
    branding strategies

    Explore "branding strategies" with insightful episodes like "Tu veux entreprendre et construire un empire ?", "Il entreprend à 16 ans !", "Tu veux tout comprendre au Web 3 ?", "Avoir un podcast qui dépasse le million de vues" and "Exploser son CA en 5 étapes" from podcasts like ""Pas de Chichi !", "Pas de Chichi !", "Pas de Chichi !", "Pas de Chichi !" and "Pas de Chichi !"" and more!

    Episodes (44)

    Tu veux entreprendre et construire un empire ?

    Tu veux entreprendre et construire un empire ?

    Et si vous pouviez atteindre un niveau supérieur ?

    Sur pas de chichi, j’ai eu l’honneur d’accueillir David Laroche, entrepreneur, conférencier et coach en développement personnel renommé.

    Dans cette conversation captivante, Il m’a partagé ses précieux conseils sur la croissance et la réussite entrepreneuriale. Son entreprise Paradox génère 10 Millions d’euros par an et aide des gens aux 4 coins du monde.

    Découvrez comment David Laroche a su passer les paliers et dépasser ses propres freins pour atteindre des sommets incroyables.

    Quelques uns de ses conseils :
    → Transformez vos faiblesses en forces
    → Devenez incomparable dans votre domaine
    → Entourez des bonnes personnes pour maximiser votre potentiel

    🧠 Explorez cette mentalité et découvrez comment elle peut vous propulser vers des résultats extraordinaires.

    Clairement un des épisodes les plus inspirants où notre invité de marque partage ses expériences, ses stratégies et ses conseils éprouvés pour aider les entrepreneurs à réaliser leur plein potentiel.

    Cette fois on dépasse un peu, 49 min de coaching audio à découvrir, sans chichi.

    Pour écouter : abonnez-vous, et rdv sur youtube ou sur votre plateforme d’écoute préférée. 🎧

    Il entreprend à 16 ans !

    Il entreprend à 16 ans !

    À 16 ans et inspiré par son beau frère, Maxime fait un stage dans une agence de contenu et à l’issu, décide de devenir entrepreneur. 

    Ça l’anime, il a le goût du challenge. Selon lui l’entrepreneuriat c’est la possibilité de faire de ses idées une réalité. 

    Pourquoi à 16 ans, il réussi?

     Il utilise ce qui pourrait être un frein ou une faiblesse comme une forceJe l’ai reçu dans Pas de Chichi !

    - Trouver son pourquoi

    - Expérimenter

    - Faire des liens entre ce qu’on connaît pour trouver des idées …

    - Couper et se reposer

    Autant de conseils qu’il peut donner de sa jeune expérience qui sont hyper utiles pour lancer son business.

    30 minutes, sans chichi disponibles sur Youtube  et votre plateforme d’écoute préférée ! 

    Tu veux tout comprendre au Web 3 ?

    Tu veux tout comprendre au Web 3 ?

    Selon lui, le Web3, la block chain, les NFT sont le futur du business et de la monnaie

    Tous ces termes restaient quand même flou, mais là, j’ai tout compris sur le sujet grâce à Maxence

    Les grands groupes qui lancent les tendances s’y intéressent et investissent pour définir comment ils vont tirer le meilleur de ces nouvelles opportunités

    Il vous explique tout en 30 minutes, sans chichi :

    → Qu’est-ce que le Web3 ?

    → Pourquoi parle-t-on de propriété intellectuelle et de certificats d’authenticité ?

    → Quels réseaux sociaux utiliser pour comprendre l’industrie du WEB3 ? (spoiler alerte : rdv sur twitter)

    → Comment utiliser les nouveaux outils du Web3 dans le business?

    Vous pouvez retrouver la version vidéo sur ma chaîne YouTube : https://youtu.be/4rt8OQeYkbw

    Rdv sur toutes les plateformes d’écoute (Spotify, Deezer etc.) pour la version audio !

    C’est quoi l’info que vous ne connaissiez pas sur le sujet?

    Donnez un max de force en vous abonnant et en partageant le podcast !!

    Avoir un podcast qui dépasse le million de vues

    Avoir un podcast qui dépasse le million de vues

    Savez-vous que 8/10 podcasts s’arrêtent après le 3ème épisode parce que les créateurs n’ont pas les bonnes clés pour continuer ?

