

    Explore " 헤럴드" with insightful episodes like "360회 손정우씨 미국 송환 불허 / 국내 변종코로나 기승", "357회 북한, 남북 공동 연락사무소 폭파/ 노인생활시설 휠체어에서도 환경검체 확인", "356회 여름 마스크 출시 / 태안 밀입국 보트 오판", "354회 코로나19에 재활용업계 난항 / 경찰 음주운전 단속 재개" and "353회 고3 등교 첫날 코로나 변수발생 / FC서울 '리얼돌 관객' 국제망신" from podcasts like ""코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트", "코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트", "코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트", "코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트" and "코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트"" and more!

    Episodes (76)

    360회 손정우씨 미국 송환 불허 / 국내 변종코로나 기승

    360회 손정우씨 미국 송환 불허 / 국내 변종코로나 기승
    진행: 손지형, Paul Kerry 1. Korean child porn operator's US extradition denied 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 요약: 법원이 아동 성착취 영상물 거래 웹사이트를 운영한 손정우씨의 미국 송환을 불허. [1] A South Korean national who operated the world’s largest child pornography website will not be sent to the US to face trial there, a local court ruled Monday, rejecting a US request for his extradition. *face trial: 법정에 서다 *reject: 거부하다 *extradition: 송환 [2] The Seoul High Court, at its third and final hearing on the high-profile case, said that there are justifiable reasons not to extradite Son Jong-woo, the mastermind behind the US-based child porn website Welcome to Video. It is in the national interest to keep Son in Korea and further the ongoing investigation into the makings of child and adolescent pornography, it added. *hearing: 심문, 공청회 *high-profile: 유명한, 널리 알려진 *mastermind behind~: 배후에서 지휘하는 자 *be in the national interest: 국익에 대한 것이다 *investigation into: -에 대한 조사 [3] Following the decision, Son was set free from a detention center. The child porn site operator has remained in detention since completing his prison sentence on April 27. *be set free: 풀려나다 *detention: 구금 *prison sentence: 징역형 [4] The 24-year-old has been wanted by US authorities since a US federal grand jury indicted him in 2018 on nine charges, including producing, advertising and distributing child pornography, as well as conspiracy and money laundering. *US federal grand jury: 연방 대배심 *be wanted by: 지명수배되다 *indict: 기소하다 *conspiracy: 불법공모 *money laundering: 자금세탁 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200706000708 2. Coronavirus spreading now in Korea has its origin in Europe, US 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 요약: 전파 초기에 발견되던 신종 코로나바이러스와 달리, 변이된 바이러스가 최근 국내에서 유행하며 감염력이 높아졌다는 유전자 분석 결과 발표. [1] The novel coronavirus spreading in South Korea now has its origin in Europe and the US, health authorities said Monday, and it is thought to be six times as infectious as the original strain that emerged in China. *have one's origin in: -에서 유래되다 *A (verb) N times as (adjective) as B: A가 B보다 N배 더 –하다 *original strain: 계통, 유전적 특질 [2] The variant belongs to the GH clade, which has largely been circulated in Europe and the US, according to an analysis by Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on 526 genome samples diagnosed with the COVID-19. *variant: 변이체, 변종 *clade: 계통 분기 *circulate: 유행하다, 퍼지다 *analysis: 분석 *genome sample: 유전체 샘플 [3] This implies the virus could have arrived here via someone who came from those regions in March and April before Korea tightened virus controls on overseas arrivals, mandating a two-week quarantine for all. *imply: 암시하다 *tighten control on: 통제를 강화하다 *overseas arrivals: 입국자들 *mandate: 의무화하다 [4] The variant of the GH group was first found in cases in early April registered in North Gyeongsang Province, cases traced to bars and clubs in Itaewon, Seoul’s party district, in early May as well as cases linked to a Buddhist temple in Gwangju, most recently, *registered: 등록된 *trace to: -로 퍼지다 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200706000260

    357회 북한, 남북 공동 연락사무소 폭파/ 노인생활시설 휠체어에서도 환경검체 확인

    357회 북한, 남북 공동 연락사무소 폭파/ 노인생활시설 휠체어에서도 환경검체 확인
    [팟캐스트] (357) 북한, 남북 공동 연락사무소 폭파/ 노인생활시설 휠체어에서도 환경검체 확인 진행: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. North Korea demolishes liaison office, experts warn of further actions [1] North Korea on Tuesday demolished an inter-Korean liaison office in its territory near the border, following through on threats and leaving South Korea with little in the way of options. *demolish: 철거하다 *liaison office: 연락사무소 *follow through: 계획을 끝내다 [2] According to Seoul’s Ministry of Unification, the North blew up the four-story building at 2:49 p.m., hours after its military warned of refortifying areas disarmed in accordance with inter-Korean agreements. A National Security Council meeting presided over by National Security Office chief Chung Eui-yong was convened in Seoul at 5:05 p.m. *hours after: 몇 시간 후 *refortify: 다시 강화하다 *disarm: 비무장 *in accordance with A : A에 따라서 [3] “The government expressed strong regret at the North demolishing the inter-Korean liaison office that was established under the 2018 Panmunjom Declaration,” Kim You-geun, deputy director of Cheong Wa Dae’s national security office, said following the meeting. Kim said that the demolition is an act that goes against hopes for peace, and that the North has sole responsibility for all consequences that may follow. *strong regret: 강한 유감 [4] “We sternly warn that we will respond strongly if the North continues to take actions that deteriorate the situation.” *sternly warn: 엄중히 경고 *deteriorate: 악화되다 [5] The liaison office was established in September 2018, as agreed to by the two sides during the first summit between President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held on April 27. *as agreed to by two sides: 양측이 동의한 것에 따라 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200616000811 2. Virus found on wheelchairs, other items at senior welfare centers: KCDC [1] South Korea’s public health authorities on Wednesday said COVID-19 specimen were found on wheelchairs and other items used at facilities for senior citizens, largely due to insufficient disinfection. *specimen: 검체 *insufficient: 미흡 *disinfection: 소독 [2] Infections have so far occurred at six senior welfare centers in Seoul and the surrounding area, of which transmissions at four facilities were traced to infected staff. *transmission: 전염, 전파 *traced to A: A로 거슬러 올라가다 [3] “The epidemiological survey found there were many cases of virus patients working at senior-care facilities transmitting the virus. We also spotted inadequate management, with specimens found on common items, including wheelchairs,” Jung Eun-kyeong, director of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a briefing. *epidemiological survey: 역학조사 *inadequate: 미흡 [4] Singing activities at the centers during which those present did not wear masks were also responsible for spreading the virus, Jung added. *during which: ~를 하는 동안 [5] The country had a total of 12,198 infections, up 43 from the previous day, as of Wednesday, recording a slight increase in its daily tally, according the KCDC. One patient died from COVID-19, pushing the death toll to 279, the KCDC added. *daily tally: 일일 집계 *death toll: 사망자수 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200617000821

