
    facebook for business

    Explore " facebook for business" with insightful episodes like "Episode 037: The Third Step of the Church Social Media Framework: Facebook", "237: Overview of the NEW Facebook Reels Opportunity", "237: Overview of the NEW Facebook Reels Opportunity", "Ep2. Facebook Business Ads: Are they right for my type of business?" and "#56 - (Rebroadcast) 4 Facebook secrets every small business needs to know" from podcasts like ""Hybrid Ministry", "Social Media Entrepreneurs w/ Derek Videll", "Social Media Entrepreneurs w/ Derek Videll", "The Elevatory Podcast with Anna Jonak" and "The Marketing Guide"" and more!

    Episodes (15)

    Episode 037: The Third Step of the Church Social Media Framework: Facebook

    Episode 037: The Third Step of the Church Social Media Framework: Facebook
    Does Gen Z even care about Facebook? The assumption of course is no, but is that accurate? And why does Nick recommend facebook ahead of Instagram? Finally, what are the 3 ways in which you should be utilizing facebook as a church in 2023? EPISODE TRANSCRIPT: http://www.hybridministry.xyz/037 YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9pjecCnd8FVFCenWharf2g TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@clasonnick FREE EBOOK: https://www.hybridministry.xyz/articles/ebook SHOWNOTES How to Run a Successful Ad: https://www.hybridministry.xyz/009 TIMECODES 00:00-03:35 Introduction 03:35-09:00 Facebook.. Does Gen Z care about Facebook? 09:00-15:11 The History of Facebook and what it is today 15:11-18:36 Reason 1) Create a Facebook Page 18:36-20:59 Reason 2) Link your Facebook & Instagram Accounts 20:59-24:00 Reason 3) Create a Facebook Group 24:00-25:55 Outro TRANSCRIPT Nick Clason (00:02): Well, hello everybody. Welcome back to another episode in addition of the hybrid ministry show. My name is Nick Clason. I, as always, I'm your host, excited to be with you. And in this episode, we are going to be diving into our third platform that you should be focused on as a church in building out the six step framework for social media or churches in 2023. Now, this one, um, is gonna be a little bit of a zig or a zag because my guess is if you, uh, know me, you know my story. I am a youth pastor and so I'm gonna be, I do this a lot from the realm of and um, position of being a youth pastor. And so this one you're gonna be like, wait a minute, what is he recommending before? What other one? Cuz you know, so far we've done YouTube and we've also done TikTok. Nick Clason (01:01): And so probably your assumption would be that we would be moving on to Instagram and if I were to rank platforms in the order of importance, it would go TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and then Facebook. But today we are going to talk about Facebook and there's a few reasons why and we're gonna get to that. So make sure you stick around to the very end of the episode cuz we're gonna talk about the three primary reasons why you should start with Facebook as opposed to Instagram, especially if you're starting from scratch. And those three reasons are also relevant and prevalent. If you are already on both of those platforms. There's just gonna be some things and, uh, some technical, uh, linking things that you're gonna need and want to do that are gonna help you optimize your performance on both of those platforms, Instagram and Facebook. Nick Clason (01:49): All right, um, real quick, let's talk about, uh, before we dive in, you know, too much. I want to remind you, you can head over to our YouTube channel. If you are listening on a podcast, hit the link in the show notes and give us a subscribe there that would help us out tremendously. If you're discovering us and watching us on YouTube, hit the link in the show notes over to hybrid ministry.xyz. That is the homepage and home base for our podcast. And every single episode, including this one, which will have a link to the show notes, has a fully flushed out transcript. So you can go and you can grab the fully flushed out transcript for this episode and any of our past episodes as well as that's where you can get the free download called, have I already Ruined my Church's TikTok account? Nick Clason (02:32): And that is your complete guide to handing your phone to someone and say, Hey, post me a TikTok. And if they have no idea what they're doing, that will walk them through step by step. All of that is available, um, in our show notes. That's also available on our website. So give us a subscribe, give us a rating or a review, we would love it. And follow us in all the places. I personally, uh, am on TikTok and I am on YouTube and I'm trying to grow on both of those places to just the word out to help more people like you, church content communicators, church social media managers, youth pastors, part-time college students who got handed a phone from your pastor and said, Hey, we should probably be on social media. Yes, I am here to help you. And that is my entire goal is to help show you one of the ways that you can approach this in your church, in your life and in your ministry. Nick Clason (03:24): So without any further ado, let's hop into this episode of Facebook, the platform that Gen Z doesn't care about or do this. All right, so Facebook, does Gen Z care about Facebook? So there was an article back in 2015, um, by Pew Research that found that 71% of teenagers from the age 13 to 17 say that they used Facebook. And at that time they easily beat out platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. That's an encouraging number. And so for a lot of youth pastors, a lot of people working with Next generation, a lot of people doing social media, um, it kept the impetus and the importance of making Facebook a priority, making it something that you continually should be investing in. All right? However, back in 2022, which is not that long ago, from the drop of this, uh, podcast or the drop of this videos only a year or so ago, it tells us a different story. Nick Clason (04:26): So that number in 2015 was at 71%, but it has now dropped to that same age demographic. 