

    Explore "fairchild" with insightful episodes like "161 - Gen 13 with Bubbawheat", "美中交鋒!世界各國選邊站!郭台銘大動作請纓出戰2024,老謝:「分不清敵意與善意,決策會有大問題」|老謝開講 EP115", "中國主動招手,庫克、馬斯克紛紛訪中!想挑戰美元地位,人民幣還有漫漫長路!|老謝開講 EP114", "T02E03 "Brunch Time! en Restaurante Fairchild 1869"" and "Episode 117: Can I Have a Twick?" from podcasts like ""Reel Comic Heroes", "財訊 《Wealth》", "財訊 《Wealth》", "De Bares y Cocteles" and "Dynasty’s Child"" and more!

    Episodes (17)

    161 - Gen 13 with Bubbawheat

    161 - Gen 13 with Bubbawheat

    161 - Gen 13 with Bubbawheat

    Every so often a movie which isn’t on our original list makes its way onto the show. Such is the case with Gen 13. This is a movie that we weren’t even aware of and yet our guest, Bubbawheat took it upon himself to make us aware. For that we’re grateful to have had the opportunity to chat about this odd little animated movie. Check out Bubbawheat on his numerous other shows and platforms.

    Guest Plugs
    Flights, Tights & Movie Nights
    It’s Time to Rewind

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    Join us for our next movie review - The Avengers (1998)

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    Music from https://filmmusic.io: "Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) - License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Music from https://filmmusic.io: "Deep Haze" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) - License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Intro/Outro by Matthew S Mendoza

    美中交鋒!世界各國選邊站!郭台銘大動作請纓出戰2024,老謝:「分不清敵意與善意,決策會有大問題」|老謝開講 EP115

    美中交鋒!世界各國選邊站!郭台銘大動作請纓出戰2024,老謝:「分不清敵意與善意,決策會有大問題」|老謝開講 EP115
    #老謝開講​​ #謝金河 #財訊 郭台銘結束美日行程返台,大動作向國民黨示好,以換取代表國民黨出戰2024總統大選的可能。不過,網友似乎對郭董過去評論「台灣國防」與「對美軍購」的言論頗有微詞。美國則自2017年貿易戰開打後,頻頻出招箝制中國,世界各國則被迫進入選邊站的時刻。 《各節重點》 00:00 精彩片段 00:17 郭台銘提倡中間路線,老謝:「這不是你能決定」 02:20 地緣政治影響深化,美中持續對彼此「堅壁清野」 03:06 全球國家選邊站,中國拿台灣當出氣筒 06:27 經濟學人預測全球趨勢,這4點超精準。 08:22 中國經濟想超越美國,恐重演日俄失敗歷史。 10:13 台灣「信賴」產業表現超乎預期。 11:28 回答網友提問 ★ 商業合作請洽 monthlyad@wealthgrp.com.tw,或撥專線 (02)25512561轉249。 ★ 更多老謝獨家觀點,可訂閱《老謝財經茶水間》👉 https://lihi1.com/i1Zxe 製作|財訊雙週刊 企劃|財訊雙週刊 攝影|吳尚哲 剪輯|吳尚哲 後製|吳尚哲

    中國主動招手,庫克、馬斯克紛紛訪中!想挑戰美元地位,人民幣還有漫漫長路!|老謝開講 EP114

    中國主動招手,庫克、馬斯克紛紛訪中!想挑戰美元地位,人民幣還有漫漫長路!|老謝開講 EP114
    #老謝開講​​ #謝金河 #財訊 中國近來大動作向全球示好,不論是國家或是企業大咖都紛紛造訪中國,眾人訪中所為何事?中國又有什麼盤算? 《各節重點》 00:00 精彩片段 - 中國對美國最大企業下手 00:21 中國戰略趨於主動,全球大咖紛紛訪中所為何事? 01:46 李強以博鰲論壇作為起手式,宣示中國經濟方向 04:05 中國人行降息,過緊日子將成中國常態? 05:45 從貨櫃與散裝航運指數看出中國進出口興衰! 06:32 中國人瘋儲蓄,場景神似日本泡沫經濟! 07:41 日本半導體協議,30年的失落與轉換 09:00 中國挑戰美元地位,還有漫漫長路要走 11:47 網友提問-台灣為何無法取代香港金融地位? 12:15 網友提問-美國CPI預測值? ★ 商業合作請洽 monthlyad@wealthgrp.com.tw,或撥專線 (02)25512561轉249。 ★ 更多老謝獨家觀點,可訂閱《老謝財經茶水間》👉 https://lihi1.com/i1Zxe 製作|財訊雙週刊 企劃|財訊雙週刊 攝影|吳尚哲 剪輯|吳尚哲 後製|吳尚哲

    T02E03 "Brunch Time! en Restaurante Fairchild 1869"

    T02E03 "Brunch Time! en Restaurante Fairchild 1869"
    Descubrimos uno de los mejores lugares para BRUNCHEAR el "SABADINGO" (ese día con sabor a Sábado y Domingo), como dice Juanchi Torre, quien es socio fundador del Restaurante Fairchild 1869. El Fairchild está en Polanco a una calle del Parque del Reloj. Tiene un Brunch muy relajado los Sábados y Domingos, son un hit porque además de buena comida, hay coctelería de primer nivel y ambiente sofisticado, la coctelería estuvo diseñada por Ricardo Sandoval (Ganador de World Class México). Escucha este episodio y descubre los sabores y texturas de uno de los lugares más chic de Polanquito. ¡Salud!

    October 2019

    October 2019

    Fairchild gets out of gaming
    PC sound is going to get blasted
    Sega cans Bernie Stolar

    This month we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in October of 1979, 1989, 1999.
    As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events..

    Send comments on twitter @videogamenewsr2

    And if you like what we are doing here at the podcast, don't forget to like us on your podcasting app of choice, YouTube, and/or support us on patreon!

    Show Notes:
    Tandy announces development of the TRS-80 Color Computer

    Apple II+ released

    Sublogic is advertising their 3D graphics software

    Heathkits land at Zenith

    Does the S-100 bus still have a future?

