

    Explore " #anewsongrisesup" with insightful episodes like "Oppression", "Faith of a Mustard Seed", "Sabotage", "Listen and Learn" and "Fighting Spirit" from podcasts like ""Turn to God with Carin", "Turn to God with Carin", "Turn to God with Carin", "Turn to God with Carin" and "Turn to God with Carin"" and more!

    Episodes (100)



    Have you ever felt you were under someone’s thumb, in their control? “Oppression” is meant to bring you down, but there is help available. 

     Casey shares about a period of oppression in her life and how the Lord brought her through it as she reads a portion of her personal reflections in her nonfiction, 
    A New Song Rises Up!

    Always, she shares to bring encouragement to others and to shout out how awesome the Lord is.

     Your feedback is always welcome at CarinJayneCasey.com
    Video   https://youtu.be/H_0r9upshdo
    Audio https://buzzsprout.com/1275572

    #oppression #anewsongrisesup #standwithyourarmoron #trustthelord #notalone #castyourcares #powerofprayer #faithinhim #praisehiminthestorm #Turn2GodwCarin 

    Faith of a Mustard Seed

    Faith of a Mustard Seed

    In today’s episode, “Faith of a Mustard Seed,” we study the parable in Matthew 13:31-32 that Jesus taught His disciples about the faith of a mustard seed. How powerful can that be? 

     Matthew 17:20, NIV shares that Jesus said “… Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

     In Hebrews 11, we learn the definition of faith and how our faith brings us closer to the Lord. Indeed, we could not come to Jesus without faith. Hebrews 11 gives many examples in our ancient history of faith in action. 

    Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
     Video https://youtu.be/mP2HKU8ffMU
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

     #swordofthespirit #Turn2GodwCarin
    #parable #faithofamustardseed #alittlefaith #faithgrows #hopefaithlove 




    In today’s episode, “Sabotage,” we study the parable in Matthew 13:24-30 that Jesus taught His disciples about the weeds among the wheat planted.

     The enemy sneaked in and planted the weeds and the roots intertwined with the wheat, just like the world has both good and evil within it. Separation will happen at harvest time. The sabotage happens when we think all is wheat (or good) but the lot is full of weeds (evil) as well. 

     How can we tell the weeds from the wheat in our daily lives? Jesus said we will know them by their fruit, such as goodness, kindness, patience, love, joy…

     Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
     Video https://youtu.be/Ca-qKyuYdFI
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

     #swordofthespirit #Turn2GodwCarin
    #parable #sabotage #theweeds #goodwithbad

    Listen and Learn

    Listen and Learn

    In today’s episode, “Listen and Learn,” we study the parable in Matthew 13:1-23 that Jesus taught His disciples (believers/ followers), about the farmer’s seeds planted.

     Some were snatched away by the enemy; some were without deep roots so problems and persecution tore them away; some hearts were crowded with worries and lures by this world; and yet some did fall upon good soil and produced a harvest. 

     This parable encourages every believer to listen, learn, and study to understand the Word of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and to be fruitful within their calling. They do not give up because there is a harvest.

     Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
     Video https://youtu.be/BV7bpdBsICA
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

     #swordofthespirit #Turn2GodwCarin
     #parable #listenandlearn #snatched #deeproots #distracted #goodsoil #presson #reapaharvest

    Fighting Spirit

    Fighting Spirit

    In today’s episode, “Fighting Spirit,” we study the parable in Matthew 12:24-30 that Jesus taught His disciples (believers/ followers).

     Jesus addressed the accusation He cast out demons because He was evil, so He explained about a kingdom divided. He brought home that we’re either for Him or against. We choose the enemy (darkness) or the Lord (light). The undecided default to the enemy. There’re no bystanders sitting on the fence - no decision is a decision.    

     Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
     Video https://youtu.be/3s4s4OPvCOk
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

     #swordofthespirit #Turn2GodwCarin
    #parable #fightingspirit #dividedkingdom #procrastinating #choosechrist #believers 

    Out with Old - In with New

    Out with Old - In with New

    In today’s episode, “Out with Old, In with New,” we study the parable in Matthew 9:14-17 that Jesus taught His disciples (believers/ followers).

     Jesus refers to old and new cloth, when patched it can tear. Also, new wine poured into an old wine skin can cause it to burst. We examined commentaries and the sanctification process of a believer.  

     Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
     Video https://youtu.be/VsDqQEzQYRs
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

    #swordofthespirit #Turn2GodwCarin
    #parable #outwitholdinwithnew #newwineskin #oldcloth #sanctified 

    Judging People

    Judging People

    In today’s episode, “Judging People,” we study the parable in Matthew 7:1-5 that Jesus taught His disciples (believers/ followers).

     As we notice the failings of another, we’re warned not to criticize, knowing we’re not perfect. Instead of judging, lovingkindness and patience is needed. 

     Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
     Video https://youtu.be/Fl7O0JhsrgQ
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

     #swordofthespirit #Turn2GodwCarin 
    #parable #judgingpeople #dontcriticize #hypocrisy #nobodyisperfect #reapwhatyousow 

    LIght of the World

    LIght of the World

    In today’s episode, “Light of the World,” we study the parable in Matthew 5:14-16 that Jesus taught His disciples (believers/ followers).

     Out of gratitude for God’s mercy and grace through Jesus Christ, He indicates we’re to shine with good deeds, demonstrating our fruit (patience, kindness, love… as in Gal. 5:22-23). Why? So others will get a glimpse of Jesus and want to come to Him, too.

     Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
     Video https://youtu.be/Yhlzf9AJjeI
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

     #swordofthespirit #Turn2GodwCarin
    #parable #lightoftheworld #letyourlightshine #gooddeeds 

    Peace Within

    Peace Within

    In this episode, “Peace Within,” we ask how to obtain peace and to keep it within while challenges happen.

     Job and King David share their experience, as well as Isaiah, and the Apostle Paul offers an encouraging prayer. Hebrews 12 tells what we can do. Ultimately, Jesus leaves us peace (John 14:27).

     Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
     Video https://youtu.be/2u4ILR3mGaM
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

     #swordofthespirit #Turn2GodwCarin
    #peacewithin #hopefaithlove #focusongod #believeinchrist #fruitofthespirit #holyspiritpower #heiswithme 

    Forgive Me!

    Forgive Me!

    In this episode we find the importance of humbly, with a contrite heart, approaching the Lord saying, “Forgive Me!” 

     According to scriptures shared, it’s of high importance to forgive others – yes, even those who have used and abused us - as we hope for forgiveness from the Lord. How many times must we extend this forgiveness? Repeatedly, as needed! 

     Please share your response to this episode. I look forward to your feedback.
    Video https://youtu.be/5OFq0FFycnE
    Audio https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube. 

     #forgiveme #forgivemelord #forgiveothers #godforgives #belongtogod

    Love of God

    Love of God

    In this episode, “Love of God,” we explore the many facets of God’s love for us as well as His expectations our love toward Him, ourselves, and others.   

     In Jeremiah 31, we learn of God’s everlasting love toward us. We can turn to God about any troubles, and He demonstrated His love for us when He sacrificed His only Son, Jesus Christ who died on the cross to pay for our sins and arose. 

     What does the Lord want of us? We look at the Greatest Commandment (Mark 12:28-34) and know the importance of loving, honoring, and obeying God… 

     Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
     Video https://youtu.be/5gNJcrdEZBY
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

    #swordofthespirit #Turn2GodwCarin 
    #loveofgod #hopefaithlove #loveofjesus #loveothersasyourself #loveyourenemies   

    He Heals

    He Heals

    In this episode we discuss the topic, “He Heals” with encouragement to turn to the Word of God for encouragement and promise. 

     With scriptures shared, Casey hopes listeners will read, recite, and make these healing scriptures into daily affirmations. Also, she shares how specific scriptures bring healing for her, such as Psalm 34:18 and Jeremiah 17:14. 

     Please share how this episode has helped you. I look forward to your feedback. Video https://youtu.be/3S1lCfuzsBA
    Audio https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube. 

     #heheals #miracleshappen #whenwebelieve #brokenhearted #liesofenemy #byhisstripes  #turn2GodwCarin

    Grace of God

    Grace of God

    In this episode we talk about the “Grace of God” with definitions so we can understand the magnitude of His grace, as well as see how it works together with mercy and salvation.

     Grace is essentially unmerited favor of God toward us, while mercy is when we’re spared from punishment we deserve. To receive salvation, one must receive the grace of God and His mercy through Jesus. Several scriptures were given for personal studies.

     I look forward to your feedback.
    Video https://youtu.be/gE8rbrqFyaQ
    Audio https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube. 

     #graceofgod #throughfaith #redeemed #inchrist #mercyandgrace #bloodofjesus #hopeforthefuture #overcomingchallenges

    Hope for the Future

    Hope for the Future

    In this episode, “Hope for the Future,” we look to scriptures to help understand what hope is and how it connects with our faith in the Lord for the future.  

     What is hope but a firm belief and trust that good will happen as promised by God in His Word. Is there action on our part relating to that hope? As in 1 Peter1, we’re encouraged to prepare our minds, being steadfast in spirit, maintain self-discipline, and fix our hope completely on the grace of God that comes through Jesus.

     Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

     #hopeforthefuture #hopefaithlove #eternallife #jesusiscomingsoon #unfailinglove  
    #Turn2GodwCarin #swordofthespirit 

    Free to Choose

    Free to Choose

    In light of this being Independence Day in the United States, we look at what the Lord had granted. We’re “Free to Choose” to turn to Him or not, life or death, as in Deut.30.

