

    Explore " distrust" with insightful episodes like "Day 63: Israel's Rebellion (2024)", "55- Feeling Violated", "Multi-topic - When did we stop trusting the mass media? Media blackout - what media blackout?", "'Trusting God With Everything' - 10.15.2023" and "Sue Henry's back! Discussing the distrust in the government & the pandemic" from podcasts like ""The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)", "Relationship Mastery", "The TNT Talk Show", "Journey Church of the River Region" and "The Bob Cordaro Show"" and more!

    Episodes (43)

    Day 63: Israel's Rebellion (2024)

    Day 63: Israel's Rebellion (2024)
    In our reading of Numbers 14 today, Fr. Mike highlights how the rebellion of the Israelites which was marked by distrust and fear, will have consequences for their children. We also read today Deuteronomy 12, and Psalm 95. For the complete reading plan, visit ascensionpress.com/bibleinayear. Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

    55- Feeling Violated

    55- Feeling Violated

    Have you ever been violated, betrayed, lied to, stolen from, or scammed? If so, you'll most likely experience various emotions ranging from anger, shame, powerlessness, fear, distrust, etc. On this week's show, Del and Barry share their experiences of having been violated and how they recovered from the emotional aftermath. It's important to not blame ourselves. Instead, honor all the feelings that arise and not judge yourself for them. The more we allow our emotions to flow, the quicker they pass, so we can regain a sense of power and control over our lives.

    We hope you enjoyed the episode. Please subscribe and share it with family and friends. If you'd like us to address a specific topic let us know and we'll be happy to include it in a future episode. Send us a message here.

    Del is a relationship coach, international speaker, published author, and spiritual teacher, specializing in codependency, narcissistic abuse, and unhealed childhood trauma. If you are interested in working with Del visit: deladeyjones.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

    Barry is a relationship expert, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and spiritual guide, assisting both men and women having better relationships. If you are interested in working with Barry visit: barryselby.com or connect on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.

    Multi-topic - When did we stop trusting the mass media? Media blackout - what media blackout?

    Multi-topic - When did we stop trusting the mass media? Media blackout - what media blackout?

    In this show, the boys raise the question of when we stopped trusting the mass media. 

    They also discuss why there was an apparent media blackout regarding a major problem in a Western Europe country, that brought the streets of the capital to their knees. 
    It was NOT reported...why did Western media NOT report on it?

    But what do you think?

    What are your personal thoughts on these subjects? Do you agree or disagree? And are there other things you feel they should have covered?

    Tune in and listen to the discussion - and please let us have your feedback on it.

    Although we much prefer effusive praise 😉 on our Facebook page, we enjoy and appreciate any feedback you might care to leave, so please have at it. If your comments cause outrage or apoplexy, we'll probably have you on the show because we're weird like that. 😁

    By the way, the easiest way to listen to the show is to click on this link and bookmark the page.
    #TalkShow #Controversy #Conspiracy

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    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thetnttalkshow/

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    Loans and Love Do Not Mix

    Loans and Love Do Not Mix

    S2 Episode 9: Loans and Love Do Not Mix

    Episode Summary

    Love and money can be a toxic combination.  When you think with your heart (or crotch) instead of your mind, you often end up making decisions that you later regret.  This is especially the case when you lend money to a romantic partner.

    Most people borrow money with the best of intentions (at least you hope) to pay it back.  Unfortunately, when that does not happen, feelings of resentment, manipulation and distrust emerge. Instead, consider giving the money your partner needs as a gift.  It will buy you goodwill and allow you to avoid all of the negative consequences of an unpaid loan.

    Moreover, unless you are married, you should make sure to keep your finances separate from your partner.  Even if you live together, come up with an agreement of how each of you will contribute to the household expenses.  This way you both understand the financial expectations in the relationship.  When each partner practices fiscal responsibility, the chances of money causing stress on the relationship is minimized.

    At the end of each episode, Marlee and Lis vent about commonly experienced issues in romantic relationships. In this episode, the ladies discuss partners and time management.


    Show Notes

    Mixing loans and love isn’t a good idea, and there are so many reasons why. This also goes back to a previous episode about exit strategies: The more you entangle yourself in a relationship, the more difficult it will make the situation when the relationship ends.

    Of course, there is a difference between a loan and a gift. A loan means you expect to be repaid in full. A gift does not need to be returned and is in no way a legal arrangement. There can be consequences in lending money to a loved one, and you should know what those are before you do it.


    If you lend money to a partner and they don’t pay you back, you will resent them. Plus, you might end up having to nag them about it, and then they will be resentful towards you. Another thing to remember is that lending money to a financially irresponsible partner means you are suffering the consequences instead of them.

