

    Explore " macarthur" with insightful episodes like "How one Canadian's mistake almost botched the Japanese instrument of surrender at the end of WWII", "Episode 2: MacArthur and the Doctor", "Don't Forget the Victim", "Episode 1: MacArthur and the Fundamentalists" and "Season 2 Full-Length Trailer" from podcasts like ""Tokyo Confidential", "The MacArthur Center Podcast", "Full & Complete", "The MacArthur Center Podcast" and "The MacArthur Center Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (96)

    How one Canadian's mistake almost botched the Japanese instrument of surrender at the end of WWII

    How one Canadian's mistake almost botched the Japanese instrument of surrender at the end of WWII

    September 2nd – known to history as VJ Day – marks the signing on-board the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay of Japan's formal surrender. Under the watchful eye of the 31-star American flag that had accompanied Matthew Perry and his Black Ships into that same bay in 1853, the ceremony was brief and solemn as Allied and Japanese representatives signed the two copies of the instrument of surrender.

    Amidst the solemnity of the occasion, however, came an unusual historical footnote courtesy of the Canadian representative, Colonel Lawrence Moore Cosgrave. When signing the Japanese copy, Col. Cosgrave – perhaps owing to blindness in one eye – placed his scrawl below the line reserved for the Canadian signature and instead signed on the line of the French representative. 

    Each subsequent delegate eventually signed on the next available – if incorrect – line; the final delegate from New Zealand simply signing his name in a blank space underneath the others, his signature line having been commandeered by the Dutch.

    When the Japanese delegation protested – could they accept a botched surrender document? – Douglas MacArthur's famously brusque chief of staff General Richard Sutherland scratched out the now-incorrect list of Allied delegates and handwrote the correct titles under each signature, adding his initials to each correction to forestall further protest. The Japanese were then dismissed from the USS Missouri with a short "Now it's all fine" from Gen. Sutherland.

    It was a quirky end to an otherwise dark chapter of human history. Canada's contribution to the historical blooper reel can be seen by the public at Japan's Edo-Tokyo Museum, where the surrender document remains on display. The Allied copy of the document, it should be noted, was signed without incident.

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    Episode 2: MacArthur and the Doctor

    Episode 2: MacArthur and the Doctor
    Christians need mentors who have run the race before them. The lives of these leaders influence, challenge and motivate us. John MacArthur is considered a mentor and model by countless Christians and pastors around the world. But who does MacArthur look up to? Who has served as his teacher and friend? In this episode, we look at a man who has influenced MacArthur throughout his ministry: a Welch medical doctor turned preacher who became a kindred spirit. This relationship shows all of us the value of "remembering those who taught you and consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” Famous Christian Dead Guys make great friends. Saints from the past keep Christians in the present from becoming spiritual shipwrecks in the future.

    Episode 1: MacArthur and the Fundamentalists

    Episode 1: MacArthur and the Fundamentalists
    Where did John MacArthur come from? What theological heritage shaped him? Was it a denomination, a movement, a school, or a man? Those questions kick off season two of The MacArthur Center podcast. This episode looks specifically at John's father, and the MacArthur's tenuous relationship with the fundamentalist movement. It also dives into the history of that movement, and John's time at Bob Jones University, where this southern California kid accumulated a few demerits at one of the flagship institutions of American fundamentalism.

    Season 2 Full-Length Trailer

    Season 2 Full-Length Trailer
    When John MacArthur was coming of age in the 1950s and 60s, what person, Christian institution, or movement entrusted him with the work of the ministry? And in turn, how has he entrusted the truth to the next generation? Explore who influenced John, and how he's influenced the church, in season 2 of The MacArthur Center podcast. This season is titled The Entrusted: The Convictions and Legacy of John MacArthur. Listen to the trailer and subscribe today. Season 2 launches on Tuesday, March 8th.

    Bonus Episode: Black Tuesday

    Bonus Episode: Black Tuesday
    John MacArthur thought it was an ordinary Tuesday staff meeting, a chance to connect with his friends and fellow pastors at Grace Community Church. But this day in the fall of 1979 was actually the beginning of the greatest crisis of his ministry. Blindsided by betrayal, how did John respond? And how did he survive the coup d'etat? As this bonus episode examines Black Tuesday, it has lessons for all ministry leaders who have faced opposition.

