me because the school is fairly close to her own. I thought the two were in the same conference, but they weren’t, I later learned.

    The connection with me is that I was a teacher for 7+ years at this very same high school where Eleanor played her last tennis match. It is the site of one of the most significant last time I will ever … moments in my life.

    In December of 1978, at the end of the last school day right before Christmas. I walked out of my classroom, down the stairs, and out to the parking lot to my car to drive away for the last time I will ever teach at that school. Or any school for that matter. I did so with tears in my eyes because I so loved my job. It was a great experience for me, one I’ve always been thankful for even many years later.

    But on this day I was hanging it up for the last time. Why I left teaching is a story for another day, but for now, I can tell you I felt God calling me into the business world. In order to do this, our school superintendent was so kind and gracious in letting me out of my teaching contract in the middle of the year.

    On to the next thing

    “Best of luck to you,” he said the last time I saw him. “I got started in business and years ago made the switch o public education. Now you’re going in the opposite direction. I hope it works out well for you, but if it doesn’t, you’ll be welcomed back here if we have an opening.”

    Eleanor’s last time I will ever play high school tennis and my last time I will ever teach in a high school occurred in the very same place, just 40-some years apart.

    My last time I will ever teach at that high school led to a 25-year career in business, which paved the way for 10+ years in the missionary care ministry My wife and I are involved in now.

    I am so thankful for this last time ever experience, even for the sadness that came with it, because it showed I was leaving something meaningful to me. There was a sense of loss in the midst of the excitement of going to something new, with all the possibilities that awaited me in the business world.

    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    How can you use what you’ve heard today to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for your life?

    It’s important to note that not all the last time I will ever… moments are as positive as the ones I’ve described. Living in a fallen world as we do, there’s the last time we will ever see a loved one, the last time I will ever work at a job I was forced out of, the last time I will ever find joy in a relationship that ended, etc. You know what I’m talking about.

    Having said this, though, it’s helpful to look for the joy when we go through a the last time I will ever… moment. Sometimes the joy is found in a beautiful memory it created, and sometimes it’s found in anticipating the future.

    I wonder what joy you may have found in one of your the last time I will ever… moments. I bet our other listeners would love to know, too. You can share this in the “Leave a Comment” box at the bottom of the show notes, or you can send it to me in an email to john@caringforothers.org.

    Better yet, respond with your phone or computer by going to PodinBox.com/John, and record your answer, much like leaving a voice mail.

    Relationship question of the month

    What is a story from one of your relationships that you are especially thankful for?

    It can be just about anything. Like a time someone was especially kind to you. Or maybe something you learned from a person in your life. It could be something you observed in a crowd or in the company of strangers. Just about anything involving a relationship you’re grateful for would be fair game.

    Just go to PodinBox.com/John to record your answer using your phone or computer. With your answer, please include your name and where you’re from. It’s that simple.

    I’ll need your response by 5 pm Central time on November 16, 2022. Just go to PodinBox.com/John to record your answer. If something comes to mind right now, head over to PodinBox.com/John and give me a call.

    I’ll pick several responses to air on our Thanksgiving episode. Who knows, it could be yours! And if so, it will look good on your resume.


    In closing, I’d love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show, to put into practice what you’ve heard about finding joy in reflecting upon the last time you ever experienced something significant to you.

    For when you do, it will help you experience the joy of relationships God designed for you. Because after all, You Were Made for This.

    Well, that’s it for today. Come back next time for episode 183 and another relational part of life we can be thankful for this November in 2022, and every month and year thereafter.

    If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. The link is JohnCertalic.com/182. Or scroll down to the bottom of the show notes for this episode and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Related episodes you may want to listen to

    139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    Last week’s episode

    181: Tenderness Found in Two Unusual Places

    The place to access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    181: Tenderness Found in Two Unusual Places

    181: Tenderness Found in Two Unusual Places

    A friend I hadn’t seen in a while asked me the other day what was going on in my life. “Lots of death,” I said, filling in my response with examples.. Another thing going on was a moment of tenderness I saw in a man consoling his wife in a restaurant. I’ve been thinking for days about the tenderness I saw in both the restaurant and the deaths I described. It’s what we’re looking at in today’s episode. Tenderness in relationships found in unusual places.

    But before we get into today’s episode, here’s what this podcast is all about.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Two Funerals

    Last week’s episode, no. 180 was about finding joy in an unusual place. Today we’re going to look at tenderness in relationships, and two unusual places to find it. The first is in the context is death. It’s certainly an unusual place to think about tenderness, but I saw it at the funeral of Dennis, the husband of a former co-worker of mine who died unexpectedly.

    I didn’t know him all that well, but I saw his tenderness in the photos of him with his wife and children. The slideshow that flashed across the screen at the front of the sanctuary showed a man who loved his family. You could see it in his smile. You could also hear it in what the pastor shared about him and his faithfulness and commitment to his family.

    Another place I saw tenderness was at the memorial service for a longtime friend and missionary who succumbed to cancer. I couldn’t make it to the service in person, so I watched it online. He was a leader and visionary in his mission organization and several of his colleagues talked about what a kind and compassionate man he was. With tears in their eyes, they spoke of his humility and how he mentored each of them in ways that brought out the best in each one of them.

