
    change your perspective

    Explore " change your perspective" with insightful episodes like "S1EP199 Focus On Feeling Good", "S1EP197 Making Peace with the Scale", "S1EP186 Don't Worry, Be Happy", "S1EP173 You've Got This!" and "S1EP168 Motivation... Or Lack Thereof" from podcasts like ""Loving Me, Myself & Life", "Loving Me, Myself & Life", "Loving Me, Myself & Life", "Loving Me, Myself & Life" and "Loving Me, Myself & Life"" and more!

    Episodes (20)

    S1EP197 Making Peace with the Scale

    S1EP197 Making Peace with the Scale

    It's time to talk about that scale... you know, the one that's in your bathroom or closet? Maybe gathering dust? I know this conversation is hard, and I've had it with myself countless times over the years, but rather than throw it out or ignore it, I chose to learn something from it.

    Join me today as I share the ups and downs (literally) in my journey of acceptance with the most unlikely of devices...

    S1EP168 Motivation... Or Lack Thereof

    S1EP168 Motivation... Or Lack Thereof

    Ever had a day, a week or even longer where you just didn't want to get out of bed?

    I have totally been there, so join me today as I share some practices that can help you jumpstart your day...things you can add to your toolbox that you can bring out whenever you are feeling low on energy.

    Even if you have to get motivated to do something you hate doing, it's still possible - it may just require a change in perspective. After all, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" - Dr. Wayne Dyer

    S1EP166 Resisting Change

    S1EP166 Resisting Change

    Join me today as I share something that is a bit embarrassing now that I look back on it. Like, why was I resisting this change so much? A lot of the time we don't even realize how much we are resisting a change that, once we do change, leads to a much better place.

    It's my hope that by sharing this with you, you take some time to reflect on areas of your own life where you are consciously or unconsciously resisting something and that next step, make that change, and really take control of your life.

    S1EP163 What I Learned From Slowing Down

    S1EP163 What I Learned From Slowing Down

    Hello listeners, please join me today as I share some recent discoveries I've made about myself, my health, and my well-being when I took the time to slow down and take care of myself.

    By giving myself some time for just me, I was able to start asking some question, getting support, and finally coming to a realization of what has been bogging me down for months if not years.

    So, consider this podcast a loving reminder to take the time for you and you might just make some amazing discoveries of your own!

    The Progression Of Perception (The P.O.P.)

    The Progression Of Perception (The P.O.P.)

    Your perception of reality - determines your experience of reality. 

    Perceptions can be changed and enhanced.

    How do we modify our perception of reality?

    In today's episode, we cover three fundamental areas of perception and specific tools for enhancing your perspective in those key areas.

    I also share a tool that I have used for 12 years that has shaped my mind more than anything else I have ever done consistently.

    In Daniel Coyle’s book "The Little Book of Talent," he talks about the importance of forming healthy habits as it relates to our perception and the framework of our minds. He writes: “Neurologists call this the sled on a snowy hill phenomenon. The first repetitions are like the first sled tracks on fresh snow. On subsequent tries, your sled will tend to follow those grooves.”

    Einstein was big on perspectives, and how they modify the way we interact with the world around us, he said: "I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?”

    I hope you enjoy!

    For more info on coaching, the book launch, and other mindset motivation, head over to CJLedy.com.

    Why I wrote the Undetected Narcissist

    Why I wrote the Undetected Narcissist

    I have always been curious about human nature and what makes us tick. I have worked with people all over the globe. People with different beliefs, backgrounds, religions, professions, family issues, and traumas. In writing this book, I started to change. I first was in a place of anger like most victims. Then as the anger melted away and my heart opened, I was able to see things much more clearly. I started to put the puzzle pieces together when it comes to childhood trauma, domestic violence, narcissisms, and how we treat one another.

    Therefore, I wrote this book to shine my light out into the world. For I was in the dark like many other people. I had to heal my wounds and pick myself back up. When I realized, our story is happening to others around the world, I felt this strong urge to write this book. I needed to share our story to spare millions of children and families from abuse, trauma, and pain.

    Like many other victims, I went on a quest to learn more about narcissistic traits and behaviors. I sadly discovered that it appeared many websites and blog posts were not coming from a place of love, compassion, understanding, and forgiveness, but from a place of anger, hate, and victimization. If you truly want to heal and discover your authentic self, you must come from a place of LOVE!

    Victims of narcissistic abuse have been led down the path of being afraid because FEAR has been their teacher. I want to take a different approach. I want LOVE to be your teacher. Fear is all about force and the energy/vibration of fear is weak. If you Google images of “Clinically Proven Map of Consciousness”, you will see that the energy levels below 200 are false, lack integrity, and do not support life. Energy levels above 200 have truth, Integrity, and support life.

