

    Explore "efrat" with insightful episodes like "Eating Disorders: Not Just About Food", "2021.07.09 國際新聞導讀-阿富汗塔利班攻城掠地打下多處邊界關口、以色列新內閣對宗教與國家層面議題提出許多新作法、以色列EFRAT組織拯救嬰兒行動已救8萬名嬰兒", "Ep 58. Insane Abortion Policy - 1000 Abortions Annually in the Israel Defense Forces", "Menachem & Jill Kuchar "The Abayudaya of Putti and Mukono"" and "Jessica Kupferberg "Change, Growth and Creativity"" from podcasts like ""Hadassah On Call: New Frontiers in Medicine", "蘇老師的國際新聞導覽及中東中亞的歷史故事 Diplomat's daily news review and history research on Middle East and Central Asia ", "Jewish Pro-Life", "People of Efrat" and "People of Efrat"" and more!

    Episodes (10)

    2021.07.09 國際新聞導讀-阿富汗塔利班攻城掠地打下多處邊界關口、以色列新內閣對宗教與國家層面議題提出許多新作法、以色列EFRAT組織拯救嬰兒行動已救8萬名嬰兒

    2021.07.09 國際新聞導讀-阿富汗塔利班攻城掠地打下多處邊界關口、以色列新內閣對宗教與國家層面議題提出許多新作法、以色列EFRAT組織拯救嬰兒行動已救8萬名嬰兒
    2021.07.09 國際新聞導讀-阿富汗塔利班攻城掠地打下多處邊界關口、以色列新內閣對宗教與國家層面議題提出許多新作法、以色列EFRAT組織拯救嬰兒行動已救8萬名嬰兒 塔利班武裝分子佔領了阿富汗與伊朗的關鍵過境點 上週,塔利班佔領了與伊朗、塔吉克斯坦、土庫曼斯坦、中國和巴基斯坦等五個國家接壤的地區,外國軍隊結束了他們長達兩年的干預。 通過路透 2021 年 7 月 8 日 22:11 2019 年 5 月 30 日,塔利班首席談判代表毛拉·阿卜杜勒·加尼·巴拉達爾(前)在俄羅斯莫斯科與阿富汗高級政客進行和平談判後離開 (圖片來源:路透社/EVGENIA NOVOZHENINA) 廣告 阿富汗安全官員表示,塔利班武裝分子週四奪取了阿富汗西部一個重要地區的控制權,該地區包括一個與伊朗的主要過境點,因為伊斯蘭叛亂分子繼續在全國范圍內迅速推進軍事行動。 上週,塔利班佔領了與伊朗、塔吉克斯坦、土庫曼斯坦、中國和巴基斯坦五國接壤的地區,外國勢力結束了長達兩年的干預,國內安全局勢惡化。 在與烏茲別克斯坦接壤的巴爾赫省北部,塔利班武裝分子與阿富汗政府軍之間的激戰也在進行中。 兩名不願透露姓名的高級安全官員告訴路透社,位於赫拉特省與伊朗的伊斯蘭 Qala 過境點已落入塔利班之手,阿富汗安全和海關官員已越過邊界逃離。 伊朗官方阿拉伯語服務機構 Al Alamam TV 也報導說,阿富汗士兵為了逃離塔利班而通過過境點進入伊朗領土。 阿富汗內政部發言人塔里克·阿里安否認了這些報導,並表示過境點仍在政府軍的控制之下。 路透社致電省長辦公室和警方均無人接聽。 另一名安全官員說,塔利班武裝分子未經戰鬥就佔領了赫拉特的五個地區。 本週早些時候,塔利班佔領了北部巴達赫尚省的大部分地區,該省與中國和巴基斯坦接壤,1000 多名阿富汗安全人員逃往塔吉克斯坦。 西部省份的衝突 國防部表示,阿富汗政府軍周四早些時候奪回了對西部省份巴德吉斯省首府 Qala-e-Naw 的控制權,該地區周三遭到塔利班襲擊。 該部表示,數百名士兵被部署到該地區,並補充說,在 Qala-e-Naw 的邊緣,戰鬥仍在繼續,叛亂分子早些時候佔領了該市的主要政府大樓,包括警察總部。 國防部發言人法瓦德·阿曼說:“這座城市完全(重新)在我們的控制之下,我們正在該市郊區對塔利班開展行動。” 該部表示,有 69 名塔利班戰士在 Qala-e-Naw 邊緣的行動中喪生,這是叛亂分子在最近的攻勢中進入的第一個主要省會。 巴德吉斯省的其餘部分在塔利班手中。西方安全官員說,塔利班已經佔領了阿富汗的 100 多個地區。塔利班表示,他們在 34 個省擁有 200 多個地區,佔該國的一半以上。主要城市仍處於政府控制之下。 叛亂分子數週以來一直在奪取領土,但隨著美國撤離其主要的阿富汗基地,他們加快了攻勢,有效地結束了始於 2001 年推翻伊斯蘭塔利班政府的干預。 塔利班在北部省份取得的進展尤其引人注目,在那裡他們長期以來一直受到阻撓。 政府與叛亂分子之間的停頓和談仍然沒有結果。塔利班代表團週三訪問了伊朗,週四在莫斯科。 週四,美國總統喬拜登為美軍撤出阿富汗的決定辯護,他表示,他不認為塔利班會接管整個國家,他相信阿富汗軍隊。 “我們正在結束美國最長的戰爭,”他說。 Taliban fighters capture key Afghan border crossing with Iran In the last week, the Taliban have overrun areas bordering five countries - Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, China and Pakistan - as foreign forces end their two-decade intervention. By REUTERS JULY 8, 2021 22:11 Taliban chief negotiator Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar (front) leaves after peace talks with Afghan senior politicians in Moscow, Russia May 30, 2019 (photo credit: REUTERS/EVGENIA NOVOZHENINA) Advertisement Taliban fighters seized control on Thursday of a key district in western Afghanistan that includes a major border crossing with Iran, Afghan security officials said, as the Islamist insurgents continued their rapid military advances around the country. In the last week, the Taliban have overrun areas bordering five countries - Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, China and Pakistan - as foreign forces end their two-decade intervention and the domestic security situation deteriorates. Pitched battles between Taliban fighters and Afghan government forces were also underway in the northern Balkh province bordering Uzbekistan. Two senior security officials told Reuters on condition of anonymity that the Islam Qala border crossing with Iran, located in Herat province, had fallen to the Taliban and that Afghan security and customs officials had fled across the border. Al Alalam TV, Iran's official Arabic language service, also reported that Afghan soldiers had entered Iranian territory via the border crossing to escape the Taliban. Tariq Arian, spokesman for the Afghan interior ministry, denied the reports and said the border crossing was still under the control of government forces. Calls by Reuters to the offices of the provincial governor and police went unanswered. Another security official said Taliban fighters had seized five districts in Herat without a fight. Earlier this week, more than 1,000 Afghan security personnel fled into Tajikistan as the Taliban captured most of the northern province of Badakhshan, which also borders China and Pakistan. CLASHES IN WESTERN PROVINCE The defense ministry said Afghan government forces earlier on Thursday wrested back control of Qala-e-Naw, capital of the western province of Badghis, which had been stormed by the Taliban on Wednesday. Hundreds of troops were deployed to the region, the ministry said, adding that fighting was continuing on the fringes of Qala-e-Naw, where insurgents had earlier seized key government buildings in the city including police headquarters. "The city is fully (back) under our control, and we are conducting operations against the Taliban on the outskirts of the city," Defence Ministry spokesman Fawad Aman said. The ministry said 69 Taliban fighters were killed in operations on the edge of Qala-e-Naw - the first major provincial capital entered by the insurgents in their latest offensive. The rest of Badghis province is in Taliban hands. Western security officials say the Taliban have captured more than 100 districts in Afghanistan. The Taliban say they hold over 200 districts in 34 provinces, comprising over half the country. Major cities remain under government control. The insurgents have been gaining territory for weeks, but accelerated their thrust as the United States vacated its main Afghan base, effectively ending an intervention that began with the ousting of the Islamist Taliban government in 2001. Taliban advances have been especially dramatic in northern provinces, where they had long been kept at bay. Stop-start peace talks between the government and insurgents remain inconclusive. Taliban delegations visited Iran on Wednesday and were in Moscow on Thursday. Defending the decision to pull U.S. forces out of Afghanistan, President Joe Biden said on Thursday he did not expect the Taliban to take over the whole country and that he trusted the Afghan military. "We're ending America's longest war," he said. 政府在宗教問題上的開場白對未來意味著什麼? 由於阿維格多·利伯曼取消了對猶太教家庭的托兒補貼,MKs 排隊譴責他是壓迫猶太人的最新暴君。 作者:傑瑞米·沙龍 2021 年 7 月 8 日 22:53 Yisrael Beytenu MK Avigdor Liberman。 (圖片來源:以色列民主研究所) 廣告 本週,哈雷迪(超正統)政黨的領導人和他們的 MKs 發出一聲哀號和咬牙切齒地排隊,譴責財政部長阿維格多·利伯曼( Avigdor Liberman) 是一長串壓迫猶太人的暴君中的最新一個。 Shas 領袖 MK Arye Deri 稱他為“邪惡”,Shas MK Michael Malkieli 說他擁有“叢林”的價值觀,聯合托拉猶太教主席 Moshe Gafni 稱他為“邪惡”,UTJ MK Meir Porush 稱他為“無神”。 利伯曼的罪行是 取消 了父親在猶太學校全日制學習的 18,000 個家庭的托兒補貼。 根據新框架的條款,男性必須每週工作 24 小時才能領取此類福利,價值高達 1,200 新謝克爾,對於 ​​haredi 家庭的有限經濟來源而言,這是一個重要數字。 該措施的目的是扭轉哈雷迪大學學生獲得補貼以不加入勞動力的情況,這種情況導致 2019 年有 53% 的哈雷迪男性就業,而其他男性的這一比例超過 85% . 在另一個步驟中,宗教服務部長馬坦·卡哈納 (Matan Kahana) 的辦公室表示,他打算為市政首席拉比制定 10 年的任期限制,之後他們可以連任。 這個想法是讓這些拉比對其居民負責並與他們的居民相關,並減少他們採取 Halacha 極端立場的可能性,以與城市特徵不相稱的方式說話和行動,正如許多市政首席拉比所做的那樣。 儘管波拉什有時間指責卡哈納試圖“粗暴地摧毀首席拉比”,但哈雷迪黨對這一發展的關注較少。 新政府在許多方面都非常不尋常,但其中之一是它不包括任何哈雷迪黨,這是利伯曼本人非常希望的。 鑑於 Shas 和 UTJ 的缺席,聯盟中的幾個政黨在其聯盟協議中規定,要改變以色列的宗教生活以及該國與其哈雷迪部門的關係。 本週,Liberman 和 Kahana 開了兩槍。 兩位部長在這些領域還有其他幾個政策優先事項需要推進。 Kahana 和他的 Yamina 黨在他們與 Yesh Atid 的聯盟協議中提出了專門改革猶太國家宗教生活的倡議,這與他所頌揚的溫和的宗教猶太復國主義猶太教品牌一致。 這些包括權力下放卡什魯特監督市場、權力下放轉換和改變選舉首席拉比的選舉機構。 這個想法不是像世俗主義者那樣將宗教和國家分開,而是在宗教生活方面給以色列公民更多的選擇和自由。 在 Yisrael Beytenu 和 Yesh Atid 簽署的聯盟協議中,Liberman 更側重於改革國家與 haredim 的關係。 其中包括確保“所有學生”在學校學習核心課程科目,如數學、科學和英語,特別是哈雷迪學生的規定,以及承諾通過一項法律,讓更多哈雷迪人應征服兵役。 利伯曼的優先事項在很大程度上與他激烈的反哈雷迪競選活動以及他向選民基礎做出的終止哈雷迪特權的承諾有關,他和他的選民認為這是以犧牲他們為代價的。 他的選民肯定會期待他堅持到底,而利伯曼也不想讓他們失望。 利伯曼的遺願清單上還有一系列宗教和國家問題,包括頒布民事婚姻、在安息日頒佈公共交通、允許在安息日進行更大的商業活動以及實施西牆協議。 委婉地說,這個雄心勃勃的議程有多少可以實現? 重要的是要注意,聯盟指導方針說只有“廣泛公眾共識”的宗教和國家問題才會被推進,而 Yesh Atid 和 Yamina 之間的協議明確指出,這些問題的現狀將被保留,除了該特定協議中規定的內容。 由於 Yesh Atid-Yamina 協議優先於其他協議,Liberman 的大部分議程都存在疑問,因為 Yamina 並未明確同意它。 民事婚姻、安息日的公共交通和安息日的更大商業都是高度敏感的問題,全面的立法改革能否贏得本屆政府的支持仍值得懷疑。 更容易實現的是改革只需要政府部委內部的行政和監管變革,部長們自己就能夠執行這些改革。 一個這樣的例子是利伯曼本周宣布的兒童保育補貼的變化。 另一個是卡哈納希望為市政首席拉比設立的任期限制。 這兩項措施都將產生重大影響,而且至關重要的是,這兩項措施都可以通過部級行政改革來實現,並且不需要混亂而艱難的立法程序,而現任政府及其少數派已經在苦苦掙扎。 利伯曼希望所有哈雷迪男孩都學習核心課程科目,這無疑對以色列未來的經濟可行性至關重要。但要求哈雷迪學校教授這些科目會很困難,並會引起巨大的社會動盪。 社區的拉比領導認為獨立的哈雷迪學校系統是絕對不可侵犯的,因為它構成了每一代哈雷迪身份的主要形成手段。 試圖自上而下對其進行強制變革可能會導致大規模抗議,甚至會導致社區中的溫和分子團結在他們的領導之下。 正如一些現代哈雷迪活動家週四所建議的那樣,為相對較新的國家哈雷迪學校網絡提供更多資金可能比嘗試將課程強加給獨立哈雷迪學校網絡更容易、更有效。 聯盟將被迫解決的一個問題是如何為哈雷迪入伍制定新的法律。高等法院於 2017 年否決了為 haredi yeshiva 學生提供全面兵役豁免的法律安排。它對過去三個政府(包括新政府)提出的延長期限的持續要求越來越不耐煩。 立法已經準備就緒,正在等待,由利伯曼在 2015-2018 年擔任本傑明·內塔尼亞胡政府國防部長時任命的委員會起草,大多數聯盟似乎都同意這一點。 專家懷疑這項立法是否會有效增加哈雷迪人的入伍率,因為它規定的經濟制裁過於溫和,而且豁免年齡的降低會嚴重削弱年輕哈雷迪人的入伍積極性。 然而,政府會很感激地盡可能少地把這個爆炸性問題拋在腦後,至少在高等法院對其設法通過的任何立法進行權衡之前。 有關宗教生活的措施雖然需要立法,但在聯盟內部似乎是相對一致的,而且實施起來可能不是特別困難。 大多數公眾認為首席拉比納腐敗和不代表一般猶太人口,因此使 kashrut 監督不那麼腐敗和更具競爭力的立法不會在聯盟中面臨太多反對。 改變首席拉比選舉機構以確保選擇非哈雷迪人物的立法也可以這樣說,聯盟的壓倒性多數支持這一舉措。 皈依改革的問題更為敏感,哈雷迪黨將激烈反對,並爭取保守的宗教-猶太復國主義拉比的支持,他們將對聯盟中宗教較為保守的MK,尤其是亞米娜施加壓力。 儘管如此,這項改革仍有可能推進。 歸根結底,聯盟所表示的希望在大眾宗教生活中做出的改變是相對溫和且可以實現的。 哈雷迪黨和宗教保守的宗教猶太復國主義黨將就他們公開大吵大鬧,但他們很可能最終會接受這些措施,而不會採取除此之外的事情。 改變國家與哈雷迪社區之間的關係要困難得多,不能簡單地揮動立法棒來解決。 在過去的 40 年裡,國家在軍事服務和通識教育領域從根本上失敗了。同時,它允許該部門內的高度自治,現在極難回滾。 試圖迅速強制變革可能會導致街頭抗議並落入極端分子的手中,他們會爭辯說,他們一直說國家想要摧毀宗教並消滅 haredi Jewry 是正確的。 只有通過戰略性、整體性和精心策劃的方法才能在這些問題上實現變革,而本屆政府尚未表示有興趣採取這種方法。 