

    Explore " ita" with insightful episodes like "Prof. Thomas Gries & Dr. Christoph Greb von der RWTH Aachen (#20)", "#21 - Laura De Geest over de pijnlijke ontmoeting tussen haar mama en Rik Verheye", "Il Castello Invisibile", "City Hunter" and "Podcast 30 May, 2023" from podcasts like ""collective incubator on air", "De Slimste Mens: The Morning After", "I fiori del male.", "I fiori del male." and "Financial News"" and more!

    Episodes (27)

    Prof. Thomas Gries & Dr. Christoph Greb von der RWTH Aachen (#20)

    Prof. Thomas Gries & Dr. Christoph Greb von der RWTH Aachen (#20)

    In dieser Folge sprechen wir mit Prof. Dr. Thomas Grieß und Dr. Christoph Greb, dem Leiter und dem wissenschaftlichen Direktor des Instituts für Textiltechnik an der RWTH Aachen. Sie geben spannende Einblicke in die aktuelle Forschung ihres Instituts und erläutern, wie sich diese in den letzten Jahren verändert hat. Darüber hinaus erklären sie, wie an ihrem Institut Innovation gefördert wird - auch jenseits finanzieller Unterstützung. Außerdem erzählen sie von ihrem Werdegang und warum sie sich für eine wissenschaftliche Karriere entschieden haben. All das und noch viel mehr gibt es in der neuen Folge.

    #21 - Laura De Geest over de pijnlijke ontmoeting tussen haar mama en Rik Verheye

    #21 - Laura De Geest over de pijnlijke ontmoeting tussen haar mama en Rik Verheye

    Laura De Geest is helaas géén Slimste Mens Ter Wereld, maar wel veruit De Geestigste gaste in De Slimste Mens: The Morning After. Tussen de croissants en de hardgekookte eitjes door vertelt ze honderduit over het gênante moment tussen mama Monica en Rik Verheye, hoe ze op negen plaatsen na het Wereldkampioenschap Kleurenwiezen won én waarom je tegen acteurs niet mag zeggen dat het toch wel straf is dat ze al die teksten kunnen onthouden. Goeiemorgen!

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Il Castello Invisibile

    Il Castello Invisibile

    Uscito nelle sale italiane grazie ad Anime Factory, Il Castello Invisibile è l'ultima fatica di Keiichi Hara (Colorful, The Wonderland).
    Adattato dal romanzo omonimo di Mizuki Tsujimura, il film segue le vicende di Kokoro, una ragazza hikikomori a causa del bullismo di cui è vittima, che viene trasportata in un castello in mezzo al mare dallo specchio nella camera da letto. Lì trova la Venerabile Lupo, una bambina con la maschera da lupo, e altri sei ragazzi della sua età.
    Cosa unisce questi sette ragazzi? Che misteri nasconde il castello?
    Questi sono i misteri che il film mette sul piatto, ma che purtroppo non è in grado di risolvere in maniera soddisfacente, finendo per essere un film che ha il sapore di potenziale sprecato.

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    Se l'episodio vi è piaciuto e volete seguire tutti gli aggiornamenti del podcast potete mettere mi piace alla mia pagina Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ifioridelmalepodcast/

    City Hunter

    City Hunter

    Uno dei manga più iconici degli anni 80 e 90 è recentemente tornato in Italia in una nuova edizione.
    Ryo Saeba è City Hunter, lo sweeper migliore del Giappone e con lui lavora Kaori, la sua assistente maschiaccio.
    Insieme aiuteranno le bellissime donne che ogni volta cercheranno vendetta e giustizia che la legge non può dargli, ma allo stesso tempo Ryo proverà anche a portarsi a letto le sue bellissime clienti, mandando su tutte le furie Kaori.
    A quasi 40 anni dalla sua pubblicazione, cosa resta di City Hunter in un mondo con modelli e società completamente diverse da quelle del Giappone della bolla economica?

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    Se l'episodio vi è piaciuto e volete seguire tutti gli aggiornamenti del podcast potete mettere mi piace alla mia pagina Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ifioridelmalepodcast/

    Turn the tables – De staat van de vrouw in de Nederlandse theatersector

    Turn the tables – De staat van de vrouw in de Nederlandse theatersector
    Tijdens het internationale festival Brandhaarden: Female Voices ontvangen we elke dag gasten in het salonprogramma Turn the tables. In elke editie van het programma onderzoeken we verschillende facetten van onze samenleving vanuit het vrouwelijk perspectief. In deze aflevering hoor je actrice Hanna van Vliet en dramaturge Anna Sijbrands over de staat van de vrouw in de Nederlandse Theatersector.

