
    dive into your career

    Explore " dive into your career" with insightful episodes like "105 - (Part 1 of 3) BHM 2023 Saluting Our Sisters: 32 awesome UK-connected black (and mixed heritage) women to follow on LinkedIn", "103 - 10 ways to have a positive start to the new academic year (Part 1 of 2)", "101: What happens if I don't meet my offers on Results Day?", "100: 8 ways to dive into your career which will improve your life" and "090: Should you keep your dreams and goals a secret? The power of sharing your career goals" from podcasts like ""Dive into your Career", "Dive into your Career", "Dive into your Career", "Dive into your Career" and "Dive into your Career"" and more!

    Episodes (28)

    105 - (Part 1 of 3) BHM 2023 Saluting Our Sisters: 32 awesome UK-connected black (and mixed heritage) women to follow on LinkedIn

    105 - (Part 1 of 3) BHM 2023 Saluting Our Sisters: 32 awesome UK-connected black (and mixed heritage) women to follow on LinkedIn

    "Saluting Our Sisters" is the theme of Black History Month 2023 in the UK. This has inspired today's topic of the Dive Into Your Career podcast - "32 awesome UK-connected black and mixed heritage women to follow on LinkedIn" (Part 1).

    ***(Please note that since recording this episode - the total number of number of women mentioned in these 3 episodes will be 32)

    In this episode... I am proud to introduce 10 of the 20 women who will feature in this series. 

    Please note... there was no vote. There are no rankings. This isn't even divided by industry. Over the two parts, these episodes feature 20 black and mixed heritage women whose work I have seen up close or from afar and who I greatly admire. Importantly, for the purpose of this list - they are also active content creators and contributors on LinkedIn, the world's biggest online professional network - so aren't you lucky to be able to click a button in these show notes and follow them on the platform.
    So here goes, here's the list. Do remember to make sure that you share this episode if it's of value to you and also subscribe to the Dive Into Your Career podcast to make sure you don't miss part 2 or any other amazing episodes ahead. 

    Names and LinkedIn links of 10 of our 20 women featured in this short series include the below. Listen to the episode for further details and context:

    1. Davinia Tomlinson
      Follow Davinia on LinkedIn

    2. Jenny Garrett OBE
      Follow Jenny Garrett OBE in LinkedIn

    3. Nova Reid
      Follow Nova Reid on LinkedIn

    4. Veronica Patton-Cemm
      Follow Veronica Patton-Cemm on LinkedIn

    5. Shola Mos-Shogbamimu
      Follow Shola Mos-Shogbamimu on LinkedIn

    6. Ronke Lawal
      Follow Ronke Lawal on LinkedIn

    7. Amina Yonis PhD
      Follow Amina Yonis PhD on LinkedIn

    8. Akima Paul-Lambert
      Follow Akima Paul-Lambert  on LinkedIn

    9. Denise Myers
      Follow Denise Myers on LinkedIn

    10. Mildred Talabi
      Follow Mildred Talabi on LinkedIn

      See you soon for part 2!

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    103 - 10 ways to have a positive start to the new academic year (Part 1 of 2)

    103 - 10 ways to have a positive start to the new academic year (Part 1 of 2)

    Happy New Year! Okay okay... that's not quite right. Happy New ACADEMIC year! (If you're listening in real time), it is September - and it's back to school season, whether you are heading back to secondary school or starting / returning to university. 

    New academic years are so full of promise, but also before you get into the swing of things, can be nerve wracking and uncertain - especially if you are in a new environment, be it:

    • a new post-16 setting like a college or new sixth form to you... or 
    • post-18,  where you may be embarking on a new apprenticeship or university degree. 

    The coming weeks may include leaving home for the first time, moving into student accommodation, having a first taste of lectures and seminars and so much more. It's a big deal for you... and indeed for your parents who are supporting you with the greatest of hope for this new chapter. 

    So, on this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, we take a look at the first 5 of 10 ways to have a positive start to the new academic year.  (If you haven't subscribed to this podcast yet make sure you do, so you ensure you don' miss the second part to this episode and the many awesome episodes which will follow)

    Check out the episode and don't forget to share it if you find it helpful!

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    101: What happens if I don't meet my offers on Results Day?

    101: What happens if I don't meet my offers on Results Day?

