

    Explore " acre" with insightful episodes like "Jornal da Manhã - 27/02/2024", "Jornal da Manhã - 29/01/2024", "Jornal da Manhã - 22/01/2024", "Bicarmel Support for Agriculture Access to Credit" and "Part 1: From Seed to Success: A Blossoming Flower Farming Journey with Amanda Powell" from podcasts like ""Jornal da Manhã", "Jornal da Manhã", "Jornal da Manhã", "Line on Agriculture" and "The Cut Flower Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (39)

    Part 1: From Seed to Success: A Blossoming Flower Farming Journey with Amanda Powell

    Part 1: From Seed to Success: A Blossoming Flower Farming Journey with Amanda Powell

    In part one of this two part discussion, Amanda Powell, a seasoned flower farmer, joins Roz Chandler for an insightful conversation about her journey in the world of cut flower farming.

    Amanda shares her inspiring story of transition from a corporate career in higher education to pursuing her dream of becoming a flower farmer. Her decision to venture into cut flower farming was driven by a passion for working with plants and an eagerness to create a business that aligned with her values.

    key takeaways from this episode:

    • Passion and Determination: Amanda's journey from a corporate career to cut flower farming is a testament to the power of following one's passion and being determined to pursue a dream.
    • Embracing Change: Amanda's ability to adapt and make necessary changes in her business model, whether in flower varieties or sales channels, has been crucial to her success.
    • Market Understanding: Understanding the market demands and pricing strategies is essential for a sustainable and profitable flower farming business. Amanda emphasizes the importance of doing the necessary financial calculations.
    • Diverse Sales Channels: Exploring and utilizing various sales channels, including local markets, national mail orders, and collaborations with garden centres and farm shops, provides flower farmers with opportunities to reach different customer segments.
    • Continuous Learning and Experimentation: Amanda's willingness to experiment, try new varieties, and push the boundaries of her flower farming practices has been key to her ongoing success.
    • Customer Engagement: Engaging directly with customers, whether through markets or other sales channels, provides valuable insights and helps in building a loyal customer base.
    • Adapting to Nature: Recognizing that nature is unpredictable and being prepared for challenges, such as weather conditions, pests, and other natural factors, is crucial for a flower farming business.
    • Planning and Strategy: Amanda's approach of creating seasonal "recipes" and having a clear plan for each part of the season helps her optimize her production and sales.

    Amanda Powell Resource Links: 

    Dispara em SP a apreensão de droga K, sintética e alucinógena

    Dispara em SP a apreensão de droga K, sintética e alucinógena

    No podcast ‘Notícia No Seu Tempo’, confira em áudio as principais notícias da edição impressa do jornal ‘O Estado de S.Paulo’ desta segunda-feira (30/10/2023):

    Introduzidas no Brasil pelos presídios, as chamadas drogas K se espalharam pelas ruas do Estado, onde as apreensões cresceram quase 10 vezes neste ano. Esses canabinoides sintéticos de efeito alucinógeno são até 100 vezes mais potentes que a maconha e, segundo especialistas, podem causar danos psicomotores graves e levar à morte. Na capital, elas estão na Cracolândia e em regiões periféricas. No Brasil, são “cozinhadas” em laboratórios clandestinos e se transformam em um líquido geralmente incolor. O Denarc tem focado as investigações nos laboratórios, as chamadas “casas bombas”, onde traficantes estocam, preparam e distribuem entorpecentes. Essas drogas são um novo desafio sanitário e jurídico porque muitas não têm suas moléculas descritas quimicamente. Isso dificulta a inclusão na legislação antidrogas e o combate.

    E mais:

    Internacional: Saque a ajuda humanitária faz ONU alertar para colapso social em Gaza


    Economia: Bancos, petróleo e mineração detêm mais de 60% do Ibovespa

    Política: Câmara banaliza regime de urgência para aprovar projetos sem discussão

    Esportes: Na China, Bia Haddad conquista o maior título da carreira

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    A visit to Akka / Akko / Acre

    A visit to Akka / Akko / Acre

    The Palestinians call it Akka, in English they say Acre, which goes back to how the Crusaders called the city, today we hear people referring to it as Akko and the root letters AK go back to the Egyptian execration texts in hieroglyphic script that mention AK already in the 19th century BC. 