    356회 여름 마스크 출시 / 태안 밀입국 보트 오판

    356회 여름 마스크 출시 / 태안 밀입국 보트 오판
    [팟캐스트] (356) 여름 마스크 출시 / 태안 밀입국 보트 오판 1. Korea rolls out face masks for summer heat 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 요약: 한국 여름 마스크 출시 후 온라인 판매 시작. [1] A new type of face mask designed to be more breathable than the N95 or KF94 respirators while shielding people from respiratory droplets -- through which the spread of the novel coronavirus can occur -- has been launched in South Korea. *respirators: 방독면, 호흡보호구 *shield A from B: A를 B로부터 막다 *respiratory droplets: 비말 [2] The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety fast-tracked approval for the masks, which function much like surgical masks, earlier this month for summertime usage by healthy individuals in nonrisky settings. *fast-track approval: 신속심사하다 *function: 기능하다 *surgical: 수술용의 *settings: 환경 [3] A Drug Safety Ministry official told The Korea Herald that the new masks were intended for general purposes, and that those at increased risk of catching or transmitting the virus were still advised to wear the medical masks to protect against infections. *general purposes: 일반적인 용도 *at the risk of -ing: -할 위험이 있는 *be advised to: -하도록 권장받다 [4] The masks, dubbed KF-AD, became available for purchase online starting Friday. *dubbed: -라고 불리는 *be available for purchase: 구매 가능한 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200605000420 2. Coast Guard replaces Taean unit chief over illegal entrants 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 요약: 중국인이 충남 태안 해안가를 통해 고무보트로 밀입국했으나 군,경 당국이 대응을 소홀히 해 태안해경서장이 직위가 해제됨. [1] The chief of the coast guard for Taean, South Chungcheong Province, has been removed from the post, and the chief of the Central Regional Coast Guard has been reprimanded over a recent series of illegal entries into the country through the West Sea. *be removed from the post: (한 조직에서 가장 높은) 직위에서 해제되다 *reprimand: 질책하다 *a series of: 연달아 이어지는, 잇따른 [2] The Korea Coast Guard on Friday said that coast guard chief Ha Man-sik was removed from the post for failing to respond to boats carrying illegally entering immigrants from China. *respond to: -에 대응하다 [3] Since April 20, three boats connected to illegally entering the country have been found within a 15-kilometer radius of Taean County. *be connected to: -와 연관된 *radius: 반경 [4] According to a probe conducted by the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the motorboat used for smuggling Chinese nationals into Korea last month was detected by military surveillance assets 13 times, but the military did not respond, taking the boat for a fishing vessel. *probe: 조사, 탐사 *smuggle: 밀입국하다, 밀수하다 *detect: 탐지하다 *surveillance: 감시 *take A for B: A를 B로 여기다 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200605000635

    354회 코로나19에 재활용업계 난항 / 경찰 음주운전 단속 재개

    354회 코로나19에 재활용업계 난항 / 경찰 음주운전 단속 재개
    진행자: 임정요, Paul Kerry 1. Recycling centers face desperate battle to survive [1] The global coronavirus pandemic is threatening the future of plastic recycling in South Korea, as major recycling centers are incurring mounting losses amid a collapse in global demand. *incur: (비용을) 물게되다 *mounting: 쌓이는 *collapse: 붕괴 [2] Many are being forced to cut costs, work hours and head counts just to stay afloat, but a quick turnaround appears unlikely, industry insiders and government officials said. *afloat: 간신히 빚은 안 질 정도로 *turnaround: 만회, 호전 *unlikely: 있음직하지 않은 [3] “(Local) recycling centers are largely dependent on exports of collected recyclables, but trade is not happening these days,” said Ban Sung-tai, head of the resources recycling division at the Seoul Metropolitan Government. *dependent: 의존적인 *recyclable: 재활용할 수 있는 [4] “These centers are having a hard time, but there’s not much that can be done at this point. It’s not like borders will reopen tomorrow as if nothing happened.” *as if nothing happened: 아무일도 없던 것 처럼 기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200525000650 2. Police adapt to COVID-19 era, introduce non-contact DUI testing [1] Life is getting back to some semblance of normality in South Korea, with people out and about on the streets and in parks, students returning to school in stages, and public transportation crammed during rush hours. *semblance: 겉모습 *normality: 정상상태 *in stages: 단계적으로 [2] Also getting back into gear is the police’s war against drunk driving. Police, who in the past months could only sparingly test drivers’ breath for alcohol due to virus fears, are now employing a new tool -- non-contact DUI testing equipment that does not require drivers to directly blow into breathalyzers, a practice at high risk for spreading the novel coronavirus. *get back into gear: 정상화하다 *drunk driving: 음주운전 *sparingly: 드물게 *practice: 행위, 관행 [3] At first glance, the new device resembles a selfie stick. A sensor that detects airborne alcohol content is attached at the end of a 60-centimeter-long stick, which is placed some 30 centimeters in front of drivers’ face for about five seconds through the window. *resemble: 닮다 *selfie stick: 셀카봉 *airborne: 공기중의 기사원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200526000294

