
    christian meditation

    Explore " christian meditation" with insightful episodes like "Search Me God", "What Are You Worried About?", ""Filled with the fullness of God": A Recipe for Holiness", "Utilize Your Self Control" and "Goodness is Love in Action" from podcasts like ""Devotionals on the Go", "Devotionals on the Go", "Come Away By Yourselves", "Devotionals on the Go" and "Devotionals on the Go"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Search Me God

    Search Me God

    You may not FEEL loved, valued, or special at times. It could be that others may not treat you according to your worth.  It may be that circumstances feel irreparable or hopeless.  It may be that you feel unnoticed or unloved.  Regardless of your feelings, you can choose to believe and live according to the truths in today’s Psalm.

    You can choose to believe God's truth, and what a difference the truth will make in your life! 

    For more great Christian content including Bible Study based workouts, be sure to visit SoulStrength Fit

    What Are You Worried About?

    What Are You Worried About?

    God did not give you shoulders broad enough to carry all your worries through life.  He did give you the responsibility to pray about the issues that worry you, but He didn’t give you the burden of carrying it; you can’t do that.  The more you try to carry your own burdens, the more you diminish your effectiveness as a Christian.  If you are struggling with anxiety today, take your eyes off yourself and do a good deed for another person. Then, ask God to help you learn how to trust in Him confidently.  Ask that His peace will surround you and drown out your anxiety.

    For more great Christian content, including Bible Study Based Workouts, be sure to visit SoulStrength Fit

    "Filled with the fullness of God": A Recipe for Holiness

    "Filled with the fullness of God": A Recipe for Holiness

    Our call to holiness is clearly revealed in the New Testament.   St. Peter tells us, "as he who called you is holy, be holy in all your conduct."   This is clearly a call to action.  At the same time, however, we must realize that holiness is more something done to us-- and in us--than something done by us.  "To be filled with the fullness of God", as St. Paul puts it, is a divine initiative.  This takes great courage and trust on our part, because to be filled with God is also to die once and again to ourselves.  


    Rebroadcast: "Do not fear, only believe": Our Need for Hope

    Rebroadcast: "Do not fear, only believe": Our Need for Hope

    In the face of a great personal tragedy, Jesus insists to the synagogue official Jairus that he replace his fear with trust.  To hope is to be convinced that God is greater than any problem in our life.  Hope also transforms our expectations for happiness.  It moves us to place our greatest desires in God and in heaven, rather than in anything in this earthly life.  By practicing Christian hope, especially during the most difficult times, we free ourselves to love and help the world in a more truthful and effective way. 


    Are You Self Disciplined?

    Are You Self Disciplined?

    What race are you running to win?  We all run a race.  Do not run aimlessly in your Christian faith, but seek perseverance and learn to discipline your body, your schedule, your words and your actions so that you can run to receive the prize.

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    It’s one thing to simply believe in God, but another to be faithful to Him. When we are truly faithful to God, this shapes the way we live. 

    Think about the ways you show your faithfulness to God. Are there things that are getting in the way of your faithfulness?

    Be sure to check out https://www.soulstrengthfit.com and use code DEVOTIONALs at check out to get a 20% discount

    The Power of Prayer

    The Power of Prayer

    Jesus's parable of the widow and the unjust judge teaches us to pray with persistence and intensity.  While always confident that God our Father hears and answers our prayers, we are called to exercise this confidence by patient perseverance in our petitions.  "Prayer works."  This is a fundamental Gospel truth.  Prayer is powerful and others depend on our prayers of intercession for them.  Prayer of petition brings us closer to God, by reminding us of our status as his creatures and children.  

    What is the Loving Thing to Do

    What is the Loving Thing to Do

    I encourage you to ask this important question throughout your week: “What is the loving thing to do?

    Should you respond irritably to your husband or not: “What is the loving thing to do?”

    Should you yell at your child or not: “What is the loving thing to do?” 

    Should you help a neighbor or relax with a TV show: “What is the loving thing to do?”

    So many problems you face can be solved by asking two questions, “Is this loving God?” and “Is this loving my neighbor?” If we learn to ask these two questions of ourselves regularly, we will truly begin to change from the inside out.

    Be sure to check out https://www.soulstrengthfit.com and use code DEVOTIONALs at check out to get a 20% discount

    Just Be Kind

    Just Be Kind

    This week, be sure to fill your tank.  Take care of your physical and emotional needs, and be sure to manage your time in a way that will allow margin.  Then as you move through your day, prayerfully seek out each and every opportunity to demonstrate kindness to the people around you.

    Be sure to check out https://www.soulstrengthfit.com and use code DEVOTIONALs at check out to get a 20% discount!

    "Pray for us sinners": Mercy and Mary

    "Pray for us sinners": Mercy and Mary

    Jesus's healing encounter with the ten lepers helps us reflect on mercy and grace.  Like the lepers with their disease, only a miracle can help us overcome our sinfulness.  Each conversion is a real miracle, including our own conversions.  Grace is a gift.  Gifts are not earned, but humbly asked for.  In the month of the Rosary, we can be more aware of all of the mercy we ask for whenever we pray the Rosary well. 


    October 2nd: St. Josemaria and the Call to Holiness

    October 2nd: St. Josemaria and the Call to Holiness

    Opus Dei , the Work of God, was founded by St. Josemaria on October 2nd, 1928.   The universal call to holiness, clearly expressed in the New Testament and tirelessly preached by St. Josemaria, was first experienced by him personally as a young man.  This loving call is eternal and intimately connected to our identity and mission in life.  By responding to this call we turn the "ordinary prose" of our everyday life into "heroic verse."   Our work and life thus becomes a true "Work of God."


    Radical God, Radical Love

    Radical God, Radical Love

    The infinite transcendence of God is a challenge to our faith and love.  Jesus uses shocking language to teach us just how radically different our love for God should be compared with all of our other loves.  Developing a more adequate love for God first requires believing in his radical transcendence and his primacy.  It also requires the humility to admit that we do not yet love him as he deserves.  From  this faith and humility, we can move to improve the quality of our love for God: with prayer, with Charity, and with soul-freeing self-denial.   


    "Stay Awake!": Christian Alertness

    "Stay Awake!": Christian Alertness

    Jesus continually calls us to an alert vigilance.  He does this to make us aware of the great opportunities of love and service that fill our ordinary lives.  At the beginning of a new school year, it is good to foster an eager alertness in our souls, an excitement for the work that lies ahead of us.  If we find ourselves dull and without energy, we can start by asking Jesus for more strength, more enthusiasm.  If our lethargy persists, we can pray and practice a greater love of interior struggle as an opportunity to love heroically. 


    A journey through sound: Michael Joly

    A journey through sound: Michael Joly

    In this episode, Michael takes us on his journey from his first sound memory as a young child to how he ended up creating sound meditation products.

    Michael Joly is the founder and CEO of Hear Now Systems Inc, where he designs sound meditation aids. These include the Amazon best-selling n.o.w. Tone Therapy System and Solu: ToneStream Meditation––a new mobile app that uses pure tones instead of voice guidance. He is on a mission to bring peace and healing to the world, through sound––as a heart-based company. 

    Visit Michaels Website Here

    Follow Candace on Instagram

    Candace Dunaway is the Host of the All Things Relatable podcast. Candace practices daily gratitude and believes that this practice is the key to living a joyful life. Candace sees the world through an optimistic lens and looks for the silver linings, even in the most difficult of times. She believes that life is a collection of simple moments of joy that compound to create a happy life.

    Follow Candace on Instagram

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