

    Explore "manliness" with insightful episodes like "Josh Duhamel, Mt Rushmore Of Manly Things That We Wish We Could Do And Dan Snyder Has Officially Sold The Team", "196: Call It Macaroni", "#355: Leadership and Public Service With Gov. Eric Greitens", "#299: What the Ancient Greeks and Romans Thought About Manliness" and "Don’t “Drunkenly” Follow Your Dreams" from podcasts like ""Pardon My Take", "The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe", "The Art of Manliness", "The Art of Manliness" and "Love Life with Matthew Hussey"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    Josh Duhamel, Mt Rushmore Of Manly Things That We Wish We Could Do And Dan Snyder Has Officially Sold The Team

    Josh Duhamel, Mt Rushmore Of Manly Things That We Wish We Could Do And Dan Snyder Has Officially Sold The Team

    Dan Snyder is no longer in PFT's and Pardon My Take's life so a celebration is in order (00:00:00-00:16:09) . We talk about The Open Championship and Northwestern having a fat weird guy problem (00:16:09-00:31:26). Jake and Billy are still not on the same page when it comes to Mt Rushmore season (00:31:26-00:39:27). We then do Mt Rushmore of manly things that we wish we could do (00:39:27-01:00:38). Josh Duhamel joins the show to talk about his new show, apocalypse bunkers, the Vikings and I think we're best friends with him now (01:00:38-.01:35:16) We finish up with Fyre Fest of the week and the last lottery ball machine from the NYC office (01:35:16-02:00:16).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    #299: What the Ancient Greeks and Romans Thought About Manliness

    #299: What the Ancient Greeks and Romans Thought About Manliness

    Ancient Greece and Rome have a heavy influence on the idea of manhood we promote on the Art of Manliness. In fact, this classical conception of manliness was how much of the West defined manhood up until the middle of the 20th century. If you were to ask a man living in 1920 what “manliness” meant, he’d probably give you roughly the same answer as a Greek or Roman man living 2,000 years ago.
    My guest on the podcast today is a classical scholar who has spent time thinking and writing about Greek and Roman notions of manliness. His name is Ted Lendon. I had Ted on the podcast awhile back ago to discuss his book Soldiers and Ghosts (episode #231 if you want to check it out).
    On today's show, Ted goes into detail about how the Greeks and the Romans defined manliness. We begin with the Greeks and how the Homeric epics, particularly The Iliad, served as their bible on how to be a man and how Achilles and Odysseus were held up as models of manhood. Ted then explains how the Athenian philosophers tried to tame Bronze Age manliness by making self-control an important element of being a man.
    We then shift gears to the Romans and discuss how they borrowed elements of Greek manliness to shape their own culture of manhood, as well as how Roman ideas of manliness differed from those of the Greeks.
    We end our conversation talking about why the virtue of self-control pops up in definitions of manliness not just in the West, but also Eastern cultures like Japan and China.

    Don’t “Drunkenly” Follow Your Dreams

    Don’t “Drunkenly” Follow Your Dreams

    I strongly believe we all have the power to create incredible lives. I even designed a 5-day Retreat process that helps thousands of women around the world, twice a year, do it in a radical way. So why am I, of all people, warning you against “following your dreams?” In today’s episode, I explain why motivational speeches and Instagram quotes actually set you up for failure. But don’t despair – I also share the real path to getting what you want most in life. It may not be dreamy, but it works.

    #258: Honor, Courage, Thumos and Plato's Idea of Greek Manliness

    #258: Honor, Courage, Thumos and Plato's Idea of Greek Manliness

    I’m a classics guy, so the ancient Greeks and Romans inform a lot of my ideas about what manliness means, particularly in regards to the way they equated manliness with living a life of virtue. One of the best books that I’ve come across on how the Greeks saw manliness as intertwined with virtue is by professor of philosophy Angela Hobbs. In Plato and the Hero: Courage, Manliness, and the Impersonal Good, Hobbs goes into detail clarifying Greek concepts related to manliness, including the wild, Homeric virtues of andreia, or courage, thumos, or spiritedness, and time, or honor. Today on the show, professor Hobbs and I discuss these ancient notions of masculinity in detail as well why the philosopher Plato felt uneasy about them. We then talk about how much of Plato’s philosophy was about tempering these virtues so that they can be harnessed for the greater good of society and how that’s influenced our notions of masculinity today.

    Who Pays in a Relationship?

    Who Pays in a Relationship?

    There’s been a lot of talk about who should pick up the check on a date (my video on this topic went viral recently with over 18 million views!). Many people seem to think the rules of paying in the “courtship phase” are pretty black-and-white. But what about when you’ve been seeing someone for a while and money matters get more complicated than who’s grabbing the movie popcorn? In today’s LOVELife, I go beyond the basics of “who pays for a date” to discuss how to handle it when your partner has more disposable income than you. I’ll show you how to contribute the best way you can to the activities you share, while also gracefully allowing him to treat you, so you can keep the balance of the relationship in tact. 

    To Take Control of Your Life, Start Here

    To Take Control of Your Life, Start Here

    If you don’t have a clear vision for what you want in life and an action plan to achieve it, it’s easy to become overwhelmed, or worse, completely paralyzed. Fear of the unknown, fear of the path being tough, fear of making a mistake…these can all hold you back from a fulfilling life of all of the wonderful things you deserve. The good news is, there’s only ONE thing you need to do to take control of your life and begin to get clarity: Just. Start. Taking. Action. I explain how in today’s episode of LOVE Life. 


    #104: The Code of Man With Waller Newell

    #104: The Code of Man With Waller Newell

    I've quoted Dr. Waller Newell several times in my writing about masculinity on the Art of Manliness, and his approach towards manhood is very similar to the one that I take. So it was a pleasure to finally get to speak to him and have him on the podcast. Dr. Newell is a professor of political science at Carleton University and has written several books on manhood and honor including The Code of Man: Love, Courage, Pride, Family, Country and What Is a Man? 3,000 Years of Wisdom on the Art of Manly Virtue.

    Episode #7: Rules for My Unborn Son with Walker Lamond

    Episode #7: Rules for My Unborn Son with Walker Lamond

    Welcome back to another edition of the Art of Manliness podcast. In this week's episode we talk to Walker Lamond, author of the newly released book Rules for My Unborn Son. Walker is a writer and television producer that lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife and newborn boy.
    You can buy Walker's book at Amazon.com and make sure to check out his blog that inspired the book, 1001 Rules for My Unborn Son.

    Episode #2: Man Stories With Dan Lauth

    Episode #2: Man Stories With Dan Lauth

    Welcome back to another edition of the Art of Manliness podcast! Today, I'm going to start a new series on the show called "Man Stories." Every other week, I'm going to bring on a different gentleman who reads the blog and ask him a few questions about what manliness means to him and the men who have had an influence on his perception of manliness. I'm looking forward to this series. It will be interesting to hear different men explain their view of manliness, plus I think it's a great way to get to know more about the men who read and take part with the Art of Manliness.