
    business review

    Explore " business review" with insightful episodes like "Reflecting Back On Your Year In Business", "How to Manage Your Energy + Boundaries to Avoid Burnout with Rachel Carey-McElwaney", "How I Reclaimed My Health When Nothing Else Was Working", "Why You Need to Explore Your Relationship With Alcohol with Krysty Krywko" and "Believe in Yourself to Manifest Your Dreams" from podcasts like ""IA Forward", "The Eleshia Show", "The Eleshia Show", "The Eleshia Show" and "The Eleshia Show"" and more!

    Episodes (55)

    How to Manage Your Energy + Boundaries to Avoid Burnout with Rachel Carey-McElwaney

    How to Manage Your Energy + Boundaries to Avoid Burnout with Rachel Carey-McElwaney

    Do you ever feel too drained at the end of your day to take care of yourself and enjoy the life that you just worked to be able to afford? 

    You simply have no energy left to go out and socialise with your friends, go to that yoga class, or do anything else for yourself.

    Besides, there’s so much to do when you’re a female entrepreneur! 

    You have goals to achieve, opportunities to chase, and all those projects you need to tick off your list. That’s not even mentioning any other responsibilities you have outside of your career and your business!! 

    You’re determined to be the best that you possibly can so you find yourself working too hard, saying ‘yes’ to projects that don’t light you up, and then wonder why you feel so unhappy, unfulfilled, stressed, or even totally burnt out. 

    But as this week’s podcast guest, Rachel Carey-McElwaney says, if you can become more intentional about the life you’re living, start focusing on what boosts your energy, find balance, set boundaries and take care of yourself, you can start living your most fulfilled life. 

    She’s a Certified Leadership Coach, HR Expert, and owner of Emerging Lotus Coaching, and knows first-hand exactly what burnout can feel like.

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed, lack focus, or want to start enjoying your life make sure you listen to this episode.

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • Why female entrepreneurs end up burning out all too often (yep- despite the fact they are their own bosses!)
    • The importance of balancing your energy levels and spending time doing things you love ♥
    • What really happened when Rachel hit burnout and what she did to recover
    • The power of shifting our mindset (heads up- it can help us boost our energy levels and start living our lives to the full!)

    And much more! Listen below 👇

    Click this link for the full show notes: https://www.eleshialifestyle.com/blog/episode-82-how-to-manage-your-energy-boundaries-to-avoid-burnout-with-rachel-carey-mcelwaney

    Team Dklutr Production

    How I Reclaimed My Health When Nothing Else Was Working

    How I Reclaimed My Health When Nothing Else Was Working

    Have you ever noticed how, when life feels hectic and stressful, something always seems to happen to make matters worse? 

    You were doing so well, taking care of yourself by eating well, trying to get enough sleep and taking some downtime. 

    And you DID feel like you were managing all the madness happening. 

    But then, out of the blue, you get sick. 

    Perhaps you get such a stinking cold that you can barely move for days. Or your stomach suddenly becomes ultra-sensitive and it feels that everything you eat leaves you feeling uncomfortable, bloated or even having digestive issues. 

    Or you’re sooo tired that getting out of bed seems like the most insurmountable mountain to climb. 

    It seems unfair, doesn’t it? You have so much going on and then THIS?!?!?!

    But it’s hardly surprising because there’s a strong connection between our mental and physical health. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed by anything in your life, your immune system takes a knock, your body falls out of balance and yes, more often than not, you get sick. 

    In this episode of the podcast, I’m going to open up about this taboo topic and share the truth about what happened to me when I became ill a few weeks ago and nothing seemed to work, then how I reclaimed my health. 

    This is a topic that we often don’t talk about as female entrepreneurs and business owners despite how important it is. Don’t miss this eye-opening episode! 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • Why I felt like a TOTAL fraud when it came to self-care 😭(and what I did about it!) 
    • The tried-and-tested tricks 🍆🍅🥕 I used to uncover what was REALLY going on with my health 
    • What happened when I ignored my intuition, despite knowing better (hint- it wasn’t good)
    • How YOU can ensure you’re protecting your health whilst still running a highly successful business
    • Why reviewing your relationship with stress and grief can prove to be key to happiness and success 😁

    And much more! Listen below 👇

    Click this link for the full show notes: https://www.eleshialifestyle.com/blog/episode-81-how-i-reclaimed-my-health-when-nothing-else-was-working

    Team Dklutr Production

    Why You Need to Explore Your Relationship With Alcohol with Krysty Krywko

    Why You Need to Explore Your Relationship With Alcohol with Krysty Krywko

    When you’ve had a long, hard day juggling all the demands and responsibilities of your life, what do you do to relax?

