

    Explore " 155" with insightful episodes like "#196 Infinite Echoes Soundsystem 155", "Las noticias de la tarde del miércoles 26 de abril de 2023", "Programmieren lernen ohne Rechner (vcfb22)", "Programmieren lernen ohne Rechner (vcfb22)" and "Hacking with Microbes (MCH2022)" from podcasts like ""Radiolla", "KISS FM NOTICIAS", "Chaos Computer Club - archive feed (high quality)", "Chaos Computer Club - archive feed" and "Chaos Computer Club - archive feed"" and more!

    Episodes (47)

    Las noticias de la tarde del miércoles 26 de abril de 2023

    Las noticias de la tarde del miércoles 26 de abril de 2023

    Sánchez pide a la patronal que negocie la subida de salarios y asegurada que el 60% de las 100.000 viviendas públicas contempladas en el Plan Estatal de Vivienda están construidas o en fase de construcción. Mientras tanto, el Gobierno no descarta aplicar un “155 medioambiental” en Andalucía. Por su parte, Feijóo promete crear una autoridad nacional del agua.

    El Rey Felipe VI ha elogiado la defensa de la paz por parte de Brasil y el presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski, confirma que ha mantenido una "larga y significativa" conversación con el líder chino, Xi Jinping.

    De vuelta a casa, el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Cataluña  ha condenado a la actual consellera de Acción Exterior, Meritxell Serret, a un año de inhabilitación.

    En clave sanitaria, la reina Letizia ha apostado por aglutinar el movimiento social europeo para que el tabaco deje de ser el primer problema de salud pública y aunque las muertes por covid han bajado un 95 %, el llamado "covid largo" afecta ya a uno de cada diez casos.

    En la página económica, la Comisión Europea ha presentado su propuesta de revisión de las reglas fiscales. Y, tras el vistazo al cierre de mercados y la previsión del tiempo para mañana, nos vamos hasta Oviedo para conocer la galardonada con el Premio Princesa de Asturias de las Artes 2023.


    Edición: Ismael Arranz
    Realización: Jorge Galisteo

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Programmieren lernen ohne Rechner (vcfb22)

    Programmieren lernen ohne Rechner (vcfb22)
    In den 1960er-Jahren war der Bedarf an Programmierer:innen bereits drastisch höher als zunächst angenommen. Während ursprünglich die Hoffnung in schnellere Maschinen und expressivere Programmiersprachen zur Reduktion des Aufwands gesetzt wurde (eine Hoffnung, die sich bis heute hartnäckig hält), zeigte sich, dass Programmierprojekte förmlich explodierten. Zugleich war das Informatik-Studium vielerorts noch nicht institutionalisiert, dubiose private Ausbildungsinstitute boten fragwürdige Schulungen an und vor allem fehlte in der Regel ein wichtiges Element zum Erlernen des Programmierens: der Computer. Der Heimcomputer war noch ein knappes Jahrzehnt entfernt. Digitale Rechenmaschinen waren teuer, schwer zugänglich und konnten nicht beliebig für die Ausbildung zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Um einem gleichzeitig exponentiell steigenden Bedarf an Programmierpersonal entgegenzusteuern, bildeten sich in den 1960er-Jahren viele Strategien für eine Programmierausbildung ohne Computer heraus. Neben Spielzeugen, miniaturisierten Rechnern und Selbstbauanleitungen wurden Papiercomputer entwickelt, mit denen auf Papier in Maschinensprache oder Assembler nur als Konzept existierende Computer programmiert und die Befehle durch die programmierende Person selbst ausgeführt wurden. Einer der populärsten und bis heute in der Didaktik genutzte Papiercomputer ist der 1965 vom damaligen MIT-Student Stuart Madnick entwickelte "Little Man Computer" (LMC). Der Vortrag wird in einem kurzen historischen Abriss in das Thema Papiercomputer einleiten und das Programmieren mit dem LMC an einigen konkreten Beispielen vorführen. Ein Ausblick auf folgende Papiercomputer wie dem in Deutschland bekannten WDR-Know-how-Computer und heutige von Papiercomputern und dem LMC beeinflusste Computerspiele runden die Einführung ab. about this event: https://c3voc.de

    Programmieren lernen ohne Rechner (vcfb22)