What do gov’t’s opening shots on religious issues mean for the future? As Avigdor Liberman revoked child care subsides for yeshiva families, MKs lined up to denounce him as the latest tyrant who oppressed the Jewish people. By JEREMY SHARON JULY 8, 2021 22:53 Yisrael Beytenu MK Avigdor Liberman. (photo credit: ISRAEL DEMOCRACY INSTITUTE) Advertisement With a great wailing and gnashing of teeth, the leaders of the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) political parties and their MKs lined up this week to denounce Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman as the latest in a long line of tyrants who oppressed the Jewish people. Shas leader MK Arye Deri called him “wicked,” Shas MK Michael Malkieli said he had the values of “the jungle," United Torah Judaism chairman Moshe Gafni called him “evil,” and UTJ MK Meir Porush called him “Godless.” Liberman’s offense was to have revoked child care subsidies for 18,000 families in which the father studies full time in yeshiva. Under the terms of the new framework, men will have to work for 24 hours a week to claim such benefits, worth up to NIS 1,200, a significant figure for the limited means of haredi households. The purpose of the measure is to reverse a situation in which haredi yeshiva students are subsidized to not join the workforce, which has led to a situation in which 53% of haredi men were employed in 2019, compared with more than 85% of other men. In a separate step, Religious Services Minister Matan Kahana’s office said he intends to enact term limits of 10 years for municipal chief rabbis, after which they could stand for reelection. The idea is to keep such rabbis accountable and relevant to their residents and reduce the likelihood that they will adopt extreme positions of Halacha, speaking and acting in a manner incommensurate with the character of their cities, as numerous municipal chief rabbis have. This development received less attention from the haredi parties, although Porush found the time to accuse Kahana of seeking “to crassly destroy the Chief Rabbinate.” The new government is very unusual in many ways, but one of them is that it does not include any of the haredi parties, something Liberman himself greatly desired. And given the absence of Shas and UTJ, several parties in the coalition set out in their coalition agreements to make changes both to religious life in Israel and the country’s relationship with its haredi sector. This week, two of the first shots in those efforts were fired by Liberman and Kahana. And both ministers have several other policy priorities in these fields to advance as well. Kahana and his Yamina Party set out in their coalition agreement with Yesh Atid initiatives specifically to reform religious life in the Jewish state, in line with the moderate brand of religious-Zionist Judaism he extols. These include decentralizing the kashrut supervision market, decentralizing conversion and changing the electoral body for selecting chief rabbis. The idea is not to separate religion and state as secularists would like, but to give greater choice and freedom to Israeli citizens regarding religious life. Liberman, in the coalition agreements signed by Yisrael Beytenu and Yesh Atid, focused more on reforms to the state’s relationship with the haredim. These included stipulations to ensure “all pupils” study core curriculum subjects, such as math, science and English, in school, meaning specifically haredi pupils, and a commitment to pass a law to have greater numbers of haredi men enlist for military service. Liberman’s priorities are in large part connected to his fierce anti-haredi election campaigns and the promises he made to his voter base to end haredi privileges he and his voters believe come at their expense. His voters will certainly be expecting him to follow through, and Liberman will not want to disappoint them. Also on Liberman’s bucket list is a series of religion-and-state issues, including enacting civil marriage, enacting public transportation on Shabbat, allowing for greater commerce on Shabbat and implementing the Western Wall agreement. How much of this ambitious agenda, to put it mildly, can be achieved? It is important to note that coalition guidelines say only religion-and-state issues for which there is “a broad public consensus” will be advanced, while the agreement between Yesh Atid and Yamina explicitly states that the status quo on such issues will be preserved, apart from those spelled out in that specific agreement. Since the Yesh Atid-Yamina agreement overrides the others, much of Liberman’s agenda is in doubt because Yamina has not specifically agreed to it. Civil marriage, public transportation on Shabbat and greater commerce on Shabbat are all highly sensitive issues, and it remains doubtful whether sweeping legislative reform will win the support of this government. What will be easier to achieve is reforms requiring merely administrative and regulatory change within government ministries, which the ministers themselves are able to carry out. One such example is the change to childcare subsidies Liberman announced this week. Another is the term limits Kahana wants to institute for municipal chief rabbis. Both measures would have a significant impact, and crucially, both can be done by ministerial administrative changes and do not require the messy and difficult process of legislation, which the current government, with its minute minority, is already struggling with. Liberman’s desire to have all haredi boys study core curriculum subjects is without doubt crucial to Israel’s economic viability in the future. But requiring haredi schools to teach these subjects would be difficult and cause great social unrest. An independent haredi school system is seen as absolutely inviolable by the community’s rabbinic leadership since it constitutes the principal formative device for haredi identity for every generation. Attempting to force change on it from the top down would likely lead to massive protests and cause even the moderate elements of the community to rally around their leadership. As some modern haredi activists suggested on Thursday, it would likely be easier and more effective to provide increased funds for the relatively new state haredi school network than to try and impose a curriculum on the independent haredi school networks. One issue the coalition will be forced to address is how to legislate a new law for haredi enlistment. The High Court of Justice struck down the legal arrangement for blanket military service exemptions for haredi yeshiva students in 2017. It is growing impatient with the ongoing requests to extend the deadline by the last three governments, including the new one. Legislation is ready and waiting, having been drawn up by a committee appointed by Liberman when he was defense minister in the 2015-2018 government of Benjamin Netanyahu, which most of the coalition appears to agree on. Experts are skeptical that this legislation will effectively increase haredi enlistment, since the economic sanctions it stipulates are too moderate, and the lowering of the age of exemption will severely decrease the motivation of young haredi men to enlist. However, the government will be grateful to put this explosive issue behind it with as little fuss as possible, at least until the High Court weighs in on whatever legislation it manages to pass. The measures on religious life, although requiring legislation, would appear to be relatively consensual within the coalition and may not be especially difficult to enact. The majority of the public sees the Chief Rabbinate as corrupt and unrepresentative of the general Jewish population, so legislation to make kashrut supervision less corrupt and more competitive will not face much opposition in the coalition. The same can be said for legislation to change the electoral body for chief rabbis to ensure non-haredi figures are selected, with the overwhelming majority of the coalition favoring such a move. The issue of conversion reform is more sensitive, and the haredi parties will ferociously oppose it and enlist the support of conservative religious-Zionist rabbis, who will bring pressure to bear on the more religiously conservative MKs in the coalition, especially Yamina. Still, it is possible that this reform could be pushed through. Ultimately, the changes the coalition has indicated it wishes to make in religious life for the general public are relatively moderate and obtainable. The haredi parties and the religiously conservative Religious Zionist Party will make a big public row about them, but they will most likely end up living with these measures and not take matters beyond that. Change to the relationship between the country and the haredi community is far harder and cannot simply be addressed by waving a legislative wand. The state over the last 40 years has fundamentally failed in the realms of haredi military service and general education. At the same time, it has permitted a high degree of autonomy within the sector, which it is now extremely difficult to roll back. Attempting to force change quickly could lead to protests on the streets and play into the hands of the extremists, who will argue that they were right all along to say the state wants to destroy religion and wipe out haredi Jewry. Change can only come about on those issues through a strategic, holistic and well-planned approach, which this government has not yet indicated it is interested in pursuing. 貝內特在安曼秘密會見了約旦國王阿卜杜拉——報導 約旦官員稱對會議消息洩露感到不安,同意在嚴格保密的情況下峰會 通過TOI人員今天,晚上 9:41 約旦國王阿卜杜拉二世於 2020 年 12 月 10 日在約旦安曼舉行的第 19 屆議會非常規會議開幕式上發表講話。 (Yousef Allan/The Royal Hashemite Court via AP) 據報導,總理納夫塔利·貝內特和約旦國王阿卜杜拉二世上週在安曼的王宮秘密會面,這似乎是三年多來兩國領導人之間的首次峰會。 據以色列媒體報導,貝內特上任不到一個月,據報導,在他與埃及總統阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·塞西(Abdel Fattah El-Sissi)交談後的第二天,他於上週二前往會見了阿卜杜拉。 總理辦公室拒絕對該報導發表評論。 此次會議的報導首先由 Walla News 報導,是在外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德 (Yair Lapid) 與約旦外長艾曼·薩法迪 (Ayman Safadi) 在艾倫比大橋過境點的約旦一側會面後數小時發布的。兩人宣布了一項協議,以色列向約旦供應 5000 萬立方米(6500 萬立方碼)的水,以應對嚴重干旱。 據沃拉新聞報導,上週的會議基本上是積極的,貝內特向阿卜杜拉通報了以色列決定增加對約旦的水出口。 這次會議將是阿卜杜拉自2018 年接待本傑明內塔尼亞胡以來首次會見以色列總理。那次會議也是秘密舉行的,只有在事後才宣布。 2 月,據報導,國防部長本尼·甘茨在約旦秘密會見了阿布拉。據報導,阿卜杜拉拒絕與他非常不喜歡的內塔尼亞胡會面。 2021 年 7 月 7 日,國防部長本尼·甘茨(左)和總理納夫塔利·貝內特在新總統艾薩克·赫爾佐格的宣誓就職儀式上發表講話。 (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) 以色列媒體週四報導稱,約旦官員對會議洩露的事實感到不滿,因為會議是在保密的情況下舉行的。 廣告 一位政府消息人士告訴第 12 頻道新聞,這一消息“讓國王感到尷尬,在似乎翻開了新的一頁後,它肯定會影響國家之間的關係。” 約旦駐美國大使館發言人拒絕就此事發表評論。 近年來,與約旦的關係受到影響,內塔尼亞胡被指控忽視這種關係。在過去幾年中,約旦切斷了以色列進入作為 1994 年兩國之間和平協議一部分而租用的兩個農業飛地的通道,並且一直是反對以色列在聖殿山上行動的主要聲音。 今年早些時候,安曼推遲了一架原定將內塔尼亞胡飛往阿拉伯聯合酋長國的飛機,表面上是為了回應約旦王儲侯賽因因在問題上存在分歧而匆忙前往耶路撒冷的阿克薩清真寺,之後緊張局勢爆發了。安全安排。 據報導,當時的以色列總理被迫取消前往阿布扎比的行程,他試圖關閉以色列領空到約旦的航班以報復。 在伊斯蘭行動陣線於 2017 年 7 月 21 日星期五祈禱後在安曼舉行的示威活動中,約旦人攜帶岩石圓頂神殿的模型,以抗議以色列在聖地實施的新安全措施,其中包括金屬探測器和攝像頭,此前一周發生的襲擊導致兩名以色列警察喪生。(法新社/哈利勒·馬茲拉維) 在 5 月的圍牆守護者行動期間,約旦議會一致呼籲驅逐以色列駐安曼大使,以抗議以色列對巴勒斯坦人的“罪行”。 廣告 阿卜杜拉當時表示,“以色列對巴勒斯坦人的挑釁行動導致當前局勢升級,加劇了該地區的緊張局勢。” 阿卜杜拉定於 7 月 19 日在白宮會見美國總統喬拜登。 據白宮新聞秘書 Jen Psaki 稱,兩人將討論“約旦在促進該地區和平與穩定方面的領導作用”。 