

    Explore "#healingtrauma" with insightful episodes like "Dissociation", "Secure Attachments & Nervous System Health", "The Fight Trauma Response", "Belief Rewire: Our Gift to You" and "Trauma and the Holidays" from podcasts like ""Trauma Rewired", "Trauma Rewired", "Trauma Rewired", "Trauma Rewired" and "Trauma Rewired"" and more!

    Episodes (20)



    Dissociation is one way that our brain keeps us safe from things that may cause us stress or harm. Whether it’s a simple moment of daydreaming or constant state of dissociation in an abusive relationship, being cognitively and physically disconnected is not conducive to healing.


    During this episode of Trauma Rewired, Jennifer and Elisabeth discuss the spectrum of dissociation and how it can affect the interoceptive system, or how we process and send information to the brain. They go over the symptoms of dissociation, sharing their personal experiences of dissociation related to childhood trauma.


    Our survival brain sees healing as a threat, but there are ways to rehab the deficits in the nervous system to give more clear information to the brain, helping us to think and see more clearly. For example, training our interoceptive system can fight our hypersensitivity to threats and bring us out of disassociation.


    To learn what tools can help you retrain your nervous system and the learned conditioned responses that are no longer serving you, tune in to this episode!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Misconceptions about dissociation

    • The definition of dissociation and its symptoms

    • Dissociation as a protective mechanism

    • How the interoceptive system works

    • Dissociation and the freeze response

    • How dissociation affects the body and how we feel pain

    • The link to avoidance behavior

    • Tools to bring yourself back from a state of dissociation

    • Body dysmorphia and deficits in the visual system

    • Living in the body to find a safe place to feel and heal

    • Dissociation as an effect of peak somatic experiences


    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com/?utm_medium=aff-traumarewired&utm_content&utm_source


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site:



    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching:



    Connect with us on social media:



    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846

    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired

    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com


    Secure Attachments & Nervous System Health

    Secure Attachments & Nervous System Health

    Do you intellectualize all the concepts and theories heard on this podcast or the ones you read on The Holistic Psychologist’s social media, but can’t seem to get past the awareness stage of healing and put what you know into practice?

    In this episode with Dr. Nicole LePera, aka “The Holistic Psychologist,” we discuss the power of embodiment and its role in healing trauma and rewiring the brain to support a healthy nervous system. We do a deep dive into the profound impact our childhood has on future relationships, getting into the root cause of our maladaptive cycles of behavior and how to overcome internal, subconscious resistance.

    After listening to this insightful conversation, you’ll have a better understanding of the neurobiology of trauma bonds, how trauma affects our experience of emotion, and the challenges you may face on your healing journey.

    Tune in to learn how to cultivate safety within yourself and improve your relationships!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Embodiment’s role in healing

    • Chronic shame and dysregulation

    • How our childhood impacts adult relationships

    • Trauma bonds and how they manifest as relational patterns

    • The theory of constructed emotion

    • Grief and anger in the healing process

    • Harmful labeling in the mental health industry

    Order Dr. Nicole LePera’s new book, How To Be The Love You Seek! https://howtobetheloveyouseek.com/


    Sign up for the free Holiday Self-Care NSI Workshop on December 15th:



    Connect with Dr. Nicole LePera:







    Learn more about the SelfHealers Circle:



    Contact us about private Rewire Neuro-Somatic Coaching:



    Learn more about the Neuro-Somatic Intelligence Coaching program and sign up for the spring cohort now! https://www.neurosomaticintelligence.com/?utm_medium=aff-traumarewired&utm_content&utm_source


    Get started training your nervous system with our FREE 2-week offer on the Brain Based Membership site:



    Connect with us on social media:



    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/761101225132846

    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: https://www.drinkag1.com/rewired

    This episode was produced by Podcast Boutique https://www.podcastboutique.com


    The Fight Trauma Response

    The Fight Trauma Response

    It is our brain’s job to protect us against danger. Whether that is a real or perceived threat, the
    brain will activate and will result in an action, or inaction. This isn’t the most effective way to be
    protected for people who have experienced trauma, because that trauma is stored so deep in
    our subconscious, that the threat response can activate in the absence of a real threat but in thepresence of a trigger.