    Do you collapse onto the sofa, breathe a huge sigh of relief and pour yourself a ‘well-deserved’ glass of wine? Or perhaps one glass turns into several and before you know it, you’ve drained the bottle completely. 

    Maybe you’re just the type of person who loves to enjoy a drink or two with friends or family. But soon find that you’ve had too much and struggle with a hangover or brain fog for days afterwards. 

    If so, this week’s episode of the podcast with sobriety coach, advocate, and a mixed media artist, Krysty Krywko is exactly for you. 

    Even if you’re not out drinking binge drinking in the clubs or don’t consider yourself an alcoholic, you may have fallen prey to our ‘wine o’clock’ culture and find yourself relying on alcohol far more than you should. 

    You might drink to unwind, cope with difficult emotions, help you deal with stress or overwhelm or simply feel lonely or bored. I know I certainly did after my mum passed away. 

    But if we continue along this slippery slope, we could find ourselves in trouble. 

    Besides the fact that it makes us look older and more tired, our immune systems struggle, our energy levels and motivation decline, our risk of serious health conditions and even premature death increase and, of course, our bank balances also suffer. 

    It doesn’t have to be this way. If we give ourselves permission to break free of societal pressures, prioritise our wellness and acknowledge, accept and work through our difficult emotions, we can break free. 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • Why we carry so much emotional baggage when it comes to our relationship with alcohol
    • How to recognise the warning signs when it comes to your drinking habits (and what to do!)
    • Our shifting identities as women and how we often use alcohol to ‘fill the void’
    • How to use Krysty’s unique creative process of sketchbooking to process your emotions and replace your ‘essential’ daily glass of wine
    • How peer pressure, society and culture influence our drinking habits and often lead us to neglect our health and wellbeing

    And much more! Listen below 👇

    Click this link for the full show notes: https://www.eleshialifestyle.com/blog/episode-80-why-you-need-to-explore-your-relationship-with-alcohol-with-krysty-krywko

    Team Dklutr Production

    Believe in Yourself to Manifest Your Dreams

    Believe in Yourself to Manifest Your Dreams

    If you’re feeling like life is hard and achieving your goals is so far away, that’s 100% okay. 

    We’re often pulled in soo many different directions and forced to deal with so many challenges that can leave us doubting our inner power and ability to achieve our dreams. 

    We just don’t give ourselves enough credit for everything we’ve been doing on this beautiful journey we’re on. 

    Now, I’m not only referring to your business here, but the rest of your life. 

    Despite everything, every day we’re moving towards our dreams like growing our businesses, achieving our financial goals and most importantly, ENJOYING our time here on this earth. 

    Because being happy is what it’s ultimately about, isn’t it? 

    We can achieve our business goals, hit a six-figure income, feel like a superwoman and make a real impact in the world. 

    But if we’re not genuinely happy, what’s the point? 

    This week, I want to remind you of your inner amazingness. Show you how far you’ve already come and give you the five key questions you need to be asking yourself so you can live a life of abundance and joy. 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • Why we MUST recognise our inner strength and celebrate our wins, big and small 🥳
    • How the incredible art of manifestation helped me to get on The Goal Digger podcast (and can help you achieve your goals too!) 
    • Giving yourself enough space and time to get super-clear on what you want to achieve, and how to do it! 💫
    • The five questions you should ask yourself if you want to be authentically happy NOW!!
    • How to reclaim your power and lead your life and business from your heart ♥

    And much more! Listen below 👇

    Click this link for the full show notes: https://www.eleshialifestyle.com/blog/episode-79-believe-in-yourself-to-manifest-your-dreams

    Team Dklutr Production

    How to Nurture Yourself & Rediscover Your Identity During Motherhood with Myriam Banks

    How to Nurture Yourself & Rediscover Your Identity During Motherhood with Myriam Banks

    “We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list.”- Michelle Obama

    Do you have kids? If so, you’ll have experienced the pure love and joy you feel when you meet your baby for the first time and then watch them grow.

