
    episode 25

    Explore "episode 25" with insightful episodes like "Episode 25 – Nombres - Chapitre 25 - Lecture", "Episode 25 – Lévitique - Chapitre 25 - Lecture", "25: The Ultimate Breakthrough Business Formula", "The Importance of a Workflow and Dealflow System with guest Will Swayne" and "LA CITY HALL RACISM FIASCO" from podcasts like ""Un Ticket Gratuit pour le Paradis", "Un Ticket Gratuit pour le Paradis", "Shop Talk For Extraordinary Entrepreneurs", "LVR Podcast" and "Ooooh I'm Tellin'"" and more!

    Episodes (12)

    Episode 25 – Nombres - Chapitre 25 - Lecture

    Episode 25 – Nombres - Chapitre 25 - Lecture


    Les Israélites voyagent de Qadesh-Barnéa à la rive orientale du Jourdain.

    VII. La transgressions

    - Le péché de la foule

    1. Leur perversion : Peu de temps après l’incident de Balaam, de nombreux hommes israélites se livrent à l’immoralité sexuelle avec des femmes moabites. Ensuite, ils commettent l’idolâtrie en s’inclinant devant leurs dieux païens.

    2. Leur punition : toutes les personnes impliquées sont exécutées, entraînant la mort de 24.000 personnes.

    - Le péché d'un couple

    1. Leur perversion : Malgré le châtiment qui vient de se produire, un homme israélite fait entrer dans le camp une femme madianite, sous les yeux de Moïse.


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    Episode 25 – Lévitique - Chapitre 25 - Lecture

    Episode 25 – Lévitique - Chapitre 25 - Lecture

    SECTION 5 (suite)

    I. La constitution d'Israël (Moïse et la loi de Dieu) : les exigences de la fraternité (suite)

    - Le contenu de la Constitution (suite)

    2. Le code social (lois communautaires) :

    (y) Rachat de terres : Il existe des lois spéciales concernant les esclaves israélites. Au cours de l'année du jubilé (qui se produit tous les 50 ans), la terre doit être rendue à son propriétaire d'origine et les esclaves israélites doivent être libérés.

    III. La restitution d'Israël (Moïse et le Tabernacle) : la restauration de la communion.

    - Les journées spéciales du Tabernacle

    2. L'année sabbatique : Israël doit laisser la terre se reposer de la culture tous les sept ans.

    3. L'année du Jubilé : Chaque cinquantième année, toutes les dettes publiques et privées doivent être annulées et toutes les terres rendues aux propriétaires d'origine.

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    25: The Ultimate Breakthrough Business Formula

    25: The Ultimate Breakthrough Business Formula

    Do you find yourself constantly busy but not making progress in your business? Are you unsure which marketing strategies will work for you and tired of trying one tactic after another without seeing results?

    In this episode of Shop Talk, "The Ultimate Breakthrough Business Formula," I share precisely what you need to know to move the needle in your business! From creating awareness to nurturing prospects into paying customers and even taking it up a notch by delighting your customers to create ambassadors, I'll share the exact process I have used to help my clients and build my own business.

    If you're ready for a comprehensive guide to business growth, listen to "The Ultimate Breakthrough Business Formula" and take your business to new heights!

    Snapshot of this episode:

    • 1:39 - A Proven Method For Business Growth
    • 3:22 - The Breakthrough Formula
    • 6:21 - Marketing Your Business For Success
    • 19:00 - Strategies for Effective Sales Conversion
    • 21:36 - The Power of Delighting Your Customers
    • 31:33 - Why Your Business Strategies May Not Be Working
    • 38:25 - How I Can Guide You Toward Your Goals
    • 39:17 - The Path To Success

    Links mentioned:

    Business Breakthrough Audit

    The Importance of a Workflow and Dealflow System with guest Will Swayne

    The Importance of a Workflow and Dealflow System with guest Will Swayne

    Back in the day, a broker could do a deal on the back of a fax and voila. These days with more compliance, quality control and deadlines from lenders and clients a broker needs more support and that support can come in the form of smart systems. Broker Engine is a workable tool for any broker. Here's more about Broker Engine: 

    • Broker Engine handles the entire life cycle of the client, the leadflow to dealflow to running reviews and client maintenance so that you retain more clients. 