    Ted Lewis formulates the laws of personal computing
    Q&A is at the end of the show notes

    TI tries to convince the FCC to change its regulations

    The race to develop optical storage media is on

    The digital imaging era is here... sorta

    Channel F is dead

    Plessey introduces in-flight computer entertainment at Paris Air Show

    Sega introduces the System 24 board

    Creative announces the Game Blaster and the Killer Kard

    Access Software announces RealSound

    Orson Scott Card announces that he'll be working with LucasFilm Games

    EA goes public

    Sierra acquires Dynamix 3D tech

    Commodore cancels Commodore Magazine

    Sega takes the Dreamcast Online
    https://www.retromags.com/files/file/3960-gamepro-issue-133-october-1999/ page 32

    Bernie Stolar gets booted from Sega
    https://www.retromags.com/files/file/3960-gamepro-issue-133-october-1999/ page 32

    SNK's NeoGeo Pocket will have Dreamcast connectivity
    https://www.retromags.com/files/file/3960-gamepro-issue-133-october-1999/ page 32

    Both Sony and Nintendo drop the price of their consoles
    https://www.retromags.com/files/file/3960-gamepro-issue-133-october-1999/ page 32

    Sony enveils the Playstation 2 at the Tokyo Game Show

    Dreamcast launch in Europe pushed back to October 14

    Nvidia launches "the world's first GPU"
    https://archive.org/details/MicromanaTerceraEpocaSpanishIssue57/page/n29 https://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_20020111_5424.html

    Microsoft is developing a console

    Developers grumble about the high cost of PS2 development

    Wizards of the Coast reveals D&D 3rd Edition at GenCon together with Bioware's NeverWinter Nights
    https://www.retromags.com/magazines/usa/nextgen/nextgen-issue-58/ page 22

    Another Daikatana developer leaves Ion Storm

    Charlie Brooker foretells Let's Plays

    Ted Lewis Q&A:

    >1. How did this article come about?
    I was a young professor at Oregon State University in 1979 and the personal computer industry was just getting started. Apple computer gave me an Apple ][e to play with, which started a long relationship and thinking about the disruptive nature of PCs. I began writing books and articles about them, eg How To Profit From Your PC, and The Mind Appliance. I think they were the first books on the topic.

    > Did you submit it or was it requested by the magazine?

    I don’t recall but probably it was unsolicited. I think it was little high-brow for Byte.
    > Was it part of a larger research project?
    No. Back then, PCs were considered toys unworthy of academic study. Everyone else used the mainframe on campus. By 1985 I had a lab of 20-30 Macs for Master degree students to do their research on. It was a robust effort at that time and for OSU.
    > 2. Which "personal computers," according to your definition in the article, were you using at the time?

    > Like I said, Apple ][e, but before that I had a kit computer from North Star, which went out of business. But it had a disk operating system and BASIC burned into ROM. That was 1977. But when the Apple came out, it took over the market.
    > 3. Your fourth law, concerning the high cost of producing software, seems prescient of the need for standardized hardware architectures. Were you imagining at the time that such a universal standard might be possible? Were you thinking that the S-100 was such a standard? How long did you think a standard in personal computing could last?
    > Well you are right - the S-100 was a standard as well as Bill Gate’s BASIC. But I was thinking more in terms of what is now FOSS. Also, I was enamored by p-code UCSD Pascal. Boy was I wrong!
    > 4. In laws 5 and 6, you talk about the usability of a personal computer as well as the service required to make that usability understandable to the consumer. Did you consider the existing machines you named in the piece as "simple" enough to be successful on the mass market at the time without the need to have the consumer to be held by the hand by a human service person? (aka you didn't need a human to explain a simple calculator but you did for most software packages at the time)

    > I completely missed the importance of GUIs until we got some Xerox Parc windows machines and then the Macintosh came out. They were so easy to use, you didn’t even need a manual. Totally surprising.

    I missed this again when the iPhone came out. I was right about ease of use, but totally missed the impact of GUIs.
    > 5. Had you already seen Visicalc at the time of writing this piece and, if not, would it have changed any of your views concerning interface and usability?

    I wrote the first book on spreadsheets, 32 VisiCalc Spreadsheets, soon after. It paid off my mortgage! But I never thought of it as a GUI. And of course it was. It was an example of ease of use. I was stuck in a BASIC paradigm, were the language was the interface. There had to be better interface, but I was stuck in the command line interface.
    > 6. Law 8 makes a rather bold statement concerning operating systems. Do you think this statement was true at the time, and if so, what changed in the technology or the market place to make operating systems as ubiquitous as they are today?

    I am sad to say that operating systems are still too primitive. We are stuck with Unix and it’s derivatives. I consider Unix (Circa 1976) to be a major misstep in computing, akin to the original sin. It stripped out the security of Multics and usability of VMS. Much of what is wrong with computing today is traceable back to Unix and Linux. Nuff said.
    > 7. Law 10 seems to sound an ominous warning for the future. How has the propagation of personal computing over the last 40 years differed from the way you imagined it at the time? (yes, I know, a very narrowly crafted question) :)

    Well the more time that passes, the less accurate become predictions. Wireless internet has changed everything. Mobile computing and cloud are the result. The future is probably wireless 5G with a computer in everything down to light bulbs and toothbrushes. When quantum computers take over, the Internet and its computers will have to be reinvented.
    > I hope this isn't asking too much. I really found the article fascinating and trying to put such things into a proper historical context is the main goal of our show.

    No problem. Thanks for reminding me that I wrote the article 40 years ago.


    Recommended Links:
    They Create Worlds: https://tcwpodcast.podbean.com/
    Digital Antiquarian: https://www.filfre.net/
    The Arcade Blogger: https://arcadeblogger.com/

    How to Connect and Channel Intuition

    How to Connect and Channel Intuition

    Graced by the divinely intuitive Alana Fairchild, this episode is all about honouring, clearing, and understanding your ability to connect and channel. From tarot, to totems, to signs we talk to Alana about her experiences and get her personal tips for expanding your intuition. 

    Alana Fairchild is one of Australia’s most respected metaphysical teachers and self-help authors. Alana writes, sings, dances and channels her way into the hearts of thousands of people around the world with her best-selling oracle decks, books, meditations and sacred music. 