13 to 17 year olds is now dropped to 32%. Then you might be thinking then like, why in the world are we making this a priority? Obviously it's tapering off with younger people, it's really only relevant for older generations. And while our church may have a good crop of people in older generation who are still using and active on Facebook, the reality is like that is dropping more and more. And that is true, and I will a hundred percent affirm you. And if you do decide that you don't want to take on Facebook as a platform, I totally get that. Um, especially if you wanna trend younger and be more relevant. Because the reality is this is like even Gen Z, or I'm sorry, gen X, uh, millennials, boomers, they use some of the other platforms that we're talking about here. Nick Clason (05:16): They're active on YouTube, some of them probably do have a TikTok account. And so if you want to abandon Facebook altogether, you can. The thing is, reality is probably you as a church, you probably already have a Facebook account. It's already probably been established and it's probably been active for years. And so what do you do and how do in this, you know, ever shifting landscape, do you continue to even use and reinvest in Facebook? I do think that there's a spot for it. I do think that there are some pertinent things that are worth you understanding and noticing. Um, and I'm gonna talk about those and especially in the very final episode of this six step kind of framework, we're gonna, um, put all of these platforms back together, right? And we're gonna gonna say here with all these different platforms, all these different like things we talked about, what is a full fledged church social media framework and strategy, taking all these pieces and putting 'em together. Nick Clason (06:09): So you're gonna see where Facebook fits into that. Um, but the answer to this is why we think we should continue to, um, participate in Facebook. The answer is twofold. So part number one, like we said in the last episode about TikTok, if you only have time to invest in one, invest in TikTok, I say that primarily for younger ministries, youth pastors, but quite honestly, uh, I think I would still say that the purpose for that is, uh, true, uh, for even like a church, not just a youth ministry like church, trying to reach people for their, you know, their community, their town, whatever. Like nothing wrong with just investing in TikTok. Uh, and a lot of the things today that we're gonna talk about are gonna feel like a lot of groundwork. And so that might be boring and you might not yield as many returns on it. Nick Clason (06:52): And so you're probably gonna have to spend a day or a week slow out some of these things, figuring out some of the things. Um, however, if you do wanna build out a fully robust holistic social media strategy, like I said, we're gonna put that together in the final episode of this little mini-series that we're doing. Facebook needs to be a part of it, not necessarily for the reasons that you might think. However, I will caveat this and say in the ranking of importance for Gen Z and Gen Alpha, Facebook is very last on my list for the specific platforms to invest in, right? Like I've, I've said, okay, however, your usage on Facebook on meta is gonna be for three primary reasons. And starting with Facebook's GI gives you an easier road, uh, to launch some other social media or, and this part's important or marketing endeavors that you may be interested in or your church or your pastor or your executive pastor might be interested in you carrying out, overseeing and executing. Nick Clason (07:48): All right? And so we're gonna look at this as more of a, um, foundation building as opposed to like a v going viral and, and drumming up a lot of interest and reaching a lot of people. Okay? So be that as it may, Facebook still plays a pretty crucial and important role. Before we go too much further, I do wanna share one last stat with you. 32% of users on Facebook are teenagers. That isn't a lot, but that also isn't nothing. And those teenagers are still users of Facebook. They may not be contributors, but they are as some social media people have dubbed lurkers, which means they are viewing what's going on on Facebook, and they will grow up and they will become, um, the age of the, uh, adults in your church. And in addition to that, a lot of families have parents who spend a lot of their time on Facebook. Nick Clason (08:38): And so if you're a demographic, if you're a church reaching families, you may not be reaching their teenagers, but you may be catering to and reaching their parents and there's um, uh, there is a benefit to doing that. All right, so let's dive into Facebook before the history of it and what it is now. Okay, Facebook before and now let's go back to the beginning. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. Okay, maybe not that far back. Let's go a little further. Okay, let's go to 2004. In 2004, you probably heard of a guy by the name of Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg launched and started Facebook as a social media platform. He launched it in 2004 on Harvard University's campus. He was a sophomore, and his primary purpose there was to connect Harvard students to other Harvard students. And so back in the very original OG Facebook days, it was built primarily for college campuses so that you could see the faces of other college students, know their names, get to know them, but by the end of the year, the almost unimaginable had happened for Zuckerberg and over 1 million users, 1 million users were on Facebook, and the reach had then expanded beyond just his simple campus. Nick Clason (09:55): And the spread was like wildfire. And Facebook changed the game forever. Facebook is often thought to be one of the major contributors of ushering in the, uh, the, the, what am I looking for? The setting or the, the, the, gosh, why is this word so hard for me? I don't know what I'm trying to say, but ushering in the idea of Web 2.0. So Web 1.0 was just basic HTML website's, text on a screen, web 2.0 allowed the users to actually be contributing, formatting, crafting what was being said. We are now, by the way, in a world of Web 3.0 where users can create their own reality. Right now it's primarily through things like vr, but the algorithms which are less social graph and now more discovery based are helping you sort of find and create your own reality, which by the way, I think is a little bit dangerous, especially if you are a pastor and you are anchored in the truth of God's word. Nick Clason (10:53): However, as opposed to bucking that and saying that you need to just ca cast your phone into like a fire, um, and not look at TikTok, I think you need to help people steward that, that they've been given because now honestly, the reality is social media is not very social like it was back in the day. Uh, we've seen that Gen Z has watched millennials and Gen Xers use and, and lean into their community being all digital, and it has honestly yielded not very good results. So I honestly see a good pendulum shift in some of our Gen Z students and people that I interact with because they lean into more real authentic community. So why are they spending so much time on platforms like TikTok and YouTube? They're, they're, they're honestly there for entertainment more than they are for like social connection. And that's the thing, Facebook was built as a platform of social connection. Nick Clason (11:43): And so now it is a legacy platform and it's been around forever and it is still a major player and a major contributor in the game. However, they are having to, having to adjust to TikTok and YouTube have been ushering in, in these last several years that they've seen the younger generations adapt. And because Facebook knows that great Aunt Betty is going to eventually no longer be a user at some point because she's not going to be living on this planet of earth, they need to start catering to the younger generations if they want anyone to even adopt their platform. The reality is a lot of people are not huge fans of Facebook altogether, but whether they know it or not, they're using platforms under the Facebook umbrella. So all that being said, Facebook still remains the number one social media platform to this day based on, uh, based on number of users according to an article, which we will link in the show notes of backlinko backlink.io, I always get that one messed up. Nick Clason (12:38): Backlink io Facebook presently has 1.9 billion daily users, which is 6.89% increased year over year. In addition to the massive usage that is found and seen by Facebook users and contributors. Uh, Facebook has been acquiring more and more products, uh, over their lifetime and life cycle. Here are some of the products that they've acquired. You may be have heard of them, Instagram, WhatsApp, gfi, Oculus, and many more. In fact, if my counting and calculations are correct, Facebook has a total acquisition of over 88 different products, um, or companies or tech like focused things, okay? And the total cost of those acquisitions is estimated to be north of 23 billion with a B dollars. So I will link that, that article as well because honestly, uh, I didn't read all of them to you because you get really bored. There's really only like four or five that you probably actually recognize by name, WhatsApp, Instagram, Oculus gif, you the rest are like, what? Nick Clason (13:46): And they just absorbed these companies into them and, and stole their intellectual property, not stole, bought their intellectual property to use for their, their behalf and their betterment. Okay? And so as I was first, uh, sitting down to record this podcast and thinking about all this Facebook stuff, um, the reality is this, fast forward to October, 2021, Facebook announces this is the big shift here from Facebook back then to Facebook. Now, Facebook announces a change in their name from Facebook as the parent company to the name Meta. You probably know that if not, you've probably seen it and been unaware that that is, that is where that comes from. All right? And so the name reflects as the company says, um, the name reflects the company's growing ambitions to be relevant beyond just social media. They want to build technology that will help connect people. That's what they say their ultimate goal is. Nick Clason (14:38): Uh, I'll link that article in the show notes, but with the announcement of the name change from Facebook into Meta, this giant conglomerate of products that Meta has acquired over the years, it leads us specifically now to how you in your church can and probably should be using Facebook in your context here in 2023 as a part of the six step Church social medium framework. So