    As we enter A-Level results day 2023, my mind and heart goes out to students around the U.K. and globally who follow the British system, with their own hearts in their throats right now. On the cusp of greatness (whether or not they achieve their grades) and soon to realise whether the expectation and hope they have for themselves for their immediate next chapter is to be realised as they envisioned it… or whether it is time for them to dream a new dream (or pivot the existing one, or at the very least - reset the potential timing of it all).

    Such a big day.  

    If you missed your offer - firstly *hugs*. I am so soooo sorry. I know it can be devastating. You will need to recalibrate and come up with a new plan. Do listen to this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast - it is full of gems just for you. 

    Do listen and share this episode with anyone in your world who is creating a new vision  or new plan for themselves, after navigating some disappointing results. 

    All while remembering that regardless of your results you are just as incredible as you were before receiving them - and if you are kind to yourself in this process and ready to take action, you can create a brilliant alternative plan. 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    100: 8 ways to dive into your career which will improve your life

    100: 8 ways to dive into your career which will improve your life

    In the 100th episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast (that's right - 100... woohoo!!!) and today we are focusing on "8 ways to dive into your career which will improve your life and make your career journey more fun". 

    At Your Career And Future, it's my mission to support students and graduates on their journey from education to employment (and entrepreneurship) in a spirit of fun and optimism, not fear and overwhelm. 

    That fear and overwhelm on the journey to employment can be a result of uncertainty, confusion, fear of 'failure', denial and and even just the lack of interest and engagement when it comes to career development.  

    So - what can improve the feelings around the early career journey. How can it be more fun, interesting and impactful? 

    Listen to this episode to work out how really immersing yourself on your career discovery journey can make it so much more fun! There are 8 ways in which you can do this and through listening to the episode you'll hear all about the below with full explanations and examples. 

    1. Be self-reflective
    2. Be curious
    3. Start researching
    4. Take action
    5. Recognise the proximity principle
    6. Fail forward
    7. Recognise your life has chapters 
    8. Be kind to yourself 

    If you are a student or graduate and haven't yet subscribed to this podcast - do so now! 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    090: Should you keep your dreams and goals a secret? The power of sharing your career goals

    090: Should you keep your dreams and goals a secret? The power of sharing your career goals

    Should you keep your dreams and goals a secret? 

    Inspired by a TikTok I saw this week in which the creator was talking about "6 things you should always keep private" - a list upon which "your dreams and goals" was at the top - this week's episode of the Dive Into Your Career considers that perspective. 

    Should we be secretive about our dreams and goals? 

    Does the risk of being unsupported or mocked or dismissed mean it's better not to discuss these topics? 

    Will our dreams not come true or be jinxed even... if we talk about them? 

    In this episode, I explore one of the childhood beliefs and traditions that could be a foundation for these sorts of beliefs...

    ... and I share my opinion on this - which is that where possible (and I appreciate it isn't always possible), we should be shouting our dreams and goals from the rooftops! Well, sharing them anyway. 

    Listen to this episode to find out more.

    What are your thoughts on this topic? Comment on any of the socials where you see this episode. I'd love to know whether you are also of the belief that sharing our dreams and goals (even if selectively at times) is a better approach to take. 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    089: 19 ways to make yourself interesting on paper: Stand out in your university and job applications

    089: 19 ways to make yourself interesting on paper: Stand out in your university and job applications

    Chances are, in the coming years there will be many... I mean MANY things for which you will be applying. Think about it...

    • sixth form / college
    • work experience 
    • volunteering roles
    • leadership positions / positions of responsibility
    • university 
    • apprenticeships 
    • internships 
    • placement year / year in industry
    • jobs (part time / full time / graduate)

    ... and this is not an exhaustive list! 

    As such, it's no wonder that students ask me how they can stand out in their applications. This is the question that prompted today's episode. 

    Please embrace a positive mindset when it comes to this topic - as opposed to a pressured one. Any activities you do are brilliant for your own personal development and confidence... and it's a bonus that they also happen to be factors in how you present yourself in your applications. 

    Listen to this episode to find out more about 19 ways you can make yourself interesting on paper. 