    There is no way to avoid having your trauma retriggered and your nervous system regulated at
    all times. These are lived experiences that have sown their way into our nervous systems, but
    we can implement tools to regulate in the face of a response that may be harmful to others or

    Specifically the fight trauma response. This can be one of the most damaging to our
    relationships and our bodies. Creating chaos in moments of intimacy with others, or chaos
    within our bodies, can lead to living an unfulfilling life. There is a way out of this, and that is whawe want to talk about on today’s episode.

    Jennifer and Elisabeth sit down to speak about fight response and how it manifested in their
    lives. As well as tools you can use to help yourself move the anger through your body. They
    worked with their nervous system and learned how to identify when they were in fight mode andhow to regulate it in that moment. They now want to share this knowledge with you.
    Tune in to hear their stories and how you can start your journey to a regulated nervous system.

    Topics discussed in this episode:

    ● What happens in your body when in fight response
    ● How fight response is automatic without cognitive awareness
    ● Benefits of creating a new relationship with fight response
    ● Four ways people respond to anger
    ● How feelings of unsafety in yourself can make others feel unsafe
    ● How trauma responses can be misidentified as a personality trait
    ● Reparenting yourself during a trauma response
    ● How to move anger through the body
    ● What happens to your body when you express emotion
    ● The truth about how dysregulation does not stop

    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit


    Claim your FREE two weeks on Brain Based Wellness:


    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use
    My exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    Zap stress, RESOLVE anxiety, STOP pain, DROP unwanted behaviors and MAGNIFY clarity and
    focus. It’s easier than you think. If you can watch a video, you can heal your nervous system.
    Go here to get your free videos now:



    Belief Rewire: Our Gift to You

    Belief Rewire: Our Gift to You

    From last week’s episode on perfectionism to topics like CPTSD elements or intuition, Trauma Rewired has discussed numerous issues that result from trauma. You’ve heard a lot about the nervous system and how important it is to regulate it, but how exactly do you do that?


    During this first installment of a three-part series on core beliefs, you’ll learn how to deconstruct the beliefs that drive your harmful behaviors and create a loop of dysregulation. For example, Elisabeth shares her holiday-related anxiety that is leading to trauma responses like perfectionism; and Jennifer helps her trace back these beliefs and rewire the nervous system — just like they would any client.


    In the spirit of the holiday season, Jennifer and Elisabeth will also be sharing two neuro drills that can bring you to a feeling of safety when in a state of high stress and dysregulation. This will enable you to challenge the beliefs that have a negative impact on your health and healing.


    Change becomes possible when your brain and nervous system are on the same page, and listening to this episode will help get you there!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • How core beliefs can develop in childhood
    • Changing limiting beliefs from a neurosomatic perspective
    • An example of tracing back a belief
    • Driving behaviors of limited beliefs
    • How the body feels accepting limiting beliefs vs. the opposite belief
    • Taking action and changing behavior
    • What happens after new beliefs are achieved?
    • Elisabeth and Jennifer teach a few neuro drills


    Subscribe to the free Brain Training Video Series: https://brainbased-wellness.com/free-subscription/


    Learn more about Elisabeth Kristof and her company, Brain-Based Wellness, here: https://brainbased-wellness.com/about/


    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group!


    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:







    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    Healing Autoimmune in Two Worlds: Plants & Western Medicine

    Healing Autoimmune in Two Worlds: Plants & Western Medicine

    Trauma Rewired has addressed many issues that arise when trauma is stored in the body for years, decades, or even a lifetime. One of them is that this type of chronic stress can lead to autoimmune diseases, heart disease and more, as well as intensify pain experienced from these serious health issues.

    A dysregulated nervous system resulting from trauma leads to emotional and physical pain, but how do you heal yourself from trauma, while also fighting for your physical health? Tune in to hear how both plant medicine and Western treatments can work together to heal the different facets of your health.