without any further ado, let's hop in to reason number one, why you should be using Facebook. Reason number one, and the way in which you should be using Facebook in your church and in your ministry is to create a Facebook page. Now, Facebook page is the corporate side of Facebook. It is where businesses and corporations go to have their hours. It's where they link their website. It's, it's where they, at some point in time, we'll run ads and your church more than likely has a corporate company Facebook page. Nick Clason (15:37): I would recommend that you start with a Facebook page, not necessarily, because I think it's a great strategy for reaching people organically anymore in 2023. However, it is going to help sort of be the anchor for everything that you do on Facebook. And if you start there, especially if you don't have anything already launched right now, but if you start there, then sort of from there, the rest of everything else can kind of spread, which is one of the reasons why I have jumped Facebook over Instagram, for example, because Facebook is the owner of Instagram. And so if you start with that Facebook page, then you can sort of build things out from there. One of the things that you need to know about Facebook is it's not just a simple username and password sort of login. So if you're inheriting a Facebook page, what you need to do is you need to discover who the admin is on the Facebook page. Nick Clason (16:24): The person who has a personal specific profile, their first name and last name, they are an admin to an account. And that is who runs or who is kind of doing the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain, um, managing of Facebook pages. That's how Facebook works. So for example, I just moved to a church about six months ago. They had a a Facebook page, and everyone that I asked, I kept asking to try and get login information for it. They're like, oh yeah, the username password should be on this password document sheet that we have. And, and I just was like, no, that's, that's not how it works. Like, it's not just like I log into Facebook, I have to log in as myself, Nick Clason on my Facebook page, and then I have to be made an administrator or an admin or an editor or a moderator or whatever the case might be, whatever the role is that is decided that has to happen to me, my account, not a login into a specific place. Nick Clason (17:20): Okay? So when you start on this place, everything else can sort of be driven from that. The other reason that you would wanna start with a Facebook page is that some point you may want to run ads on your Facebook page. Um, and you may, you can do that either on Facebook, you also can do that through Facebook to your Instagram count if you find Instagram more beneficial to your audience. But you do that through the business suite, the meta suite. And so, um, learning to run an ad is probably one of the most maddening processes, especially if you have no idea what you're doing, what some of the language means or whatever if you're a complete nbe. And so one time I interviewed my friend, former co-host of this podcast, Matt Johnson. He is a marketing freaking guru, uh, and he has done some incredible things, marketing, especially in the ministry space, if you are or have ever heard of or are familiar with the company, dare to share. Nick Clason (18:16): He was behind a lot of what they did and a lot of what got them out, uh, visible to a lot of people out in the world. And so, um, he walks us through in a former episode, not link that in the show notes of how to step, how to set up an ad, step by step, uh, running a Facebook ad. So that's there for you. Hopefully that's helpful to you. All right? Step number two is beyond the Facebook page. You should also link your Facebook and Instagram accounts. This is probably one of the most obvious or low hanging fruit reasons why you should start with Facebook, because once you link them, then it's really no extra work, especially if you start on the Instagram side, which we'll get to that in the next episode. But if you start on the Instagram side posting something, all you do is simply toggle on a switch that says also post to Facebook, and boom, you're posting the same content in two places. Nick Clason (19:08): That used to be a no-no. That used to be something that you shied away from. But now it's actually something that I and many other church social media marketing managers encourage, especially with the current thing that every social media is focusing on short form video content. It doesn't matter if it's also posted on Instagram, on Facebook, I did a thing the other day, we do this stupid game on our, uh, Instagram, on our TikTok, on our YouTube shorts called, um, , it's called ABC Cheese. So we have a little craft singles and we try to bite like just two of us and try to bite out a letter. And the other person was trying to guess what it's, and so I just was like curious and I was like, how many views did this video in total get? And so I, I looked on YouTube, I looked on TikTok, I looked on Instagram reels, and I looked on Facebook reels, and in total we had somewhere between seven and 800 views on just that one stupid video alone by posting it to all those different platforms. Nick Clason (20:05): You know, like one had 600, one had a hundred, one had 300, one had 200, you know what I mean? That kind of all adds up. And you start to think about it, you're like, dang, that's like seven, eight, 9,000 hun. You know, thou not a thousand hundred, 900, a thousand people reach. Like it's a lot, man. Like that's, that's, that's something that churches, youth ministries would've been begging for in years past and before with Facebook pages, primarily as the marketing tool and engine, you had to pay to do it. And you, I mean, you still do if you wanna market stuff, but you can kind of like punch your lottery ticket with any of these reels or short form video and just blow up, or not even blow up, but just get a hundred views across four platforms that adds up to north of 500, north of 700, north of 900 views on any single video. Nick Clason (20:56): I think most people would say that that's worth it. All right? The third and final way and, and um, path that I think you should take on Facebook is create a Facebook group. According to a 2021 study, there were approximately 233 million Facebook users in the US alone. 