

    Explore " maslow" with insightful episodes like "Basic Needs to the Bigger Needs", "#32 Spiritüel Ego// Kafa Açan Sohbetler", "509: Mental Health of Nurses", "Expanding Beyond the Workplace: Creating A Better World" and "Maslow und das fehlende Fundament" from podcasts like ""Aha! Moments with Elliott Connie", "Frekans", "Nurse Coffee Talk", "Demystifying Diversity" and "mindmodder"" and more!

    Episodes (49)

    #32 Spiritüel Ego// Kafa Açan Sohbetler

    #32 Spiritüel Ego// Kafa Açan Sohbetler

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    509: Mental Health of Nurses

    509: Mental Health of Nurses

    Join Jamie and Sarah for a fireside chat about the mental health of nurses. This week's episode is considered part I of 2. Here, they discuss different ways nurses experience disruptions to their mental health.

    Next week, they will cover what things cause these feelings and emotions, and some different things nurses can do to improve their own mental health.

    Expanding Beyond the Workplace: Creating A Better World

    Expanding Beyond the Workplace: Creating A Better World

    In this episode of the Demystifying Diversity Podcast, host Daralyse Lyons examines the role of diversity beyond the workplace and takes a deep dive into how issues of DEIAB impact our abilities to achieve what we want and need. Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as a framework, Daralyse and her guest experts extrapolate about the importance of the different levels of human need and fulfillment, and share how factors like intersectionality of identity, bias, and socioeconomics either enable or limit people's ability to create happiness in their lives.

    In this episode, you will learn about:

    * Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, and how need-fulfillment is innately important to the human experience, regardless of identity.

    * How the intersectionality of one's identity and lived experiences help dictate their ability to realize their needs within Maslow's Hierarchy.

    * How our fears get in the way of us realizing our needs, let alone our desires.

    * How past experiences are informative, but do not ultimately dictate future outcomes when it comes to getting our needs met.

    * The role that individuals can play in supporting others in ascending the levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.

    * The difference between wants and needs, and how most people ultimately want to be happy.

    Our guests experts this episode include:

    Damon West - Damon is a college professor, internationally known keynote speaker and Wall Street Journal best selling author of The Coffee Bean, A Simple Lesson to Create Positive Change, which Forbes listed in the Top 20 Books You Need to Read to Crush 2020.

    Deborah Atella - Deb is the author of the international best selling book, Is This Job My Jam? The Guide for Grown-Ups Who Still Don't Know What They Want to Be. She's also a certified life coach, Reiki master and meditation guide. I'm the host of the Atella Like It Is podcast.

    Timothy Welbeck - Timothy is the Director for the Center of Anti-Racism Research, and an Assistant Professor of Instruction at Temple University, a civil rights attorney, a scholar of law, race and culture, a writer and a hip-hop artist.

    Tomar Pierson-Brown -Tomar is the Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusive Excellence and a Clinical Associate Professor of Law at University of Pittsburgh School of Law. She's also the director of the Health Law Clinic, which operates as a medical legal partnership with UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.

    Chair Charlotte Burrows - Chair Burrows was designated by President Biden as Chair of the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC on January 20th, 2021. She has served as a commissioner of the EEOC for multiple terms, and previously served as Associate Deputy Attorney General at the United States Department of Justice, as well as General Counsel for Civil and Constitutional Rights to Senator Edward M. Kennedy.

    Jolly Good Ginger - Jolly is on the board of directors for two nonprofit organizations, Families United and Justice Reform Group. As a national level activist, Jolly travels the country and attends rallies, marches and protests, gives speeches at various venues and has garnered a social media following of over 1 million subscribers. As he points out, racism is embedded into every aspect of our society, and deeply entrenched in the American legal system.

    Stew Kraintz - Stew is a mindset, success and relationship coach who works with people individually and in groups to empower them into ownership of their lives. Before stepping into coaching, Stew had a successful career in sales and marketing within professional baseball, having the opportunity to work for the New York Yankees and the Atlanta Braves, as well as several affiliated minor league clubs. He is also the production and development assistant for the Demystifying Diversity podcast.

    AC Fowlkes - AC is the Executive Officer of Fowlkes Consulting, an LGBTQ+ sensitivity and transgender inclusion consulting firm. AC is also recognized as a Top Voice on LinkedIn for his thought leadership on LGBTQ+ issues.

