

    Explore " apollos" with insightful episodes like "The Way of the Lord", "Day 339: Priscilla and Aquila (2023)", "Romans 16:1-16 Phoebe, Prisca & Rufus' Mother in Ministry", "2 Timothy 4:19-22 Final Lessons" and "Day 339: Priscilla and Aquila (2022)" from podcasts like ""Bereans of Trinity", "The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)", "Redeemer Presbyterian Church", "Redeemer Presbyterian Church" and "The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)"" and more!

    Episodes (55)

    The Way of the Lord

    The Way of the Lord
    This passage introduces us to Aquila and Priscilla. Who were this couple? Why are they important to the Apostle Paul? What possibly prompted the expulsion of the Jews from Rome? What did Aquila and Paul have in common? Why, apparently, did Paul want to take this couple with him and leave them in Ephesus? What is the connection between Aquila and Priscilla and the man Apollos? What is significant about his being from Alexandria? Why is Apollos important in the unfolding history of the church in Corinth? What was the relationship between Paul and Apollos? What ways did Aquila and Priscilla find to play a part in what God was doing around them? How are Phoebe and Aquila and Priscilla examples for us today? (61 min)

    Day 339: Priscilla and Aquila (2023)

    Day 339: Priscilla and Aquila (2023)
    Fr. Mike reminds us that God uses crooked lines to make a straight story, like Paul’s witness to Priscilla and Aquila as they encounter the person of Christ and become missionaries. Just like Apollos accepted correction, Fr. Mike invites us to courageously open ourselves up to learning and growing. Today’s readings are Acts 18, 1 Corinthians 16, and Proverbs 28:19-21. For the complete reading plan, visit ascensionpress.com/bibleinayear. Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

    Day 339: Priscilla and Aquila (2022)

    Day 339: Priscilla and Aquila (2022)
    Fr. Mike reminds us that God uses crooked lines to make a straight story, like Paul’s witness to Priscilla and Aquila as they encounter the person of Christ and become missionaries. Just like Apollos accepted correction, Fr. Mike invites us to courageously open ourselves up to learning and growing. Today’s readings are Acts 18, 1 Corinthians 16, and Proverbs 28:19-21. For the complete reading plan, visit ascensionpress.com/bibleinayear. Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

    Apollos and twelve tepid disciples - Audio

    Apollos and twelve tepid disciples - Audio
    In Antioch Paul ministers to a Jew name Apollos, an eloquent, learned man who was on fire for the Lord, although he only knew the baptism of John. Aquila and Priscilla took him aside and taught him more accurately, after which he went on his own mission trip to Corinth to encourage other believers and to refute the Jews. In Ephesus, Paul comes across some disciples who had followed John and believed but had not yet been baptized by the Holy Spirit. They didn’t even know about the Holy Spirit so Paul prayed for them, the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. But you can’t stuff the HS in a box – He will come upon people as He wills. It may be with signs; it may not. It may happen at salvation; it may be later. It may be with the laying on of hands; it may not. It’s never the same but it is God’s desire that we all function in the Holy Spirit’s power.

    59. Acts 18-19 - The Liminal Leftovers of Johnny B.

    59. Acts 18-19 - The Liminal Leftovers of Johnny B.

    Episode 59: Acts 18-19 - The Liminal Leftovers of Johnny B.

    November 13, 2022 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall

    In Acts 18-19 we are introduced to a subgroup of the faithful. They are folks that knew and followed the teachings of John the Baptist. But these events occur about thirty years after the ministry of Johnny B. So just how should we understand these folks who don’t fit nicely into any of our modern-day boxes.

    Resources Referenced and/or Read:

    • Carman J. Imes, Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2019) 17.
    • The story of Hiroo Onoda can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroo_Onoda
    • Hodges, Zane C. “Harmony with God Part 3 of 3.” Chafer Theological Seminary Journal Volume 9, 2003.

    Show Music:

    • Intro/Outro - "Growth" by Armani Delos Santos
    • Transition Music - produced by Jacob A. Hall

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    Rethinking Rest... the Book: Available January 19, 2023!

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    Jesus Does More - Audio

    Jesus Does More - Audio
    I might even suppose that Apollos had a firm understanding of justification by faith through grace. That is, trusting in Jesus to be accounted righteous. Because this is conditional, on paper, transactional. It’s the Judge, God, declaring us guilty, and then the paperwork being filed on our behalf, and the Judge then reading, “Oh, well Apollos here, Kevin here, has filed the Jesus Clause. They’re stating faith in Jesus, and so we’re going to apply the punishment to Jesus. Sins are now forgiven. Price is paid.” Even that, is not enough. It’s not the full gospel..