    His wife and son also spoke. His wife, in particular, showed how devastated her loss has been. She spoke briefly about how much God hates death and the impact it has had on her. The tenderness in her loving relationship with her husband made the pain of her tragedy all the more difficult to watch.

    Shouldering a difficult responsibility

    The last example of death that’s been surrounding me lately began with a text I recently received from Martin, my former missionary friend. I talked about him in episodes 071 and 072.

    Martin wrote. “Josephine went to be with Jesus this afternoon and is now again united with Suzanne.” Josephine was his wife Suzanne’s mother who lived with them. When Suzanne died two years ago, Martin became the prime caregiver of his mother-in-law.

    This was a difficult responsibility for Martin in the context of his deep grief over losing his wife so suddenly and unexpectedly. It was also burdensome because of the significant health challenges his 80-something mother-in-law faced. I don’t know of many men who would have accepted this responsibility. Over the past two years, Martin and I talked about how wearisome it was for him.

    But in his commitment to his mother-in-law, I saw a tenderness in his relationship to his deceased wife. By caring for her mother, Martin was honoring Suzanne. Both of them returned first from China and then Germany to move to Chicago for the sole purpose of caring for Josephine. And Martin followed through on that commitment even though his wife was no longer with him to help. It’s really quite a touching story of love.

    Tenderness at a restaurant

    Finally, In the midst of all this death I’ve been talking about, there was also a moment of tenderness I witnessed in a man consoling his wife in a restaurant. Not about death, but about money. I’ve been thinking about it for days.

    I saw it played out on a weekend trip Janet and I took to a vacation spot in northeastern Wisconsin, Door County. There’s a well-known restaurant there we like to go to for breakfast, The White Gull Inn. While walking behind the hostess ushering us to our table, I spotted a young couple in their early 30s.

    I only overheard a small part of their conversation as they talked over the menu options. It was when the husband leaned across the table to his wife, looked her in the eye, and with the most compassionate and reassuring of voices, said,

    “…. we’re on vacation.”

    It was a moment of tenderness I won’t soon forget. From what I could tell from hearing the husband and seeing his eyes and body language, “We’re on vacation” was code for,

    “Don’t worry about the price, honey. Order what you’d really like. I know what you’d like is a little more expensive, but we’ve been pinching pennies all year. I know you worry about spending too much money, but just this once, treat yourself. You’re worth it. We’ll be okay with the money. We’ll figure it out. We’ve been saving for quite a while to do this. So enjoy yourself, please. Do it for me, okay? We’re on vacation.”

    I could only see the back of the wife’s head, but I have a hunch there were tears in her eyes in response to the tenderness of her husband.

    We’ve been there too

    Janet and I are twice as old as this couple, and we’ve had a number of “…we’re on vacation” moments like this. Where because of our financial condition at the time, the price difference between two scrambled eggs and the Denver omelet seemed like half a mortgage payment.

    I was so taken by this guy’s compassion for his wife. It encouraged me to be more like him. And then, several days after this tender moment in time, I thought of something else.

    I wish I would have had the presence of mind to get the attention of their waitress and tell her to bring me their bill, and I would pay for it. Yeah, I wish I would have thought of that.

    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    I’ve talked about two unusual places where I found tenderness. At funerals and at a restaurant. How about you? I wonder what are the unusual places you’ve found tenderness displayed. My guess is there are more places all of us could witness tender relationship moments if we paid attention and looked for them. Now is as good a time as any to start.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    The tenderness you see in relationships, often in unusual places, can inspire us to develop and nurture tenderness in our own relationships. It’s worth the effort to look for it. We’ll be better people for it.

    Relationship question of the month

    Last week I introduced you to PodInBox.com, a website you can go to to leave a private voicemail for me. I would like to experiment with this tool to get listeners more involved with the episodes I’m planning for November, the month of Thanksgiving.

    For example, I have a relationship question I’d like you to answer by going to podinbox.com/john. There you can record your answer to my question using your phone or computer. I’m going to call it my “Question of the Month.” With your answer, please include your name and where you’re from. It’s that simple. There’s nothing to write or prepare. Okay? Here’s the question:

    What is a story from one of your relationships that you are especially thankful for?

    It can be just about anything. Like a time someone was especially kind to you. Or maybe something you learned from a person in your life. It could be something you observed in a crowd or in the company of strangers. Just about anything involving a relationship you’re grateful for would be fair game.

    I’ll need your response by 5 pm Central time on November 16. Just go to PodinBox.com/John to record your answer. If something comes to mind right now, head over to PodinBox.com/John and give me a call.

    I’ll pick several responses to air on our Thanksgiving episode. Who knows, it could be yours! And if so, it will look good on your resume.


    In closing, I’d love to hear any thoughts you have about today’s episode, either in writing or a phone call through PodinBox.com/John. I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show, enough to put into practice what you’ve just heard about looking for tenderness in unusual places.