    353회 고3 등교 첫날 코로나 변수발생 / FC서울 '리얼돌 관객' 국제망신

    353회 고3 등교 첫날 코로나 변수발생 / FC서울 '리얼돌 관객' 국제망신
    [팟캐스트] (353) 고3 등교 첫날 코로나 변수발생/ FC서울 '리얼돌 관객' 국제망신 진행자: 김보경, Paul Kerry 1. Physical reopening of high schools faces confusion in Incheon [1] Most high school seniors here returned to school on Wednesday, but some schools were forced to postpone reopening due to virus-related risk factors, related officials said. *returned to school: 개학 *forced to do A: A를 할 수밖에 없게 되다 *postpone: 미루다 [2] Two high school seniors in Incheon tested positive for COVID-19, leading the school they attended as well as two nearby high schools to delay resumption of in-person classes by a day, according to the city’s education office. *nearby: 근처 *resumption: 재개 *in-person: 대면 [3] Students at 66 high schools across five districts in Incheon were directed to go back home on Wednesday morning over concerns they could have crossed paths with the diagnosed students, both of whom frequently used crowded facilities. *direct: 안내 받다 *cross path: 동선이 겹치다 *diagnosed student: 확진 판정 받은 학생 [4] The city’s education office was in talks with health authorities to decide when to physically reopen schools. *physically reopen schools: 물리적 개학 [5] Elementary, middle and high school students had shifted to online learning in mid-April due to the coronavirus pandemic. *shift: 이동하다 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200520000586 2. Football fiasco: FC Seoul accused of placing sex dolls in home stands [1] FC Seoul posted a formal apology on social media on Monday for putting mannequins, which many contend are sex dolls, in the stands for the team’s first home game of the season, which was held Sunday without spectators. *contend: 주장하다 *in the stands: 관객석 *spectator: 관중 [2] “We apologize to all the fans for causing deep concern regarding the cheer-mannequins set up during the game on the 17th. Although the mannequins differed from previous ones in that the material is human-like, from the start we confirmed that these products were not adult goods,” posted FC Seoul. *adult goods: 성인용품 [3] FC Seoul beat Gwangju FC 1-0 at Seoul World Cup Stadium, but the victory was dampened by the fans disgusted by the display of mannequins in the stands. *dampen: 약화되다 *disgust: 혐오감, 넌더리 [4] The mannequins, which some fans pointed out looked like sex dolls, were placed in the stands as the games were held without spectators due to the spread of COVID-19. *point out: 지적하다 [5] “(The company’s) name and signs with the specific BJs’ names were shown. This is due to our officials not checking in detail. This part is completely our fault,” FC Seoul said in the apology. *BJ: Broadcast Jockeys refer to Koreans who stream games, music, singing, live talk sessions (from Urban Dictionary) 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200518000820&np=1∓=1

    352회 이태원 집단감염으로 개학 연기 / 달고나 열풍

    352회 이태원 집단감염으로 개학 연기 / 달고나 열풍
    [팟캐스트] (352) 이태원 집단감염으로 개학 연기 / 달고나 열풍 진행자: 손지형, Paul Kerry 1. School resumptions postponed amid specter of second wave 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 요약: 이태원 클럽발 집단감염 발생으로 개학이 다시 한 차례 연기됨. [1] The reopening of schools, which was scheduled for Wednesday for high school seniors, has been postponed in South Korea amid the specter of another wave of COVID-19 infections. *postpone: 연기하다 *the specter of: -의 망령 *a wave of: 한 차례 웨이브 [2] One-week delays in school resumption schedules, in stages spanning from this week through June 1, were announced Monday afternoon after 90 coronavirus cases were identified in a new cluster of infections that occurred in Seoul’s popular party district of Itaewon. *delay: 연기 *span from: -까지 뻗치는, -에 해당하는 *a cluster of infections: 집단 감염 *party district: 유흥가 [3] Health authorities expect the caseload to rise further, as thousands who may have been exposed to the pathogen there were out of reach. *caseload: 의사 등이 담당하는 건수 *pathogen: 병원체 *be out of reach: 닿지 않다 [4] As of 5 p.m. Monday, the number of new infections traced to night entertainment facilities in Itaewon had increased by 14 in 12 hours to 86, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. *be traced to: -와 연결되다 *night entertainment facilities: 유흥시설 [5] The first known patient in the Itaewon cluster was a 29-year-old man who visited five establishments in Itaewon on May 2, 3 and 5. They are King Club, Trunk Club, Club Queen, Soho and H.I.M. *be tested positive: 양성 반응이 나오다 *establishment: 시설 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200511000761 2. Dalgona craze makes way to department stores 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 요약: 달고나 열풍이 불면서 달고나를 활용한 디저트 상품들이 백화점에 등장하기 시작 [1] A social trend spreading across the world amid the new coronavirus pandemic crisis, the dalgona fever has now made its way to local department stores. *fever: 열기, 열풍 *make its way (in)to: 진출하다 [2] The operator of Lotte Department Store, Lotte Shopping, on Wednesday said it has launched Cafe Cha, a cafe brand famous for its dalgona-inspired dessert products, at its flagship store in central Seoul, on April 29. *famous for: -로 유명한 *inspired: 영감을 받은, 본뜬 *flagship store: 대표 상점 [3] Dalgona refers to the Korean street food made from brown sugar and baking soda. *street food: 길거리 음식 [4] Starting with the “dalgona coffee challenge” -- which involves whipping up coffee powder, sugar and water until they turn into a soft froth tasting similar to the Korean snack -- the dalgona craze has not only swept the nation amid the period of social distancing, but has stretched beyond the country as more foreigners joined in on the challenge with the prolonged virus pandemic. *whip up: 휘젓다 *froth: 촘촘한 거품 *taste: -하는 맛이 나다 *sweep: 휩쓸다 *stretch beyond: -로 뻗어 나아가다 *prolonged: 길어지는 기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200508000746

