

    Explore "dreamscape" with insightful episodes like "3' grezzi Ep. 494 Sogni collettivi", "VAULT3D- Mae", "22. David Patrick Kelly", "22. David Patrick Kelly" and "Episode 566: Kutski's Birthday!" from podcasts like ""3' Grezzi di Cristina Marras", "SHILLR", "Seconds Couteaux", "Seconds Couteaux" and "Keeping The Rave Alive!"" and more!

    Episodes (77)

    3' grezzi Ep. 494 Sogni collettivi

    3' grezzi Ep. 494 Sogni collettivi
    Esiste un inconscio collettivo dei sogni? Questa la domanda che anima una mostra molto interessante che parla dei nostri sogni. Tutte le info in fondo alla pagina.

    TRASCRIZIONE [ENG translation below]

    Vi ricordate durante il covid, quando eravamo in piena pandemia, che sogni incredibili facevamo? Ecco, avete visto? Non vi ho nemmeno chiesto, ma voi facevate sogni strani durante la pandemia? Perché sono sicura al 100% che anche voi, come me e come il resto del mondo, durante quei mesi, quegli anni, la notte afacevate questi sogni strani.

    Io facevo sogni stranissimi, molto vividi, me li ricordavo molto bene poi... Ehm, ed erano molto, molto diversi dai sogni che facevo normalmente. Non erano particolarmente incubi, erano però dei sogni diversi.

    Io lo sapevo che i sogni erano diversi. Hanno fatto degli studi su questo, hanno cominciato a fare degli studi per capire come mai il mondo improvvisamente avesse cominciato a fare sogni strani. Eh vabbè, l'avessero chiesto me gliel'avrei detto senza fare le ricerche, è perché eravamo immersi per la prima volta veramente in una cosa collettiva, una coscienza collettiva, una esperienza che era molto simile da tutte le parti del mondo, anche se poi veniva declinata naturalmente in base alle proprie alla propria situazione alle proprie circostanze però la paura di fondo era quella di non sapere quello che stava succedendo e questo naturalmente si ripercuoteva nei sogni, anche perché una cosa che ha provocato la pandemia è stato lo stravolgimento delle nostre abitudini, quindi improvvisamente siamo stati costretti a trascorrere tantissimo tempo a casa.

    Ma io ricordo anche che la stessa sensazione del passare del tempo era diversa, non sapevo più che giorno fosse, martedì, mercoledì, ma anche perché non era più importante che giorno della settimana... Le ore si susseguivano, i giorni, le settimane. Ricordo che facevo le croci nel calendario, quanto mancava fino alla fine del lockdown, che qui in Italia è stato abbastanza bello, bello, lungo e anche bello estremo.

    Ora, perché vi sto parlando di queste cose che ormai risalgono alla nostra memoria remota, anche se sono successe veramente poco tempo fa? Perché ho visto che ha aperto una mostra che si chiama Dreamscape, che possiamo tradurre come 'paesaggio dei sogni', vi metto naturalmente tutte le note alla fine della pagina nelle note di programma, questa artista Eva Frapiccini che per undici anni, quindi molto prima del covid, ha raccolto i sogni che faceva la gente per vedere se esistono dei temi ricorrenti, per vedere se esiste un inconscio collettivo, e ha raccolto questi sogni in giro per il mondo: Colombia, Svezia, Italia naturalmente, Germania, Regno Unito eccetera.
    Ora questi sogni si possono ascoltare in un'installazione sonora che sembra molto bella, dove vengono appunto raccontati questi sogni della coscienza collettiva. Che bell'esperimento, che bell'intervento artistico!


    Do you remember during covid, when we were in the midst of the pandemic, what incredible dreams we had? Here, did you see? I didn't even ask whether you had strange dreams during the pandemic, because I am 100% sure that you, like me and like the rest of the world, during those months, those years, at night had strange dreams.

    I used to have very strange dreams, very vivid, I remembered them very well then... Um, and they were very, very different from the dreams I normally had. They were not particularly nightmares, they were different dreams, however.

    I knew that the dreams were different. They did studies on this, they started to do studies to understand why the world suddenly started to have strange dreams. Eh whatever, had they asked me I would have told them without doing the research, it's because we were immersed for the first time really in a collective thing, a collective consciousness, an experience that was very similar from all parts of the world, even though it was then declined of course according to one's own to one's own situation to one's own circumstances, however the underlying fear was that of not knowing what was going on and this of course was reflected in the dreams, because one thing that the pandemic caused was the disruption of our habits, so suddenly we were forced to spend so much time at home.