     Isn’t it awesome that the Creator of the Universe gave us free will? But with it is the Spiritual Law of Sowing and Reaping. When we turn to God with a contrite heart in faith and accept Jesus, we’re saved. But still, mistakes happen. 

     Casey shares a recent medical problem that served to distract her into further troubles. It’s a challenge shared as a cautionary tale. While facing consequences for her mistakes, she turned to the Lord, praying for forgiveness and healing. There’s hope for the future! 

    Miracles happen when we believe. 

     Do you have a challenge to overcome? Let this episode encourage you.
    I look forward to your feedback.
    Video https://youtu.be/pb9ewR0GyFU
    Audio https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube. 

     #freetochoose #freewill #freeinchrist #cautionarytale #hopeforthefuture #overcomingchallenges #templeofgod #faithinaction #praisehiminthestorm #Turn2GodwCarin



    Why was Eve so easily “Deceived” by the serpent? He was skilled in lies and manipulation, well able to use her lack of self-control and her prideful hunger for power. 

     There’s a constant battle within us and surrounding us while the enemy continues to deceive with the intent to steal, kill, and to destroy (John 10:10). But we know the end of that story, Jesus has already overcome (John 16:33). When we give our struggles and temptations to God, He fights our battles.  

     Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

     #swordofthespirit #Turn2GodwCarin
    #deceived #bamboozled #tricked #noselfcontrol #prideful #weakness #powerhungry #giveittogod  

    Overcome Challenges

    Overcome Challenges

    Casey shares a brochure she’d written in 2020 designed to help each person “Overcome Challenges” they face.

         The brochure now resides within the Appendix of My Dear Rosa Jean. There, Casey presents five ingredients in a Recipe for Overcoming Challenges. In her book, these ingredients are explained in further detail: 

    1.      Turn to God
    2.      Safely leave your dangerous and habitually toxic environment
    3.      Believe and have faith
    4.      Be filled with gratitude
    5.      Forgive yourself, your abuser, and the indifferent

     Did you find encouragement in this story? I look forward to your feedback.
    Video https://youtu.be/8c1LJDqFyek
    Audio https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube. 

     #overcomingchallenges #faithoverfear #recipetoovercome #hopeforyourfuture  #Turn2GodwCarin


    Toxic Relationships

    Toxic Relationships

    Casey believes if not for the familiarity (pattern) of abuse from childhood, and then domestic violence, she would not have allowed herself to suffer from “Toxic Relationships.”

         Within the pages of A New Song Rises Up! is more detail of her experiences and what she learned within toxic relationships. A people-pleaser to her detriment, she didn’t realize the toxicity was abuse. 

         Indeed, the Lord rescued her, for which she is always grateful. She encourages an awareness, advocacy, and prevention of this pervasive (yet often not recognized) problem in today’s world. 

     Did you find encouragement in this story? I look forward to your feedback.
    Video https://youtu.be/h1vRFNioDLg
    Audio https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube. 

     #toxicrelationships #toxicfreehome #toxicpeople #toxicfamily #toxicfriends #Turn2GodwCarin 



    Martha and Mary (Luke 10) were good friends of Jesus and he often visited them when in their area. While both women loved Jesus, Martha allowed herself to be distracted in service while Mary’s “Priority” was to worship Jesus.

     It appears that while serving the Lord is good, distractions and busyness can easily take away from the better thing, praise and worship. 

     Was this episode helpful or encouraging? I look forward to your feedback!
    Audio: https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel at Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube

     #swordofthespirit #Turn2GodwCarin
    #priority #worshipservice #praiseandworship #servethelord #thatgoodpart 


    Domestic Violence Awareness

    Domestic Violence Awareness

    Casey believes that because of the familiarity (pattern) of abuse from childhood, she allowed domestic violence into her life. She encourages “Domestic Violence Awareness.”

         Within the pages of My Dear Rosa Jean is a fictional parallel to her experiences and what she learned within a life-threatening domestic violence arena. Indeed, the Lord rescued her, for which she is always grateful. 

         She encourages an awareness, advocacy, and prevention of this pervasive problem in today’s world, including what it might take to stop the legacy of continued abuse within a family. 

         Her books, ‘My Dear Rosa Jean’ and ‘A New Song Rises Up!’ address this issue.

     Did you find encouragement in this story? I look forward to your feedback.
    Video https://youtu.be/0wjeAE2KBoE
    Audio https://buzzsprout.com/1275572
    Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Carin Jayne Casey on YouTube. 

     #domesticviolenceawareness #domesticviolencesurvivor #domesticviolenceadvocate #domesticviolenceprevention 


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