    Programmieren lernen ohne Rechner (vcfb22)
    In den 1960er-Jahren war der Bedarf an Programmierer:innen bereits drastisch höher als zunächst angenommen. Während ursprünglich die Hoffnung in schnellere Maschinen und expressivere Programmiersprachen zur Reduktion des Aufwands gesetzt wurde (eine Hoffnung, die sich bis heute hartnäckig hält), zeigte sich, dass Programmierprojekte förmlich explodierten. Zugleich war das Informatik-Studium vielerorts noch nicht institutionalisiert, dubiose private Ausbildungsinstitute boten fragwürdige Schulungen an und vor allem fehlte in der Regel ein wichtiges Element zum Erlernen des Programmierens: der Computer. Der Heimcomputer war noch ein knappes Jahrzehnt entfernt. Digitale Rechenmaschinen waren teuer, schwer zugänglich und konnten nicht beliebig für die Ausbildung zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Um einem gleichzeitig exponentiell steigenden Bedarf an Programmierpersonal entgegenzusteuern, bildeten sich in den 1960er-Jahren viele Strategien für eine Programmierausbildung ohne Computer heraus. Neben Spielzeugen, miniaturisierten Rechnern und Selbstbauanleitungen wurden Papiercomputer entwickelt, mit denen auf Papier in Maschinensprache oder Assembler nur als Konzept existierende Computer programmiert und die Befehle durch die programmierende Person selbst ausgeführt wurden. Einer der populärsten und bis heute in der Didaktik genutzte Papiercomputer ist der 1965 vom damaligen MIT-Student Stuart Madnick entwickelte "Little Man Computer" (LMC). Der Vortrag wird in einem kurzen historischen Abriss in das Thema Papiercomputer einleiten und das Programmieren mit dem LMC an einigen konkreten Beispielen vorführen. Ein Ausblick auf folgende Papiercomputer wie dem in Deutschland bekannten WDR-Know-how-Computer und heutige von Papiercomputern und dem LMC beeinflusste Computerspiele runden die Einführung ab. about this event: https://c3voc.de

    Hacking with Microbes (MCH2022)

    Hacking with Microbes (MCH2022)
    Microbes are everywhere. They are part of nature, both around us and inside of us. When you provide their desired niche, you can make them do something for you, in a mutually beneficial arrangement. This talk will take you into their realm, and show a few practical examples and hacking opportunities. Our climate is on fire, but we are still reaching for an Ultimate Solution. We don't move until we get a drop-in replacement to sustain current habits, at no extra cost. Our cognitive dissonance makes us trust politicians to deliver on promises, and energy vendors to withstand lucrative green washing. But it is both interesting and profitable to be part of the solution, and not of the problem. I have a long-standing fascination with microbial processes. They are adaptive and resilient while they modestly take on chores that pull things back to nature's standards. I think many problems that we are facing now can be solved locally and efficiently with clever combinations of technology and microbiology. Not always complete solutions and not everything is simple, but they certainly add to resilience and taking ownership of problem *and* solution. In a perfect situation, energy is harvested when&where it is abundant and moved to when&where it is needed. This talk demonstrates ways of doing at least some of that with the help of microbial systems. We will demonstrate overlap and connections, and conditions under which they may be hacked: Outline: * Beer. Vinegar. Innoculation. Permaculture. * Gut. Fiber or Fat. SCFA. Immune system. Epigenetics. * Biogas. Acetate. Sulphur and ammonia. Garbage in, garbage out. * Microbial fuel cell. Clay and carbon. Training. * Pee. Urea. Energy calculations for a Raspberry Pee. * Poo. Phosphate. Energy calculations for iPoo mobility. * Compost. Worms. Energy calculations for heat generation. * Climate change & zoonose. Cramming sick animals. Antibiotics. Government ignorance. Summary: * Making beer uses yeast to turn sugar to alcohol. Yeast can flexibly adapt from/to glucose via DNA switching to generate different enzymes. Let fruit flies in, and they bring along Acetobacter that reduce alcohol to vinegar. Wild fermentation is more natural, and yields a lambic beer. Save work by going for stable, naturally mixed processes. * Our gut processes whatever we can't. Two rough kinds of colonies co-exist. One consumes cholesterol/bile and the other plants/fiber. They tune our body via SCFA, the immune system and epigenetics. You can hack by changing your food (and after a few weeks, the microbes are thought to hack you by asking for more; so much for free will?!?) * Biogas works like a gut. It forms/consumes acetate CH₃COOH to produce CO₂ and methane CH₄ with byproducts hydrogen H₂, hydrosulphide H₂S and ammonia NH₃. Local cycles can process known sludge and produce usable liquid output, but large-scale anonymity destroys that. Some influences are possible, but the process is basically difficult, smelly and a bit dangerous. * Microbes can live in a fuel cell, which then accepts electrons and passes H+ through a membrane. Urine can be broken down with just clay and carbon -- and a culture. What are researchers doing? A variant to produce hydrogen H₂. And the potential of driving microbes by passing in a current. * Pee contains urea (NH₂)CO(NH₂), a hydrogen carrier. Urea is stable when dried, but otherwise reduces to ammonia NH₃. Soil microbes normally turn ammonia into atmospheric N₂ and water. But we can also use urea in a fuel cell to extract electricity or hydrogen. * Poo contains many microbes, some of which are pathogenic. But it is also our disposal channel for phosphorous (which we mine to grow food) and nitrogen. Troubled hygiene, but can this be safe? Is it a good idea? * Compost is incredibly straightforward and safe. The nutrient cycle is so short that nature could have invented it... oh wait, it did. Spring brings a gradual start, Summer collects energy, Autumn sheds it off and Winter benefits from the captured energy. Because composting generates heat, and has been used for heating homes, or parts of homes. Though mostly self-controlled, there are broad requirements for heat retention, moisture, oxygenation and C:N ratio. Working with these, you can have some degree of control over this process. * Microbes mutate if we force them into another environment. Like a sick animal. Or 3000 of them. Antibiotics form a bonus challenge. Many animal farmers carry resistent microbes. Zoonoses are on the rise due to climate change, and they are the common source of infectious diseases. Government practices [best effort management](https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/binaries/rijksoverheid/documenten/wob-verzoeken/2020/10/28/besluit-wob-verzoek-prognoses-ziektekiemen-uit-dierhouderijen/Besluit+Wob-verzoek+prognoses+ziektekiemen+uit+dierhouderijen.pdf) by chasing for *known* diseases; they are generally clueless about possible future zoonoses and any involved risk to humans. [Session image source](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cyanobacteria_guerrero_negro.jpg) about this event: https://program.mch2022.org/mch2022/talk/D3QKXL/

