
    business training

    Explore "business training" with insightful episodes like "July 2021 Energy Report", "Why You Need a Terms of Use Statement In Your Business", "069: Using Emotional Intelligence As A Superpower with Corina Walsh", "Nightlighters - Holding the Light In The Dark" and "You Are Not Responsible for Other's Expectations" from podcasts like ""High Vibes Living with Jennifer", "Goals Profits & Soul Business Show", "The Superwoman Code", "High Vibes Living with Jennifer" and "High Vibes Living with Jennifer"" and more!

    Episodes (40)

    July 2021 Energy Report

    July 2021 Energy Report

    This is another year where the first half of the year will be different from the second half and we’re entering the second half now. If you feel like everything is a struggle right now, that’s because it is. The ‘dark side’ has been in control for a long time and it will not give up without a fight but that cannot deter us from forging onward and upward. Remember energy expansion is not linear, it is spherical. It expands in all directions which is why linear progress is not always obvious. Look in all directions to see where the light is shining brightly and transformation is occurring.

    Nothing can stop the 3D/5D ascension integration and the light we carry from reaching even the darkest corners as the collective frequency and vibration continues to rise as humanity awakens to its divinity and the fulfillment of our 2021 mission, claiming our energetic sovereignty. 

    And whether your personal fight against the density of darkness is a critical family, disapproving children, friends who no longer speak to you or your own hesitation, anxiety, and doubt, July is a clarion call to bold action and strong confidence. So let’s take it beyond the limits and see how high we can soar.

    July moves us out of the 11 spiritual initiation vibration of June to the 3 vibration (7 2015) which is a highly creative and less difficult frequency. Yes 11 is a master number but mastery numbers are full of lessons, challenges, and difficult choices. We can no longer coast between the temptation to become ‘more ready’ and to do more healing and urge to break free of our limitations and fears. All we need is an intention and an action plan because it’s time to start our engines and burn rubber – leave tracks as you jump out of the starting gate. 

    This month’s themes are rigor, resolution, and re-orientation and we’re going to apply them to our forward movement so we are moving in a forward direction with clarity, confidence, and congruence and without the questions about our worthiness or need for approval, acknowledgement, and validation.

    Rigor refers to the discipline to stay on our ascension path and follow the call of our soul mission for divine congruence, joy, and harmonious fulfillment. 

    Resolution refers to the true aim of healing, completion and closure with the finality of knowing that our truth always leads us in the right and best direction. Every relationship is not destined to lead to joyful fulfillment and endings are always a consideration.

    Re-orientation refers to our ability to plot a new course for joy as we use acceptance to maintain our energetic integrity. The need for security and stability can keep us mired in ruts of fear and when we realize that we can make course corrections without regret,  guilt, or shame.

    Read the full article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    Why You Need a Terms of Use Statement In Your Business

    Why You Need a Terms of Use Statement In Your Business

    Terms of Use in your Business

    These are guidelines for operations

    Let customers know what to expect when doing business with you

    Protects you from legal liability when enforcing a policy or in the cast of customer legal action

    Can and should include:

    1.  A Privacy policy – this is required by some countries and institutions and is required by most state and federal law

    Should state how you handle customer data and that you do not sell or share it

    1. Copyright policy – affirms your copyrights to your content

    3. Download policy – states how customers may download your digital products, that they can only save it to their personal computer or digital media devices, they cannot share or post it, no sharing with others, and not using it in their own programs or business

    4. Refund policy – when and how you offer refunds

    You are not obligated to offer any refund for any reason

    Must have a well defined refund policy – do not offer 100% refunds

    If you do not offer refunds you must state it here and on every sales page

    5.  Your Guarantee - be very careful in offering a guarantee of results or services as you cannot guarantee results. Also be careful how you offer a guarantee in conjunction with a refund

    6. Hours of operation – state what your business operating hours are, be sure to include your time zone too, for example: 9AM to 5PM US Eastern Time

    7. Service level agreement – when you’ll respond to emails and communications, how you will handle customer support issues and other interactions with your customers

    8. Disclaimer of results – state how testimonials are not typical results, be clear that you are not guaranteeing results

    If you are offering coaching for mental or emotional issues, you must state that it is not a substitute for professional mental health services

    If offering coaching for health or wellness, you must state that it is not a substitute for professional medical treatment

    Your terms of user or terms of service are an important part of your business legal documents and they should be posted where customers can see them and agree to them, where appropriate, so they have a clear understanding of what they can expect from you and your business and it protects you from unreasonable customer expectations and provides a clear definition of your services.

    069: Using Emotional Intelligence As A Superpower with Corina Walsh

    069: Using Emotional Intelligence As A Superpower with Corina Walsh

    Corina Walsh is on a mission to change workplace culture, starting in the middle. 

    What do I mean by that? 

    She leverages emotional intelligence, research and her own story to support companies, teams and managers in creating an environment that increases productivity and employee satisfaction. 

    She is driven by herown vision of helping leaders reach RADICAL levels of engagement in their own companies to unlock RADICAL results. Literally. 

    She makes developing strong management and leadership skills easy with her workshops and trainings. 

    Where to start?
    These 3 videos can help any new manager or business owner begin to develop your leadership voice and build good habits to lead a team effectively.

    The Goods:
    Connect with Corina online
    Connect with Corina on Facebook
    Full Shownotes
    Get On The Clinic Waitlist 
    Subscribe to The Superwoman Code Email List
    Follow @drashleymargeson on Instagram

    Special Thanks To
    Production: Ben Connolly
    A Cornerstone Naturopathic Inc Production

    Nightlighters - Holding the Light In The Dark

    Nightlighters - Holding the Light In The Dark

    You'll really relate to this episode if you're one of the many who have not been able to sleep lately, who are up around 3AM for a few hours, or who are not sleeping at all. What has happened to our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep? 