    347회 재난지원금 전 국민 확대 찬성 58% / 유흥업소 종사자, 아이돌 가수와 접촉 후 확진

    347회 재난지원금 전 국민 확대 찬성 58% / 유흥업소 종사자, 아이돌 가수와 접촉 후 확진
    [팟캐스트] (347회) 재난지원금 전 국민 확대 찬성 58% / 유흥업소 종사자 아이돌 가수와 접촉 후 확진 진행자: 임현수, Paul Kerry 1. 58% in poll say everyone should get disaster relief [1] Six out of 10 Koreans think the government should pay emergency disaster relief money to everyone, not just the bottom 70 percent income bracket as planned to help fight COVID-19, a recent survey showed. * disaster relief: 재해 구호 *income bracket: 소득층 [2] In a poll of 500 Koreans nationwide conducted on Tuesday by Realmeter, 58.2 percent said they are for universal payout of the disaster relief, while 36.6 percent said they are against it, the pollster said on Wednesday. *universal: 보편적인: *payout: 지불금 [3] “Approvals (of universal payout) outnumbered disapprovals in most regions, age groups, political party support bases and ideological spectrums, but they came close to a tie in Seoul, among women and supporters of the Justice Party. Among those in their 20s, there were more nays than yeas,” Realmeter said. *come close: ~뻔 하다 *tie: 동점 [4] Yeas were especially dominant in Gwangju-Jeolla Provinces, Busan-Ulsan-South Gyeongsang Province, among men, people in their 40s and 50s, and supporters of the Democratic Party. *dominant: 우세한 기사전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200408000736 2. Bar employee tests virus positive after contact with infected K-pop singer [1] Night clubs and bars here were on high alert after it was revealed Tuesday that a female bar employee at one of Seoul’s biggest bar districts was confirmed with COVID-19. *on high alert: 삼엄한 경계 [2] The employee, 36, whose test results turned out to be positive last Thursday, is believed to have contracted the COVID-19 after coming into contact with a virus patient, Yoon Hak of K-pop group Supernova, on March 26. *contract: (병에) 걸리다. [3] The singer, 37, was diagnosed with the infection on April 1 and has since been in isolation at a medical center in Seoul, according to Seocho District. *isolation: 고립 [4] Sparking fears of the bar in Yeoksam-dong, southern Seoul potentially becoming an infection cluster, the sickened employee is believed to have worked a nine-hour shift on March 27-28. *spark: ~을 일으키다 *cluster: 무리 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200407000878

    346회 서울시, 소외된 외국인 위해 공적 마스크 10만장 지원/ 보령시 해외입국자 전원 휴양림서 2주간 격리

    346회 서울시, 소외된 외국인 위해 공적 마스크 10만장 지원/ 보령시 해외입국자 전원 휴양림서 2주간 격리
    [팟캐스트] (346) 서울시, 소외된 외국인 위해 공적 마스크 10만장 지원/ 보령시 해외입국자 전원 휴양림서 2주간 격리 진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Seoul gives masks free to foreigners alienated in public rationing [1] Seoul Metropolitan Government is handing out 100,000 face masks free of charge to foreigners who have been largely sidelined in the country‘s public mask rationing system, the city said Tuesday. *free of charge: 무료 *sideline: 사이드라인 (소외되다) *public mask rationing system: 마스크 5부제 Each person will be given one cotton mask and five replacement filters at designated places. *replacement filter: 교체 필터 “This measure is for international students and foreign workers who had difficulty buying masks and for the safety of Seoul citizens,” said Kim Hak-jin, deputy mayor for Safety Management at the Seoul Metropolitan Government. International students and migrant laborers have faced difficulties, as the rationing system mandates foreigners show their alien registration card to check the resident number and ensure they are enrolled in the national health insurance program, alienating those who are not. *migrant laborer: 외국은 노동자 *mandate: 요구하다 *alien registration card: 외국인등록증 *alienate: 소외감을 느끼게 하다 For students, mask distribution should be up and rolling at 40 universities in the city, the city official said. One should present a student ID card to pick up the mask and filters. *up and rolling: 시행되다 *present: 보여주다 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200331000811 2. Boryeong quarantines travelers from abroad [1] Travelers from abroad entering Boryeong, South Chungcheong Province, are being quarantined at a forest retreat site, the city government said Tuesday. *forest retreat site: 자연 휴양림 “Considering that a high ratio of people from overseas have been confirmed (with COVID-19), we have directed 10 people to self-quarantine for two weeks at Seongjusan Recreation Forest since March 28,” said Boryeong Mayor Kim Dong-il in a press briefing. The directive is aimed at preventing the spread of the virus, Kim said. *directive: 조치 He added despite “significant opposition,” they are “doing well” at the assigned location. *assigned location: 지정된 장소 Boryeong has yet to report a new coronavirus patient. *yet to: 아직 Those in quarantine are provided with food arranged by the city’s health center. Each room comes with a computer, it added. *comes with A: A와 같이 온다 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200331000961

    345회 경찰, 조주빈 신상 공개 결정/ 코로나19 자원봉사 손길 이어져

    345회 경찰, 조주빈 신상 공개 결정/ 코로나19 자원봉사 손길 이어져
    (345) 경찰, 조주빈 신상 공개 결정/ 코로나19 자원봉사 손길 이어져 진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer Identity of accused revealed in Telegram sex crime case The suspect who was arrested for selling videos of sex acts involving minors via Telegram chat rooms was a volunteer at an orphanage and managing editor of a college newspaper, who once wrote on how schools should respond to sex crimes, it was revealed Tuesday. *sex act: 성적인 행위 *minor: 미성년자 *orphanage: 보육원 *managing editor: 편집장 *respond: 대응 The identity of 24-year-old Cho Ju-bin, the main suspect who ignited a public uproar here, was made public by police. On the encrypted messaging app Telegram, he went by the nickname “doctor.” *suspect: 용의자 *ignite: 불을 붙이다 *uproar: 분노 *made public: 대중에 공개되다 *encrypt: 암호화 The National Policy Agency, in its response to a petition urging the full disclosure of alleged 260,000 users of Cho’s chat rooms, vowed a thorough investigation into his actions as well as “all accomplices, including assistants, video producers and those who possessed and distributed videos of sexual exploitation.” *disclosure: 공개 *accomplices: 공범자 *possess: 소유 Cho is accused of tricking at least 74 people, including 16 minors, into sending nude pictures and blackmailing them. He is accused of distributing the contents on several different Telegram chat rooms with some 260,000 users and received payments in cryptocurrencies. *trick: 속임수 *blackmail: 협박 Since his arrest last week, a total of 124 people tied to the digital sex crime have been apprehended with 18 arrested. *apprehend: 검거 *arrest: 구속 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200324000786 Good Samaritans inspire a sense of community The novel coronavirus outbreak has heightened anxiety in South Korea and around the globe in a period unlike any the modern society has experienced before. *heighten: 고조되다 *unlike any: 상당히 다른 Despite continued uncertainty and bad apples with xenophobic behavior, good Samaritans in Korea are going an extra mile to look out for those most vulnerable to contracting the disease with medical staff combating the virus on the front lines. *bad apples: 나쁜 사과 = 나쁜 사람 *xenophobic: 외국인 혐오의 *good Samaritan: 착한 사마리아인 *to go the extra mile: 한걸음 더 나아가서 *vulnerable: 취약한 Lee Jun-ah, 22, a senior at Seoul Women’s College of Nursing, is volunteering from home, making face masks to be delivered to those in need of the protective gear via Anyang City Hall. *senior: 대학교 4학년 “I have watched developments on the coronavirus closely because I’m a student at Seoul Women’s College of Nursing. … I signed up as a volunteer to be of help in this situation.” Lee told The Korea Herald. “Frankly I didn’t have the courage to lend a helping hand in Daegu unlike many nurses who are down there working tirelessly forgoing sleep and meals. But I found a few online posts looking for volunteers, so I signed up.” *frankly: 솔직하게 *courage: 용기 *lend: 빌려주다 *helping hand: 도움의 손길 *forgo: 포기하다 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200322000108