18.2 of those users belong to the 18 to 24 age group, while 18% of those users are 35 to 34 years old. So in total, you're looking at, almost 40% of your users are between the age of 18 and 44. So while your teenagers, your youth ministry might not be spending a lot of time on Facebook, other platforms, um, other people, older demographics definitely are. And I think that you, one of your largest wins as a church is to create a group because that is where you can make community on social media feel intimate and in, in fact, it's probably one of the only platforms that offers a close sort of intimate community style feel. Nick Clason (21:56): And so I do think of all of the features that Facebook does have to offer. You can have a group. And so again, if you start with a page, then out of that you can create a group that's connected to that page and you can post as the page admin or you can switch your profile and you can be interacting as yourself in the group, and you can make that that switch. And they've started to make that a lot easier. If you go onto the page on your phone or on your browser, it'll give you a little notification in one of the corners somewhere that says you're interacting as the, the brand, you're interacting as the page or you're interacting as yourself. And then it just gives you a button there. Do you wanna switch? And you click switch and it switches over between yours or your page. Nick Clason (22:37): And so you can make some of those things. You also have the opportunity to go to the business suite and schedule some stuff. You can also link and schedule that over to your Instagram. And they now offer scheduling for reels. They offer scheduling for stories, which were not things that they offered previously. All the schedule tools really only posted like static images to pages, um, and your Instagram grid feed. But now they're starting to offer more. Uh, they do, in my personal experience, I've really only been experimenting with schedulers for a little bit here now, but they do seem to choke down your organic reach all of those platforms like it, when you post live time, there really is no way around that. No matter how much you try, no matter how, how much these like schedulers promised you, you're gonna just have better performance on all of your stuff if you are posting it. Nick Clason (23:26): Um, and that, but that's a value proposition that you have to weigh through, especially if you have a million other responsibilities. Is it worth it to peace of mind, have it scheduled and you don't have to worry about it? Or is it something that you should, you know, wade into and navigate choice is yours? It's kind up to you. Um, so one of the best things that can do though as a church is to run a Facebook group. And over time you don't even have to be supplying that with a lot of content. The content hopefully will be generated by the users that are already a part of your Facebook group community. Well, everyone, once again, thank you so much for hanging out for this entire episode. I hope that you found this episode helpful. Like I said, the Facebook, uh, episode's a lot more focused on nitty gritty groundwork, building up some stuff so that you can build up a more robust and full social media strategy. Nick Clason (24:18): We are going to be diving into that in the future episodes. But coming up next, we are finally moving on to Instagram. We're gonna talk about some strategies and some reasons behind how you can be using Instagram effectively as a church in your 2023 social media framework. In addition to that, before we, we get to the very final piece where we put it all together, we are gonna talk email and texting and website. And so those three things are also critically important, I think to sort of serve as a backdrop and or as a lead generator for some of these other social media platforms to your already existing church audience that you have access to through a database and Excel spreadsheet or whatever the case might be in your particular context. Again, excited to be with you and excited to be right here now on the downhill slide of our six part church miniseries on church social media in 2023. Nick Clason (25:13): If you found this episode helpful, do me a favor and please send it to a friend, share it, rate it, review it, all those things are incredibly helpful to me, and they're a free for you to just give back in a very small way to our podcast and the work that we've been doing here at Hybrid Ministry. You can also check out free transcripts that we provide for you for every single episode, and that's over http://www.hybridministry.xyz. Hit the show notes for all the articles that we mentioned for all the other, uh, episodes that we reference for all the other social media places that you can follow me. And until next time, and as always, stay hybrid.