    But I also remember that the same feeling of the passage of time was different, I no longer knew what day it was, Tuesday, Wednesday, also because it was no longer important what day of the week... The hours ticked by, the days, the weeks. I remember making crosses in the calendar, how long until the end of the lockdown, which here in Italy was pretty... pretty heavy, long and also pretty extreme.

    Now, why am I telling you about these things that now go back to our distant memory, even though they really happened a short time ago? Because I saw that an exhibition opened called Dreamscape, which we can translate as 'landscape of dreams', I will of course put all the notes at the end of the page in the program notes, this artist Eva Frapiccini who for eleven years, so long before covid, collected the dreams that people were having to see if there are recurring themes, to see if there is a collective unconscious, and she collected these dreams around the world: Colombia, Sweden , Italy of course, Germany, UK and so on.

    Now these dreams can be experienced in a sound installation that sounds very beautiful, where these dreams of the collective consciousness are told. What a beautiful experiment, what a beautiful artistic intervention!

    La mostra Dreamscape https://www.arte.go.it/event/eva-frapiccini-dreamscape/

    VAULT3D- Mae

    VAULT3D- Mae

    Original air date: October 24th, 2022

    Mae is a 3D artist hailing from Australia who creates the comfiest landscapes of worlds that don't exist, but everyone wishes they did. Mae has been creating all of her life as a creative outlet and meditation tool. Her 3D journey began by creating and selling in-game assets for the sims; you can already see how the world of web3 and NFTs made complete sense. After a few years, she combined her love for art with the tools of 3D to make the comfiest fictional landscapes on the internet today.

    Some of the main topics we chat through:

    -Experience surrounding financial markets
    -An artists supply
    -Strategy and focus during the bear
    -What collectible NFT we'd both want to own, and why
    -We round it off with Mae's physical art collection

    Mae Socials:

    Website: https://www.eniosta.com/links
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/enixsta


    Website: https://www.shillr.xyz
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/shillrxyz
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shillrxyz
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@shillrxyz

    Music by 800DB

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/800dbmusic

    22. David Patrick Kelly

    22. David Patrick Kelly

    C'est bientôt la Saint Patrick ! Quand vous irez vomir dans les rues attrapes touristes de Temple Bar à Dublin, vous aurez peut être une épiphanie cinématographique de haut niveau : qui était le fameux Sully jeté en haut d'une falaise par ARNHOLD dans Commando ? Cela "tombe" bien car c'est aussi un irlandais... enfin de troisième génération.
    Aujourd'hui, je vous propose de retracer la carrière du très énergétique (mais pas énergivore) David Patrick Kelly, méchant mythiques des Guerriers de la Nuit et homme de confiance d'un autre David : Lynch. 

    22. David Patrick Kelly

    22. David Patrick Kelly

    C'est bientôt la Saint Patrick ! Quand vous irez vomir dans les rues attrapes touristes de Temple Bar à Dublin, vous aurez peut être une épiphanie cinématographique de haut niveau : qui était le fameux Sully jeté en haut d'une falaise par ARNHOLD dans Commando ? Cela "tombe" bien car c'est aussi un irlandais... enfin de troisième génération.
    Aujourd'hui, je vous propose de retracer la carrière du très énergétique (mais pas énergivore) David Patrick Kelly, méchant mythiques des Guerriers de la Nuit et homme de confiance d'un autre David : Lynch. 

    Episode 566: Kutski's Birthday!

    Episode 566: Kutski's Birthday!

    Support KTRA on Patreon and get extra shows here: https://www.patreon.com/ktra

    It’s my birthday and I’ll play happy hardcore if I want to 🥳 Live vinyl classics mix from Kutski on this weeks show!

    Shugz x Klaus Kaz - The Path: https://snd.click/KTRAR077

    Full tracklist: Tracklist

    Get KTRA Merchendise here: KTRA Merch

    Grab the KTRA 2022 album here: KTRA 2022

    Support Kutski with a virtual beer here: Beer

    Commission Kutski for a custom DJ mix here: Commission Kutski

    Grab music from the KTRA store here: KTRA Digital Store

    Follow Kutski on Twitch for livestreams here: Kutski Twitch

    KTRA on Spotify: Spotify

    🇨🇭 TOP 5 Genève en famille

    🇨🇭 TOP 5 Genève en famille

    Si vous écoutez cet épisode à sa sortie, je commence par vous souhaiter une excellente année, pleine de joie, de douceur et de voyages, le tout en pleine forme.