    344회 코로나 확산 관련 증오 범죄 / 타다 베이직 종료

    344회 코로나 확산 관련 증오 범죄 / 타다 베이직 종료
    [팟캐스트] (344) 코로나 확산 관련 증오 범죄 / 타다 베이직 종료 진행자: 손지형, Paul Kerry 1. [Newsmaker] Korean punched in the face in NY for not wearing mask 요약: 뉴욕 맨해튼에서 코로나19 확산과 관련해 여성이 인종차별성 증오 범죄 대상이 되었음. [1] A 23-year-old South Korean student was punched in the face for not wearing a face mask in New York, in what appears to be a hate crime against Asians amid virus fears, reports said Friday. *punch A in the face: A의 얼굴을 가격하다 *hate crime: 증오 범죄 [2] According to the reports, the student was entering a building in midtown Manhattan on Tuesday when she was grabbed by the hair and punched in the face. The alleged attacker reportedly attends an institution located in the same building as the victim’s language school. *grab A by the hair: A의 머리채를 잡다 *alleged: 혐의를 받는 *reportedly: 보도에 따르면 [3] The victim was taken to a hospital and may have a dislocated jaw, according to reports. *take A to a hospital: A를 병원에 데려가다 *have a dislocated jaw: 턱이 탈골 되다 [4] New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a statement saying, “I am disgusted to hear that a woman of Asian descent was physically assaulted in Manhattan on Tuesday, an attack apparently motivated by the bigoted notion that an Asian person is more likely to carry or transmit the novel coronavirus. *descent: 혈통 *A be motivated by B: B가 A의 원인이 되다 *bigoted: 편견이 아주 심한 *transmit: 전염시키다 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200313000595 2. Tada to end van-hailing service in April 요약: 타다금지법이 국회 본회의를 통과하며, 타다가 4월에 서비스 종료 선언 [1] After the National Assembly passed a controversial bill last week that dealt a severe blow to ride-hailing service Tada, service operator VCNC has decided to “indefinitely suspend” the service on April 10, according to the company on Thursday. *pass a bill: 법안을 통과하다 *controversial: 논란의 여지가 있는 *deal a blow to: 충격을 주다 *indefinitely: 무기한으로 *suspend: 중단하다 [2] VCNC said that it has requested 30 percent of its 20 employees resign, following the company’s plan to downsize the workforce due to the suspension of the service. *resign: 퇴직하다, 물러나다 *downsize (the workforce): 인력을 감축하다 *suspension: 중단 [3] On Friday last week, Korean lawmakers voted to pass the revision of the transportation law, in an attempt to put an end to the conflict between the service operator and taxi companies prior to the general election in April. *lawmaker: 국회의원 *vote to: -하는 것에 찬성표를 던지다 *put an end to: 종식시키다 *general election: 총선 [4] According to the amendment, ride-hailing companies will only be able to use rental vans with 11-15 seats at limited pickup points at air or sea ports. [5] Although the bill will take effect one year after it is proclaimed into law with a six-month grace period, VCNC said CEO Park Jae-wook gave notice to Tada drivers on Wednesday that the company will terminate its main service Tada Basic from April 10. *take effect: 효력이 생기다 *proclaimed into law: 공표되다 *grace period: 유예 기간 *terminate: 종료하다 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200312000679