    22: Warnings Unheeded: Twin Tragedies at Fairchild Air Force Base by Andy Brown

    22: Warnings Unheeded: Twin Tragedies at Fairchild Air Force Base by Andy Brown

    We interviewed Andy Brown, the author of Warnings Unheeded, to discuss his role in stopping an active shooter with an AK47 by shooting him in the head from 68 yards away with his pistol. We cover the things that he credits with his success that day including dry fire practice, mental rehearsals, and personal responsibility, as well as the pre-attack indicators that several people observed before the attack. We also discuss a notorious B-52 crash that happened in preparation for an airshow at Fairchild shortly after. This is one you won't want to miss. For Andy's book click here: https://amzn.to/2ArHfkD

    Find Andy Brown at his website, http://fairchildhospitalshooting.com

    Check out our new sponsor, Riton Optics, at RitonOptics.com and use the discount code TacTangents for 15% off. Contact them for military or public safety pricing and before sure to let them know that we sent you. They have good gear and a rock solid lifetime warranty.

    Remember that we publish new episodes on the 1st and the 15th of every month! Find us on Facebook @TacTangents or email us at info@tacticaltangents.com



    The Tour Bus Music Show - Episode# 44 – Interview and Music With American Swindle

    The Tour Bus Music Show - Episode# 44 – Interview and Music With American Swindle

    Welcome everyone to Episode# 44 pf the Tour Bus Music Show. I’m T. Michael Fairchild and I’ll be your host. It’s been a bit since our last show and it’s been time well spent. One of our biggest changes is that our former network, Audios Maximus, is now Thrive Media Network and you can find this show as well as many other great podcasts at our new website: ithrivehere.com. We’ve got a lot of great shows coming up this season with some extremely talented groups and artists. We’ll also be posting some video content of our summer adventures on our network site as well as on our main site at www.thetourbusmusicshow.com. Well first and foremost this show is about great music and today’s show is no exception. Today we are featuring American Swindle which is on powerful rock trio from the great state of Texas. I’ll be talking with lead vocalist and guitarist for the group, Joey Kilcommons, Mike Guidry laying down he bottom end on bass and Don Rosecrans on drums and vocals. I have to say that even though we experienced a few technical issues with our communications provider that night, the interview was a lot of fun talking to a group of guys that are as talented as they are down to earth. I had a great time interviewing them and am looking forward to seeing this group live as soon as the opportunity is available. Our interview ran just over 30 minutes and we’ll also feature four songs from their EP which is available along with a lot of other information about the band at: www.americanswindleband.com.

    The songs we will be featuring in this episode are:

    ·        Goodbye Angel

    ·        Drifter

    ·        Where Did We Go Wrong

    ·        X’s For Eyes

    Thank you everyone for taking the time our of your day to join us and ask you that if you like the show and want to help others to find it as well, please take just a moment to give us a positive rating on iTunes and tell your friends and family about the show. 


    The WhimsiMagical Mousecast - Episode# 6 - Part 2 of the Story Of EPCOT and October Events in Walt Disney World

    The WhimsiMagical Mousecast - Episode# 6 - Part 2 of the Story Of EPCOT and October Events in Walt Disney World

    Florida in winter..no, no, no. Winter Florida, No that’s not it either. It’s Winter something or another and I know it has to do with Florida…Ahh, that’s it Project Winter which soon would come to be known as Project Future..

    On our last episode of the WhimsiMagical Mousecast we left off with Walt Disney making the decision that Central Florida would become the home of his newest dream. But before the first children smiled, before the first ride was run, before the first of what would be millions of yards of dirt could be moved, before the 52 months of what would become in 1970 the largest private construction project in the United States and, of course before the very first Mickey Mouse Hat could be sold in the Magic Kingdom the land had to be acquired in a top secret manner befitting the CIA. Why all the secrecy, you may ask? Well, had anyone found out that it was Walt Disney and the Disney Company that was interested in buying land for what was to become, Walt Disney World the land prices would have skyrocketed so high, we would be trudging through swamps and watching cattle graze on the same land we now enjoy as “The Happiest Place on Earth”. There were secret trips researching the best place to build the City Of Tomorrow and The Magic Kingdom. Land deals taking place with multiple owners and companies such as Latin-American Development and Management Corporation, Reedy Creek Ranch, Inc., Bay Lake Properties, Ayefour Corporation and Tomahawk Properties, Inc. buying up massive quantities of land the acquisition of underground mineral rights, land successions, and many other legal challenges that had to be conquered to construct something, and believe me it wasn’t too long before the public and the local news organization were asking what?

    In a situation that surely had Disney executives pacing the floor reporters were complicating things by speculating on who was behind the acquisitions of the options and what would ultimately come of them. To quell the rumors, at least temporarily, Paul Helliwell, a Miami Lawyer who was instrumental in ultimately helping the Disney Company in acquiring the land, was sent to speak with Billy Dial, an Orlando Banker and businessman on the growing potential of information being leaked. Dial, in turn, suggested that he speak with Martin Anderson, who was then publisher of the Orlando Sentinel. Fortunately for Disney, Mr. Anderson made a critical decision to meet with and tell his reporters and editors not to publish the true identity of the owners of the “dummy” corporations that had been acquiring all of the lad options even if the discovered it. This was the break Disney needed to finish several major purchases before the news came out.

    Amazingly, by June of 1965 the Disney company, through it’s various “front or dummy” corporations had acquired the actual title or options to purchase twenty-seven thousand acres of land, that’s roughly forty-three square miles of land for a little more than five million dollars, in other words for an average of under two-hundred dollars per acre. Incredible!

    Although some other parcels of land were purchased after the news was released that it was indeed the Disney Company that was purchasing the land, they as expected had to pay premium prices for the remaining land.

    No with all of the cloak and dagger secrecy and manipulation of circumstances that were involved in actually obtaining the land, you would think that the hard part was over. But as everyone involved on the inside of the Disney Company knew since the beginning of this project, this was just the beginning of lots of planning, legislation to be created and adopted, hard work, millions of dollars in investment, sleepless nights and unforeseen challenges such as the loss of their visionary leader that had brought everyone to this point.

    Yes, this was just the beginning and even though many of them had gone through the similar challenge of the creation of Disneyland, this was something new, something fresh and something that would come to change the future of what a theme park was considered to be…More than a destination, more than an experience, and more than just a resort.