    Well, we're doing a lot of energy work at night and bringing in big energy downloads. And at night, when everyone else is asleep, there is less energetic interference. 

    In this podcast you'll hear about how this phenomenon is impacting so many people around the world so you are not alone, what we're doing when we're awake at night, and some tips to help avoid getting frustrated and how to get back to sleep.

    Read the full article on the blog at 

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    You Are Not Responsible for Other's Expectations

    You Are Not Responsible for Other's Expectations

    What are expectations? They are the anticipated behaviors that you or someone else thinks will happen in a situation. 

    We have expectations of others just as they have expectations of us. 

    From our standpoint, we expect certain behaviors from people depending on who they are in our lives and what we want from them. From the labels they have, such as mother, father, sister, brother, partner, friend, we create a set of expectations. And when those expectations are not met we feel betrayed, disappointed, and rejected, depending on the situation.

    What about others’ expectations of us? They expect certain behaviors of us too, depending on their relationship with us and what they want from us. And if we do not meet their expectations they feel betrayed, abandoned, and rejected. 

    Can you see a pattern here?

    Read the full article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com/blog


    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    The Clue Phone is Ringing for You

    The Clue Phone is Ringing for You

    I remember the many times the Universe has tried to prevent me from doing something that I wanted to do anyway. No matter how many obstacles were put in my path I forged ahead, determined to succeed at all costs. And I paid the price in time, energy, and heartache. 

    Why did I not see the clues I was receiving for what they were, warnings that the path I was on was not the best one for me, that it was not aligned with the outcomes I wanted in my life? 

    What made me forge ahead with my plans, determined to plow through whatever obstacles were in my way, no matter what it took (and sometimes it took a lot)! 

    The clue phone rings often in my life and I don’t pick up because I don’t want to hear the messages, but I have learned to listen and then wait for more information because the clue phone always tells me exactly what I need to hear.

    I think that being an Aries has something to do with it — I can be very stubborn and keep fighting until the bitter end, but there is also an element of fear present in my unwillingness to abandon my obsessions. 

    What if there was nothing else beyond what I saw as my only option? If this didn’t work I would have to start over again and I had invested way too much time, energy, and effort in this particular outcome to give up before I got what I wanted (sound familiar?).  

    So when the clue phone starts ringing, in the form of events, situations, signs, and hints from every direction, asking me to look in another direction, I just pretend to be deaf and blind and ignore them.

    One situation stands out in my mind as a great example of this. I wanted to work for a company and had managed to contact the CEO and get an interview. This was a leading edge technology company I admired and respected and I really wanted this job. 

    A few weeks later I had the interview with the CEO and the department head I would be working with. I just knew that my strong technical background, years of software research, development, implementation, and troubleshooting experience and great project management skills would be an asset to the company. I had a strong resume and great experience, what else did I need?  

    The CEO was impressed but the other man was a little nervous because I was more experienced and qualified than he was. I noticed he kept looking at me and I could tell that he was very uncomfortable with my presence. (Clue number 1)

    Intuitively, I could feel his discomfort and I knew this was going to be a problem as I had faced this situation before. Even though I didn’t want his job, he probably wasn’t convinced and the tech industry is extremely competitive.

    But since I had impressed the CEO, I was sure I had the job. So I kept in contact and waited for the offer letter. Meanwhile, I got several other interview offers but turned them down because I knew that I was going to get this job. When I called the department head’s office he was never around and he never returned my phone calls (Clue number 2).

    Then I called the CEO and he said it was out of his hands, it was up to the department head (so the CEO  wasn’t going to support me, Clue number 3). This was going to be a problem because the CEO who had offered me the job initially was now obviously not going to override the opinion or choice of the man who was already nervous about me and I had not even started yet and he would not talk to me.

    I had some software that this company produced and one day, a month after my interview and after making another call to the company to find out when I would be receiving the offer letter, I opened my desk drawer to get the product CD and it had broken in half. How that happened is a mystery because I always kept the CD in that drawer, along with others and it was the only one that was broken. (Clue number 4).  Do you know much force it takes to break a CD in half? I tried one, it was not easy.

    So I called the company, which was located in my city, to ask for a replacement and they said I could stop by to get one. I drove to the office and walked up to the door, waved to the receptionist and pulled on the handle when I heard the buzzer. But the door would not open. The receptionist tried to buzz me in a few times but the door was stuck shut. Finally she got up to open the door for me and it wouldn’t open for her either (Clue number 5). 

    I was trying to pull it open from the outside, she was pushing it from the inside and it just wouldn’t open. After several tries (she said that had never happened before) the door finally opened, I got my CD and went home. The message was clear, the door to that job was stuck shut and I needed to look elsewhere. 

    It had only taken me a month, several dozen phone calls, a lot of frustration and passing up some other opportunities that may have been better options but I gave them a miss because I thought that this job was mine. To be honest, I wanted it to be mine – it was my dream job (or so I thought).

    The clue phone had been ringing loudly but I wasn’t listening. I wanted that job and did everything I could to get it. The clue phone is the Universe’s way of letting us know that what we are pursuing is not the best path for us. But since it often happens when we are in a situation where we feel that we have limited options or really want what we’re pursuing, we see the clue phone as another block in our path. 