    Emma Bloksberg-Fireovid - known as Emma B-F, Emma is a speaker, trainer and leadership coach for women and non-binary folks in the technology industry. Emma has worked with hundreds of leaders to accelerate their careers, maximize their confidence, and amplify their impact.

    Alida Miranda Wolf - Alida is the author of Cultures of Belonging, Building Inclusive Organizations that Last and CEO and Founder of Ethos, a diversity equity, inclusion and belonging firm dedicated to closing the opportunity gap for underrepresented and underserved groups.

    Anel Duarte - Anel specializes in facilitating one-on-one and group practices under the trauma-sensitive and trauma-informed lenses. A trauma survivor herself. She holds safe space for participants to explore their internal experiences through yoga, body movement, meditation, the use of rituals and breathing techniques.

    Cameron Footman - Cameron is the first voice of Indigipedia.ca, a lifelong entrepreneur and technology advocate, and the founder of Woodcrest Construction, a contracting company which specializes in welding and steel fabrication with a focus on heated furniture and art metal works.

    Tre'vell Anderson - Tre'vell an award-winning journalist, social curator, and world changer who has dedicated their career to centering the stories of those in the margins, gray spaces, and the intersections of life, and who was named to the Roots 2020 list of the 100 Most Influential African-Americans

    Christina Glickman - Christina is the founder of the Extra Love Army. She's a TEDx speaker, podcaster, and author of the bestselling book, Extra, The Art of Being.

    Rachel Lyons - Rachel is the executive director at Space for Humanity, a nonprofit organization which aims to make space flight available as a way to expand human perspectives. She's the former vice chair of the board of directors of Students for the Exploration of Development of Space USA, and she's also Daralyse's cousin.

    Will Bubenik - Will is the founder and CEO of Nebula Media Group, whose mission it is to ensure that websites are accessible so that people with disabilities can access them from audits and fixes to training and coaching. Nebula Media Group provides customized accessibility solutions so companies can attain, maintain, and sustain a true accessibility and compliance program at their organization.

    Jeff Mayner - Jeff is a financial services professional and full-time entrepreneur who, prior to his transition to entrepreneurship, worked in IT telecommunications. And prior to that, he served eight and a half years in the United States Navy.

    Shanna Hocking - Shanna is a thought leader, keynote speaker and writer with 20 years experience working in leadership development, and she's the author of One Bold Move a Day and the host of The One Bold Move a Day podcast.

    Click here for a full transcript of this episode.

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    Maslow und das fehlende Fundament

    Maslow und das fehlende Fundament
    Kann es echte Selbstverwirklichung geben, wo sich Selbstverständlichkeit breit macht? Die Wahrnehmung und das Schätzen der Möglichkeit, grundlegende Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen, ist wahrscheinlich nicht nur die (massiv unterschätzte) Voraussetzung für Selbstverwirklichung. Gleichzeitig ist sie auch die Grundlage für kollektive, gesellschaftliche Verantwortung.

    Exploring Person-Centered Models

    Exploring Person-Centered Models

    Humanistic Psychology emerged as the third aspect of psychology in the 1950’s emerging in response to Psychoanalysis in Europe and Behaviorism in the West. We discuss the great minds of Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and others with their contribution to psychology. In this episode, we discuss these major concepts:

    • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
    • A person-centered therapy
    • Exploring how to embrace unconditional positive regard for patients and clients
    • Peak experiences 

    Resources on Humanistic Psychology:

    Interested in Jungian Life Coaching? Download your free program brochure: https://www.creativemindlife.com/program-brochure

    Stay Connected with Debra and Dr. Rob:
    Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Facebook | creativemindlife.com | Email: connect@creativemindmethod.com

    #38 - Human Design - Die Wurzel

    #38 - Human Design - Die Wurzel

    Im irdischen Dasein gibt es immer Notwendigkeiten, um die man sich kümmern muss, Tag für Tag. Dies sind die Grundlagen des Lebens, die untersten Stufen der Maslow'schen Pyramide. In unserer modernen Gesellschaft sind diese Grundbedürfnisse nicht mehr so direkt sichtbar, aber sie sind nach wie vor ein elementarer Bestandteil unseres Lebens. Die Gefährdung dieser Bedürfnisse ist heute subtiler als früher. Aber egal, ob man nicht weiss, wo man Brennholz herbekommt oder wie man die Heizkostenabrechnung bezahlen soll, die körperliche Reaktion bleibt dieselbe: Adrenalin und Stress. Gelegentlicher Stress gehört zum Leben. Er treibt uns an. Aber Dauerstress ist extrem ungesund und sollte unbedingt vermieden werden.