    • All these systems help a broker to manage a successful client relationship over time and ensure that you are retaining more clients. 

    • If I was to sign up tomorrow to Broker Engine, how much time will it take to get it running? With Broker Engine we supply the workflows out of the box and have a customer success team to support our clients so we suggest it takes about three weeks to get it up and running, so not long at all. 

    • For Broker Engine, we see: The broker likes it, team likes it, the client likes it. 

    • It helps to document the processes and systems so that the things that typically gets missed from a workflow are put into a structure, allowing a team to become at least 20% more efficient. 

    • Broker’s who are business builders and building a team to scale, then Broker Engine can help you achieve a more powerful business flow. 

    • The whole workflow and the client engagement can be managed in a powerful way with Broker Engine. 

    Key Quotes

    “Leadflow is what gets you the appointments and what gets you the activity.” - Ruan 

    “After the loan settles, aftercare can be built into the system via email and sms, so it takes the headache away from brokers having to remember everything.” - Will 

    Thank You To Our Hosts: Ruan Burger and Marissa Schulze

    More From Marissa and her company, Rise High Financial Solutions:

    Marissa Schulze Linkedin

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    Marissa Schulze Facebook

    Rise High Financial Solutions

    More From Ruan and his company, Success and Broker:

    Ruan Burger Linkedin

    Ruan Burger Instagram

    Ruan Burger Facebook

    Success and Broker



    Today’s episode is called “LA City Hall Racism Fiasco”.

    The people of Los Angeles define this city as a place where bold dreams, creative expression, and limitless possibilities abound. 

    One of the most culturally diverse destinations in the world. You’ll be inspired by its unique perspectives, unexpected moments, and open-hearted community. 

    The City of Angels has an abundance of multi-faceted neighborhoods and hidden gems to explore.

    If you’ve been following me you already know that I am living in Los Angeles City, to be exact in South Central L.A. That is why also you notice in my books that Los Angeles City is mentioned.

    We always talk about racism and social justice issues happening in cities and states around the US. But for today’s topic, we will be focusing on Los Angeles City. 

    The story today is about the resignation of the president of the Los Angeles City Council Nury Martinez.  This is for comments she made last year, and it was secretly recorded, but published in the last few weeks. These comments dealt with negative comments about black people, and indigenous people living in Los Angeles. More of this story is inside our podcast.

    We will discuss how our political systems really work and you’ll be surprised to know that Los Angeles Times rarely covers anything racist behind the behavior at the Los Angeles City Council while turning a blind eye to the problems that affect black people. Additionally, they ignore the negative comments made about the behavior and lives of black citizens in Los Angeles. Again another issue that the media hides from you. 

    And that's where we're sitting in Los Angeles it's racist, corrupt, and getting away with it. 

    Open your mind to what is really happening around us. Keep up with the Ooooh I’m Tellin’ Podcast for more true and relevant racism and social justice issues that the media is keeping from you. 

    Connect with me and join me in creating awareness of real and current Social Justice Issues.

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    Episode 25 - Exode – Chapitre 26 – Lecture

    Episode 25 - Exode – Chapitre 26 – Lecture

    SECTION 5 (suite)

    III. La restitution d'Israël (Moïse et le Tabernacle) : la restauration de la communion.

    - Les statistiques concernant le Tabernacle : Dieu donne à Moïse les détails exacts pour la construction du Tabernacle.