    Walt and Roy Disney and the other visionaries that followed them and worked with them had turned the Amusement Park industry on it’s ear in past years and set a standard that many other companies were still racing to catch up with and now just 10 years later they were at it again. This time creating something that the world had never seen. The future, here in the present, attractions that would astound generations of the young and young at heart. Creating a world where one could fully immerse themselves in a world of magic where anything was possible, where you could forget the cares of the outside world for at least a time, a  world that has never stopped growing, expanding, enchanting us with what imagination, ingenuity, and innovation can accomplish. 

    In the summer of 1965, the world was wide open for Disney and as they looked forward towards the coming years in anticipation of the fruition of Walt’s dream, magic was indeed in the air and despite the challenges that everyone knew would come, Walt’s words reflected the mood of those who would come to create the most magical place on earth…It’s Kinda Fun To Do The Impossible!



    Now with that we whish ourselves forward it time to the Modern Day World as we talk about what’s currently going on at Walt Disney World:

    We’ve felt the cold of winter in January and February, experienced spring in all of it’s blooming splendor, and a spectacular summer. We have now arrived here in August with the last days of summer winding down. Children are returning to school and we are trying to squeeze in as many beach weekends as we can before the cooler winds of autumn and changing color of the leaves sweep in to our lives and bring us ever closer to the holiday season. But…Santa Claus isn’t coming to town quite yet and Jack Skellington is just starting to get ready for his yearly run…. That’s right October, and for that matter Halloween is right around the corner. It has always also been my favorite time of the year to visit Walt Disney World.

    Now visiting the world while children are back in school can be a challenge, but if you are fortunate enough for your children to have a fall break in October (as we are here in Louisiana) and you can time it just right with the weekend previous to it, you can squeeze in a 4 to 5 day trip to the house of the mouse with your children missing very little or no school at all. Granted in takes planning, patience and persistence but it can also be a very rewarding time to visit in terms of lower attendance and crowds the earlier in the month that you can go. As far as it being “off season” well as any true Disney fan knows these days, there is no “off season”. There are just times that you may be able to navigate the parks with lower attendance that in the summer months or directly around holidays. That being said, October is still my favorite time to visit as it is a bit cooler in October and it still seems that things are not as “rushed” and move, at albeit, a little slower pace. It seems like you can take the time to enjoy a nice stroll, savor the view or just take in the atmosphere and environment in what I still consider a magical place. We also cannot forget for us foodies and kids at heart that it is also the time of year that you can enjoy my personal favorite the International Food and Wine Festival which is now in it’s 18th year with it’s Eat To The Beat Concert Series and Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween party during the same vacation. First things first, while I love the chance to sample cuisine and wines from around the world, I always relish the chance to not only watch my children enjoy Walt Disney World, but to only if for a time, be a kid again myself and what a better place to do it than to dress up in costume along with my family and enjoy the tricks and the treat of Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party.

    Now it does require special tickets to attend this event and they are limited so you need to get them as soon as possible to ensure that they do not sell out on a night (or two) that you wish to attend. Now if you haven’t been to these special nights in years past you may question why you would want to pay for an additional ticket for each of your party to attend. Well much like Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party in late November and December, it gives you a chance to see the Magic Kingdom in a totally different light…literally!

    Each night of the party the Magic Kingdom is lit up in a delightfully “ghoulish” way and decorated to match the festivities. As I said earlier not only should you dress up but one of little pleasures of the night is seeing all of the great costumes that other guests are wearing. Disney does offer trick or treat candy stations around the Magic Kingdom for the little ones but this does take a bit of time to do when taking in to account for the line waiting times. So you may want to consider bring some candy with you for the younger ones and if you have older children or traveling without kids, you can spend the time enjoying the rides, activities, shows and parades going on throughout the evening.

    Time for a couple of tips –

    ·        On the night or nights that you will be attending MNSSHP, even though the party doesn’t officially start until 7:00PM you can arrive as early as 4:00PM to catch a couple of rides or enjoy something to eat until the festivities begin.

    ·        Bear in mind that the closer to Halloween night that the party starts seeing larger and larger crowds. If you can visit in the earlier part of October you will be able to take advantage of the lower attewndance levels to be able to see and do more while at the party. Typically  week nights/school nights are even slower nights (typically in my experience, Tuesdays are best in terms of lighter crowds) and on some of these nights you can just about walk onto some of your favorite rides (although at this time of year the Haunted Mansion does see normal to higher levels of riders so keep this in mind). 

    There’s more fun than you can shake a pumpkin at going on during the evening everywhere you turn including a stage show featuring your favorite Disney villains in front of what becomes a ghoulish version of Cinderella Castle and here’s another tip…want to meet some of the villains, hang out for a bit after the show as they spread out into the crowd to mix & mingle and spread some mischievous fun. 

    You can also enjoy Mickey’s “Boo-To-You” Halloween Parade but be careful not to lose your head as the Grandmaster of the parade is none other than the Headless Horseman. The parade is great fun and features all sorts of Disney characters in their own Halloween costumes… and of course, the grim grinning ghosts from the Haunted Mansion along with others will be stirring up lots of ghostly delights.

    But if you want to attend the party, be sure to get your tickets in advance as your favorite night could sell out, especially the closer to Halloween that you visit.

    For more information on Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party Ticket prices, schedules and activities check out our show notes page for this episode for the links or you can call Walt Disney World direct at 407-939-5277

    We mentioned earlier that the Magic Kingdom would be decorated for the occasion, and it is over the top as all of Main Street and the rest of the Magic Kingdom takes on a Halloween makeover with special lighting, decorations and lots of little surprises around every turn.

    What better way to end a special night than with a special fireworks show set to remixes of the Disney Villian’s theme songs. The Happy HalloWishes finale will have you remembering this happy nightmare for a long time to come.

    Back at EPCOT as I mentioned earlier The International Food and Wine Festival always makes this my favorite time of the year to visit Walt Disney World. Don’t get me wrong, I love sampling the various international food booths scattered across World Showcase and the wine samplings are always enjoyable as long as I keep a watchful eye on just how many I sample. But there are lots of seminars & demonstrations and other things to do, see, smell and taste. Some of these are free while others may require an additional fee and/or reservations to attend.

    Now this can be an expensive and time consuming proposition if you are determined to try everything while you are here. But for most of us who don’t have an unlimited budget, I have found that with a little advance planning you can research and decide what is a “must do” and what you can do without. Also you can use the envelope system to allot so much money per day to experience the great cuisine and activities that EPCOT has to offer during this time.