    237: Overview of the NEW Facebook Reels Opportunity

    237: Overview of the NEW Facebook Reels Opportunity

    Facebook Reels? Like letting my Instagram Reel get recommended on Facebook too? Nope! Like actual Facebook Reels posted right from Facebook itself!

    What's the upside of doing so? How do you maximize this opportunity?

    I'll cover what I know thus far but make sure you are subscribed to this marketing podcast because I'll be updating you over time as this feature evolves on the Facebook platform.

    FREE 2022 Instagram Growth Course:

    Derek Videll


    Hosted by Derek Videll

    Get First 3 Lessons of Social Launch Formula for Free: My flagship social media growth program that has been exclusively paid for since 2018... until now!

    Coffee with Creators: Monthly mastermind for social media creators at all levels to network and grow

    Book Complimentary Consultation Call: Get a free review of your current social media strategies on a 1 on 1 call with me

    Instagram | YouTube | Website

    237: Overview of the NEW Facebook Reels Opportunity

    237: Overview of the NEW Facebook Reels Opportunity

    Facebook Reels? Like letting my Instagram Reel get recommended on Facebook too? Nope! Like actual Facebook Reels posted right from Facebook itself!

    What's the upside of doing so? How do you maximize this opportunity?

    I'll cover what I know thus far but make sure you are subscribed to this marketing podcast because I'll be updating you over time as this feature evolves on the Facebook platform.

    FREE 2022 Instagram Growth Course:

    Derek Videll


    Hosted by Derek Videll

    Get First 3 Lessons of Social Launch Formula for Free: My flagship social media growth program that has been exclusively paid for since 2018... until now!