    But there’s another side to having kids that we often don’t discuss. It’s our sense of self. 

    As this week’s podcast guest, host of The Untraditional Podcast and mom empowerment expert, Myriam Banks shares, overnight we switch from being independent and empowered women to simply ‘mom’. 

    We’re expected to sacrifice ourselves entirely as we focus on our children, have them glued to our hips 24/7 and spend every waking moment dedicating ourselves to our needs. 

    If not, we often feel guilty and emotional, believing that we’re ‘bad parents’ if we try to claim some ‘me time’ or prioritise our own needs. We lose self-confidence, forget who we are as women and push our dreams to one side because..well…we’re parents now…

    But here’s the thing. We need to be happy too. 

    We need to give ourselves space to breathe, to reconnect with our ‘selves’ during motherhood and to embrace everything that makes us individuals so we can thrive not only survive. 

    If not, we could end up stressed and overwhelmed, unable to be the best parents, partners and humans we want to be and even resentful of the pressures of motherhood. 

    In this episode of the podcast, I chat with Myriam about her experiences of motherhood, why we need to honour ourselves if we want to find joy in our lives and discover some easy ways we can make this happen. 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • Why we often forget our ‘selves’ when we become parents and the profound effect it can have on our happiness 
    • The truth about why we feel guilty 😢 or believe that we’re ‘bad’ parents if we don’t have our kids glued to us 24/7
    • What happens when we don’t allow ourselves that vital time to take a break…
    • Empowering female communities and why they play a vital part is self-rediscovery 🤸🏿‍♀️
    • How we can free ourselves from parenting overwhelm and rediscover what brings us joy

    And much more! Listen below.

    Click this link for the full show notes: https://www.eleshialifestyle.com/blog/episode-78-how-to-nurture-yourself-rediscover-your-identity-during-motherhood-with-myriam-banks

    Team Dklutr Production

    Why You Are So Much More Than What You Do with Jaime Mann

    Why You Are So Much More Than What You Do with Jaime Mann

    Have you ever paused to consider whether all those tiny (and not so tiny) tasks that you spend your entire day doing are actually what you WANT? Whether you feel pumped about your life or just forcing yourself to get it all done because that’s what you’re supposed to be doing? 

    According to this week’s podcast guest and certified coach with a background in Positive Psychology, Jaime Mann, we're all really good at shutting out our own potential and limiting ourselves to thinking inside the box whilst letting our true desires pass us by. 

    But by shifting our mindset, letting ourselves off the hook, and asking for help, we can go about making those choices that are right for us. 

    It’s not going to be easy. We need to stop thinking that we ARE our jobs, businesses, or roles and instead discover what really lights us up inside. 

    As a busy mum, female entrepreneur and business owner, partner, friend, and carer who has overcome burnout and rediscovered the power of clarity, focus and self-care, I loved this conversation and I know you will too. 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • Why letting go of the idea that we’re superwomen and asking for help can be so difficult
    • What to do when you’re drowning in your workload and feeling exhausted
    • How to STOP saying yes to stuff you don’t want to do and START living the life you desire
    • The magic 💫 that happens when you shift your mindset and get super clear on what you really want 
    • Why we shouldn’t be just enduring our lives and how to reclaim joy (even with just a few moments to spare per day)

    And much more! Listen below.

    Click this link for the full show notes: https://www.eleshialifestyle.com/blog/episode-77-why-you-are-so-much-more-than-what-you-do-with-jaime-mann

    Team Dklutr Production

    Navigating Baby Loss As A Business Owner with Debbie Danon

    Navigating Baby Loss As A Business Owner with Debbie Danon

    Did you know that around 1 in 5 pregnancies ends in miscarriage? 

    That equates to around a quarter of a million losses every year in the UK and even more in the US. 

    Yet despite how common it is, many women don’t share their experiences or the grief, trauma, and heartbreak they have experienced. 

    We often feel that we’ve failed or that we’ve somehow caused the pregnancy loss or haven’t yet announced the pregnancy so cannot express our grief to others. 

    Then we’re faced with dealing with a medical system that often isn’t set up to address the emotional trauma, undergo medical procedures, and deal with our sense of loss, all whilst doing our best to hold our lives together, despite the overwhelming emotions we’re experiencing. 