    Now one of the great free things to do at night at EPCOT during this time is the Eat To The Beat Concert Series. Enjoy a bite to eat and a drink while watching some of the great music acts from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s performing live at the America Gardens Theater right across from the American Adventure in World Showcase. For 2013 there are some great acts lined up and to give a quick run down of the acts that will be performing:

    STARSHIP starring Mickey Thomas

    Will be performing from September 27 to September 29, 2013 

    The Go-Go’s*

    From September 30 to October 1, 2013

    Air Supply

    From October 2 to October 4, 2013

    Sister Hazel

    From October 5 to October 6, 2013 

    Sugar Ray

    From October 7 to October 9, 2013 

    Edwin McCain*

    From October 10 to October 11, 2013 

    The Manhattan Transfer*

    From October 12 to October 13, 2013 

    Wilson Phillips*

    From October 14 to October 15, 2013

    The Pointer Sisters

    From October 16 to October 17, 2013 

    Night Ranger

    From October 18 to October 20, 2013 

    Boyz II Men

    From October 21 to October 23, 2013


    From October 24 to October 25, 2013 

    38 Special

    From October 26 to October 27, 2013

    Smash Mouth

    From October 28 to October 30, 2013 

    Spin Doctors*

    From October 31 to November 1, 2013 

    Christopher Cross*

    From November 2 to November 3, 2013 


    From November 4 to November 5, 2013 

    Dennis DeYoung (original member of STYX)

    From November 6 to November 8, 2013


    Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

    From November 9 to November 11, 2013


    Want to brush up on your culinary arts or become the wine afficiando in your group of friends? Well you’re in luck. The EPCOT International Food and Wine Festival also offers a variety of seminars and demonstrations that can take your skills to the next level. You can aquire the skill to prepare an amazing dish to ravish your friends eyes as well as their taste buds, spend some time learning about cheese from some of the foremost cheese merchants around the world and learn to mix one of a kind cocktails like a master mixologist for someone you really want to impress.


    For some simply knowing what wine goes well with fish is enough, but if you really want to know about wine you can enroll in one of three courses offered over the course of the festival and be taught a little more about the art and skill that goes into great wine making by one of three expert instructors. But make no mistake, this is for those who are serious about wine. Discover the art of the grape.

    Of all the things that there are to do at the Food and Wine Festival, what attracts me and many others to EPCOT at this time of the year is the food. Food of all types from all over the globe. With over 25 unique market places you can choose from ethnic and domestic dishes to satiate just about any palate and to quench any thirst you develop, there a variety of liquid refreshments in the way of native wine and/or beers at each marketplace available for adults over the age of 21; and of course drinks for the younger ones as well. Just be sure as we said earlier to budget accordingly as refresments and foods from the marketplaces do come at an additional cost and are not included with your addmission to EPCOT.

    You know, visiting several countries in a day and sampling food and drink from multiple cultures can be tiring but save enough energy to finish out your day with the Illuminations: Reflections of Earth fireworks and multimedia display. Just be sure to get a good viewing spot early as all the best ones fill up fast. 

    I hope you've enjoyed this episode of the WhimsiMagical Mousecast be sure to catch our next show where we will continue with part 3 of our 4 part series on EPCOT from what is was to be to what it is today. You can always listen to this podcast as well as our other shows at our website at ithrivehere.com and at thewhimsimagicalmousecast.com. If you like this show please consider subscribing so you don't miss a single episode and we also ask that you give us a positive rating on iTunes. Thank you for joining us on The WhimsiMagical Mousecast and never forget that the real magic happens when you pursue your dreams...Godspeed.

    Echoes Of Laughter - Episode# 7 - Paying A Visit To The Bottomless Canyon And The Kissin' Rocks At Dogpatch U.S.A.

    Echoes Of Laughter - Episode# 7 - Paying A Visit To The Bottomless Canyon And The Kissin' Rocks At Dogpatch U.S.A.

    For over two decades now it has at times not so quietly slumbered. The old, faded buildings now standing in silent vigil as if remembering a time when their colors were bright & fresh; when were surrounded in laughter and the smiling faces of adults and children alike. The grass grows tall here and the structures that remain are entangled with a variety of plants that now call them home. A place where the sounds of a merry go round, trains and other rides are replaced by the sounds of crickets at dusk, rain drops falling to the ground from tattered roofs and the occasional sounds of frogs & other creatures that now call the park home, But that my friends is not where the story begins or ends. No, this story starts with a man named Alfred G. Caplin...


    Al Capp

    He was born September 28, 1909 in New Haven, Connecticut of Russian Jewish heritage, Al Capp, as he came to be known, was the eldest child of Latvian immigrants Otto Philip and Matilda (Davidson) Caplin whose families had migrated to New Haven in the 1880s. At the young age of nine, Al lost his left leg in a trolley accident. Although shaken by the loss of his leg, Al refused to let the accident stop him and continuously acknowledged the disability the rest of his life, although usually in a humorous way. At  23, Al had moved to New York and became what was possibly the youngest syndicated cartoonist up until that time.


    On August 13, 1934 Al Capp launched what was to be by far his most well known creation, the comic strip Li'l Abner with eight newspapers and became an instant success. Amongst the contributions of the strip was the now traditional Sadie Hawkins Dances at schools and colleges across the nation, that are based off the strips Sadie Hawkins race where the girls chase the guys! While on the surface the strip was funny and amusing, it was Capp's underlying satiric messages on society, parodies of the corporate giants of the day, celebrities and fellow cartoonists that gave the strip its long lived popularity. Another popular creation of Capp’s was the creatures known as the shmoos. (By the way, if you are unaware of what a shmoo is, you probably aren’t alone as the real meaning of what a shmoo represents in the strip is still being debated to this day.) Superficially, the shmoo was a creature that lived to serve humanity to the point of self-sacrifice and was ever abundant. The creature showed if nothing else that we should accept what is given to us and just be happy.

    Yet it would be the Li'l Abner strip that featured characters from the fictional town of Dogpatch and whose lives centered on the adventures of the main character, Li'l Abner. A handsome and strong, if not very bright young man that was raised to be honest and brave except in the face of his girlfriend Daisy Mae, but it was the location that would bring the comic strip to life in a small community now called Marble Falls near Harrison, Arkansas on Highway 7.