    Or we have put a lot of time, energy, and effort into a situation and we are not going to give up until we get the outcome we want. We’re being driven by our expectations, ego, and sense of righteousness and we want to win, even if the price of winning is very high. When we’re in those situations we can be blinded by our desire to be validated, vindicated, and victorious. 

    This is now an ROI situation – we want the return on our investment and nothing is going to stop us. It’s not just our energy, time, and effort that are at stake, but our worthiness, self worth, and self esteem. If we’re such a great person and a great manifestor, then surely we can manifest whatever we want. And we can when the entire situation is in our highest and best good. This means that every part of that situation, including the things we are not yet aware of, have to be able to deliver on our intention for peace, joy, love, abundance, and prosperity.

    The clue phone isn’t trying to block us, it is trying to tell us that there is no synergy in our intention and what we’re trying to push towards our reality even though it looks like there is on the surface. And until we answer and acknowledge these truths, many things will stop us because we’re going to continue to go around in a circle of trying, acting, doing, pushing, pulling, and manipulating the situation until we get it to fit into the mold that we have created for it.

    The clue phone’s purpose is to get us to change our focus, to move in another direction, and to let go of our will and surrender to the process. How can we surrender when we need a job, want that relationship, have our heart set on what we’re pursuing, or think that it’s the most wonderful thing possible? We have to answer the clue phone and hear the messages it has for us. 

    And then have the humility to surrender to a different potential. Then we can let go of what we are pursuing so hard (that’s a huge clue, when we want something so much we will do anything to get it) and see what is beyond its horizon. When we’re focused on a particular outcome we get tunnel vision and become oblivious to everything else. Our perspective is gone, as is our ability to question whether this is the right and best option for us. 

    The louder the clue phone rings, the more we resist opening up to the messages that we really need to hear. Then we feel blocked and stuck and have two choices, to push ahead or to stop and wait for more information. 

    Can we let go of this dream and trust that another will take its place? That’s hard to do but if the clue phone is ringing, it has a message for us that contains another option. And it’s in our best interest to pick up.

    Is the clue phone ringing in your life? What messages does it have for you that you don’t want to hear? 

    Can you take a chance that they will be the right and best options for you, even if that means you have to let go of what you have your heart set on and let the universe bring something else to you? 

    So what happened to my dream job? I know people who work at the company and someone else got it, for a while. They quit because that Sr. VP was so hard to work for. In fact, a dozen people have had the job and none of them stays for very long although the Sr. VP is still there. Even the CEO has been replaced and the company was bought out a few years ago.

    What happened to me after I finally gave up my determination to get that job? Well, the universe had a few surprises for me. In spite of my excellent resume and experience, the only job I could find was to read tarot cards in a metaphysical book store. 

    It was the deep end of the pool experience I needed to get me started on the path of doing what I do now, sharing spiritual insights, becoming confident in my intuitive abilities, becoming a channel, being a leader in the self awareness movement, teaching energy congruence and energetic sovereignty. I look back and realize that it was the most perfect path even though at the time I was deeply disappointed that my dream job was not going to manifest for me even though I tried very hard to make it work.

    Sometimes what we are offered is so far off from what we believe is right and best for us that we think the universe has lost its mind. If this has happened to you, you know how frustrating it is. 

    It might not be what you want to do but if you open yourself to other possibilities, you may be surprised at what can happen.In these interesting and transformational times, we can be overwhelmed by what is happening in our lives but there are always other solutions. Here are a few things to help you get through the difficult moments in your life: Stay calm, focused, detached and aware and remember your thoughts are creating every moment of your life. Think the best ones.

    • As you ponder this and the other things that are happening at this time remember to:
    • Accept all gifts of understanding with gratitude and use them to apply forgiveness, release, and healing to every situation
    • surrender means to stop resisting, it does not mean to give up. sometimes surrender is the hardest option but the it is often the wisest one, especially when the clue phone is ringing off the hook
    • Ask for guidance and confirmation and then wait for it to come to you.

    Above all, be grateful for this opportunity to be part of humanity’s amazing 3D/5D Ascension integration and moving into divine congruence and Self/self awareness as we all ascend into the miracle vibration and continue down the 3D/5D integration ascension highway.

    You can read this on the Enlightening Life blog too, with links to download on a variety of podcast platforms.

    Many blessings in these miraculous and amazing times, Jennifer Hoffman

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    Your Top 10 Business Questions Answered

    Your Top 10 Business Questions  Answered

    Your top 10 questions answer with strategies and tips to overcome your anxieties, doubts, and fears so you can get your business started. Here are the questions I answer in this Q&A podcast:


    1. How can I go from my job to starting a business and replace my income (plus some)?

    2. Should I offer discount, free services,  or trade?

    3. What’s the best social media platform to use? 

    4. How do I stay motivated?

    5. How do I make money in my business when I’m just starting up?

    6. What is the best pricing model?

    7. What tech should I be using in my business?

    8. What are your time management strategies?

    9. How to budget your time

    10. An annual strategy for time management

    Visit the GPS Business Academy website at https://gpsbusinessacademy.com 


    Alignment Abundance and Authenticity - Keys to Joyful Living

    Alignment Abundance and Authenticity - Keys to Joyful Living

    Alignment Abundance  Authenticity are key areas of spiritual awareness and understanding and we need to get these right be able to use them in the right way, which means that they work in our lives to our benefit instead of to our detriment.

    How can these spiritual principles operate to our detriment?

    Let me explain:

    1. When we do not know how they work all of the time instead of working in ‘good’ ways. Universal energy is non-judgmental, there is no good or bad. It is all neutral or equal, there is no better or worse, more or less. 