    I know exactly how distressing this can be because before I had my daughter Elessandra, I suffered from a miscarriage too and found that there was very little support for women like me. 

    That’s why, when I sat down with Leadership Consultant and certified Integral Development Coach and founder of Time to Flourish, Debbie Danon, and discovered that she had experienced the same, I decided to dedicate an entire episode of the podcast to talking about what we have both been through. 

    Hopefully, this will give strength to other women and help them work through their loss with the support and understanding of community. ❤

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • How breaking the silence about baby loss and leaning on community can bring us strength during difficult times
    • Why it’s so important to help others feel heard, not try to make them feel better
    • GUILT, grief, and blame and why we need to give ourselves grace when life gets tough
    • Why it’s so vital to speak to our partners about how they feel about the loss too
    • How focusing on our own well-being and NOT trying to be superwoman can help us come to terms with loss

    And much more! Listen below.

    Click this link for the full show notes: https://www.eleshialifestyle.com/blog/episode-76-navigating-baby-loss-as-a-business-owner-with-debbie-danon

    Team Dklutr Production

    How The Power of Community Can Transform Our Businesses (& Lives) with Ghaz Samandari

    How The Power of Community Can Transform Our Businesses (& Lives) with Ghaz Samandari

    When it comes to starting and growing your own business as a female entrepreneur, you know that you’re going to face challenges. 

    After all, following your dreams and passions takes a lot of bravery and hard work, especially in a male-dominated world. 

    Then not only do you face the usual challenges like perfecting your vision, getting clear on your offering, putting all those pieces of the marketing puzzle into place and dealing with admin, financial pressures, economic conditions and so on…

    …you’re also juggling EVERYTHING else in your life….

    Now, if you’ve read any small business books out there, you’ve probably been encouraged to stay strong, push through and focus on your goals because YOU are the only one who can make this happen.

    But it can be tough. Lonely, even. 

    It can often feel like it’s you against the world. 

    That no one else is facing the challenges that you do. 

    Or even worse, that everyone else has got everything under control and you’re clearly not cut out for this female entrepreneurship thing if you haven’t. 

    As you’ll discover from listening to this week’s episode with female entrepreneur and founder of The COVN collective, Ghaz Samandari, this is completely false.  

    It’s only by building community, leaning on the love and support of others, and having those eye-opening conversations that you can unleash the powerful entrepreneur within and make your business dreams happen. 

    As Serena Williams famously said, “The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.

    You’re going to LOVE this conversation because Ghaz has faced many challenges in her life. Yet she has broken out of her comfort zone, found her purpose, and is now connecting with women from all walks of life so they can release their inner awesome. 

    It’s inspiring stuff and I can’t wait to hear your feedback! 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • How we all have the capacity to change the world, especially when we do it together
    • The power of vulnerability, openness, and human connection when it comes to growing our businesses
    • Why focusing on what we TRULY want can be a total gamechanger
    • CONFIDENCE and how we can nurture it with the support of others
    • How communities like Eleshia Lifestyle & The COVN Collective can transform your life and business

    And much more! Listen below.

    Click this link for the full show notes:

    Team Dklutr Production

    How to Boost The Power of Guest Podcast Appearances with Kristin Molenaar

    How to Boost The Power of Guest Podcast Appearances with Kristin Molenaar

    Have you ever dreamed of starting your own podcast? Or growing your podcast so that it can help you connect with your audience, add even more value, build community and grow your business?

    If so, you’re certainly not the only one. Podcasting remains one of the most powerful ways you can market your business, attract and nurture leads and make a real difference to those you serve. 

    This is exactly why I decided to launch The Eleshia Show. 

    I know that I could teach female entrepreneurs to get clear on their goals and then actually take action (without overwhelm!) so they could achieve the freedom and financial success they deserve. 

    With my corporate project management background, wellness knowledge and understanding of the unique challenges we all face, I knew how valuable this would be for you. 

    But let’s be honest. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. 

    I had to overcome all those fears that were holding me back. I had to get strategic about content and marketing, even though I had zero experience. I needed to put myself out there in the world and turn to female mentors who could help me achieve the podcast success that I knew I deserved. 

    That’s why I was so excited to welcome entrepreneur and podcast expert, Kristin Molenaar to this podcast for this week’s episode. 