    Other episodes of the Dive Into Your Career podcast which may be of interest include:

    Get in touch via socials or email and let me know which of these 19 ways to become interesting on paper you are leaning into this week. 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    085: 12 secrets of career success for students and graduates

    085: 12 secrets of career success for students and graduates

    What is career success, really? The answer to this is a very personal one and it is with that spirit that I invite you explore 12 secrets of career success for students and graduates.

    Your career goals are specific to you. Not your mum, your dad, your sibling, your cousin... you.  No matter how well intended your supporters are, it's important to be building towards aspirations that resonate with you. What is exciting you about your future career prospects? Remember that at times when it seems everyone is running around, frantically applying for opportunities which you may not even want, you may start to feel inadequate, as if you should be in an intense period of applications as well.
    This is a scenario that plays out every autumn term for example, when candidates applying for banking, finance and consulting spring weeks, internships and graduate schemes are deeply entrenched in their application season - yet students who aren't interested in those industries can feel pressured to be doing the same. Even though their career development at this time would look different. 

    I'm excited to share these 12 ingredients to your own career success - the secret sauce! I'd love to know what you think about these. What are you already doing and which one or two will you be working towards next?

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    084: What A-Levels should I take / choose?

    084: What A-Levels should I take / choose?

    What A-Levels should I choose?

    Judging from the recent interactions I have has with many Year 11s (and indeed their parents and supporters), this is a topical question as late in the Autumn (and sometimes at the beginning of the Spring) term, these pupils are contemplating their post-16 plans. 

    There are so many things to consider and importantly, one of them is that A-Levels are not the only option so in this episode of the podcast, some of the following topics are addressed:

    • What options exist after GCSEs (this includes A-Levels, BTECs, T-Levels, IB, Apprenticeships etc.)?
    • How many A-Levels should I choose? 
    • What is an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification)? 
    • What specific subjects are required for certain careers / certain degrees? (including medicine, architecture etc.)
    • When is a good time to start research entry requirements of university subjects?
    • What sorts of questions 

    This and more is covered in this episode. For wider advice on choosing a sixth form or college, check out the "How to choose the best sixth form for you" episode here. 

    This episode does not go into the factors  around grade requirements for subjects and what is included with each syllabus, but as is the case for this whole process - do communicate clearly with your subject teachers about whether they think you'd be a good candidate for their subject at A-Level AND engage with the institution you are applying to, so you are clear about their entry requirements. 

    (While requirements vary - in some institutions, you will need a 9, 8 or 7 at GCSE to move onto the subject at A-Level. Some may accept a 6. The educational establishment where you hope to do your A-Levels will have some clear information about this to share with you)

    Any questions about this choosing A-Levels or any other post-16 option? Cheering you on!

    Do feel free to engage with me:

    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Via "Gina Visram" on LinkedIn
    • Sign up for the mailing list (for students and graduates... a list for their supporters will follow)
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any questions you have or suggestions for future podcast topics 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    076: 10 Tips for Starting University

    076: 10 Tips for Starting University

    Are you starting university this year? (Or know someone who is?) You won't want to miss this episode! 

    In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast - I share "10 Tips for Starting University". The joke of it is, none of them actually relate to your academia / your degree because while you'll be taught in different ways and this can be worth addressing in future episodes - it is more the social element and the sense of belonging that will enhance your university experience in those early days. 

    So, whether you are in the car on the way to uni, in your Students Union listening on your Airpods, in your room - on a treadmill... wherever you are - enjoy this episode and I hope it helps you as you embark on one of your most exciting life adventures. 

    Got questions? 

    As ever, we can chat further about this on any of these platforms:

    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Via LinkedIn post about this podcast (or search for me "Gina Visram"
    • Sign up for the mailing list 
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any questions you have or suggestions for future podcast topics 

    ... and don't forget, you can leave a quick review for the podcast too. It's much appreciated! Catch you on another episode soon.

    PS - Randomly, the audio changes between 13 minutes - but it is still clear and easy to hear. Apologies. The episode was still worth publishing though so I did! 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    069: An attitude of gratitude is the key to success

    069: An attitude of gratitude is the key to success


    No exaggeration - this is a key to success. (Whatever your definition of success is... and we do dig into that briefly here)

    Much to unpack but it's essentially very simple - and I enjoy talking to you about it in this episode... "An attitude of gratitude is the key to success"

    Truly - it's win win...

