

    Explore "#integration" with insightful episodes like "Complex Trauma Impacts Brain Development", "Ayahuasca, Integration, and Neurosomatic Intelligence", "The Arcana, Closing Ceremony", "Soul Retrieval & Root Chakra Restoration" and "The Wolf & the Buried Secret" from podcasts like ""Trauma Rewired", "Trauma Rewired", "Trauma Rewired", "Trauma Rewired" and "Trauma Rewired"" and more!

    Episodes (5)

    Complex Trauma Impacts Brain Development

    Complex Trauma Impacts Brain Development

    “Impaired integration is such a hallmark of the traumatized brain. It disrupts our ability to balance our nervous system. Neurobiologist Dan Siegel says that at its very essence, the purpose of trauma therapy is to restore brain integration.”


    On today’s episode, co-hosts Jennifer Wallace and Elisabeth Kristoff of Brain-Based Wellness discuss the neurological impacts of trauma, specifically how disassociation and fragmentation affect our brain integration. They’re joined by Matt Bush of Next Level Neuro and co-founder of the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching Certification Program.


    Expect to understand more about how early childhood trauma results in brain dysfunction, shapes our basic functioning and filtration systems, and can overpower the cognitive mind. You’ll also learn what reintegrating memories actually means, and why integration is the key to healing.


    Trauma Rewired has mentioned many times that without integration, long-lasting change is difficult, but without the survival brain and emotional brain working together, integration, specifically vertical integration, is impossible. This may sound overwhelming, but the good news change IS possible because of neuroplasticity.


    If you want a deep understanding of vertical integration and how trauma affects the developing brain, tune in to learn more!


    Tune in to hear how neurosomatic intelligence can help get you to integrate and regulate your nervous system!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Defining complex trauma from a neurosomatic perspective

    • Effects of trauma on brain development

    • Dissociation and fragmentation of self

    • Memory integration and why people feel “stuck”

    • Real examples of trauma responses overpowering their cognitive brain

    • Dissociating from the different parts of your self

    • What is vertical integration?

    • How developmental trauma affects vertical integration
    • Dysregulation between the brains left and right hemispheres  

    • The SAID Principle in realtion to nervous system imbalance 
    • Benefits of learning more about trauma and the brain 


    The Spring Cohort is enrolling now! Learn more about Neurosomatic Intelligence and sign up for the upcoming workshop: https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site:



    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group!




    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique http://podcastboutique.com


    Ayahuasca, Integration, and Neurosomatic Intelligence

    Ayahuasca, Integration, and Neurosomatic Intelligence

    The many gifts received through ceremony with ayahuasca from start to finish cannot be measured within the confines of the days in a retreat. The potential reveals itself during ceremony, but the gifts are found once you’re released into the world again, armed with awareness. However, potential is just that. How do you take that potential and transform it into healing? 


    Integration after ceremony is arguably the most crucial part of the whole process, because this is where you train your body to receive and transmute the heavy dysregulated energy you’ve been carrying in your nervous system your entire life, into regulation.

    Our host, Jennifer Wallace, recognized this after an extremely eye opening ceremony, that was in fact dysregulating in nature, so she knew there was a lot of work to be done post ceremony.

    Integrating the new information into her life in order for her body to feel safe was one of the greatest gifts she gave to herself, because now it has helped her create the big life she knew she could live. Jennifer is able to live fully expressed, and if she isn’t, she has the tools to bring her back to that aligned place.

    Jennifer has learned the tools to integrate the lessons that come up during plant medicine ceremonies and she wants to share her methods with you.

    Tune in to hear the importance of integration and how Jennifer was able to achieve it by healing her nervous system.


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • The importance of preparation (ie. dieta) prior to ceremony
    • Shifts that could take place in your life during ceremony
    • Being open to all that comes up during ceremony
    • Who are you after releasing trauma?
    • Working with and transmuting anger
    • Why it is important to integrate after transformation
    • What are body boundary variations  
    • The importance of nervous system healing
    • Changing your lived experience with awareness
    • The emergence of a long term healing blueprint
    • Recap of ACE scores
    • How your life shifts after healing


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group!

    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired


    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 


    The Arcana, Closing Ceremony

    The Arcana, Closing Ceremony

    It’s the fourth and final day of Jennifer's ayahuasca retreat and, in this short and sweet episode, she shares why she bridges neurosomatic intelligence with psychedelic integration.


    By training and reprogramming your nervous system, you will discover that anything is possible. You already embody the capacity for change. Add a powerhouse plant medicine like ayahuasca, which only increases that capacity, and there is the potential for infinite transformation.