    Das Wurzelzentrum im Human Design ist mit den Nebennieren verbunden, die das Stresshormon Adrenalin produzieren. Die Wurzel ist ein Zentrum, das schubweise enorme Energie bereitstellen kann, um das akute Überleben zu sichern. Es ist ein Motor ohne Bewusstsein, der rohe Energie zur Verfügung stellt. Ob Deine Wurzel definiert oder offen ist, sagt Dir, wie Du am besten mit der Energie und den Qualitäten dieses Zentrums umgehen kannst. Komm mit und lass uns gemeinsam entdecken, welche spannenden Qualitäten dieses Zentrum für uns bereithält.
     Wenn Du Interesse an einem Human Design Reading hast, dann kontaktiere mich gerne per E-Mail oder telefonisch unter +41 76 526 72 00. Wenn Dir meine Arbeit gefällt und Du sie unterstützen möchtest, dann kannst Du das gerne direkt per Banküberweisung machen:

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    Neben individuellem Coaching biete ich verschiedene Dienstleistungen an.
     Für Privatpersonen:

    • Human Design Analyse
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    Ego Unraveled - Exploring the True Nature of Self in Psychology

    Ego Unraveled - Exploring the True Nature of Self in Psychology

    Unravel the complexities of the ego in psychology with "Information for Life" as we explore its true nature, debunk misconceptions, and reveal the essential role it plays in our lives.

    In future episodes of "Information for Life - Insights and Ideas to Navigate Your World," we will continue exploring various facets of the human experience, providing valuable insights and ideas to support your personal journey. Together, we will delve into emotional intelligence, mindfulness, communication styles, strategies, pitfalls to watch out for, and how to spot potentially true narcissists and people with possible borderline personality disorder online based on their public profiles. Hence, we come better prepared to handle, help, or avoid them.  We will also discuss the benefits of monogamy, non-monogamy, the grey areas in between, and more.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey into the world of ego. We hope found this discussion enlightening and informative, and gained new insights and ideas to help you navigate your life with greater understanding and compassion. Join us next time on "Information for Life - Insights and Ideas to Navigate Your World" for further exploration into the human experience. Until next time, take care, lead with compassion and empathy, and keep learning, growing, and navigating your world with curiosity and an open heart.


    Freud, S. (1923). The Ego and the Id. The Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psychoanalysis.

    Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: Youth and Crisis. W. W. Norton & Company.

    Jung, C. G. (1953). Two Essays on Analytical Psychology. Routledge & Kegan Paul.

    Maslow, A. H. (1954). Motivation and Personality. Harper & Row.

    Maslow, A. H. (1968). Toward a Psychology of Being. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.

    Rogers, C. R. (1959). A Theory of Therapy, Personality, and Interpersonal Relationships: As Developed in the Client-centered Framework. In S. Koch (Ed.), Psychology: A Study of a Science, Vol. 3. McGraw-Hill.

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    What motivates us humans?

    What motivates us humans?

    A question that turns out to be quite hard to answer. What motivates you to do better? Money? Glory? That warm glow inside? Join your Simblified hosts Chuck, Tony and Naren as they look at themselves and the world around them to find out some relevant answers

    Add one part news, one part bad jokes, one part Wikipedia research, one part cult references from spending too much time on the internet, one part Wodehouse quotes, and one part quality puns, and you get Simblified.

    A weekly podcast to help you appear smarter, to an audience that knows no less! Your four hosts - Chuck, Naren, Srikeit, and Tony attempt to deconstruct topics with humor (conditions apply). Fans of the show have described it as "fun conversations with relatable folks", "irreverent humor", "the funniest thing to come out of Malad West" and "if I give you a good review will you please let me go".