    It’s been two years since Anna Gieselman was on the podcast to speak about her lupus journey, an autoimmune disease, but she’s back today to update us! In this episode, she shares the lows and highs of getting to a better place with her health, including making the decision to use Western medicine and becoming healed energetically and psychically with plant medicine.


    Jennifer and Anna go over pivotal moments of their ayahuasca trip, such as experiencing a dark energy, healing generational trauma, and the divine feminine. Listen to their conversation about overall wellness for all this and more!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Anna gives an update on her health
    • Negative and positive effects of her new medication
    • Living in “permanent disease thought” with chronic pain
    • Learning about her trauma with plant medicine
    • Healing generational trauma and divine femine energy
    • Jennifer and Anna on experiencing dark energy during an ayahuasca ceremony
    • Long-lasting life changes from reaching the divine
    • Regulating your nervous system


    Connect with Anna Gieselman:




    Join the Trauma Rewired Facebook Group!


    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired


    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 


    The Arcana, Closing Ceremony

    The Arcana, Closing Ceremony

    It’s the fourth and final day of Jennifer's ayahuasca retreat and, in this short and sweet episode, she shares why she bridges neurosomatic intelligence with psychedelic integration.


    By training and reprogramming your nervous system, you will discover that anything is possible. You already embody the capacity for change. Add a powerhouse plant medicine like ayahuasca, which only increases that capacity, and there is the potential for infinite transformation.


    Jennifer believes that neurosomatic intelligence not only allows for more presence, awareness, clarity, and focus in your day-to-day life, but also prepares you for psychedelic integration by creating a greater sense of safety in the body.


    Tuning in, you’ll hear Jennifer’s account of her closing ceremony, some of the profound and painful realizations that came from tapping into her womb space, and why she was so grateful for the support of a neurosomatic intelligence coach throughout this experience.


    To learn more about how you can benefit on a deep spiritual level from bringing neurosomatic intelligence to any of your healing modalities and experiences, join us today!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Preparing for the integration through nervous system work
    • Neurosomatic intelligence as a tool for greater clarity and awareness
    • Jennifer’s intentions for this closing ceremony
    • Returning to “surgery” in the maloka
    • Realizations that came with tapping into her womb space
    • Jennifer’s passion for bringing neurosomatic intelligence to everyone
    • How processing trauma can reveal what is possible


    Head to calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move beyond the behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:




    FREE 1-Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired


    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach? Visit neurosomaticintelligence.com.

    Surgery, Death, and Rebirth

    Surgery, Death, and Rebirth

    This account of Jennifer’s second to last ceremony is arguably the most profound, in that it highlighted the complete integration and release of the previous ceremonies, and there is hope. 

    In today’s short episode, you will hear Jennifer so eloquently narrate the journey through “jaw surgery” in the maloka, and her resurrection from the experience. The clarity, bliss, and awareness, created a new foundation for the rest of her life that transpires into her life’s work today. 


    Coming out on the other side of the death of who Jennifer once was, created the offerings she presents you with today. From a deep excavation, she has learned the route to deep healing in a way that only personal experience can provide, and she shares these lessons with you now.


    Tune in to hear more of what Jennifer experienced in ceremony and the importance of deep, somatic integration. 


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Jennifer’s intention going into the second to last ceremony
    • The sadness from awareness
    • Jennifer’s “surgery” experience in the maloka
    • Total rebirth incoming
    • Scenes of “surgery” post-op
    • Psychedelic and their power in sensory enhancement

    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired


    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 


    The Wolf & the Buried Secret

    The Wolf & the Buried Secret

    In this short episode, Jennifer recounts her powerful healing experience at an ayahuasca retreat on the beaches of Costa Rica. Contrary to Western medicine, ayahuasca treatment focuses on the energetic body to open a pathway to healing.