    When you lend somebody money, how they choose to spend that money is up to them. You have no say over it, which can be frustrating if you lent that money for a particular reason. It can violate your trust if someone you love and care about borrows money under the guise of an emergency and uses it even partially for something else.

    In this episode, the vent session topic is: When your partner is late for dates or important occasions. It is so irritating when people are habitually late. What starts as one great excuse becomes one excuse after another. It shows a lack of consideration for the other person’s time. It makes the on-time person feel like they can’t trust their always-late partner.

    Please make sure you subscribe to the podcast so you can receive notifications of new episodes right when they are released. Also, make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit us at www.romancipation.com


    Day 63: Israel's Rebellion (2023)

    Day 63: Israel's Rebellion (2023)
    In our reading of Numbers 14 today, Fr. Mike highlights how the rebellion of the Israelites which was marked by distrust and fear, will have consequences for their children. We also read today Deuteronomy 12, and Psalm 95. For the complete reading plan, visit ascensionpress.com/bibleinayear. Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

    Hugh Hewitt: Anti-Catholic Bigotry at the FBI

    Hugh Hewitt: Anti-Catholic Bigotry at the FBI

    “Anti-Catholic bigotry appears to be festering in the FBI, and the Bureau is treating Catholics as potential terrorists because of their beliefs.” This startling charge was leveled by 20 state attorneys general in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, after a memo from the FBI’s Richmond field office came to light.

    The memo was withdrawn amid a storm of criticism, but it warned of extremists being drawn into “radical-traditionalist” Roman Catholic organizations known primarily for their love of the Latin Mass.

    This is an urgent opportunity for Wray to address the growing distrust of the FBI. He must know blanket denials of partisan behavior by the bureau’s staff won’t convince much of the country. 

    Quality control has obviously slipped, and Wray must firmly and forcefully bring hammers down on those ideological outliers and political partisans operating inside the bureau. 

    They may not be many, but they're doing immense damage. 

    Congress should give Wray the power to do just that.

    The erosion of trust in the FBI is at a crisis level—and Director Wray must do more than express regret.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Hugh Hewitt: Anti-Catholic Bigotry at the FBI

    Hugh Hewitt: Anti-Catholic Bigotry at the FBI

    “Anti-Catholic bigotry appears to be festering in the FBI, and the Bureau is treating Catholics as potential terrorists because of their beliefs.” This startling charge was leveled by 20 state attorneys general in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, after a memo from the FBI’s Richmond field office came to light.

    The memo was withdrawn amid a storm of criticism, but it warned of extremists being drawn into “radical-traditionalist” Roman Catholic organizations known primarily for their love of the Latin Mass.

    This is an urgent opportunity for Wray to address the growing distrust of the FBI. He must know blanket denials of partisan behavior by the bureau’s staff won’t convince much of the country. 

    Quality control has obviously slipped, and Wray must firmly and forcefully bring hammers down on those ideological outliers and political partisans operating inside the bureau. 

    They may not be many, but they're doing immense damage. 

    Congress should give Wray the power to do just that.

    The erosion of trust in the FBI is at a crisis level—and Director Wray must do more than express regret.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Ep. 22 Coaching Lesson 7: TRUST – You Can Do it!

    Ep. 22 Coaching Lesson 7: TRUST – You Can Do it!

    Are you digging around in the sand to find your castle? Or do you already trust yourself enough to take you where you want to go?

     When you know what you want you can take yourself there. All change happens just by starting to think about how you want your life to look and feel as you imagine the kind of environments that you want to be in. What you want to study. The career you want to pursue. The promotion you want to go after. The type of friendships that you prefer. The loving relationships that you want and deserve. Whether or not to have kids. Where you want to live.

     You make choices all the time related these bigger life changes and throughout every single day as part of the minutia of daily living. But how much do you trust yourself enough to make the choices and changes that you really want?

     Being super in tune with who you are and what you want at every moment of the day is one of the most authentic things you can do for yourself.

    0:00    Opening
    0:13    Introduction to episode
    1:20    When you know what you want!
    3:01    When hard knocks hit
    5:46    Survival
    7:47    Taking action
    9:00    Why we distrust
    12:06  Be the architect of your life
    13:14  Taking responsibility
    14:01  Closing

    BOOKS (by Vonne Solis)

    "Lessons in Surviving Suicide – A Letter to My Daughter" (2021)
    "Divine Healing Transforming Pain into Personal Power – A Guide to Heal Pain From Child Loss, Suicide and Other Grief" (2011/2018)
    "The Power of Change" (2013)

    RESOURCES (Blog, Course & Meditations)


    Start at Lesson 1: Regrets: Letting them go! Audio or YouTube

    Go to previous Lesson 6: Willingness: Do you have what it takes to change?