    J'ai eu l’honneur de recevoir Caroline Mignaux, l’experte en marketing qui a construit sa carrière aux États-Unis et qui casse tout avec son podcast Marketing Square au million de vues

    Pas de Chichi! c’est 5 min de présentation, 25 minutes de TIPS 100% actionnables sur un sujet

    Et dans cet épisode elle nous donne les étapes hyper importantes et hyper efficaces pour lancer son podcast et le faire marcher !

    Elle nous révèle ce qui est vraiment important :

    - La pochette?
    - Le titre?
    - Le contenu?
    - Les invités?

    Vous saurez tout tout tout !!!

    Le format est aussi disponible sur youtube 👉 https://youtu.be/sjsTuwYTkwg

    Pour ceux qui ont déjà un podcast, des tips que vous auriez aimé avoir dès le début?

    Un maximum de force en partageant cette vidéo à ce pote qui dit qu’il va se lancer depuis longtemps !

    Retrouvez Caroline sur Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-mignaux/

    Exploser son CA en 5 étapes

    Exploser son CA en 5 étapes

    Un bon commercial, c’est la base pour toutes les entreprises

    Le marché est tendu, c’est compliqué de faire la différence, l’automatisation a ses limites.

    C’est important de rester à jour des méthodes qui fonctionnent pour son activité, par exemple :

    des outils comme Loom pour donner de la valeur avant même d’avoir vendu quoi que ça soit mapper les cibles et préférer la prospection qualitative

    poser les bonnes questions et désamorcer les injonctions

    J’ai eu le plaisir de recevoir Axel sur Pas de Chichi! 

    Un Sales exceptionnel qui a capté mon attention et qui vous délivre sa méthode de vente, qui marche !

    Il a fait doubler son CA en 1 mois et il vous explique comment !

    Le tout en 40 minutes, sans chichi

    Retrouvez le contenu en vidéo ici, sur Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rwjDwqtPXQ

    On a pas de sales chez KÖM, raison de plus pour appliquer ses méthodes à fond ! 

    Pour vous c'est quoi LA méthode qui fonctionne ?

    Suivez tous les autres contenus 👇
    Ma chaîne youtube pour retrouver tous les podcasts : https://www.youtube.com/@HaroldGardas

    Mon linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/harold-gardas/

    30 000 000€ D’ARR grâce au SEO

    30 000 000€ D’ARR grâce au SEO

    30 000 000 € d’ARR grace au SEO.

    “Est-ce que c’est bon pour vous ?!”

    (Certain-es auront la référence)

    J’ai eu le plaisir de recevoir mon copain Andréa Bensaid, fondateur de l’agence Eskimoz, sur mon podcast “Pas de Chichi” !!!

    Comment vous résumer notre échange ?

    - Rire

    - Bienveillance

    - Full valeur

    Andréa est sincèrement une personne extraordinaire, d’une gentillesse inégalable et surtout qui apporte d’excellents conseils !

    Pour rappel, l’intérêt de mon podcast “Pas de Chichi” est d’inviter des experts de secteurs pour ne vous donner QUE des tips activables…

    Dans cet épisode, Andréa nous explique :

    “Comment faire 30M d’ARR grâce au personnal branding et au SEO ”

    Le tout en 30 minutes seulement ! 

    PS : L'ARR signifie Annual Recurring Revenue ou Revenue Annuel Récurrent en français est une mesure commerciale qui permet de calculer les revenus perçu par les abonnements.

    Le SEO est une technique pour améliorer le positionnement d'un site web dans les moteurs de recherche. Grâce aux mots clés, il permet à l'utilisateur d'accéder le plus précisemment possible au service dont il a besoin et à l'entreprise de capter le plus d'attention possible ! 

    Sauvez votre vie privée et faites la mise à jour de votre téléphone

    Sauvez votre vie privée et faites la mise à jour de votre téléphone

    50% des boites cyberattaquées... meurt !

    On pense souvent que ce n'est un sujet que pour les grands groupes alors que pas du tout...

    J'ai eu le plaisir de recevoir Yasmine Douadi sur mon podcast "Pas de Chichi"

    Elle nous parle de cybersécurité et nous donne des moyens d'y lutter.

    Le but du podcast ?

    Ne donner que des tips ultra activables et... rien d'autres.

    Le tout, en 30 minutes.

    Sur cet épisode, Yasmine nous donne les moyens de lutter contre les cyberattaques :

    - Comment faire efficacement des backups et minimiser les risques

    - Elle nous explique pourquoi faire ABSOLUMENT nos MAJ

    - Comment bien gérer ses mots de passe...