    To read more, please visit my website homepage

    Support the show

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelamyerun/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AngelaMyerUN

    Website: https://www.undetectednarcissist.com

    Blog posts: https://undetectednarcissist.com/blog/

    Change Your Perspective

    Change Your Perspective

    In this episode I talk about about how you can quickly change your experience by changing your perspective.  Everything can be seen from another perspective.  There is not one truth.  Typically we perceive things only one way and believe it to be our truth.  However, by seeing things a new way, you can create a new and better reality for yourself with little physical effort.  This is easier said than done; therefore, it takes conscious effort to change our conditioned thought patterns and beliefs.  Our challenges are meant to wake us up and remind us that something within ourselves need to change.  We need challenges to help us evolve.  Part of our spiritual awakening is being able to see things from multiple perspectives so we can grow, expand, and experience more.  In this episode I share three ways in which you can shift your perspective so you can shift your experiences for the better.

    Steve & Danielle Wolf with Tips on Design, Freelancing, & Productivity

    Steve & Danielle Wolf with Tips on Design, Freelancing, & Productivity

    Steve & Danielle Wolf with Tips on Design, Freelancing, & Productivity

    Do you show up each day winging it and doing what feels good, or do you have a plan of attack and a system you thrive in?

    Sure, some people can just show up and figure it out, but what if there’s room to optimize your workflow while still acting in the muse?

    It tends to be a little bit easier for people who do their things full time, as there’s a little more margin and room for flexibility.

    If you’re like me and you hold down a day job, your time is already scarce...so winging it each day is most likely not going to yield the type of results you’re wanting.

    Having a plan, scheduling your success, and optimizing your productivity is key...plus you gotta leave a little margin in there for play to stay sane.

    My friend Steve Wolf and his wife Danielle are people who have a plan and have been consistently crushing it. They are the brains behind Steve Wolf Designs, a design and branding studio in Austin, Texas. They crush work for brands like Target, Lennox Air, Butler Bros, Adobe, TypeHike, and everything in between.

    While Steve thrives in the creativity department crushing design, logos, branding, custom type, etc., I feel every creative needs the Danielle counterpart—she is an organization guru who runs marketing, process development, and project management (basically all the stuff creatives like I do suck at). Productivity is her jam, and she’s also a coach who she helps busy women find their unique balance and create more joy in their life.

    Strap in and take some notes and we cover a ton of topics like:

    • Tips on what to do and NOT TO DO as a freelancer
    • Productivity hacks 
    • Scheduling your success
    • Exploring new creative outlets, finding your fuel, their favorite pizza, and more.

    If you’re a side hustler or freelancer who’s ready to step your game up, then this episode was crafted for you.


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    Marathon Mindset | Run Your Own Damn Race at Your Own Damn Pace

    Marathon Mindset | Run Your Own Damn Race at Your Own Damn Pace

    Run Your Own Race & Avoid the Comparison Trap

    “Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.” – Jon Acuff from his book Start.

    I often allowed comparison to paralyze me from becoming the person I’m supposed to become. Much of that comparison stems from the social world of the internet.

    I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I feel fortunate enough to know how life worked before it, as well as experience the rise of it.

    In high school, I was on the early days of MySpace and felt the dopamine rush that notifications give you.

    When I graduated in 2006, I joined the new wave of Facebook. You actually needed a college email to get access, long before your parents and grandparents were on that shit.

    In 2013, I joined Instagram. In 2o14, I shifted to using it as a business portfolio. That’s when my life as a creative drastically changed, as I started to take my craft and message more seriously.

    The Beautiful Toxicity of Social Media

    Social media is a huge blessing in my life. It gives me confidence in myself and my work after spending the majority of life with none.

    It has helped me find my creative community. This community lets me cultivate incredible relationships with like-minded nerds and freaks that geek out over the weird shit I do.

    It’s given me a platform to spread good vibes, cast a spotlight on others, and speak up for things I believe in.

    At the same time, though, social media has become a trap—not to mention a time suck when we don’t intentionally use it as a tool.

    Social media truly is a beautiful thing. At the same time, it can be toxic as fuck.

    It trains us to compare our lives and our work to our peers or to the legends we idolize.

    We operate from a mindset of lack and have become the it’s never enough culture.

    We constantly seek what someone else has and easily lose sight of what’s important—what we already have.

    Who cares if we have 500 followers when Sally Jane has 5,000?

    Sally Jane feels shitty because Billy Bob has 50k.

    Billy Bob is bumming hard because Gertrude Baggins has 500k.

    We’re forever running in a hamster wheel trying to play “catch up” when, in reality, we’re running our own race.