    Containing the potent psychoactive DMT, this psychedelic is brewed with tea and drank to induce altered states of consciousness. Ayahuasca can bring undiscovered truths to the surface, and help you revisit memories that shaped you at a young age - and this is exactly what our host experienced.


    After learning about plant medicine and listening to others experiences with ayahuasca, Jennifer decided it was her turn to give it a try. Healing requires support, and on this retreat she had the help of two healers to guide her through the use of icaros, or magical songs.


    She was able to confront her past, gain insight into her life, and most importantly, release feelings she had been holding on to for decades. Jennifer was able to do all of this in a positive way, not reliving her pain but visiting it with a different point of view.


    If you’re interested in plant medicine for healing trauma, this episode is a must-listen! Disclaimer: this episode has multiple mentions of childhood sexual trauma.


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Invitation to a live-recording Q&A episode with Elisabeth on October 21st 11AM CST
    • A history and description of ayahuasca
    • Jennifer’s wellness before the retreat and what questions she wanted answered
    • How the diet before the retreat helped improved health
    • Learning about a friend’s childhood sexual trauma realization on the plane ride
    • The similarities between her and her friend in relation to their trauma
    • Jennifer shares her childhood filled with feelings of toxic shame
    • Quote about hallucinations from The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Naby
    • Day 1: drinking lemongrass tea and purging
    • Sharing her intentions and asking for help
    • Drinking the ayahuasca tea with the healers and group
    • What Jennifer saw during her first ayahuasca ceremony
    • Discovering the truth of her childhood sexual abuse
    • Coming down from the ayahuasca
    • Jennifer finds new meaning in a nightmare she’s had since she was 14
    • Limiting beliefs and early CPTSD
    • How nervous system regulation and plant medicine has helped Jennifer
    • After effects of her ayahuasca retreat


    LIVE recording details Watch it here.


    Learn more about the Soltara Healing Center: https://soltara.co


    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use my exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired


    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 


    Emotional Flashbacks: CPTSD Component

    Emotional Flashbacks: CPTSD Component

    Emotional Flashbacks: CPTSD Element

    Season 02, Episode 21


    The nervous system is our body’s control center, telling us when to move, think, and breathe. Disorders like CPTSD (complex post-traumatic stress disorder), put our bodies in a state of dysregulation that can have profound effects on how we feel and react.


    Human emotions are a full system experience, affecting the entire body by way of hormones, sympathetic and parasympathetic stress responses. Big emotions can be overwhelming for those with CPTSD, initiating a maladaptive survival response.


    In today’s episode, Elisabeth Kristof is on the show to discuss one element of this new diagnosis: emotional flashbacks. There are some misconceptions around this term, but understanding it is an important step to living a better life without the burden of trauma.


    Emotional flashbacks are not regression, but rather a real-time response often created in childhood. Our brains perceive the world through the filter of our experience, so those with trauma will respond to triggers with the neurological patterns they developed as children.


    Elisabeth spent years stuck in an emotional flashback state, and only saw true change through working with her emotional body to regulate her nervous system. The cognitive mind cannot overpower emotional flashbacks, so you must create your own toolkit through self-awareness.


    Relieving the trauma is not necessary, but it is imperative to express your feelings in order to move on to the next step in your healing journey. 


    Tune in to learn how to get started!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • Definitions of emotional flashbacks and the neuro-somatic perspective
    • Emotions and symptoms related to emotional flashbacks
    • What can trigger an emotional flashback
    • How the brain matches your internal state to the external world
    • The inability to regulate emotions as a child affects how you respond to triggers
    • Understanding your baseline level to recognize trauma responses
    • Sympathetic and parasympathetic stress responses to a real or perceived threat
    • How neurosomatic tools, or “neuro drills,” can help regulate the nervous system
    • Elisabeth describes her years stuck in a dysregulated state and cycling through trauma responses
    • Jennifer shared her journey from childhood trauma, being stuck in an emotional flashback state, and finally gaining self-awareness
    • The importance of understanding your triggers and responses
    • Pattern recognition triggers
    • Neuro tags and how they activate an existing trauma response pattern
    • Creating safety in the nervous system to build new patterns and behaviors
    • Getting past a disorganized sense of self to become aware and express emotions
    • Practice daily to make intentional changes to your nervous system
    • Working with your emotional body to release big, repressed emotions
    • Find practitioners that will give you a safe place to be vulnerable
    • Having the life you want means working on your symptoms of CPTSD
    • Elisabeth shares the story of a client who gave up dating because of their overwhelming emotional response to breakups
    • Emotions affect the whole body, from hormones to brain function
    • Work through feelings of guilt and shame to improve your responses to triggers
    • Don’t rely on the cognitive mind to make change
    • The 5 components of CPTSD
    • Experiencing self-sabotaging behaviors from trying to change your nervous system