    Die Entstehung der Gemeinde Teil 3

    Die Entstehung der Gemeinde Teil 3

    Hier findet ihr die Schriftstellen, die wir heute ansprechen oder durchlesen. Wir verwenden Schlachter 2000

    Apg* 8,14-17 "14 Als aber die Apostel in Jerusalem hörten, dass Samaria das Wort Gottes angenommen hatte, sandten sie Petrus und Johannes zu ihnen. 15 Diese kamen hinab und beteten für sie, dass sie den Heiligen Geist empfingen; 16 denn er war noch auf keinen von ihnen gefallen, sondern sie waren nur getauft auf den Namen des Herrn Jesus. 17 Da legten sie ihnen die Hände auf, und sie empfingen den Heiligen Geist." 

    *Apg = Apostelgeschichte

    Apg 10,2 "der war fromm und gottesfürchtig mit seinem ganzen Haus und gab dem Volk viele Almosen und betete ohne Unterlass zu Gott."

    Apg 10,44-48 "44 Während Petrus noch diese Worte redete, fiel der Heilige Geist auf alle, die das Wort hörten. 45 Und alle Gläubigen aus der Beschneidung, die mit Petrus gekommen waren, gerieten außer sich vor Staunen, dass die Gabe des Heiligen Geistes auch über die Heiden ausgegossen wurde. 46 Denn sie hörten sie in Sprachen reden und Gott hochpreisen. Da ergriff Petrus das Wort: 47 Kann auch jemand diesen das Wasser verwehren, dass sie nicht getauft werden sollten, die den Heiligen Geist empfangen haben gleichwie wir? 48 Und er befahl, dass sie getauft würden im Namen des Herrn...."

    Apg 11,15 "Als ich aber zu reden anfing, fiel der Heilige Geist auf sie, gleichwie auf uns am Anfang."

    Apg 11,18 "Als sie aber das hörten, beruhigten sie sich und priesen Gott und sprachen: So hat denn Gott auch den Heiden die Buße zum Leben gegeben!"

    Apg 19,1-6 "1 Es geschah aber, während Apollos in Korinth war, dass Paulus, nachdem er die höher gelegenen Gebiete durchzogen hatte, nach Ephesus kam. Und als er einige Jünger fand, 2 sprach er zu ihnen: Habt ihr den Heiligen Geist empfangen, als ihr gläubig wurdet? Sie aber antworteten ihm: Wir haben nicht einmal gehört, dass der Heilige Geist da ist! 3 Und er sprach zu ihnen: Worauf seid ihr denn getauft worden? Sie aber erwiderten: Auf die Taufe des Johannes. 4 Da sprach Paulus: Johannes hat mit einer Taufe der Buße getauft und dem Volk gesagt, dass sie an den glauben sollten, der nach ihm kommt, das heißt an den Christus Jesus. 5 Als sie das hörten, ließen sie sich taufen auf den Namen des Herrn Jesus. 6 Und als Paulus ihnen die Hände auflegte, kam der Heilige Geist auf sie, und sie redeten in Sprachen und weissagten."

    Apg 18,24-26  " 24 Aber ein Jude mit Namen Apollos, aus Alexandria gebürtig, kam nach Ephesus, ein beredter Mann, der mächtig war in den Schriften. 25 Dieser war unterwiesen im Weg des Herrn und feurig im Geist; er redete und lehrte genau über das, was den Herrn betrifft, kannte aber nur die Taufe des Johannes. 26 Und er fing an, öffentlich in der Synagoge aufzutreten. Als nun Aquila und Priscilla ihn hörten, nahmen sie ihn zu sich und legten ihm den Weg Gottes noch genauer aus."

    40. Same Words, Different Worlds. Do Roman Catholics and Evangelicals Believe the Same Gospel?

    40. Same Words, Different Worlds. Do Roman Catholics and Evangelicals Believe the Same Gospel?

    Listen as we  kick off season 3 of the RI Podcast by discussing Leonardo De Chirico's upcoming book, Same Words, Different Worlds. Do Roman Catholics and Evangelicals Believe the Same Gospel? (IVP Apollos, 2021).

    Do Evangelical Protestants and Roman Catholics share a common orthodoxy, as promoted by initiatives such as Evangelicals and Catholics Together?  Or do the profound differences between Evangelical and Catholic theology and how they view the doctrines of Christ, the Church and salvation mean they actually hold to very different gospels?

    Same Words, Different Worlds explores whether Evangelicals and Catholics have the same gospel if they have core commitments that contradict. It lays out how the words used to understand the gospel are the same but differ drastically in their underlying theology.

    With keen insight, Leonardo de Chirico looks at various aspects of Roman Catholic theology – including Mary, the intercession of the saints, purgatory and papal infallibility – from an Evangelical perspective to argue that theological framework of Roman Catholicism is not faithful to the biblical gospel. Only by understanding the real differences can genuine dialogue flourish.