    2. When we make judgments about what these concepts represent rather than understanding them as universal principles and then criticize and judge ourselves for not being able to meet these high universal standards.


    3. When we try to skip over steps in our healing and growth process and try to negotiate with the Universe to get ahead or to make our lives better in some way by trying to implement these spiritual principles in the wrong way. For example, thinking that focusing on manifesting a better life will succeed even if we do not believe it is possible for us.


    Let’s talk about Alignment

    Alignment means things are lined up and working together

    We think alignment exists in good ways, we are out of alignment when things are not going so well

    The truth is we are always aligned with everything in our life, all of the time

    When we want something different we have to create new level of alignment with new energy. Unless we change the energy our alignment keeps moving forward, in the same direction, in the same way. 

    When we feel stuck we’re out of alignment with our current reality and in the process of bringing in new energy to create a new one, we’re in an energy gap and we’re not aligned with anything, which gives us a feeling of being stuck, can’t move forward, and we’re unsure of what to do next. 

    The worse thing we can do in this case is to think we have done something wrong or are being punished. We are not, we’re just in an energy gap, in a space between two different levels of alignment


    The keys to understanding alignment are:

    1. You’re always aligned with everything in your life all of the time. There is no better or worse alignment.

    2. When you’re ready for a new level of alignment with new energies nothing feels right or works for you.

    3. A new level of alignment is created by setting a new intention for your life and reality and then bringing in the energy to allow it to happen.

    4. Surrender to the alignment that is now out of synch with you and prepare for something new to create a new level of alignment.

    Stop judging and criticizing yourself for being ‘out of alignment’ whenever things go wrong or you think you’re not doing things right because they are not working.


    Let’s talk about Abundance

    So much misunderstanding about abundance because we think it means only good things

    We have abundance when we have money, freedom, good things, and blessings and if we don’t then we have no abundance.

    But we always have abundance in everything

    The universal law of abundance states ‘there is abundance in all things’

    You can have an abundance of problems, bad health, money issues, sadness, and unhappiness

    You can have an abundance of joy, love, laughter, miracles, and things you really like

    There is always unlimited abundance in your life – to change the kind of flow you have to change the kind of abundance you are manifesting which means to change your alignment


    The keys to understanding abundance are:

    1. Understand that abundance exists in all things, everywhere, all of the time

    2. You connect with, attract, and receive the kind of abundance that resonates with your own energy frequency

    3. Whatever you have a lot of in your life exists in abundance

    4. Changing your level of abundance depends on your own energy frequency and vibration – abundance follows beliefs and beliefs create alignment


    There are two keys to abundance:

    1. In a universe that exists in unlimited abundance there can be no concept of lack, where there is nothing. Unlimited abundance is unlimited abundance. 

    2. The opposite of abundance is not lack, it is limitation. So if your life is not feeling abundant in ways that you want, it is not because there is nothing there for you, it’s because you are limiting the flow of the kind of abundance you want into your life


    Let’s talk about Authenticity

    Authenticity is the state of being genuine or real, it is not a state of honesty, morality, or good behavior

    When we say someone is not being authentic that is not true – they are being themselves – we are always being exactly who we are

    In this case, that person is not in alignment with our beliefs about honesty, morality, or good behavior – that does not make then not authentic, it makes them themselves

    We spend too much time thinking we have to be authentic – we are always authentic, just like we always have abundance and we are always aligned with what is in our reality


    They keys to authenticity are

    1. Everyone is always their authentic self, at all times. Authenticity is not a measure of goodness, kindness, compassion, spirituality, or understanding.

    2. The only way to be truly authentic is to be yourself at all times

    3. Who we are changes over time, as we heal, learn, and grow and become more self aware we change our level of authenticity to reflect our self awareness but we are always authentic throughout that process

    4. We cannot spend time judging our authenticity just as we cannot spend time criticizing others because their authenticity conflicts with what we think is good or acceptable behavior

    We need to look for alignment and not judge others’ authenticity. The person who lies to you, cheats on you, and steals from you is being their authentic self – they are a liar, cheater, and a thief. Instead of judging them ask yourself what it is in you that has chosen to align with that kind of person and look within yourself to do the healing you need to choose people who are more honorable, respectful, and trustworthy.

    Alignment, Abundance, and authenticity are powerful spiritual principles that govern our use of energy and how we can live in an empowered, powerful way. When we use these spiritual principles in alignment with our soul priorities and our highest potential, they become the keys to joyful, joy-filled living.


    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    How to Get Guests Spots on Popular Blogs and Podcasts

    How to Get Guests Spots on Popular Blogs and Podcasts

    Blogs and podcasts are really popular and some have millions of listeners, thousands of downloads, and get a lot of attention.

    This is a new type of celebrity called an influencer – when these people showcase a product, service, or person, they can gain instant celebrity and become very popular.

    What if you could get the attention of these bloggers and podcasters by being a guest on their podcast or a guest writer on their blog?

    Would that help your business? Probably. Getting recognition or an endorsement by a highly recognized blogger or podcaster would be great for you and for your business. It would be free marketing and you could get a lot of attention and business out of it.

    But before you jump over to itunes, simplify, or another big podcast site to make a list of the most popular podcasts or go to social media sites to find the people with the most followers, here are some tips to consider before you take action. Follow these tips first to get hosted on popular blogs and podcast.

    1. Take the time to listen to previous episodes and read the blog articles. This is so important because you need to ensure that your topic

      1. is aligned with their message, content, and audience
      2. is not a direct competitor for their product or service
    2. While you may benefit from being associated with a popular blogger or podcaster, it’s not about you. How does your content and message benefit their audience?