    Turn the tables - De staat van de vrouw als moeder

    Turn the tables - De staat van de vrouw als moeder
    Tijdens het internationale festival Brandhaarden: Female Voices ontvangen we elke dag gasten in het salonprogramma Turn the tables. In elke editie van het programma onderzoeken we verschillende facetten van onze samenleving vanuit het vrouwelijk perspectief. In deze aflevering hoor je Ianthe Mosselman, schrijver van het boek ‘Al die liefde en woede’ over de staat van de vrouw als moeder.

    Turn the tables – De staat van de vrouw in de letteren

    Turn the tables – De staat van de vrouw in de letteren
    Tijdens het internationale festival Brandhaarden: Female Voices ontvangen we elke dag gasten in het salonprogramma Turn the tables. In elke editie van het programma onderzoeken we verschillende facetten van onze samenleving vanuit het vrouwelijk perspectief. In deze aflevering hoor je Fleur Speet over de staat van de vrouw in de letteren. Speet is oprichter van Fixdit, een schrijverscollectief dat streeft naar meer diversiteit in de canon en de literaire wereld.

    Turn the tables - De staat van de vrouwelijke representatie

    Turn the tables - De staat van de vrouwelijke representatie
    Tijdens het internationale festival Brandhaarden: Female Voices ontvangen wij elke dag gasten in het salonprogramma Turn the tables. In elke editie van het programma onderzoeken we verschillende facetten van onze samenleving vanuit het vrouwelijk perspectief. In deze aflevering hoor je Raja Felgata en Safiyeh Salehi Mobarakeh. Zij spreken over de staat van de vrouwelijke representatie.

    PROGRAMA - Dia internacional das meninas e mulheres na ciência

    PROGRAMA - Dia internacional das meninas e mulheres na ciência

    No programa desta semana, Fabi Saad recebe 3 cientistas para falar sobre o Dia Internacional das Meninas e Mulheres na Ciência. 
    - Natalia Azevedo, médica veterinária, que trabalha com pesquisa científica.
    - Sônia Guimarães, primeira mulher negra brasileira com doutorado em física e primeira mulher a lecionar no ITA.
    - Mariana Milena, com apenas 19 anos, descobriu um asteróide da NASA.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Inleiding: Lehman Trilogy / Guy Cassiers - ITA-ensemble

    Inleiding: Lehman Trilogy / Guy Cassiers  - ITA-ensemble
    Programmamaker Carolien Borgers gaat in het kader van de nieuwe ITA-ensemblevoorstelling Lehman Trilogy in gesprek met acteur Gijs Scholten van Aschat en onderzoeksjournalist Jeroen Smit. Ze bespreken onder meer hoe de acties van de Lehman Brothers nog steeds doorsijpelen in ons dagelijks leven. En gaan ze in op hoe regisseur Guy Cassiers deze bijzondere familiegeschiedenis, aan de hand van het boek van Stefano Massini, heeft vertaald naar het theater. Lees meer over Lehman Trilogy op ITA.nl Deze podcast is opgenomen in De Amsterdamse Podcast Studio.

    TF special | Old text, new narrative - Gender in repertoire

    TF special | Old text, new narrative - Gender in repertoire

    Toneelschuur Producties i.s.m. ITA

    Naar aanleiding van de restricties van de erven van Arthur Miller om Death of a Salesman te casten volgens gender zoals de schrijver het heeft voorgeschreven in 1949, hebben Toneelschuur Producties en Nina Spijkers besloten deze geplande productie niet meer te maken. Het stuk zou met deze restricties te vrouwonvriendelijk zijn en niet een juiste representatie en urgentie krijgen. Dit roept grotere vragen op: biedt repertoire wel genoeg interessante vrouwenrollen? Hoe ga je als regisseur hiermee om? En als actrice? Met enkel vrouwelijke gasten (regisseurs en actrices) bevragen we het vrouwelijke perspectief in het repertoire.