    Episode 8: Faithful

    Episode 8: Faithful
    For 52 years and counting, John MacArthur has pastored Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California. Today, he is an example to all of us—particularly pastors—of perseverance. How has he remained in the arena for all those years? And why hasn’t he thought of retirement? In this final episode of season one, we’ll consider the sum of it all: the portrait of faithful endurance. And we’re going to find out how each of us can have a life and ministry of faithfulness, no matter the length of our days.

    ¿Busca empleo? empresas están contratando nuevo personal

    ¿Busca empleo? empresas están contratando nuevo personal
    • Los policías han usado más sus armas que en los dos años pasados.
    • Buscan conductora que atropelló a hombre de 55 años.
    • La renovación del parque MaCarthur ya se está llevando a cabo y cerrarán al lago en los próximos días.
    • Continúa el escándalo sobre presuntos sobornos contra el concejal de Los Ángeles Mark Ridley Thomas, que aparentemente conspiró con la decana de la escuela de trabajo social de USC.
    • El alcalde de Carson y otros funcionarios públicos ofrecieron conferencia de prensa para pedir al gobernador que declare estado de emergencia por el mal olor en el canal Domínguez.
    • El personal del distrito escolar unificado de Los Ángeles responde positivamente a la vacunación contra el coronavirus.
    • Tiempo por vientos de Santa Ana y la posibilidad de incendios.
    • En el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles se abrirá un estacionamiento con más de 4000 espacios.
    • Volverán a enviar a México a inmigrantes que solicitan asilo.
    • Mujeres sufrieron de mayor agotamiento este año.
    • El expresidente Bill Clinton sigue hospitalizado en el hospital UC Irvine.

    Termina la inscripción para recibir el crédito tributario

    Termina la inscripción para recibir el crédito tributario
    • Todo listo para que el parque MacArthur se cierre en una horas para ser remodelado.
    • La policía de San Bernardino busca a Giovanni Romo, sospechoso de apuñalar mortalmente a una mujer.
    • Un oficial fue herido de bala y hay un sospechoso detenido.
    • El fiscal de Los Ángeles anunció 35 casos violaciones de construcción y seguridad de What's Road.
    • Continúa el escándalo sobre presuntos sobornos contra el concejal de Los Ángeles Mark Ridley Thomas, que aparentemente conspiró con la decana de la escuela de trabajo social de USC.
    • Hay alta posibilidad de incendios en los últimos  días.
    • Decenas de residentes del oeste de Carson protestaron frente al concilio de la cuidad, han estado sufriendo por una semana debido a un desagradable olor del canal Domínguez.
    • Se cree que el derrame de petróleo ocurrido el 2 de octubre en Huntington Beach es de 25 mil galones.
    • El expresidente Bill Clinton fue hospitalizado esta tarde en un hospital de UC Irvine.

    Episode 7: The Cellar of Affliction

    Episode 7: The Cellar of Affliction
    John Donne called them Job's sick days. They are days of unexpected, and often unimaginable, suffering. They are part of life in a fallen world, both for believers and nonbelievers. And they are a constant reality in the life of a preacher. John MacArthur is certainly no stranger to suffering. This episode describes a dark day in the MacArthur family, and how that suffering shaped his life and ministry. And it looks at how John's life and preaching have cared for those in what Samuel Rutherford called "the cellar of affliction."

    Episode 6: The Sheepdog

    Episode 6: The Sheepdog
    Pastor as shepherd. It’s the most common motif for men in the ministry. But pastors are also sheepdogs. They guard the flock that the Chief Shepherd entrusts to them. Throughout his 50 plus years of pastoral ministry, John MacArthur has taken on the role of sheepdog, defending the truth against those who oppose it and protecting God’s people from those who would harm them. This episode focuses on the years 2007-2013, when the flock faced a particular threat, and John defended it in a public way. In this story, pastors will see when, and how, they must take on the role of sheepdog in service of their Master.