    Subscribe to the podcast! Share your favourite episodes! Connect with Vonne on LinkedIn and Facebook.

    NCO Journal Podcast Episode 36 - The C.U.R.E. for Distrust: Communication, Understanding, Respect, and Expertise

    NCO Journal Podcast Episode 36 - The C.U.R.E. for Distrust: Communication, Understanding, Respect, and Expertise
    Capt. Andrew Bibb maintains four elements are indispensable in "The C.U.R.E. for Distrust" - communication, understanding, respect, and expertise. When woven into an organization’s culture, they produce the kind of trust necessary for aggressive, adaptable, and lethal action on the battlefield. Listen to the conversation in the latest NCO Journal podcast.

    What Do You Need to be Happy?

    What Do You Need to be Happy?
    • Yes!  You are in!  This one is for the versed.  For the ones that complain that maybe this podcast isn't Deep enough.  You want a challenge?  This is the deep, deep, deep end.  As for the skeptics, keep your wallet in your pocket.  Here you go...
    • Wow!  That is a mic drop moment.  Thank you once again to Francis Chan.  I only know of two preachers on this earth that claim to give 90% of their earnings away...Francis Chan and Rick Warren.  And some of you, including me, question 10%?
    • Looking back, I grew up as an 80's kid in suburbia.  A lot like those 80's movies and Netflix Stranger Things, without Hawkins Laboratory and weirdness.  I grew up fearing the Soviets and a nuclear strike.  We practiced sheltering that vs. shootings.  I also grew up fearing TV evangelists.  I still don't trust them.  So many falls within that group.  Where money took center.  The most notorious may be Jim and Tammy Faye Baker.  Okay, pump the brakes.  You know I'm flawed.  We are all flawed.  Just know you are normal if your guard goes up when you see someone that is a full-time preacher riding the tithes and giving into mansions and private jets.  On the flip side, you have a Francis Chan and Rick Warren, also flawed, yet living on 10%.  That's fascinating to me.  If you are versed, if you call yourself a believer this is a looking in the mirror moment. For me too!  What do you truly need to be happy?  If you really believe in Jesus and your versed than you know this exchange that I bet makes most of you uncomfortable...
    • Mark 10:17-31

    • New Living Translation

    The Rich Man

    • 17 As Jesus was starting out on his way to Jerusalem, a man came running up to him, knelt down, and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
    • 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked. “Only God is truly good. 19 But to answer your question, you know the commandments: ‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. You must not cheat anyone. Honor your father and mother.’[a]”
    • 20 “Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.”
    • 21 Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
    • 22 At this the man’s face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.
    • 23 Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God!” 24 This amazed them. But Jesus said again, “Dear children, it is very hard[b] to enter the Kingdom of God. 25 In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”
    • 26 The disciples were astounded. “Then who in the world can be saved?” they asked.
    • 27 Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”

    • Confession, I was terrible at giving and savings.  A lethal combination.  If you like dirt, all that direct can be found during the 'Every Marriage is Flawed' series back in the summer of 21.
    • YouTube, CrazyLove Channel, "Francis Chan:  What Do You Need To Be Happy?", Minute 36:20 - 40:20

    Post Status Excerpt (No. 70) — Trust and Distrust: Microagressions, Active Install Growth Data for Plugins, and Open Source Security

    Post Status Excerpt (No. 70) — Trust and Distrust: Microagressions, Active Install Growth Data for Plugins, and Open Source Security

    Trust can be betrayed in so many ways or failed even with the best of intentions.

    Dan Knauss

    In this episode of Post Status Excerpt, Dan and Ny take on three issues in the WordPress community that can threaten or impair trust while also revealing how foundational trust is, especially in open source.

    First, they talk about Ny's article at MasterWP, "Enough with this woke stuff: and other racist speech you can unlearn," which explains microaggressions and received a significant number of macroaggressions in reply — but also far more positive support from the community.

    Next, "How do we rebuild trust when it's harmed?" is a question that leads into the biggest WordPress story of the week — Matt Mullenweg's apparent decision to shut down access to active install data at the WordPress.org plugin repo due to an unspecified security breach and/or privacy concern. The way communication has happened — or hasn't happened — about this decision is clearly damaging trust in the WordPress community, particularly among business owners with a product in the plugin repository. Ny points out how this all looks to a newcomer to the WordPress community — again, trust takes a beating. But while we lack clarity about the possible return of install data in some form, Dan suggests asking why this data is trusted and valued by many plugin owners. What business decisions can it helpfully inform? Are there alternative and possibly better sources of data about a plugin's users?