    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:  





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use


    My exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 


    Work with Elisabeth:


    Get in on Elisabeth's exclusive Free Video Training - her proven step-by-step system to ZAP stress, RESOLVE anxiety, STOP pain, DROP unwanted behaviors and MAGNIFY clarity and focus. 


    It’s easier than you think. If you can watch a video, you can heal your nervous system. 


    Go here to get your free videos now: 








    Interested in getting more insight about the mind-body experience? Check out Elisabeth’s book pick, Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert.

    The Magic Tea & the Tumor

    The Magic Tea & the Tumor

    The Magic Tea & the Tumor 

    Season 02, Episode 20


    We, as humans, are more powerful than we can fathom. We have the ability to heal with our minds and our bodies at such high levels, only when given the opportunity. 


    Sometimes, to get to that awareness, it takes opening up parts of our minds that have been dormant for a long time. That is where plant medicine comes in. 


    Plant medicine, when used in a safe and controlled environment, has the ability to open our mind and heart up in ways that can transform us from the inside out.


    This is something host Jennifer Wallace experienced after receiving her breast cancer diagnosis, and was called to plant medicine treatment. The treatment had a profound affect on Jennifer, in  that it changed the way she saw her breast cancer and inevitably the way she healed it.


    This is a powerful episode that will open your mind to a new way of healing, integrating plant medicine and neurosomatic intelligence to create a powerful combination of intense transformation and healing.


    Tune in to hear Jennifer’s story and how you can connect with her to start your healing journey.


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • How plant medicine benefited Jennifer in her healing
    • Jennifer’s story of her breast cancer diagnosis 
    • Jennifer’s first plant medicine experience
    • The power of our body and mind
    • The courage to see where you are out of alignment
    • Importance of having integration guidance
    • You are the medicine

    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:  





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use


    My exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 


    What is CPTSD?

    What is CPTSD?

    Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is only recently beginning to be recognized thanks to the Healing Revolution but its roots actually go back to Freud in the 1800’s. Complex CPTSD sets itself apart from PTSD  by five distinguishing trauma responses and likely stems from an adverse childhood experience, a developmental trauma, a failed environment.

    With brain science coming so far in the past twenty years we are now more clear about how trauma affects a developing young brain.  Stress, trauma, and unresolved stress responses create a dysfunctional brain. When our bodies are more stressed it can create a chronic illness or disease state within the body. It’s all just one giant loop. 

    How can we understand this in our own life?  Maybe you will find yourself within Jennifer and Elisabeth's stories or their clients' stories. And understand what you may have thought was a personality trait is actually a trauma response. 


    This conversation discusses

    • What is  CPTSD
    • The difference between CPTSD & PTSD
    • Dr. Judith Herman, Dr. Pete Walker
    • Emotional Flashbacks, Toxic Shame, Self Abandonment, Inner Critic, and Social Anxiety
    • Possible causes of CPTSD including early childhood sexual trauma 
    • Our experiences with CPTSD 
    • Emotional neglect is a core wound
    • Development of the fundamental belief system 
    • Babies don’t have complex understanding of the world around them 
    • All abandonment is self abandonment 
    • Working with your nervous system to build awareness and recognize trauma responses 
    • Nervous system regulation 
    • How does CPTSD challenge society? 