    2. Ses matériaux : Le Tabernacle doit être construit en argent, en bronze, en fin lin et en peaux d'animaux.

    6. Ses rideaux :

    (a) Les rideaux en lin

    (b) Les rideaux en poil de chèvre

    7. Ses revêtements de peaux de bélier

    8. Ses planches et douilles : Il y aura 48 planches pour la tente elle-même, chacune de 10 coudées (4,57m) de haut par 1,5 coudées (68cm) de large.

    15. Son Arche d'Alliance : Ce coffre doit être en bois d'acacia recouvert d'or. Il doit mesurer 2 coudées 1/2 (1,14m) de long, 1,5 coudées (68cm) de large et 1,5 coudées (68cm) de haut. Le couvercle, appelé lieu d'expiation, doit être en or massif. Deux chérubins d'or aux ailes déployées sont à fixer sur le dessus du couvercle.

    16. Son rideau intérieur : Il doit être fait de fin lin pourpre, bleu et cramoisi et doit séparer le lieu saint du lieu très saint.

    17. Son rideau extérieur : Il doit être semblable au rideau intérieur et doit séparer le parvis extérieur du Lieu Saint.


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    #25 mit Ralf Fährmann: Kämpfer mit königsblauem Herz

    #25 mit Ralf Fährmann: Kämpfer mit königsblauem Herz
    Seit mehr als 18 Jahren trägt Ralf Fährmann – abgesehen von zwei kurzen Unterbrechungen – bereits das Trikot der Königsblauen. Dementsprechend hat der Torhüter in der 25. Episode des Schalke 04 Podcasts – präsentiert von UMBRO – einiges zu erzählen. Im 90-minütigen Talk mit den beiden Moderatoren Dominik Abel und Hendrik Hohenberger spricht der 32-Jährige unter anderem über die Aufs und Abs in seiner Karriere, sein – so bezeichnet er es selbst – „Jahr auf Montage“ und seinen persönlichen Werdegang. Als Ralf Fährmann im Alter von 14 Jahren aus Chemnitz in die Knappenschmiede wechselte, hatte der talentierte Torhüter einen Traum: einmal in der VELTINS-Arena spielen. Mittlerweile stehen über 100 Einsätze im königsblauen Wohnzimmer in seiner Vita – und jeden einzelnen davon hat der Keeper genossen. Im Podcast berichtet die Nummer 1 der Königsblauen, wie er auf Schalke vom Talent zum Bundesligaprofi gereift ist, welche Hürden er überwinden musste und welche Rückschläge ihn noch stärker gemacht haben. Der Torhüter gibt Einblicke in sein Innenleben, wenn er darüber spricht, wie es sich anfühlt, wenn das Vertrauen des Trainers nicht mehr da ist. Er erzählt, welche Bedeutung der FC Schalke 04 und speziell die Fans für ihn haben. Und er nimmt die Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer mit auf seine Reisen nach England und Norwegen, die rückwirkend betrachtet sportlich nicht nach Wunsch verliefen, ihn aber dennoch als Mensch reifen ließen. Sehr persönlich wird es im Podcast, als Fährmann von zwei bekannten Stimmen überrascht wird. Seine Mutter und sein Bruder melden sich zu Wort und lüften so manches Geheimnis aus der Kindheit. Dabei spielt unter anderem ein Traktor eine Rolle. Sprachnachrichten gibt es ebenfalls zu hören von Mitspieler und Kumpel Michael Langer sowie von Sportdirektor Rouven Schröder. Letzterer erinnert den Schlussmann an ein Spiel aus dem Jahr 2007 vor 450 Zuschauern, das wenig spektakulär gewesen ist, aber trotzdem eine kuriose Besonderheit aufweist.

    Episode 25: Worst Way to Explain How Corner Desks Work

    Episode 25: Worst Way to Explain How Corner Desks Work
    In the news of Atlassian folding HipChat customers in to Slack, we complain about how Slack isn’t responsive and how Microsoft Teams’ notifications aren’t native yet, again. Following Andrews recent investment in his office we discuss how we like our workspaces to be, what we need and like including lighting conditions, the arm-status of chairs, the troubles of charging and so much much more.