    Te gast zijn regisseur Nina Spijkers zelf, Jacqueline Blom en Ada Ozdogan. Nina heeft de afgelopen jaren regelmatig identiteit en gender als vertrekpunt genomen voor haar werk. Zo koos zij er bijvoorbeeld voor in haar regie van Het temmen van de feeks, de vrouwen alle mannenrollen te laten vertolken en viceversa. Jacqueline Blom, bekend van vele film- tv- en toneelrollen, spreekt zich regelmatig uit over de positie van de vrouw met onderwerpen als seksisme en het patriarchaat. Zo ook via haar eigen podcastserie De bitch & de hoer, over het ontwarren en uitgraven van mechanismes en systemen die de ondergeschoven positie van vrouwen in het openbare leven, handhaven. Ada, ten slotte, ging afgelopen zomer in première met de succesvolle voorstelling Grace, waarin het filmrepertoire van Quentin Tarantino als basis werd gebruikt en de makers kozen voor een vrouwelijk hoofdpersonage.

    Marloes IJpelaar van Club Lam modereert. Club Lam (2018) zet zich in voor betere vrouwenrollen in de cultuurindustrie. Op humoristische manier pakken zij clichébeelden van historische vrouwenfiguren hardhandig aan. Met het spelen van nieuw repertoire doorspekt met maatschappijkritiek, ontdoen de drie vrouwen van Club Lam zich van de male gaze en laten de vrouwelijke personages voor een keer zelf aan het woord.

    Opgenomen op vrijdag 2 september '22 tijdens het Nederlands Theater Festival

    Episode 503: Follow Your Dreams: Embracing Culture, Challenges, and Choice with Camille Richardson

    Episode 503: Follow Your Dreams: Embracing Culture, Challenges, and Choice with Camille Richardson

    What happens when you pursue your dreams?  What if we all embraced an intentional approach to life and went after our goals?  Well, you may end up living around the world, working within different cultures, and impacting hundreds, maybe thousands of people across the globe!  My guest this week dreamed of being a diplomat at age 15 and she has worked to make that dream a reality, as a career foreign commercial service officer. Camille Richardson is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Middle East and Africa for the International Trade Administration. 

    Camille describes her job and the role she plays in helping U.S. businesses explore international opportunities and create export strategies. She shares her 30-year career journey from serving as a Presidential Management Fellow to her current role, how she found her purpose, and the personal and professional challenges she faced along the way.

    We also touch on the following: 

    • Intentional mindset and overcoming self-sabotage 
    • Embracing change and connecting people
    • Mentoring and coaching
    • Diversity in the workplace 
    • The WELLTI Initiative (Women Empowered Lead Legacies Through Trade and Investment)
    •  Opportunities for small and medium businesses relative to international trade
    •  Resources available to help entrepreneurs engage in international trade

    Listen to Episode 503 to learn more!

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    Thriving Points:

    • You're not going to be everybody's cup of tea and that's okay. As long as you treat people with respect,  and command the same respect for yourself - you give it, you get it. - Camille Richardson
    • It's a good idea just to not just have a mentor, but even a circle of advisors, and trusted people that you can turn to for different perspectives. - Camille Richardson
    • Your dreams are out there and sometimes you have to defy gravity, the weight of other people's expectations, or even your own fears to reach them. - Camille Richardson
    • A lot of people talk about fear of failure,  but a lot of us have a fear of success because to succeed, then you have to be different. - Nikki Rogers

    Get to Know the Guest:

    Camille Richardson is a tenured Senior Foreign Service officer with the U.S. Commercial Service. She began her career in government with the International Trade Administration (ITA) at the U.S. Department of Commerce in 1993 and became an accredited diplomat with the U.S. Commercial Service in 1998.  Camille has served in Miami, FL; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Nairobi, Kenya; Mumbai, India, and Sao Paulo, Brazil facilitating commercial partnerships between U.S. and local companies. In 2021, she was appointed as Commerce ITA’s new Deputy Assistant Secretary for the MEA region.

    A native of Washington, D.C., Camille earned a B.A. in International Relations from Brown University and an M.A. in International Relations from Johns Hopkins/SAIS. She speaks Portuguese and Portunhol along with a bit of Hindi, Swahili, and French.

    Connect with Camille:

    Impact Travel Alliance Inspires, Educates And Builds Awareness For Travelers

    Impact Travel Alliance Inspires, Educates And Builds Awareness For Travelers

    Impact Travel Alliance Founder and Executive Director Kelley Louise shares new insights into how we can actively participate in advocating for more impactful initiatives around sustainable tourism.  Kelley explains how important it is to take a holistic approach to empowering communities and protecting our environment so everyone is connected.