    With her mantra of "work less + make more", alongside her vast podcast marketing experience, she knows exactly how to make being a podcast guest deliver maximum results for your business and your audience. 

    I know you’re going to love her no-nonsense, uncomplicated approach! ❤

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • Why it’s so vital that we build community before launching a podcast
    • How to be an awesome podcast guest and offer even more value
    • The importance of aligning your content with the podcast’s existing listeners 
    • EXACTLY how to tailor your pitch to get more guest podcast appearances 
    • Why vanity metrics don’t work and what you should be doing instead
    • What we should focus on if we want maximum freedom and financial success from our businesses

    And much more! Listen below.

    Click this link for the full show notes:

    Team Dklutr Production

    Have YOU joined The Eleshia Show Community yet?

    Have YOU joined The Eleshia Show Community yet?

    Being a female entrepreneur and growing your business can often feel like a very solo journey. 

    After all, it’s YOU who has the dream, YOU with the passion and vision to bring your wisdom and skills to the world and help transform lives. 

    And despite any valuable help or support you might have from your partner, family, or friends, it’s ultimately YOU who needs to juggle all your responsibilities, invest in yourself and claim the health and prosperity you deserve. 

    But this isn’t necessarily true. 

    Over the years, I’ve learned that connecting to other female business owners, having those key conversations, and really leaning on the community can make the difference between success and growth. 

    There’s nothing like chatting to someone who actually gets your vision, understands exactly what you’re trying to build, and knows the unique barriers that stand between you and your dreams. 

    That’s why, in today's episode of the podcast, I decided to make a super exciting announcement- we’re starting a female entrepreneur community! 

    I want to be 100% present for the wonderful women who I serve and help us grow together. 

    Listen to this episode of the podcast to discover:

    • What this exciting new female community can offer you
    • Why I’ve decided to switch up the podcast for the remainder of the year
    • The freebie that can help you beat overwhelm whilst growing your business
    • Three simple ways you can deal with stress today and stay on top of your obligations 

    And much more! Listen below.

    Connect with Eleshia and the community today

    Click this link for the full show notes:

    Team Dklutr Production

    Why We NEED to Give Ourselves Grace with Mairi Taylor

    Why We NEED to Give Ourselves Grace with Mairi Taylor

    We’ve all been there. We’ve all found ourselves being pulled in all directions and placed under incredible amounts of pressure from work, our personal lives, financial problems, grief and so on. 

    If you’re anything like Mairi and I used to be, you probably tell yourself to stop being so weak, pull yourself together and push on through. 

    Those so-called empowering messages we often see online and the culture we live in means that we believe that if we want to make it in business or life, this is our only option. 

    But when we do this, we’re doing ourselves a huge disservice. 😢

    We’re leaving ourselves vulnerable to stress, overwhelm and burnout. We can’t give our best at work, in our businesses or to our family and friends. Worst of all, we can’t ensure that we’re taking care of ourselves so we can shine brightly in the world. 

    There’s another option. 🥳

    If we can honour what it means to be a woman, tune in to our female cycles and get strategic when it comes to how we arrange our schedule, we can make magic happen. 

    In this week’s episode of the podcast, I sit down with previous podcast guest and great friend, Mairi Taylor to chat about how this knowledge has changed our lives and how you can do the same. 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • How learning about honouring my female cycle transformed my life (and Mairi’s too)
    • What happened when I tried to push through my stress and overwhelm
    • The truth about why I kept postponing the “Grow Your Business” online course
    • Exactly what we need to focus on to beat overwhelm
    • Why life gets so much easier when you focus more on when you do certain tasks, not how or why

    And much more! Listen below  👇

    Click this link for the full show notes:


    Team Dklutr Production

    How to Deal With Those Difficult Emotions So They Don’t Stand In Your Way

    How to Deal With Those Difficult Emotions So They Don’t Stand In Your Way

    Imagine that you’ve just faced a situation that has left you emotionally charged. 

    You’re feeling sad, angry, frustrated, jealous or rejected and feel completely overwhelmed with it all. 

    Perhaps you’ve just received terrible or challenging news. Faced backstabbing or gossip at work or between friends. Lost a parent or loved one. Had a fight with your partner. Or even lost out on that incredible business opportunity that you had your heart set on. 

    What do YOU do? 