    Cette année, je ralentis le rythme et vous proposerai un nouvel épisode un vendredi sur 2. Mais rassurez-vous, de belles destinations vous attendent en mode road trip, expatriation, tour du monde, traversée...

    Et on commence maintenant en mode reportage pour ce nouveau Top 5 des destinations à faire en famille. Je vous emmène à Genève où nous avons passé 3 jours pour… déguster du chocolat. Je vous rassure nous avons fait beaucoup plus mais on a quand même largement entamé voire dépassé notre consommation habituelle en période de fêtes…

    Après l’épisode, n’oubliez pas de vous abonner sur Apple Podcast, Spotify  ou votre plateforme d’écoute préférée. Et si en plus vous avez envie de me laisser un petit commentaire, faites-vous plaisir.

    Cet épisode a été réalisée en collaboration avec Office de tourisme de Génève  😃


    🌏 Mon blog Famille & Voyages 🌍

    le blog : https://familleetvoyages.com


    😃 Et si tu me taguais sur un de ces réseaux 😃

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/familleetvoyages_blog/ 

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/familleetvoyages 

    LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/famille-voyages 

    Je repartagerai ta dédicace et ça m'aiderait bien à gagner en visibilité !


    Pour ne rien louper de la saison 4 et écouter un nouveau carnet de voyage audio chaque semaine, inscrivez-vous sur la liste email  ou abonnez-vous sur Apple Podcasts, Spotify ou sur une plateforme d'écoute qui le permet.

    Merci 🙏🙏🙏


    À bientôt pour le prochain épisode.

    D'ici là, prenez soin de vous, inspirez-vous et créez-vous de chouettes souvenirs en famille. 


    Crédit music : Luk & Jo

    (c) Famille & Voyages, le podcast par Stéphanie Cordier

    Are You Living The Dream Or Living In A Dream?

    Are You Living The Dream Or Living In A Dream?

    Navigating the Dreamscape with Neuroscientist and Author, Sidarta Ribeiro

    Navigating the Dreamscape with Neuroscientist and Author, Sidarta Ribeiro

    Why is there so much emphasis on the thoughts and actions that govern our day to day lives, but not as much on the ones that happen as we sleep? 

    It’s difficult to understate the influence of modern technology because its effects are so tangible. We see how platforms like TARTLE are geared towards a clear end goal. We’re connected to our smartphones and devices around the clock. But we seem to be forgetting about the first device and data set that we were given to work with: the human mind, and our subconscious.

    At most, dreams are an interesting icebreaker or topic for idle talk—but we think that they can mean something more. It is time to revisit how dreams can have an impact on the course of our lives, as well as that of the people around us.


    Dreams: Our Most Ancient, Most Well-Developed Technology


    Sidarta Ribeiro shared a personal experience with a fellow PhD candidate. One day, Sidarta Ribeiro needed a ride to the field center of Rockefeller University for an experiment. However, he was unable to push through with his activity because it was used by another candidate.

    This setback meant that he had to reschedule his experiment, which affected his productivity. Understandably, this affected Sidarta Ribeiro’s perception of the person. He went to sleep feeling annoyed and irritated.

    However, he dreamt of a scenario where he angrily confronted the person and ended up getting physically hurt. When he woke up, he found himself in the right mindset and mood to peacefully discuss what happened with his colleague, and they made amends.

    This is a personal example of how dreams can be used to simulate instances of the future using references that we have made in the past. It can help guide us and give us insight. Giving the mind some space to process what has happened throughout our day can have some benefits for our wellbeing.


    Bringing Back the Focus to the Self


    Alex mentioned how, surprisingly, we only spend 55 percent of our lives awake. This means that if we don’t pay attention to our dreams, we’re missing out on almost half of our entire life experience In the modern world, there is a growing dichotomy between inner work and outer work that we need to bring our attention to— especially when we put so much value on what is external, but choose to forego focused introspection on the self.

    Sidarta Ribeiro pointed out that today’s research into mental health and wellbeing appear to be closely intertwined with drugs that induce a dream-like state. This could be the first step in a collective effort to bring back emphasis on our subconscious.

    It’s time to return to our inner world and start using dreams, one of our most ancient technologies, to our advantage once more.


    Dreams as a Gamechanger Throughout History


    The dream state has had a massive impact on the course of history. One solid example is the Oracle of Delphi, a widely revered high priestess of the Temple of Apollo who gave predictions and guidance to both individuals and city-states. Her words influenced the decisions of important figureheads such as Aegeus, the king of Athens; Croesus, the king of Lydia; and Alexander the Great, conqueror of the ancient world.