Bennett met secretly with Jordan’s King Abdullah in Amman — reports Jordanian officials said to be unnerved by news of meeting leaking out, having agreed to summit under condition of strict secrecy By TOI STAFFToday, 9:41 pm Jordan's King Abdullah II gives a speech during the inauguration of the 19th Parliament’s non-ordinary session, in Amman, Jordan, on December 10, 2020. (Yousef Allan/The Royal Hashemite Court via AP) Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Jordanian King Abdullah II reportedly met in secret last week at the crown palace in Amman, in what appeared to be the first summit between the countries’ leaders in over three years. Bennett, who took office less than a month ago, reportedly traveled to meet Abdullah last Tuesday, a day after he spoke with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sissi, according to Israeli media reports. The Prime Minister’s Office declined to comment on the report. The report of the meeting, which was first carried by Walla News, came hours after Foreign Minister Yair Lapid met with his Jordanian counterpart, Ayman Safadi, on the Jordanian side of the Allenby Bridge crossing. The two announced a deal for Israel to supply Jordan with 50 million cubic meters (65 million cubic yards) of water as it battles a severe drought. According to Walla News, the meeting last week was largely positive, and Bennett informed Abdullah of Israel’s decision to boost water exports to Jordan. The meeting would be the first time Abdullah has met an Israeli prime minister since he hosted Benjamin Netanyahu in 2018. That meeting was also held in secret and only announced after the fact. In February, Defense Minister Benny Gantz reportedly met secretly with Adbullah in Jordan. According to reports, Abdullah had refused to meet with Netanyahu, whom he strongly disliked. Defense Minister Benny Gantz (L) and Prime Minister Naftali Bennett speak during the swearing-in ceremony for new President Isaac Herzog on July 7, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) Israeli media reports Thursday indicated that Jordanian officials were unhappy with the fact that the meeting leaked out, since it was held on contingency of secrecy. ADVERTISEMENT A government source told Channel 12 News that the news has “embarrassed the king and it will definitely affect the ties between the nations, after a new page was seemingly turned.” A spokesman for the Jordanian Embassy in the United States declined a request for comment on the matter. Ties with Jordan have suffered in recent years, with Netanyahu accused of neglecting the relationship. Over the last few years, Jordan has cut off Israeli access to two farming enclaves leased as part of the 1994 peace deal between the countries, and has been a leading voice against Israeli actions on the Temple Mount. Earlier this year, tensions burst into the open after Amman delayed a plane that was slated to bring Netanyahu to the United Arab Emirates, ostensibly in response to Jordan’s Crown Prince Hussein scotching a trip to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, due to disagreements over security arrangements. The then-Israeli premier, who was forced to cancel his trip to Abu Dhabi, attempted to shut down Israeli airspace to Jordanian flights in revenge, according to reports. Jordanians carry a model of the Dome of the Rock shrine during a demonstration, called for by the Islamic Action Front, in Amman following friday prayers on July 21, 2017, to protest against new Israeli security measures implemented at the holy site, which include metal detectors and cameras, following an attack that killed two Israeli policemen the previous week. (AFP/Khalil Mazraawi) During Operation Guardian of the Walls in May, the Jordanian Parliament called unanimously to expel Israel’s ambassador to Amman, in protest of Israeli “crimes” against Palestinians. ADVERTISEMENT Abdullah said at the time that “Israel’s provocative actions against the Palestinians led to the current escalation and added more tension to the region.” Abdullah is slated to meet with United States President Joe Biden at the White House on July 19. According to White House press secretary Jen Psaki, the two will discuss “Jordan’s leadership role in promoting peace and stability in the region.” 以色列同意大幅增加干旱約旦的供水 此舉是因為耶路撒冷希望修補關係,但約旦外交部長艾曼薩法迪警告拉皮德因驅逐謝赫賈拉而犯下“戰爭罪”,這是緊張局勢揮之不去的跡象。 作者:AMY SPIRO和AARON BOXERMAN今天 7:03 pm更新於 7:18 pm 說明:2019 年 2 月 3 日星期日,一名敘利亞男子在約旦馬弗拉克最大的敘利亞難民營扎塔里(Zaatari)內裝滿一桶水。(美聯社/Raad Adayleh) 以色列同意大幅增加向約旦供應的水量,以應對嚴重短缺的問題,因為以色列外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德星期四在約旦河的一個過境點會見了約旦外長艾曼·薩法迪。 此次會晤標誌著以色列和約旦高級官員自上個月以色列新政府成立以來首次公開會面。近年來,耶路撒冷和安曼之間的關係變得越來越棘手。 雖然拉皮德試圖修復這種關係,但約旦在會晤期間警告以色列可能在耶路撒冷犯下“戰爭罪行”,這表明其中一些摩擦點可能仍然存在。 以色列外交部表示,根據周四簽署的協議,以色列將在 2021 年向約旦額外供應 5000 萬立方米(6500 萬立方碼)的水。根據 1994 年簽署的一項協議,以色列已經每年向約旦供水。 兩人還同意將約旦對西岸出口的上限從 1.6 億美元提高到 7 億美元。 表單的頂端 會議在連接約旦和約旦河西岸的艾倫比大橋的約旦一側舉行。 Yesh Atid 黨的負責人 Yair Lapid 在 2021 年 7 月 5 日在以色列議會舉行的派系會議上發表講話。 約旦幾個月來一直嚴重缺水,並於 3 月向以色列提交了額外補給的請求。由於兩國之間的緊張局勢,前總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)在推遲數週後批准了該請求。據報導,約旦要求再增加 800 萬立方米,但只收到了 300 萬立方米。 以色列表示,總理納夫塔利·貝內特已批准轉讓額外的 5000 萬立方米的協議。 廣告 約旦表示,技術團隊將在未來幾天內敲定細節,以色列、約旦和巴勒斯坦官員將就實施出口上限進行談判。 約旦外交部長艾曼·薩法迪於 2021 年 3 月 10 日在柏林舉行的新聞發布會上。 (Kay Nietfeld / POOL / AFP) 約旦、巴勒斯坦和以色列環保組織 EcoPeace Middle East 的以色列主管 Gidon Bromberg 表示,該交易標誌著以色列的水出口“急劇增加”。根據 1994 年的一項協議,以色列應該每年向約旦供應約 5000 萬立方米(6500 萬立方碼)的水,但布隆伯格表示,以色列迄今為止每年的出口量不超過 1000 萬立方米。 他說,約旦每年仍面臨 5 億立方米(6.53 億立方碼)的缺水,必須進口更多,以確保持續供應滿足其所有需求。約旦是地球上最乾旱的國家之一,隨著氣候變化,其水資源短缺預計會進一步惡化。 會見後,拉皮德對約旦的合作表示讚賞。 “約旦王國是以色列國的鄰國和重要夥伴,”拉皮德週四表示。“外交部將繼續舉行持續對話,以維護和加強關係。為了兩國的福祉,我們將擴大經濟合作。” 2021 年 4 月 20 日,水流入約旦首都安曼以南約 80 公里處 Ghor al-Haditha 的農業灌溉池。 (Khalil MAZRAAWI / AFP) 但作為兩國之間仍然存在緊張關係的跡象,約旦外交部指出,薩法迪曾警告以色列不要計劃將巴勒斯坦人從東耶路撒冷謝赫賈拉社區的家園驅逐,這一問題已成為地區緊張局勢的導火索。 廣告 薩法迪“強調必須尊重阿克薩清真寺/al-Haram al-Sherif 的歷史和法律現狀,並尊重 Sheikh Jarrah 的家人回家的權利,並強調驅逐他們將構成戰爭罪根據國際法,”根據約旦人對會議的宣讀。 2021 年 5 月 8 日,巴勒斯坦人在東耶路撒冷 Sheikh Jarrah 社區面臨被驅逐的抗議活動中祈禱(Menahem KAHANA / AFP) 他告訴拉皮德,“作為實現全面和平的一種方式,除了兩國解決方案之外別無選擇。” 週三,約旦譴責以色列自去年 11 月以來至少第三次拆除約旦河谷 Khirbet Humsa 小村莊的帳篷的決定。 約旦外交部在推特上說:“拆除、遷移和沒收土地違反了國際法,明顯違反了人權規則和以色列作為佔領國的義務。” 約旦國王阿卜杜拉定於 7 月 19 日在白宮會見美國總統喬拜登。 據白宮新聞秘書 Jen Psaki 稱,兩人將討論“約旦在促進該地區和平與穩定方面的領導作用”。 美聯社為本報告做出了貢獻。 Israel agrees to dramatically increase water supply to parched Jordan Move comes as Jerusalem looks to patch up ties, but in sign of lingering tensions, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi warns Lapid of ‘war crimes’ over Sheikh Jarrah evictions By AMY SPIRO and AARON BOXERMANToday, 7:03 pmUpdated at 7:18 pm Illustrative: A Syrian man fills a bucket with water inside Zaatari, the largest camp for Syrian refugees in Mafraq, Jordan, on Sunday, Feb. 3, 2019. (AP/Raad Adayleh) Israel agreed to dramatically increase the amount of water it supplies to Jordan in an effort to battle a devastating shortage, as Foreign Minister Yair Lapid met with his Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi at a crossing point over the Jordan River Thursday. The meeting marked the first public encounter between top Israeli and Jordanian officials since a new Israeli government was established last month. Ties between Jerusalem and Amman had become increasingly thorny in recent years. While Lapid has sought to repair the relationship, a Jordanian warning during the meeting about possible Israeli “war crimes” in Jerusalem signaled that some of those friction points may remain. Under the deal signed Thursday, Israel will supply Jordan with an additional 50 million cubic meters (65 million cubic yards) of water to Jordan in 2021, Israel’s Foreign Ministry said. Israel already provides water to Jordan annually under an agreement signed in 1994. The two also agreed to raise a cap on Jordanian exports to the West Bank from $160 million to $700 million. The meeting took place on the Jordanian side of the Allenby Bridge, which connects Jordan to the West Bank. Head of the Yesh Atid party Yair Lapid speaks during a faction meeting at the Knesset on July 5, 2021.(Olivier Fitoussi/Flash900 Jordan has been experiencing severe water shortages for months, and submitted a request to Israel for additional supplies in March. Former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved the request after several weeks of delay amid tension between the nations. Jordan reportedly requested an additional eight million cubic meters but received only three million. Israel said Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had approved the agreement to transfer the additional 50 million cubic meters. ADVERTISEMENT Jordan said technical teams will iron out the details in the coming days, and that talks on implementing the export ceiling will be held among Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian officials. Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi at a press conference in Berlin on March 10, 2021. (Kay Nietfeld / POOL / AFP) Gidon Bromberg, the Israeli director of EcoPeace Middle East, a Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli environmentalist group, said the deal marks a “dramatic increase” in water exports from Israel. Under a 1994 deal, Israel is supposed to supply Jordan with some 50 million cubic meters (65 million cubic yards) of water annually, but Bromberg said Israel had not exported more than 10 million cubic meters per year until now. He said Jordan still faces a water deficit of 500 million cubic meters (653 million cubic yards) a year and would have to import considerably more to ensure a continuous supply for all its needs. Jordan is one of the driest countries on earth and its water shortages are expected to worsen with climate change. Following the meeting, Lapid expressed appreciation for Jordan’s cooperation. “The Kingdom of Jordan is a neighbor and important partner of the State of Israel,” Lapid said Thursday. “The Foreign Ministry will continue to hold an ongoing dialogue to preserve and strengthen ties. We will expand economic cooperation for the wellbeing of both countries.” Water pours into an agricultural irrigation pool in Ghor al-Haditha, around 80km south of the Jordanian capital Amman, on April 20, 2021. (Khalil MAZRAAWI / AFP) But in a sign of remaining tensions between the countries, Jordan’s Foreign Ministry pointed out that Safadi had warned Israel against the planned eviction of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, an issue which has become a trigger for regional tensions. ADVERTISEMENT Safadi “emphasized the necessity of respecting the historical and legal status quo in the Al-Aqsa Mosque/al-Haram al-Sherif and to respect the right of the families in Sheikh Jarrah to their homes, stressing that their expulsion would constitute a war crime under international law,” according to the Jordanian readout of the meeting. Palestinians pray during a protest as local Palestinian families face eviction in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem, on May 8, 2021 (Menahem KAHANA / AFP) He told Lapid that “there is no alternative to the two-state solution as a way to achieve comprehensive peace.” On Wednesday, Jordan condemned Israel’s decision to dismantle the tents in the small hamlet of Khirbet Humsa in the Jordan Valley for at least the third time since November. “The demolition, displacement and confiscation of land is a violation of international law and a clear violation of human rights rules and Israel’s obligations as an occupying power,” Jordan’s Foreign Ministry tweeted. Jordanian King Abdullah is slated to meet with United States President Joe Biden at the White House on July 19. According to White House press secretary Jen Psaki, the two will discuss “Jordan’s leadership role in promoting peace and stability in the region.” AP contributed to this report. 