    Today we can talk about three parts of Akka: the old city inside the Ottoman walls on a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea, the ancient city that dates back to early and middle bronze age on the Tel east of the old city and modern Akko that has developed in the last decades and now incorporates the ancient Tel, known in Arabic as Tel el Fukhar. 

    When you visit Akka today, you will mainly see the remains of the Crusader period and the Ottoman period. The biggest tourist attractions are: the Crusader Knights' halls, the Crusader tunnel, the old city with its 'khans', the Al Jazzar mosque, the sea port with its fish restaurants, the suq and the Ottoman city walls. 

    In this episode you can learn more about the ancient history of Akko. 

    If you want to connect on social media, subscribe for the newsletter, learn more about the ten days travel program or make a donation to the podcast, use this linktree:

    União gasta R$ 3 bi por ano com pensão de filha solteira de ex-servidor

    União gasta R$ 3 bi por ano com pensão de filha solteira de ex-servidor

    No podcast ‘Notícia No Seu Tempo’, confira em áudio as principais notícias da edição impressa do jornal ‘O Estado de S. Paulo’ desta segunda-feira (27/03/2023): 

    O pagamento de pensões com valores de até R$ 39 mil a 60 mil filhas de ex-servidores públicos custa, por ano, R$ 3 bilhões. A Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU) identificou nesse contigente de pensionistas 4 mil mulheres que recebem o benefício de forma irregular. Segundo a CGU, R$ 145 milhões é o gasto anual com pensões pagas indevidamente a mulheres casadas ou com emprego público.

    E mais:

    Economia: Retomada de grandes obras por Lula gera desconfiança

    Política: Xi Jinping envia mensagem a Lula e sugere encontro ‘o mais cedo possível’

    Internacional: Macri desiste da Casa Rosada e abre espaço para novos nomes na oposição

    Metrópole: Internação por câncer de intestino cresce 64% em uma década

    Esportes: Pacaembu terá 20 jogos em 2024 e negocia com clubes

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Napoleon: The Historical Significance of Military Genius. Part I

    Napoleon: The Historical Significance of Military Genius. Part I

    “He who fears being conquered is certain of defeat.”
          – Napoleon Bonaparte

    In the first of this two-part episode, we take a look at the Emperor of the French inspired by historian Andrew Robert’s biography, Napoleon: A Life.  The book is quite good at revealing the human being behind the controversial historical figure.  Focusing primarily on the military sphere, this episode examines the significance of military genius, that, is why is it that sometimes brilliance seems to have a decisive impact on history and why sometimes it is bounded by larger historical forces.  Part 1 looks at his campaigns to the end of 1805 and his masterstroke at Austerlitz.  What were the factors that enabled the emperor, who was so often outnumbered, to win more battles than perhaps anyone other commander in human history?  How much was his purported genius responsible for his meteoric rise?   

    Lula decide por PEC com gasto de R$ 198 bi fora do teto

    Lula decide por PEC com gasto de R$ 198 bi fora do teto

    No podcast ‘Notícia No Seu Tempo’, confira em áudio as principais notícias da edição impressa do jornal ‘O Estado de S. Paulo’ desta terça-feira (2911/22):

    Depois de semanas de discussões, o presidente eleito Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva optou pela apresentação ao Congresso da PEC que abre espaço de R$ 198 bilhões no Orçamento de 2023 para bancar promessas de campanha. A PEC foi protocolada no Senado. A estratégia de Lula, a partir de agora, é tentar negociar um valor de R$ 150 bilhões, mas há pressão de parlamentares por um valor menor.