    Same Words, Different Worlds will deepen your understanding of the differences between Evangelical and Catholic theology, and how the Reformation is not over in the church today.

    Keep Reading, There's More to the Story

    Keep Reading, There's More to the Story

    If you missed previous weeks' sermons, you can listen to them here! You can also watch videos of the sermons at mercycharlotte.com/sermons.

    Mercy Church is located in Charlotte, NC, and is led by Pastor Spence Shelton. To learn more about Mercy Church visit mercycharlotte.com. We would love for you to join us on Sunday mornings! For current service times, please visit our website.

    For more video content, check out our Youtube Channel. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to stay up to date with everything that's happening at Mercy Church! You can also check out upcoming News & Events at mercycharlotte.com/news.

    Episode 86: Acts 19 Part 1 To Dunk Or Not To Dunk

    Episode 86: Acts 19 Part 1 To Dunk Or Not To Dunk
    Apollos was telling people about Jesus with enthusiasm but when he would baptize people that wanted to follow Jesus, he would baptize them with the baptism of John the baptizer, a baptism of repentance. Aquila and Priscilla heard Apollos give an invitation call one Sabbath Day in the synagogue and pulled him off to the side and taught him correctly, that he should be baptizing people in the name of Jesus because that was what Jesus taught and He fills people with the Holy Spirit which was lacking under John's baptism. So Apollos goes off to preach in Achaia and Paul arrives back in Ephesus where he finds a group of believers that were probably converted by Apollos because they had been baptized under John's baptism and had never heard of the Holy Spirit. So Paul explains to them about Jesus and that they needed to be baptized in the name of Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit...which they gladly did immediately. If baptism isn't important, then why bother? Why didn't Paul just say, "Well you all believed in Jesus so you're good"? Forget how you have been taught and study the word of God on your own. You will see that being baptized (fully immersed in water) is more important than you've been lead to believe!

    Acts 19: Error Has Consequences

    Acts 19: Error Has Consequences

    Read the written devo that goes along with this episode by clicking here.

    Let us know what you are learning or any questions you have. Email us at TextTalk@ChristiansMeetHere.org.

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    We'd love to meet you. Be a guest among the Christians who meet on Livingston Avenue. Click here to find out more.

    Michael Eldridge wrote and sang all four parts of our theme song. Find more from him by clicking here.
    Thanks for talking about the text with us today.

    Acts 19: There is More to Baptism than Water

    Acts 19: There is More to Baptism than Water

    Read the written devo that goes along with this episode by clicking here.

    Let us know what you are learning or any questions you have. Email us at TextTalk@ChristiansMeetHere.org.

    Join the Facebook community and join the conversation by clicking here.

    We'd love to meet you. Be a guest among the Christians who meet on Livingston Avenue. Click here to find out more.

    Michael Eldridge wrote and sang all four parts of our theme song. Find more from him by clicking here.
    Thanks for talking about the text with us today.

    Acts 18: Listen to Those Who Know More (Apollos: Part 2)

    Acts 18: Listen to Those Who Know More (Apollos: Part 2)

    Acts 18:24-28

    Apollos not only spoke boldly, he listened humbly. Now if only we could all balance both of those characteristics.

    Read the written devo that goes along with this episode by clicking here.

    We discuss "Crucial Conversations," a great book written by the Vital Smarts group. If you'd like to check it out, you can purchase it by clicking here. (We do not receive any kickbacks, royalties, or referral fees for sales of this item or sales at the site linked.)

    Let us know what you are learning or any questions you have. Email us at TextTalk@ChristiansMeetHere.org.

    Join the Facebook community and join the conversation by clicking here.

    We'd love to meet you. Be a guest among the Christians who meet on Livingston Avenue. Click here to find out more.

    Michael Eldridge wrote and sang all four parts of our theme song. Find more from him by clicking here.
    Thanks for talking about the text with us today.

    Acts 18: Be Bold in What You Know (Apollos: Part 1)

    Acts 18: Be Bold in What You Know (Apollos: Part 1)

    Acts 18:24-28

    Apollos knew a lot. But he didn't know everything. Should he have kept quiet? Should he have preached boldly? Edwin and Andrew give some surprising advice in today's Text Talk

    Read the written devo that goes along with this episode by clicking here.
     Let us know what you are learning or any questions you have. Email us at TextTalk@ChristiansMeetHere.org.
     Join the Facebook community and join the conversation by clicking here.

    We'd love to meet you. Be a guest among the Christians who meet on Livingston Avenue. Click here to find out more.

    Michael Eldridge wrote and sang all four parts of our theme song. Find more from him by clicking here.
    Thanks for talking about the text with us today.


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