

    Explore " distinction" with insightful episodes like "Watering Self-Love Ep.3", "L’AXE DU MAL VOUS FAIT-IL PEUR ? | JACQUES BAUD", "Life On Top of Life - From Empty to Overflowing - Pastor Jason Warman", "Leviticus Chapter 20 Part 2" and "Leviticus Chapter 20 Part 2" from podcasts like ""eFFray Studios: Your one stop shop for all types of PODCASTS!", "GÉOPOLITIQUE PROFONDE (www.geopolitique-profonde.com)", "CoastLife Church Podcast with Pastor Jason Warman", "LoveIsrael.org" and "LoveIsrael.org (audio)"" and more!

    Episodes (40)



    Jacques Baud est un ancien colonel de l’armée suisse, analyste stratégique, spécialiste du renseignement et du terrorisme. Il a été formé dans les services de renseignement américain et britannique, et a participé à plusieurs missions des Nations unies en Afrique et au Soudan.

    Il est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages sur les questions de sécurité internationale, dont “Encyclopédie du renseignement et des services secrets” (2002), “La guerre asymétrique ou la défaite du vainqueur” (2003), “Terrorisme et contre-terrorisme” (2016) et “Vaincre le terrorisme djihadiste” (2021).

    • L’axe du mal Chine-Russie est une expression qui désigne l’alliance stratégique entre ces deux puissances rivales des États-Unis. Cette alliance repose sur des intérêts communs, tels que la défense de la souveraineté nationale, la résistance à l’hégémonie américaine, la promotion d’un ordre mondial multipolaire et le développement économique.
    • L’Ukraine est un pays situé à la frontière entre l’Europe et l’Asie, qui se trouve au cœur d’un conflit géopolitique majeur. Depuis 2014, l’Ukraine est en proie à une guerre civile entre les forces loyalistes et les séparatistes pro-russes, soutenus par Moscou. Cette guerre a fait plus de 13 000 morts et plus d’un million de déplacés.
    • Le terrorisme djihadiste est l’une des principales menaces qui pèsent sur la paix et la sécurité du monde. Depuis les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, les groupes terroristes se sont multipliés et ont étendu leur influence dans plusieurs régions, notamment au Moyen-Orient, en Afrique et en Asie.

    Ces trois sujets sont au centre de notre entretien avec Jacques Baud.
    Il nous livre son analyse sans concession des enjeux géopolitiques actuels, basée sur sa longue expérience du terrain et ses connaissances approfondies du renseignement.

    Ne manquez pas ce rendez-vous exceptionnel avec un expert reconnu, qui  apporte un éclairage inédit sur des sujets brûlants d’actualité.


    Life On Top of Life - From Empty to Overflowing - Pastor Jason Warman

    Life On Top of Life - From Empty to Overflowing - Pastor Jason Warman

    We hope this message encourages and inspires you!

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    Leviticus Chapter 20 Part 2

    Leviticus Chapter 20 Part 2
    We are going to be concluding Leviticus chapter 20. And we are going to be reminded of some of the commandments that God has already revealed to us, likewise in the same book of Leviticus, and he's going to repeat them. And these are obvious things that people all people would agree with. To donate please visit us at: https://loveisrael.org/donate/ Checks may be sent to: LoveIsrael.org 6355 N Courtenay Parkway Merritt Island, FL 32953 Feel free to download our MyBibleStudy App on telephone https://get.theapp.co/yjjq we don't know how long we can post the teachings on YT https://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial/

    Leviticus Chapter 20 Part 2

    Leviticus Chapter 20 Part 2
    We are going to be concluding Leviticus chapter 20. And we are going to be reminded of some of the commandments that God has already revealed to us, likewise in the same book of Leviticus, and he's going to repeat them. And these are obvious things that people all people would agree with. To donate please visit us at: https://loveisrael.org/donate/ Checks may be sent to: LoveIsrael.org 6355 N Courtenay Parkway Merritt Island, FL 32953 Feel free to download our MyBibleStudy App on telephone https://get.theapp.co/yjjq we don't know how long we can post the teachings on YT https://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial/

    Taste, with Irmak Karademir Hazir

    Taste, with Irmak Karademir Hazir

    What makes “good” taste? Who decides? And what’s it got to do with inequality? Sociologist Irmak Karademir Hazir grew up watching women in her parents’ clothing boutique. She explains how her fascination for taste emerged from that and why talking about things like fashion, film and music is far from trivial – it’s how we distinguish ourselves from others; how we’re recognised, or dismissed.