    Do you push through those emotions, try to ignore them and just keep yourself distracted with work, growing your business or anything else that keeps you busy? 

    Or just close up, put on a brave face and keep marching on like nothing has happened and you don’t care anyway. 

    Or even feel totally destroyed, demotivated, and can barely move from your seat, let alone think about your business strategy or what to cook for your evening meal. 

    As I share in this week’s solo episode of the podcast, whilst you can’t control what is going on in the world, you CAN choose how to react to those emotional challenges so they don’t destroy your day, your week or force you to give up on your dreams. 

    Take it from me- when my mum passed away, I went into full distraction mode. I kept burying my emotions until my physical and mental health was in tatters, my body was inflamed and I struggled with my fertility. Then I had to spend the next 18 months trying to undo all the damage I’d done. 

    Listen to this episode to learn:

    • Why bad news can feel even more overwhelming when you’re juggling everything as a female entrepreneur
    • What my husband told me that completely transformed my outlook and gave me the strength I needed 
    • The POWER of listening and seeking external support when times get tough 
    • How tuning in to my body and giving it EXACTLY what it needed gave me clarity and calm
    • What our periods (or female cycle) have to do with our stress levels and emotional state and how to harness its power

    And much more! Listen below.

    Click this link for the full show notes:

    Team Dklutr Production

    Achieve Your Goals, Dreams and Desires for 2022

    Achieve Your Goals, Dreams and Desires for 2022

    Are you feeling stressed, drained or even overwhelmed by everything that is happening in the world right now? 

    I know I’ve certainly been feeling the pressure. 

    Then when we’re in this space and try to gain clarity, plan ahead or set goals, we feel like we’re fighting a losing battle. Because what’s the point of even trying when we have no clue what lies around the corner? 

    But here’s the truth…


    When you have some form of clarity and a plan of action, you can still get to where you wanna be. If you can stay focused on that plan, then you’ll achieve real success in your business and life.

    Focus on what you can control and the rest will come. 

    In this week’s episode of the podcast, we’re going to take a step back and learn how to take better care of ourselves so we can stop feeling so overwhelmed and grow our businesses, even during these uncertain times. 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • Why thinking about your ‘why’ is your superpower when it comes to success
    • The quick, easy, and POWERFUL things you can do every day to beat overwhelm 
    • How to build your businesses from a place where you feel that you have the energy and the strength to do that. 
    • Taking action (aka execution) and why it’s absolutely vital if you want to get anywhere in business
    • The awesome FREE resource you need to download if you want to beat overwhelm
    • Why being cheerleaded and mentored by like-minded people can work magic 
    • How actually writing down your dreams, desires, thoughts, fears, and problems can make you stronger, more focused, and more motivated than ever before

    And much more! Listen below.

    Click this link for the full show notes:

    Team Dklutr Production

    How to Celebrate Your Wins to Grow Your Business

    How to Celebrate Your Wins to Grow Your Business

    If you want to achieve real success in your business, grow beyond your wildest dreams and boost that bank balance, you’ll need to have a clear vision. 

    Once you have that vision you can bring it to life by believing in yourself, outlining your strategy then putting in the work. 

    As you’ve no doubt discovered already, it’s not always easy. 

    You’ll face multiple challenges, self-doubt is likely to pop up and you’ll need to take numerous risks along the way. 

    As a female entrepreneur, you’re also juggling so many other responsibilities like a partner, kids, a home, and perhaps a ‘regular’ job so overwhelm and burnout could also stand between you and your dream.  

    That’s why you must take time to stop, reflect and celebrate every win, no matter how big or small. 

    The only problem is, so many of us forget to do it! 

    So for this week’s episode of the podcast, I want to you grab a pen and a piece of paper, relax and listen. By taking time to celebrate yourself, you’ll give yourself the momentum you need to keep pushing forward, beat overwhelm and remember what truly brings you joy. 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • Why your true desires matter (and how to define yours right now!)
    • The tiny tricks I use to lift my mood when I’m having a tough day
    • How focusing on your strengths can help you become even more kick-ass in business
    • Why we all need a cheerleader or mentor and how to find yours
    • The awesome FREE resource you need to download if you want to beat overwhelm
    • How you can use a gratitude jar to keep you positive and motivated

    And much more! Listen below.