    Marathon > Sprint

    You’ve probably heard this a hundred times, but the race we’re running isn’t a sprint—it’s a lifelong marathon. It’s not a microwavable 100-meter sprint, it’s a slow, day-by-day grind that requires lots of practice, patience, and persistence.

    You have your own starting point, no matter your age and experience.

    You run at your own pace. Sometimes times you need to push the pedal through the floor and bust your ass. Other times, you have to pump your breaks and deal with the ebb and flow of life.

    Your destination is different as your finish line is unique to you. There’s no GPS that’s going to give you step-by-step directions.

    Your race is your own, so run your own race.

    Stop Robbing Yourself

    Teddy Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the greatest thief of joy.” We are constantly sticking ourselves up with the gunpoint of comparison.

    Don’t let the cool shit others do rob you from making the cool shit you’re supposed to be creating.

    Don’t let the incredible things people within and outside your circle are doing rob you from becoming incredible too.

    Erase the comparison you’ll face in your dream that you chase. If that’s the case, you gotta embrace that you’re running your own race at your own pace to a different destination or place.

    P.S. I hate running.

    Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed and found this episode value, I need your help spreading it! Please, share a screenshot or video of the episode you’re listening to and tag me on Instagram at @prspctv_cllctv and @perspectivepodcast—and let’s connect.


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    A 6-Step Game Plan for Finding Clarity to Create Your Own Future

    A 6-Step Game Plan for Finding Clarity to Create Your Own Future

    A 6-Step Game Plan for Finding Clarity to Create Your Own Future

    “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Abe Lincoln

    I’m fired up for this punchy solo episode today. I’ve been answering a lot of questions via IG DMs or in my Private Facebook Community, and there seems to be a theme in a lot of my responses.

    I compiled a lot of the pattern answers together and crafted this little diddy to help you know what you want out of life and how to make a game plan to go get it.

    Today, I'm giving you a 6 Step Game Plan for Finding Clarity to Create Your Own Future.

    I want this to be an episode you can easily go back and reference when you’re lacking clarity or need that spark to keep pushing forward.


    • “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” - Jonathan

    Lockdown these 3 things and be as specific as possible:

    • Know what you want
    • Know who you want to be
    • Know where you’re going

    Action Step: Write down a detailed answer for each of the 3 aforementioned areas and note if this vision pertains to the short term (this year) or longer term (3, 5, or 10 years from now).


    • Give yourself a target to aim at short term and long term
    • Set goals & make them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
      Relevant, Timebound
    • Have a way to track and measure your goals
    • Place your goals where you can see them each day

    Action Step: What’s one thing you want to accomplish in 2019? How can you break it down into a SMART goal?


    • Stop waiting on your dream to come to you
    • Opportunities don’t magically come to your front door like a piping
      hot and freshly delivered pizza
    • Take initiative and ownership of your situation and what you want out
      of life

    Action Step: With your previously created SMART goal, what’s the first step you should take? Act on it today if you’re able to.


    • It’s not what you know—it’s who you know
    • Who you know will get your foot in the door; what you know (skills)
      will get you the cheddar
    • Be a giver and not a taker by providing value and serving others

    Action Step: Inject yourself into a community of like-minded people who are all working towards similar visions as you.


    • Seanwes- “People don’t notice announcements, people notice
    • Remind people you exist by staying in front of them on multiple
    • Excuses ≠ Results (excuses are easy; results are hard)

    Action Step: I recommend a minimum of putting art or content onto the interwebs at least once a week.


    • Life is fucking tough, but adversity is the bridge that leads you to
      your next destination
    • It takes a lot of grit and perseverance to get through those crusty
      times (low moments) in life
    • Having something you’re passionate about that provides a purpose to
      your life, and others will help see you through those tough times

    Action Step: Hoard your victories.

    Enjoy This Episode?

    If you enjoyed and found this episode value, I need your help spreading it! Please, share a screenshot or video of the episode you're listening to and tag me on Instagram at @prspctv_cllctv and @perspectivepodcast—and let’s connect.


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    How to Grind Outside the Day Job & Fight Comparison with Nick Slater

    How to Grind Outside the Day Job & Fight Comparison with Nick Slater

    Leveling the Playing Field & Proving Your Humanity

    If you’re a creative like me, you deal with imposter syndrome, burnout, finding time to make personal work, and trying to make something meaningful.

    Some people refuse to admit these “flaws” publicly, as they feel it would tarnish their potential professional perception. In my eyes, showing the world that you're human attracts more people to you—no matter if you’re a wide-eyed rookie or a polished vet in the game.

    No one has it all figured out, no matter how hard someone tries to convince you otherwise.

    We appreciate knowing that the people we admire struggle with the same things we do—at least I do. It levels the playing field and empowers us to take it up a notch because if they can do it, we can too.