    This conversation is the beginning of a long conversation about CPTSD as we will be breaking down its components individually. 


    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:  





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use


    My exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 


    Work with Elisabeth:


    Get in on Elisabeth's exclusive Free Video Training - her proven step-by-step system to ZAP stress, RESOLVE anxiety, STOP pain, DROP unwanted behaviors and MAGNIFY clarity and focus. 


    It’s easier than you think. If you can watch a video, you can heal your nervous system. 


    Go here to get your free videos now: 













    Navigating Grief, Trauma, and Healing; Jennifer's story

    Navigating Grief, Trauma, and Healing; Jennifer's story

    Please meet my client Jennifer who shares her journey of grief and nervous sytem healing in this candid conversation. 


    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:  





    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use


    My exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    Safe or Unsafe

    Safe or Unsafe

    Today's short focuses on safe or unsafe? The question your old brain is asking at a rate that we can't even comprehend. This primal part of your brain is only focused on one thing - your survival - relying on all of the input systems, past experiences and much more. Learn how it doesn't know the difference between a real threat or percieved threat. 

    This short references Illuminated S1 E24 The Neurology of Pain with Elisabeth Kristof.  

    Want to learn how Neurosomatic Intelligence can support you? Book your free consult at the link beow


    Connect with Jennifer



    AG1: FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use

    My exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    Get in on Elisabeth's exclusive Free Video Training - her proven step-by-step system to ZAP stress, RESOLVE anxiety, STOP pain, DROP unwanted behaviors and MAGNIFY clarity and focus. 


    It’s easier than you think. If you can watch a video, you can heal your nervous system. 


    Go here to get your free videos now: 



    Is your Somatic Experience missing something?

    Is your Somatic Experience missing something?

    If you are familiar with trauma therapy, you know that somatic work is currently very popular among practitioners and clients. 


    Somatic work is so powerful in processing and working through trauma that has been stored in the nervous system for years, steering our lives in ways that we have not been conscious of until we do something like somatic work. 


    However, what this work isn’t is a one stop shop cure to a dysregulated nervous system. Now that you have brought all the trauma to the surface to be released, it takes daily practice to allow for your nervous system to shed the years of built up trauma and integrate the new wiring in your day to day life. 


    This takes extra work and practice that requires a multitude of tools. So that is why on today’s episode, we want to touch on a missing piece of somatic experiencing, which is, what do you do once you have had the somatic experience? What happens after? 


    After conjuring up that trauma, there has to be a system in place to integrate the healing into your life, and that’s what we want to help you uncover today. As well as, what happens once the nervous system is regulated on a daily basis and what that could look like for you.


    There is a ton of information covered in this podcast that can help you understand how to heal the nervous system, as well as help create trauma informed safe spaces and tools for integration for your clients.

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • What is a somatic experiencing?
    • Difference between acute and complex trauma
    • The foundational gap in somatic work
    • What we mean when we say movement
    • What homeostasis are we coming back to?
    • The idea of shock absorption as a buffer
    • Common misconception among the trauma therapeutic community
    • Importance of dosing and how to re-establish safety after a somatic experience
    • What do you do when the neurodrills don’t work
    • How changing movement can change the biochemistry in the body
    • 3 benefits of discovering full mobility of the body
    • The importance of integrating daily rewiring of the nervous system
    • Myth that nervous system responses are a personality trait
    • What is proprioceptive training
    • Integrating new responses to triggers
    • The next step for people who have been doing somatic work
    • Information on Neurosomatic Intelligence Coaching Certification

    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 



    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:  







    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use


    My exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    Work with Elisabeth:


    Get in on Elisabeth's exclusive Free Video Training - her proven step-by-step system to ZAP stress, RESOLVE anxiety, STOP pain, DROP unwanted behaviors and MAGNIFY clarity and focus. 


    It’s easier than you think. If you can watch a video, you can heal your nervous system. 