      1. have they recently talked about a problem that you have a solution for
      2. what is their audience’s biggest problem or need that you can answer?
    3. Make sure they have guests on their blog or podcast before you ask to be a guest. This shows that you are familiar with their content and their process.

    4. Don’t approach the biggest bloggers and podcasters first. They get thousands of requests. Start small, work your way up to the bigger audiences. Build up your credentials so you can show that you have some experience in doing interviews and in writing.

    5. Respect their timelines which are usually 3 months out. Don’t expect to send out a request to big name podcasts or bloggers on a Monday and get a reply on Tuesday.

    6. Use your credentials – a popular book, recent event, something you got noticed for is a promotion tool for interviews and guest articles. You can promote yourself and your work proudly, just keep it aligned with their audience and content.

    7. Relate your interview request with a past podcast or blog content.
      For example: dealing with stress and you have stress reducing solutions
      Parenting issues and you have just written about ways to deal with that issue
      Your solution addresses an audience need.
      Remember you’re not competing with the blogger or podcaster so do your research and be of service.

    8. Practice your interview skills before being a podcast guest and have some examples of your writing to show bloggers. A podcast interview is a conversation so be prepared to talk and have a link to recent articles show your writing style and content topics.

    9. Show that you are actually interested in more than a one-time appearance, or just getting onto their blog or podcast by following them on different social media accounts. Respond to posts, engage with them, so you get to know them first. This establishes a connection that you can eventually use to promote yourself to them.

    10. If you do get an opportunity to be on a podcast or share you content on a blog, be prepared, be on time, deliver what you have promised, and be sure to follow with a thank you, market to your audience, and be professional. Always request permission to repost or remarket your interview or articles, get it in writing. And always follow their copyright and content guidelines.

    Finally, respect the fact that they started with no audience and have built their business through persistence, commitment, and hard work. They are not there for you to take advantage of or make money from. They serve their audience and they will ensure that their guests do too.

    This is part of your business marketing and promotions strategy so build a list of blogs and podcasts you want to approach and make a schedule of contact points, Keep a list of who you contact and when, and always follow up, respectfully. One appearance can lead to more requests so stay professional and respectful and you could be the one who gets interview requests from popular bloggers and podcasters.

    copyright (C) 2021 by Jennifer Hoffman. ALL US and international rights reserved. Any term in this document is considered a trademark of Jennifer Hoffman.

    How to Use 5D Language to Support Your Intention

    How to Use 5D Language to Support Your Intention

    As we move forward along the ascension path our manifestation and energy control abilities increase dramatically. You may be seeing this in your life now. Then our language becomes important because as master manifestors and energetically sovereign beings, we use our language to move, direct, and control energy. 

    Language, both internal and external, is what keeps the momentum in our intention.

    Remember energy has no judgment, it just goes wherever it is told to go. We use a variety of tools to move energy including our intention, alignment and integration, as well as our beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions. Words are part of our language and words create – every word creates.

    All of these work together to move us from 3D density to an integrated 5D paradigm. And we must use the combination of our energy tools within the 5D paradigm to move energy in the right direction. 

    If we’re using low vibration words to move into a high vibe reality, it won’t work.

    If we’re using polarized language to move into the duality of 5D congruence, it won’t work. 
    If we’re not aligning our energy tools and our intention with our language to keep the manifestation momentum moving, we’ll feel stuck.

    Before I talk about 3D and 5D language, let’s look at polarity and duality. They are not the same thing although many people refer to them that way. It’s wrong. They represent two different states of being, one is pure 3D, the other is integrated 3D/5D.

    We cannot achieve multi-dimensionality within a polarized reality because we cannot hold two different energies in polarity. And that is required for multi-dimensionality.

    Polarity means opposites, it is pure 3D energy. It’s an ‘either/or’ choice. We can have this or that but not both. We have to choose sides and abandon one thing over another. 

    There’s always a winner and a loser in 3D. 3D polarity is not aligned with the 5D paradigm. In fact, it is a closed system that rejects 5D or any other energy outside of its frequency. 

    5D is duality, it is an ‘and’ choice. We can have this and we can have that. We can have any combination we choose.

    Duality means two, the concept of being ‘dual’ means not just two things randomly put together, but two things that are together, and they fit together and work together. This is congruence, a 5D aspect.

    When we are in 3D we are in polarity and our language is one of the components of our movement into duality, from 3D to 5D

    3D energies are competition, constriction, conflict, chaos, and control

    Language includes spoken language as well as how you speak to yourself – the conversations you have with yourself in your head.

    What do they sound like?

    Would you be willing to say them out loud?

    When are you in conflict?

    What kind of chaos is in your life?

    What competing thoughts are in your head, mirroring competing energies in your life?

    What kind of words do you use when you speak out loud? If you knew that each word creates would you use different language?

    As a clairaudient I can hear what people say to themselves. When I speak to clients I often hear the answers to what I say. They are not always very positive or uplifting.

    No I can’t, that’s not me, that will never work, I can’t do that

    What does your self talk sound like? Here is an example of 3D polarized language

    I can’t do it

    It won’t work for me

    I am never going to figure this out

    I am not lucky

    Can you name your own polarized language?