拉皮德幫助約旦簽署大筆水交易,但關係仍然緊張 拉皮德說,拉皮德和薩法迪之間達成的協議建立在納夫塔利·貝內特總理決定在當前水年向約旦出售多達 50 立方米的水的基礎上。 作者:TOVAH LAZAROFF , OMRI NAHMIAS 2021 年 7 月 8 日 22:27 THE KINNERET,以色列唯一的天然飲用水源 (照片來源:OLIVIER FITOUSSI/FLASH90) 廣告 上週,納夫塔利·貝內特總理 在安曼的宮殿裡秘密會見了約旦國王阿卜杜拉,因為兩國在今年夏天晚些時候分別前往華盛頓之前敲定了一項重大的水資源協議。 以色列媒體週四廣泛報導了這次會議的故事,但貝內特的辦公室沒有證實。 前總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡和阿卜杜拉國王之間的這種會晤很少見,而且由於兩國之間的緊張局勢加劇,已經很多年沒有發生過。上週貝內特和阿卜杜拉同意兩國必須彌合這種裂痕。作為朝這個方向邁出的一步,他們談到了水交易。 外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德( Yair Lapid) 週四公開訪問了約旦,以幫助敲定水資源協議和單獨的協議以提高貿易水平。 “約旦王國是以色列國的鄰居和夥伴。外交部將繼續進行持續對話,以維護和加強這種關係,”拉皮德在其辦公室發表的一份聲明中說。 “為了兩國的利益,我們將擴大經濟合作,”他補充說。 以色列計劃出售 5000 萬立方米。約旦的水,這可能是短期的年度分配。此舉將增加 5500 萬立方米。根據 1994 年兩國之間的和平協議,每年保證給約旦的撥款。 額外的水供應很少見。2010 年,以色列允許約旦購買 1000 萬立方米。4 月,300 萬立方米。購買被批准。 貝內特已經初步批准了這筆交易,拉皮德週四與約旦同行艾曼·薩法迪會面時,這一交易得到了鞏固。 “最終細節將由專業團隊在未來幾天內製定出來,”外交部表示。 貝內特領導的新政府尋求改善與其地區盟友的關係,這對以色列的國家安全至關重要。 去年,國防部長本尼·甘茨和前外交部長加比·阿什肯納茲與他們的鄰居一起制定了損害控制措施。 預計以色列的姿態將幫助約旦應對可能破壞哈希姆王國穩定的經濟困境和乾旱。 在約旦,拉皮德還同意將約旦對約旦河西岸巴勒斯坦人的出口水平從 1.6 億美元增加到 7 億美元。每年。 約 4.7 億美元。外交部表示,其中的一部分“將納入巴勒斯坦貿易法規(A1 清單),其餘按照以色列的貿易法規(B 清單)處理”。 “增加將由各方根據巴黎議定書決定,該議定書為以色列和巴勒斯坦權力機構之間的貿易提供了經濟框架,”它補充說。 拉皮德之行被視為今年夏天訪問華盛頓的前奏。Bennett 的旅行日期尚未確定。 但白宮週三宣布,約旦國王阿卜杜拉將於 7 月 19 日抵達華盛頓,會見美國總統喬拜登。 官方聲明說:“總統和第一夫人期待著歡迎約旦國王阿卜杜拉二世陛下、拉尼亞王后陛下和侯賽因王儲殿下來到白宮。” “陛下的訪問將凸顯美國與約旦之間持久的戰略夥伴關係,約旦是美國的重要安全夥伴和盟友。” 白宮表示:“這將是一次討論中東面臨的諸多挑戰並展示約旦在促進該地區和平與穩定方面的領導作用的機會。” “拜登總統期待與陛下合作,在多個政治、安全和經濟問題上加強雙邊合作,包括促進對約旦美好未來至關重要的經濟機會。” 華盛頓研究所阿以關係科雷特項目主任戴維·馬科夫斯基告訴《耶路撒冷郵報》,他認為這次訪問“反映了拜登是第一批訪問的阿拉伯領導人之一——即使是在上任半年後——”想表明他對被視為親美盟友的哈希姆王國的支持。” “雖然安全關係仍然很好,但我相信政府希望約旦和以色列領導人之間的個人關係在後內塔尼亞胡時代得到改善,”馬科夫斯基說。 然而,在拉皮德訪問薩法迪期間,兩國之間的衝突點仍然很明顯:聖殿山、耶路撒冷和西岸定居點。 約旦與聖殿山(也稱為 al-Haram al-Sharif)有著特殊的關係,這是伊斯蘭教的第三大聖地,哈希姆王國對其負有監護責任。 約旦擔心以色列想要改變聖殿山的現狀,即只允許穆斯林崇拜,而禁止猶太人祈禱。 據約旦通訊社報導,薩法迪與拉皮德談到了保持聖殿山現狀的必要性。他敦促拉皮德不允許從東耶路撒冷謝赫賈拉社區驅逐巴勒斯坦人,並警告說這將構成戰爭罪。 薩法迪還強調了以東耶路撒冷為巴勒斯坦首都的 1967 年前邊界線為基礎的兩國解決以巴衝突的重要性。 前內塔尼亞胡政府反對任何基於 1967 年之前的路線的兩國決議,而前總理埃胡德·奧爾默特則支持這一基本框架。 貝內特政府由支持和反對基於 1967 年路線的兩國安排的政黨組成。貝內特本人反對建立巴勒斯坦國,而拉皮德則贊成一個,但都不希望按照 1967 年的路線建立巴勒斯坦國。 Maariv 為本報告做出了貢獻 Lapid helps ink large water deal in Jordan, but ties still tense The agreement reached between Lapid and Safadi builds on Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's decision to sell up to 50 cubic meters of water to Jordan during the current water year, Lapid said. By TOVAH LAZAROFF, OMRI NAHMIAS JULY 8, 2021 22:27 THE KINNERET, Israel’s sole natural drinking water source (photo credit: OLIVIER FITOUSSI/FLASH90) Advertisement Prime Minister Naftali Bennett secretly met with Jordan’s King Abdullah at his palace in Amman last week, as the two countries finalize a major water deal in advance of their separate trips to Washington later this summer. The story of the meeting was reported widely Thursday by the Israeli media but was not confirmed by Bennett’s office. Such meetings between former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and King Abdullah were rare and had not happened for a number years due to rising tensions between the two countries. Last week Bennett and Abdullah agreed that the two countries must heal that rift. As a step in that direction they spoke of a water deal. Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on Thursday publicly visited Jordan to help finalize the water deal and a separate deal to increase trade levels. “The Kingdom of Jordan is a neighbor and partner of the State of Israel. The Foreign Ministry will continue to hold an ongoing dialogue in order to preserve and strengthen that relationship,” Lapid said, according to a statement put out by his office. “We will expand economic cooperation for the benefit of both countries,” he added. Israel plans to sell 50 million cu.m. of water to Jordan, in what could be a short term annual allocation. Such a move would augment the 55 million cu.m. yearly allotment guaranteed to Jordan under the 1994 peace between the two countries. Additional water offers have been rare. In 2010 Israel allowed Jordan to purchase 10 million cu.m. and in April, a 3 million cu.m. purchase was approved. Bennett already gave his initial approval to the deal, which was cemented when Lapid met with his Jordanian counterpart, Ayman Safadi, on Thursday. “Final details will be worked out by the professional teams in the coming days,” the Foreign Ministry said. The new Bennett-led government has sought to improve the relationship with its regional ally, viewed as essential to Israel’s national security. Over the last year Defense Minister Benny Gantz and former foreign minister Gabi Ashkenazi worked on damage control measures with their neighbor. Israel’s gestures are expected to help Jordan combat its economic woes and drought which have threatened to destabilize the Hashemite Kingdom. While in Jordan Lapid also agreed to increase Jordan’s export level to Palestinians in the West Bank from $160 million to $700m. annually. Some $470m. of that sum “will be included under Palestinian trade regulations (List A1), with the rest handled in accordance with Israel’s trade regulations (List B),” the Foreign Ministry said. “The increase will be decided by the parties in accordance with the Paris Protocol, which provides the economic framework for trade between Israel and the Palestinian Authority,” it added. Lapid’s trip is seen as a precursor to this summer’s Washington visits. No date has yet been set for Bennett’s trip. But King Abdullah of Jordan will arrive in Washington on July 19 to meet with US President Joe Biden, the White House announced on Wednesday. “The President and the First Lady look forward to welcoming His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan, Her Majesty Queen Rania, and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Hussein to the White House,” the official statement reads. “His Majesty’s visit will highlight the enduring and strategic partnership between the United States and Jordan, a key security partner and ally of the United States.” “It will be an opportunity to discuss the many challenges facing the Middle East and showcase Jordan’s leadership role in promoting peace and stability in the region,” the White House said. “President Biden looks forward to working with His Majesty to strengthen bilateral cooperation on multiple political, security and economic issues, including the promotion of economic opportunities that will be vital for a bright future in Jordan.” David Makovsky, director of the Koret Project on Arab-Israel relations at the Washington Institute, told The Jerusalem Post that he believed the visit “reflects that to be among the first Arab leaders to visit – even if a half year since taking office – Biden wants to signal his support for the Hashemite Kingdom that is viewed as a pro-American ally.” “While security ties remain excellent, I am sure the administration hopes that personal ties will improve in the post-Netanyahu era between the leadership of Jordan and Israel,” said Makovsky. Tensions, however, were still evident during Lapid’s visit with Safadi regarding points of conflict between the two countries: the Temple Mount, Jerusalem and West Bank settlements. Jordan has a special relationship with the Temple Mount – also known as al-Haram al-Sharif – which is the third holiest site in Islam, over which the Hashemite Kingdom has custodial responsibilities. Jordan fears that Israel wants to change the status quo on the Temple Mount, that allows only Muslim worship while banning Jewish prayer. According to the Jordan News Agency, Safadi spoke with Lapid of the need to preserve the Temple Mount’s status quo. He urged Lapid not to allow the eviction of Palestinians from the east Jerusalem Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, warning that it would be a war crime. Safadi also emphasized the importance of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on the pre-1967 lines with east Jerusalem as a Palestinian capital. The former Netanyahu government had opposed any two-state resolution based on the pre-1967 lines, while former prime minister Ehud Olmert had supported that basic framework. Bennett’s government is made up of parties that support and oppose a two-state arrangement based on the 1967 lines. Bennett himself is opposed to a Palestinian state, while Lapid favors one, but neither want a Palestinian state on the 1967 lines. Maariv contributed to this report 以色列預算計劃:促進人工智能,將辦公室改造成家庭,促進雜草出口 在國家預算批准之前,財政部提出了結構性變化,這是 2021-2022 年經濟計劃的一部分 通過紹莎娜所羅門 今天,下午 3:11 納夫塔利·貝內特總理於 2021 年 6 月 20 日在耶路撒冷總理辦公室主持內閣會議 (Alex Kolomoisky/POOL) 以色列的 2021-2022 年預算包括一系列擬議的結構性變革和改革,包括一項促進基於人工智能的技術的計劃,以及允許商業房地產開發商將辦公空間轉換為住宅單位的計劃,詳細信息於週三晚間由以色列政府公佈。財政部。 在國家預算獲得批准之前,財政部向總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 提交了它希望作為以色列今明兩年經濟計劃的一部分實施的主要結構性改革。 這將是自 2019 年獲得批准以來的第一個預算,隨後是兩年的政治僵局。 該計劃基於三個主要原則:通過培訓和將邊緣人群納入勞動力隊伍來鼓勵就業和投資於人力資本;促進交通、住房、能源和技術基礎設施;通過減少監管、提高競爭力、提升公共服務和簡化政府運作,創造條件支持私營和公共部門的增長。 擬議計劃是《安排法》的一部分,將與預算一起提交。財政部部長阿維格多·利伯曼說,最近在一次會議上說,他計劃在11月份通過的預算。 在提案中: 降低生活成本,通過緩解通過接受國際標準的產品進口,沒有本地需要額外的批准,並通過使多方進口產品並行。 通過一項法律,要求金融實體在獲得他們的批准後將其客戶的信息傳輸給技術公司,這些公司可以向這些客戶提供有關他們消費的金融服務、他們為他們支付的確切金額以及多少的信息,從而增加銀行業的競爭如果他們轉向另一家金融服務提供商,他們就可以省錢。這將有助於加強客戶相對於金融實體的地位,促進先進技術金融實體(金融科技公司)進入市場,增加銀行系統的競爭,減少銀行系統中的家庭和小企業支出。 廣告 一目了然:Azrieli 天文台的特拉維夫景色(照片:對方提供) 設置了就業目標對經濟2030年,改革和建立新的職業培訓計劃,以確保員工的工人滿足需求。 將辦公空間轉換為住宅單元:該部表示,以色列已預留數千萬平方米的辦公和商業空間,這些空間在未來幾十年將不再需要。鑑於增加住房供應和精簡土地使用的需要,該部建議將50%的辦公空間(位於住宅區附近的)轉換為“微型”公寓,這將增加數千個住宅單元聲明說,到住房供應。 制定國家促進高新技術產業計劃。該計劃包括批准一項國家人工智能計劃,以促進該領域的技術發展;消除官僚主義以鼓勵併購和促進投資;改善稅收;從國外吸引人才回到以色列;促進阿拉伯人融入科技行業;並使科技公司能夠在當地試用他們的產品。 機器人和人工智能 (AI) 的說明性圖像(Getty Images 的 Phonlamai iStock) 減少監管。 週二,總理納夫塔利·貝內特、財政部長阿維格多·利伯曼和司法部長吉迪恩·薩爾啟動了一項降低監管和官僚主義的國家計劃。該計劃的目的是執行“智能監管”並廢除不必要和繁瑣的規則,以幫助經濟擺脫冠狀病毒的低迷。 促進醫用大麻的出口:以色列在醫用大麻領域的研發、知識和監管方面比競爭國家具有“顯著優勢”。所有這些都有助於使以色列成為該領域的全球領導者。然而,該部門的潛力尚未實現,其想法是消除現有的醫療出口障礙,從而允許大麻生產商擴大出口選擇並使其多樣化。 通過加強對工資和養老金支付的監督以及監督採購策略的團隊等步驟,提高國防預算的透明度。 廣告 衛生系統:放寬監管,通過與私營衛生部門公平競爭來加強公共衛生系統;並通過改變預算方式和設置赤字罰款來穩定醫院的財務。 改革教育體系,將決策權、教學計劃和預算從中央政府移交給具有成功業績記錄的學校管理人員。 通過促進綠色發電、轉向電動交通和增加對綠色基礎設施項目的投資,包括太陽能設施建設、為可再生能源項目騰出土地以及在全國范圍內增加儲能設施,鼓勵向清潔能源過渡。 說明性圖片:2010 年 8 月 31 日,一名工人在北部城市 Safed 附近的 Tikun Olam 公司的種植設施中種植大麻。(Abir Sultan/Flash 90) 公共交通:取消限制,使私營實體,尤其是雇主和市政當局能夠建立私人交通系統;簡化使用拼車解決方案作為擁有汽車的替代方案;加強執法;根據交通部製定的指標,向公民提供公共交通年度報告;建立公共和私營部門聯合夥伴關係,以開發城市地區以外的停車位。 