    342회 자가격리 우울증 대처법 / 한국엔 왜 여성 확진자가 더 많나

    342회 자가격리 우울증 대처법 / 한국엔 왜 여성 확진자가 더 많나
    진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Cabin fever sets in for those in isolation for coronavirus [1] A 32-year-old librarian in Gumi-dong, Gyeonggi Province, who is expecting a baby in May, has not left her house for four days. Her daughter, 4, has been home all day since her day care center shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak. “I am pregnant so I am very cautious about the ongoing situation, and there is no place for my first child to play these days. ... It is really stressful for me and my daughter,” the woman said. “Over the past four days, a 15-minute walk to the grocery store to buy some food was all I left the house for.” *expecting: 임신한 *day care center: 어린이집 *cautious: 주의깊다 *ongoing: 진행중인 [2] As the number of novel coronavirus cases continues to spike, people have begun to isolate themselves as a form of voluntary quarantine. Many companies also have encouraged people to work from home starting last week. As people spend more time at home, some have started to experience depression, emptiness or lethargy. In an online community, one post reads, “Is it ‘coronavirus depression’? I am feeling down these days at home. I have been craving to meet and talk with people outside.” *isolate: 격리하다, 고립시키다 *voluntaary quarantine: 자발적인 격리 *encourage: 장려하다, 격려하다, 권장하다 *lethargy: 무력감 *feeling down: 우울하다 *crave: 갈망하다 [3] Yoon Dae-hyun, a clinical professor at the Seoul National University College of Medicine, advises that it is important to regard anxiety and depression as natural under the present circumstances. “This event (the COVID-19 outbreak) is very draining for the brain as it is constantly working (for survival). The method (of transmission) is uncertain, it is difficult to predict and it is unclear when it will end,” Yoon said. “A lot of energy is spent, but there are very few means for recharging, such as meeting with people for small talk, going out for cultural events or appreciating nature. Burnout happens easily. Then we may have depression,” Yoon explained. “Although resources are limited, people need to seek ways to alleviate negative emotions, such as taking up a hobby at home or talking to family members,” Yoon advised. *regard: 간주하다 *draining: 피로하게끔 하다 *constantly: 멈추지 않고, 계속해서, 끊임없이 *predict: 예측하다 *unclear: 불투명하다 *means: 방법 *alleviate: 완화시키다 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200303000763 2. Reasons why so many in 20s, women contract virus in S. Korea [1] The number of COVID-19 cases in South Korea is fast approaching 5,000 and paints a rather peculiar picture of patient demographics: 20-somethings make up the biggest age bracket, and women clearly outnumber men. *paint a picture of: ~을 묘사하다 *demographic: 인구분포도 *age bracket: 연령층 *outnumber: 수적으로 우세하다 [2] According to data from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of the country’s total 4,812 confirmed cases as of Tuesday afternoon, people in their 20s accounted for 29.4 percent, or 1,417 cases, followed by those in their 50s at 19.8 percent (952 cases). By gender, 62.4 percent, or 3,002, were female, whereas 1,810 or 37.6 percent were male. *account for: ~을 차지하다 *by age: 나이로 보면 *by gender: 성별로 보면 [2] This departs from the World Health Organization’s observations on coronavirus cases in China, which showed nearly 78 percent of the infected were from 30 to 69 years old, with the median age at 51. *depart from: ~와 상이하다 *observation: 관찰 *median: 중간값 [3] According to officials at the KCDC, this is largely due to the fact that most cases here are linked to a particular religious group, the Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Around 60 percent of total cases are traceable to the Christian sect’s branch in Daegu. *largely due to: 상당 부분 ~때문이다 *traceable: 연결되다 [4] "Women in their 20s-30s reportedly make up a large amount of Shincheonji followers, and it is showing in the high percentage of COVID-19 cases in those age groups,” KCDC director Jung Eun-kyeong s

    341회 당정청, 추경 편성 신속 추진/ 코로나19 확산에 재택근무 실시하는 기업 늘어나

    341회 당정청, 추경 편성 신속 추진/ 코로나19 확산에 재택근무 실시하는 기업 늘어나
    진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Presidential office, ruling party to speed up economic aid for COVID-19 [1]An economic aid package and extra budget will be drawn up as quickly as possible to combat the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, the presidential office, government and ruling Democratic Party of Korea agreed Tuesday. * economic aid package: 재정지원 *extra budget: 추가 경정예산안 *draw up: 계획을 세우다 *combat: 싸움 [2]The move comes a day after President Moon Jae-in raised the possibility of the additional funds to manage the economic fallout of the outbreak. Speaking at Monday’s meeting with top aides and infectious disease experts, Moon called on the government to consider all possible policy measures, including the extra budget. *fallout: 좋지 못한 결과 *infectious disease: 전염병 [3]The agreement was reached at a three-way meeting Tuesday, where the three sides also agreed to tighten quarantine measures on Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province as much as possible to contain the outbreak. Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province have become the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in Korea, with more than 80 percent of cases having been confirmed in the area. *three-way: 당정청 *tighten: 더 엄격하게 하다 *quarantine measure: 검역 조치 *contain: 방지하다 *epicenter: 진원지 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200225000597&np=1∓=1 2. Coronavirus changes South Korean workplace landscape [1]The new coronavirus outbreak has led to drastic changes in South Korea’s workplace culture, albeit temporarily. * outbreak: 발병 * drastic: 급격한 * workplace culture: 기업 문화 *albeit A: 비록 A일지라도 [2]Many major companies are letting their employees work from home or have flexible working hours after the government raised the alert level to “serious” and the number of cases here surged. * work from home: 재택근무 * flexible: 유연한 [3] As of Tuesday afternoon, the number of confirmed COVID-19 patients stood at 977, up 84 from 10 a.m., while the death toll stood at 10. *As of A: A현재까지 *confirmed patients: 확진자 *stood at: 집계되다 [4]The nation’s largest conglomerate Samsung Group decided Monday to allow pregnant employees to work from home and delivered the information to each affiliate through its personnel teams. In the case of Samsung Electronics’ Gumi plants, which were suspended after a confirmed infection case, the firm ordered employees to telecommute from Monday for seven days. * conglomerate: 대기업 * personnel team: 인사과 * plant suspension: 공장 중단 * telecommute: 재택근무 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200225000733