    Started in 2016 as a creative outlet, Simblified now has over 200 episodes, including some live ones, and some with guests who are much smarter than the hosts. Welcome to the world of Simblified!

    You can contact the hosts on:

    Chuck: twitter.com/chuck_gopal / instagram.com/chuckofalltrades

    Naren: twitter.com/shenoyn / instagram.com/shenoynv

    Tony: twitter.com/notytony / instagram.com/notytony

    Srikeit: twitter.com/srikeit / instagram.com/srikeit

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Do You Fear Your Own Power?

    Do You Fear Your Own Power?

    In order to actualize our purpose to the fullest extent possible, we must first find the courage to claim our power. But so many of us fear our own power. We keep our power at a distance in hopes of conforming or fitting in with outside expectations, as a means of self-protection (blending in is the safest bet in a judgmental world), in order to maintain a sense of control, to attain outside approval, and so on. 

    Some of us fear our power because we've come to associate "power" with its ego-driven, hierarchical, and opportunistic counterpart of force. In this episode, we explore the differences between power and force and examine ways we can reclaim our power in a steady, heart-centered way so that we can more fully actualize our purpose.

    "When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in service of my vision, it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid."

    Audre Lorde


    Henry, T. (2013). *Die empty: Unleash your best work every day. Portfolio Hardcover.

    Perrakis, A. (2018). *The Ultimate Guide to Chakras. Fair Winds Press. 

    Continued Reading + Resources

    Article: Solar Plexus Chakra Healing

    Episode: Self-Reclamation: How to Reclaim Lost or Hidden Aspects of Yourself

    Episode: Fear-apy: Face Your Fears, Find Your Purpose

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    5 Strategien, mit denen du deinem Kind bei einem Wutanfall helfen kannst (2/3) #11

    5 Strategien, mit denen du deinem Kind bei einem Wutanfall helfen kannst (2/3) #11
    Dein Kind ist wütend und du weißt in solchen Momenten manchmal nicht so genau, was du tun kannst? Mit diesen 5 Strategien kannst du deinem Kind helfen, seine Wut selbst zu regulieren und die Ursachen ergründen, warum dein Kind wütend ist.

    ♡ ♡ ♡

    1. Strategie 
    Ich nehme dich mit deinen Gefühlen wahr und bin an deiner Seite

    2. Strategie 
    Suche nach einem geeigneten Wutventil, indem du den Sinnestypen deines Kindes bestimmst

    3. Strategie
    Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe: Helfe deinem Kind sich selbst zu beruhigen, indem ihr die 'Wutkompetenz' trainiert.

    4. Strategie 
    Welches (Grund-)Bedürfnis deines Kindes ist gerade nicht erfüllt? (Schau dir hierzu gerne die Wutpyramide von Maslow im passenden Blogartikel zu dieser Podcastfolge an).

    5. Strategie
    Tretet in den Dialog: Warum bist du so wütend gewesen?

    Ich wünsche dir ganz viel Spaß beim Anhören dieser Podcastfolge!

    ☼ Let your family shine ☼ 

    Deine Linda

    Mein Literaturtipp:
    Maslow: Motivation und Persönlichkeit, 1981

    Passender Blogartikel zu dieser Folge:

    Im nächsten Artikel gebe ich dir Tipps, damit du dich selbst innerlich stark machen kannst, um mit dem nächsten Wutausbruch deines Kindes innerlich gelassen umgehen zu können.

    Alles über mich, meine Blogartikel und neusten Podcastfolgen findest du auf meiner Homepage https://www.resilienz-erziehung.com

    Kontaktiere mich gerne über das Kontaktformular auf meiner Seite oder über resilienzorientierte.erziehung@gmail.com

    Ganz viele Inspirationen erhältst du über 

    Instagram: linda_baumhof
    Facebook: @resilientekids

    63. The #1 Psychological Approach And Best Practices By Amazon To Becoming A Better Leader & Maximizing The Productivity Of Your Team

    63. The #1 Psychological Approach And Best Practices By Amazon To Becoming A Better Leader & Maximizing The Productivity Of Your Team

    Two words can make all the difference in being the best leader possible and maximizing your team's productivity. The two words are listening and motivation. When you practice active listening and know the motivation behind every team member, you can catapult your business to growth potential you didn't even think was possible.