    E mais:

    Economia: Mercado vê risco com PEC e volta a elevar projeção de inflação para 2023

    Política: PT e PSB anunciam hoje apoio a Arthur Lira

    Metrópole: PM afirma que filho não demonstrou emoção após matar 4 em escolas no ES

    Internacional: Governo chinês eleva repressão para tentar conter protestos 

    Esportes: Casemiro fura defesa suíça e Brasil garante vaga nas oitavas da Copa

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Hidden City/Akko

    Hidden City/Akko

     The "chaggim" period (holidays) continue  in Israel. We are in between Yom Kipper and Sukkot. In this episode, we introduce you to one of Israel's hidden gems, Akko. Akko is an authentic medieval walled city filled with history, culture, beauty and unexpected delights  on the Western Galilee coast. Not surprisingly, Akko is one of UNESCO's World Heritage sites because of the Ottoman city in plain site and the Crusader city hidden below.            

    How Proptech Improves Cities & Quality of Life, the Great Tech Correction, Housing Crisis & Remote Work Impact on Real Estate

    How Proptech Improves Cities & Quality of Life, the Great Tech Correction, Housing Crisis & Remote Work Impact on Real Estate

    Tangent is back with a new limited series hosted by Edward Cohen & Jeffrey Berman (Partner at Camber Creek). In this episode, we introduce the series' main themes, including how Proptech leaders are improving our cities and quality of life, how will the remote work revolution reshape our cities and impact Real Estate valuations, the Great Tech Correction (don't call it Dotcom 2.0) and how we can tackle the Housing supply and affordability crisis. We will examine these topics through diverse frames, including founders, venture capitalists, real estate investors, public sector leaders and media and academia experts.

    Connect with Tangent:
    💚Edward Cohen on Twitter
    💚Jeff Berman on LinkedIn
    💚Tangent on LinkedIn
    💚Tangent on Twitter

    💚Quext - Smart Apartment Technology (learn more)

    Ep. 76 - Surveillance Capitalism & Abolitionist Tech, Pt. 1 ft. Alyxandra Goodwin

    Ep. 76 - Surveillance Capitalism & Abolitionist Tech, Pt. 1 ft. Alyxandra Goodwin

    BrownTown spills the tea on surveillance capitalism and talks abolitionist tech with Alyxandra Goodwin, who is recently organizing the #StopShotSpotter campaign in Chicago. In part one of this two-part episode, the gang unpack surveillance in various forms from policing to social media while unpacking the many intricacies and insidious ways it controls our lives from the most intimate to the most systemic.

    Alyx and the gang quickly digs into the relationship between social media tech surveillance and large corporations, stating that these industries are moving faster than state regulation can keep up with or can even understand (see Zuckerberg vs. Congress). Alyx unpacks her article The True Dilemma: Silicon Valley, Race & Profit while BrownTown turns the surveillance conversation to the prison-industrial complex (PIC). As capitalism's output is always profit above all, we see the PIC's usage of surveillance to further the protection of that profit on top of uplifting the anti-Blackness, white supremacy, and the overall quell of dissent that it was founded on.

    BrownTown and Alyx sift through numerous related topics with surveillance and social control at the forefront, centering the current Chicago campaign to cancel the ShotSpotter contract with Chicago Police Department (which several other cities have done). LEFTOUT comrade and writer Todd St. Hill's article Where Counter-terrorism Got Us adds weight to the turn of surveillance in the U.S. after 9/11 as we reflect on the two-decade-long war in Afghanistan and the new departments and machines of surveillance that it yielded. David transitions the conversation out by asking about media narratives and pop culture's role in furthering copaganda and acceptance of new technologies without interrogating the unaltered violent systems that they often embolden. If technology is a mere puppet, surveillance capitalism and the prison-industrial complex is the puppet master. Originally recorded September 15, 2021. Listen to Part Two!


    Alyx is currently a Deputy Campaign Director on Policing and Incarceration at the Action Center on Race and the Economy (ACRE), organizes with BYP100 Chicago, and is a co-founder and writer with LEFT OUT Magazine. Her writing and activism are centered around the momentum and challenges of building Black power and self-determination. Her work at ACRE currently focuses on the relationship between the finance industry and policing, racialized capitalism, and how they exacerbate oppressions.


    Mentioned in episode and other information:


    Sign the #StopShotSpotter petition and take action with the toolkit! Watch SoapBox's Stop ShotSpotter PSA here!