    Click this link for the full show notes:

    Team Dklutr Production

    How to Elevate Your Style & Unleash Your Body Confidence with Brandi Johnson

    How to Elevate Your Style & Unleash Your Body Confidence with Brandi Johnson

    Do you ever feel that you’re stuck in a rut when it comes to your clothing? You wish you could be as stylish and ‘pulled together’ as some of the other female entrepreneurs you see. 

    You find yourself living in leggings and jeans, wearing the same old dull colours or struggling to find anything that you feel confident in. 

    Even if you do try something new, nothing seems to fit you properly or enhance your best features. More often than not, you can find yourself believing that it’s your fault, that your body is ‘strange’ and you should just give up with the image makeover. 

    If you’re over 40 like many of us are (or have had kids), the problem can seem even worse. Your body is changing and you’re not sure how to make the most of your gorgeous figure. 

    I can certainly relate. I’ve found myself pulling the same old colours (purple or neutrals) from the cupboard and sticking to leggings and jeans since I had my daughter. But I’m ready for a transformation and I’m sure you are too. 

    That’s why I sat down with personal style expert and body confidence coach, Brandi Johnson for this week’s episode of the podcast to find out how we can claim more joy, confidence and abundance in our lives and get that wardrobe that elevates our style and reflects who we are becoming. 

    She shared with me so many truths about our clothes, trends and choices and I can’t wait for you to hear the same. 

    [Love this? Brandi is launching a group coaching programme in September, “Getting Dressed Again” that will help you define your signature style, understand how to dress your unique body shape and effortlessly dress for any occasion without sacrificing comfort. Click the link to find out more. Visit her website to find out more.] 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • How to discover your personal style in an authentic and relevant way 
    • Why it’s not your fault if the clothes you want to wear don’t suit you
    • The secret of finding your style, even when you’re over 40
    • Why plus is not a body shape (and neither is fruit!) 
    • Classic pieces everyone should own

    And much more! Listen below

    Click this link for the full show notes:

    Team Dklutr Production

    8 Ways I'm Redefining My Boundaries Over The Summer Holidays

    8 Ways I'm Redefining My Boundaries Over The Summer Holidays

    Do you ever get sick of the way you get treated? You feel hurt or violated by the way you’ve been treated, overwhelmed by the multiple pressures on your shoulders, or feel like you’re expected to say ‘yes’ to everything. 

    If you’re nodding your head, it’s time to redefine your personal boundaries. 

    Boundaries empower us and keep us safe. They ensure that people treat you the way you want to be treated and that you can live life exactly how you want to, instead of feeling like you have no choice but to deal with everything going on in your life. 

    Most importantly, they release us from stress, give us a much-welcomed breather and help us become the masters of our own ships. 

    After the emotional rollercoaster of the last few weeks, I realised that I need to do exactly that. I knew it was going to require bravery but by doing so, I could ensure that I was OK. 

    In this episode of the podcast, I want to share with you what I’ve decided to do to redefine my boundaries (and why I’ve come to this point.) As a confirmed people-pleaser, this isn’t always easy but it has already made a big difference to my stress levels and focus on my business and the future.

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • Why I definitely won’t be bringing my daughter into work anytime soon! 
    • How making hard choices can help us spark more joy and live our lives to the full 
    • The secret trick to stop people disrespecting you all the time 
    • Why we’re all Kings and Queens (and how we can make the most of it)
    • How you can find the time to rest, even if it’s just five minutes per day 

    And much more!

    Click this link for the full show notes:

    Team Dklutr Production

    How We Can Use Music to Fill Us With Joy or Work Through Challenging Emotions with Marlys Woods

    How We Can Use Music to Fill Us With Joy or Work Through Challenging Emotions with Marlys Woods

    We all love music, don’t we? 

    I only have to put on my favourite tunes, crank up the volume and sing and dance if I want to feel amazing. 

    Or listen to my late mum’s favourite songs if I want to remind myself of her love for all those years and feel grateful. 

    Or pop on those songs from the playlist I created for my birth experience if I want to go right back to that emotional, incredible time when I finally met my daughter, Elessandra. 

    But it’s not always easy. 

    Sometimes the songs that used to bring us joy trigger difficult feelings of grief, suffering and powerlessness and leave us unable to move through. You’ve probably experienced the same if you’ve lost a loved one and I know I certainly did when I lost my mum. 