    The 5D energy is creativity, cooperation, collaboration, community, connection, and clarity

    5D language embodies these energies and is deliberate, positive, self aware, expansive, and intentional. 5D language acknowledges the limitations of 3D and the potential that we are capable of when we allow 

    5D language examples of duality or multi-dimensionality include

    I set my intention for receiving this – or something better that I have not yet envisioned

    I accept the decisions and choices of others without judgment

    I allow myself to have

    I create my reality to become

    I am energetically sovereign

    I extend my energy towards

    I embrace my perfection in

    It is not enough to set an intention and then hope for the best. Your intention creates an energy container for the outcome you want but it requires nurturing every step of the way and part of that nurturing includes your internal and external language.

    It’s like driving a car – you still need to keep your foot on the gas and steer the car in the right direction, and make sure you stay on the road. 

    You can put it in cruise control but you still have to keep your hands on the wheel and watch where you’re going, and make sure you stay on the road.

    The internal language is especially important because it represents how you really feel and what you really think. So watch that inner language, use your 5D language to expand your 3D reality and keep the momentum moving for that intention to manifest.

    And remember when you achieve a victory, any victory, celebrate yourself. Acknowledgement is also part of the 5D paradigm and it is a reminder of your power and abilities, as well as a sign of closure with one part of your path and a new beginning for another one.


    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    Stop Imposter Syndrome - The Real Issue is Approval Anxiety

    Stop Imposter Syndrome - The Real Issue is Approval Anxiety

    Imposter Syndrome is the new buzzword that everyone is talking about, using it to describe the fear that they do not deserve their success. But it’s being used by unscrupulous internet marketers and mavens to sell gullible people their products and services to overcome the imposter syndrome they believe they have. In today’s Goals, Profit & Soul podcast we’re going to talk about Imposter Syndrome, what it really refers to and what we should be focusing on instead.

    Imposter Syndrome, also calledCapgras syndrome is a psychological condition where a person believes someone they know has been replaced by an imposter. Sounds a little different from what everyone is breathlessly proclaiming to be ‘imposter syndrome’ today. First described by French psychiatrist Joseph Capgras in 1923, it’s part of the psychological disorders classified as delusional misidentification syndromes (DMSs).

    It’s more common in women than in men and here’s how it works. Over time, a woman believes that her husband of 20 years has been replaced by someone else, either a body double or a different person entirely. She then begins to develop anxiety, fear, and can even become violent in her effort to expose the ‘imposter.’ The cause is often attributed to brain lessons, tumors, or brain injury.

    Now this real definition of imposter syndrome has been massaged by internet marketers to apply to people who are afraid that others may think they’re a fraud. On a fundamental level, they doubt their own abilities and accomplishments and are afraid of being exposed as a fraud. 

    Does this sound like the ‘imposter syndrome’ theory that internet markets are telling you they have the cure for? Of course not. It’s another breathless theory that someone is using to promote their products and services as a cure for.

    Now while I have been denouncing imposter syndrome as a scam for several years, there is something that I know causes people to doubt themselves and their success, that causes them a great deal of conflict in their business, and that is what I call Approval Anxiety.

    It is far more prevalent that the phony imposter syndrome and it impacts everyone in the business space but especially women entrepreneurs and new business startups.

    Approval Anxiety is the fear that people won’t like you, will disapprove of what you do, and will criticize and judge you for what you do. And it probably has a lot of basis in fact. There is a strong cancel culture on the internet and it can be vicious. People who hide behind the anonymity of a screen name, email address, or social media profile can say things to you online that they would never say to your face.

    Once an online rumor is started it spreads quickly and it can be very hard to stop.

    When someone sends you an email criticizing you and what you are doing, writing about, or saying online, or tells you that you look fat or ugly in your videos, (this has happened to me and I’ll share that story with you in a few moments) it can create a lot of anxiety, fear, and self doubt.

    And if your self esteem isn’t where it should be, meaning you have a strong enough foundation of self esteem that you do not care what others think about you, then you’re going to be devastated by the smallest amount of criticism or judgment.

    If you experienced a lot of criticism while growing up about your appearance, personality, style, or body, you’re going to be very anxious about whether or not people approve of you – meaning whether they’re going to criticize and judge you.

    If you grew up with a critical mother or father, as I did, you will be very anxious about being judged or criticized by anyone, especially people you are marketing your expertise and authority to. 

    Aside from growing up with a critical mother, I was very anxious about criticism and judgment, I was the object of scrutiny from age 5 to 11 years, because I was paralyzed, in a wheelchair, walked with leg braces and crutches, or walked with a limp because of the residual paralysis from my vaccine injury, I developed anxiety about people who stared at me. But it was mainly because I did not want to be classified as handicapped or crippled – I had been paralyzed and mostly recovered but it was my body that was affected, there was nothing wrong with my mind. As an aside, until the mid 2000s, most people who were considered disabled, handicapped, or special needs (not a term they used at the time) were all considered to have physical and mental issues, there were no distinctions made between them.

    So it’s probably a good thing that when I started my business in 2004 I communicated mostly by email and teleconference – there was no video or social media at the time.

    But that’s changed and there is a need for strong visibility in today’s online world and the audiences are bigger so there is a bigger potential for judgment and criticism. And the Approval Anxiety factor goes through the roof.

    Here is what you need to know about Approval Anxiety:

    1. it’s the fear of judgment and criticism from others

    2. it’s more common among women than men and especially if you had a critical parent, were bullied, or have something that sets you out or makes you ‘different’

    3. it’s the reason you hesitate, doubt yourself, and are afraid to really put yourself out there 100%

    4. It is possible to overcome your Approval Anxiety by building up your self esteem.

    5. No matter what you do, someone is always going to criticize you or judge you and not on the basis of what you do, but through their own jealousy, insecurity, and lack of self esteem.