    Coffee with Creators: Monthly mastermind for social media creators at all levels to network and grow

    Book Complimentary Consultation Call: Get a free review of your current social media strategies on a 1 on 1 call with me

    Instagram | YouTube | Website

    #56 - (Rebroadcast) 4 Facebook secrets every small business needs to know

    #56 - (Rebroadcast) 4 Facebook secrets every small business needs to know

    This week we replay one of the most popular episodes of The Marketing Guide and our very first guest interview last year with Richard Fletcher of Magic Sauce Marketing.

    Richard is an absolute genius when it comes to using Facebook for business and in this episode, we talk about using your personal profile for business, the four types of posts you should be creating, should small business use Facebook ads and so, so much more. This episode is jam-packed with really great content and not to be missed!

    Find Richard Online:

    Richard Fletcher, Magic Sauce Marketing

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    #54 - An Easier Way To Manage Your Marketing With Facebook Business Suite

    #54 - An Easier Way To Manage Your Marketing With Facebook Business Suite

    In this week's episode, you’ll learn what actually is Facebook Business Suite a recently introduced tool from Facebook and how it can save you time and make your life easier for your business.

    In this episode we cover:

    • What exactly Is Facebook Business Suite?
    • business suite vs Creator studio
    • Business suite vs business manager
    • Getting started with Facebook Business Suite
    • How to access Facebook Business Suite
    • Managing your marketing with Facebook Business Suite
    • Walk through the Facebook Business Suite

    Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on any future episodes and I would love it if you could go leave a review it takes 2 minutes and really helps us to get the show out to more people. 

    Links from the show:

    Flodesk (see my aff link)
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    All previous episodes of the podcast are here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1074400

    Facebook for Businesses | Marketing Expedition Podcast

    Facebook for Businesses | Marketing Expedition Podcast

    A lot is changing! If you haven’t already noticed, Facebook for Business and Facebook Groups are undergoing some really exciting transformations and changes, and you need to be ready to take advantage of all the great tools, features, and benefits. Join us as Rhea Allen (President and CEO of Peppershock Media, and the Founder of The Marketing Expedition) takes you on a guided tour of these changes, new offerings, and opportunities.

    00:00 - 01:11 Free access for themarketingexpedition.com for one month with promo code - MONTH1

    01:11 - 02:09 peppershock.com/offers for $30 off DoorDash orders

    02:09 - 02:39 Welcome to The Marketing Expedition Podcast

    02:39 - 03:27 Intro to Facebook for Business

    03:27 - 05:18 About Rhea Allen and Peppershock Media

    05:18 - 06:56 Social Media and Its Growth Throughout Time

    06:56 - 09:10 All About New Facebook Features and Apps

    09:10 - 11:28 Facebook Groups and Their Importance

    11:28 - 14:03 The Importance of Engagement

    14:03 - 17:48 Simple Tips to Increase Engagement

    17:48 - 21:32 Rhea’s 5 R’s of Facebook

    21:32 - 25:03 Carousel Advertising

    25:03 - 26:32 User-generated content

    26:32 - 29:46 Uncovering and Understanding your Audience

    29:46 - 33:06 Measuring your Social Media Posts

    33:06 - 34:26 Creating your Facebook Shop

    34:26 - 37:15 Navigating Facebook Live and Facebook Stories

    37:15 - 38:29 Summary: Key points of Increasing Engagement

    38:29 - 40:09 Announcing our Upcoming Marketing Expedition Master Class and Why You Should Sign Up!