    The Location

    It should be noted though that it was the landscape of Dogpatch, not the characters that drew in a real estate broker named O.J. Snow, who had been considering opening a rustic themed amusement park in the Ozarks.


    But the area that would become Dogpatch had quite a bit of history to it long before Mr. Snow came a knockin’. Let go back a bit to the 1830’s to when the Washington Monument was being planned. You see funds were short to build and complete the monument and a call went out to the States and Territories to donate commemorative stones that could be fitted into the interior walls. Arkansas was one of many places to answer the call.  Mr. Peter Beller moved to Arkansas from Alabama in 1833. In 1834 he and the three of the Harp Brothers dug a 4' X 3' X 2' block of marble out of the hillside across from Dogpatch to contribute to the Washington Monument. The stone was hauled on a sled by a team of twenty oxen for approximately sixty miles across the Ozark and Boston Mountains to the Arkansas River. From there it was loaded on to a barge and was then sent to New Orleans. From there it was loaded onto a ship bound for the Potomac Basin.

    Sometime later, a second stone from the very same hillside was donated by freemasons from the area who wished the donation to honor the fact that George Washington was himself a master mason.

    Going back to Mr. Beller, sometime around 1840 he acquired the land that included nearby Marble Falls and built a mill there. For a time, Mr. Beller’s Mill steadily continued to grow successfully until the start of the civil war. Years later in 1870 a gentleman with the name of Willcockson built another mill here, and the town, which would bear his name for a time grew an the prosperity of the mineral waters and healing springs that it became known for. But like all good things that too came to an end in the early 20th century. With the advances in medicine that inevitably came the town’s popularity dwindled. Then came Albert Raney Sr. He and his sons bought the land and changed the name to Marble Falls, he diverted the cold mountain spring water that the town was once so popular for into a trout hatchery, which they owned and operated for several decades.

    The Great Idea

    Now fast forward to 1966, the elderly Albert Raney Sr. listed his family's trout farm and surrounding land featuring its own canyon, a 55-foot waterfall and an adjacent (and already in operation) public touring cave named Mystic Caverns for sale. It was Snow who, after viewing the property, envisioned the Dogpatch themed park using the existing features of the property to imitate locations featured in the comic strip such as  Onneccessary Mountain, the Bottomless Canyon, and Kissin' Rock, (handy to Suicide Cliff), West Po'k Chop Railroad, and the General Jubilation T. Cornpone memorial statue (the last of these three were built on site in amazing detail to look just as they appeared in the strip.


    Presenting The Great Idea To Al Capp

    Snow, with other business Leaders from the area formed Recreation Enterprises, Inc. or (REI) and set off to propose the grand plan of the park to Dogpatch creator, Al Capp.


    Capp, who had turned down previous proposals for such ventures, was inspired by the plan and shared Snows vision for the park. He ultimately approved the idea and became a partner in the project. By this time, Li'l Abner had inspired two film adaptations, a Broadway musical and had gained millions of readers so it seemed the perfect venue to compete in the theme park business. The over 800 acre theme park was set to not only be a reality, but in the minds of its creators, had the capability to become a major player in the theme park community.


    Both Al Capp and his wife made a three day trip to the Arkansas site for the ground breaking ceremony which took place on Tuesday, October 3, 1967.  An interesting fact is that even before the groundbreaking, there were already a few attractions operating on the site such as trout fishing, a boat dock, an operating stage coach & trail ride, a honey shop and arts & crafts. 


    A mere 7 months later on May 17, 1968, Al Capp was back on the site to deliver the dedication speech of Dogpatch USA. At first the park was begrudging supported by the local Arkansas residents of what was for a time called Dogpatch, Arkansas and resisted the park as a daunting reminder of the “hillbilly” stigma that still hung over the residents of the Ozark town, but at the same time they welcomed the hopeful influx of tourism dollars the park would bring to their below median income community.



    Opening Day

    Standing before a crowd of about 2,000 visitors on May 17, 1968, Al Capp uncovered the centerpiece of the park, the giant statue depicting the civil war hero of Dogpatch, Jubilation T. Cornpone, The park admitted a whopping 8000 people its opening day with an admission price of only $1.50 for adults and $0.75 for children.


    Little did anyone realize at the time that by1993 through a combination of fate, nature, and unforeseen circumstances, Dogpatch USA would be gone...but not forgotten.


    The parks design had been agreed upon by both O.J. Snow and Al Capp to hold true to the theme of the strip it was based on. Mr. Capp did not want the park full of monster; behemoth rides the zoomed around everywhere.


    Although competing in the same market, the park had almost the opposite focus of the Disney parks in that where Disney was always focused on exemplifying the innovations and latest technology, Dogpatch USA represented the simplicity of life and beauty of nature. Although the park had some rides geared to pull in the “roller coaster” crowd, most of the attraction of the park was geared around actually spending time with your family and enjoying a leisurely vacation.


    The Attractions

    Now, taking a virtual stroll back in time to the park let’s take a look at some of the attractions, shall we…


    One of the parks most loved attractions was the trout pond which carried forward the legacy of the land’s previous purpose. It was where visitors could cast a line in the always overstocked pond and for a fee, have their catch cleaned and cooked for them while they sat enjoying the parks surroundings.


    Dogpatch Caverns which had been around previous to the parks creation under the name Mystic Caverns. A second cavern was discovered by accident while renovating the original cave and was planned to be called “Old Man Moses Cave”. It has, since the parks' closure been called Crystal Dome. The caves hold the distinction to be the only attraction which has operated both before and after the park closed.


    The Frustratin' Flyer was a steel "Monster Mouse" coaster created by Herschell. It was installed in 1968 for the park's debut and it operated until 1991. A later victim of the failing park the Frustratin’ Flyer was sold between 1991 and 1992 season.


    Earthquake McGoon’s Brain Rattler  was a toboggan roller coaster that was manufactured by Chance Rides. The ride is believed to have been part of the park when it was opened in 1968. In early brochures it was depicted as being a track wrapped around an enormous tree, but the ride was actually made of metal. At some point in the 1970's the ride was closed, possibly due to maintenance problems. It did not reopen until the park was sold to Ozark Family Entertainment in 1981, and was believed to be in service for the remainder of the park's life. One of the few rides to survive the closing of the park the ride is still in operation under the moniker of The Wild & Wooly Toboggan at Little Amerricka amusement park in Marshall, Wisconsin.