    340회 네덜란드 국적기 인종차별 논란 / 폭설로 인한 사상사고 발생

    340회 네덜란드 국적기 인종차별 논란 / 폭설로 인한 사상사고 발생
    1. KLM apologizes after being accused of coronavirus racism 요약: 네덜란드 국적기 KLM, 인종차별 논란에 대해 사과 [1] The Netherlands’ flag carrier KLM Royal Dutch Airlines apologized Friday for banning South Koreans from using a restroom on a plane amid coronavirus concerns. *flag carrier: 전세기 *ban A from B: A가 B하는 것을 금지하다 [2] According to a Korean passenger onboard the KLM 855 flight bound for Incheon from Amsterdam on Monday, a hand-written note that read “cabin crew exclusive restroom” in Korean was posted on the door of a restroom. *onboard: 탑승한 *bound for: -로 향하는 *handwritten: 손글씨로 쓴 *cabin crew: 승무원 [3] After the story went viral online and was reported in the Korean media, public criticism mounted, demanding an explanation from KLM about designating a restroom for crew and why the sign was written only in Korean. *go viral: (온라인 상에) 퍼져 나가다 *criticism: 비판 *mount: 거세지다 *demand: 요구하다 *designate: 지정하다 [4] “We take the allegations that we have discriminated against a part of our passengers very seriously. We are deeply sorry that this was viewed as discrimination, which was absolutely not the intention of the crew,” Guillaume Glass, general manager for Korea at KLM, said during a press conference in Seoul on Friday. *take A seriously: A를 심각하게 받아들이다 *allegations: 주장, 혐의 *discriminate: 차별하다 *be sorry: -해서 미안하다, -해서 유감이다 *intention: 의도 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200214000523 2. At least 3 killed on icy roads as snow blankets nation 요약: 올 겨울 최대 폭설로 사상사고가 발생. [1] The heaviest snow so far this winter hit most parts of South Korea on Monday, disrupting road traffic and causing flight cancellations. At least three people were killed as cars crashed on icy roads, while nearly 40 were injured. *heavy snow: 폭설 *so far: 지금까지 *disrupt traffic: 교통 불편이 생기다 *flight cancellation: 항공편 취소 *crash: 충돌사고가 나다 [2] Around 20 vehicles piled up inside a tunnel on a highway connecting Suncheon and Wanju in North Jeolla Province at 12:20 p.m., leaving three people dead and 38 others injured, according to police and fire authorities. *pile up: 쌓이다 *leave people dead/injured: -로 인해 사람이 죽다/다치다 [3] A chemical truck was one of the vehicles involved in the accident. Police said the truck caught fire and caused a toxic gas leak in the tunnel, which made rescue efforts difficult. *catch fire: 화재가 발생하다 *toxic: 독성의 *rescue: 구조 [4] In North Jeolla Province alone, which received up to 10 centimeters of snow from Sunday through Monday, a total of 195 car accidents were reported from 5 Sunday to Monday, according to the Jeonbuk Provincial Police Agency. *receive - (centi)meters of snow: -만큼의 눈이 내리다 [5] Due to heavy snow, access to the West Sea was restricted along four routes in the province. National parks in the area, such as Jirisan and Deokyusan, were cordoned off so hikers could not enter. *due to: (나쁜 원인)으로 인해 *restrict: 제한하다 *cordon off: (안전띠 등을 둘러) 접근을 금지하다 *hikers: 등산객 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200217000901&np=1∓=1

    336회 중국발 코로나바이러스 확진 첫 사례 / 히말라야 눈사태

    336회 중국발 코로나바이러스 확진 첫 사례 / 히말라야 눈사태
    1. Seoul on alert after 1st confirmed case of coronavirus from China 기사요약: '우한 폐렴'이라고도 불리는 신종 코로나바이러스 감염 확진 환자가 국내에서도 처음 확인. [1] Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun on Monday ordered health authorities to respond quickly to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus from China, after the first case was confirmed in South Korea. *order A to B: A에게 B하라고 명령하다 *health authorities: 보건당국 *prevent: 막다 *coronavirus: 코로나바이러스 *the first case was confirmed: 첫 확진 사례가 나오다 [2] On Monday, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that a Chinese woman had tested positive for the coronavirus. *test positive for A: A에 대해 양성 반응을 보이다 [3] According to the KCDC, the woman -- a 35-year-old resident of Wuhan in China’s Hubei province -- arrived at Incheon International Airport on Sunday. She was quarantined upon arrival when she was observed to have a fever and other symptoms linked to the new coronavirus. *be quarantined: 검역되다 *upon -: -하자마자 *be observed to: 하는 것으로 관찰되다 *symptoms: 증상 *be treated: 치료받다 [4] Now that the first case has been confirmed in Korea, the KCDC has raised the alert level from blue to yellow. The KCDC said an epidemiological investigation is underway, and that a response center has been launched to prevent the spread of the virus. *now that: -이기 때문에 *raise the alert level: 위기경보 수준을 올리다 *epidemiological investigation: 전염병 역학 조사 *be underway: 진행중인 *response center: 비상대응센터 [5] According to the KCDC, the woman visited a doctor in China on Saturday with fever, muscle aches and other symptoms and was diagnosed as having a cold. The KCDC said she had not visited the market in Wuhan that has been connected to the spread of the virus, and has had no contact with wild animals. *visit a doctor: 병원을 찾아가다 *be diagnosed with: -라고 진단받다 *be connected to: -와 연관되다 *wild animal: 야생동물 [6] The KCDC said that because the woman’s illness was detected at the quarantine checkpoint, she did not come into contact with the general population. *detected at: -에서 걸리다 *quarantine checkpoint: 검역소 *come into contact with: 접촉하다 *general population: 일반인 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200120000733 2. Four Koreans still missing after Annapurna avalanche 기사요약: 네팔 히말라야 산맥의 안나푸르나 지역에서 한국인 교사 4명 실종. 수색대 추가 투입했으나 발견하지 못해. [1] Six people, including four South Koreans, remain missing in Nepal’s northwestern Himalayan region after an avalanche hit the area on Friday, Seoul’s Foreign Ministry said Sunday. *missing: 실종 *avalanche: 눈사태 *hit: 덮치다 [2] The Nepali authorities said they have mobilized an additional six to 10 specialized police officers for a search mission that is underway. But heavy snowfall and rough weather conditions are making the search difficult. *mobilize: 동원하다 *search mission: 수색작전 *underway: 진행중인 *make A difficult: A를 어렵게 하다 [3] The incident occurred Friday at about 11 a.m. (local time) when the avalanche swept the Deuralri area, at an altitude of 3,200 meters near a base camp in the Annapurna region, following heavy snowfall. *occur: 발생하다 *sweep: 덮치다 *at an altitude of - meters: 고도 -미터에서 [4] Four Koreans are all teachers from South Chungcheong Province. The other two people who went missing are Nepali guides. The missing trekkers are part of the 11-teacher team taking part in a volunteer teaching program at schools in Kathmandu from Jan. 13-25. *trekker: 등반객 *take part in: 참석하다 *volunteer teaching program: 교육봉사 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200119000176