    Irmak tells Rosie and Alexis how sociologists such as Pierre Bourdieu have theorised “distinction”, showing how “highbrow” taste is decided by those with money and other kinds of capital. They also discuss the idea of the “cultural omnivore” and ask: Is what looks like broad consumption – of everything from opera to grime – just elitism in disguise?

    Plus: Why are Marvel blockbusters Irmak’s “guilty pleasure”? Why is “symbolic violence” as scary as it sounds? And do we have a moral duty to be honest about our tastes?

    Guest: Irmak Karademir Hazir
    Hosts: Rosie Hancock, Alexis Hieu Truong
    Executive Producer: Alice Bloch
    Sound Engineer: David Crackles
    Music: Joe Gardner
    Artwork: Erin Aniker

    Find more about Uncommon Sense at The Sociological Review.

    Production Note: This episode was recorded shortly before the devastating earthquake in southern and central Turkey and northern and western Syria.

    Episode Resources

    Irmak, Rosie, Alexis and our producer Alice recommended

    • The movies of the “Marvel Cinematic Universe”
    • John Waters’ film “Hairspray”
    • Agnès Jaoui’s film “Le Goût des autres” (The Taste of Others)
    • The BBC documentary series “Signs of the Times”

    From The Sociological Review

    • “Feminism After Bourdieu” – Lisa Adkins and Bev Skeggs [special issue editors]
    • “Aesthetic labour, class and taste: Mobility aspirations of middle-class women working in luxury-retail” – Bryan Boyle and Kobe De Keere
    • “Taste the Joy: Food, Family, Women and Social Media” – Smriti Singh

    By Irmak Karademir Hazir

    Further reading and viewing

    • “Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste” – Pierre Bourdieu 
    • “Formations of Class & Gender: Becoming Respectable” – Bev Skeggs
    • “Reading ‘Race’ in Bourdieu? Examining Black Cultural Capital Among Black Caribbean Youth in South London” – Derron Wallace
    • “Stuart Hall: Selected Writings” – Catherine Hall and Bill Schwarz [book series editors]
    • “Cultural omnivores or culturally homeless? Exploring the shifting cultural identities of the upwardly mobile” – Sam Friedman
    • “‘Anything But Heavy Metal’: Symbolic Exclusion and Musical Dislikes” – Bethany Bryson
    • “The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” – Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer
    • “Follow the algorithm: An exploratory investigation of music on YouTube” – Massimo Airoldi, Davide Beraldo and Alessandro Gandini
    • “Pretty Woman” – Garry Marshall [film director]
    • “Marvel's Defenders of The Status Quo” – Pop Culture Detective

    126: From Detention to Distinction | Onyi Anyado

    126: From Detention to Distinction | Onyi Anyado

    Onyi Anyado is a UK born global leadership speaker with a passion for people. Born in Hackney with an early memory of his dad leaving the family when he was young, his mother and sister became his primary support network with a strong and proud Nigerian background.

    Onyi attended university and in his second year of study, he made a series of decisions that changed and shaped his life. Onyi decided to leave University and join his friends to live a street life as he describes, ‘hustling’ for a living. In a 10-year period that followed, six of his friends were murdered, he was shot at, and served two separate prison sentences. Onyi remembers a comment from a particular prison guard that he was always happy, cheerful and reading whilst in prison and this in part prompted a sudden realisation that he needed to change his life and that he was fed up of being fed up.

    Onyi uses his early experiences of not being responsible or taking accountability for his actions as a catalyst for seeking how he can be a force for good. 

    Experiencing the murder of 6 friends made Onyi feel heartless, and London feel like a war zone full of money, girls and fun whereby he had become anaesthetised to the dangers around him.

    Today, Onyi uses his background as his own personal power. He trained to be a Counsellor and started consuming learning like a sponge to develop as a speaker and trainer. He also works with young adults in schools throughout London to help them become a leader of distinction as he tells them his frank story as an inspiration of how anyone can excel and change their life for good.