    Bref, tous les meilleurs conseils.

    Dans la cybersécurité... il faut être un paranoïaque pragmatique !

    UN MAX de force sur les plateformes de stream 🙏

    les 5 un commentaire si vous avez aimé le

    Team Windows ou MacOS ? 

    12. How to be a Finisher as the CEO!

    12. How to be a Finisher as the CEO!

    Friend... do I have a story for you! 

    Last week I did something I never thought I could do - push a weighted sled down a 15 yard green turf inside the gym. And let me tell you, it was a real struggle bus.

    But, as I pushed through the rounds, adding more weight each time, something clicked in my brain. If I could do something like this, then what's stopping me from taking risks in my business? I mean, besides my crippling fear of failure, but that's beside the point.

    We all have those moments where we think we can't do something, whether it's lifting heavy weights or starting our own business. But let me tell you, if I can push a sled with 400 pounds on it, then you can do anything you set your mind to. Unless it involves skydiving, because that's just crazy.

    Now, I'm not saying it's going to be easy. But if you decide ahead of time that you're not quitting and you're going to be a finisher no matter what, then you'll have fewer decisions to make in the middle of the chaos.

    So, let's make a deal. You keep pushing through the tough times, and I'll keep trying not to pass out during my next strength training class.

    Sound good? Great, now let's go kick some butt! Or at least try not to fall on it.

    🖼️If you want to check out a visual of what I conquered at the gym, then click here!

    📌Are you interested in 1:1 Coaching with me so that you can finally get moving on your course and start scaling your business? I have limited spots each month, so go to
    https://robbinkent.com/coaching/ and let's make it happen!

    🎙️Come Join our Community over on Facebook at 'Online Courses Made Easy - How to Build, Launch, & Deliver Courses!’ 👉https://robbinkent.com/community

    If you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I've recently added a Friday episode...
    (aka BFF's) Business Forward Fridays and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow here!

    Grab my FREE Checklist to know exactly what you need to do to Build, Launch, and Deliver your digital course!

    Course Creation TECH Checklist: Click HERE!

    My website:
    Email: robbin@robbinkent.com
    Facebook Page:...

    11. Lead Magnet Ideas for Coaches

    11. Lead Magnet Ideas for Coaches

    Since research shows it takes 6 to 8 touches before a potential client actually purchases from you, then providing lead magnets is a HUGE way to create a touch by your brand and your expertise.

    Then when you have their email which allows you to have more interactions with them to build that connection and share what you do and who you are.

    📌Are you interested in 1:1 Coaching with me so that you can finally get moving on your course and start scaling your business? I have limited spots each month, so go to
    https://robbinkent.com/coaching/ and let's make it happen!

    🎙️Come Join our Community over on Facebook at 'Online Courses Made Easy - How to Build, Launch, & Deliver Courses!’ 👉https://robbinkent.com/community

    If you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I've recently added a Friday episode...
    (aka BFF's) Business Forward Fridays and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow here!

    Grab my FREE Checklist to know exactly what you need to do to Build, Launch, and Deliver your digital course!

    Course Creation TECH Checklist: Click HERE!

    My website:
    Email: robbin@robbinkent.com
    Facebook Page:...

    10. Email Marketing vs Email Copywriting

    10. Email Marketing vs Email Copywriting

    Do you get lost at what to write in our Email Copy so that your subscribers actually open and read your email?

    If so, you will want to listen to this podcast to learn why you need email marketing in your business to grow, but then what to do when it comes time to write the email.

    You are going to get my 6 Step Engaging Email framework that I use in my email copy, and continue to have excellent email open rates no matter the size of email list!

    Links that I mention in my podcast:
    ConvertKit is my favorite email service provider - Click HERE to try it for 14 days for Free. 

    📌Are you interested in 1:1 Coaching with me so that you can finally get moving on your course and start scaling your business? I have limited spots each month, so go to
    https://robbinkent.com/coaching/ and let's make it happen!

    🎙️Come Join our Community over on Facebook at 'Online Courses Made Easy - How to Build, Launch, & Deliver Courses!’ 👉https://robbinkent.com/community

    If you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I've recently added a Friday episode...
    (aka BFF's) Business Forward Fridays and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow here!

    Grab my FREE Checklist to know exactly what you need to do to Build, Launch, and Deliver your digital course!

    Course Creation TECH Checklist: Click HERE!