    Hacking with Microbes (MCH2022)

    Hacking with Microbes (MCH2022)
    Microbes are everywhere. They are part of nature, both around us and inside of us. When you provide their desired niche, you can make them do something for you, in a mutually beneficial arrangement. This talk will take you into their realm, and show a few practical examples and hacking opportunities. Our climate is on fire, but we are still reaching for an Ultimate Solution. We don't move until we get a drop-in replacement to sustain current habits, at no extra cost. Our cognitive dissonance makes us trust politicians to deliver on promises, and energy vendors to withstand lucrative green washing. But it is both interesting and profitable to be part of the solution, and not of the problem. I have a long-standing fascination with microbial processes. They are adaptive and resilient while they modestly take on chores that pull things back to nature's standards. I think many problems that we are facing now can be solved locally and efficiently with clever combinations of technology and microbiology. Not always complete solutions and not everything is simple, but they certainly add to resilience and taking ownership of problem *and* solution. In a perfect situation, energy is harvested when&where it is abundant and moved to when&where it is needed. This talk demonstrates ways of doing at least some of that with the help of microbial systems. We will demonstrate overlap and connections, and conditions under which they may be hacked: Outline: * Beer. Vinegar. Innoculation. Permaculture. * Gut. Fiber or Fat. SCFA. Immune system. Epigenetics. * Biogas. Acetate. Sulphur and ammonia. Garbage in, garbage out. * Microbial fuel cell. Clay and carbon. Training. * Pee. Urea. Energy calculations for a Raspberry Pee. * Poo. Phosphate. Energy calculations for iPoo mobility. * Compost. Worms. Energy calculations for heat generation. * Climate change & zoonose. Cramming sick animals. Antibiotics. Government ignorance. Summary: * Making beer uses yeast to turn sugar to alcohol. Yeast can flexibly adapt from/to glucose via DNA switching to generate different enzymes. Let fruit flies in, and they bring along Acetobacter that reduce alcohol to vinegar. Wild fermentation is more natural, and yields a lambic beer. Save work by going for stable, naturally mixed processes. * Our gut processes whatever we can't. Two rough kinds of colonies co-exist. One consumes cholesterol/bile and the other plants/fiber. They tune our body via SCFA, the immune system and epigenetics. You can hack by changing your food (and after a few weeks, the microbes are thought to hack you by asking for more; so much for free will?!?) * Biogas works like a gut. It forms/consumes acetate CH₃COOH to produce CO₂ and methane CH₄ with byproducts hydrogen H₂, hydrosulphide H₂S and ammonia NH₃. Local cycles can process known sludge and produce usable liquid output, but large-scale anonymity destroys that. Some influences are possible, but the process is basically difficult, smelly and a bit dangerous. * Microbes can live in a fuel cell, which then accepts electrons and passes H+ through a membrane. Urine can be broken down with just clay and carbon -- and a culture. What are researchers doing? A variant to produce hydrogen H₂. And the potential of driving microbes by passing in a current. * Pee contains urea (NH₂)CO(NH₂), a hydrogen carrier. Urea is stable when dried, but otherwise reduces to ammonia NH₃. Soil microbes normally turn ammonia into atmospheric N₂ and water. But we can also use urea in a fuel cell to extract electricity or hydrogen. * Poo contains many microbes, some of which are pathogenic. But it is also our disposal channel for phosphorous (which we mine to grow food) and nitrogen. Troubled hygiene, but can this be safe? Is it a good idea? * Compost is incredibly straightforward and safe. The nutrient cycle is so short that nature could have invented it... oh wait, it did. Spring brings a gradual start, Summer collects energy, Autumn sheds it off and Winter benefits from the captured energy. Because composting generates heat, and has been used for heating homes, or parts of homes. Though mostly self-controlled, there are broad requirements for heat retention, moisture, oxygenation and C:N ratio. Working with these, you can have some degree of control over this process. * Microbes mutate if we force them into another environment. Like a sick animal. Or 3000 of them. Antibiotics form a bonus challenge. Many animal farmers carry resistent microbes. Zoonoses are on the rise due to climate change, and they are the common source of infectious diseases. Government practices [best effort management](https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/binaries/rijksoverheid/documenten/wob-verzoeken/2020/10/28/besluit-wob-verzoek-prognoses-ziektekiemen-uit-dierhouderijen/Besluit+Wob-verzoek+prognoses+ziektekiemen+uit+dierhouderijen.pdf) by chasing for *known* diseases; they are generally clueless about possible future zoonoses and any involved risk to humans. [Session image source](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cyanobacteria_guerrero_negro.jpg) about this event: https://program.mch2022.org/mch2022/talk/D3QKXL/