    Onyi created ‘Cutting Edge Leadership’ based on three pillars of Influence, Impact & Inspiration coupled with the ability to be a creative, collaborative and critical thinker.

    Listen to this episode for a full explanation and inspiration for all of us to become ‘legacy minded.’
    Enjoy this special episode. 

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    133: Eliminatie Beliefs with Shelly Lefkoe

    133: Eliminatie Beliefs with Shelly Lefkoe

    Shelly Lefkoe, known as the "Belief Eliminator Extraordinaire," says that meaning always takes place in your mind. And having helped thousands from around the world eliminate everything from eating disorders to shyness, she's filling us in on all the secrets to eliminating the beliefs that hold us back from ultimate success, well-being, and love. So buckle up and get ready for a deep and powerful conversation on how to release the beliefs that could be warping your human experience.

    And always available to my podcast fans!
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    You Are What You Eat - Leviticus 11

    You Are What You Eat - Leviticus 11

    And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying to them, 2 “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth. 3 Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat. 4 Nevertheless, among those that chew the cud or part the hoof, you shall not eat these: The camel, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. ...and the rock badger... and the hare... and the pig...8 You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.9 “These you may eat, of all that are in the waters. Everything in the waters that has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat.13 “And these you shall detest among the birds; they shall not be eaten; they are detestable: the eagle, the bearded vulture, the black vulture...20 “All winged insects that go on all fours are detestable to you.24 “And by these you shall become unclean. Whoever touches their carcass shall be unclean until the evening, 25 and whoever carries any part of their carcass shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the evening.29 “And these are unclean to you among the swarming things that swarm on the ground: the mole rat, the mouse, the great lizard of any kind...44 For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. You shall not defile yourselves with any swarming thing that crawls on the ground. 45 For I am the Lord who brought you up out of the land of Egypt to be your God. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.”46 This is the law about beast and bird and every living creature that moves through the waters and every creature that swarms on the ground, 47 to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean and between the living creature that may be eaten and the living creature that may not be eaten.

    1. Where do you draw a distinction between what you can/should eat and not?
    2. How do you often make distinctions between people based on observed behaviors?
    3. Are Jesus' words "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks" hard? affirming? convicting? scary?
    4. Based on your words and actions, what would others say you are consuming?
    5. How does being united to Christ through The Lord's Supper strengthen you?   

    Family...Why Bother? - Part 1 - Designed for Dignity - Pastor Rob Bentz

    Family...Why Bother? - Part 1 - Designed for Dignity - Pastor Rob Bentz

    Do you have a perfect family? Your marriage is perfect, your kids have no issues, and everything is great with your in-laws...is a story told by nobody! Thankfully, family struggles have been going on for a very long time. In fact, the first book of the Bible, Genesis, reveals all sorts of family dysfunction. The good news is that God used these broken families to unleash blessings on the entire world. As we begin our new sermon series, Family...Why Bother?, Pastor Rob Bentz will help us see why humans are uniquely designed for dignity!

    * Note: The first segment of the message, including the introduction and reading of Genesis 1:26-31, was lost due to a power outage on campus. 

    Psalm 29: David's Victory Song!

    Psalm 29: David's Victory Song!

    Psalm 29

    We know, the name of this episode sounds familiar. Last week, we suggested the last two verses of Psalm 28 were David's victory song. But he opens that up in terrific ways in this psalm. Andrew and Edwin peel back another layer to see Psalm 29 as the capstone and the climax of a series of psalms in which David fears God will judge him along with the wicked and therefore he won't get to be in the house of the Lord forever. However, now he knows God does know who he is and will save him.

    Read the written devo that goes along with this episode by clicking here.

    Let us know what you are learning or any questions you have. Email us at TextTalk@ChristiansMeetHere.org.

    Join the Facebook community and join the conversation by clicking here.

    We'd love to meet you. Be a guest among the Christians who meet on Livingston Avenue. Click here to find out more.

    Michael Eldridge sang all four parts of our theme song. Find more from him by clicking here.
    Thanks for talking about the text with us today.