    Ancient and contemporary Mayan religion also posited that dreams are sacred, because they functioned as portals that helped an individual connect with their ancestors for guidance. The dream state is closely intertwined in the definition of spirituality across several religions and concepts of faith. 

    Today, the role that our dreams fulfilled in old societies is now being fulfilled by a variety of different mechanisms and technologies. Amidst all this progress, it’s time to take a break and ask ourselves: do we like where we’re going, now that we’re leaving our subconscious in the dust?


    Closing Thoughts: Human Progress Through the Dream State


    We are consistently pressured to maximize our productivity and levels of efficiency. The technologies we develop are influencing us to think of our value according to the volume of our work. While our reliance on the dream state has, to a large extent, been diminished due to our increased proficiency in technical knowledge, we forget to ask ourselves about the implications of this change.

    It is undeniable that our subconscious has played a massive role—not just in the individual lives of ordinary people, but in the rise and fall of civilizations. The dream state is a data mine that we, as a collective, are slowly losing out on. It’s an opportunity for introspection that can help us make better decisions. Most importantly, it helps us regulate our wellbeing through proper rest and recreation.

    What’s your data worth? www.tartle.co


    Tcast is brought to you by TARTLE. A global personal data marketplace that allows users to sell their personal information anonymously when they want to, while allowing buyers to access clean ready to analyze data sets on digital identities from all across the globe.


    The show is hosted by Co-Founder and Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Head of Conscious Marketing Jason Rigby.


    What's your data worth?


    Find out at: https://tartle.co/


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TARTLE


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TARTLEofficial/


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tartle_official/


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TARTLEofficial


    Spread the word!

    Dreamscape 1984

    Dreamscape 1984
    Well, hello there.
    Glad you could make it.
    First off, Dan and Brock cover a star studded and often forgotten film this week, Dreamscape!
    It's got everything! Psychics! Snakemen! Dennis Quaid! Horse track thugs! Shadow government conspiracy! Steven Spielberg's wife! Dream Warriors! Green Acres alumni!
    This is just a small taste of what's in store for you on this episode!
    So give it a spin! You'll be glad that you did!

    Full Disclosure: The fellas were exposed to a gas leak at the studio while recording this episode. Can you tell when it started affecting them?
    To let them know when you think the gas poisoning started or how much you love Dreamscape, hit the guys up directly at www.droppedculture.com or drop them a line at droppedculturepodcast@gmail.com.
    Also on your favorite social media outlets; just type in droppedculture and you'll find them!
    Thanks for listening!

    Read it again! - Board Game Babble #85

    Read it again! - Board Game Babble #85

    Rules. The important part of a game. They are actually the game. But are you like me, fed up of reading them over and over because you have forgotten them or they are too complex or because you haven’t played the game in a while (that's more me)? So we are now going to babble about rules. Should they be complex? Should they be standardised? Should they all be made so the players can jump right in? Or should they be something we have to trawl through to get to the heart? 

    ***What’s up in Babblot*** 2:50

    No shave November

    Losing it...weight that is

    Titan has landed and Kemet approaches

    Gardening in unnaturally warm weather

    Playing with the Pegs

    ***Sponsor break*** 11:11

    Arcane Wonders library of new games including Freedom Five, Four Gardens and Foundation of Rome


    ***Things that make the King go Hmmm!*** 16:04 

    Companies are doing well, all considered.

    ***Sponsor break*** 19:14

    New site and new KS coming to Game Topper


    ***The good, not so bad and ugly*** 26:22

    First impressions of brand new games that we’ve played. Did we think they were good, bad or ugly? Also, try to guess what these games are by their vague descriptions.


    ***Poll*** 1:01:47

    Do you go for new editions and deluxe versions, or stick with what you have?


    ***Sponsor break*** 26:39

    New site and new KS coming to Game Topper


    ***The Babble*** 1:05:06

    Rules. The important part of a game. 


    You can find us at Board Game Theater page for all episodes and Board Games Everybody Should...

    Like us on Facebook, Twitter or our guild on  Board Game Geek 2248

    Big Thanks to Arcane Wonders and Game Toppers for their support.