該部表示,這些提案還支持在 Dan 地區建造 1500 億新謝克爾(460 億新謝克爾)的地鐵項目,該項目每年可節省 26-340 億新謝克爾新謝克爾,並創造 1250,000 個新工作崗位。 財政部提出的其他建議包括:促進政府數字化,為公民提供更多數字化服務;改善監獄系統;為郵政服務創造競爭;使消防法規適應西方世界標準;和精簡的法律制度。 Israel budget plan: Boost AI, convert offices to homes, promote weed exports Ahead of state budget approval, Finance Ministry presents structural changes that are part of economic plan for 2021-2022 By SHOSHANNA SOLOMON Today, 3:11 pm Prime Minister Naftali Bennett leads a cabinet meeting at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem on June 20, 2021 (Alex Kolomoisky/POOL) Israel’s 2021-2022 budget includes a slew of proposed structural changes and reforms, including a program to boost artificial intelligence-based technologies and permission for commercial real estate developers to convert office space into residential units, details of which were released late Wednesday night by the Finance Ministry. Ahead of the approval of the national budget, the Finance Ministry presented to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett the main structural changes it hopes to institute as part of its economic plan for Israel for this year and next. It will be the first budget since one was approved for 2019, which was followed by two years of political gridlock. The program is based on three main principles: encouraging employment and investing in human capital by training and integrating sidelined populations into the workforce; boosting transportation, housing, energy and technology infrastructure; and creating the conditions to support growth in the private and public sectors by cutting back on regulation, boosting competitiveness, upgrading public services and streamlining government operations. The proposed plan is part of the Arrangements Law that will be submitted with the budget. Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman said recently at a conference that he plans to pass the budget by November. Among the proposals: Lower the cost of living through easing imports by accepting international product standards, without needing additional approvals locally, and by enabling multiple parties to import products in parallel. Increase competition in banking by passing a law requiring financial entities to transfer information about their customers, with their approval, to technology firms that can provide these customers with information about the financial services they consume, how much exactly they are paying for them and how much they could save if they switch to another financial services provider. This will help strengthen customers’ position vis-à-vis financial entities, promote the entry of advanced technological financial entities (fintech firms) into the market, increase competition in the banking system and reduce household and small business expenses in the banking system. ADVERTISEMENT As far as the eye can see: the Tel Aviv view from the Azrieli observatory (photo: Courtesy) Set out employment targets for the economy for 2030, and reform and set up new vocational training programs to ensure workers meet demand in the workforce. Convert office spaces to residential units: Israel has tens of millions of square meters earmarked for office and commercial spaces that won’t be needed in the coming decades, the ministry said. In light of the need to increase housing supply and streamline the use of land, the ministry proposes to convert up to 50% of office spaces, those located near residential neighborhoods, into “micro-unit” apartments, which will add thousands of residential units to the housing supply, the statement said. Set up a national program to promote the high-tech industry. The plan includes approving a national artificial intelligence program, to boost development of technologies in the sector; removing bureaucracy to encourage mergers and acquisitions and boost investments; improving taxation; attracting talent back to Israel from abroad; boosting the integration of Arabs into the tech sector; and enable tech firms to try out their products locally. Illustrative image of robots and artificial intelligence (AI) (Phonlamai iStock by Getty Images) Cutting back on regulation. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman and Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar on Tuesday launched a national plan to lower regulation and bureaucracy. The aim of the program is to enforce “smart regulation” and do away with unnecessary and burdensome rules in order to help the economy come out of its coronavirus slump. Promote the export of medical cannabis: Israel has a “significant advantage” over competing countries with regard to research and development, knowledge and regulation in the medical cannabis sphere. All of this can help make Israel a global leader in the field. Yet the potential in the sector has yet to be realized, and the idea is to remove existing barriers to medical exports and thus to allow cannabis producers to expand and diversify export options. Increase the transparency of the defense budget, through greater supervision of salaries and pension payments and a team to oversee acquisition strategies, among others steps. ADVERTISEMENT The health system: lower regulation, strengthen the public health system by leveling the playing field with the private health sector; and stabilize hospitals’ finances by changing how they are budgeted and setting out fines for deficits. Reform the education system, by transferring decision making powers, teaching programs and budgets from the central government to school managers who have a proven successful track record of achievements. Encourage the transition to clean energy by boosting green electricity generation, switching to electric transportation and increasing investment in green-infrastructure projects, including the construction of solar facilities, releasing land for renewable energy projects, and boosting storage facilities nationwide . Illustrative image: A worker tends to cannabis plants at a growing facility for the Tikun Olam company near the northern city of Safed August 31, 2010. (Abir Sultan/Flash 90) Public transportation: Remove restrictions to enable private entities, especially employers and municipalities, to set up private transportation systems; ease the use of ride-sharing solutions as an alternative to car ownership; increase enforcement; provide citizens with an annual report on public transportation based on indices set up by the Transportation Ministry; and set up joint public and private sector partnerships for the development of parking spaces outside urban areas. The proposals also support a NIS 150 billion ($46 billion) metro project in the Dan regional area that will lead to NIS 26-NIS 34 billion in annual savings and will create 1250,000 new jobs, the ministry said. Among the other proposals set out by the Finance Ministry are: promoting government digitization and offering more digitalized services to citizens; improving the prison system; creating competition for postal services; adapting fire regulations to Western world standards; and streamlining the legal system. 以色列的墮胎替代方案:Efrat 拯救了猶太嬰兒 由哈達沙灣 2021 年 7 月 5 日 16:34 (圖片來源:EFRAT PR) 廣告 四十多年來,EFRAT 組織在虔誠的 Eli Schussheim z'l 博士的領導下,通過讓母親能夠克服痛苦並為自己做出最佳選擇來拯救猶太嬰兒。 在一個支持或反對墮胎自動取決於一個人的政治派別的時代,EFRAT 始終高於政治。 “我是親選擇!” 是 Schussheim 博士的座右銘。從他與陷入困境的孕婦打交道的經歷中,他了解到絕大多數尋求墮胎的婦女都覺得他們別無選擇。此外,絕大多數人遺憾地沒有意識到後果——醫療、身體和情感。作為醫學博士,他的理由是孕婦有權獲得有關其身心健康的信息。 在討論與墮胎相關的風險時,Schussheim 博士將所有事實都擺在桌面上。“墮胎可能會導致身體並發症,其中許多是可以治療的,”他說。“然而,以遺憾的形式出現的情感影響可能是終生和毀滅性的。” EFRAT 的首席社會工作者 Ruthy Tidhar 分享了該組織的基本政策。“我們永遠不會試圖用基於意識形態、道德或宗教理由的論點來左右女性。相反,我們的目標是通過信息和幫助賦予他們權力,以便他們能夠為自己做出最佳決策。來找我們的女性覺得被墮胎困住了。我們向他們表明存在其他選擇。” 圖片來源:Efrat PR 統計數據顯示,以色列的大部分墮胎都是因為經濟問題而進行的,這就是舒斯海姆博士的口號來源:“不要因為錢而結束生命!” EFRAT 將根據個人情況提供一切所需,以幫助克服經濟困難,從而防止不必要的終止妊娠:如何利用各種政府和市政項目的指導、情感支持以及實際幫助。後者相當於一個完整的包裹,可以滿足嬰兒的所有需求:床、嬰兒車、浴缸、嬰兒座椅、躺椅等,以及包括嬰兒頭兩年的配方奶粉、尿布和其他用品的每月交付。在極端情況下,EFRAT 甚至會為其他家庭成員送去食物籃。 “考慮墮胎的女性處於一種微妙、壓力和通常複雜的境地,”Tidhar 解釋說。“他們可能想要留下自己的孩子,但感到孤獨、擔心和絕望。除了經濟援助外,EFRAT 還致力於提供情感支持,以確保沒有女性在掙扎中感到孤獨,並使她能夠實現情感健康和恢復能力。” 為此,EFRAT 擁有一支由約 3,000 名訓練有素的志願者組成的團隊,其中許多人自己也考慮過墮胎,但最終在 EFRAT 的幫助下保住了他們的孩子。這些志願者熱衷於幫助其他女性,並在必要時繼續積極參與女性的生活。 Miri K. 已成為 EFRAT 志願者超過 25 年。“我開始的時候,支持女性繼續懷孕並不是當務之急。許多婦女做出了獨自終止妊娠的曲折決定。我剛開始做志願者時,我支持的婦女所生的一些嬰兒現在在軍隊中,甚至有自己的家庭。真是讓人摸不著頭腦!” Miri 解釋說,沒有兩個案例是相同的。“有很多問題處於危險之中;這對夫妻的關係、財務狀況、家庭動態、健康……不僅僅是給他們一個嬰兒車。一點也不!支持女性意味著幫助她們重新發現自己的精神並賦予她們思考的空間。這意味著在住房、醫生、律師方面幫助他們,幫助他們獲得福利,並使他們意識到自己的權利。” Miri 與她通過 EFRAT 支持的婦女的關係通常遠遠超出出生。她被邀請參加慶祝活動和生日派對。她幫助女性尋找臨時住所,並經常倡導社區對家庭的支持。 Miri 尊重每位女性的隱私,並註意不向任何人施加壓力。她允許每個女人決定她想要多少聯繫以及是否將她介紹給他們的家人或朋友。“我的目​​標是幫助女性了解她有多種選擇。他們知道他們可以給我打電話,我會在他們身邊——按照他們的條件,”她說。 EFRAT 通過中央位置和當地公共汽車上的廣播、電視和廣告牌提供信息。出版物在高中、軍事基地、大學和公眾中分發。它活躍在社交媒體上,包括希伯來語和英語 Facebook 頁面,包括圖片和推薦。為有需要的婦女提供全天候的緊急熱線,由熟練的管理人員運營,將她們與其他 EFRAT 團隊以及其他機構和服務聯繫起來。 在 6 月 9 日突然去世之前,舒斯海姆博士將在以色列各地——高中、軍事基地和大學——以及世界各地的各種知名論壇上發表演講。他是一個有使命的人,他竭盡全力推動它。 迄今為止,EFRAT 已積極參與了大約 80,000 名嬰兒的救援,但根據 Schussheim 博士的女婿兼 EFRAT 主管 Chagai Goldschmidt 的說法,這個數字要高得多。“從 Schussheim 博士發表的數百場講座和他分發的所有文獻來看,他的影響是深遠的,超出了我們的想像,”他說。“每一天都有一位女士打電話給 EFRAT,告訴我們自從聽到我岳父的講話(有些是很多年前),他們已經做出了永遠不進行墮胎的堅定​​決定,”他說。 EFRAT 正在積極延續 Schussheim 博士拯救以色列嬰兒的傳統,目前的運動旨在拯救 500 名嬰兒。繼續 Eli Schussheim 博士的重要工作,幫助我們拯救猶太人的生命!