    Honor Thy Parents Part 2

    Honor Thy Parents Part 2

    The commandment to honour one's human parents is compared to honouring God, for man owes his existence to his father and his mother.

    Honor the body that bore thee, and the breasts that gave thee suck, maintain thy parents, for thy parents took part in thy creation." For man owes his existence to God, to his father, and to his mother, in that he receives from each of his parents five of the parts of his body, and ten from God. The bones, the veins, the nails, the brain, and the white of the eye come from the father. The mother gives him skin, flesh, blood, hair, and the pupil of the eye. God gives him the following: breath, soul, light of countenance, sight, hearing, speech, touch, sense, insight, and understanding...but if people do not honor their parents, God say: "It is good that I do not dwell among men, or they would have treated Me superciliously, too."

    Psalm 17: Distinct Love

    Psalm 17: Distinct Love

    Psalm 17

    When David asks God to "Wondrously Show" His love, he is actually using a very specific word with a very specific history. Edwin and Andrew share that meaning and history and discuss an exciting prayer we as God's people can pray today.

    Read the written devo that goes along with this episode by clicking here.

    Let us know what you are learning or any questions you have. Email us at TextTalk@ChristiansMeetHere.org.

    Join the Facebook community and join the conversation by clicking here.

    We'd love to meet you. Be a guest among the Christians who meet on Livingston Avenue. Click here to find out more.

    Michael Eldridge wrote and sang all four parts of our theme song. Find more from him by clicking here.
    Thanks for talking about the text with us today.

    How To Make Success Last Forever with Anthony Jacquin

    How To Make Success Last Forever with Anthony Jacquin

    In this episode of "The Mind of George Show," we're thrilled to welcome Anthony Jacquin, a hypnotherapist and mindset expert, and a dear friend of mine. Anthony's unique approach to teaching that reality is plastic has had a profound impact on my life, helping me navigate mindset challenges and business complexities. The episode promises to be insightful and entertaining as we dive into the intricacies of hypnotherapy and explore the power of perception in shaping our experiences.

    One notable moment with Anthony involved him challenging me to break a chopstick over my throat in front of my mastermind students, adding a touch of humor and suspense to the conversation. Beyond the professional insights, our deep friendship and Anthony's ability to simplify the complexities of the mind make this episode a must-listen.

    Throughout our discussion, we'll delve into the mastery of mindset, the plasticity of reality, and the application of these concepts to enhance resilience. Join us for an engaging conversation that promises to be enlightening, entertaining, and perhaps a little mind-bending. Tune in to "The Mind of George Show" and discover the incredible journey of mastering the mind with Anthony.


    Looking for access to my entire book recommendation library? Check out my Amazon Storefront -- your hub for a curated collection of transformative books covering business, marketing, mindset, and personal development. Shop HERE 📖

    Discover the secrets to building lasting relationships with your customers and boosting your retention with The Last Customer Journey - a 5-part video series designed to help you master a relationship-based marketing approach. 

    With actionable insights and proven strategies, you'll learn how to connect with your audience on a deeper level, establish know, like, and trust, and create an unforgettable customer experience that keeps them coming back for more. 

    Don't miss this opportunity to transform your business and take your customer relationships to the next level. Sign up now for this free series!

    If you have any questions or comments about the episode, I’d love to hear from you! Send me a DM over on Instagram @itsgeorgebryant or pop on over to our free Facebook community, Relationship Beat Algorithms.

    Moses 06 - Plagues 3-6

    Moses 06 - Plagues 3-6

    Exodus 8,9 - When you are faced with the opportunity to compromise -  don't.  Honor God with the right choice, because we are called to live life differently.  For those of you who have not accepted God's offer of love and grace.  Please do not try and stand against God.  Right now His power will save you and give you another way to live life.  Just as He did with Egypt - He is just and he will stand up against anyone who rejects Him.

    Moses 06 - Plagues 3-6

    Moses 06 - Plagues 3-6

    Exodus 8,9 - When you are faced with the opportunity to compromise -  don't.  Honor God with the right choice, because we are called to live life differently.  For those of you who have not accepted God's offer of love and grace.  Please do not try and stand against God.  Right now His power will save you and give you another way to live life.  Just as He did with Egypt - He is just and he will stand up against anyone who rejects Him.


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