    Finally, Dan briefly talks about the emergence of draft legislation in the US Senate: the Securing Open Source Software Act. It seems likely that in the near future, US security agencies will be getting people, dollars, and new organizations involved in assessing risk in open-source software. Are WordPress auto-updates critical supply chain infrastructure? When should individual freedoms be exchanged for collective security? When do we need to know what our machines and software are doing? When don't we? Zero-trust architecture might work well for networked machines, but human relationships and communities need trust.

    🔗 Mentioned in the show:

    👋 Credits

    Every week Post Status Excerpt will bring you a conversation about important news and issues in the WordPress community and business ecosystem. 🎙️

    You can listen to past episodes of The Excerpt, browse all our podcasts, and don’t forget to subscribe on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, iTunes, Castro, YouTube, Stitcher, Player.fm, Pocket Casts, Simplecast, or by RSS. 🎧

    Ep.21 - Opening To Doubt

    Ep.21 - Opening To Doubt

    Have you ever wondered, “Would I be any good at that?” “Is that for me?” or have you doubted yourself? Your worthiness, ability or goodness? At one time or another we have all doubted. Doubted ourselves. Doubted our abilities and our intrinsic goodness and worthiness. We mistrust who we are because we have mistaken beliefs about who we are and what we can do. We have doubted what other people do or say. We have also at one time or another, become captive to doubt, letting it turn into belief about ourselves and others.

    Doubt can either close us down into something smaller than who we are and able to do or it can open us up by arousing our curiosity and our willingness to take a chance at something new or unknown. Closed doubt is like the wagging finger—you can’t do that; who do you think you are, anyway? Open doubt feels like there is space to move around and it moves us to be curious; investigate, open to the possibilities, see new perspectives and learn new ways of being and doing.

    When we doubt the truth about something, we can open our curiosity and investigate, “What is this really all about.” When we are mindful we are aware of what is present right now; this doesn’t mean that we believe it. It simply means that we recognize and acknowledge it without judging it. The experience of someone saying something about something is not our direct experience of the something itself; it is only direct experience of someone saying something. Doubt is always welcome.

    When doubt arises, welcome it. Ask,  “Am I open to exploring this?” If yes, then welcome doubt as the harbinger of possibilities. Dip your toes into the possibilities and feel how it feels. If it feels right, carry on, if it doesn’t step back and change perspective, take another tack, explore another avenue. This is beginners’ mind at work.

    I hope you enjoy the show.  If you are moved to support the podcast, become a member today by going to Patreon.  And, please subscribe/follow and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever you listen.

    As always, I am grateful to you, my audience, and I am also grateful for the people behind the scenes who make this podcast possible.

    Allie Allen for logo and podcast cover design; 

    Gorgias Romero for original music, audio engineering and production;

    Bill Rafferty for technical web support; and 

    Margaret Haas for announcing the show.

    Be well. Be mindful.


    Krista Tippett, Becoming Wise Deluxe: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living, Penguin Press, 2016.  https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7639044-i-can-disagree-with-your-opinion-it-turns-out-but Accessed July 12, 2022


     The content in the podcast and on this webpage is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical or health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice and guidance of your health professional.

    Support the show

    Thank you for listening!
    Be well. Be mindful.

    Top Tip: Do you trust me?

    Top Tip: Do you trust me?

    How trusting are you? Researchers have found that people who trust others are happier. With that in mind, we've got a challenge for you from Meik Wiking from The Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen.


    Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88
    Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy
    Executive Producer: Elise Cooper
    Editor: Adrian Walton

    Listen to more great podcasts at novapodcasts.com.au 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Building Rapport in Relationships, May 20, 2022

    Building Rapport in Relationships, May 20, 2022
    Best Ways to Develop (and Keep) Good Relationships Whether in business, friendships, or family, creating rapport in your communication is critical to building, and keeping, good relationships. You can think of rapport as:  “A close and harmonious relationship in which two or more people understand each other's feelings and ideas and can communicate well at the unconscious level.” When rapport is good each person is able to give and receive information from the other without excessive evaluation, suspicion, or distrust. It is often said that with great rapport, almost anything is possible.  But without rapport nothing much can be achieved. And it is not difficult to make rapport-building mistakes if you don't have good guidance. Join co-hosts Dr. Art Emrich and Dr. Christina Winsey on the live, call-in talk radio show New Reality Solutions - this Friday, May 20th at 9pm EST / 6pm PST. They’ll share with you the best ways to build rapport in relationships and how to avoid the things that cause you to lose rapport. https://bbsradio.com/newrealitysolutions.