    Las noticias de la mañana del jueves 2 de junio de 2022

    Las noticias de la mañana del jueves 2 de junio de 2022

    En la medianoche del viernes comenzará la campaña electoral andaluza y hoy el Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas publica su barómetro de los comicios del 19 de junio.

    El presidente de Vox, Santiago Abascal, ha reclamado en Cornellá la aplicación permanente y sostenida del artículo 155 de la Constitución en Cataluña.

    En clave internacional. Rusia acusó al Ejército ucraniano de preparar ataques contra territorio ruso con las lanzaderas de misiles que serán suministradas próximamente por Estados Unidos.

    Una semana después del tiroteo en una escuela primaria estadounidense de Texas, otra de secundaria en Florida ha concluido su sorteo -durante 30 días- de rifles, pistolas y materiales de caza a alumnos, maestros y personal administrativo. Mientras tanto, al menos cinco personas han muerto y varias han resultado heridas en un tiroteo ocurrido en un hospital de la ciudad de Tulsa, Oklahoma.

    Y fin al juicio más mediático de las últimas semanas. Johnny Deep ha ganado a Amber Heard por difamación.

    Terminamos en el Wanda Metropolitano donde ayer, The Rolling Stones volvieron a demostrar que son eternos.

    Producción: Daniel Relova
    Realización: Susana León


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    UFC 266 Alternate Commentary: Dan Hooker vs. Nasrat Haqparast

    UFC 266 Alternate Commentary: Dan Hooker vs. Nasrat Haqparast
    Sriram Muralidaran and Ed Gallo join forces to provide analytical commentary over the UFC lightweight rebuilding opportunity for striker Dan Hooker against the heavy handed Nasrat Haqparast. Follow Sriram on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SriramMSays Follow Ed on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdwardGalloMMA Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

    Alternate Commentary: Mateusz Gamrot vs. Jeremy Stephens

    Alternate Commentary: Mateusz Gamrot vs. Jeremy Stephens
    Sriram Muralidaran and Ed Gallo provide analytical commentary over the UFC lightweight fight between the well-rounded KSW champion Mateusz Gamrot, and the experienced, hot-headed striker Jeremy Stephens. Follow Sriram on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SriramMSays Follow Ed on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdwardGalloMMA Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