    My website:
    Email: robbin@robbinkent.com
    Facebook Page:...

    9. Steps in Brand Storytelling

    9. Steps in Brand Storytelling

    If you have been in business for any length of time, then you know that the know, like, and trust factor is HUGE in any type of business.

    In this episode I am going to share my strategy in 6 steps on how to create and share a captivating brand story that allows you to connect with your audience and give them value all at the same time.

    These steps are straightforward but so impactful to create captivating stories that will help you build your personal brand and connect with your audience. 

    Remember to be authentic, true to your brand's values, and always strive to make a positive impact.

    📌Are you interested in 1:1 Coaching with me so that you can finally get moving on your course and start scaling your business? I have limited spots each month, so go to
    https://robbinkent.com/coaching/ and let's make it happen!

    🎙️Come Join our Community over on Facebook at 'Online Courses Made Easy - How to Build, Launch, & Deliver Courses!’ 👉https://robbinkent.com/community

    If you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I've recently added a Friday episode...
    (aka BFF's) Business Forward Fridays and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow here!

    Grab my FREE Checklist to know exactly what you need to do to Build, Launch, and Deliver your digital course!

    Course Creation TECH Checklist: Click HERE!

    My website:
    Email: robbin@robbinkent.com
    Facebook Page:...

    7. How to Stand Out Online!

    7. How to Stand Out Online!

    Standing out online doesn't just mean on social media! As an entrepreneur, we are all looking for ways to stand out from the crowd with our websites, email marketing, and social media.

    In this podcast, I share with you 3 ways to make sure you stand above the crowd and your ideal client sees who you are, what you stand for, and what you do!

    These 3 ways will make your ideal client say, "YES! I need to know more about her!"

    👉If you need help in figuring out who your Ideal Client is, then click here to download my FREE 'Who is Your Ideal Client?" workbook and make sure you are looking for them in the right place!

    📌Are you interested in 1:1 Coaching with me so that you can finally get moving on your course and start scaling your business? I have limited spots each month, so go to
    https://robbinkent.com/coaching/ and let's make it happen!

    🎙️Come Join our Community over on Facebook at 'Online Courses Made Easy - How to Build, Launch, & Deliver Courses!’ 👉https://robbinkent.com/community

    If you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I've recently added a Friday episode...
    (aka BFF's) Business Forward Fridays and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow here!

    Grab my FREE Checklist to know exactly what you need to do to Build, Launch, and Deliver your digital course!

    Course Creation TECH Checklist: Click HERE!

    My website:
    Email: robbin@robbinkent.com
    Facebook Page:...

    6. 3 Mistakes to Avoid when Marketing your Personal Brand

    6. 3 Mistakes to Avoid when Marketing your Personal Brand

    After you create your personal brand, marketing can be a struggle if you don't avoid these 3 mistakes.

    In this episode, I help you understand the difference between branding and marketing, along with 3 things that are Must Haves to have effective marketing.

    Your time is valuable and marketing your brand can get you nowhere, if you happen to be doing any of these things.

    You have amazing knowledge and a personality like no one else... so let's make sure others find you and know what you have to offer.

    If you want to try out ConvertKit yourself to make your marketing that much simpler, then click here to test it for free for 14 days. (This is an affiliate link and I will benefit from you choosing Convertkit, but I wouldn't share anything with you that I haven't tried and tested myself.

    📌Are you interested in 1:1 Coaching with me so that you can finally get moving on your course and start scaling your business? I have limited spots each month, so go to
    https://robbinkent.com/coaching/ and let's make it happen!

    🎙️Come Join our Community over on Facebook at 'Online Courses Made Easy - How to Build, Launch, & Deliver Courses!’ 👉https://robbinkent.com/community

    If you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I've recently added a Friday episode...
    (aka BFF's) Business Forward Fridays and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow here!

    Grab my FREE Checklist to know exactly what you need to do to Build, Launch, and Deliver your digital course!

    Course Creation TECH Checklist: Click HERE!

    My website:
    Email: robbin@robbinkent.com
    Facebook Page:...

    5. Brand Colors Equal Emotional Branding!

    5. Brand Colors Equal Emotional Branding!

    Living in such a visual world, the color we choose makes such an impact from the colors we wear to the colors we use to promote our business. 

    Choosing the right colors can create the right emotions that we want our ideal client to experience when experiencing our brand. 

    Taking time to be intentional about the colors we chose in our business can make the difference between people scrolling right by us on social media… to stopping and thinking I need to check her out. 