    Pulling from Amazon's Leadership Principles, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and McClelland's Human Motivation Theory, I break down how you can triangulate the most effective path to evolving yourself into the best leader you can be while developing your team to be more productive, driven, motivated, accountable, and successful while simultaneously creating a dynamic culture that retains your employees and accelerates your business success sustainably.

    Beyond The Episode Gems:

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    Amazing Analogies - The Cute Little Sister of Storytelling #125

    Amazing Analogies - The Cute Little Sister of Storytelling  #125
    If like me you enjoy explaining complex things in a way that people instantly understand what you are trying to tell them, then you might want to risk falling in love. Falling in love, with analogies. Because analogies to my mind are the little sister - the cute little sister - of storyteling. In this episode I share with you the 6S's of successful analogies. 

    Taking Stock in Your Energy Investments

    Taking Stock in Your Energy Investments

    Most things and instances in our lives can be separated into two categories:
    1. Those that charge your batteries, that fill you up and energize you
    2. Those that drain or negatively affect your energy

    When was the last time you stepped back to take a bird's eye view of where you were directing your energy - directing your focus?
    It is so important to realize that every single thing that we experience has the ability to shape us in some way, and if we aren't careful, our subconscious thoughts can be conditioned and manipulated without us even realizing it.

    If you are going through burnout, find yourself feeling energetically drained (and caffeine is not what is going to do the trick), or want to supercharge your environment to serve you best, grab a pen and paper or get ready to take some notes!

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    Website: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.com
    Reach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.com
    Free Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessa
    Live: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisak
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    Psychology Hack To Stop Caring What Others Think of You

    Psychology Hack To Stop Caring What Others Think of You

    This is probably one of the most IMPORTANT concepts that you need to hear if you are ready to uplevel your life!

    We are exploring WHY - instinctually, we care so much about what other people think of us, and HOW we can stop letting it get in our way.
    Plus, I am ending our session today with some step-by-step coaching tips on you can break these questions down for yourself!

    ** This is a special episode because I am giving you a sneak peek into some of the specific questions and thought processes that have been MOST SUCCESSFUL in my practice thus far.

    Here are just a few of the questions you'll have answers to by the end of today's session.

    • Why do we have internal arguments or battles with ourselves when we are trying to grow out of our comfort zone or do something new?
    •  Why do we limit our own progress over the fear of something someone else might say?
    • Why does simply 'not wanting to care' not enough?

    I'm using a tool from one of the most well-known psychologists of our time, Abraham Maslow, coupling this information with what we know about the evolution of our brains, what we know about the evolution of our society, and how we can use this information to STOP letting the fear of what others think of us get in our way of meeting our potential.

    A summary of the 5 layers of Maslow's Theory:

    1. Biological and Physiological Needs(the base/bottom level)
    2. Safety Needs
    3. Belongingness and Love Needs
    4. Esteem Needs *
    5. Self-Actualization

    *Being able to understand and recognize our "Esteem Needs" is key.
    Remember, there are two elements of Esteem:  Self-esteem and Self-respect. Furthermore, self-esteem has an additional 2 subcategories to explore.
    And this is where we find our answer... this is where we look to be able to successfully STOP caring about WHAT other people think of us.

    Literature mentioned in  today's session for further reading:

    • A Theory of Human Motivation is the original 1943 paper written by Maslow. 
    • Motivation and Personality is the follow-up book written by Maslow in which he explains the 5 Rializable Needs, and how he theorizes we are able to move upward through the levels.

    If you have found my content valuable and would like to show a little love, you can 'buy me a coffee' at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/CoachTessa
    Want more coaching?
    The Purposeful Lifestyle Development Podcast is available on all major podcasting networks.
    Free Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessa
    Live: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisak
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apurposefullifestyle
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    Want more personal or 1-on-1 coaching, or have a question for me? Let me know! 
    Reach out at info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.com

    Ep 52. Safe Places

    Ep 52. Safe Places

    I've been thinking about my message for this podcast over the last few days and I'm not going to lie, I've teared up more than once.  It hits a tender spot in my heart. Today I'm talking about safe places. And we need more safe places desperately in the world right now.