    Follow Alyxandra on Instagram and Twitter! Read her and others' work at LEFTOUTmag.com and follow LEFT OUT on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

    Follow ACRE on their site, Facebook, Instagram, and Medium; and BYP100 on their site, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


    CREDITS: Intro soundbite from SoapBox's Stop ShotSpotter PSA edited by James Edward Murray and outro song Feds Watching by 2 Chainz ft. Pharrell. Audio engineered by Genta Tamashiro and Kiera Battles. Episode graphic by Ellen Hao from South Side Weekly's Shot Heard Round the City article.


    Bourbon ’n BrownTown
    Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Site | Linktree | Patreon

    SoapBox Productions and Organizing, 501(c)3
    Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Site | Linktree | Support

    País enfrenta maior crise sanitária da sua história

    País enfrenta maior crise sanitária da sua história

    No podcast ‘Notícia No Seu Tempo’, confira em áudio as principais notícias da edição impressa do jornal ‘O Estado de S. Paulo’ desta quinta-feira (18/03/21):

    Pela primeira vez, a média móvel diária de mortes por covid-19 ficou ontem acima dos 2 mil óbitos, no 19.º recorde consecutivo. A pandemia, classificada pela Fiocruz como “o maior colapso sanitário e hospitalar da história do Brasil”, se caracteriza pela junção de fatores: alta sem controle de casos, superlotação de leitos de UTI em todo o País, vacinação em ritmo lento e, por fim, o agravamento da crise sanitária de forma simultânea em todas as regiões.

    E mais:

    Política: Bolsonaro é alvo de recorde de pedidos de investigação

    Economia: BC eleva Selic a 2,75%, primeira alta em 6 anos

    Metrópole: Isolamento social no País está em 34,4%

    Internacional: Biden chama Putin de assassino

    Esportes: País tem sete estaduais parados por causa da pandemia

    Na Quarentena: Peça recria delírios do assassino de John Lennon

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Ingerência do Planalto na Petrobrás faz valor de estatais cair R$ 113 bi

    Ingerência do Planalto na Petrobrás faz valor de estatais cair R$ 113 bi

    No podcast ‘Notícia No Seu Tempo’, confira em áudio as principais notícias da edição impressa do jornal ‘O Estado de S. Paulo’ desta terça-feira (23/02/21):

    A intervenção do presidente Jair Bolsonaro na Petrobrás, com a indicação do general da reserva Joaquim Silva e Luna para o comando da estatal, causou forte turbulência no mercado financeiro. O risco de intervencionismo fez as ações das três principais estatais do País – Petrobrás, Banco do Brasil e Eletrobrás – perderem R$ 113,2 bilhões em dois dias.

    E mais:

    Metrópole: Com cheias, dengue e covid, Acre recebe Bolsonaro

    Economia: Proposta não vincula novo auxílio a corte de despesas

    Política: Líder do governo na Câmara defende nepotismo

    Internacional: Reino Unido sairá de lockdown até junho

    Esportes: Com Holan, Santos se junta a rivais

    Na Quarentena: Um jardim vertical em casa


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Sem Congresso ativo, STF faz ‘reforma tributária’ silenciosa

    Sem Congresso ativo, STF faz ‘reforma tributária’ silenciosa

    No podcast ‘Notícia No Seu Tempo’, confira em áudio as principais notícias da edição impressa do jornal ‘O Estado de S. Paulo’ desta segunda-feira (22/02/21):

    Com a agenda de reformas praticamente desativada no Congresso durante pandemia da covid-19, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) tem feito uma reforma tributária silenciosa por meio dos julgamentos no plenário virtual da Corte. Usando a ferramenta online, ministros têm mudado interpretações e jurisprudências sobre impostos como ICMS, ISS e tributos federais. Tributaristas e entidades do Direito, porém, apontam falta de transparência no processo. 

    E mais:

    Metrópole: Chuva recorde no Acre atinge 130 mil

    Economia: Venda de refinarias da Petrobrás vira dúvida

    Política: Marcelo Ramos diz que radicais da Câmara atrasam o País

    Internacional: Ex-banqueiro vai a 2º turno no Equador

    Esportes: Andrezinho, do projeto social para o esporte de alto rendimento

    Na Quarentena: Bruna Marquezine na Netflix

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.


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