    The Funicular Tram, referred to as the "decliner inliner", the tram was used to transport visitors from the parking lot into the park below. It was purchased from an unknown manufacturer in Switzerland and shipped to Dogpatch USA at a cost of a quarter of a million dollars. It was installed in 1970 and opened at the beginning of the 1971 season, it could transport as many as 1,700 guests per hour. As passengers descended into the Dogpatch USA valley they were given a short story about the park over the tram's PA. The tram remained in service until 1992 when the park eliminated general admission, and has the distinction of being the only ride that remains in the park, although it’s remains lies in somewhat less than working condition.

    The newcomer to the park was Li'l Abner's Space Rocket - The ride was added sometime prior to 1978 but in sharp contrast to the rustic theme of the park, it never quite fit in with its surroundings, its addition has been thought to signal the beginning of the end of the park. The ride, prominently displayed on brochures from the era, was removed when the park closed in 1993 and its whereabouts have since vanished into the winds of time.

    The Trash Eaters also bear mentioning, though not really an attraction - The park had trash cans equipped with huge animal heads that "ate" (or rather sucked) the trash out of patrons hands and into their mouths. The heads were shaped like goats, pigs, and even razorbacks and the unusual design encouraged patrons to properly dispose of their trash by making it a fun experience. The trash eaters used a unique & unusual design in their operation. You see, there was a blower motor inside the trash eater "house". The inside of the "house" was sealed so that when the door was shut, a vacuum was created which sucked trash into the trash eater's mouth. The trash then hit a stop and fell into the trashcan located inside the trash eater "house". Several of the trash eaters still stand in silent vigil to this day, but for how much longer...no one knows.

    Right out of the comic strip came the Kissin’ Rocks. They were a natural landmark in the Dogpatch comics & came to mirror the comic in real life. The real life park icon is made of granite & was one of the most photographed areas on the property. After uncounted kisses caught on film it still stands today as a testament to this once great park that remains in a special part of so many peoples' memories.

    The West Po’k Chop Speshul  was the miniature train that ran on this line at Dogpatch USA departed from the depot station and ran along the outskirts of the town. The tracks crossed over a bridge overlooking Marble Falls, known as “The Bottomless Canyon”. The train went through a tunnel and then circled through the valley of the Shmoo’ & then returned to the depot by the same route. The train made one stop on the return trip, near “The Brainrattler” ride, allowing passengers to wander that section for a few minutes. Normally there was only one train in operation, but there were two locomotives available during peak capacities in the park. The whereabouts of the train are clouded in mystery. At some point after the park closed passerby’s spotted the engine being loaded up on to the back of a trailer. Weather it was stolen or saved remains to be seen. One can only hope for the latter.

    Other Rides In The Park Included The Wolf Island Paddle Boats, The Boat Train ride (replaced in 1988 by bumper boats), The Helicopters (kiddie ride), Ole' 99 (which was a kiddie train ride), The Wild Water Rampage, Yo-Yo ride, The Paratrooper ride, The well-known Scrambler ride, The Merry-go-round, The Antique Cars, General Bullmoose's Gravity House (a blacklight maze, fun house), The Shooting Gallery, Hairless Joe and Lonesome Polecat's Kickapoo Joy Juice Barrel Ride (which was a Rotor ride) replaced by a children's play area in 1988, Sky Driver (which replaced the Brain Rattler in 1989), The Wheel of Misfortune (a Round Up, spinning ride, Wheel of Fortune spinner theme-decor)

    The Beginning of the end actually came at the end of the first season; the park had over 300,000 visitors and made a comfortable net profit at the time of $100,000. Rumored disputes of O.J.Snow and the other investors over distribution of profits from the park led Snow at first and eventually the majority of other investors in the park into selling their shares to Jess Odom.


    Al Capp, who was at first hesitant about Odom’s new role in the development of the park apparently put his fears to rest at some point and signed a substantial agreement giving Odom license to use the Li'l Abner themes and likenesses in franchising agreements that could span decades had with an equally substantial share of gross proceeds going to Capp.


    Odom had plans to invest millions in the development of the Dogpatch USA park as well as develop a new sister park called Marble Falls Resort and Convention Center. Which would have three ski slopes, an indoor ice rink, and an amphitheater which would feature various music and theatrical events. This remarkable idea may have worked if not for a series of unusual and foreboding weather events that caused a delayed opening to the resort. In another turn of unfortunate events a mild winter brought an early close to the first season. This combined with countrywide climbing oil & gas prices that was affecting tourism coupled with rising costs of operating the parks led to spiral into debt that the parks would never recover from.


    In a bizarre sense of irony Dogpatch USA itself was profitable for all but two years of its operation. However, other local attractions such as Silver Dollar City which had more elaborate rides and attractions began to win over many of the parks paying customers.


    Al Capp Retires

    The parks, already suffering from lower attendance then received what was possibly the most significant factor in the imminent demise of the park. The retirement of Al Capp from producing the popular comic strip in 1977.


     Without the national exposure from the comic strip, the Dogpatch/ Li'l Abner began to fade from the public eye and their memory. The effect of his announcement however, did not have an immediate impact on the park nor did anyone see the gathering storm clouds As a matter of fact and in sharp contrast to the announcement, 1977 had recorded numbers of visitors as well as record sales per visitor to the park.


    Musical (Chair) Owners

    Then, almost in no time at all came rapid successions in ownership. With every new owner came various enthusiastic plans to change and revitalize the park. However, despite the bright future that each new owner promised Dogpatch USA filed bankruptcy in 1980. The park was never the same after the Bankruptcy, but, they lingered on and the parks then began their slow decline into obscurity. Instead of upgrades and renovations, the management began cutting costs by focusing on arts/crafts and charging for individual rides scratching desperately for every penny that could be earned. Intentional cost saving measures aside, the final death nail came as the L'il Abner/Dogpatch brand was removed from the park altogether referring to itself as Dogpatch, Arkansas. The park like so many before, although seemingly successful alone, could not bear the additional burden of supporting its failing sister site Marble Falls Resort and Convention Center. Struggling under massive financial pressures in 1993...the parks closed.