    For when you do, it will help you experience the joy of relationships God desires for you. Because after all, You Were Made for This.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. The link is JohnCertalic.com/181. Or scroll down to the bottom of the show notes for this episode and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Related episodes you may want to listen to

    139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?
    072: How to Help a Grieving Friend
    071: What I learned from a Grieving Friend
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    Last week’s episode

    180: An Unusual Place to Find Joy

    Our website where you can access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    180: An Unusual Place to Find Joy

    180: An Unusual Place to Find Joy

    You wouldn’t think you could find joy in the midst of difficult life events, but you can if you know how to look for it. Today’s episode is an interview with someone who did just that.

    Stuck in the world’s busiest airport after her flight was canceled, Our guest today, Jennifer Uren, shares what she did while waiting on standby for another flight, anxious to get to her destination for a speaking engagement the next day.

    Besides being one of the most interesting stories I’ve heard in a while, it illustrates a relationship lesson the rest of us can use to find joy even when life takes us in a direction we’d rather not go.

    Welcome to You Were Made for This

    If you find yourself wanting more from your relationships, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll discover practical principles you can use to experience the life-giving relationships you were made for.

    I’m your host, John Certalic, award-winning author and relationship coach, here to help you find more joy in the relationships God designed for you.

    To access all past and future episodes, go to the bottom of this page, enter your name and email address, then click on the follow or subscribe button. The episodes are organized chronologically and are also searchable by topics, categories, and keywords.

    Near the end of today’s show, I’m going to explain a new technology I want to try out that involves your participation. It has the potential to be great fun, but more on that later.

    An intriguing Facebook post

    To begin, here’s my interview with Jennifer Uren. It starts with why I contacted her in the first place.

    [I’m sorry there’s no transcript of the interview. Please consider listening to it by clicking on johncertalic.com/180. Here though, is her Facebook post which prompted me to contact her.]

    “Monday I was delayed and hung out at the airport all day and people watched.

    “When you pay attention, you can find connections and ways to serve weary travelers.

    “Like the older gentleman making calls and getting the runaround and hearing him say, ‘I don’t have anything to write with,’ so you jump up and bring him a pen so he doesn’t have to call back.

    “Or the mom standing in line to talk with the gate agent while her toddler explores, and you make eye contact to let her know you’ll be her second set of eyes.

    “Or the gentleman who has been on standby all day with you and just needed someone to hear his story and how he misses his dog.”

    So what does all this mean for YOU?

    I sure enjoyed my conversation with Jennifer, and I hope you did. too. I love how her Facebook post illustrated the ORA principle of relationships I’ve talked about on this podcast. Observe - Reflect - Act. Her action at the airport was the result of her reflection on what she observed while waiting all day to catch her flight.

    Today’s episode also makes me wonder how you can use what you’ve heard today to find more joy in the relationships in your life.

    I suggest that instead of looking outside of yourself to find more joy in life, look inside and ask how yourself, how can I create a small measure of joy for others? By becoming a source of joy for people, you’ll create it for yourself. It’s an unusual place to find joy, I know. It’s counter-intuitive. But it works. Give it a try.

    Here’s the main takeaway I hope you remember from today’s episode

    To find more joy in life, don't limit yourself to the usual places you go to. Entertainment, sports, family, close friends. Those are sources of joy we draw from, which are all fine. Instead, expand your horizons and see if you can find joy in difficult circumstances by creating it for others. Maybe even for complete strangers. Because when we create joy for others, we create it for ourselves.


    In closing, I hope your thinking was stimulated by today’s show - enough to try creating a little joy for the people you meet.

    I’d love to hear how this goes for you, so please contact me with any stories of what you try doing. Stories similar to what you heard in today’s episode.

    And this is where the new technology comes in that I mentioned earlier. To contact me with the brief stories you want to share, go to the website Podinbox.com/John. There you can record a voice message with your response from either your phone or computer. Include your name and where you’re from. It’s that simple. Nothing to write at all.

    I’ll then play a few of the responses in a future episode. Who knows, I may pick yours! It will look good on your resume if I do! That website again Podinbox.com/John.

    Well, that’s it for today. If there’s someone in your life you think might like to hear what you just heard, please forward this episode on to them. The link is JohnCertalic.com/180. Or scroll down to the bottom of the show notes for this episode and click on one of the options in the yellow “Share This” bar.

    And don’t forget to check out Jennifer’s podcast, This Mom Knows. And while you’re at, spread a little relational sunshine around the people you meet this week. Spark some joy for them. And I’ll see you again next time. Goodbye for now.

    Related episodes you may want to listen to

    085: Finding Joy at the End of 2020
    103: The Secret to Great Relationships
    139: Why Should I Listen to This Podcast?
    021: The Most Important Relationship of All

    This Mom Knows podcast

    Our website where you can access all past and future episodes


    Our Sponsor

    You Were Made for This is sponsored by Caring for Others, a missionary care ministry. The generosity of people like you supports our ministry. It enables us to continue this weekly podcast and other services we provide to missionaries around the world.

    You Were Made for This
    enOctober 19, 2022