    Go here to get your free videos now: 









    Work with Matt: 








    Work with Melanie:






    Bingeing & Survival 2

    Bingeing & Survival 2

    Remember the first time we told you Bingeing is a surivival output from a well functioning nervous system? Well, we're back to talk about what it looks like to resolve our disordered eating and what it's like to eat intuitively. 

    This is a follow up conversation to the very first episode we recorded. You will find Part 1 in Season One of Illumianted. 


    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 



    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:  



    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use

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    Work with Elisabeth:


    Get in on Elisabeth's exclusive Free Video Training - her proven step-by-step system to ZAP stress, RESOLVE anxiety, STOP pain, DROP unwanted behaviors and MAGNIFY clarity and focus. 


    It’s easier than you think. If you can watch a video, you can heal your nervous system. 


    Go here to get your free videos now: 








    Neurosomatic Intellligence II

    Neurosomatic Intellligence II

    The untapped potential of the nervous system is a point we want to address. The way we move through our lives can be exponentially improved by implementing the right tools to train the brain to regulate itself in times of usual distress. These tools can be life changing and could possibly even save someone’s life. 


    Neurosomatic Intelligence coaching is a joint effort between Melanie Weller, Elisabeth Kristoff, and Matt Bush, who have created this program for anyone that creates space working with people in a therapeutic or non therapeutic environment. This type of coaching can be integrated in your current coaching paradigm to amplify the results you are trying to achieve. 


    The premise is that everything starts and ends with your nervous system, so no matter where you are implementing this type of work, it will be impactful. Neurosomatic Intelligence can help people feel safer in their bodies, whether they have big T or small T trauma, everyone can benefit greatly from this work.


    In today’s episode, join us in conversation as we discuss the Neurosomatic Intelligence coaching program and how it has impacted our lives as well as the lives of our clients. We discuss how it can be implemented and its effectiveness in treating a wide range of issues from mental health to physical pain.


    Tune in to hear how you can level up your services by providing this deep level of healing!

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • How Neurosomatic Intelligence can positively impact your business
    • Being able to trust with a regulated nervous system to allow for safe spaces
    • Productivity and focus amplified with a regulated nervous system
    • How practice and integration is key to allowing your subconscious to regulate
    • A story about self abandonment
    • How Neurosomatic Intelligence allows for integration at a rapid pace
    • Importance of dosage and pace of intervention
    • Ineffectiveness of medication in depression 
    • How the Neurosomatic Intelligence coaching program came about
    • The untapped potential of the nervous system

    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 



    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:  







    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use

    My exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    Neurosomatic Intelligence: Part 1

    Neurosomatic Intelligence: Part 1

    Neurosomatic Intelligence: Part 1 

    Season 02, Episode 08

    “Neuroplasticity is the science of hope” - Matt Bush’s wife has coined this saying and we cannot agree with it more! What a beautiful thought is that you are not stuck where you are and you have the power and ability to change your reality. The ability to change and adapt to interpret incoming signals accurately from any level of trauma. Mindset is important when moving out of trauma, however a mindset change alone does not cover the depth of healing needed to change learned, innate, behaviors that have developed over time. 

    The next layer of healing comes from the nervous system, which is arguably the basis of all healing. It determines how we interpret the world, analyzes and stores input while creating outputs. When we experience trauma, the inputs and outputs become distorted and can result in unfavorable mental and physical manifestations. Our inner and outer worlds are altered drastically to the point where the distortion becomes our reality and healing from a dysregulated nervous system seems impossible. However, healing IS possible, and we want to share how!

    In this episode, hosts Jennifer Wallace and Elisabeth Kristoff of Brain Based Wellness, and Matt Bush of Next Level Neuro, discuss how Applied Neurology is the missing piece to healing trauma. Having gone through trauma and healing themselves, they share the importance of gaining awareness of the nervous systems and using that awareness to heal to create positive outputs, aka better behaviors, to live a life that is not controlled by past, stored, trauma, but by your authentic self. 