    Episode 5: When Terrorists Attack

    Episode 5: When Terrorists Attack
    Most Sundays, a faithful expositor preaches the next verse. He doesn’t respond to the headlines or the latest scandal in the Christian world. But every so often, a tragedy in the world—or the church— occupies all the space inside his people’s heads. How does a pastor respond in those crises? This episode looks at sermons John preached after two of the worst calamities of his lifetime. The first was the September 11, 2001 terrorists attacks. The second was the downfall of an evangelical celebrity that rocked the church in 1988. In these stories, John shows pastors everywhere how to help their people navigate through crisis.

    MacArthur and Quezon

    MacArthur and Quezon

    In 1904 a young Second Lieutenant Douglas MacArthur and recent law school graduate Manuel Quezon met for the first time at a dinner in Manila. Over the next several decades, both men developed a strong but complicated relationship. This relationship would have a major impact on the Second World War’s Philippine Campaign of 1941-1942 and the future of the Philippines after liberation in 1944-1945.

    Follow us on:

    Twitter: @MacArthur1880; @AEWilliamsClark
    Facebook: @MacArthurMemorial


    Episode 4: The Quest for Cool

    Episode 4: The Quest for Cool
    What is the MacArthur style? When John stands in the pulpit, what is he trying to do? Is he projecting an image or making himself relevant? Is he trying to be personable, funny, or cool? This episode looks at what preoccupies MacArthur—and what should preoccupy all expositors—in the pulpit. And in the process, it explains what David and Goliath has to do with $800 sneakers, the meaning of the word glib, and the quest for cool that defines many of America’s most prominent pastors.

    Episode 3: The Origin Story

    Episode 3: The Origin Story
    Why did John MacArthur become a preacher? You’ll find the answer on a two-lane Alabama highway, in the pastor’s home where he grew up, in the stern, loving counsel of a mentor named Charles Feinberg, and on the sports fields of John’s youth. As this episode looks at the MacArthur origin story, it will show you how God equipped John, and it will describe the character, gifting, passion, and grit that make a man effective in the pulpit. If you’ve ever wondered if God is preparing you for a lifetime of ministry, this episode tells a story that can clarify that calling.

    Episode 2: "The Bait They Would Like"

    Episode 2: "The Bait They Would Like"
    John MacArthur and Robert Schuller both lived in Southern California. Both were pastors. And both were on a bizarre flight from Chicago to Los Angeles in 1979. Even as their lives often intersected, they had opposite priorities and contrasting visions of why the church exists and who it is for. This episode traces those two approaches, from that infamous flight of 1979 through the summer of 2011. Today, one is a cautionary tale for expositors. The other is a model worth following.

    John Palfrey

    John Palfrey

    Justin Reich is joined by John Palfrey, president of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, former director of the Berkman Klein Center of Internet and Society, as well as an educator, author, and legal scholar. Together they discuss philanthropy in education, the work of the MacArthur Foundation, and the challenges of making large changes in institutions.

    “And particularly when we look at a society where I think most of us, anyway, those of us on the left, broadly global left, would say, ‘We're not where we ought to be, right, from an equity perspective, from all sorts of dimensions we want to improve. And certainly the quality of K-12 education in the United States, that's not something we're that good at overall. Therefore, we need to disrupt it. We need to do it better. - John Palfrey


    In this episode we’ll talk about:

    • What role does philanthropy play in addressing inequality?
    • Thinking about “who is being served?”
    • The natural inclination to give locally
    • Supporting individual leaders to influence the world
    • Lever for Change organization
    • Small financial help can facilitate larger financial help
    • Palfrey’s new book The Connected Parent
    • Parenting with technology
    • Bringing equity into educational technology


    Resources and Links

    Check out The Connected Parent by John Palfrey and Urs Gasser!

    Learn more about the MacArthur Foundation

    Check the MacArthur Foundation’s demographic report!

    Learn more about Lever for Change

    Learn more about the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society

    Check out Justin Reich’s book, Failure To Disrupt!

    Join our self-paced online edX course: Sorting Truth from Fiction: Civic Online Reasoning

    Join our self-paced online edX course: Becoming a More Equitable Educator: Mindsets and Practices




    Produced by Aimee Corrigan and Garrett Beazley. Recorded and mixed by Garrett Beazley


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