    Music and effect by The Balance Of Power & Syrinscape

    And watch the live stream of the show here: https://youtu.be/yaVnzxiIbrM

    Games mentioned:

    Arkham Horror,


    Foundations of Rome,

    Star Wars: Imperial Assault,

    Dungeon Petz,

    Kemet: Blood and Sand,



    Tournament at Camelot,

    Survive: Escape from Atlantis,

    Great Western Trail,

    Twilight Imperium fourth edition,

    Galaxy Trucker,

    Batman: Gotham City Chronicles,


    Freedom Five,

    Four Gardens,


    Era: Medieval Age,


    After the Empire,

    Episode 106 - Proper Skincare in the Dreamscape

    Episode 106 - Proper Skincare in the Dreamscape

    Ok. Let's do some chakra shifting. This week Paul and Alex get right into it, then they stay in it. This might be the most obviously far out strip we've ever summoned, and it leads to discussions about lucid dreamscape body swapping, Tommy Tutone's skincare line, and dropping your happy bare ass into a pan of noodles. 

    Sit in this week's strip Here. 

    Follow the Podcast on Twitter or Instagram

    Follow the Paul on Instagram 

    Follow Alex on Twitter or Instagram

    Mystic Lasagna is a Member of the Missing Sock network. For other great shows like this one, check out https://www.missingsocknetwork.com/ or search Missing Sock in your favorite pod catcher. 

    Also we have Merch!!

    Follow the network on Instagram. 

    To support us and all the shows on Missing Sock, here's our Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/missingsock


    Age of the Mage Ep. 16: What Kinds of Dreams Do You Have?

    Age of the Mage Ep. 16: What Kinds of Dreams Do You Have?

    Nightmares? Prophetic? Astral Travel? How does your dreamscape appear most of the time? There are many kinds of dreams and states of consciousness that occur in our sleep states.

    Today, I'll talk about 6 types of dreams and what they might mean in our lives. Many of us receive meaning and important messages from our dreams. It's time to take a look at some of the ways our dreams can contribute to our lives.

    When we surrender ourselves to sleep, we are surely diving into the realms of spirit, soul, and mystery. May we rest well and encounter true magic on our nightly excursions!

    Pracownia snów [audioRECENZJA]

    Pracownia snów [audioRECENZJA]
    Koniec! Mamy dość! Obudźcie nas, gdy gry euro zaczną sięgać po ciekawsze tematy! Żadnego popasania bydła, żadnego hodowania marchwi i nie, nie sprzedamy tej przyprawy! […] Że co?! To już? Ok zatem bierzemy się za recenzję! A będzie to recenzja Pracowni Snów – strategicznego eurosa z silnym elementem przestrzennym. Czy jednak poza pomysłem i oprawą […]

    HotMix Classic #13

    HotMix Classic #13
    Episódio com grandes hits. TRACKLIST: Daft Punk - Around The World Nightcrawlers - Push The Feeling On (The Dub of Doom) Snap - Rhythm is a Dancer 009 Sound System - Dreamscape (Blue Solar Remix) Sidney Samson - Riverside Eric Prydz - Call On Me MGMT - Kids (Pet Shop Boys Synthpop Mix) Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee) Guru Josh Project - Infinity Yves Larock - Rise Up Stretch 'n' Vern presents Maddog - I'm Alive ON AIR: Rádio Comunitária CPA FM - 105,9 MHz - Cuiabá/MT Sexta, 22h | Sábado, 22h25 - GMT-4 (Horário da Amazônia) www.radiocpafm.amaisouvida.com.br/ Rádio Trans BJ - 87,9 MHz - Bom Jardim de Minas/MG Sábado, 20h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://radiotransbj.com Rádio FM Tibau - 104.9 MHz - Tibau/RN Sábado, 19h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) www.fmtibau.com.br Rádio Comunitária Itaquera - 87,5 MHz - São Paulo/SP Sábado, 21h | Domingo, 21h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://rcitaquera.com.br/ Rádio Ipanema Comunitária - 87,9 MHz - Porto Alegre/RS Sábado, 21h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://www.ipanemacomunitaria.com.br Rádio Costa Oeste - 87,9 MHz - Fortaleza/CE Sábado, 20h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://costaoestefm87.com.br Rádio Acácia - 87,9 MHz - Alvorada/RS Domingo, 20h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://www.acaciafm.com.br/ Rádio Camaçari - 87,9 MHz - Camaçari/BA Sábado, 19h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://www.camacarifm.com.br/ Beat Top Som Domingo, 05h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://beattopsom.com/ Rádio Cidade Paraíba Domingo, 18h | Terça, 21h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://radiocidadeparaiba.radiostream123.com/ Antena Web (Portugal) Quarta, 01h - GMT+1 (Horário da Europa Ocidental) http://www.antenaweb.info Pop Mix Sábado, 15h | Domingo, 14h - GMT-3 (Horário de Brasília) http://popmixradioweb.com/ Agente Oficial: Marina Navarro Viagens e Turismo https://www.facebook.com/marinanavarroviagenseturismo/