

    Explore "616" with insightful episodes like "Satansplain #057 - Satanic Symbols (Pentacle vs. Pentagram, Inverted Crosses, 666)", "【616少年的夢迴路轉】─江元凱", "【「愛」找到我 在失戀分手的深淵中 】─林筱帆", "Neron Kaisar and 666" and "BPM PODCAST: S1E5 ft. Joose The Conqueror (FREEDOM OF SPEECH)" from podcasts like ""Satansplain", "雲彩飛揚", "雲彩飛揚", "The Gary DeMar Podcast" and "Body Pulse Movement Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (20)


    江元凱的爸爸原是工廠老闆,卻因生意失敗、工廠被查封,不得不低聲下氣的四處找人籌錢。母親不堪沉重的債務壓力,情緒變得陰晴不定,動輒打罵子女。從小看盡人情冷暖的元凱,到了青少年時期,性格日漸憂鬱、壓抑、封閉,甚至企圖自殺。高中時受邀參加教會聚會,他感受到久違的人際溫暖,更感動於耶穌犧牲的愛。 元凱從聖經中找到活下去的勇氣和信心,開始熱中於傳福音、帶領人認識耶穌。他祈求上帝帶領未來方向,也渴望鼓勵許多和從前的他一樣茫然的青少年,遂於服完兵役後與幾位基督徒友人創辦「616更生少年關懷協會」,透過輔導關懷,帶領眾多家庭破碎、遭受霸凌的孩子認識耶穌,重燃人生的希望與夢想。 元凱常在陪伴青少年的過程中以及想起自己的成長歷程時,體悟上帝極其美好的心意,他以感謝代替怨懟,深願每一位「行屍走肉」的幽暗青年都能在基督裡重獲新生,探索生命的無限可能。 ------------------------- 救恩之聲官方網站 http://www.vos.org.tw/ 雲彩飛揚粉絲團 https://goo.gl/tKoeEP 下載APP,隨時聽節目,隨手傳福音 https://play.google.com/store/apps/de… 寫信給英如: vos1974@gmail.com 感謝您對節目的喜愛!我們是非營利組織,您的奉獻支持將使節目做得更好更長久! *直接線上奉獻 http://www.101superweb.com/web/vosdonation *了解奉獻資訊 https://www.vos.org.tw/info.aspx

    【「愛」找到我 在失戀分手的深淵中 】─林筱帆

    【「愛」找到我 在失戀分手的深淵中 】─林筱帆
    林筱帆在手足中排行中間,從小常受忽略,為爭取注意和肯定,好求表現,十分在意他人評價。大學畢業後,男友前往英國留學,兩人感情因遠距離經營不易,遂以分手收場。筱帆為自己多年青春付諸流水感到萬分沮喪,在基督徒姊姊的建議下學習禱告,求主帶領自己未來的感情路。一個偶然機會,她結識了一名基督徒弟兄,立時認定對方是自己的Mr. Right,開始前往對方教會聚會,並進入交往。筱帆屢受教會詩歌感動,很快的受洗歸主,卻不懂得如何藉聖經真理來面對自己與男友的生命問題。 對愛情患得患失的筱帆,不斷壓抑自己討好男友,痛苦至極幾乎罹患憂鬱症。直到向牧者求助,終於結束這段苦戀。分手後,她心靈受創極深,陷入自我控告的深淵,在親友和弟兄姊妹的支持鼓勵下才漸漸康復。她開始穩定的讀經禱告,反省自己在戀愛中的錯誤心態,以上帝的話語來塑造自我價值和安全感。 真理帶領她邁向自由,不再受他人眼光所累。從兩段失戀中學會愛的功課,筱帆更懂得關懷茫然又渴愛的青少年,她常以自身經歷勉勵青少年在順境與逆境中體會上帝的美好心意,做新造的人,活出豐盛的生命。 ------------------------- 救恩之聲官方網站 http://www.vos.org.tw/ 雲彩飛揚粉絲團 https://goo.gl/tKoeEP 下載APP,隨時聽節目,隨手傳福音 https://play.google.com/store/apps/de… 寫信給英如: vos1974@gmail.com 感謝您對節目的喜愛!我們是非營利組織,您的奉獻支持將使節目做得更好更長久! *直接線上奉獻 http://www.101superweb.com/web/vosdonation *了解奉獻資訊 https://www.vos.org.tw/info.aspx

    Neron Kaisar and 666

    Neron Kaisar and 666

    Gary answers a listener question about the manuscript differences on Revelation 13 and the "number of the beast." Why does it appear as 616 in some and 666 in others? Does this refer to Nero Caesar, or is it some other cryptic message about someone in our present or future?