    Also, find out what's in store for travelers moving forward and what we should keep in mind as we get back out and begin exploring again.  

    ITA is at the forefront of the travel industry to educate and empower travelers on how to travel mindfully so our experiences protect our environment and empowers locals. 

    Thanks for listening to Speaking of Travel! Visit speakingoftravel.net for travel tips, travel stories, and ways you can become a more savvy traveler.

    #1 - Bitcoin e Blockchain, con Paolo Mazzocchi

    #1 - Bitcoin e Blockchain, con Paolo Mazzocchi

    In questa puntata del podcast Silvano intervista Paolo Mazzocchi, ingegnere matematico, co-fondatore di CheckSig, società che si occupa di custodia di Bitcoin, e Executive Director presso Digital Gold Institute. Insieme hanno parlato degli aspetti tecnici di Bitcoin, degli altcoin e altre applicazioni della tecnologia blockchain, degli attori coinvolti nell'ecosistema Bitcoin e molto altro.

    Le informazioni contenute in questa puntata non costituiscono un'indicazione di investimento finanziario.

    LINK - Paolo Mazzocchi:

    CheckSig: https://checksig.io/

    Digital Gold Institute: https://dgi.io/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paolomazzocchi/

    LINK - L'Ultima Domanda:

    - Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ultimadomanda

    - Sito: https://www.ultimadomanda.com

    - Twitter: https://twitter.com/UltimaDomanda

    - YouTube (puntate intere):  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-urxYKyFmGVyru55LgTJpg

    - YouTube (pillole): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxK7dRlGe0RIIwQDn16gYfw


    (00:41) - Bitcoin e Blockchain: concetti base

    (10:07) - Fare custodia di Bitcoin

    (20:19) - I "Bitcoin" degli anni '80 e '90

    (22:55) - Bitcoin è una moneta di scambio?

    (27:25) - Chi è preoccupato del successo di Bitcoin?

    (35:16) - Il Bitcoin mining

    (51:19) - La Blockchain

    (58:45) - L'ultimo Bitcoin

    (1:01:39) - Il Bitcoin halving

    (1:04:20) - Bitcoin nel mainstream

    (1:08:35) - Ottimizzazione del portafoglio con Bitcoin

    (1:12:25) - Si pagano le tasse sui guadagni ottenuti dal Bitcoin?

    (1:14:49) - Altre applicazioni della tecnologia Blockchain

    (1:24:15) - L'opinione pubblica del Bitcoin

    (1:27:51) - L'Euro Digitale

    (1:30:51) - I governi investiranno mai nel Bitcoin?

    (1:33:17) - L'Hype e la FOMO

    (1:37:01) - A quanto deve arrivare Bitcoin per essere considerato un successo?

    Musica: The Vendetta by Stefan Kartenberg (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/JeffSpeed68/58628 Ft: Apoxode

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    Why is College Tennis Taking a Hit?

    Why is College Tennis Taking a Hit?

    I'm joined in this episode by Tim Russell, CEO of the Intercollegiate Tennis Association. The ITA is the governing body of college tennis, overseeing men's and women's varsity tennis at all levels -- NCAA Divisions I, II and III, NAIA and Junior/Community College.

    To date, 45 tennis programs have been cut since the beginning of the pandemic -- a number that jumped from 28 when Tim and I recorded a week and a half ago. I asked Tim why he thinks tennis has become an easy target and what the future of college tennis looks like.

    We talked about what coaches can do to put their sport in the best decision to thrive and the resources ITA offers its members to that end. I was really impressed with the "Health Index" they've created for their members, and I encourage other sports to adopt the same approach.

    You can follow the ITA on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

    You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram to discuss further, ask additional questions or suggest future episodes.

    You can find more of my analysis on the business of college sports at BusinessofCollegeSports.com and Forbes.

    You can follow Kristi on Twitter and Instagram to discuss further, ask additional questions or suggest future episodes.

    You can find more of her analysis on the business of college sports at BusinessofCollegeSports.com and Forbes.

    Need data and real-world experts to help you make decisions in your athletic department? Check out College Sports Solutions and connect with Jeff on LinkedIn.


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