    That’s why I was so excited to have this week’s podcast guest, Marlys Woods on the virtual couch to talk about how she uses her love of music, relationships and people to help those who seek emotional healing. 

    She shares so many fascinating insights into music and how it can be used therapeutically for everyone, no matter what challenges they are facing. 

    If you’ve ever felt shivers when listening to a song, don’t miss it! 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • How music can sometimes leave us feeling stuck (and what we can do about it)
    • Why we’re all creatives, artists and musical people, even if we struggle to keep a beat
    • The jaw-dropping magical powers of music (don’t miss what she says about newborns!)
    • How we can use music to fill us with joy or work through challenging or powerful emotions 

    And much more!

    Click this link for the full show notes:

    Team Dklutr Production

    A Message To My Mum

    A Message To My Mum

    When we are kids, we tend to believe that we’re invincible, especially if we had a relatively happy childhood. 

    We think that nothing bad will ever happen to us, that life is one big adventure and that those who we love will always be there for us. 

    But unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. 

    I enjoyed a wonderful childhood, spoilt by the love of a beautiful woman who sacrificed so much to be there for me and my brothers. She was young and alone, but never let that affect us as we were growing up. She gave us everything she could, heart and soul whilst encouraging us to believe in ourselves and chase our dreams. 

    Then a few years ago, my life crumbled when she was diagnosed with cancer, battled fiercely and eventually passed away. 

    Over the years, I’ve struggled with my grief, feeling broken and empty because I missed her so very much. Both her birthday and the anniversary of her death were especially hard so I retreated into my shell and did what I could to survive somehow. 

    But this year, I decided to do something different and record a very special podcast episode- a message for my mum. I open my heart and share everything I’m grateful for, everything I regret and encourage you to do the same. 

    Make sure you don’t miss this emotional episode if you too have struggled with grief or loss, whether that’s losing someone to cancer, the break up of a relationship, financial difficulties or anything else. 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • Why we must express gratitude for what we have loved
    • How to let go of regrets or avoid them completely
    • The memories of my mum that I cherish the most 
    • Why we can never truly let go of our grief 
    • How our cheerleaders can give us strength to realise our dreams

    And much more!

    Click this link for the full show notes:

    Team Dklutr Production

    Opening Up About Our Infertility and IVF Journey with Sherry & Penny Samuels

    Opening Up About Our Infertility and IVF Journey with Sherry & Penny Samuels

    Did you wait before you tried to have a family? Perhaps you wanted to focus on your career, become more financially stable or achieve some of your life goals before settling down. 

    You believed what we all believe. That if you simply decide to have kids, the magic will happen. You’ll get pregnant, start painting the nursery and celebrate your new arrival a few months later.

    But what they often don’t tell us is that fertility can be a complex thing. It often doesn’t happen so quickly or easily and we can find ourselves thrust into a world of doctors and nurses, hospitals and invasive treatment. 

    That’s only mentioning the physical impact. Because it can be an emotional time that challenges our relationships with our partners and ourselves. 

    I know exactly how it feels because I’ve been there. I’ve battled infertility, suffered a miscarriage and struggled with the doubt, insecurity and soul-crushing feeling of blame. 

    So have this week’s podcast guests, life coach Sherry Samuels and her wife, Penny. 

    They too have battled infertility, experienced the internal struggle and understand how to build our connections with ourselves and others to get through this difficult time. 

    Sherry is the founder/owner and Certified Life Coach of Chrysalid Transformations, LLC,  public speaker and educator, she teaches women how to get in touch with their authentic voice using compassion, curiosity, risk and trust and create a life that feels amazing. 

    Sit down, grab a cuppa and enjoy this raw and eye-opening conversation. 

    Listen to this episode to discover: 

    • What happened when the doctors told me I couldn’t conceive naturally
    • How our fertility struggles affect our partners too (and what to do about it!)
    • Why we need to open up and share how we’re feeling during our fertility journey
    • How experiencing failure after failure affects your connection with yourself 
    • The reason why trying to feel what the other feels sometimes keeps us from just really being in tune with what's going on inside

    And much more!

    Click this link for the full show notes: https://www.eleshialifestyle.com/blog/episode-60-opening-up-about-our-infertility-and-ivf-with-sherry-penny-samuels

    Team Dklutr Production