    Now for my story that I said I would share with you about how I cured my Approval Anxiety. I had just started my business in February 2004 and had about 500 people on my email list (that was a lot in 2004). Someone wrote and said I was ‘full of crap’. I was initially dismayed, crushed, and very hurt. Then I thought I had 500 people on my list and 1 person wrote this and 499 people did not. So I wrote to the person and said I wasn’t the right teacher for them and suggested they move on. I deleted them from my mailing list and banned them from my website. Problem solved

    Imposter syndrome is a fakeout – approval anxiety is very real. The snake oil hucksters of the early 1900s have grown into the internet marketers of the 2000s. Anyone who peddles ‘imposter syndrome’ cures or solutions needs to be avoided.

    Deal with your Approval Anxiety by building your self esteem. Trust in yourself, your abilities, your experience and your authority. No one can question your experience and the expertise you gain from it. Do not let others’ opinions of you become your truth. 

    People have the right to their own opinion about everything, including you, whether it is good or bad, true or not true. Do not waste your time defending yourself or trying to overcome phony imposter syndrome. 

    You know who you are, what you know, and the value of your products and services. Build up your self esteem and create a strong foundation that can withstand the naysayers, haters, and people who envy your success. Those who criticize and judge you are not part of your audience, so do not waste your time on them. And avoid anyone who tries to sell you the cure to imposter syndrome – they don’t know what they are talking about either.


    Approval Anxiety is a trademark of Jennifer Hoffman.

    This article is (c) 2021 by Jennifer Hoffman. All US and international rights reserved.  it may not be shared, copied, or quoted without the express written permission of the author.

    From Victim to Victor

    From Victim to Victor

    Everyone has had some kind of victim experience in their life, whether that is being bullied by someone in school, pushed out of a job by a more competitive co-worker, or experiencing a sudden, unexpected illness or life event that turns your life into an out of control spiraling mess. These situations challenge our courage and our resolve and they can devastate us. T

    he worse damage they do, even if we do recover and move out of them, is create a victim consciousness where even when we are no longer a victim, the situation has left us victimized.

    Being a victim is tough and these are times when our lives feel out of control. Whether the situation lasts for 5 minutes, 5 months, 5 years, or a lifetime, that out of control, helpless, powerless feeling is definitely something no one wants to experience. And I know this all too well. 

    When I was paralyzed at age 5 years my recovery and return to mostly fully mobility 5 years later was considered a miracle by my doctors. But what I didn’t realize until many years later is that while I was no longer a victim of the paralysis I had been victimized by the experience. 

    Too many years of being left out, not being able to do things like other children, of being an inconvenience, different, and being stared at by curious people had made me very self conscious. 

    My parents reminding me for years that “I almost died” (and I did have a near death experience) had made me aware that life can change in an instant, that nothing is permanent, and that you have no control over those situations.

    Not being 100% healed of the paralysis was a constant reminder of what had happened to me and even though I could walk and was fully mobile, I was very aware that I was ‘different’.

    I had moved from being a child victim of paralysis to being a victimized adult and I didn’t even know it.

    I let this be my life for many years until something shifted and I realized that I lived my life as a victim. I think it was the realization that all of my friends were victims, that I shared my victim story with everyone, and that my victim story was the story of my complicated, out of control, unpredictable present, as well as my past.

    I detail this in the first chapter of my book, From Victim to Victor, as I explain how victimization occurs and what it does to your life. (you can hear this on the podcast)

    The shift didn’t happen with any intention or plan, I think that one day I got tired of sharing my victim story and I decided I wasn’t going to do it any more.

    Now making the change from victim to victor was not easy because I had lived that way for a long time. But I had determination and desire, and I had the motivation to do something else. 

    If being victimized was one way I could live my life, being a victor was another choice.

    So I decided to try it.

    Now moving from one state of being to another takes courage and determination, and a plan. I don’t suggest you do this without considering the consequences or that it may take a few tries before you find the victor path.

    Here are some things you can do to move from victim to victor:

    1. Like any self defeating behavior, being victimized is like an addiction. You get attention, support, and help when you’re a victim. So you are going to have to find another way to get those things.

    2. Being victimized protects you from judgment when you do not succeed at things in your life. So you are going to have to make a commitment to your success and stick to it since you can’t fall back on your victim consciousness as an excuse for non-performance or non-completion.

    3. You’ll have to define what being a victor means to you and to make that as valuable as being a victim. You see, victimhood is valuable or you would not do it. So you have to replace the value of being a victim with a greater, more valuable victor statement.

    4. You will probably have to find new friends because if you’re a victim your friends are victims too. If you’re familiar with the expression ‘misery loves company’, if you are no longer miserable, they will no longer want your company.

    5. The difference between victim and victor is I AM and if you look at the two words, they are separated by the letters I and M. Say “I am a victim”. Now say “I am a victor”. Which one feels better to you? Which one sounds better? Which one do you believe? While you may believe that you are a victim and your life probably reflects that right now, moving from victim to victor is a process of shifting your beliefs, your truth, and your perspective.

    This is a journey that requires intention, commitment to yourself, and a desire for transformation. It is not going to be a quick fix but you will see results when you take small steps and celebrate each victory. 

    If you are ready to move from victim to victor then make a commitment to yourself, to your joy, and to your new life as a victor where victim consciousness is not allowed to cripple your dreams and paralyze you with fear. It is not easy but it can be done with grace and ease.

    I am a victor!

    You can buy my book, From  Victim to Victor - How to Rise from Paralyzing Fear and Crippling Beliefs to Soar into  Empowered Freedom at amazon and get your bonuses at this link.