    Battling Comparison, Fighting Burnout, and Crushing Your Grind with Nick Slater

    Queue today’s guest, Nick Slater, illustrator and design Goliath slanging jaw-dropping work out of the Bay Area. He’s worked with big brands like Lyft, Slack, Twitter, Asana, Zendesk, Airstream, Epicurrence, and The Washington Post.

    His creativity, diverse skillset, and frequent output certainly may persuade you he’s a robot. However, with how open he is about the struggles we all deal with, reminds you he’s definitely human just like the rest of us.

    That’s what I love most about Nick—he’s got big-time work, but doesn't have a big head.

    In today’s episode, Nick Slater and I go into the nitty gritty about:

    • Getting caught in the comparison trap even after you've "made it"
    • Making time to grind outside a day job
    • Fighting burnout by finding new outlets
    • Looking inside to create impactful work outside
    • What his last slice of pizza would be if he was on death row

    This one is going to give you all the feels and set a fire under your ass to push to the next level as we finish this week and year strong.

    You know the drill! Take a screenshot or share a video of the episode you’re listening to and tag me on IG @perspectivepodcast and let me know what you think. I enjoy the hell out of connecting with you each week there.


    • Listener of the Week: Aloysiusrichtofen
    • Podcast Editor: Aine Brennan
    • Shownotes Editor: Paige Garland
    • Podcast music: Blookah

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    Mental Health, Social Media & the Secret World of Pricing with Ari Woeste

    Mental Health, Social Media & the Secret World of Pricing with Ari Woeste

    Mental Health, Social Media & the Secret World of Pricing with Ari Woeste

    Opening up about your struggles opens you up to being put under a microscope. However, I feel when we do open up about our story, it makes us more human and gives others permission to embrace their imperfect story.

    Queue today’s guest: Ari Woeste, an independent lettering artist and art director out of Minneapolis, MN, who’s especially a force with tactile and food lettering. She’s crushed projects for some of the biggest brands in the world like Wal-Mart, Polo Ralph Lauren, General Mills, and Yoplait (to name a few).

    Ari has an incredible story filled with humility, and she’s not afraid to open up about the ups and downs of her creative career.

    On today’s episode, Ari and I get super deep into:

    • Battling with the inner critic and comparison
    • Dealing with the dark side of social media and mental health
    • Tackling the rollercoaster world of freelance and pricing
    • Taking yourself seriously and following your intuition
    • And her new dog @kylethepupper

    This one is going to hit home with you no matter where you are on your creative grind.

    Let me know what you think. Take a screenshot of the podcast episode you’re listening to and tag me on IG @perspectivepodcast or on Twitter, and let’s connect.


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    Love the Crust (3 Life Lessons Learned From Loving Pizza Pt 3)

    Love the Crust (3 Life Lessons Learned From Loving Pizza Pt 3)

    Today we dive into Part 3 of the 3 Life Lessons Learned From Pizza Series.

    Life Lesson #3 is all about Learning to Love the Crust.

    To know the crust is to love the crust. It's those rough patches in your life when you feel lost, depressed, and insignificant—like you have nothing to offer this world.

    You want to ignore these moments in life and sweep the crumbs under the rug, but it's important to embrace them. These moments and experiences define and shape whom you'll become.

    Today I talk about 3 ways to get through those crusty times and see the silver lining.

    1. Shit & Sunshine - Can't appreciate the highs without the lows

    2. Find Your Suffering - What are you willing to experience worthwhile suffering for?

    3. Hoard Your Victories - Celebrating and acknowledging wins is important


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    Take Life One Slice at a Time (3 Life Lessons Learned From Loving Pizza Pt 2)

    Take Life One Slice at a Time (3 Life Lessons Learned From Loving Pizza Pt 2)

    Today we dive into Part 2 of the 3 Life Lessons Learned From Pizza Series.

    Life Lesson #2 is a reminder to Take Life One Slice at a Time

    First, I share with you my story of hitting rock bottom on my way to overcoming adversity and starting Perspective-Collective.

    Next, I give you 3 ways to equip you with the long-term mindset to pursue your creative career and the adversity that comes with it.

    1. Get Familiar With Failure - Divorce your comfort zone and say YES

    2. Keep Swinging - You're one scroll or swipe away from having a breakthrough

    3. Don't Lose Sight of Why You Started - Don't let failure suck the fun out of your dream


    RetroSupply is the leading provider of Illustrator, Photoshop, Procreate, and Affinity design resources to make your work stand in clicks or drags of your mouse or stylus. Use Promo Code SCOTTY20 to save 20% OFF all their design resources like brushes, actions, textures, and fonts.


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