    40:09 - 40:53 Discover and Listen to More Podcasts at the marketingexpedition.com/podcast

    40:53 - 42:09 Register for our Ongoing Marketing Expedition Virtual Meetup: peppershockmedia.com/events

    42:09 - 44:03Join Rhea and Lynette Hoy from Firetalker PR while they cover the ‘Top 10 PR and Marketing Must Dos’

    44:03 - 45:48 peppershock.com/book-rhea to Book Time with Rhea

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    #29 - 14 Creative Black Friday Marketing Ideas for Small Business

    #29 - 14 Creative Black Friday Marketing Ideas for Small Business

    We all know that Black Friday and Cyber Monday can creep up on us and is here before we know it. If you haven't got a plan in place for this year don't worry this episode will give you creative ways to market your business and create special offers that will mean money in the bank after black Friday and Cyber Monday. 

    In this episode I cover:

    • The one thing you need to do before you do any BFCM (Black Friday/Cyber Monday) planning
    • Why you need goals and the types of goals you should set
    • 14 uber-creative ideas you can try this BFCM
    • The one thing you must not forget to do after BFCM 

    Links from the show:

    Step-by-step guide to defining your Ideal Customer Avatar

    Andrew Hubbard: How to create Instagram Ads that convert

    Email Marketing Free 30 Day Trial (No Credit Card) & 50% off Monthly Subscription. https://flodesk.com/c/6SYNAZ

    Instagram Makeover Kits

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    Leave a review get a "shoutout for your business" on Apple Podcasts:

    Follow me on Instagram:

    Email me: hello@lauraomahony.com

    All previous episodes of the podcast are here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1074400

    009: It's All About the Strategy: Digital Marketing [Lenny Richardson]

    009: It's All About the Strategy: Digital Marketing [Lenny Richardson]

    #009 In this episode with Lenny Richardson, we talk digital marketing. Lenny runs a digital marketing agency where he helps other entrepreneurs and businesses develop and execute their digital marketing strategies.

    Lenny takes his clients through the goal-oriented process of developing a strategy to improve their presence online.

    In this episode, we talk about how Lenny helps his clients with their strategies, and some tips you can use to help develop your own.

    We cover some of the major mistakes Lenny has seen since starting his agency, as well as some actionable tips you can start implementing today to improve your online presence.

    Join Nine-Five Nation on Facebook.

    You can find the show notes to this episode, and all the other episodes on my website. The show notes for this episode can be found over at NineFivePodcast.com/Episode9

    Don't forget to leave a rating and review over on iTunes. Your rating and reviews mean a lot and help get this podcast seen by more people.

    If you enjoy this show, please head over to iTunes and give the podcast your honest rating.

    12 - 4 Facebook secrets every small business needs to know with Richard Fletcher

    12 - 4 Facebook secrets every small business needs to know with Richard Fletcher

    This week I have something a little bit different for you it’s the first in our series of guest podcasts so far it’s been a solo show with just me but this week I am bringing on our first guest Richard Fletcher of Magic Sauce Marketing.

    Richard is an absolute genius when it comes to using Facebook for business and in this episode, we talk about using your personal profile for business, the four types of posts you should be creating, should small business use Facebook ads and so, so much more. This episode is jam-packed with really great content and not to be missed!

    Find Richard Online:

    Richard Fletcher, Magic Sauce Marketing

    Links from the show:

    Sponsor - Free ebook:

    Email Marketing Free 30 Day Trial (No Credit Card) & 50% off Monthly Subscription. https://flodesk.com/c/6SYNAZ

    Leave a review on Android:

    Leave a review on Apple Podcasts:

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    How Efficient Are Facebook Marketing Tools For Users

    How Efficient Are Facebook Marketing Tools For Users
    A facebook marketing software can boost your business page activity and help you get more engagement. This constructs attention to your business and associates your friends with your brand. Clients can likewise post positive messages about your business, shared on their walls for every one of their friends to see. For more details: http://facedominator.com/

    How are Tools for Facebook Marketing Software Useful

    How are Tools for Facebook Marketing Software Useful
    Utilizing a Facebook automation tool will help you to grow your marketing efforts. This expands your believability and advances your business by building long haul associations with different clients. Paying consideration on what the business sector thinks about your business, your industry, products or a showcasing effort can give profitable bits of knowledge. For more details: http://facedominator.com/