    In today's episode… I’ll share what color psychology is, the difference it makes, and 5 steps on how to choose your brand colors to communicate the right emotions. 

    Links I refer to in this episode:
    -Color palette generator:

    -Download ‘How to choose your brand colors!’ worksheet: https://robbinkent.com/chooseyourbrandcolors/

    📌Are you interested in 1:1 Coaching with me so that you can finally get moving on your course and start scaling your business? I have limited spots each month, so go to
    https://robbinkent.com/coaching/ and let's make it happen!

    🎙️Come Join our Community over on Facebook at 'Online Courses Made Easy - How to Build, Launch, & Deliver Courses!’ 👉https://robbinkent.com/community

    If you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I've recently added a Friday episode...
    (aka BFF's) Business Forward Fridays and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow here!

    Grab my FREE Checklist to know exactly what you need to do to Build, Launch, and Deliver your digital course!

    Course Creation TECH Checklist: Click HERE!

    My website:
    Email: robbin@robbinkent.com
    Facebook Page:...

    3. Are you a figureoutable woman?

    3. Are you a figureoutable woman?

    Being a successful business women, you can't ever give up! You will fall down, but it's about how you get up and keep moving forward. Entrepreneurial life is HARD work! But when you set your mind to move forward one step at a time, then you will have more success than you ever imagined.

    Listen to my top 3 ways I push through the hard in business and life, and you can start implementing today. 

    📌Are you interested in 1:1 Coaching with me so that you can finally get moving on your course and start scaling your business? I have limited spots each month, so go to
    https://robbinkent.com/coaching/ and let's make it happen!

    🎙️Come Join our Community over on Facebook at 'Online Courses Made Easy - How to Build, Launch, & Deliver Courses!’ 👉https://robbinkent.com/community

    If you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I've recently added a Friday episode...
    (aka BFF's) Business Forward Fridays and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow here!

    Grab my FREE Checklist to know exactly what you need to do to Build, Launch, and Deliver your digital course!

    Course Creation TECH Checklist: Click HERE!

    My website:
    Email: robbin@robbinkent.com
    Facebook Page:...

    2. Is your brand message working for you?

    2. Is your brand message working for you?

    How do you know if your brand message is connecting with your ideal client?
    I share my top 6 ways to know if your brand message is crystal clear to your ideal client. We dive into what exactly is included in your brand message, how it affects your clients decision making, and how to know if your brand needs a makeover.

    Getting crystal clear on your brand message makes your marketing simple and saves you time and energy. So… let’s see if your brand message is working for you.

    📌Are you interested in 1:1 Coaching with me so that you can finally get moving on your course and start scaling your business? I have limited spots each month, so go to
    https://robbinkent.com/coaching/ and let's make it happen!

    🎙️Come Join our Community over on Facebook at 'Online Courses Made Easy - How to Build, Launch, & Deliver Courses!’ 👉https://robbinkent.com/community

    If you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I've recently added a Friday episode...
    (aka BFF's) Business Forward Fridays and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow here!

    Grab my FREE Checklist to know exactly what you need to do to Build, Launch, and Deliver your digital course!

    Course Creation TECH Checklist: Click HERE!

    My website:
    Email: robbin@robbinkent.com
    Facebook Page:...

    1. Why do you need a brand?

    1. Why do you need a brand?

    Welcome to the very first episode of Branding Strategies that Convert podcast! Listen in to learn a little about me, along with how creating a brand is so much more than designing a logo. 

    Your logo is only 10% of your brand. In each episode, I will cover the other 90% of building your brand, as well as your logo.

    A brand is the master key in creating connections that will turn your ideal client into lifers that KNOW you are the exact person they need.

    📌Are you interested in 1:1 Coaching with me so that you can finally get moving on your course and start scaling your business? I have limited spots each month, so go to
    https://robbinkent.com/coaching/ and let's make it happen!

    🎙️Come Join our Community over on Facebook at 'Online Courses Made Easy - How to Build, Launch, & Deliver Courses!’ 👉https://robbinkent.com/community

    If you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I've recently added a Friday episode...
    (aka BFF's) Business Forward Fridays and, if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow here!

    Grab my FREE Checklist to know exactly what you need to do to Build, Launch, and Deliver your digital course!

    Course Creation TECH Checklist: Click HERE!

    My website:
    Email: robbin@robbinkent.com
    Facebook Page:...