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    Episode 80 Maslow's Sailboat

    Episode 80 Maslow's Sailboat

    Hello and welcome back to the podcast. I was listening to something this week about Maslow's hierarchy of needs. You may remember this from school or reading. It’s basically a pyramid where one need has to be met before you are motivated and are able to address the next level up the pyramid. The most basic needs, at the bottom of the pyramid are physical like shelter and food. Then the next higher is safety and security. Above that is love and belonging, then the next up is esteem and respect. Then at the very top of the pyramid is self-actualization the need to realize your potential and grow. The basic idea was that if you haven't the needs at the bottom of the pyramid you don’t have the capacity to address the needs higher up.

    I was interested to hear recently that Maslow didn't actually come up with the pyramid, but that it  was an idea was based on his writings. And since then still also reimagined this idea of a pyramid. And one that I liked and thought was especially fitting for financial planning is envisioning these needs as a sailboat rather than a pyramid.

    In the sailboat version, life as a voyage on a vast ocean full of opportunities for meaning and discovery, but also danger and uncertainty. In order to stay afloat and keep from drowning you need a boat. A boat without a sail will keep you out of the water but you’re not going anywhere. You’re just bobbing along where the ocean takes you. The hull of the boat represents safety and security. The sail represents growth with the needs of exploration, love, and purpose. Exploration is the desire to seek out and make sense of new, challenging, and unpredictable events despite the pressure that comes with it. Love basically means the desire to feel connected and love with others. Purpose represents the continual pursuit of goals.

    I really love about this idea of the sailboat with the hull providing all the safety, security and basic needs and the sail providing the things that really bring personal meaning to our lives. You can survive working and saving solely to build the boat’s hull. Yes the security the boat’s hull provides is critical. It doesn’t matter much much how you feel about love, exploring, and purpose if you boat is sinking and your surrounded by sharks. On the other hand, spending all your energy only focusing on that physical security, safe but adrift at sea isn’t much of a life either.

    That’s why I love approaching financial planning as a sail boat. Absolutely, we need to make sure your money keeps you and your family alive, safe, and cared for at every stage of life. That’s essentially a life raft. But how much better is it to plan and build a sail boat? Where do you want your sail to take you? Your exploration, love, and purpose should guide your journey and be the blue print for the ship you build. That’s the part of financial planning I love. Listening and teasing out what kind of life journey you want. What are your needs for exploration, love, and purpose in your life? We’ll definitely make sure you have a safe and secure boat. But let’s get past just the lifeboat and help you use what you have to build the sailboat and navigate the life you want.

    I hope todays’s podcast has helped you look past just the dollars and spreadsheets of building your best life you. And helped you think about your sailboat and the journey you want it to take you on.

    Our Needs As Maslow Saw Them

    Our Needs As Maslow Saw Them

    In this episode Julia Bright introduces the six pillars of the Humanly Genius Project, which are overlapping and by integrating the knowledge they give us, we can become strong, fulfilled self-assured people.

    These pillars are first and foremost all forms of Human Rights, then assertive and non-violent communication, interdisciplinary scientific approach, Big History Project, levels of needs and motivation, and Positive psychology. They will create the foundation for an all encompassing wisdom.
    In this episode we pay tribute to Abraham Harold Maslow who provided not one but two pillars to our project. His creative mind will not just enrich our lives but will give us the wisdom to decide what is necessary and what is not in life.

    Abraham Maslow’s one creative idea is the hierarchy of needs and motivation and the other is his lifetime work in a subfield he called Humanistic psychology that was later on the precursor of positive psychology.
    You will hear about his life, about his struggles in life as well as his work achievements. He wasn't just a psychologist, he was a real person too!
    Then Julia will give you details about the hierarchy of needs, all the stages and what they all mean for our motivation. 
    It is so important to be aware of these needs to be able to consciously transfer our lives when changes are inevitable, like when we go to university, get a new job, we become spouses, parents, our schedule and lifestyle changes or turns upside down.
    We can also detect it easier when we or others need help when anxiety or depression sets in. 
    Sometimes we sacrifice our needs to get something that we desire. Other times we do that so we can give more to other people. Neither is healthy. Needs are such that are necessary to be taken care of otherwise we will not be complete. This is why Maslow's theory is so far reaching and practical in our everyday lives!
    The podcast is recommended to non-native English speakers as well, as it is clearly spoken and easy to follow.