    Bad Calls: Benson Henderson's Reckoning

    Bad Calls: Benson Henderson's Reckoning
    Judging in MMA is absolutely abysmal. Ed Gallo is here to dispute official decisions and set the record straight on a few high-profile robberies. He breaks down the fights round-by-round and gives context on the official scoring criteria outlined in the Unified Rules of MMA. In this episode, Ed takes on a few of former UFC lightweight champion Benson Henderson's most controversial decisions. Were his fights against Frankie Edgar (2), Gilbert Melendez and Josh Thomson truly bad decisions? Follow Ed on Twitter: www.twitter.com/EdwardGalloMMA Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom​ Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/​ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite​ We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

    UFC 263 Alternate Commentary: Leon Edwards vs. Nate Diaz

    UFC 263 Alternate Commentary: Leon Edwards vs. Nate Diaz
    Sriram Muralidaran and Ed Gallo provide analytical commentary over the UFC welterweight five round fight between divisional dark horse Leon Edwards and the popular veteran Nate Diaz. Follow Sriram on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SriramMSays Follow Ed on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdwardGalloMMA Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

    UFC 263 Alternate Commentary: Brad Riddell vs. Drew Dober

    UFC 263 Alternate Commentary: Brad Riddell vs. Drew Dober
    Sriram Muralidaran and Ed Gallo provide analytical commentary over the UFC lightweight banger between the strikers Brad Riddell and Drew Dober. Follow Sriram on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SriramMSays Follow Ed on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdwardGalloMMA Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

    Alternate Commentary: Dustin Poirier vs. Max Holloway 2

    Alternate Commentary: Dustin Poirier vs. Max Holloway 2
    Tommy Elliott and Ben Kohn provide analytical commentary over the UFC lightweight title war between the featherweight great Max Holloway and the fan favorite striker Dustin Poirier. Check out Tommy's article breaking down the fight: https://www.thefight-site.com/home/dustin-poirier-max-holloway-breakdown Follow Tommy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muay_Khaoboy Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AgentBenTen Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

    UFC 262 Alternate Commentary: Charles Oliveira vs. Michael Chandler

    UFC 262 Alternate Commentary: Charles Oliveira vs. Michael Chandler
    Sriram Muralidaran and Ed Gallo provide analytical commentary over the UFC lightweight title banger between the powerhouse wrestler and former Bellator champion Michael Chandler and and the veteran grappling and striking double threat Charles Oliveira. Follow Sriram on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SriramMSays Follow Ed on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdwardGalloMMA Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

    UFC 262 Alternate Commentary: Beneil Dariush vs. Tony Ferguson

    UFC 262 Alternate Commentary: Beneil Dariush vs. Tony Ferguson
    Sriram Muralidaran and Ed Gallo provide analytical commentary over the UFC lightweight fight between the underrated Beneil Dariush and the fan favorite Tony Ferguson. Follow Sriram on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SriramMSays Follow Ed on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdwardGalloMMA Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

    UFC 262: Michael Chandler vs. Charles Oliveira Breakdown and Predictions

    UFC 262: Michael Chandler vs. Charles Oliveira Breakdown and Predictions
    UFC 262 hosts a battle for the vacant lightweight title as Bellator champion Michael Chandler faces off with UFC veteran and ace grappler Charles Oliveira. Fight Site analysts Ed Gallo, Sriram Muralidaran, Dan Albert, and their favorite guest Dan Tom of MMAJunkie, break down the match-up and offer some in-depth analysis. This was from a larger predictions podcast called "The Round Robin of Violence", which covered the different hypothetical matchups possible between Poirier, Gaethje, Chandler, and Oliveira. https://youtu.be/lDtDWyorDOw Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom​ Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/​ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite​ We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

    Wrestling for MMA, Episode 34: Gillespie-CDF Breakdown, Chandler vs. Oliveira

    Wrestling for MMA, Episode 34: Gillespie-CDF Breakdown, Chandler vs. Oliveira
    Gregor Gillespie vs. Carlos Diego Ferreira was one of the best wrestling and grappling-centric fights of the year thus far! Ed Gallo dives deep into the dynamics and techniques of the fight, giving some context on Gillespie's wrestling background before that. Ed also breaks down Chandler-Oliveira and some of the other wrestlers of UFC 262. Follow Ed on Twitter: www.twitter.com/EdwardGalloMMA Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

    Alternate Commentary: Eddie Alvarez vs. Justin Gaethje

    Alternate Commentary: Eddie Alvarez vs. Justin Gaethje
    Dan Albert and Feño provide analytical commentary over the UFC lightweight banger between the Underground King, Eddie Alvarez, and the Highlight, Justin Gaethje. Check out Dan's article breaking down the fight: https://www.thefight-site.com/home/eddie-alvarez-vs-justin-gaethje-for-the-violence-crown Follow Dan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TypewritingDA Follow Feño on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fenoxsky Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

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