    335회 도심 시위가 주민들에게 끼치는 영향 / 엑소 멤버 첸 깜짝 결혼 발표

    335회 도심 시위가 주민들에게 끼치는 영향 / 엑소 멤버 첸 깜짝 결혼 발표
    1. [Feature] Weekend rallies in central Seoul a headache for residents 진행자: 임현수, Paul Kerry 기사요약: 매 주말 서울 도심에서 열리는 시위가 지역 주민들에게는 소음 등의 골칫거리를 제공 [1] Protesters chanting anti-government slogans and marching with loudspeakers in traffic lanes closed off for them have become a common sight on Saturdays in central Seoul in recent years. *loudspeaker: 확성기 *traffic lane: 차선 [2] In a country where street demonstrations paved the way for democracy, this may be seen as a sign of great strides in freedom of expression. *pave the way: 길을 닦다. [3] But complaints are growing in rally-prone areas in central Seoul, namely Gwanghwamun Square and the vicinity of the presidential office. *prone: ~에 취약한 [4] “We came here to have lunch, but we are now moving somewhere else because it is just too loud,” said Kim Yi-yeon, a 34-year-old office worker, Saturday at Gwanghwamun Square. *square: 광장 [5] “I feel like we had Gwanghwamun stolen every weekend,” Kim said, walking away from the square with a friend. *steal: 훔치다 기사전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200113000649 2. EXO's Chen to get married 기사요약: 그룹 엑소 멤버 첸 결혼 계획 발표 [1] EXO’s Chen announced Monday afternoon that he will be getting married, hinting that his wife-to-be is also pregnant with his child. *hint: 암시하다 [2] In a handwritten letter sent through his agency SM Entertainment, the singer said he has a “girlfriend who he would like to spend the rest of his life with.” *handwritten: 손으로 쓴 *agency: 대리점, 단체 [3] He also said a “blessing has arrived” to him, hinting that his soon-to-be-wife is pregnant. *blessing: 축복 [4] “I don’t know where to begin and I’m so nervous and shaky. But I decided to pen the letter even if my writing isn’t perfect because I wanted to let my fans know first with all honesty who have given me so much love,” he wrote. *shaky: 떨리는, 휘청거리는 *with all honesty: 아주 솔직하게 [5] The singer also said his girlfriend is not a celebrity and added that the two plan to have a small private wedding attended only by the couple’s family. *attend: 참석하다. *private wedding: 비공개 결혼식 기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200113000741

    311회 호날두 노쇼에 한국팬 집단 소송 / 고유정 체포 영상 유출에 경찰 수사 착수

    311회 호날두 노쇼에 한국팬 집단 소송 / 고유정 체포 영상 유출에 경찰 수사 착수
    진행자: 김다솔, Paul Kerry 1. Cristiano Ronaldo’s no-show prompts upset fans to seek legal action 기사요약: K리그 선발팀(팀 K리그)과 이탈리아 유벤투스의 친선전에서 크리스티아누 호날두(34)가 출전하지 않아 벌어진 이른바 '호날두 노쇼' 파문과 관련해 민사소송이 처음 제기됐다. 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 [1] Korean fans disappointed and angered by soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo’s solely bench-warming presence at a friendly match between Juventus FC from Turin, Italy and a team of K League players last week are pursuing a class-action suit against the organizer for failing to meet legal obligations. * solely: 오로지, 단지 * bench-warming: 벤치를 지키다 * presence: 존재 * pursue: 추구하다 * class-action: 집단 소송제 * meet obligation: 의무를 다하다 [2] The 34-year-old star athlete -- whose first visit in 12 years was highly anticipated among fans here-- was benched in the exhibition match last Friday at the World Cup Stadium in western Seoul. * highly anticipated: 매우 기대가 되는 * exhibition match: 시범 경기 [3] “(Event organizer) The Fasta profited from advertising the friendly match to soccer fans, and for success (in ticket sales) they emphasized that Ronaldo would play over 45 minutes,” read a blog post by lawyers Yu Hyung-bin and Kim Hun-ki of law firm MyungAn. MyungAn is leading the class-action suit. * profited: 이윤을 취하다 * friendly match: 친선 경기 * emphasized: 강조하다 [4] “The abrupt cancellation of Ronaldo’s attendance in the fan signing event, the delay in kickoff due to team Juventus’ tardiness and the 400,000 won ($337) buffet with no chairs and tables are also problems,” it said. The buffet was part of some premium packages offered by The Fasta. * abrupt: 급작스러운 * attendance: 참석 * delay: 연기 * tardiness: 지각 [5] The post added that ticket holders could demand a partial refund from event organizer The Fasta by holding it accountable for breach of contract. * partial refund: 부분적인 환불 * accountable: 책임이 있는 * breach of contract: 계약 위반 기사 본문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190729000581 2. [Newsmaker] Police probe leaked video footage of Jeju murder suspect 기사 요약: 경찰청에 따르면 경찰청 형사과는 고유정의 긴급체포 당시 영상을 특정 언론사에 제공한 박기남 전 서장에 대해 진상을 파악하고 있다. 아이튠즈(아이폰): https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2 팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638 [1] Police have launched a probe into circumstances surrounding the leak of video footage taken during the arrest of Koh Yu-jeong, a prime suspect in the murder of her ex-husband. * launch a probe: 수사에 착수하다 * circumstances: 사정, 정황 * leak of video footage: 비디오 영상 유출 * prime suspect: 주요 용의자 [2] The leaked footage, released Saturday by local media, shows Koh’s arrest on June 1 at 10:32 a.m. in the parking lot of an apartment block in Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province. As police officers handcuff her after informing her of her Miranda rights, Koh asks, “Why? I never did that. I am the victim.” * handcuff her: 그녀를 수갑에 채우다 [3] Korean National Police Agency Commissioner General Min Gap-ryong said in a press briefing Monday they were investigating if the video was released “in moderation through the appropriate process.” * in moderation: 알맞게 * appropriate process: 적절한 과정 [4] “Any impropriety (in the process of the video’s release) will be met with administrative action.” * impropriety: 부적절한 행동 * meet with administrative action: 행정 처분 [5] Regarding media reports that Park Ki-nam, the former chief of Jeju Dongbu Police Station, was responsible for the video leak, Min said the matter calls for “a contextual consideration -- if Park had indeed personally leaked the video.” * call for something: ~을 필요로 하다, 공식적으로 요구하다 * contextual consideration: 맥락과 관련된 고려사항 기사 본분: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190729000660

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