
    Episode #7: Rules for My Unborn Son with Walker Lamond

    enApril 03, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • A Father's Lessons for His Unborn SonA man writes down life lessons for his future son, inspiring a blog and eventual book, covering topics from manners to self-reliance, aiming to raise well-rounded gentlemen and reminding us to cherish our fatherly wisdom.

      Walker Lamond, author of "Rules for My Unborn Son," started writing down the lessons he wanted to teach his future son long before he was born. Inspired by his own father's teachings, he began jotting down notes on a blog, which eventually gained a following and led to the publication of a book. The project started as a way for Lamond to ensure he wouldn't forget the valuable lessons he wanted to pass on to his son. The book covers a range of topics, from manners and respect to perseverance and self-reliance. It serves as a guide for fathers to help raise well-rounded gentlemen, and a reminder for us all to cherish and share the wisdom we've received from our own fathers.

    • Embracing Simplicity and IntentionalityThe Art of Manliness promotes living with less, focusing on quality over quantity, and making deliberate choices to enhance life.

      That the book "The Art of Manliness" emphasizes living a simpler, more intentional life. One of the rules from the book is to avoid using wheeled luggage and only carry what you can personally manage. This rule is not about being macho or tough, but rather promoting minimalism and quality control. Another rule is not to personalize license plates, which is seen as redundant. The overall goal of the book is to encourage men to increase the quality of their lives and possessions, rather than accumulating more quantity. The rules are meant to be earnest but also tongue-in-cheek, not a call to return to a specific era or lifestyle. Instead, it's about making deliberate choices to improve one's life.

    • Lessons from loved ones: Nice rules for livingBe kind, include others, and make a difference through simple acts inspired by loved ones' teachings.

      Life experiences and the teachings of loved ones can inspire valuable rules for living a good and considerate life. The speaker, who wrote a blog about such rules inspired by his father, emphasized the importance of being a nice person and going out of your way to make others feel included. He shared examples of rules derived from his father's wisdom and his own experiences, such as "ask the girl who's not getting asked to dance to dance" and "eat lunch with the new kid." The rules covered various aspects of life, from social interactions to everyday situations. The speaker encouraged readers to submit their own rules and shared how his list grew from his father's teachings and his own experiences. Ultimately, the goal was to make the world a better place by sharing and living by these simple yet meaningful rules.

    • The Importance of Rules in Passing Down TraditionsRules provide structure and pass down knowledge, but balance is needed to inspire future generations while respecting personal style.

      While rules may have gotten a bad reputation for being synonymous with authority and constraint, they actually serve an important purpose in passing down institutional knowledge and providing structure. However, the pendulum swung too far towards informality in the late 20th century, leading to a lack of distinction between generations and limiting inspiration for young people to strive for more. Controversial rules, such as no cowboy hats or no sandals and jogging, can elicit strong reactions due to personal style preferences. Ultimately, finding a balance between freedom and structure is key to passing down valuable traditions and inspiring future generations.

    • Learning from the Past for Modern ContextsExplore historical practices and apply them to modern life, recognizing the importance of progress and considering different perspectives.

      While progress and change are important, there is value in looking to the past for ideas on improving quality of life. The Art of Manliness, for instance, encourages this approach by drawing from historical practices and applying them to modern contexts. However, not everyone may agree with their perspective, and some may find issue with their interpretation of traditional gender roles. It's essential to remember that these interpretations are subjective and not intended to undermine the progress made towards equality. Instead, the goal is to learn from the past and adapt it to the present, recognizing that not everything old is good but there is a wealth of valuable knowledge to be found. The conversation also touched on the strong voice against traditional gender roles, especially among college-age kids, which is a result of the efforts to loosen societal restrictions. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of considering different perspectives and seeking wisdom from the past while embracing progress.

    • The Importance of Exposure to Diverse Forms of Art for a Boy's GrowthExposing boys to a variety of music genres and movies helps build a solid foundation for appreciating and understanding different forms of art, shaping values and character.

      Exposure to a diverse range of music and movies is essential for a boy's growth and development. The speaker emphasizes the importance of introducing boys to a variety of music genres, from classic artists like Woody Guthrie and Elvis, to modern bands like the Ramones and The Smiths. The reason being, as they grow up, they will inevitably be exposed to different genres, and having a solid foundation will help them appreciate and understand various forms of music. Similarly, the speaker mentions movies as an essential part of a boy's required viewing list. He shares his personal favorites, ranging from classic films like Sunset Boulevard to more recent releases, emphasizing the importance of storytelling and good acting. Furthermore, the speaker reflects on the possibility of writing a book for his unborn daughter and shares that he would focus on instilling values such as kindness, empathy, and self-reliance. He believes that these traits will help her navigate the complexities of life and build strong relationships. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of exposure to diverse forms of art and the role it plays in shaping our values and character.

    • Longing for Enduring Quality and Nostalgia for a Time of Lasting GoodsMen today seek traditional masculinity as a response to disposability culture, inspired by a time when goods lasted, reflected in vintage styles and enduring designs

      Walker Lamond, the author of "Rules for My Unborn Son," believes that men today are drawn to traditional masculinity as a response to the culture of disposability and excess. He thinks that this longing for quality can be traced back to a time when goods were made to last, and suggests that this trend is reflected in the popularity of vintage and traditional styles. During the conversation, they discussed some potential rules for such a book, including keeping champagne in the fridge and ice cream in the freezer, ordering a steak on a first date, and never leaving the house. Lamond also shared that he drew inspiration for his book's design from old 50s textbooks, wanting a look that would last and fit in a blazer pocket. Overall, the conversation highlighted the appeal of enduring quality and the nostalgia for a time when things were made to last.

    • Embrace challenges and expand horizons to thrive as a modern manLearn classic skills and manners, build strong relationships, and master practical tips for personal growth. Check out 'The Art of Manliness' book for more information.

      The hosts shared valuable insights and tips on various topics, from building strong relationships to mastering practical skills. They emphasized that being a modern man isn't just about surviving but thriving in today's world. To further enhance your personal growth, check out their book, "The Art of Manliness," which offers a wealth of knowledge on classic skills and manners. You can find it on Amazon or at any major bookstore. Don't forget to visit their website for more information and resources. Stay manly by embracing new challenges and expanding your horizons.

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    Note: This is a rebroadcast

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    The Art of Manliness
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    If you currently do not have a Men's group that you are a part of you need one. Clay, John and I don't care if it is one of ours or some other men's group but you need to have one. Iron sharpens Iron and Men sharpen Men!!

    We are excited to share this experience with you and look forward to talking soon. Links to contact are in the bio section here.

    Episode Notes:

    • The Spirit of Fatherhood
    • Experiences being a part of a men's group


    If you do not belong to a men's group and do not have a place to have these types of conversations then please reach out to us here.

    Sammy Villanueva & HeRose The Men's Mastermind LLC: https://www.weareherose.com/ 

    email: sammy@weareherose.com

    Clay Smeltzer & The Purpose Infused Brotherhood: https://www.purposeinfusedbrotherhood.com/

    email: clay@purposeinfusedbrotherhood.com

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    Connect with us!
    Web- https://TheGentlemensBrotherhood.com/
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