    You won't want to miss this one... and as promised in the episode, here are a few related links if you would like to read further about gratitude:

    Research: More powerful people express less gratitude (Harvard Business Review - HBR)
    The science behind gratitude (Happify)

    Let's have a further chat about this on any of these platforms:

    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Via LinkedIn post about this podcast (link to be inserted when available)
    • Sign up for the mailing list 
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any questions you have or suggestions for future podcast topics 

    ... and don't forget, you can leave a quick review for the podcast too. It's much appreciated! Catch you on another episode soon. 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    066: 3 steps to finding work experience

    066: 3 steps to finding work experience


    Ooooh - am I shouting?! Please forgive my lack of chill on this one... I am saying it louder for the people at the back. 

    Work experience is such a foundational, essential part of your career journey and one that can make such a positive difference to your career prospects, your academic motivation, your confidence and so much more. 

    Engaging with the prospect of work experience from 14+ is a great idea however whenever you connect with this episode, please don't feel like you have missed the boat. The best time to start may have been yesterday but the next best time is today. 

    So, listen to this episode, share it if you have found value in it and if you have connected with this episode on a social media platform, do feel free to comment below and let's have a conversation about this. 

    For now, check out 3 steps to finding and securing work experience... and let me know how you get on! 

    Let's have a further chat about this on any of these platforms:

    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Sign up for the mailing list (being consistent with this is one of my goals for 2022!) 
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any questions you have or suggestions for future podcast topics 

    ... and don't forget, you can leave a quick review for the podcast too. It's much appreciated! Catch you on another episode soon. 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    063 - A quick reminder about Apprenticeships - National Apprenticeship Week 2022

    063 - A quick reminder about Apprenticeships - National Apprenticeship Week 2022

    At the time of recording this episode, it is National Apprenticeship Week 2022 here in the UK, and it feels like a great time to remind you that traditional university is not the only post-18 route to take.

    It is the route, I took (hello Warwick University!). I loved it and wouldn't change it for the world, however there were less options in my day (yes, I said "in my day"!) and while university remains an exciting option - I don't want you to think it's your only one.

    So in this very quick episode I mention apprenticeships and let you know a little more about them. This is a topic I can certainly go into greater detail about in the future however today, I am encouraging you to have a look at the options that exist and see whether they appeal. So, check out websites like the National Apprenticeship Service and more and also look up the name of your favourite organisations and apprenticeships and see if they have any. Amazon, Google, the NHS - they all offer apprenticeships so enjoy your exploration. 

    Finally for now, an earlier episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast features Anna Morrison from Amazing Apprenticeships and Conor Cotton of Not Going to Uni and the hour long chat goes into some real depth. You can check out that episode here

    Let's have a further chat about this on any of these platforms:

    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Sign up for the mailing list (being consistent with this is one of my goals for 2022!) 
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any questions you have or suggestions for future podcast topics 

    ... and don't forget, you can leave a quick review for the podcast too. It's much appreciated! Catch you on another episode soon. 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    061 - The ONE thing that will advance your goals this year (... and it could change your world!)

    061 - The ONE thing that will advance your goals this year (... and it could change your world!)

    I think it's fair to say that I am excited to share on this topic. I mean I am hyped... just listen... that's an excitable Gina right there. 

    I know why I am bouncing off the walls with excitement in this episode though... it is because I think I have found the secret / cracked the code / made a breakthrough when it comes to what can be done to keep striving towards your goals. And to elevate them. Seriously, there are a number of things I could have said here but the example I am giving really is just one thing... which will so positively change your life for the better. 

    Want to know what that one thing is? 

    Good - check out the episode. It is just under half an hour long and definitely worth your time. Have a listen. Think about it. Reflect on examples you can resonate with. Implement (seriously, you will be able to do so immediately... you'll see). Then connect with me and tell me about it. 

    So tell me... what do you think? Feel free to screengrab the podcast of take a pic of you listening to it and post it to your Insta Stories and tag me - @diveintoyourcareer

    Let's have a further chat about this on any of these platforms:

    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Sign up for the mailing list (being consistent with this is one of my goals for 2022!) 
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any questions you have or suggestions for future podcast topics 

    ... and finally if you are finding this content useful, do take a few minutes to leave a review of the podcast on Apple Podcast or wherever you listen. It helps more awesome people like you to  find it. There you go, that's your good deed for the day!