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    The Truth about Spiritual Shaming

    The Truth about Spiritual Shaming

    Spiritual shaming is a form of manipulation which implies that your talents and abilities are in question if you do not use them in the way someone thinks you should or expects you to. Or that there are expectations of you because you call yourself ‘spiritual’. Or we spiritual shame ourselves, holding ourselves to an impossibly high standard of behavior because we think that is what ‘spiritual people do’.

    Whether we are being spiritual shamed by others or we are spiritually shaming ourselves, it’s not helpful and it is something we need to be aware of and to stop doing because it is interfering in our ascension process and our ability to be energy containers for more high frequency energy.

    Sometimes we get spiritually shamed because we don’t help people who come to us  for support and guidance. But those situations are not always simple or uncomplicated, are they. 

    How do you manage your energy boundaries to avoid being manipulated by spiritual shaming? Here are some guidelines:

    1. Recognize your energy boundaries and don’t let yourself fall into the trap of manipulation or shaming. You are a wonderful, talented, fabulous person who deserves to be respected and valued for who you are and what you do. 

    2. Be clear about what you will share with others and what falls outside of that boundary. That way when you do say no you can steer people towards an option that will respond to their question without you oversharing, overgiving, or not being compensated for your time, efforts, and energy.

    3. Don’t let others dictate your self worth or self confidence. Someone’s judgment of you is no more than their opinion and when it is stated in anger or fear it probably won’t be very good but that is their issue, not yours. Have your own energy boundaries about who you are and what you deserve, and make them iron clad and Teflon coated so they don’t get blown apart every time someone is angry with you because you are not doing what they want you to do.

    4. Make your ‘no’ firm and not subject to discussion and do it for everyone. If you are afraid that people won’t like you if you say no, then you will say yes to everyone, even when you don’t want to. Be firm when you say no, again this is about energy boundaries, and make it stick. You can’t say no one day and yes the next, then you do not look serious. You know you must be consistent with everyone or they won’t take you seriously. 

    5. Respect yourself enough to value your time, energy, talents, and abilities. What did it take for you to get where you are today? Probably quite a lot. Respect yourself by honoring your own path and if you do not want to do something, don’t do it. You do not owe anyone a long explanation, a simple ‘no’ is sufficient, or you could say ‘not right now’ and suggest a more convenient date or time, or ‘I have a program that provides a solution for you’ issue and give them the website URL. 

    Finally, ask yourself this important question, “If I say yes am I going to resent myself or regret it?” If the answer to that question is yes then say no. You will ultimately feel more respected, more appreciated, and more valued when you recognize your own energetic sovereignty and learn how to control your energy flows. It’s better to have someone try to spiritually shame you than to feel taken advantage of, disrespected, and angry with yourself at not being able to say ‘no’ when you want and need to.

    It’s unfortunate that spiritual shaming is a response from people who should know better by virtue of who they say they are but these are challenging times and everyone is feeling a little off. I would never tell someone they were not spiritual, no matter what they were doing because that simply is not my call and I cannot possibly know what their level of spirituality is. 

    But I also don’t get too distracted by someone who tries to shame me spiritually because I know that it is a mirror of their own energy and not a barometer of mine. And those people are quickly reminded of my energy boundaries and shown the door because we all get to control who is part of our energy field and only those people who can ‘love, honor, and respect us’ need to be included in that place.

    Be aware of your own energy, where you want it to flow, and how you want to interact with others and them with you. Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ when it’s appropriate for you and if you are spiritually shamed for your response, just smile and know that as long as you ‘love, honor, and respect’ yourself that is all that matters.

    read the full article on the blog at gpsbusinessacademy.com 

    Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

    Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

    Visit enlighteninglife.com for more information.

    email support@enlighteninglife.com with questions

    How to introduce yourself ...

    How to introduce yourself ...
    Am Anfang stand eine Idee. Sven wollte sein Englisch verbessern. Zu diesem Zweck kontaktierte er Richard, der Muttersprachler der englischen Sprache ist. Einmal pro Woche telefonieren nun diese beiden jungen Männer, um sich auf Englisch über verschiedene Situationen des beruflichen und privaten Alltags zu unterhalten. Profitiere von diesem Gesprächen und falls es Bereiche gibt, die du vermisst, dann schreibe gerne einen Kommentar. Weiterführende Informationen und Trainingsmaterial findest du unter: https://speedlearning.academy Everything started with had an idea ... Sven wanted to improve his English. Therefore he contacted Richard who is a native speaker of English. Once per week these two young men talk at the phone and discuss different situations of business- and everyday life in English. Be part of this conversation and feel free to comment if there is any situation you want to be covered. For more information visit our website: https://speedlearning.academy

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    1 - Art & Science of Leadership

    Leadership Influence

    Why Trust Matters & How to Develop It

    Levels of Leadership Influence

    Know Your Sweet Spot

    Learning from the Good & the Bad

    Grow Up to Go Up

    2 - Core Skills

    5 Facets of Emotional Intelligence


    Active Listening

    3 - Skills You Need & Your Employer Wants You to Have

    Proactive & Effective Problem Solving

    Pareto (80/20) Principle

    Growth Mindset

    Be a River not a Dam

    Your Attitude is Highly Contagious

    We are Greater Than Me

    4 - 401 (Advanced Leadership Skills)

    DISC Personalities. How to Know and Work Better with Different Personalities.

    Steps to Leading Positive Change

    Growth Plan (Vision)

    The Ladder is Inside You

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    Thank you all so much for listening!
    I love sharing my journey and what I'm learning with you in this podcast!

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    Shana Recker Art: @shanarecker_art

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