與已經證明自己並繼續這樣做的組織合作,拯救猶太嬰兒——以及他們所有的後代! Israel’s abortion alternative: Efrat saves Jewish babies By HADASSAH BAY JULY 5, 2021 16:34 (photo credit: EFRAT PR) For over four decades, the EFRAT organization, under the leadership of the devoted Dr. Eli Schussheim z”l, has been saving Jewish babies by giving their mothers the ability to overcome their distress and make the best choice for themselves.? In an era when alignment for or against abortion automatically depends on one’s political affiliation, EFRAT has always remained above politics. “I am pro-choice!” was Dr. Schussheim’s motto. From his experience dealing with pregnant women in distress, he learned that the vast majority of women seeking abortion felt they had no other recourse. Moreover, the vast majority were pitifully unaware of the ramifications – medical, physical, and emotional. As an MD, his rationale was that a pregnant woman has the right to receive information relating to her physical and emotional health. When discussing the risks associated with abortion, Dr. Schussheim put all the facts on the table. “There are physical complications that may result from an abortion, many of which are treatable,” he said. “However, the emotional fallout, in the form of regret, can be life-long and devastating.” Ruthy Tidhar, EFRAT’s head social worker, shares the organization’s fundamental policy. “We will never try to sway women with arguments based on ideological, moral or religious grounds. Rather, our goal is to empower them through information and assistance, so that they can make the best decision for themselves. Women who come to us feel trapped into having an abortion. We show them that other options exist.” Statistics show that the majority of abortions in Israel are performed due to financial problems, and this is the source of Dr. Schussheim’s rallying cry: “You don’t end a life because of money!” Depending on the individual situation, EFRAT will provide whatever is needed to help overcome the economic difficulty and thus prevent the unnecessary termination of pregnancy: guidance on how to tap into various government and municipal programs, emotional support, as well as practical assistance. The latter amounts to a complete package to cover all of baby’s needs: a bed, stroller, bathtub, infant seat, layette, etc. as well as a monthly delivery that includes formula, diapers and other supplies for the child’s first two years. In extreme cases, EFRAT even sends a food basket for the rest of the family. “Women considering abortion are in a delicate, stressful and often complex situation,” explains Tidhar. “They may want to keep their baby, but feel alone, worried and desperate. In addition to the economic assistance, EFRAT is dedicated to providing emotional support, to ensure that no woman feels alone in her struggle, and to enable her to achieve emotional well-being and resilience.” To this end, EFRAT has a team of some 3,000 trained volunteers, many of whom have themselves considered abortion but ended up keeping their baby with the help of EFRAT. These volunteers are enthusiastic about helping other women, and continue to be an active presence in the women’s lives for as long as necessary. Miri K. has been an EFRAT volunteer for over 25 years. “I started at a time when supporting women to continue their pregnancy was not a priority. Many women were making the tortuous decision to terminate their pregnancies alone. Some of the babies who were born to the women I supported when I first started volunteering are now in the army or even have families of their own. It’s mind-boggling!” ( Photo credit : Efrat PR ) Dr. Eli Schussheim Miri explains that no two cases are alike. “There are so many issues at stake; the couple’s relationship, finances, family dynamics, health… It’s not just about giving them a stroller. Not at all! Supporting women means helping them rediscover their spirit and empowering them to find space to think. It means helping them with housing, doctors, lawyers, assisting them in accessing benefits, and making them aware of their rights.” Miri’s relationship with the women she supports through EFRAT often extends far beyond birth. She is invited to celebrations and birthday parties. She’s helped women locate a temporary place to live, and has often advocated for community support for a family. Miri respects each woman’s privacy and is careful not to pressure anyone. She allows each woman to decide how much contact she wants and whether or not to introduce her to their family or friends. “My goal is to help a woman understand that she has options. They know they can call me and that I will be there for them—on their terms,” she said. EFRAT makes information accessible using radio, television and billboards in central locations and on local buses. Publications are distributed in high schools, military bases, universities and to the general public. It has an active presence on social media, with Hebrew and English Facebook pages, including pictures and testimonials. An emergency hotline is available around the clock for women in need, operated by skilled administrators who link them to other EFRAT teams as well as to other agencies and services as appropriate. Until his sudden passing on June 9, Dr. Schussheim would deliver lectures across Israel - in high schools, military bases and universities - and all over the world in various high-profile forums. He was a man with a mission, and he did all in his power to promote it. To date, EFRAT has been actively involved in the rescue of some 80,000 babies, although according to Chagai Goldschmidt, son-in-law of Dr. Schussheim and director at EFRAT, that number is far greater. “From the hundreds of lectures Dr. Schussheim delivered and all the literature he’s distributed, his influence was far-reaching, beyond what we can imagine,” he said. “Not a day goes by without a woman calling EFRAT informing us that since hearing my father-in-law speak (for some it was many years before), they had made a firm decision never to perform an abortion,” he said. EFRAT is actively continuing Dr. Schussheim’s legacy of rescuing Israel’s babies, with a current campaign aimed at saving 500 babies. Continue the important work of Dr. Eli Schussheim and help us save Jewish lives! Partner with the organization that has proven itself and that continues to do so, saving Jewish babies – and all their succeeding generations! 以色列的拉皮德與波蘭的大屠殺賠償法 - 分析 拉皮德就這項最新立法抨擊波蘭人的決定表明,他無意改變對這些問題的態度,保持三年前的立場。 作者:HERB KEINON 2021 年 7 月 7 日 22:37 上週,外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德 (Yair Lapid) 發表講話。 (圖片來源:FLASH90) 廣告 “我們自己制定法律,而且……我們不欠任何人任何東西,”波蘭執政的法律與正義 (PiS) 黨主席雅羅斯瓦夫·卡欽斯基 (Jaroslaw Kaczyński) 週二表示,回應以色列對擬議法律的憤怒。猶太人和其他人不可能對二戰後波蘭共產主義政權沒收的財產提出索賠。 卡欽斯基所說的至少有 一半是正確的:波蘭制定了自己的法律,波蘭參議院目前正在辯論該法律,該法律已經在議會下院通過。 但同樣正確的是,這些法律確實有影響,而且——正如新任外交部長亞伊爾·拉皮德 (Yair Lapid) 已經明確表示的那樣——如果參議院通過並總統簽署該特定法律,將對以色列產生非常令人不寒而栗的影響——波蘭關係。 上個月,拉皮德表示,這項禁止大屠殺賠償要求的法律 是“不道德的”和“無法抹去大屠殺記憶中的恐怖的恥辱。 “這是一種可怕的不公正和恥辱,損害了大屠殺倖存者、他們的繼承人和在波蘭存在了數百年的猶太社區成員的權利,”他說。“這是一個難以理解的行動。這種不道德的法律將嚴重損害兩國關係。” 該法律是華沙和耶路撒冷之間在與大屠殺相關的問題上的最新緊張局勢,該問題可以追溯到 2018 年,當時波蘭發起立法,將說國家對大屠殺負有任何責任定為犯罪。大屠殺期間,波蘭有 300 萬猶太人被殺害。 一年後,前總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡 在訪問華沙時被錯誤引用,稱“波蘭人”與納粹合作,而不是“波蘭人”與納粹合作,緊張局勢再次爆發 。 但是,這一期與前兩期不同的是,耶路撒冷的新政府比內塔尼亞胡更不可能在現實政治計算中對波蘭採取和解姿態,以獲得他們的外交援助以抵禦經常充滿敵意的歐盟. 新政府的出現使各國能夠重新調整其國際關係。上週,總理納夫塔利·貝內特 (Naftali Bennett) 批准向乾旱的約旦出售 5000 萬立方米的水,這顯然是為了積極重建與在內塔尼亞胡領導下變壞的哈希姆王國的關係。 拉皮德也曾表示,他打算與美國民主黨重新建立關係。他也有可能與波蘭重新建立關係,但這次是相反的方向。 作為 2018 年的反對黨 MK,拉皮德直言不諱地批評波蘭通過立法的努力,旨在讓波蘭擺脫對大屠殺的任何責任,他指責內塔尼亞胡對波蘭人過於軟弱。 拉皮德的已故父親湯米拉皮德是大屠殺倖存者,當時憤怒地在推特上譴責了這項法律。 拉皮德在推特上寫道:“我完全譴責新的波蘭法律,該法律試圖否認波蘭參與大屠殺。” “它是在德國構思的,但數十萬猶太人在沒有遇到德國士兵的情況下被殺害。有波蘭的死亡集中營,沒有任何法律可以改變這一點。” 我完全譴責試圖否認波蘭參與大屠殺的新波蘭法律。它是在德國構思的,但數十萬猶太人在沒有遇到德國士兵的情況下被殺害。有波蘭的死亡集中營,沒有任何法律可以改變這一點。 - יאיר לפיד - Yair Lapid (@yairlapid) 2018 年 1 月 27 日 這引起了波蘭大使館在 Twitter 上的以下回應:“你無法證實的說法表明,即使在以色列這裡,也非常需要大屠殺教育。” 大使館還寫道:“波蘭立法草案的目的不是‘粉飾’過去,而是保護真相免受此類誹謗。” 拉皮德反駁道:“我是大屠殺倖存者的兒子。我的祖母在波蘭被德國人和波蘭人殺害。我不需要你的大屠殺教育。我們每天都生活在集體記憶中的後果中。你的大使館應該立即道歉。” 拉皮德是對波蘭人最直言不諱的批評者之一,並指責他們試圖改寫歷史。 2018 年 6 月,華沙在國際壓力下——尤其是來自美國的壓力——修改了法律,獲得了內塔尼亞胡的讚揚,內塔尼亞胡與波蘭同行發表了聯合聲明。拉皮德不太高興,稱該修正案是一個“坏笑話”。 “這項法律必須從波蘭的法律書籍中抹去,”他說。“他們應該取消這項可恥的法律,並請求死者的原諒。” 拉皮德當時在推特上說,“以色列和波蘭總理的聯合聲明是可恥的,不尊重受害者的記憶。內塔尼亞胡總理應立即取消。20 萬猶太人被波蘭人殺害,總理簽署了一份聲明,免除他們的責任。” 然而,當時的拉皮德只是一個反對派MK,能夠自由批評政府的政策,而不必為該政策承擔任何責任。他不需要調整與波蘭的關係,考慮到他們作為前華沙條約組織國家維謝格拉德集團(包括匈牙利、捷克共和國和斯洛伐克)的一部分的支持,該集團經常在歐盟內部支持以色列並抵禦來自布魯塞爾歐盟總部的對以色列的譴責。 然而,拉皮德就這項最新立法抨擊波蘭人的決定表明,僅僅因為他已經從反對黨 MK 轉變為外交部長,現在看到了“整個外交舞台”,他無意改變對這些問題的態度並對波蘭人採取更加和解的態度。 這有兩個原因:首先,因為他真的相信在波蘭所做的事情是企圖改寫歷史,其次是因為他對歐盟採取了與內塔尼亞胡不同的方法。 雖然內塔尼亞胡普遍認為布魯塞爾是一個需要中和的敵對行為體,而中和它的最佳方法是在歐盟內部建立子聯盟,讓各國反擊來自布魯塞爾的根深蒂固的反以色列態度,拉皮德對歐洲的態度不同。 正如他在上個月上任後立即在外交苦難中發表的講話中所說的那樣,以色列對歐盟國家的情況“還不夠好”。 在明顯提到西歐國家時,他說“我們與太多政府的關係被忽視並變得敵對。大喊每個人都是反猶太主義者不是政策或工作計劃,即使有時感覺是對的。” 拉皮德表示,他已經與歐盟外交“沙皇”何塞普博雷爾和法國總統埃馬紐埃爾馬克龍接觸,“我們都認為是時候改變、改進、深化以色列與歐洲之間的對話了。” 換句話說,拉皮德希望轉向歐盟內部的自由民主國家,遠離那些可能為以色列提供外交掩護但其政權與杰斐遜民主國家相去甚遠的國家——如匈牙利和波蘭。 因此,儘管內塔尼亞胡希望盡可能與波蘭人解決困難,但拉皮德來自不同的學派,對討好內塔尼亞胡建立的子聯盟不太感興趣。 上週,拉皮德在他歷史性的阿拉伯聯合酋長國之行中慷慨地表達了對內塔尼亞胡締結亞伯拉罕協議的感謝。然而,當談到這位前總理如何處理這個猶太國家與波蘭的關係時,你永遠不會聽到他說類似的話。 Israel's Lapid vs. Poland's Holocaust restitution law - analysis Lapid’s decision to slam the Poles over this latest piece of legislation shows that he has no intention of changing his tune on these issues, maintaining his stance from three years ago. By HERB KEINON JULY 7, 2021 22:37 FOREIGN MINISTER Yair Lapid speaks last week. (photo credit: FLASH90) Advertisement “We make our laws ourselves, and… we owe nothing to anyone,” the head of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, Jaroslaw Kaczyński, said on Tuesday in response to Israeli anger over a proposed law that would make it impossible for Jews and others to make claims on property confiscated by the Polish Communist regime after World War II. At least half of what Kaczyński said is correct: Poland makes its own laws, and the Polish Senate is currently debating the law, which has already passed the lower House of parliament. But what is equally true is that those laws do have ramifications, and – as new Foreign Minister Yair Lapid has already made clear – this particular law, if the Senate passes it and the president signs it, will have a very chilling effect on Israeli-Polish ties. Last month Lapid said that this law, which would bar Holocaust restitution claims, is “immoral” and a “disgrace that will not erase the horrors of the memory of the Holocaust. “It is a horrific injustice and disgrace that harms the rights of Holocaust survivors, their heirs, and members of the Jewish communities that existed in Poland for hundreds of years,” he said. “This is an incomprehensible action. This immoral law will seriously harm relations between the countries.” This law is the latest installment in tension between Warsaw and Jerusalem over Holocaust-related issues that goes back to 2018 when Poland initiated legislation that would have made it a crime to say that the state had any responsibility for the Holocaust. Three million Jews were killed in Poland during the Holocaust. Tension flared again a year later when former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was misquoted during a visit to Warsaw as saying “the Poles” collaborated with the Nazis, rather than that “Poles” collaborated with the Nazis. But what makes this installment different than the last two is that there is a new government in Jerusalem that is less likely than Netanyahu to take a conciliatory posture toward the Poles in a realpolitik calculation to get their diplomatic assistance to fend off an often hostile European Union. The advent of a new government allows countries to recalibrate their international relations. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett last week endorsed the sale of 50 million cubic meters of water to parched Jordan in an apparent effort to positively reset ties with the Hashemite Kingdom that turned sour under Netanyahu. Lapid, likewise, has said that he is intent on rebooting ties with Democrats in the US. He is also likely to reset ties with Poland, but this time in the opposite direction. As an opposition MK in 2018, Lapid was an outspoken critic of Poland’s efforts to pass legislation aimed at washing Poland’s hands of any responsibility for the Holocaust, and he blamed Netanyahu for going too soft on the Poles. Lapid, whose late father, Tommy Lapid, was a Holocaust survivor, angrily tweeted his condemnation of the law at the time. “I utterly condemn the new Polish law which tries to deny Polish complicity in the Holocaust,” Lapid wrote on Twitter. “It was conceived in Germany, but hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered without ever meeting a German soldier. There were Polish death camps and no law can ever change that.” I utterly condemn the new Polish law which tries to deny Polish complicity in the Holocaust. It was conceived in Germany but hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered without ever meeting a German soldier. There were Polish death camps and no law can ever change that. — יאיר לפיד - Yair Lapid (@yairlapid) January 27, 2018 This elicited the following responses on Twitter from the Polish Embassy: “Your unsupportable claims show how badly Holocaust education is needed, even here in Israel.” The embassy also wrote: “The intent of the Polish draft legislation is not to ‘whitewash’ the past, but to protect the truth against such slander.” Lapid retorted: “I am a son of a Holocaust survivor. My grandmother was murdered in Poland by Germans and Poles. I don’t need Holocaust education from you. We live with the consequences every day in our collective memory. Your embassy should offer an immediate apology.” Lapid was one of the most outspoken critics of the Poles and accused them of trying to rewrite history. In June 2018, after Warsaw came under international pressure – especially from the US – it amended the law, garnering praise from Netanyahu, who issued a joint statement with his Polish counterpart. Lapid was less pleased, calling the amendment a “bad joke.” “This law has to be wiped off of the law books in Poland,” he said. “They should cancel this scandalous law and ask forgiveness from the dead.” Lapid tweeted at the time that the “joint statement by the Prime Ministers of Israel and Poland is shameful and disrespects the memory of the victims. PM Netanyahu should cancel it immediately. 200,000 Jews were murdered by Poles and the Prime Minister signed a statement that clears them of responsibility.” At the time, however, Lapid was only an opposition MK, able to freely criticize the government’s policies without having to bear any responsibility for that policy. He did not need to calibrate the relations with Poland, taking into consideration their support as part of a group of former Warsaw Pact countries called the Visegrad Group – which includes Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia – which often supports Israel inside the EU and fends off condemnations of Israel originating in the EU headquarters in Brussels. LAPID’S DECISION to slam the Poles over this latest piece of legislation indicates, however, that just because he has moved from opposition MK to foreign minister and now sees the “whole diplomatic playing field,” he has no intention of changing his tune on these issues and adopting a more conciliatory attitude toward the Poles. There are two reasons for this: first, because he genuinely believes that what is being done in Poland is an attempt to rewrite history, and secondly because he is taking a different approach toward the EU than Netanyahu. While Netanyahu broadly saw Brussels as a hostile actor that needed to be neutralized, and the best way to neutralize it was by making sub-alliances inside the EU to get countries to push back against a deeply ingrained anti-Israel attitude coming out of Brussels, Lapid has a different attitude toward Europe. As he said in a speech he gave in the Foreign Misery immediately after taking office last month, Israel’s situation vis-à-vis the countries of the EU “is not good enough.” In an apparent reference to the Western European countries, he said “our relationship with too many governments has been neglected and become hostile. Shouting that everyone is antisemitic isn’t a policy or a work plan, even if it sometimes feels right.” Lapid said that he had already been in contact with EU foreign affairs “czar” Josep Borrell and French President Emmanuel Macron, and that “we all think that it’s time to change, to improve, to deepen the dialogue between Israel and Europe.” In other words, Lapid wants to pivot toward the liberal democracies inside the EU, and away from those countries – like Hungary and Poland – that may give Israel diplomatic cover, but whose regimes are far from Jeffersonian democracies. So whereas Netanyahu wanted to smooth over difficulties with the Poles where possible, Lapid comes from a different school of thought and is less interested in currying favor with the sub-alliances that Netanyahu established. Lapid graciously made it a point on his historic trip to the United Arab Emirates last week to thank Netanyahu for forging the Abraham Accords. You’ll never hear him say anything similar, however, when it comes to how the former prime minister managed the Jewish state’s ties with Poland. 黎巴嫩媒體應對前所未有的危機——分析 與真主黨無關的消息人士強調了這場危機的不同組成部分,而一些觀察人士則批評只關注該國的經濟層面。 作者:勞倫摩根貝瑟 2021 年 7 月 7 日 20:43 2021 年 6 月 28 日,在黎巴嫩貝魯特,一名男子在抗議日益嚴重的經濟困難時走近擋住道路的燃燒的火。 (圖片來源:路透社/ISSAM ABDALLAH) 廣告 隨著黎巴嫩在政治和經濟上接近崩潰的邊緣,該國的新聞媒體對該問題的報導大不相同。 根據總理哈桑·迪亞布的說法,黎巴嫩距離“社會爆炸”還有幾天的時間。 國防部長本尼·甘茨週二在推特上表示,以色列向聯合國駐黎巴嫩臨時部隊提供援助,以幫助應對“嚴峻的經濟形勢”,特別是考慮到“真主黨試圖加深伊朗在該國的投資”。 Al-Akhbar 網站的主頁是一個因支持真主黨而受到批評的新聞網站,其中刊登了馬龍教宗主教 Bechara Boutros al-Rai 的評論。Rai 將責任集中在候任總理薩阿德·哈里里和總統米歇爾·奧恩身上,呼籲他們組建政府,“因為黎巴嫩是這種延誤的受害者”,並補充說“每個人都在違反憲法”。 另一家支持真主黨的媒體 Al Mayadeen 在其主頁上沒有提及該國的局勢,而是將重點放在伊拉克的導彈和伊斯蘭革命衛隊新武器的實力上。 在周一舉行的“巴勒斯坦勝利”會議上,真主黨領導人哈桑·納斯魯拉將不斷惡化的經濟危機歸咎於美國,稱“美國人想要圍攻、懲罰和阻止對黎巴嫩的任何援助”。 另一方面,與真主黨無關的消息來源強調了危機的不同組成部分。黎巴嫩領先的英文報紙《每日星報》的主頁側重於經濟方面,刊登了關於貨幣疲軟和卡塔爾向黎巴嫩軍隊提供糧食援助的文章。 然而,一些觀察家批評只關注該國的經濟層面。 華盛頓近東政策研究所弗里德曼研究員哈寧加達爾週二在推特上寫道:“令人著迷的是,有些人仍然將#Lebanon 視為一場經濟危機。令人著迷的是,有些人仍然拒絕看房間裡的大象。黎巴嫩處於伊朗的佔領之下——非傳統的,而且是通過代理人——但確實是一種佔領。” 一家不隸屬於真主黨的主要阿拉伯語日報 An-Nahar 重點報導了有關國際應對危機的文章,包括對沙特阿拉伯“拒絕幫助黎巴嫩”的解釋以及美國總統喬·拜登的反應。 另一份阿拉伯語在線報紙 Al-Mustaqbal 強調了該國的燃料危機,包括對加油站老闆的採訪,他們描述了“屈辱隊列”以獲得汽油和貨幣枯竭的嚴重影響。 黎巴嫩獨立記者盧娜·薩夫萬 (Luna Safwan) 一直在推特上談論加油站因燃料短缺而發生的暴力事件,包括全國各地的汽車燃燒和槍擊事件。 該國的其他報導嚴厲批評了政治局勢。半島電視台電視和媒體公司的高級記者澤納·霍德爾 (Zeina Khodr) 週二在推特上發布了安全總局負責人阿巴斯·易卜拉欣 (Abbas Ibrahim) 的廣告牌照片,儘管他是貝魯特港爆炸案調查的主要嫌疑人造成207人死亡。廣告牌上有一張易卜拉欣的照片,上面寫著“和你在一起,最崇高的人”。 根據 Khodr 的說法,“噹噹權者與問責制進行鬥爭時,正義之戰是艱難的。” Lebanese media react to an unprecedented crisis - analysis Sources not affiliated with Hezbollah highlighted different components of the crisis, while some observers criticize focusing solely on the economic dimensions in the country. By LAUREN MORGANBESSER JULY 7, 2021 20:43 A man walks near a burning fire blocking a road, during a protest against mounting economic hardships, in Beirut, Lebanon June 28, 2021. (photo credit: REUTERS/ISSAM ABDALLAH) Advertisement As Lebanon nears the brink of collapse both politically and economically, news outlets within the country vary widely in coverage of the issue. According to Prime Minister Hassan Diab, Lebanon is days away from a “social explosion.” Defense Minister Benny Gantz tweeted on Tuesday that Israel sent an offer of aid to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon to help with the “dire economic situation,” especially given “Hezbollah’s attempts to deepen Iranian investments in the country.” The home page of Al-Akhbar’s website, a news site that has been criticized for its support of Hezbollah, featured comments from Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rai. Rai focused his blame on Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri and President Michel Aoun, calling on them to form a government, “because Lebanon is a victim of this delay,” and adding that “everyone is violating the constitution.” Another pro-Hezbollah outlet, Al Mayadeen, had no mention of the situation in the country on its home page, focusing instead on missiles in Iraq and the strength of new weapons of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. At the “Palestine is Victorious” conference on Monday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah blamed the US for the worsening economic crisis, saying that “the Americans want to besiege, punish and prevent any aid that comes to Lebanon.” On the other hand, sources not affiliated with Hezbollah highlighted different components of the crisis. The home page of The Daily Star, the leading English-language paper in Lebanon, focused on the economic dimensions, featuring articles on the weakness of the currency and incoming Qatari food aid for the Lebanese army. However, some observers criticize focusing solely on the economic dimensions in the country. Hanin Ghaddar, the Friedmann fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, tweeted on Tuesday: “It’s fascinating that some still look at #Lebanon as an economic crisis. It’s fascinating that some still refuse to look at the elephant in the room. Lebanon is under an Iranian occupation – nontraditional, and via proxy – but an occupation indeed.” A leading Arabic-language daily paper not affiliated with Hezbollah, An-Nahar, spotlighted articles on the international response to the crisis, including an explanation of Saudi Arabia’s “refusal to help Lebanon” and a feature on US President Joe Biden’s reaction. Another Arabic-language online paper, Al-Mustaqbal, highlighted the fuel crisis in the country, including an interview with gas station owners who described “queues of humiliation” in order to get gas and the crippling effects of the currency depletion. Luna Safwan, an independent journalist based in Lebanon, has been tweeting about violent incidents at gas stations amid fuel shortages, including burning cars and shootings around the country. Other reports in the country heavily criticize the political situation. Zeina Khodr, a senior correspondent at Al Jazeera television and media company, tweeted photos on Tuesday of billboards of the head of General Security, Abbas Ibrahim, being put up along the highway, even though he is a main suspect in the Beirut Port blast investigation that killed 207 people. The billboards featured a photo of Ibrahim with the words “With you, the noblest of men.” According to Khodr, the “battle for justice is hard when those in power battle against accountability.”