    In the years that followed the park changed ownership, bits and pieces of what remained began to disappear and although ideas abounded and rumors swirled about the park being reopened, it being converted to a movie ranch, an eco-tourism hub and about a thousand other ideas none of which materialized. Instead year after year, new weeds would break their way through the seams in the concrete, vines would climb a little higher on the old decaying buildings, the grass would grow a little higher and the once meticulously maintained landscape would fade from view as Mother Nature began to reclaim her own. Gone were the sounds of children and their laughter. The only occasional tourist that the park would see were those either looking to document the withered remains of the park or worse, those that would raid it for whatever scraps of the park that weren’t nailed down, and for that matter some that were. Yes the park had been rapidly losing its battle with time, the elements, and those who would have no purpose other than to destroy what was left of this once beautiful theme park.


    The Shakeup

    You would think then, in consideration of all that had happened to it so far, that the park would then quietly fade off into history But no, as if to add insult to injury, a 2005 accident ended in a judge rendering a judgment in favor of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit, a 17-year-old named Pruett Nance and his father. The young Mr. Nance was riding his ATV onto the property and claimed he had permission to be there by the property owners when he ran into a steel cable nearly decapitated himself. The owners at the time claimed the cable was stretched between two trees to thwart trespassers.  In a lawsuit filed by the Nance’s it was claimed that the cable was put with the knowledge it would cause harm. In a battle that lasted all the way to the Supreme Court, the Nance Family received a judgment in favor of Pruett Nance and according to various sources he was given the deed to Dogpatch and became one of its youngest owners when the owners could not, or would not pay the judgment which ranged from $650,000 to $700,000.


    More Bad News

    Bad luck would continue to plague the area when four years later more trouble would come to Marble Falls (who had changed its name from formally from Dogpatch in 1997) in the form of wastewater issues.  In January 2009 a waste sewage lift station, which was installed during the creation of Dogpatch USA back in 1968, ceased to function due to an ice storm which in turn caused sewage to over flow into nearby Mill Creek. Mill Creek fed into the Buffalo National River which resulted in direct contamination of the Buffalo National River with raw sewage flowing from Marble Falls. The community supported by the massive system is only about 100 users. Because of this the Arkansas Department of environmental quality left the Marble Falls Sewage Improvement District two options,


    1.)  Fight the case in court ,which they would almost certainly lose or,

    2.)  Build a new sewage treatment facility which would cost a total of over $1,000,000 which would still only serve 100 users. This translates into a cost of $10,000 per user. I don't know about you, but I would have just a little bit of a problem with that.


    The Undiscovered Future…

    Fast forward to present times in 2012. The park now not in the hands of a corporation or business man, but in the hands of a young man who has a lot of ideas for the future of the land that the remains of the park reside on. What is in the future for Dogpatch USA? A new Amusement Park? A restored version of Dogpatch? A RV Campground? A Camp for Youth? Whatever it may become of it in the future, hopefully it is in better hands now than it has been in a long time. With the imagination of youth and perhaps some financial backing, history may turn into the future for this ole' dog...


    You can listen to this show Echoes Of Laughter as well as other AMN Shows on our website at: www,audiosmaximus.com, on iTunes and Stitcher Smart Radio. Once again, this show is brought to you in part by Amazon.com. Please help support Echoes Of Laughter and our other shows by visiting audiosmaximus.com and clicking The Swagus Maximus Store Link or by clicking on our Amazon Affiliate Link. The products you purchase cost you no more than they do normally but we are paid a small commission that helps to pay for our shows. Thank You Again For Your Support! Until Next Time...Remember The Laughter!



    This episode of Echoes Of Laughter is brought to you in part by Amazon.com. Please help support Echoes Of Laughter and our other shows by visiting audiosmaximus.com and clicking The Swagus Maximus Store Link or by clicking on our Amazon Affiliate Link. The products you purchase cost you no more than they do normally but we are paid a small commission that helps to pay for the cost of producing our shows. Thank You All For Your Support!



    Script Written By: Kenny Fairchild & T. Michael Fairchild


    Rides info per http://www.abandonedok.com/dogpatch-u-s-a/









    Personalities - Episode# 001 8/14/2011 - Interview with Daniel J. Lewis Of The Noodle.MX Network As Well As The Ramen Noodle and The Audacity to Podcast

    Personalities - Episode# 001  8/14/2011 - Interview with Daniel J. Lewis Of The Noodle.MX Network As Well As The Ramen Noodle and The Audacity to Podcast

    Welcome to our first episode of Personalities. This show will feature real people telling their real stories. Their highs and lows, triumphs and failures and what has brought them to where they are in life today. You will hear their insights on the struggles they have faced and the drive and passion that have carried them through to the success and happiness they enjoy today.

    On this episode we feature our inaugural guest, Daniel J. Lewis of the Noodle.MX podcast network. Daniel has been a podcaster since 2007 and is the producer and host of the clean comedy podcast "The Ramen Noodle" and the popular how-to-podcast show "The Audacity To Podcast". Daniel is a full time podcaster, web and graphic designer and he talks with us in this episode about what led him to begin podcasting, as well as valuable insights on how to build a successful podcast, website and what it takes to last over the long term and to not pod-fade after a few episodes. He’ll share the story of his life over the past several years of turning his passion and hobby into his livelihood all while obtaining balance between the effort and time it takes building a successful business, enjoying his personal life and sharing with his wife in a rewarding and loving marriage

    The life of a podcaster is a busy one and without proper planning, knowledge, and self-motivation most simply disappear after a few episodes. Daniel discusses with us why someone must have a passion for pursuing podcasting. As he says frequently on his podcast, The Audacity To Podcast, you must have POD to podcast (Passion, Organization and Dialogue).

    So join us now as we share in the story of a man as he pursues his dreams on the road to success and more importantly, happiness.

    You can connect with Daniel and hear his shows by clicking on the links below. Enjoy!

    http://theaudacitytopodcast.com" title="The Audacity to Podcast">A "how-to" podcast about podcasting and using Audacity

    http://areyoujustwatching.com" title="Are You Just Watching?">Christian movie reviews with critical thinking

    http://cleancomedypodcast.com" title="the Ramen Noodle">clean-comedy podcast"

    http://podcastcoverart.com" title="Podcast cover art">high-quality podcast cover art design