    Understanding how to reprogram the brain and nervous system to steer your body out of survival mode and into life is exactly what Applied Neurology is all about, and can be the missing piece of the puzzle you have been looking for in your healing journey.

    Tune in to hear a unique take on mental health, and how you can share the gift of healing by becoming a certified Applied Neurologist!


    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • The process of gaining awareness of the nervous system
    • What happens to your mind and body when you are in survival mode
    • How trauma gets stored in the nervous system at a young age
    • The sensitivity of the dysregulated sympathetic nervous system
    • When mindset tools stop being effective
    • Importance of nervous system regulation for healers and practitioners 
    • The adaptation spectrum
    • What is neuroplasticity
    • How traumatic behavior is actually an interpretation problem
    • How repressed emotions manifest physically
    • The beauty of healing your nervous system


    Interested in becoming a Neurosomatic Intelligence Coach please visit 



    Head to https://calendly.com/traumarewired/consultation for a consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer:  







    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use


    My exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    Work with Elisabeth:


    Get in on Elisabeth's exclusive Free Video Training - her proven step-by-step system to ZAP stress, RESOLVE anxiety, STOP pain, DROP unwanted behaviors and MAGNIFY clarity and focus. 


    It’s easier than you think. If you can watch a video, you can heal your nervous system. 


    Go here to get your free videos now: 









    Work with Matt: 







    Flight: The Trauma Response

    Flight: The Trauma Response

    Flight: A Trauma Response 

    Season 02, Episode 07

    Arriving early, leaving late, overthinking, can’t sit still, breathing quickly, and always keeping busy, are just a few examples of how the flight trauma response can manifest in our lives. This response is biologically built in to keep us safe from harm, but what if that harm is perceived and doesn’t require fleeing the scene? This can be detrimental to our personal and professional lives and keep us in a state of high alert with stress hormones coursing through our bodies that can be quite harmful.

    In order to combat this trauma response, the nervous system must be regulated, but it is difficult to do that when we can’t pinpoint whether the response is flight or what the trigger is. The first step is to understand the response, and come back to the body to understand the sensations that come with it.

    This is where applied neurology has proven beneficial to create a safe container for nervous system regulation to allow those of us with this response to come out on the other side with the tools and ability to self regulate. Regulate so we can have that hard conversation without leaving half way through or to be able to finally relax and dig our feet in the sand while soaking up the sun.


    In this episode, hosts Jennifer Wallace and Elisabeth Kristoff of Brain Based Wellness share their personal experiences with flight response and how it affected their lives when they didn’t have the tools to regulate. 


    Tune in for information about tools on how to recognize and regulate the flight trauma response sensations to be able to live a full and expansive life!

    “Living a life of growth and expansion is as simple as living in your nervous system.” - Jennifer Wallace

    Topics discussed in this episode:


    • What is a flight trauma response
    • What you can do to develop an awareness of this response and how to regulate it
    • What role does respiration play
    • Behaviors associated with flight response
    • Jennifer and Elisabeth’s personal experiences with flight 
    • The physiological response that happens during flight response
    • How applied neurology can help regulate the nervous system
    • How breathwork during flight may not be right for you
    • Best tools to get out of flight response
    • How to deal with triggers in relationships

    Learn more about Neurosomatic Intelligence at www.neurosomaticintelligence.com

    Head to brain-basedwehttps://brainbased-wellness.lpages.co/discovery-call/ for a free consultation to identify trauma responses in your own life and learn how to train your nervous system to move out of behaviors that aren’t serving you!


    Work with Jennifer: 







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    FREE 1 Year Supply of Vitamin D + 5 Travel Packs from Athletic Greens when you use


    My exclusive offer: www.athleticgreens.com/rewired

    Work with Elisabeth:


    Get in on Elisabeth's exclusive Free Video Training - her proven step-by-step system to ZAP stress, RESOLVE anxiety, STOP pain, DROP unwanted behaviors and MAGNIFY clarity and focus. 


    It’s easier than you think. If you can watch a video, you can heal your nervous system. 


    Go here to get your free videos now: 