    Ep 58. Insane Abortion Policy - 1000 Abortions Annually in the Israel Defense Forces

    Ep 58. Insane Abortion Policy - 1000 Abortions Annually in the Israel Defense Forces

    In this episode, we delve into the tragedy of the loss of Jewish life in Israel due to abortion. We start by looking into this day in Jewish history in 1967, the start of the Six Day War between Israel and her Arab neighbors. The Israel Defense Forces(IDF) prevailed and became tasked with safeguarding Jewish life in Israel. We move onto a 2019 article about the abortion policy in the current IDF, which provides unlimited contraception and abortions to its service members, resulting in 1000 abortions per year. We focus on the insanity of this policy, by which Israel is killing more Jews than does its enemies.  Next, we share about Efrat, one of several pregnancy care organizations in Israel, and for the need for a pro-life educational movement in Israel to introduce a life affirming view of gestational children.

    We look at the current abortion rates in Israel, studying Power Point slide # 52 Abortion In Israel, and slide # 53 Jewish Abortion Is Epidemic (updated due to rising abortion rates). We close the episode with Rabbi Nachman's meditation on the Omer count for today. Aired 5/20/20.

     Abortion In Israel

     Jewish Abortion Is Epidemic

    The Six Day War. http://www.sixdaywar.org/content/threats.asp

    Number of abortions among IDF soldiers rises https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/267701

    Efrat https://en.efrat.org.il

    Counting the Nightly Omer 41st Day https://learnemunah.com/holidays/omercount.html.

    For Info, Help & Healing please visit jewishprolifefoundation.org

    Menachem & Jill Kuchar "The Abayudaya of Putti and Mukono"

    Menachem & Jill Kuchar "The Abayudaya of Putti and Mukono"

    Menachem & Jill are residents of Efrat for 35 Years.They emigrated from Australia. After living in Jerusalem for a period of three years they moved to Efrat in the mid-1980s. Among others, they were some of the very first residents in their neighborhood.

     Menachem is a talented, and accomplished photographer. Menachem and Jill have traveled to many places and documented all of it along the way. Menachem is also a writer. There is so much more to the Kuchar's story than that, but on this podcast, we focused mostly on their recent work with Rav Riskin and others in the conversions of a tribe in Uganda who have been practicing a form of Judaism for a hundred years! 

    Jill and I met when I mistakenly gave away someone's Tallit bag on (Yep you guessed it) “Efrat Haketoret and Friends free group”. When Jill was returning the Tallit bag to me, we struck up a conversation. She explained that she was going to send the Tallit bag to Uganda, That she and her husband Menachem were involved with a tribe called the Abayudaya. I had to hear more…..


    Friends, This is all taking place right now! YOU can be a part of the next chapter in this heartwarming story of African Jewry! A Cause-match campaign is happening right now.

    If you want to have a part in this incredible story please click the link below and help in any way you can. Even a few shekels go a long way!



    Check out this clip from  one of the Kuchar's recent trips to Uganda! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IGO9k3oOwan4y-IIj7rLE0FNDpGabYvl/view 


    You can see some of Menchems work on his website  



    Check out Menachem’s Book 

    "The Abayudaya: Judaism Emerging, A Spiritual Journey into Africa"

    See more about the book here 


    Jessica Kupferberg "Change, Growth and Creativity"

    Jessica Kupferberg "Change, Growth and Creativity"

    It was a real pleasure to have a nice long conversation this week with, Jessica Kupferberg.Jessica is a writer and former litigation attorney. She made aliyah from La Jolla, California with her family during Operation Protective Edge in July 2014 after driving across America. She blogs for the Times of Israel and her work has appeared in The Jerusalem Post, Kveller.com, The Jewish Journal, The Forward, Jweekly, aish.com, and as part of Project 929 English.

    Some of the things we talked about 

    • How Jessica started writing 
    • Some of her inspirations
    • What life is like now in Efrat years after her Aliyah
    • What it was like to have older children when moving to Israel
    • Some of the great benefits of living in Efrat



    Check out Jessicas Blog:


    Check out Jessicas' Recent Projects:

    "When we Turned Within:"

    You can find the paperback here: amazon.com/dp/B08L9S68T4.

    The Kindle version is here: amazon.com/dp/B08LDYZNKP.


    "In this Strange Springtime" 

    Poem and Artist Book collaboration with  Andi LaVine Arnovitz.Signed and numbered. Edition of 25.A poignant look at Corona and this time in our lives. (reach out to us through social channels to check availability) 




    Mendy Portnoy: A Sunrise Chat about Piano, Efrat, and Well-Loved Hand Mixers

    Mendy Portnoy: A Sunrise Chat about Piano, Efrat, and Well-Loved Hand Mixers

    Mendy Portnoy in the house today! We woke up at the crack of dawn to catch the sunrise over the beautiful Dagan hilltop here in Efrat while chatting it up with our buddy, Mendy.

    Mendy is a renowned Musician, Producer, and funny person and frankly, we're honored to be in his presence, let alone host him for the duration of this episode.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    • How Mendy overcomes self-doubt to bare his soul on the piano
    • The prestigious award Mendy is nominated to receive
    • Whether or not to pronounce the "H" in herb
    • How Mendy made the move to Efrat
    • How to survive a Fox attack

    Follow us on:

    Tom Schiffour: A View from the other side of the mountain

    Tom Schiffour: A View from the other side of the mountain

    We were honored to have Tom Shiffour join us as our first guest on the Podcast! Tom is a well-known musician who's lyrics speak deeply to the soul. He is a local legend, a resident of Efrat since 2010.

    We are so excited to share this one with you. We chatted so long that we even decided to cut out the news! (Sorry, you will have to get your "free group" info on the next one 🙂)

    Some of the things we covered includes:

    • What it was like to be on the road In a well-known rock band in the Mid 1960s.
    • The art that no one will ever see
    • The origins of a very special Mandolin.
    • The meaning behind some of Tom's lyrics
    • AND you'll hear about how a boy from Lincoln Nebraska ended up living right here in Efrat!

    Thanks for tuning in! We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did!

    And while you're here, connect with our little corner of the Internet:

    Ep 24. Rescue The Innocent. Jewish Friendly Pregnancy Care Resources

    Ep 24. Rescue The Innocent. Jewish Friendly Pregnancy Care Resources

    We start this episode looking at Power Point slide #101 Rescue The Innocent, which features Proverbs 24:11-12, demanding that we rescue the innocent being led to death. We offer practical suggestions for doing that by describing three Jewish pregnancy care resources available to provide a wide variety of services to Jewish parents facing unplanned pregnancy - In Shifra's Arms in America, Efrat in Israel, and Birthright International around the world. We close with the mediation for today's Omer count. Aired 4/19/20. 

    Rescue The Innocent

    Jewish Pregnancy Care  

    In Shifra's Arms. https://jewishpregnancyhelp.org/

    Efrat. http://www.efrat-babies.org/english/

    Birthright International https://birthright.org/

    Counting the Nightly Omer https://learnemunah.com/holidays/omercount.html.

    For Info, Help & Healing please visit jewishprolifefoundation.org

    Murder of ARI Fuld Proves Palestinian Terrorism is Alive and Well!

    Murder of ARI Fuld Proves Palestinian Terrorism is Alive and Well!
    The murder of American-Israeli Ari Fuld by a Palestinian reveals that their 'pay-for-slay’
    program still works to inspire terror! Ari Fuld was a 45-year-old father of four, a marketer,
    social media consultant, speaker, and internet video host, who moved from Queens to
    Efrat, Israel, because he loved the country and wanted to help spread a better
    understanding of its history and culture throughout the world. But, his dreams were cut
    short when a Palestinian terrorist, Khalil Yusef Ali Jabarin, fatally stabbed him at a
    shopping mall in a settlement south of Jerusalem. Bleeding, Ari proved himself a hero
    when he chased his assailant and shot him, so that he couldn’t attack others.

    But, unlike Ari, not only did the terrorist survive, the Palestinians consider him a martyr
    and, through the Palestinian Authority’s ‘Martyr’s Fund’, his family was paid handsomely
    for his act of terror, and will continue to be paid while he is in an Israeli jail. Despicable?
    Yes. But, what’s even worse is that American taxpayers have been funding Palestinians'
    acts of terror, including their ‘pay for slay’ program! Hear more about Ari, his murderer,
    and what the current administration has been doing to prevent our tax dollars from funding
    more terror attacks. Yet, while there is this progress being made on one hand, there are
    ‘terrorists’ whipping students into an anti-zionist frenzy within colleges across America.
    Hear how we are falling further down the rabbit hole into a surrealistic, disturbing world!

    Episode 200 Eric Guth 4Z1UG

    Episode 200 Eric Guth 4Z1UG

    In this, the 200th edition of the QSO Today podcast, the QSO Today is with Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, creator of the QSO Today Podcast as the guest and  is hosted by Jim Wilson, K5ND. In this interview, Eric tells his ham radio story, about his early exposure to electronics,his elmers, and how his amateur radio interest evolved to the QSO Today podcast. Eric answers listener questions at the end of the interview with Jim.


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