    BPM PODCAST: S1E5 ft. Joose The Conqueror (FREEDOM OF SPEECH)

    BPM PODCAST: S1E5  ft. Joose The Conqueror (FREEDOM OF SPEECH)
    BPM PODCAST: Season 1 Episode 5.
    On this episode of season 1, The SEVENth talks about “Freedom Of Speech” with Lyricist Joose The Conqueror of AGO Music Group.
    BPM PODCAST is created and hosted by The SEVENth, a Michigan based producer/recording artist and engineer apart of AGO Music Group. Taking his experience from life, international touring, and navigating the music industry The SEVENth offers us insight and stories from his perspective in hopes to both entertain, and most importantly, to motivate others
    Stay Connected: https://linktr.ee/theseventh_ago

    Episode 57: Time To Shake Things Up

    Episode 57: Time To Shake Things Up
    The Block is back open for business! We are going strong and this episode won't be that long, lol. You see what I did there. Bobbo goes Around the net and gives you all the things that are going down. Today's Nerdgasm is all about shaking up the status quo, we talk about Marvel's new miniseries from Tom Taylor, "Dark Ages" and all the craziness that ensues in there. Spoilers for that. But sit back and enjoy the episode, time stamps below. Time Stamps Update-  2:44 Around The Net-  6:15 Music Break - 26:12 Japanese Breakfast- Glider https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwQ3L8LX1xM Nerdgasm- 28:58 BONUS Episode: Super Mario Bros. The Movie The Video Game ft. Dashing Kam https://www.patreon.com/posts/bonus-super-bros-56605770 Ahynte's Spinal Injury Recovery Fund: https://gofund.me/44353af2 Check Out Ahynte Designs at: https://www.ahynte.design/ Check out Pro Wrestling Visions Twitch Channel https://www.twitch.tv/teamvisiondojo Also, check out my last event and match there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPnnZc4M--k This show is AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE you can listen to podcasts. The Block is on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and Deezer, Google Play, Audible and more. Give us a REVIEW to help The Block grow. Follow me on all social media @Bobbofnn Add our Alexa skill! https://amzn.to/3aIhgmH Subscribe to my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/bobbo I have multiple tiers to support and you can always change your monthly donations. Subscribe to my Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_aVgzt6GSmEQEml99gT19g Don't forget to come back and kick it on the block

    BPM PODCAST: S1E2 ft. Waldo (Self Belief)

    BPM PODCAST: S1E2 ft. Waldo (Self Belief)
    BPM PODCAST: Season 1 Episode 2.

    On this episode of season 1, Waldo stops in and talks about Lake Effect and more, while The SEVENth talks self Belief and how his sense of self helps him belief in/work with others, and how it helped their relationship.
    BPM PODCAST is created and hosted by The SEVENth, a Michigan based producer/recording artist and engineer apart of AGO Music Group. Taking his experience from life, international touring, and navigating the music industry The SEVENth offers us insight and stories from his perspective in hopes to both entertain, and most importantly, to motivate others
    Stay Connected: https://linktr.ee/theseventh_ago

    Marvel 616

    Marvel 616

    Notre critique de la série documentaire "Marvel 616" bientôt disponible sur Disney+.


    Titre : Marvel 616

    Sortie : 20 novembre 2020 (sortie Disney+)

    Avec : Louise Simonson, Annie Nocenti, Paul Scheer

    Synopsis : Focus sur les passerelles qui relient le monde qui nous entoure au foisonnant univers MARVEL riche en histoires, personnages et créateurs. Chaque épisode explore en détail le contexte historique, culturel et social des récits MARVEL.

    Bande-annonce : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZtiYa9-yW4

    #Marvel616 #CINECAST

    Episode 27 - Eddie Lovinlife Patterson's tracks

    Episode 27 - Eddie Lovinlife Patterson's tracks
    Hey what's going on ladies and gentlemen Just a cool laid-back individual in love with hip-hop/rap so I'll get on here from time to time and listen to different tracks and listen to some Beats I'm not a rapper but I do like the rap you definitely miss my city 574 and praying for the city know what it and never can forget to show love to Texas 432

    Episode 33 Marvel Comic Universe

    Episode 33 Marvel Comic Universe
    Here it is true believers. Keith and Ethan delve into the Marvel Comic Universe. Ethan wants to make money off of battle souvenirs. Keith explores the idea of writing a biography on The Daywalker. Together they talk about their love of Lockjaw and what kind of mutant they may be.

    Crossroads Part Two

    Crossroads Part Two
    Part Two of Pastor Rod Schorr's sermon on Crossroads "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is and walk in it. and you will find rest for your souls." Jer. 6:16 All of life's business can be summed up in one small plural noun: 'choices'! The famous and the infamous-the hero and the felon-can all look back to see the 'choices' that have made them. Nothing in life is more determinative than the wisdom we use in making choices! We need God's Word and direction if we want to make them right. that's what we'll be learning in this series.
    enJuly 27, 2009

    Crossroads Part One

    Crossroads Part One
    "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is and walk in it. and you will find rest for your souls." Jer. 6:16 All of life's business can be summed up in one small plural noun: 'choices'! The famous and the infamous-the hero and the felon-can all look back to see the 'choices' that have made them. Nothing in life is more determinative than the wisdom we use in making choices! We need God's Word and direction if we want to make them right. that's what we'll be learning in this series.
    enJuly 27, 2009