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    060 - How SMART goal setting increases your success and improves your mental health

    060 - How SMART goal setting increases your success and improves your mental health

    The theme of GOALS and GOAL SETTING continues in this second podcast episode of 2022. Why?! Well it's not because goal setting should only occur in the month of January (it is a year round, life long endeavour!) but the collective energy and hope of a new year means that you may be susceptible to thinking about what you can do differently or better (while simultaneously acknowledging how fabulous you are already!) 

    So what are some of your goals this year? 

    • Achieving a 2.1 in your degree / an A A B at A-level / securing an apprenticeship within tech? 
    • Getting fit enough to run 10k?
    • Writing a book? 

    We have so many varied and wonderful goals and in this episode I talk about a popular goal setting method known as SMART. 

    I also talk about how powerful goal methodologies like SMART can not only increase you chances of achieving your ambitions but they can also have a positive impact on your mental health. 

    Listen... to find out more about why. 

    ... and as ever remember to:

    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Sign up for the mailing list (being consistent with this is one of my goals for 2022!) 
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any questions you have or suggestions for future podcast topics 
    • ... and don't forget, you can leave a quick review for the podcast too. It's much appreciated! Catch you on another episode soon. 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    059: Let's talk about GOALS, baby!

    059: Let's talk about GOALS, baby!

    Let's talk about goals baby! 

    According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a goal is an aim or a purpose. You know that though didn't you! 

    In this first episode of 2022 and of a new season of the Dive Into Your Career podcast I am enthusing about goals and goal setting and encouraging you set some for this year. I am aware that not everyone is into setting goals but I genuinely don't see how you can roll through life without doing so... even subconsciously... so why not do it with purpose... with intent?!

    If you're listening to this episode there is a strong chance that you are a student, new graduate or the supporter of one and at this stage in your life there are some potentially unspoken goals such as getting the best grads you can and meeting deadlines for assignments - however on the journey from education to employment it becomes even more important to actively reflect on goals. Even before working out the "how" you need to establish what it is you are aiming to achieve / do / be / have / feel. 

    So, this is episode is a friendly kick in the behind, encouraging you to REFLECT and SET GOALS. 

    ... and while goal setting and progression is important year round, this January on series 4 of the Dive Into Your Career podcast all of the episodes will relate to setting goals in one way or another so stick around and let the Dive Into Your Career podcast be one of the soundtracks on your journey. 

    You've got this! Proud of you... 

    ... and as ever remember to:

    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Sign up for the mailing list (being consistent with this is one of my goals for 2022!) 
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any questions you have or suggestions for future podcast topics 

    • ... and don't forget, you can leave a quick review for the podcast too. It's much appreciated! Catch you on another episode soon. 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    058: How to bounce back from rejection - Reflection on rejection and redirection

    058: How to bounce back from rejection - Reflection on rejection and redirection

    How do you deal with job rejection?
    How do you deal with job rejection for a position you were 'perfect' for? 

    Have you ever been rejected? 

    In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, Gina Visram talks about reflecting on rejection and redirection. 

    Even though in the moment, "rejection" (i.e. having your application declined for a role you had applied for, potentially even one you are incredibly excited about and well suited to)... is tough - it is incredibly common. It can be hard on your soul and your spirit until you recognise... accept that it is an integral, unavoidable part of your journey. 

    Listen to this episode to discover more about:

    • What rejection is
    • How common it is 
    • Some personal, never shared before personal examples of rejection from Gina who is keen for you to know even when your livelihood is all about supporting others into careers, rejection is still part of the journey
    • Practical things you can do if you have not progressed in a job application
    • Quotes about redirection, the real theme of this episode (including some welcome reframes)

    This is not a theoretical discussion. 

    This is real, from the heart shares and information and if it helps you at all - please be sure to:

    1. Share this episode with a friend (and why not more than one)
    2. Take time (likely less than 5 minutes) to review the Dive Into Your Career podcast here

    Let's have a further chat about this on any of these platforms:

    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Sign up for the mailing list (being consistent with this is one of my goals for 2022!) 
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any questions you have or suggestions for future podcast topics 

    Listen out for another episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast shortly. 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    057: How do I find work experience? (10 top tips!)