    Jennifer believes that neurosomatic intelligence not only allows for more presence, awareness, clarity, and focus in your day-to-day life, but also prepares you for psychedelic integration by creating a greater sense of safety in the body.


    Tuning in, you’ll hear Jennifer’s account of her closing ceremony, some of the profound and painful realizations that came from tapping into her womb space, and why she was so grateful for the support of a neurosomatic intelligence coach throughout this experience.


    To learn more about how you can benefit on a deep spiritual level from bringing neurosomatic intelligence to any of your healing modalities and experiences, join us today!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Preparing for the integration through nervous system work
    • Neurosomatic intelligence as a tool for greater clarity and awareness
    • Jennifer’s intentions for this closing ceremony
    • Returning to “surgery” in the maloka
    • Realizations that came with tapping into her womb space
    • Jennifer’s passion for bringing neurosomatic intelligence to everyone
    • How processing trauma can reveal what is possible


    Head to calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move beyond the behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:




    FREE 1-Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired


    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach? Visit neurosomaticintelligence.com.

    Soul Retrieval & Root Chakra Restoration

    Soul Retrieval & Root Chakra Restoration

    In the first short episode detailing Jennifer’s ayahuasca experience, she shared her intentions for healing. In this next installment, you’ll hear her firsthand account of how she, with help from two shamans, was able to retrieve her soul and restore a feeling of safety.


    After drinking the ayahuasca tea and being enveloped in the impassioned sounds of Maestros Maricella and Francisco singing icaros, Jennifer was able to find parts of her that were lost through her life’s trauma.


    Jennifer describes being back in the maloka for a second night, once again feeling connected to the universe through vibrant visions of herself and nature. The magic of the ayahuasca medicine, combined with the progress made on the first night, allowed her to process deeper emotions and finally reach a place of self-love.


    Hear all about her transformative experience and process to integration in today’s episode!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Jennifer’s history shared with the two shamans
    • Different ways to purge
    • Jennifer’s visuals, emotion, and thoughts
    • Soul retrieval
    • Why night two was so important to Jennifer’s healing
    • Processing anger and rage
    • Who can she be now?
    • Using her voice and feeling safe


    Jennifer and Elisabeth are inviting you to a special live-recording Q&A episode on October 21st! The topics being discussed include integration, training the nervous system, using neuro-somatic tools, and lots more. This is the first EVER community discussion, so don’t miss your chance to be part of the conversation!




    Learn more about the Soltara Healing Center: https://soltara.co


    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired


    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 


    The Wolf & the Buried Secret

    The Wolf & the Buried Secret

    In this short episode, Jennifer recounts her powerful healing experience at an ayahuasca retreat on the beaches of Costa Rica. Contrary to Western medicine, ayahuasca treatment focuses on the energetic body to open a pathway to healing.


    Containing the potent psychoactive DMT, this psychedelic is brewed with tea and drank to induce altered states of consciousness. Ayahuasca can bring undiscovered truths to the surface, and help you revisit memories that shaped you at a young age - and this is exactly what our host experienced.


    After learning about plant medicine and listening to others experiences with ayahuasca, Jennifer decided it was her turn to give it a try. Healing requires support, and on this retreat she had the help of two healers to guide her through the use of icaros, or magical songs.


    She was able to confront her past, gain insight into her life, and most importantly, release feelings she had been holding on to for decades. Jennifer was able to do all of this in a positive way, not reliving her pain but visiting it with a different point of view.


    If you’re interested in plant medicine for healing trauma, this episode is a must-listen! Disclaimer: this episode has multiple mentions of childhood sexual trauma.


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Invitation to a live-recording Q&A episode with Elisabeth on October 21st 11AM CST
    • A history and description of ayahuasca
    • Jennifer’s wellness before the retreat and what questions she wanted answered
    • How the diet before the retreat helped improved health
    • Learning about a friend’s childhood sexual trauma realization on the plane ride
    • The similarities between her and her friend in relation to their trauma
    • Jennifer shares her childhood filled with feelings of toxic shame
    • Quote about hallucinations from The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Naby
    • Day 1: drinking lemongrass tea and purging
    • Sharing her intentions and asking for help
    • Drinking the ayahuasca tea with the healers and group
    • What Jennifer saw during her first ayahuasca ceremony
    • Discovering the truth of her childhood sexual abuse
    • Coming down from the ayahuasca
    • Jennifer finds new meaning in a nightmare she’s had since she was 14
    • Limiting beliefs and early CPTSD
    • How nervous system regulation and plant medicine has helped Jennifer
    • After effects of her ayahuasca retreat


    LIVE recording details Watch it here.


    Learn more about the Soltara Healing Center: https://soltara.co


    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired


    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 