    057: How do I find work experience? (10 top tips!)

    How do I find a work experience placement?
    How do I secure work experience in Year 10? Year 12?
    How about work experience placements and internships at university?

    Surveys around this topic typically show two thirds of employers "look for graduates with relevant work experience because it helps them prepare for work and develop general business awareness. "

    In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, Gina Visram discusses 10 ways you can find work experience. 

    This is not an exhaustive list of what you can do, but is a great place to start. Don't use the excuse that you can't do all therefore you are not making progress. .. start somewhere... and keep going from there.

    The 10 ways include:

    1. Decide you are going to!
    2. Be open with your areas of interest
    3. Be open to virtual and in person work experiences

    ... and so much more.

     This episode does not specifically refer to internships and placements for university students (that will be in a future episode - and there are some nuggets of information in previous episodes too) however many of the recommendations apply, so it's worth a listen.

    Finding this episode useful? 

    1. Share it with a friend (and you can be accountability buddies and support each other with the work experience search too!) 
    2. Take 2 or 3 minutes to leave a review for the podcast here 

    As ever, do connect with Gina on her socials and feedback about how you progressed. 

    Let's have a further chat about this on any of these platforms:

    • Follow Your Career And Future on Instagram and TikTok
    • Sign up for the mailing list (being consistent with this is one of my goals for 2022!) 
    • E-mail me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com with any questions you have or suggestions for future podcast topics 

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    056: How to make your job application stand out

    056: How to make your job application stand out

    The job market is competitive... sometimes tens, hundreds... even thousands of applicants for advertised roles. At the time of recording this episode, it is arguably a candidates market, with talk of #TheGreatResignation however it's always important to know how to ensure your application has impact. So, how do you make your application stand out? 

    In this episode of the Dive Into Your Career podcast, Gina Visram shares 5 things you can do to make an impactful application. This is not an exhaustive list... nor do you need to do all of these if it feels overwhelming, but start somewhere. Don't let your application languish in a pile with minimal hope of being chosen to progress to the next stage. 

    The topic is reflects on one of the most frequently asked questions Gina is asked. Hope it is helpful for you today whether you are applying for work experience, spring weeks, internships, placement years , graduate roles or anything beyond. 

    ... and as ever, if you find this content useful please:

    • Share it with friends
    • Take 3 minutes to leave a review via Apple Podcast or your favourite podcast aggregator. You can do so via this link
    • Feel free to check out any of the other 50+ episodes of the podcast

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    050: Reflect on your skillset - World Youth Skills Day 2021

    050: Reflect on your skillset - World Youth Skills Day 2021

    In 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared 15 July as World Youth Skills Day, to celebrate the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.

    (Source: https://www.un.org/en/observances/world-youth-skills-day) 

    Inspired by World Youth Skills Day, in this episode of the podcast - Gina Visram encourages you to think about your skills (transferable and technical) and gives a few prompts which makes this an easy process. She also talks about a good question to ask yourself to help you establish a goal in terms of skills you would like to improve on (and no, this does not need to be every skill you lack!). 

    This year's World Youth Skills Day theme is around "Reimagining youth skills post pandemic" - an entirely worthy topic upon which to reflect and where relevant, act. 

    Don't forget -  screenshot you listening to this podcast and tag @diveintoyourcareer on Instagram.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:

    049: Do you celebrate your wins?

    049: Do you celebrate your wins?

    It's coming home... isn't it?! Admittedly inspired by the vibe surrounding the Euro2020 tournament (I know, right?!), this week's episode asks the question "Do you celebrate your wins" and (spoiler alert!) wholeheartedly inspires you to do so. 

    This episode does not consist of a "how to" or a step by step process but is an in the moment reflection of if we celebrate, how we celebrate and why it's important.

    There are also some layers explored about celebrating privately and / or publicly, the importance of finding your squad and a renowned (British) characteristic which could be stealing your joy. 

    Enjoying this episode? (Whoop whoop!) - don't forget to share it and encourage more celebrations (whatever the outcome in the football!).

    Want to continue the discussion and / or think Gina can support you on your journey to varying wins?

    Contact me on gina@yourcareerandfuture.com 
    Connect on LinkedIn: Gina Visram

    Do feel free to engage with this topic (or indeed with me) at any of the below:


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